Bitch Training

By Evan Parks

Published on May 30, 2008


I was always been attracted to men from the time I was a teenager in high school where I used to sneak peeks of my gym class mates as much as I could. I always remember one athletic jock in the communal shower after class one day. He just laid there in all his splendid youthful glory letting the spray soak his wonderfully exciting body. I glared in absorbing his nakedness and marvelling at his prowess since he was a couple grades ahead of me and now a man rather the developing pubescent teen I was at the time.

As I grew older, I went the straight life to avoid persecution about being gay, but remained curious about having sex with men. I got married, had kids, built my career and all the normal stuff. But, I watched gay porn and bought magazines and stroked off to relieve the surging inner desire to mate with another man. Finally, I decided it was time to act on my needs so signed up for an online cruise site for men. I finally got the courage and met a man and enjoyed the excitement of kissing, getting and being naked with another man and having sex with him. From there, I began to meet other men occasionally as often as I could break away from my other normal married home life as a father and husband.

Recently, I met Brad online while I was travelling for work. He lives about three hours from me and we were not able to meet in person, however we did chat online and exchanged information as well as having sex chats. We both agreed that we should meet whenever we got to travel to each other's city. As our conversations continued, it became apparent that Brad was a top and I had a secret urge to be used a bottom. This aroused both of us and our conversations turned into talking about how we would play with him being a master over me and using me as his bitch bottom. We've been chatting this up and now it appears we may be able to finally. I am so excited about this prospect that I dreamt about it last night.

Finally I drive up to meet Brad in a hotel that he had arranged to have. I knocked on the door and he opened it and invited me in. We shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. He asked me if I wanted to go ahead with what he had in store for me and I said "YES!" right away as I had waited for this for a long time. Deep down, I had always wanted to be used by another man. Brad told me that once he started, I was committed and asked "Are you sure?" I again said "yes" and accepted that whatever happened -- happened. Brad told me that he was my dominate master and was going to teach me about being his servile bitch and that I must obey him if I was going to go through with it. It was my last chance to stop it. I said no not to stop and that I wanted to do this with him. Brad's demeanour immediately changed and he told me I was now his for the next three or four hours to do with as he pleased. He said, "Get on the floor and stay there while in my presence", as he pushed me down by the shoulders.

My cock was stirring already from anticipation of what I was about to experience. Brad was a handsome 40ish guy about 5'9" with blondish hair, beautiful blue eyes, a medium build with a dusting of golden hair. From exchanged pictures, I knew he sported a cock that was about 7 to 71/2" cut and had nice balls and a very delicious looking asshole. I had imagined what it would be like to be with Brad and now here I was. It was fucking exciting to me.

Once I was on the floor, Brad told me not to address him with anything other than Sir or Master. I was not to stand or get up in his presence or I would be punished. He grabbed me by the hair and made me look up at him and slapped my face because I did not answer. I said, "Sorry Sir." He slapped me again and said I better learn quickly or suffer what he did. I said' "Yes Sir." I was asked if I had brought what he ordered me to bring while chatting online with him and to show it to him. I went to move and he slapped me again and told to remember my place. I crawled over to my bag, opened it and dumped the stuff on the bed. I had brought a large black butt plug, a biker jock, a dog collar and leash, a leather cock ring, some condoms and lube, a bottle of poppers, some rope and some old neck ties of mine.

I was then ordered to strip naked and put on the cock ring and the jock. I did it and Brad told me I was a nice little bitch and he was going to enjoy himself with me. He told me to crawl to him, which I did. He grabbed me by the hair again and pulled my head up as he fastened the dog collar on my neck and attached the leash. He told me to kneel in front of him and as I did, he slapped my ass with the leash on each ass cheek and asked if I like that. I said, "Yes Sir, Master." Brad said good and kicked off his shoes and then told me to take his socks off with my teeth. I reach down and grabbed his socks with my teeth one by one and pulled them off with some difficulty. Because I was slow, Brad slapped my ass with the leash again. Brad then lifted his one foot to my face and stuck his toes at my face saying, "Lick and eat my feet, bitch!" I began to do as he told me to.

As I licked and kissed his feet, Brad unbuttoned his jeans and jerked on my leash and dog collar to pull me off his feet. He grabbed my hair and forced my face into his crotch area and asked what I wanted. I said, "I want whatever you want and to please you sir. I am your bitch, Sir." He said, "You're learning fast boy, that's good. Maybe I'll let you cum today if you keep me happy and are a good bitch". "Thank you Sir," I replied.

Brad then dropped his jeans to the floor and held my head against his crotch and rubbed his jock in my face. Instinctively I began to lick and kiss at the cock bulge in the pouch and was told I was a good bitch. As I licked and sucked at his cock within the jock, he pushed me down a bit and straddled over me with his crotch so that his ass was now in my face. "Lick and eat my ass, like the fucking little slut you asked me to make you." I reached up and began to kiss, lick and tongue Brad's ass. He wiggled his butt into my face as he leaned over to expose his hole so I could nuzzle into it more which I did with pleasure. As I ate his asshole greedily, Brad used the leash to slap my cock which was rock hard and oozing so much that my jock was wet in front. I jolted with the sweet pain pleasure sensation and ate even more vigorously at his ass.

As Brad slapped my cock more, he also slapped my thighs and abdomen with the leash and began to lower his ass downwards onto my face pushing me to the floor. I was now lying on my back on the floor and Brad was squatting over my face and sitting on it. He said, "Use your tongue and bury it in my hole, ass wipe!", as he started riding my face. All the time he whipped my cock, thighs, abdomen and legs with the leash if I slowed or did not pay enough attention to eating out his ass in a frenzy. The strapping stung just enough to send the message to serve my Master. The whipping hurt and it was hard to breathe as Brad rode my face, but I enjoyed being used a slutty little bitch by this man. I had waited my whole life to endure this and finally it was happening to me so I enjoyed the pain, pleasure and raw sexual acts with a man -- especially such a handsome one.

After a bit, Brad stood up and told me to get on my knees as he pulled on my leash and collar. I knelt in front of him as he held my leash. He then went around and tied my hands behind my back with one of the ties I had brought. He undid the poppers and held it to my nose and I inhaled it deeply from both nostrils. He gave me three good shots of popper saying, "Now you fucking slut, be my bitch and worship my cock." I immediately, and without hesitation, started to lick and suck at his cock through the jock. I licked along and under the pouch ridges to get at his manhood as I had longed to suck on Brad ever since I got a picture of his erect muscle. I nuzzled and nosed at it and used my teeth to try to pull the jock aside. I blew warm breath onto his stiffening rod. "Nice work bitch, keep at it because I want a real good blow job from you." As he said this, Brad lifted the jock pouch aside from his almost erect dick. He grabbed my hair and directed my mouth onto his cock which I engulfed into my mouth and began to suck its head and shaft. Brad continued to hold my hair and guided my mouth onto his erection.

Brad said, "A bitch needs to know his place and serve, boy!" With that he began to fuck my face pushing his dick into my mouth harder and further as he held my head by the hair and with the leash and collar. I gagged a bit as his cock invaded my throat, but Brad kept the attack up saying, "Learn to take me boy or choke." He said, "Relax your throat bitch, be a good boy and swallow it. Think of eating something and just swallow it whole. I gagged and tried to relax as he kept forcing his 7 plus inches of thick hard cock into the back of my throat. I finally took it all in and Brad shoved it down all the way until my nose was buried into his pubes and pressed against his body. He held my head there firmly by the hair and he told me to enjoy his cock. I choked a bit, but enjoyed this as it was a moment I had dreamt of. To show my appreciation and to serve, I pressed against him as hard as I could and moved my head in a slight bobbing motion to ride his cock with my face. Brad moaned out, "You are an anxious bitch aren't you and you serve me well.

He then pulled out of my throat slowly and I sputtered, but Brad started aiming his hard rod at my mouth again and I ate it this time right to the hilt. I pulled off and went back down on it again and again, savouring the act of sucking a man's cock. I deep throated him over and over, still gagging and choking on it a bit but showing I wanted to do that for my master. I also had marvelled at Brad's cock picture he emailed in the months before we got to meet so I had thought of sucking his dick many times and wanted to do this so bad, that now I had the chance, I was going all out. I was like a kid in a candy store who had unlimited money to treat myself. I devoured his cock and sucked and licked it, just wishing I had free hands to hold it and stroke it as I orally worshipped this beautiful epitome of a man -- his erect phallus.

After a while Brad, pulled out of my mouth and directed me to his balls which he had slipped out of his jock too. I licked, kissed and sucked them with pleasure.

After a while, Brad then pulled me up and pushed me towards the bed and told me to lie down. I did and he then pulled me over to the edge of the bed using my leash until my head was hung down over the bed. He then straddled over me dangling his balls to my mouth as he leaned over. I felt my jock being moved over and he went down on my cock sucking on me. He pulled his balls up out of my mouth and then aimed his hard cock at my mouth. I positioned myself to take it and he then slid it back into my throat. This angle was hard to take and I gagged and chocked as he fucked my face as he sucked my dick. He said, "Enjoy this bitch, I want to fuck your face real good so serve me!" With that he started pumping his cock into my mouth and down into my throat. I continued to try to handle his shafting but gagged and sputtered with each thrust. It was hard to take, but I enjoyed it all the same as my cock felt the warmth and sucking action Brad gave to me. My master was enjoying himself and I was his bitch.

After several minutes of being face fucked. Brad pulled his mouth off my cock and stood up a bit and eased the facial assault by his cock. His balls were slapping gently now against my nose and forehead and he guided his still hard erect cock into my mouth and allowed me to suck his cock head and shaft more. He lifted my legs up and pulled them towards him exposing my ass to him. With my legs under his arms, he began to slap my ass and use the leash to whip my cheeks. With each slap, I reacted and whined from the sting. "Don't you like what I give you bitch?, Brad said as he stroked my mouth and continued to slap my ass. As best I could with cock in my mouth, I murmured, "Uhmm hum, Uhmm Hum" to voice that I liked my master's attention. He said, "Good boy!" You are my obedient boy aren't you?" Again I murmured agreement.

He then said, "You want to get your hot ass fucked bitch?" "Uhmm hum", I again sputtered with Brad's hard erection filling my mouth. He pulled his dick out of my mouth and said, "What?" in an angry tone. I said, "I want you to fuck me sir". "What", he said. "I beg you to fuck me sir." I am your bitch and humbly beg to get fucked by my master's wonderful cock. You are good to me sir and I enjoyed having my face fucked by you and now I will be honoured to serve you, Sir with my ass." He stated, "That's right bitch, you will serve me with your ass." I am going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before." You want that boy?" I said, "Yes Sir!! I want you to fuck me and use me and make me know that I am nothing but your bitch and here to serve you. Use my ass, Master please."

With that Brad, walked around to the other side of the bed, grabbed my feet and pulled me down over the edge of the bed so that my feet went to the floor and my ass was at the edge. He told me to roll over which I did and he slapped my ass. He grabbed the lube from the bed and squirted lube onto my asshole and inserted a finger in and out a few times. He held poppers to my nose again and I drew in a few big breaths of chemicals. Brad then grabbed his jock and pushed the pouch and straps into my mouth and slid the band around my head to hold it in place. He said, "Prepare to get fucked bitch, cause I am a horney fucker right now and wanna ride that bitch ass of yours like there's no tomorrow." Keep your noise down too bitch since we are in a hotel and I don't want some fucking jerk thinking you getting raped here and call the cops.

I then felt Brad's cock head press against my lubed hole. He just held it there so I squeezing my ass and wiggled against his cock. He chuckled a bit and then increased the pressure slowly but steadily. The pressure kept up until his cock head popped into my hole past my sphincter muscle. I moaned a bit from a slight pain, but then Brad just inserted his whole cock right into my hole causing me to moan louder with the pain it caused. I had never just had a man push his dick all the way into me before and only got to meet men once in a while so was not used to getting fucked. He slapped my ass hard with his hand and said, "Take it bitch. You wanted and begged for this so shut up and take my dick. I will use your mangina as I wish and you'll enjoy it." He held his cock all the way into my ass for a few moments and then slowly took it half way out and then slowly back in. It was easier to take now and he repeated this a couple times. He then began to fuck my ass with nice strokes but intensified his pumping. "You like this bitch? You like my hard cock violating your hole? You've always wanted your hole fucked and stretched open with a man's big hard cock haven't you, you little slut. You are nothing but a fucking whore and are my bitch." I murmured uhm hum again with his jock stuffed in my mouth. He untied my hands and then pulled the jock from my mouth. "You like getting fucked boy?" You like being my bitch?" He gave me the poppers and I took some more and felt the chemicals loosen my inhibitions. I answered, "Yes sir. Fuck me like I've never been fucked before. Use my hole Sir!" I beg you to pound my bitch ass and stretch it open. Make me moan from the pleasure of your big hard cock fucking me. I want to know that I am finally a man's bitch and whore and that I am your whoring bitch and a slut for you." "Fuck me Sir and leave my ass hole gapping open from your magnificent cock's pounding."

With my prompting, Brad began to fuck me hard and deep. He thrust his cock in to me and pounded my ass as he stood leaning over me. He grabbed my wrists and held my arms next to my head as he pumped his dick deep into me. I felt his balls slapping up against my balls and crotch as he pumped me relentlessly. I felt pain and I felt pleasure all at the same time. Finally I was being fucked, no used, by a man.

Brad then stopped and pulled out and ordered me to me knees, then he doggy fucked me for a while. He grabbed my hips and pulled them back against his pole as he thrust it forcefully forward into my stretched open asshole. He then laid down on the bed and pulled me on top and gave me poppers again. I was a bit high but knew what was happening and enjoyed it. I kneeled straddling over him and lowered my ass onto his hard cock. I rode him for a long time and bounced on that magnificent meat as I drifted in and out of heaven.

Brad pushed me off and then led me to the bathroom and bent me over and told me to hang onto the faucets. He stood behind me and pushed his freshly lubed cock back into my gapping hole. I could watch him thrusting me and he looked in the mirror to watch as well. From this position, I began to push back and wiggle from side to side to treat my master to a good fuck. I tried to tighten my ass muscles and grip his cock and Brad slapped my ass and said, "Good little bitch. You know how to serve now. Keep it up, boy!" I answered, "Yes Sir!" We fucked for a while more and Brad pulled out quickly and ripped the condom off. He grabbed my hair and said, get down bitch. I went to the floor and he put his cock in my face. I sucked on him and deep throated him a couple times, but he said, "Fuck bitch you got me so close." He then pulled out of my mouth and a hot huge stream of cum shot from his cock slit into my face and sideburn. The next volley of spurting creamy thick man jizz hit my forehead and streamed down my face across my nose and mouth and into my goatee. I opened my mouth for the third shot and was rewarded as it hit my moutache, lips, went into mouth and across my right cheek as the original spunk was now running down my face. About two more spurts of cum came flying and coating my face and neck at which time I was so horned up that I reach out and wrapped my lips around my Master's erupting cock. I wanted to savour his man juice and be a real bitch. I sucked his cock lovingly and in appreciation. Brad moaned and cried out "Oh fuck!", as I engulfed his pole.

Once his eruptions subsided, I let Brad's softening cock slide out of my mouth and he wiped it over my cum drenched face and then slid it into my mouth again and again as his dick became soft.

I was so content with what had happened. I was a bitch. I was more pleasingly, Brad's bitch and slut. I was his and wanted to be his again. Brad told me I could now jerk off but I was to stand up. He told me I was a good little bitch and was to be rewarded. He knelt in front of me and began to suck my still hard dick. He tugged my balls and as I got more and more excited, he tugged harder on my balls. He then stopped and came off my cock. He then slapped it with this hand up and down and sideways and I reacted from the pain. He said, "Never assume your master will be your bitch, boy, you do know that don't you?" I said, "Yes Master. I know my place." Brad said, "Then you will not come now. I will rest and then want to fuck that hot not so tight hole of yours again and may want some good deep throating as well. Once I have cum again, I will let you cum and eat your jizz. "Yes Sir", I said and got onto the floor.

Brad said, "You are a good and obedient boy." I will reward you bitch. Stoke your dick and cum all over yourself by putting your ass up in the air when you shoot and you shoot all over your face and into your own mouth. I want to see your cum mix with mine on your face cause you are my slutty little whoring bitch." I eagerly obliged and came huge loads of white cream over my face, neck and into my mouth and lapped it up eagerly. Brad told me to lie and the floor and rest as he laid on the bed for a short rest. He would rest and then fuck me again, but this time without mercy.

I laid down content and rested, eagerly awaiting my Master to use me more before we parted ways that day. I was a bitch and loved the feeling and couldn't wait until I could again serve my master. Hopefully, one day my master would see fit to bring a friend or two of his to use me too.

Next: Chapter 2

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