Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on Nov 11, 2023


Title: Black Eyes, Blue Tears Backstreet Boys/Nsync Crossover Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys or their sexuality. The story is the result of a warped mind. Category: Drama. Pairings: Lance/JC, Lance/AJ, Kevin/Justin, Nick/Ben Affleck Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Feedback: This is not my normal type of story, I'd love to hear what everyone thinks. Warnings: Graphic discussion of abuse and rape. Rating: NC-17 Status: WIP Total Number of Parts: 22

Part 20

AJ was floating in a sea of calm; occasionally he could feel someone talking to him. The voice sounded full of love and worry. Every time he tried to talk to the voice pain hit him, he wanted to feel that voice. The voice kept saying the name Alex and he heard someone call the voice Lance. It was then that the pretty voice went away, taking with it the calming love he craved and leaving him in darkness.

Who was Alex? How could he make the husky voiced Lance stay? He wanted, no needed, the voice, it made him feel as if he was needed and cared for. He was still asking that question when he felt as if he was being pulled away, everything started spinning.

As the darkness surrounded him he called for the voice, he called for Lance. There was no answer because Lance was across town facing his tormentor. ******* "The prosecution calls Mr Lance Bass." Irene Mills said seriously, as the blonde walked to the witness box with his head held high.

After the blonde was sworn in the DA smiled at him briefly before starting her questioning, "Mr Bass, can you please tell me when you first met the defendant and how long you have known him?"

"I met JC at my audition for Nsync. He was already part of the group when I auditioned. The audition was in 1996 and I've known him since I joined the group."

"What happened the first time the defendant, Joshua Chasez agreed to help you with some dance moves alone?"

Lance recalled the incident immediately, "The group had been practising all day and everyone was really tired. JC said he would help me and that the others should just go to bed. For about an hour everything was great, and then he started pinching me when I messed up. You know, when I would move my foot at the wrong time and stuff. JC said it was just a normal way of training a dance, I got the dance in the end."

"Can you please tell the court what happened the first time JC told you of his feelings for you?"

Taking a deep breath Lance started his story, "It was a month after I joined the group. We had just finished rehearsals when he said he needed to talk to me about something important. We went to his room; he said he needed to talk in private. He looked at me with a wide grin and said that he was in love with me and he wanted to date me. I told him I was flattered but I wasn't in love with him. I told him the truth; he was only a friend to me. He didn't take the news too well. He hit me in the stomach a couple of times. I tried to shout out but he put one hand around my mouth. When he had finished hitting me, he apologised and said he just lost control because he loved me so much. He helped me stand get to the bathroom. I was covered in bruises all over my stomach. After that he was really nice to me, he kept trying to do things for me."

"Did he hit you again?"

Looking straight at the lawyer Lance replied, "Yes. Whenever I have problems with dancing and I have a lot. Everyone agreed that whenever I had problems dancing, JC could teach me alone. He would put on the music really loud as we practised. It covered any noises I made because of his teaching methods. When I told him I wasn't in love with him, he was crueller. He started punching me or slapping me when I messed up. When he was really angry, he would kick me. For a while that was the only time he hurt me. Then he started hitting me if I said something wrong, anything that he didn't give permission for me to say, or anything that could make him look bad. If I went anywhere without his permission or didn't return in time for my curfew he would hit me."

Irene asked the question in the minds of the jury, "Why didn't anyone say anything?"

Lance shrugged with a wry grin, "I'm pretty clumsy. Almost everyone believed all my bruises and cuts were because I banged into something or fell. He was careful not to hit me on my face or anywhere that could be visible. If he did then he would put make up on my face and body to hide it."

Not showing her shock Irene said, "You said almost everyone, who knew the truth?"

"Lou Pearlman. He approved of what JC did, said it was the only way I would learn. He even walked in once when JC was punching me." ******* Mentally shaking herself the DA questioned, "Did you ever tell anyone in your group about what Mr Chasez was doing to you?"

Lance nodded, "About fourteen months ago I told Justin Timberlake that JC was hitting me and beating me." Caught up in the memories Lance's voice was filled with pain as he continued, "He just laughed and told JC. That made JC mad. JC pulled me out of Justin's room and dragged me back to his room. I wasn't shocked because I spent most of my time in his room so he could keep an eye on me. Once we were inside I could see he was really angry. JC started hitting me, punching and kicking me. Then he pulled at my clothes, I fought him telling him no."

The DA nodded as she went over the practised questions, "Did he stop when you told him no?"

Images playing in his mind Lance shook his head, "No. JC just kept on hitting me and managed to hit me so hard I fell back onto the bed. I was trying to get away but he pinned me down with his body and turned me over so I was face down on the bed. Then reached out to his bedside table, I thought he was getting the knife he used on me sometimes. He pulled out some handcuffs and kneeling on my back, managed to handcuff me to the bedposts. I screamed at him to let me go, insisting I wouldn't tell anyone else about him hitting me. He just laughed."

Focusing on Nick who had agreed to accompany him for support Lance said, "JC used his knife to cut off my pants and unfastened his own. I knew what he was going to do and started screaming No! I begged him to stop and kept saying, `No, stop! I don't want this.' I could feel his cock at my anus so I started screaming as much as I could. I told him that I didn't want him, that he was raping me. I told him that I didn't want to have sex with him. He didn't listen."

"He said he knew I wanted him and he was only doing it because he needed to show me how much he loved me. He pushed inside me, the pain was unbearable as if I was being torn in two. He started thrusting inside me, rubbing the knife against the skin on my back. The whole time I was shouting at him to stop, I kept saying no but he didn't listen. Once he had climaxed he stayed inside me as he told me that it wouldn't have happened that way if I had been good. He said it was because I had been bad."

"I blacked out and when I regained consciousness he was in the shower. Seeing me awake, he smiled. A real smile, like he had the day of my audition. He unfastened my handcuffs and apologised. He said it was my fault because I teased him and because I told someone about what he did to me. He said as long as I was good, he would never hurt me again if I was good."

The woman asked gently, "Did he ever rape you again?"

Lance said bitterly, "Yeah. Four days later. I shouted at him to stop again. I always do and he never listens. Every time he rapes me, he takes pictures and cuts me with a knife or whip. The last time I managed to get him off me and make it to the door. He tied me up to the shower, so I was hanging there for days. When he returned I was too weak to stop him from raping me. I have Type 2 diabetes, and if I don't eat regularly or take my emergency medication I go very weak, and lose consciousness. JC has known about it for three years and until a couple of weeks ago he was the only one who did. JC got a friend of his called David who's a doctor to check me out. The doctor gave me some pills and an injection. He fixed the worst of my cuts and disappeared like he always does."

"How often does JC rape you?" Irene asked seriously knowing the jury needed to know.

Lance answered immediately, "At least three times a week, when we're on tour its normally five or six times a week. He said I'm his so he can use me however he feels. He just ignores me when I tell him to stop."

Irene smiled reassuringly, "Why didn't you tell anyone about the rapes, your friends or family?"

Lance looked down for a second before looking up determinedly, "I didn't tell my family because I was embarrassed and afraid. I thought everyone would hate me once they knew the truth; that I had been beaten and raped for years. I didn't tell my friends because of Justin. Every time JC raped me he would tell me how he was going to rape Justin. He said if I ever told anyone he would rape me and kill me. Then he would take Justin and make him his. He said he would rape Justin for months before giving him to some of his friends. I know first hand what JC's friends are like."

Looking the singer in the eyes Irene said, "What do you mean?"

Trying hard to remain calm Lance explained, "Every so often I manage to escape from JC. He always finds me and hurts me even more. The last time I escaped he found me and gave me to some of his friends to use. They raped me, cut me and generally abused me. JC just watched with a grin as he taped it. Once they had used me for a couple of days, JC told them to go. He washed me and called his doctor friend. While we were waiting JC raped me and whipped me thirty five times."

Ignoring the shocked gasps the DA continued, "Can you please tell the court the events up to your meeting with Mr McLean nine weeks ago?"

Lance smiled softly as he thought about Alex, "I managed to knock JC out when he tried to rape me. I ran out the room looking for somewhere to escape when I bumped into Alex. He could see I was upset and asked what was wrong. I told him I needed to get away so he suggested I could go to his room, saying no one would look for me there. He was right; our groups don't talk much. I was a little scared because Alex was a stranger but I felt I could trust him, and if I returned to JC all I would get was another rape and beating. So I went to his room, I stayed there for the night."

"What happened the next morning?" Irene prompted carefully.

Lance swallowed, "Alex said he knew JC was hurting me. I didn't tell him about the rapes, only about the beatings. We talked and I agreed to meet with the rest of Backstreet along with Chris, Joey and Justin. They're in Nsync with me. I told everyone all about the beatings and rapes. They all promised to get me away from JC. It was because of all of them that I've got this far. Alex found out JC was onto my location and we left that day. We stayed someplace safe and drove back late the next night. We returned to Chicago and then I went to the police to press charges on JC."

"No further questions, Your Honour." Irene Mills asked as she walked back to her chair. ******* The judge turned to the defence table, "Would the defence like to question this witness?"

JC's attorney Adam Daniels said standing, "Yes, Your Honour."

"Mr Bass, you have said Nsync and the Backstreet Boys' Mr McLean's group are not very close is that correct?"


"Why is it then that you supposedly revealed your band mate had been raping you and beating you to a complete stranger?"

"I told Alex because I knew trust him and had heard he was a good guy. I respect him and I needed to tell someone."

"Isn't it true that this story is a complete fabrication invented by you and Mr McLean? Isn't it true that you and JC were happy together until Mr McLean came along?"

"No, We are not in a relationship, I am not in love with him and never have been. JC has raped and beat me for years. I have never been happy with JC, I have spent years afraid of him."

"Are you gay, Mr Bass?" Adam Daniels asked seriously.

Not seeing how it could hurt his career anymore than everything else that had happened Lance said, "Yes."

Adam recovered from his shock quickly before saying. "I see. How many men have you been involved with?"

"None." Lance said seriously.

"What about Mr Chasez?"

Lance said honestly, "I wasn't involved with him. To me to being involved with someone implies consent. He raped me. I was not involved with him."

"What about Mr McLean?"

Lance retorted, "Alex is not my lover. He is my best friend, he is the man who has defended me. A man who rescued me from my life of abuse."

"Where is Mr McLean now?" Adam Daniels asked with a grin.

Lance said sadly, "He is in hospital. He was attacked."

"Why was he attacked?"

Lance swallowed, "A man pulled out a gun when we were out walking three weeks ago. He said we were gay and then shot Alex."

"So this man could see you and Mr McLean are gay?"

Irene Mills stood up angrily, "Objection! What relevance does this have on the case?"

The judge nodded as she spoke to Adam Daniels, "Sustained. Counsellor, please keep your remarks to this case."

"I have no further questions for the witness at this time, Your Honour." Mr Daniels said formerly.

The judge nodded as she addressed the DA, "Would you like to redirect Miss Mills?"

Irene Mills stood, "No, Your Honour."

The judge said, "The witness can step down. I am declaring a recess until nine a.m. tomorrow."

Lance quickly walked over to Nick who smiled at him and whispered, "You did great! I've arranged for us to go out the back way."

"Okay." Lance said as the two blondes walked out of the courthouse with their security protecting them from the mass of fans and journalists.

Switching on his phone, Nick looked at it in shock as it bleeped. Reading the message he smiled widely as he shouted, "AJ's awake and asking for you!"

Lance grinned, "When did he wake up? What did the doctors say about his chances of having brain damage?"

"I don't know. Ben just said he's asking for you." Nick said with a shrug as they got in the car.

End Part 20

"You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way ... people look at reality, then you can change it." -- James Arthur Baldwin (1924-87), American writer, critic

Next: Chapter 16

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