Black Mans Wintry Surprise

By matt giff

Published on Jun 11, 2002


Disclaimer: The content of the following story is adult in nature, so if you are not at least 18 years of age, or if this type of material is not legal in your area, please read no further.

Black Man's Wintry Surprise, part 12

During my business trip, I was fortunate to have been so busy during the day. My mind was occupied with work stuff, and I was able to put aside what had happened between Julie and me, and then between Julie and Marc, Nick, and Jason. Even though I had called Julie's cell phone and left repeated messages, I had not heard from her. I had also sent her emails, which went unanswered. Although Marc had said he thought that she would call me, I was not so sure he was right. The thought of not being with her weighed heavily on my mind.

Thus, at the end of every day, I went back to my hotel with my boss and was totally useless as waves of depression swept over me. I apologized to my boss for being such lousy company, telling him only that Julie and I had had a pretty big argument just before the trip. He seemed to understand and was not upset when I chose heading to the hotel fitness club each night instead of clubbing with him.

The hotel gym, like the hotel itself, was totally primo. Surprisingly, even at that, there were very few people who were using it when I got there just after suppertime each night. A young and incredibly handsome black man, who introduced himself at the hotel's fitness director, initially greeted me. He gave me a complete tour of the facility and told me that he would be happy to offer some workout suggestions, but said, smiling at me, that it was obvious I had my own very successful routine already in place. That said, he left me on my own, saying that he'd be close by if I needed anything at all.

Clearly, Greg got the job he had due to his own incredible physique and his clean good looks. He was remarkably ripped, but not overly bulked up. He was perfect for the job. He was not a muscle head, but he had shaped for himself a perfectly sculpted body that was complemented by incredible good looks and a completely polished personal manner. I thought to myself that here was Marc's twin working on the west coast. Even with all that I had on my mind, I caught myself drinking in this guy's great body and face with lustful eyes.

Each night I spent about an hour and a half using the weights, the treadmill, and the pool. Still, even with the stretching and workout, my muscles were aching from all the tension I was under. Particularly my neck and upper back muscles were a problem. On my third visit to the hotel fitness center, Greg noticed my stiff neck and asked if I had pulled a muscle while exercising.

"No, just a lot of tension the last few days. I'm trying to exercise through it, but no luck yet." I responded.

"Chris you might lose some of that stiffness with a massage. We offer a complimentary massage for guests with each stay. I'd be happy to give you one, and it might be just what you need." Greg offered.

"Thanks Greg, but I think I will be okay in a day or so. Besides, I don't want to take you away from what you are doing here." As I declined his offer, I thought to myself that I would probably get a raging hardon the instant this black stud touched me. He had to be totally straight I thought, and I had been humiliated enough lately by my new found interest in guys.

"Chris, almost no one takes advantage of all the amenities offered by the hotel. Believe me, it would be my pleasure to give you a massage. And, it would keep me in practice besides. And, the girl at the sign in desk can handle anything that comes up." As he said this, Greg made eye contact with me, and I couldn't help but take in his physical beauty as I considered his offer. I figured that I should forget worrying about getting a hardon, that I should let the guy try to work out the muscle tension in my neck and back.

"You know what Greg, that will be fine if you really have the time. But you only need to concentrate on my neck and upper back." I had made my decision in an instant, and I figured that by limiting him to a restricted area, my cock would behave itself.

"Great, if you're ready, we can use massage room right this way." He motioned me through a door into a room with several massage tables that were separated by privacy partitions. Each massage area was spacious and had an area to hang clothing and store personal stuff. The partition facing the head of the massage table had a full-length mirror so that the client could watch the masseuse as he worked his magic. Greg handed me a towel and told me it would probably work best if I just slipped out of my work out clothes.

"Greg, I'll be fine with just the upper back and neck areas, really." I said, but took the white towel from his deep dark hand, which was twisted in such a way as to make his thick bicep bulge.

"Chris, whatever you want me to do is fine, but I think you will benefit from the whole nine yards of treatment." He said smiling and revealing beautiful white teeth, and a great set of dimples on his beautifully shaped face. "Let's see how you feel when I get done with the upper back and neck." He said. "We can continue if you want then."

To this I acquiesced, and I slipped out of my work out stuff, hung it in the corner, and mounted the table. As I approached the table, Greg looked my naked body up and down and said, "Dude, you must live at your gym. You're in great shape, man."

I thanked him and said I had been pretty faithful about getting to the gym for the past year or so. He draped the towel over my buttocks and began his routine. I watched him in the mirror as he applied pressure to areas of my back that were much more tender and sore than I had realized. While he did this, I noted his own muscles were flexing and tensing with each movement. He was an incredibly hot stud, and he had to know it. He was wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt with the hotel's logo on it and bright red shorts, completing the hotel's flagship colors. His upper torso was hugged tightly by the silky fabric of the shirt, showing off his body beautifully. Even some of his ab definition showed through the shirt. What I really liked was the way his pecs were so clear through the cloth of his shirt with the nipples underneath so sharply defined. His shorts were also tight, and he clearly had a bulge showing through, which had to be a real turn on for his female customers and horny guys like me. He must have known exactly what he could get away with wearing in the hotel, and he showed off his own body very cleverly with his shorts and shirt. While his upper body was clearly defined and tight, his legs were hairless and beautifully muscled. As I said, he was not overly bulked up, but his body clearly showed the fruits of many hours of careful work at the gym.

As Greg worked on me, I could feel the muscles relaxing, the soreness dissipating. He knew what he was doing, and I felt much relieved in only about twenty minutes. We talked about our backgrounds, our schooling, and our work as he continued. After about thirty minutes, he said, "Okay Chris, I've done the deed with your upper back and neck. Do you want me to continue or do you need to be somewhere. I don't want to hold you up, but if you wish it will be a pleasure to finish with the full body massage."

As I thought about it I figured, I had not felt any stirring thus far in my crotch, so I said, "Go for it Greg, it feels much better already."

Greg kept working and mentioned that my muscles felt nice and tight and showed how much attention I paid to my body. He said that I must have women chasing me all the time. I told him that at least one wasn't now, and I related only that Julie and I had had a falling out that looked pretty bad. I didn't give him any details, but he picked up on our fight as the probable cause of my muscle tension - something I already knew.

Looking at the hot black stud in the mirror as he moved his black hands over my tight white body, I loved watching the contrast in our skin colors. I noted that we were both probably about the same height and build, and I figured that he had to fight off the women for sure. I mentioned that to him, and he laughed and told me that he was between girlfriends as well right at the moment. He told me he was enjoying his freedom in fact. While saying this, he moved his hands to my ass and massaged the muscles in each of my ass cheeks and the feeling was both sexually exciting and physically relaxing. While he did this, I felt my cock growing a bit, but I was not worried.

He continued the massage down my legs, and the various massaging and pressing made the muscles feel so much better. When he finished, he told me to turn over, which I did a little warily. I was not sure I could control my cock as Greg continued his craft. But, we talked and my mind was on our conversation and so I was ok. But, as his hands worked their way up my leg toward my crotch, I was aware that I was starting to grow slightly. The towel covering me was taking on a life of its own as my thick white shaft started to pulse. I tried to concentrate on other stuff, and it seemed to work causing my cock to soften a little. But, as Greg worked his way up the other leg, my cock started up once again. This time, the growth was bigger, more obvious. As I could feel my cock lifting the towel, I looked at Greg's muscular hands slowly massaging and moving up and down my thigh. I then looked at his well-muscled torso, his athletic neck, his broad shoulders, topped with that beautiful face, and I thought of Marc. Before I realized it, my cock was well on its way to standing its full seven inches.

Greg felt me tense up with embarrassment, and he disarmed me with, "Daydreaming about your hot girlfriend I see." He lifted the towel and repositioned it. When he lifted it, he stole a glance at the cock underneath. It helped me through the moment, but I was still totally embarrassed.

"Sorry Greg, I guess I was. Look, you don't have to continue. I'm really sorry."

"Dude, relax. This happens from time to time, not a problem. It will go back to sleep in a minute," he said with his handsome smile. "Christ, your girlfriend is a fool if she passes you up with that prize between your legs. Looks like you've lifted a few weights with that sucker," he laughed.

As he talked, I relaxed a little, and I did soften some, although not completely. Greg worked around it and finished up with my upper body. As I watched him, I felt myself get hard again, but I figured there was nothing I could do, and he seemed okay working on a young guy his age with a throbbing cock pointed at him. Nevertheless, I was totally mortified.

When Greg did finish, I regained my composure as I softened. In my mind, I couldn't get out of there fast enough. But Greg again reassured me telling me that that kind of thing happened more often that I thought and not to worry about it. I had to admit, hardon aside, I felt much better after the massage.

After a long and hot shower and room service, I felt much better. I was about to watch the Red Sox on cable when a knock came at the door. Looking through the peep hole, I felt my heart jump a bit when I realized it was Greg. Dressed only in boxers, I opened the door to find him holding a silver pen and asking me if it was mine, as he found it near where I had placed my belongings earlier. Looking at the pen, I knew it was not mine, said so and thanked him for thinking of me. He must have been done for the day as he now had a gray t-shirt, black basketball shorts and black sneakers. Again, his body looked fantastic. His shirt hugged him tightly, and his shorts, although loose showed a bulging crotch, and great legs from the knees down.

I asked him in for a brew, but he declined saying it was against hotel policy. So I smiled at him and said, "Look, why don't you let me take a closer look at that pen near the light?" He smiled back, and came into the room. I got us each a beer from the refrigerator, and took the pen jokingly from him to examine it. He smiled as I went through the routine of examining it. "I think it might be mine, after all." I said. But I need a couple of minutes to look at it carefully." I joked. "By the way, my back and neck feel much better, thanks." I said as I thought of the massage. While saying this, I noticed that Greg was not looking in my eyes, but rather at my crotch. Then he let his eyes travel up my body slowly.

"I'm glad it worked for you, Chris. You were pretty tight up there. How is the rest of your body feeling?" Again, he looked me up and down and then pointedly stared at my crotch. Now I knew what was up. This incredible black stud with the ripped body and great face was coming onto me. I couldn't believe it. I felt myself growing hard and my heart beat faster.

"Greg, tell me honestly. How many guys have you given a massage to who have gotten hardons while you were doing it?"

"Just you, dude." He said this with a broad smile. As I took in his handsome face, I also let my eyes play across his broad shoulders, his great looking upper body and then his tapered waist and his crotch, which was noticeably bulging now. "What you didn't see was my own hardon held in nicely by my supporter." He continued.

This black Adonis then moved toward me and placed a muscular hand on the crotch of my boxers and gave a gentle squeeze while pinching my right nipple with his other hand. "I wanted to do this earlier, but I wasn't sure how a hot white dude like you would respond. I have been watching you since you came in on Tuesday night, and I have been fantasizing about you ever since. Is the girlfriend story true, or did you really break up with a boyfriend?" He asked. I told him it was true, and then said I would fill in the details later.

My cock swelled more at his touch. And, I place both of my hands on his beautifully chiseled face and kissed him passionately on the lips, slipping my tongue between them. We stood there for several minutes, kissing, feeling one another's bodies. He slid his black hands under my boxers, taking my balls and cock into his hand and squeezing it, massaging it.

Finally, I slid my hands down to his waist band and slid his shorts down, revealing about eight inches of thick throbbing black meat wet with precum at the slit. Hooking my hands under his shirt, I slid it up and over his head, exposing all I had expected, an incredibly tight and muscled torso with great ab definition and a fantastic pair of pecs with very dark nipples standing out hard. He kicked his sneakers off, and this black god and I were naked together.

We pulled down the bedclothes, and then joined one another in the center of the bed, his very black body entwined with my very white body. We began by kissing again, but it was soon clear that he had certain designs in his mind. As we kissed, Greg rolled on top of me and used both of his hands to separate my ass cheeks. Then, he began fingering my white hole as our cocks throbbed, pressed between our hard bodies. I slid my hands down his solidly muscled back and felt his tight black ass with its rounded curves. As he fingered me, I did the same to him and he responded with moans as I pressed two fingers into his pink hole.

Greg moved his hard body down my body and positioned his mouth over my pulsing shaft. I watched his perfectly rounded black head with its very closely cut black hair contrasted against my white abdomen. He grasped my rock hard cock with one hand at the base and he looked up as me as I took in the scene. Using his free hand, he reached up and began gently pinching my nipple while still holding my cock and staring into my eyes. Then, turning his attention to my cock, he licked around the swelled purplish head. Next, he parted his thin black lips and slid them over the head of my cock, massaging it with his tongue. Between the pinching of the nipple and the sucking of my head, I was being driven crazy. Greg then slid his mouth down my shaft, and I watched as my white rod was swallowed by his beautiful black face. Now, he removed his hand from my nipple, inserted two fingers in his mouth and lubed them. Then, still holding my cock with one hand while he sucked it, he used his free hand to massage my hole in slow circular motions.

Looking at Greg as he serviced me was cause for more stimulation. I noted his muscled and square shoulders, his strong forearms, and his thick biceps as he sucked and fingered me. I couldn't take this any more, I had to have his thick black cock. I tried to move, but he took this as his cue to change position. He jumped off the bed, and reached for his shorts from which he produced a condom. Opening it, he placed it over the enormous head of his thick black shaft. Then he moved over to me and took my hand so that I could move it over his pulsing rod. I did this, noting the black veins of his cock stood out even under the condom. Next, Greg placed a tube of lube in my hand and waited while I lubed him, getting him ready for my waiting hole.

Getting back on the bed, Greg grasped my ankles and gently pushed them toward my shoulders. He looked at me directly in the eyes and said, "I'll go easy Chris, but I am gonna love fucking your beautiful white body with this black stick. I've wanted to be in you from the moment I saw you." With that said, he pushed against my hole and slid in easily due to the lube. For my part, I loved the feeling of pain and pleasure as he pushed through my sphincter muscle. I clamped hard onto his thick club. As he pushed into me, he spit into his hand and lubed it so he could slide it up and down my rock hard cock. Now, deep inside of my hole, Chris stopped and pushed against my ass hard. He wanted to be as far in as he could. I squeezed my muscles around his warm black meat.

At first he massaged my cock as he pushed into me and pulled out of me slowly. But after just a few moments, he placed his hands on either side of my chest, lying at an angle over me. Now as he stared at my face, he began pumping in and out of me at an incredible pace. I pinched his nipples and moved my hands over his beautiful black body as he built up a sweat while he fucked me. His tight muscles glistened with tension as the sweat built up on them, and he moved in and out of me with increasing speed and urgency. I could see him tensing up and getting ready to shoot his juices into me, and he continued to look me in the eyes. Intermittently, he moaned in pleasure as I caressed his body. Finally, I could see he was ready to shoot, and I placed both of my hands on his perfectly rounded ass and held him against me as he pumped course after course of warm juice into my hole. I clamped onto his cock as tightly as I could, and he finally lowered himself onto my hard white torso, kissing me deeply as our faces met. We lay together for a while, and it felt good to have Greg's hard body atop of my own and his still hard cock deeply rooted up my ass.

While we lay there, I began massaging Greg's ass, and then began fingering his hole once again. As I did this, I could feel Greg's black rod come alive once again in my ass. He moved in and out a couple of times, and he was getting himself ready for another go at it. "My turn, dude." I said.

He smiled his hot smile at me and pulled out. No sooner had he removed his condom than I placed my hands on his beautifully black cock and kissed its tip. In no time, I was sucking him, sliding my mouth up and down on that black piston. Greg was moaning as I did this, and I thought that I could continue that for hours. But, I stopped myself and took another condom from the nightstand where he had left his package. Just as Greg had place his on the head of his cock, so did I. He immediately rolled it over my pulsing, hard as steel cock. Then, he lubed it, clearly wanting it up his tight black ass. I asked him to stand at the edge of the bed, bent over slightly. He did this as I place my hands on his hips and slid into his wonderfully tight black pleasure pit. He gasped as I entered, and he moaned as I gyrated my cock around inside of him. His hole was warm and tight, and I could feel him using his ass muscles to clamp onto me inside of him. Then, I pulled his torso up so that the both of us were standing, one in front of the other, I still having my cock planted deep into his ass. I used my hands to feel his muscled torso, his pecs, his abs, his thick and now reenergized cock. He felt wonderful. I looked to the side at the wall mirror and noted that the two of us presented a hot picture of two buff guys, one black, one white. After several minutes in this position, Greg bent over placing his hands on the edge of the bed. I pumped his hot, tight ass until I felt myself tighten. I noticed that his own body seemed to spasm as I shot my juices into him. I saw that his own hard cock was cumming once again.

Greg and I continued for several hours, when he told me he had to get out of the hotel before morning rolled around. We kissed long and passionately as he left, and I realized that my back and neck muscles felt wonderful. I also was depressed because I had only one night lift on this business trip.

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Next: Chapter 13

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