Black Mans Wintry Surprise

By matt giff

Published on May 8, 2002


Disclaimer: The contents of this story are adult oriented, so if you are not 18 years of age or older, or if it is illegal for you to read this material in your state, read no further.

Black Man's Wintry Surprise, Part 3

I had not seen Marc for over a week since our first overnight get together. I had intentionally skipped my regular stops at the gym because I was so completely confused over what had happened and how I felt about it. But during this time, I realized a couple of things. First, Marc was absolutely right when he told me that every time I fucked Julie, I would think about sucking him and getting fucked by him. I had the image of his handsome face with those perfect white teeth smiling at me as he plunged his black monster slowly into my waiting hole. I could not shake it. Fortunately, I was constantly horny, so I am sure Julie noticed nothing. Another recurring thought was of sucking his rigid thick black cock. I played over and over the thought of sliding my mouth back and forth on his throbbing pole, and of his stiffening his perfectly muscular body as he came in my mouth. The second thing I realized during this week away from the gym was that Marc was also right about another thing he had said. He told me he thought I was hopelessly hooked on being his faggot. In fact, I was finding that was true. That's all I had thought about, letting him use me, letting him tell me what to do. But, I knew that I had to have some control over this. He couldn't just spring things on me as he had with Alana and use me to help satisfy her desires to be fucked by a white stud. I had to let Marc know that he could tell me what to do within reason.

With that resolve, I set off for the gym on that beautiful April afternoon, a far cry from the stormy day that linked us ten days earlier. I figured I would do my workout, say hi to Marc if we crossed paths, and go home as I had always done. Maybe Marc and I would get together again, but that would depend upon what the relationship would be. Each time my mind thought of his perfectly sculpted, smooth, black body with the incredibly handsome face, the perfect smile, I found my resolve melting. But, I knew I had to be strong about this.

As I entered the gym, I pursued my usual routine, and was partly relieved to see that Marc was not in sight. I was about a third of the way through my workout when I saw him emerge from the locker room. He must have arrived earlier than usual, and showered early as a result. From the corner of my eye, I watched him talk with a couple of the gym chicks who always stopped to talk with the handsome black god. Then he turned and started out again, seeing me at the incline bench. He waved, looked like he was about to come my way but turned suddenly to talk with another regular, Derek.

Derek was also black, but not medium black like Marc. Derek was coal black with an absolutely incredibly muscled body. I had heard that he had won several competitions, and it was clear why he had. From his hairless head to his feet, he was one perfectly developed muscle group after the next. He stood about six foot two and probably weighed 240 of solid muscle. Unlike Marc, Derek lacked the facial beauty that would have made him win many more competitions I thought. I had never talked to him, he seemed kind of distant toward me, I didn't think he cared for me much. Anyway, that was cool, I kept my distance. As he and Marc talked, I saw them smiling and nodding, and they both glanced my way and stared for just a second. Derek nodded, and their conversation was at an end. Then Marc did make his way over to me. His seemed to glide rather than walk. Lots of the regulars stole glances of the handsome black stud as he gracefully made his way toward me. I realized again why Marc had had such an easy time in his conquest of me. I felt myself getting excited as he approached.

"Hey Dude, thought we had lost you. I was getting worried. In fact, I was going to call you once I got home today. Wanted to see if you could get together with me later this afternoon or early evening. Will that work for you?"

Seeing him up close now, and hearing him had my heart and cock going. I couldn't believe it was happening again. "Actually, just been real busy at work. Tax time you know. But, I guess I could stop by when I get done here. What did you have in mind?"

The perfect white teeth showed, and that was my answer. "Just figured we could chill, talk, whatever."

"Cool, be there in about an hour. Want to grab a bite to eat somewhere?"

Again, Marc smiled. "Sure, or maybe you can eat something I cook up."

"Cool, see you in an hour."

As he left I watched his shoulder muscles ripple, and I admired how his broad back muscles tapered to his thin waist, and his muscled calfs that carried him away from me.

Marc's condo looked totally different not covered with snow. It seemed like a different place, and soon I realized that with the coming of the warm weather came another change that I would have to adjust to as long as I stay associated with Marc.

Wearing only a pair of jeans, Marc answered the door and let me in. Seeing the smooth dark skin of his hairless upper body with the perfect chest, the strong shoulders and bulging biceps melted much of the resolve I had to change things when I pushed the doorbell.

"Hey dude! Good to see ya, come in. You know Derek from the gym I think." And, Marc motioned toward Derek, who was sitting on the sofa where I gave the first blow job of my life to Marc. I was stunned to see him there, and it probably showed on my face. He must have left right after he and Marc talked.

"Hey Derek!", I said. He returned the greeting with kind of a grunt, just seeming to stare at me. I was immediately worried and suspicious that something not so good was about to happen. But it was too late to do anything about that.

"Chris, glad you could make it. But, actually with Derek here, my original plans have changed a little. You see, Derek knows about you being my white faggot and all. And, since I kind of owe him a favor, I hope you won't mind if he watches while we do our thing. I didn't think you would mind."

I stammered, "Marc, I don't know what to .I mean I just didn't think you would say anything to anyone. I can't believe this I guess is what I am trying to say."

While I stuttered through my response, Marc unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop to the floor, exposing the rest of his incredibly beautiful black body. He stepped out of his jeans, moved toward me and simply said, "Relax already dude. Derek is cool.

Our secret is safe. I have wanted to do this with you for over a week now. This cock of mine has been waiting for you." I watched in awe as this naked black beauty made his way toward me. He knew that this would work with me. He knew that opening the door without his shirt on, that dropping his pants, all of this would totally disarm me, and it did. With this, he put his arms around me, pushing his hardened cock into my crotch, and he kissed me deep and passionately. Instinctively, I wrapped my hands around his naked body feeling the well developed back muscles, the beautiful ass, and forgot about any reluctance I had just had. I felt my cock respond instantly. Marc hooked his hands under my athletic shirt, sliding it up and removing it. Then he slid down my shorts and underwear. Now I was naked also except for my beat up loafers which I kicked off. Marc stepped back, looking at me and then reached out and squeezed my nipples. Then he slowly ran his hands through my hair, over my shoulders, across my chest and then down my sides to my waist. Taking my cock and balls in his hands and while squeezing with one hand, he stroked me for several wonderful moments with the other.

Next, Marc placed his hands on my head and pushing it downward so that I was on my knees at his cock. He rubbed his crotch in my face, causing it to rub against my eyes and nose and then over the mouth. He turned slightly so Derek could get a full view of the action. From the corner of my eye I could see Derek with kind of a smirk on his face. But, also I noticed that he was rubbing his crotch which was definitely bulging now. He had also removed his shirt revealing an incredible upper body, much more defined than mine or even Marc's. Marc took his now completely rigid cock and played it across my lips. I opened to greet it and take it in. I was in heaven again as I grasped his beautiful ass and pulled him forward.

"Whoa there champ! It's not polite for the host not to share. I think Derek here would probably be real happy to have you taste his black poker. From what I've heard, it's like the rest of him....real big! What do you say Derek, do you want a turn at my faggot here?" With these words, my eyes bulged as I still had Marc solidly in my mouth. Now, Marc held my head on his cock, preventing my expected protest.

" I would love a turn at your cute white faggot."

"Well Chris, I have to share. Derek, take Chris here into the guest bedroom with my blessing."

Marc pulled out and left me kneeling there. Derek moved in quickly grabbing me by my long sandy hair and was almost dragging me, but I managed to get on my feet.

"Marc, what's goin on? I don't want to do this guy. I came here for you, not him." Marc stood there in his naked beauty as Derek roughly dragged me through the door into the bedroom. Once inside the bedroom, Derek let go of my hair, told me to stand still and let him look me over. I protested again that Marc made an error. Without a word, Derek threw a lightning fast right fist right into my gut. I doubled over in a flash of heated pain.

"Marc didn't make any mistake faggot. Now is this gonna be easy or hard? Stand up pretty boy while I take in your pretty white body up close." I straightened up holding my stomach. At this point, Derek removed his shorts revealing an enormously thick and incredibly black penis that had to be eight or nine inches semi-hard. Even though his personality repulsed me, I felt my cock stirring at the sight of this massively muscular body builder in front of me. Derek noticed my cock and said, "See, Marc didn't make a mistake."

"Derek, I have only done this once with Marc. I don't think I can do it with you and make you feel good. I don't think my hole could take you, and I know you want more than a blow job."

"Dude, your hole will take whatever I decide to put in there, so don't worry about that. You know, as I look at you I understand why all the chicks at the gym love you. You are their pretty white boy. You've got the buff body, a real cute face to go with it, and the long, sandy hair that they all love. And , what's more, you know it, so you strut around there like a real hot stud. They all talk about gettin into your pants. They all want to do you. Well, I'll admit that your body is more than decent. You have worked on the right areas. And, your face is also real cute. So you really are the hot dude they say you are. Except for one thing man. You are a total cocksucking white pussy. You are the gym faggot and no one knows yet. They would all shit if they knew you and I were in this room and you were getting hard watching my body and my black club. They would shit again if they saw you take this monster up the ass and be loving it, which will happen in just a few minutes. You know what dude, you disgust me. You act like a hot stud for all the chicks and you are nothing more than a cocksucking faggot who can't keep his mouth off big black cocks. Get on your knees cocksucker. It's time for the first course."

I hesitated but when Derek stepped toward me, I sank to my knees. He smiled and said: "I knew you would pussy. And look, your own cock is thinking for itself. It looks pretty good for a white one. Well don't worry, I won't even allow you to touch yourself dude. This is all about me tonight."

He grabbed my hair again and pulled my head into his wiry pubic hairs. He ground around his monster on my face and then said: "Ready Chris, your wish is about to come true". With that, he pointed his enormously thick, nine to ten inch black cock at my mouth and pushed on my lips. Mechanically, I opened and stretched to get around the very hard and very fat rod. Derek could not have cared less about his size.

Instead, he rammed his enormous cock deep into my throat causing some serious gagging and tears in my eyes. Instinctively, I raised my hands and grasped the monster and started stroking it as he pumped in and out. My own cock was now totally hard, aching for attention. Derek moved his hands to my shoulders and enjoyed as I serviced his cock, placing my hands on his muscled ass to pull him in more. He started to moan, and I knew he was about to cum, and strangely, I wanted to suck him dry to feel his cum fill my mouth and insides. But, Derek had other ideas. Just as he was about to shoot, he pulled out and shot a huge load of milky cum all over my sandy hair, matting it down with sticky cum. He laughed telling me he thought the chicks would really love that. I moved my hand to my head but he prevented me from touching it.

"Leave it faggot. You deserve to wear it for everyone to see and smell. You are nothing more than a pathetic pussy. Now that he was satisfied that he had humiliated me, he said: "Now for Prince Charming's ass stretch. Marc may have done you a couple of times, but I assure you Chris, this will really be memorable. Lie on your back while I get up a full head of steam." He stroked himself for a moment, and reached into his shorts and took out some lube.

"I may seem crazy to you, but I will be a gentle bastard this time. This time, you get lube, next time, just your saliva."

With that he positioned himself at my crotch, rubbed his black monster against my cock, which really set me off. He looked me in the eyes and said: " Chris, I am gonna love fuckin you for a whole bunch of reasons. First, you really are a hot bodied, cute white boy. Second, you and I will always know that I am your master after Marc. And third, I think I could really get into having your smooth, muscular body be my cock's parking place from time to time." Holding my feet to either side of my head, he leaned onto me slowly and gave me a passionate kiss that I did not think he was capable of.

I could feel gentle pressure at my hole, but his kiss, his probing tongue, the feel of his hard muscles against my body made me want him in me. His hard body pressed against my aching cock, and it felt awesome as he moved. He continued to kiss, more and more passionately. I put my arms around his massive back and kissed back hard. Without warning, he popped his massive head through my opening. I shuddered in pain, but he stopped and kept the kissing going.

Now in, he inched inward stretching my sphincter muscles. It hurt like hell, but he did it slowly. I felt myself stretching, I felt his massive cock entering me ever so slowly. When he was about half way in, he waited for what seemed like minutes, working me with the kisses, rubbing his body against mine. Then, almost violently, he thrust forward sending all nine plus inches deep inside of me. I screamed and he held still. I could feel his steel tube lodged within me. It hurt like hell and felt incredible at the same time. Then, Derek fucked my ass like I never thought possible. His black cannon plunging in and out repeatedly, faster and faster. He was still locked onto my lips, kissing deeply. The feel of his hard muscles and of the weight of his body on me was incredible. As he hit my prostate over and over, and as his muscles created friction on my own cock, I felt myself about to cum. I did not want it to end. Derek lifted himself off the floor and lay stiff across my body as he came deep in my ass. Simultaneously, I felt my own cock erupt between our sweating bodies. I felt his hot cum entering inside me somewhere deep. It was the most erotic experience I had ever had.

After several moments of lying on me. He got up, wiped his sweat off himself with a towel and said: "Dude, you are definitely a pussy faggot. But, that was one of the best fucks I have ever had. Don't you worry, Marc still owes me a couple. You and I will see one another again. Oh, by the way, get your ass into the shower. I have a surprise for your sorry white faggot ass."

I got off the bed barely able to walk as I adjusted to a totally stretched asshole. Once in the shower, Derek said: "Sit on the floor of the shower and close your eyes and do not move." I did all of this thinking he was going to cold shower me to get rid of the cum in my hair. Instead, I was stunned and shocked at what he did next.

"I know the chicks will notice your new cum hairdo...maybe they'll be able to place your new aftershave." With that he held his black hose and pissed all over me. I felt it on my face first, the warm urine shower. The he directed the stream onto my chest, into my crotch and then my legs.

"Now dude, get dressed and leave. No cleaning up."

Totally stunned, I got up, grabbed my clothes, looked at Marc on the way out, and left. As I drove home in my car with cum in my hair, and piss all over my body, I wondered to myself why I still loved the experience.

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Next: Chapter 4

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