Black Rule

Published on Mar 8, 2018


Black Rule Chapter 2 – Bringing Up Baby

NOTICE: This story contains scenes of a graphic nature, which may not be legal in your area.  This story is completely fictional and is intended only for entertainment purposes.   Any similarities
to real life people or characters is coincidental. If you have trouble separating real life from fantasy or you are offended by such themes, stop reading now.

This story is set in a future time, after a Revolution which chose a specific group of Men to lead and gave Them rights befitting of Their place in life.  Although you are welcome to email me your
thoughts on the story (email address at the end), spare me any ‘less evolved’ opinions on race in general.  I have to assume that if you’re reading this section of Nifty, you’re already a free thinker,
like me.

Black Rule

Chapter 2 – Bringing Up Baby

Stefon giggled and waived His little arms and legs in the air each time Owen blew air against His tummy.  Owen smiled and made cooing noises as he began unfastening the diaper tabs.  Pulling down the front of the diaper it immediately wrapped its lips around Stefon’s dick and balls, sucking and licking off the spilled urine and hedging against the almost certain spray of new piss that was bound to come spurting out.  This diaper change was no exception; Owen quickly swallowed the fresh spurt of piss coming from little baby Stefon, moaning at the delicious taste of His urine.  it marveled at the fact that Stefon’s baby dick was already larger than Owen’s clit, and it couldn’t help but smile, knowing that since the baby’s father was very well endowed, if He grew up to be anything like His father and older brother He would be very large by adulthood.

After drinking down the last drop, Owen continued to slide its tongue around the baby’s crotch, licking up every bit of liquid, even as it removed the diaper from underneath with one hand and began wiping the soiled tush with the wet nap contained in its other hand.  Using one hand to lift the child up by His chubby legs, Owen lovingly patted His butt dry with a soft towel, rubbed some ointment around to guard against a rash, then picked the little bundle up and placed Him on a clean diaper.  After fastening the ends into place, it removed the bottle of breast milk formula from the warming pan and placed the nipple into the baby’s mouth.

Owen pulled Stefon into its naked chest and stepped over to the oversized rocking chair and carefully sat down.  it nestled the tyke so that His freshly diapered posterior lightly grazed above its clitcage and began slowly rocking the child while He drank the milk.  it pretended to nibble on the tips of Stefon’s fingers while softly humming a tune.

Owen was so lost in thought at the task at hand that it didn’t even realize Calvon and Dyonte were standing in the doorway until it heard Dyonte.  “Dad, it’s sitting in a chair!”

“Ssssh,” Calvon whispered.  “Where would You have Your little brother be fed, on the floor?”

“Oh… yeah,” Dyonte mumbled.

Owen looked up to see the indulgent smile on Calvon’s face as He shook His head at His eldest child and walked towards His youngest.  Owen prepared to rise from the rocker but stopped at the touch of Calvon’s hand on its shoulder.

“How has my youngest son been today, Owen?  It appears that He’ll fall asleep before He finishes His bottle,” Calvon said, chuckling softly.

“He has been very active, Sir.  He just had His diaper changed, and yes Sir, He may very well have tired Himself out,” Owen whispered.

“Hand Him to Dyonte for a moment, nanny,” Calvon instructed.

“Me!?  What if I drop Him?”  The stunned look on the 10-year old’s face was priceless.

Calvon and Owen chuckled.  “I am sure You will be an awesome big brother, Dyonte, and making sure You don’t drop Your relatives is a good start at that,” Calvon said.  The handoff completed, Owen made to slip to its knees before being stopped.  “Remove my shirt, nanny,” Calvon instructed.

Owen reached up and unbuttoned the shirt, then stepped around to pull the garment off.  it carefully draped the shirt over another chair while Calvon sank to the rocker and held out His hands.  Dyonte cautiously passed His now-sleeping brother to His father, who handed the mostly empty bottle to Owen.  it rinsed everything in the small sink next to the changing table, setting the bottle and nipple down to wash later.

“I need to piss,” Dyonte said.  Owen immediately dropped to its knees and unbuttoned the Superior lad’s pants.  it reached inside the fly and withdrew His dick, rolling back the foreskin and wrapping its lips around the head.  Owen had to wonder how much the lad had been drinking as the flow of urine gushed out and seemed to go on for at least a minute.  it drank greedily while Dyonte fidgeted above its head.

“Stand still, Dyonte,” His father admonished.  “You need to allow Your urinal to complete its task.  I don’t want to have the carpets steam cleaned simply because You can’t remain in one spot for more than a minute.”

“But dad, I want to go down the street and play with Travon.  He has a new NABSCAR holo-game!”

“You just got home from school, Dyonte.  I’d like to hear about Your day, what You learned, and especially if You have any homework,” Calvon scolded.

Dyonte heaved a very dramatic sigh while Owen swallowed the remaining drops of His piss, lapped at the head of His dick to ensure nothing had been missed, then patted the end with a soft cloth that had been lying on a low shelf.  As soon as His pants were re-buttoned he practically threw Himself into the smaller chair across the room.

“We had math, which I hate, and science, which was boring until We got to put stuff in a cola bottle and watch the fizz shoot out, and We had lunch, and… “

“Slow down,” Calvon interrupted.  “You need to breathe, and You need to explain why You hate math.  Do You find it difficult?  Do I need to hire a tutor?”

“Math is just hard!  I understood everything when we just did adds and subtracts and multiplications, but now everything is division,” Dyonte moaned.

Everyone was startled by a burp from baby Stefon, followed by laughter from Dyonte and a warm chuckle from Calvon.  Owen smiled as Calvon nodded to it to take the tot and place Him in His crib.  it couldn’t help the shudder that ran through its body when its hands brushed against the curly hairs on Calvon’s hard chest.

“I will sit with You this weekend and help you with Your division,” Calvon said to Dyonte.  Owen’s reaction to touching Him was not lost on the Superior, and He absently palmed His crotch.  “Now, how was the rest of the day after lunch?”

Owen carefully laid Stefon in His crib, making sure He was covered with the blanket.  it reached up and flicked the button for the mobile over His head, so the baby would have something to look at if He woke up.  it placed a few stuffed animals at the sides of the crib for more visuals for the tyke.

Dyonte thought for a moment, then laughed out loud.  “The urinal got sick in class after lunch and threw up!  Mr. Davis sent Andre Jacksyn to the Principal’s office cuz He was the last one to use it before it got sick, and I bet He put something in its funnel!”

“Well, I hope Andre was punished!  I pay plenty for Your tuition at that school, and if they have to replace a urinal, especially because of a prank, I don’t want to see a fee increase to buy a new one!”  Calvon looked disgusted for a moment before a sly grin spread across His face.  “There, We can add that as an example to Our math lesson.  What would the cost be for a new urinal, divided among all of the fathers of the students?”

The smile vanished from Dyonte’s face with the realization that He just added to His homework.  He let out another of His patented, deep sighs.  “The rest of the day was just history and Governors Body lessons.”

“You mean ‘_Governing Bod_y’ lessons?”

“Oh, yea… that,” Dyonte replied.

The Black Republic Governing Body, or ‘GB’ as most called them, were the Men chosen to legislate and make sure everything ran properly.  One of the catalysts that prompted the Revolution was the amount of power that one person could hold in the past.  No matter what the position was called, whether President, Prime Minister or King, one person making decisions that others had to abide by caused too much strife.  The GB rotated out every three years, and members were chosen from each continent using algorithms that took background, education, age, etc. into consideration.

“Owen, come lick the sweat off of my balls,” Calvon said.  Owen quickly crawled over and opened Calvon’s pants and pulled them down.  Calvon raised Himself up enough to allow the pants to come all the way off, then spread His legs.

Owen neatly folded the pants and placed them with the shirt that Calvon discarded earlier, then dipped down on its hands and knees and began slathering its tongue around Calvon’s hairy nuts.  The scent of Superior musk made Owen moan softly.  Calvon smirked at its reaction before turning His attention back to His son.  “What type of history was discussed today?”

“Some was stuff from before We were in charge, but mostly We learned about the Black Revolution.  I like that part the best!”

Owen continued to slide its tongue around Calvon’s balls, underneath towards His crease, then back up around again to wet the thick curls around His dick. 

“Why do You like learning about the Revolution the best?” Calvon asked His son.

Dyonte had watched His father’s body being worshiped by the nanny so many times in His 10 years, He barely paid attention.  Calvon knew that at some point in the very near future puberty would hit Dyonte with a hammer, then He would have a difficult time getting any attention for His own dick!  Dyonte had been using Owen as a urinal since He was a baby and grew up seeing His father use Owen as a cum receptacle.  Owen had been putting Dyonte’s dick in its mouth for many years, but holo-games, sports and other childhood pursuits were still more important to His son than having His dick worshipped properly. Calvon planned on acquiring another white as soon as His eldest son began fucking.  As much as He was looking forward to spit-roasting Owen with His son, He knew They would eventually need another white in the household.

Dyonte thought for a moment about His father’s question.  “Cuz everything is so much better now!  In the old days, We had to work in the fields, and get whipped and stuff.  Now, whites do all that.”

 “You’re taking about pre-civil war in the old United States.  I didn’t realize that was part of Your classes yet.”  Calvon pulled Owen up by its hair to the leaking head of His now rock-hard prick.  Owen quickly lapped up the juice oozing from the slit, then engulfed the big, mushroom head into its mouth.  Calvon sighed as He pushed Owen further down His shaft.

“Oh, We don’t hafta memorize it or anything, teacher said He was just giving Us a brief sommonry…”

Summary,” Calvon corrected.

“Yeah, summary of what We’ll need to learn in the next couple of semesters,” Dyonte concluded with a slight rasp.  He seemed to be a little more interested than usual in watching His father’s big dick sliding all the way into the nanny’s mouth.

Calvon noticed the slight hitch in His son’s voice and glanced over to see Him rubbing His crotch.  Calvon grinned and pulled Owen off His dick.  “Here son, why don’t You use this mouth hole before You run out to play.  Your daddy is happy to share with His big Man!”  He caught the smile on Owen’s face as it turned around to crawl towards Dyonte.  He knew He’d chosen a good nanny for His son those 11 years ago.  He’d fucked literally gallons of Superior cum into its cunt in all that time, and He was looking forward to feeling His own son’s cum lubricating that pink hole in a few years.

Owen unbuttoned Dyonte’s pants and pulled them down and off, folded them neatly next to His feet, then swallowed Dyonte’s meat in one gulp.  Dyonte groaned and immediately grabbed its head and began thrusting up into its throat.

“Whoa there, son,” Calvon cautioned the lad.  He put His hands on His son’s thighs and slowed His movements.  “There will certainly be times when You want to facefuck a white and shoot Your load into its throat, but I don’t want You to get into the habit of it right away.  You need to learn to savor the feelings a good hole can give You.  Owen is a very well-trained white; let it show You how well it can serve You.  Lick His balls, nanny.”

Owen slowly allowed Dyonte’s shaft to slide out of its mouth, then licked its way down to His balls.  Dyonte hadn’t begun to grow any pubic hair yet, which Owen thought was unfortunate, but His sweat and natural musk still provided plenty of flavor for the white’s tongue to enjoy.  Dyonte moaned just a little and Calvon smiled.

“There You go, son, how does that feel?”

“Feels great, dad,”

“See, and Owen does a good job for Us, so even though Your pleasure is really all that’s important, a white also gets pleasure from serving Us.  There’s nothing wrong with letting it enjoy itself too.”

“They really do love worshiping Us, don’t they Dad?”

“Oh yeah, son, they do.  A well-trained white like Owen could almost live on just Our cum and piss.  Just look at its face, son.”

Dyonte smiled at His father.  “it does look like its having a good time down there licking my Black balls!”

Calvon laughed.  “I’m about to make it even happier, son.”  He reached back and pulled out the white’s cuntplug, lined the head of His hard prick with the puffy, glistening hole, then slid His dick inside, gliding all the way in until His balls were shoved up against its taint.  Owen moaned and pushed back a little to make sure that every bit of the huge, Superior prick was stuffed inside its cunt.  “There you go, nanny.  Now take my son’s big dick back in your mouth.  We’re gonna fill you at both ends.”

Owen knew that Calvon didn’t mean there would literally be cum filling it at both ends due to Dyonte’s age but being fucked by a huge Black dick and sucking on a not-as-big but still large, young Black dick at the same time was just this side of heaven for a hungry white!  it loved its life with these Superiors and was very happy to be living in this household.

“Man, dad, Your dick really stretches out its cunt,” Dyonte said with awe.  This wasn’t the first time He had seen His father fucking the cunt, but the view still amazed Him.  He didn’t realize that He’d started to match His father’s thrust speed.

Even though Dyonte had never expressed an interest in fucking before now, His son’s comment gave Calvon an idea.  “Do you want to change places, Dyonte?  Slide that big prick of Yours into this wet cunt while I use its throat?”

Dyonte paused for a moment, then a big grin split His face.  “Sure, Dad, if You’ll show me how!”

Calvon’s grin matched His son’s and pulled out of the cunt.  “Switch ends, boy,” he said.  Owen released Dyonte’s dick from its mouth with a popping sound, then quickly spun around.  Calvon pushed the tip of his meat against its wet lips and shoved Himself into its mouth, letting the lube from its cunt assist with easy entry into its throat.  He then leaned His long torso forward and spread Owen’s cheeks apart with His big hands, letting the middle finger of each hand spread the puckered entrance open.  “There You go, son.  Aim Your dick for that star-shaped hole right there and slowly slide inside.”

“But Dad, I’ve seen You just shove Yours into it… why do I have to go slow?”

Calvon pulled His dick halfway out of Owen’s throat, then pushed back in.  “You can fuck it as hard as You want once You get used to it Dyonte, but I want You to go slow Your first time, so You know how great it’s cunt feels around Your prick.”

Dyonte pushed forward, watching the head of His dick pop into the tight hole.  “Oh… oh… that feels so good!”

His father chuckled.  “I told You, son!”  Calvon watched as His firstborn slid His rod into the cunt, sharing a smile with Him when They heard Owen softly moan.  “That’s my big Man!  Your nanny is really enjoying having You fuck its cunt for the first time, and I get to be here to watch You.  I’m so proud of You, Dyonte!”  He leaned back, grabbed Owen by the back of its head and shoved His huge dick deeper into its throat.

Despite its training at the agency, Owen still required a few days of repeated facefucking when it first came to live with Calvon before it was able to fully swallow the over-sized, Superior meat.  it was very nervous when it first saw the 7-foot, muscular Man standing in front of it at the agency, certain that He couldn’t possibly be interested in it.  Embarrassingly, its clit swelled inside its cage when it inhaled the tantalizing aroma of Black Man coming off this Superior, and it was mortified when it heard Him chuckling.  it was astonished to later learn that it would be going to this Superior’s home!

it was barely inside its new home when it was directed to kneel and serve its new owner by drinking its first load of His piss.  When it unbuttoned His pants and withdrew that thick slab of Black meat it’s eyes bugged out and its face became pale.  Another chuckle came from above its head, snapping it out of its shock, and it dutifully opened its mouth wide and sealed its lips around the fat head of that dick.  The delicious piss that flowed into its throat helped to calm its fears, at least until the first time it saw its new Superior naked and hard!  it was very concerned at first that its new owner would sell it back to the agency if it didn’t quickly acclimate its throat to those thick, throbbing, 11 inches of Black flesh, but Calvon was understanding and patient.  He knew how big He was, and thankfully hadn’t expected to hit the bottom of His new hole’s throat the first time.  Besides, He actually enjoyed hearing it choke and gag those first few sessions.  Owen occasionally faked a choking sound every so often now, just because it knew Calvon liked the sound.  Calvon told it a few months before Dyonte was born that its looks, qualifications and training had already been the deciding factor in its purchase as a nanny, but the sight of its clit growing just from His scent sealed the deal.  He knew this white would enjoy being used as a hole!

Dyonte was starting to thrust in and out faster now, and His father was matching Him stroke for stroke.  Calvon reached up and put His hands on His son’s shoulders.  Dyonte tried to do the same to His dad, but not having grown enough to have the same arm length as the older Man, He had to settle for grabbing His father’s muscular biceps.

Two sets of Black balls were slapping against the nanny.  The father’s hairy set of testicles were leaving sweat marks on the white’s chin, while the smaller, hairless set of the son were hitting the much smaller, equally-hairless nuts of the hole beneath them.  Owen worried that the sounds of the balls hitting its flesh, the slurping sounds of the dick fucking its throat, the soft grunting coming from Dyonte and the suction sounds caused by His meat fucking its cunt would wake up the baby.  Apparently, the child was sleeping quite deeply however, as no sound came from the crib.

Dyonte started to hump faster.  “Dad… I think I’m gonna have one of those cums!”

His father groaned even as he smiled at His son.  “I’m right there with You, Dyonte!  I’m about to cream its throat!”

“I wish I could cream its cunt, Daddy!”

“Soon, Dyonte, real soon!  You’re almost at the age when You’ll be shooting a few gallons of cum inside that hole every week!  FUCK, here it comes, I’m gonna feed you, whiteboy!”

Calvon shuddered and began pumping a thick load of Superior cum deep into Owen’s throat.  His cumloads were so large, Owen long ago stopped counting the number of spurts that came out of its owner’s dick.  it was just very grateful to be treated to such a substantial amount of delicious Black cum every time He used its throat.  On those occasions when He fucked its cunt it was lucky the length of His prick shot all that cream so deep inside.  Owen could wait to reinsert the cuntplug after licking His dick clean, yet still have time before His deep load had a chance to start trickling out of its hole.

The sight and sound of His father dumping into the nanny’s throat did the trick for Dyonte, and He cried out and started to shake with His dry orgasm.  Calvon reached forward and held His son’s hips to keep Him from popping out of the cunt before He finished, hoping to show His son that a Superior’s cum, once He started producing some, belonged inside a white hole, and not splattered on its ass or on the floor.

Both Superiors pulled their dicks out at the same time, and Calvon and Owen shared a smile before He nodded His head in His son’s direction.  Owen spun around on the floor and engulfed Dyonte’s half-deflated prick in its mouth to clean.  Even though there was no cum to lick off, Dyonte needed to be taught that a white’s job included cleaning any dick that used its cunt, so He needed to be patient enough to allow that.

Dyonte watched the nanny do its job for a few minutes, then flopped back onto His butt in exhaustion.  “That was awesome, dad!  I can’t wait to do that again!  I wonder if Travon is fucking yet?”

Calvon beamed at His son, pleased that He had watched Him fuck His first cunt, that He had enjoyed doing so, and now wanted to discuss everything with His best buddy.  He made a mental note to call Travon’s father to let Him know the subject would be coming up.  “I’m glad to hear You enjoyed it, son.  Fucking a white is one of the many privileges You have as a Superior Black.”

“Do whites like it when We fuck them Dad?”

“Well, Dyonte, it doesn’t really matter whether they do or not, but there’s a freshly fucked white on the floor right in front of you.  Go ahead and ask it!”

Owen had to suppress a grin.  As soon as Dyonte had learned to talk He would babble at His nanny practically every waking hour, and they’d had many conversations.  As soon as He started to learn that He was Superior to His nanny, the conversations began to taper off, then He went through an aggressive phase that Calvin had to get involved in a time or two.  Dyonte was now going through a ‘make sure it knows its place” phase, and rarely addressed His nanny directly.  Calvon had been concerned and had private talks with Owen off and on to ensure that it didn’t feel abused, but the nanny assured its owner that it had been taught all about these phases during its training before it joined the household.

Dyonte sighed at the imposition of having to speak to a white, even one He’d grown up with.  “Well, boy… do you like being fucked?”

“It is an honor to be used for Your pleasure, and it enjoys being fucked very much, Sir,” Owen dutifully answered.

“Well, of course it would say that, Dad.”

“Son, didn’t You hear the moans coming from it while We were using it?  You’ll learn the difference between sounds of pain, and moans of pleasure when You fuck more.  There is no doubt that it enjoyed itself.  I mean, look at Our big pricks!  whites love feeling a Black dick inside their holes.”  Calvon patted the nanny on its ass when it nodded its head in agreement.  “Owen, go get the water running and ready for Dyonte so He can take a quick shower before He runs over to play with Travon for a while before dinner.”

“Ah, Dad… it licked me clean after I fucked it, why do I need to take a shower?”

Owen didn’t wait for the rest of the exchange as it knew that Calvon would insist on the shower.  Dyonte’s whining would only serve to give it time to set the proper water temperature and get out a towel.  it picked up the cuntplug to carry into the bathroom, so it could squirt some additional lubricant in its cunt before reinsertion and hurried on to get the shower ready for the young Superior.

“Because I don’t want Travon’s father calling me to complain that my son stinks, that’s why.  You probably ran around during school, you ran to the car after school, you ran into the house, and you’ve been fucking.  You’re sweaty and I would like the neighbors to think You have some manners!”

Dyonte released His biggest sigh yet, then pulled Himself up off the floor and trudged off to the bathroom where Owen waited, already on its knees in the shower, soap in hand.  Dyonte stepped inside, Owen reached over to pull the door close, then it began lathering the lad’s feet and ankles.  it quickly worked its way up His legs, knowing He was not going to be patient.  it ran its lather-covered hands around His balls and dick, then around to His butt and up in His crease.  it stood in order to reach the chest and back, soaped up under His armpits, then grabbed the shower wand and rinsed Him off.

Dyonte snapped His fingers and pointed to the floor of the shower, and Owen knelt again and opened its mouth.  Another stream of piss came spurting out of His dick and right into His nanny’s throat.  Owen swallowed quickly, then licked the head after the flow subsided.

Owen turned off the water as Dyonte stepped out of the shower, then grabbed the towel and quickly rubbed the young Superior down.  When He felt He was dry enough, Dyonte just walked away without a word.  Owen shook its head at the wet footprints that trailed away from the room and quickly dried itself with the same towel.  it then used the towel to wipe up the wet marks in the hall, following them to Dyonte’s bedroom where it found Him already dressed.

it waited to be sure He had no further use for it, but Dyonte just walked past it and out the front door.  it returned to the nursery to gather the lad’s discarded clothes, only to find Calvon still there, sitting on the floor rug, talking on the phone.  He snapped His fingers to get Owen’s attention and pointed to His balls.  Owen dropped to the floor and lay prone, its face in Calvon’s crotch.  it flicked out its tongue and began caressing the dark, hairy flesh.

“Yep, He fucked the nanny’s cunt and had His little orgasm.  I’m a very proud papa,” Calvin said into the viewer, chucking.  He put his free hand on the back of Owen’s head and directed him to aim lower as He raised up His knees and pulled His feet towards himself.  Owen began sliding its tongue up and down its owner’s ass crack, tasting the sweat and musk; a flavor that had its little clit trying to expand in its cage.

“No, no jizz yet,” Calvon continued.  “nanny knows to tell me if it ever tastes cum when the boy is using its mouth… so far, nothing.  Yeah, that will be a little more difficult if the first load goes in its cunt, but if there’s enough there to taste, it will find out when it licks His prick clean.”

Calvon took a firm hold of Owen’s hair and began pulling its head up the length of His ass, up to His balls, pushing it back down again.  Owen caught on quickly and began licking the entire area with its flat, wet tongue, smiling to itself when Calvon tried to hold back a moan.

“Anyway, I just thought I should give You a head’s up.  I can guess that Dyonte will be telling Travon everything that happened, and I didn’t want You to be caught off guard if Travon starts asking You questions; I know His experiences are different that Travon’s.  Oh sure, the lad’s been getting head and watching me fuck His nanny since He was small, but this is the first time He has asked to get in its cunt.  Ha, yeah, I know… it won’t be the last!  Okay, I’ll see You later, and please send the lad home in about an hour.  Thanks, Jasen!”

Calvon pressed ‘end’ on His phone and tossed it over on top of the pile of His son’s clothes.  He stretched His free arm up and hooked it under His head, then pulled Owen up His body until its face was right in His armpit.  “If Dyonte knew I was doing this instead of taking a shower like I told Him to, He’d have a fit,” Calvon chuckled as He pushed Owen’s face into His thick pit hair.  “Lick up all that sweat like a good white.”  Owen moaned and started to lap at the coarse hair, dragging its tongue in and around the skin to get all the delicious flavor.

“Ever since Travon’s nanny died in that horrible car accident They haven’t had a white in the house.  I honestly don’t know how they get through the day without someone there to take care of them like You do for us, Owen.  I have to wonder if Travon even knows about the pleasures of having a white in the house.”

Owen buried its face in that dark pit and inhaled deeply.  Calvon’s scent had its hole twitching from the first day it came to His house.  it tried to lick each, individual pit hair to get the maximum flavor on its tongue.  it reached down the Superior’s body and slowly stroked His fat dick, using the precum that spilled out for lubrication.  Calvon moaned and thrust up into its hand.

“I know your clit is trying to break out of that cage from tasting me.  Get me good and clean, then switch to the other side.  After that, I’m gonna shove my dick into Your cunt again, and maybe then I’ll milk you.”

Owen trembled with excitement.  Not only was it tasting the incredible flavor of its owner’s musky pits, it was also going to get to have the pleasure of His huge dick inside its cunt again!  Owen often had multiple cuntgasms while being fucked with that large piece of manmeat, and the thought that Calvon might release the clitcage and allow it to have a clitgasm… well that was almost enough to shoot a load of juice anyway!

Satisfied that His underarm has been sufficiently licked clean, Calvin dragged the nanny’s face over to His other pit, chuckling to Himself when the white did its best to step over His torso without making contact.  “It’s okay to touch me Owen, you should know that by now.  Just don’t scrape me with that clitcage, I don’t want any of my belly hair to get caught!”

Owen moaned at the idea of feeling that hairy, Black chest against it as it slid across Him.  it buried its face in the other pit, trying to inhale and lick at the same time.  It switched hands to continue to stroke the massive tool between its Master’s legs.

Calvon chuckled again.  “Yeah, I guess you’re too distracted by the scent of your owner for you to respond.  I’m going to have to look into buying a hole to keep Dyonte busy now that He knows the pleasures of white cunt.  I hope we can find another white as well-trained as you!  I had no expectations that hiring a nanny would get me such a responsive hole when I first started looking.  If I can find a pleasure-white as good a fuck as you, who has at least the barest knowledge of taking care of a baby, I might be able to find time to fuck you without worrying about someone not watching Stefon.”  Calvon sighed while watching Owen wipe its tongue up and down His hairy armpit.  “I was just getting used to fucking your cunt without having a baby around, just like when I first bought you.  Of course, my son will have to share His new cunt with His father, so I guess everything will work out.  What do you think, boy?”

it pulled itself away from Calvin’s pit, its face glistening with the saliva it had spread everywhere.  “it is always thrilled to feel You inside it’s holes, Sir.  If there is a way to properly take care of the baby and provide You with pleasure, and Your new white is up to the task, we will do our best for You and Master Dyonte.  it would be happy to train the new white on its duties, Sir.  If it may ask, Sir, will the new hole sleep in Master Dyonte’s room?”

Calvon laughed out loud and shook His head.  “That is an excellent question!  You would think that yes, that would be the best place for it to sleep, but until Dyonte gets a little older and not so disagreeable about everything, an argument could be made for it to sleep here in the nursery with you.  You’re so attentive, You’re awake and holding the baby when He cries in the night before I can even get up and out of bed.  And, since Stefon tends to wake up at least once a night, that makes you available to drink my piss while I’m up as well.  The buzzer that Dyonte presses to call you into His room at night to be His urinal would definitely be moved over to where the new white would be sleeping.  If the new white can be just as responsive and wake up to take care of Dyonte’s piss if He needs to go during the night without too much training… hell, I don’t know, I’ll have to figure out the logistics when the need arises.”

“it was thrilled when it was permitted to sleep in Your room when it first arrived, Sir.  Not only did it feel safe and protected, it enjoyed being available to serve Your urinal needs as well as keep its holes available for Your use.  Of course, moving into the nursery was vital when Master Dyonte was born, but the new white would probably likewise enjoy sleeping in His room… as soon as He is agreeable to that, Sir.”

Calvon tousled the nanny’s hair.  “I enjoyed having you there as well, Owen, and I imagine that if Dyonte loved fucking your cunt as much as it looked like He did, He’ll be asking to have His new hole as close as possible when He can’t keep His dick soft for more than an hour at a time.”  They both laughed at the image of Dyonte having constant erections.  “Now then, speaking of fucking cunts… scoot down and climb on top of my big dick and slide that fucker inside your hole, whiteboy!”

Owen scrambled to reach down and remove its plug while it moved into position.  It hovered its body over Calvon’s waist, squatting down over its feet, using both its hands to pull its cheeks open to allow for maximum entrance of the thick prick.  Calvon reached down and pushed His dick upright, pointing towards the ceiling.  With obvious practice, Owen lined its opening up with the head and lowered itself down, confirmed contact, then sank down on the thick length of Black meat in one go, its mouth opening in a long moan.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” Calvon yelled out.  “Fuck boy, your cunt always feels so fucking good around my prick!  I love how you can take it inside your tight hole without stopping.”  He grabbed the nanny’s hips.  “Grab on to my shoulders and ride me for a while Owen, show me how much you love having my big Black dick inside your pink hole.”

Owen had the same problem with its reach as Dyonte did earlier, so it settled for grabbing onto Calvon’s bulging biceps and pulled itself about 2/3’s up off the heavily-veined pole in its cunt before letting gravity drop it back down again.  Grateful for the additional lubricant it squirted up into itself while it was getting Dyonte’s shower ready, it still marveled at how incredible its hole felt as it was stretched open by the thick tube.  Calvon’s wiry pubes added extra pleasure when they scratched its ass, acknowledging both the difference in Black Men and the hairless whites who served Them, as well as providing proof that the white was taking every last inch of its owner’s big dick deep in its hungry cunt.

After about 5 minutes of riding up and down that incredible dick, each of them moaning and sweating, Calvon was about to tell the nanny to get ready to change positions when His phone rang.  “Fuck!  Well, I was about to get on top, so I could plow you anyway, so let’s switch and move towards the phone at the same time.”

In a well-orchestrated move that made it obvious they had done this many times before, Calvon pulled Owen close to His chest while it stretched out its legs.  Calvon then flipped them over so He was on top and reached over to grab the phone from the pile of Dyonte’s clothes.  He started to partly slide out of Owen’s cunt when he looked at the Caller ID.  “Ah, its Travon’s father, Jasen.  I hope the guys haven’t gotten into trouble already,” He sighed.  “Hello again, Jasen,” He said, looking at His friend and neighbor on the screen.  When Jasen’s reply wasn’t panicked, Calvon started to fuck into the cunt again.

Owen could hear the conversation, but since there was nothing to be alarmed about, it let itself sink into the pleasure of having Black dick in its cunt.  its little white clit was straining against the cage because of the stimulation of its prostate, something that Calvon didn’t even have to try to do since His meat was so thick.  Owen wished it could bury its face back into one of Calvon’s pits again, but their height difference was so great, all it could do was lick the seat from His chest hair.

Calvon slowed His pace down to a crawl.  “Dinner?  Sure, let me check first, hold on.  Owen, I can smell something good coming from the kitchen, so I know you already have food in the oven.  Is there enough for Jasen and His son to join Me for dinner?”

Owen leaned back from where it had been rubbing its face in Calvon’s hairy chest and shook its head.  “Sir, dinner is that small pot roast that Your business associate gifted You.  Unless it carved the roast into hot sandwiches for everyone, there isn’t enough for four, Sir.”

“Especially the way Dyonte eats, right nanny?” Calvon said with a laugh.

Both Calvon and Owen chuckled when Dyonte yelled, “I heard that!” through the phone.  Jasen followed it up with an offer to bring pizza.

“That sounds great, Jasen,” Calvon replied.  “Have Dyonte let You in when You get here, and if You don’t mind, pop into the kitchen and turn the oven off.  I’m 11 inches deep in a wet, pink hole right now and I’m not letting it off my dick just to rescue a damn roast!”  Calvon moved the phone so His prick sliding in and out of the cunt was visible on the screen.  Jasen’s loud laugh burst from the phone before He agreed to the chore and hung up.

Calvon tossed the phone off to the side.  “Now, where was I,” he asked as He slid His dick in to the hilt again.  “Ahh, yeah, that’s where I was.  Fuck, I love your tight cunt!”

Owen moaned when Calvon’s pelvic bone pushed against its ass cheeks.  With its body practically bent in half and its legs wrapped around its Superior’s waist, it knew it would have a mark on its belly where the clitcage was being pressed into its skin, but it was used to that after all these years and considered those marks as proud symbols of its pleasure and service.

Having cum down the white’s throat not that long ago, Calvon was obviously in no hurry and was taking His time sliding His meat in and out of the pink hole.  Owen could feel the raised veins that ran up and down the thick shaft and moaned softly as each inch slid deeper inside.  it tightened the muscles of its cunt with every slow withdrawal, pulling a louder moan out of Calvon.  Owen knew just how much precum Calvon’s dick produced, and by now it knew its cunt walls were slick with the stuff, so when He finally pulled out and presented His prick to be cleaned, the flavor would be incredible.

They were so in tune with each other and their pleasure, both were startled when a loud, fake cough was heard from the doorway.  Looking up, they saw the tall figure of Jasen standing there, a big grin on his face.  Both lads were standing behind Him, although after a few seconds Dyonte squeezed past Jasen’s legs, walked into the room and promptly sat down next to His father.  Travon was hanging on to His father’s legs and peeking around one side, looking somewhat startled at what He saw in the room.

“I turned the oven off and pulled the roast out, so it wouldn’t get dry,” Jasen said.  “Speaking of hot meat, I see you still have yours buried inside that hole.”

Calvon chuckled and slowly slid His dick almost all the way out, as if to verify that yes, he did have His meat in Owen’s personal ‘oven’.  “I would spend most of the day in this hole if I could get away with it,” Calvon said with a sigh.  “I fucked some nice cunts at my friend DelVon’s party last week, but none of them compared to this one I’m fucking now.”

Jasen rubbed the large bulge in His shorts.  “I wish I could have gone to that party with you.  It’s been too long for me.”  He suddenly realized that His own son was still hanging on to Him, acting uncharacteristically shy.  “C’mon Travon, go in and sit next to Dyonte.”

Travon stepped out from behind His 6’3” father but still seemed hesitant as He watched Calvon’s dick sliding in and out of the white on the floor.  Calvon saw that, like father like son, Travon’s crotch was tenting as well, so He purposely exaggerated his movements, grinding His crotch into Owen’s butt, moaning as his crinkly pubic hair scrapped its soft asscheeks.  He looked up and winked at Jasen and nodded towards Travon’s shorts.

“Well whip that dick out Jasen, the nanny’s other hole is free,” Calvon said, hoping that Travon would forgot to be bashful if He saw His own father using a white.  Calvon pulled out of the cunt, effortlessly turned Owen around, grabbed its hips and pulled it up into doggie position to give Jasen easier access before sliding His own meat back into the twitching hole.

“Hell yes,” Jasen said, letting His shorts drop to the floor while kicking off His sandals.  The head of His erect prick was already wet with precum and glistened in the light.  He stepped over and sat down in the chair in front of Owen, holding out His dick.  “Clean that juice off me, boy,” He growled.

Owen flicked out its tongue and slathered it around the fat head of Jasen’s meat, lapping up the juice.  The taste was a little different than it was used to with Calvon, but as a well-trained white, it savored everything that came from all Black dicks, and it couldn’t help the small moan that escaped from its mouth.

Calvon took a firmer hold on its hips and scooted them both forward a few steps, forcing Owen’s mouth around Jasen’s shaft, pushing ahead until all 8 ½ inches were buried in its throat.  It was Jasen’s turn to moan.

‘Oh, fuck yes,” Jasen groaned.  He grabbed a handful of hair and held the nanny down in His crotch for a moment.  With its nose deep in the curly hair between the Superior’s legs, Owen inhaled the delicious scent of Black Man before swallowing around the shaft of meat that was throbbing in its throat.  Jasen jerked slightly at the feeling of throat muscles massaging His dick.  “Oh, fuck yeah, just like that,” he groaned again, releasing the hair to lean back in the chair.

Calvon began thrusting into Owen’s cunt again, pulling the nanny halfway off Jasen’s prick, then using the motion of his thighs to push Himself back into the cunt hole in front of Him and impaling the mouth hole at the same time.  Jasen caught on to what He was doing and grabbed on to Owen’s head again to help establish a seesaw motion.  They pushed and pulled the white back and forth, filling it with Black meat.  A few drops of Calvon’s sweat dripped down onto the nanny’s ass while Jasen mumbled under His breath at the sensation of a hot, hungry mouth on His tool.  He was torn between watching this white taking two Black Men at once, and keeping His eyes closed to avoid cumming too soon.

“FUCK!” Jasen said suddenly, pulling Himself out of Owen’s mouth.  “I’m getting too close already!”

Calvon pulled His own dick out of the cunt and leaned back.  He realized that He had forgotten their sons were in the room with them.  They were so quiet; Travon was staring, open-mouthed at the twitching cunt that was trying unsuccessfully to close after being stretched by Calvon’s impressive rod.  Dyonte was just watching His younger friend’s reactions and rubbing His own crotch.

“Why don’t You guys take your shorts off before You burst through the buttons,” Calvon asked with a smirk.  Dyonte quickly removed His shorts and began stroking His dick.  Travon looked to His father for the okay and getting a nod He squirmed out of His own shorts, trying to appear casual as He covered Himself with His hand.  “Jasen, do you wanna switch places?  its cunt is just as good as its mouth, and if you’re gonna dump a load, You might as well lube up this hole.  its gonna clean You off afterwards and get a taste anyway.”

“Oh, hell yes,” Travon said, practically jumping up from the chair and moving around to kneel next to the youngsters.  Calvon stepped over and sat in the chair.  Travon looked on in fascination as Owen began licking Calvon’s shaft to clean off the mixture of lubrication and precum.

“it’s putting Your father’s thing in its mouth!  That was just in its… you know,” Travon whispered to Dyonte.

Both fathers heard the whisper and grinned.  “A good hole knows that cleaning off a Man’s dick after He pulls out of its cunt is a white’s job, son.” Jasen said, rubbing the top of His son’s head affectionately.

“But… that’s also where it… poops!” Travon said with disgust.

Jasen and Calvon chuckled.  “A well-trained hole like our nanny knows how to keep itself cleaned out for fucking, Travon,“ Calvon said.  “And… if it doesn’t… well then it will be licking its own shit off our dicks.  I would guess that unless a white likes the flavor, and some do, tasting shit would only have to happen once for it to learn to do a better job of staying prepared.  A white has to be ready to get fucked at any time, Travon, so the good ones like nanny here know to be ready at all times.”

Travon looked appalled at the thought, so Calvon decided to add a ‘learning experience’ for both guys, even though Dyonte was often in the same room when His nanny was worshipping His father and had seen pretty much everything.  “That’s also a great reason for You fellas to make sure You are clean as well.  Owen here loves to lick my asshole, and it feels great when it does that.  it would lick me regardless if I ordered it to, but I try to be sure I clean properly after I sit on the toilet.”

“That’s cool, Travon,” Dyonte said, trying to show-off to His buddy.  “it licks My ass all the time… feels really good!”

Any further discussion came to a halt when Travon’s eyes widened at the sight of His father sliding His dick into the nanny’s cunt.  “Oh goddamn, Calvon… your prick is bigger than mine, but this hole is just as tight as ever.  I don’t suppose it has a twin brother,” Jasen asked, only half in jest.

Calvon looked down at Owen, whose lips were buried in His pubes.  Owen glanced up and gave a slight shake of his head.  Calvon patted it on the head, then with a smirk pulled it off His dick.  He scooted down in the chair, so His ass was available, and Owen immediately began licking between His hairy cheeks.  Calvon moaned loudly and snuck a peek at Travon to make sure He’d heard and could see His little buddy’s father being rimmed by a white.  Travon’s eyes darted back and forth from the sight of His dad’s hard tool pumping in and out of the puffy cunt and the tongue lapping at Calvon’s hairy asshole.

Well-versed in multi-tasking, Owen clenched its hole every time Jasen pulled His dick back, even as it swirled its tongue in and around the tasty Superior ass in its face.  “Oh god, oh fucking damnit,” Jasen cried out.  “Travon, we have GOT to get one of these whites for Our house.  I’m about to cream this one’s tight cunt!”

Jasen pumped in one last time, shoving Owen’s tongue deeper into Calvin’s ass.  He froze in position, head thrown back, groaning loudly as He shot His thick load of Black cream into the cunt.  Calvon smirked at His neighbor, knowing full well how amazing that snug hole felt wrapped around a Black dick.  Jasen shuddered as the last of His cum coated the nanny’s cunt walls, then He slowly pulled out, slapping the ass with His hand as He did so.

Owen glanced up at Calvon, peeking up at Him over His large, hairy balls.  it knew its next job would be to lick and suck the cum off Jasen’s prick, but since it was currently feasting on its owner’s ass it needed to wait for his signal to move.

Calvon looked down and caught Owen’s eye.  He knew the white was waiting for His permission, and the thought ran through His head once again how much difficulty He might have finding another white as well-trained, respectful and efficient as Owen.  He smiled at the nanny and raised His chin in Jasen’s direction.  Owen glanced over at Dyonte and Travon, then back to Calvon with a raised eyebrow.  Calvon immediately understood that Owen was recommending a verbal order, proving another lesson for young Superiors on how to use a white.  Calvon nodded and winked at it.

“nanny, clean Jasen’s dick like a good whiteboy,” Calvon ordered.  He caught the slightest, quick smile from Owen before it turned around and swallowed Jasen all the way to His balls.  Jasen and Owen moaned at the same time.  “See Travon, whites love the taste of Our cum.  Owen does an excellent job of keeping itself clean and ready for us to fuck, so only cum, lube and its cuntjuice is on Your father’s meat.”

Calvon cleared His throat a bit to get Jasen’s attention.  He had to do so a couple of times before He could drag Jasen’s eyes away from watching Owen licking His dick.  He nodded at Owen’s cunt, then at Travon, and wiggled His eyebrows.  He didn’t want to offer the hole to Travon without His father’s approval, but Jasen caught on right away and nodded vigorously with a big grin.

“Travon, Your dad just dumped a big load of Superior jizz inside Owen’s cunt.  Why don’t You take a turn now and fuck it?”

Travon’s eyes jerked from Owen, to Calvon, to His father, then back to Owen again.  “Go ahead, son.  Dyonte told You He fucked it today and really liked it.  Go on and shove Your Black meat inside that cunt,” Jasen said, rubbing the top of His son’s head.

“But… but… I can’t make that stuff,” Travon stammered.

“Hey, neither can I, Travon, but You don’t have to!” Dyonte said.  “You’ll still feel like You had a cum, and it feels awesome!  Besides, that’s what whites are for.” Dyonte gave His friend a soft punch of encouragement on the arm.

Calvon raised his foot and gently tapped Owen on the thigh.  Owen got the hint, licked Jasen’s meat once last time, then turned around and presented its backside to Travon.  it squeezed the muscles of its cunt a few times to twitch the opening and gave a tiny wiggle as it backed up towards Him.  it heard Jasen chuckle softly and knew He understood it was trying to show His son where to aim.

“Okay, Travon, grasp hold of Your dick at the base like this,” Jasen said, demonstrating on His own, semi-hard prick, still shiny from Owen’s saliva.  Travon copied His father’s action.  “Good, son.  Now point the tip at that winking hole in front of you and push Yourself inside that hungry, white cunt.”

Travon did as instructed, trembling slightly from nervousness and anticipation.  As soon as the head of His dick popped inside the hole He let go of a gasp of breath.  Before He even realized what was happening, His balls were snug up against Owen’s taint.  “Dad, it’s so soft and warm in there!”  Calvon and Jasen chuckled.  Owen looked up at Calvon and flexed the muscles of his hole.  Travon gasped again.  “Dad!  It just got tighter in there!”  The fathers laughed and Calvon winked at Owen.

“A well-trained white like this one knows just how to make its cunt feel even better, Travon.  Now pull out slowly… not all the way just leave the head of Your dick inside.”  Travon moaned as He followed Calvon’s directions.  “There You go… now slide back in again.  Good.  Now pull almost out, then back in, then out, then back in… well, You saw how Your dad was fucking, so I’m sure You’ve got the hang of that now.”

“Dad!  I’m fucking!  I’m fucking a cunt!!,” Travon exclaimed.

The look of pride on Jasen’s face was unmistakable as He patted His son on the back.  “Yes, You are son.  From the look on Your face, I have the feeling You’re going to want to fuck a lot more from now on, too,” He said.

“Oh yeah, dad!  Oh yeah, this is everything like You said it would be, Dyonte!”

Dyonte knee-walked to the front of where His nanny was sitting forward on its elbows.  “Suck me,” He ordered.  Owen opened its mouth and swallowed Dyonte’s dick to the hilt in one gulp.  Dyonte’s aggressive demeanor with the white was undercut by the way His eyes rolled back in His head at the sensation of the wet tongue wrapping itself around His shaft.  He barely held back His sigh when Owen began bobbing slowly up and down His prick.

Travon started to pick up His fucking speed until He was setting a good pace.  His thighs started to make light slapping noises when He thrust balls-deep inside the cunt. “Dad, I can feel Your juice inside it and everything!” 

Owen moaned, perhaps a little over the top for Travon’s benefit.  Calvon knew exactly what it was doing and rubbed His toe against its leg with affection.  He looked at Jasen and They nodded at each other with a grin.  Both Men were thinking that Owen was the perfect choice to teach the lads how to fuck; it was patient, cooperative, and was encouraging to Them without having to say a word.

“Dad!  Daddy!  Something is… wait… I think I have to pee!” Travon cried.

“I don’t think that’s the case son, I think You’re about to experience Your first cum!  Even still, if You really do have to piss, go ahead.  A white cunt is a great place to piss into… just don’t pull Your dick out until We get some towels on the floor, just in case!”  Jasen reached over to the lower shelf of the baby’s changing table and pulled out a couple of towels, then laid them underneath Owen’s ass.

“Dad!  Oh… dad… ahhh…”  Travon began to shudder.  If there was any way for His dick to bury deeper inside Owen He would have done it.  He practically wailed when He felt His first orgasm, and his father had to grab on to Him to keep Him from falling over.

Owen continued to suck on the Black meat in its mouth, while carefully flexing its ass muscles around the shaft inside its cunt.  If this was Calvon or Jasen inside it, the flexing would have been stronger and would have coaxed more cum out.  it knew enough not to put too much pressure on the lad’s sensitive dick, and even though there wouldn’t be any cum this time, the youngster might as well get used to how much a tight cunt could beg for pleasure.

Travon slowly leaned back into His father’s arms and let His dick slide out of the hole.  Jasen hugged His son and picked up one of the unused towels to dab at the perspiration on His forehead.  “I am so proud of You, Travon,’’ He cooed at His son.  “You did a great job fucking that cunt.”

Once again, Owen glanced up to Calvon for instruction.  Normally it would have turned around and began licking Travon’s prick, but Dyonte was still using its mouth.

“Turn around hole, I want in that cunt now,” Dyonte said, taking care of Owen’s quandary.  Owen immediately spun around and began lapping at Travon’s prick.  Dyonte shoved His dick inside the cunt in one lunge.  Calvon bopped Him on the back of the head and gave Him a stern glare when Dyonte turned to look at His father.  Calvon mouthed ‘slow down’ at Dyonte, who promptly sighed and backed off a bit.

None of this was noticed by either Jasen or Travon, both of whom were passively watching Owen clean Travon’s meat.  “Dad… that’s Your stuff its licking off me,” Travon whispered.

“Sure is, son,” Jasen whispered back with a smile.  “The Men in our family shoot out a lot of cum, so when You start to make Your own, be prepared for a white to spend some time cleaning You off.”

“Dad,” Travon said softly.  “I have to pee.  For sure this time.”

“Go ahead and piss, son,“ Jasen said, louder, in case Owen hadn’t heard.  “Piss in its mouth.”


“That’s what whites are for, Travon,” Calvon chimed in.  “Besides, You’d be doing Owen a favor.  I’m sure it’s thirsty after all this fucking, and it loves the taste of Black piss, right nanny?”

Owen moaned and nodded its head, sealing its lips around the tip of Travon’s dick.  After about a minute, it moaned again when Travon’s piss began flowing into its mouth and the flavor hit its taste buds.

Travon giggled.  “Dad… I’m pissing in its mouth!  its drinking my piss!”

Jasen casually rubbed His hands back and forth over His son’s head.  “You sure are, son.  See how thirsty it is for Our piss?  When you start going to the new school next year, there’ll be a white urinal in Your classroom.  Do You think it’s time for us to get a white for Our house?”

“Can We, dad?  Really, for sure?”

Jasen looked over to Calvon and winked.  “I think it’s time we did!  Now that I have that new position at work, I think We can manage to find Ourselves a white to take care of Our needs.”

“Awesome, dad,” Travon said as He watched Owen licking around the head of His tool to clean off any errant drops of piss.  About that time, Dyonte began thrusting harder, then cried out when He hit His own dry-orgasm.  He smiled when Calvon reached over and patted him on the shoulder.

“Son, why don’t you scoot over there with Travon and His father to get Your prick cleaned.  I think it’s my turn to fuck this cunt now; y’all have gotten me hot and horny,” Calvon said with a laugh.  Dyonte did as His father said, shoving His crotch into Owen’s face.  Calvon slid down from His chair and slipped His fat meat into the puffy cunt, pushing all the way to the bottom in one move.  “Ahh yes… this is where I was when you guys showed up!”

Jasen laughed and held up His hand for a high-5.  “Yeah, sorry about that, Calvon.  My prick needed that more than Yours did, seeing as You have access to this cunt every day.”  The doorbell rang before Calvon could respond.  “Ahh, the pizza’s here,” Jasen said with glee.  “Good thing, I’ve worked up an appetite.”

Travon and the youngsters got up, pulled on Their shorts and headed to the front door.  Calvon continued to slide in and out of Owen, thoroughly horned up from watching everyone else getting off.  He could sense more lubrication inside the cunt the deeper He went and smiled to Himself at the knowledge that neither lad was hung as long as Jasen.  Their shorter dicks hadn’t taken advantage of all of Jasen’s cum deposit, so at least a third of Calvon’s tool was plumbing into creamy territory that the lads couldn’t reach.  A thought crossed His mind for a moment that in about five years, or maybe less, Dyonte’s dick could be as long as His.  The idea of mixing His cum with His son’s inside this tight cunt caused Him to thrust a little harder.

Calvon heard Jasen chuckle from behind Him.  “Might as well bring the pizza in here, boy,“ Jasen said.  “The Master of the house is still deep inside that cunt, and the rest of us are too hungry to wait for Him.”

Calvon glanced over His shoulder to see a short white carrying an insulated pizza bag.  The delivery boy was wearing the customary dark, red harness that signified He was working and not necessarily available to be used for pleasure.  it was staring with wide eyes at Calvon’s huge prick sliding in and out of Owen’s cunt.  Calvon smirked at it and made a show of pulling all the way out, slapping His meat against Owen’s asscheeks, then shoving back in.  He noticed movement in the tight, red shorts the boy was wearing; it’s clitcage was starting to push at the crotch of those shorts.  The devil inside Calvon’s head decided to goad the boy a little more, so He trailed His finger against the smear of Jasen’s cum that splattered on Owen’s ass when Calvon slapped His dick against it, then reached forward and presented his finger to Owen to suck clean.

The pizza boy gasped a little and shifted its weight between its feet, as if that could lessen the pressure between its legs.  Calvon was pretty sure that its Superior supervisors at the pizza place used the holes of all the delivery whites on a regular basis, but there was a good chance the boy didn’t get to enjoy any other Black dick on a regular basis.  The practice of tipping a server for a delivery became obsolete after the Revolution since whites had no need for income but allowing a white the pleasure of tasting Black meat would have been a much better tip anyway.  There was no law against using the holes of a delivery white.  The red outfits had been established for them with the Black owners of the establishments for whom they worked in mind, rather than for any consideration of the whites themselves.

The boy had swallowed its share of Black piss while making deliveries.  Sometimes it got the impression that the Black Men who bought pizza held their piss just so They could have a different urinal to use every so often.  It knew the other delivery boys had the same experience, since the owner of the pizza place had supplied them all with mints to freshen their breath between deliveries.  He didn’t care how the whites felt about having piss-breath, He just didn’t want any complaints about bad breath from His customers.

Jasen flashed His ID over the device on the boy’s wrist to verify payment and pointed to the table.  it opened its bag, withdrew the pizzas then stepped backwards to the doorway.  Calvon looked up to see its eyes once again focused on His dick.  it looked up at Calvon and its face turned red.

Calvon smiled, pulled Himself out of Owen’s cunt, stood up and dipped His head towards His crotch.  The white stepped forward, dropped to its knees and immediately began licking the juices from Calvon’s shaft, moaning softly as it did so.

“Owen, go and get Us all some drinks while I get My dick cleaned off,” Calvon ordered.  “Jasen and I will have a beer, and the guys can have a soda.”

Owen jumped up from its position on the floor and stepped around the delivery boy, whose lips were now smeared with saliva and precum.  Calvon glanced over to see a smirk on Jasen’s face, and wide eyes from their sons.  “Guys, remember that whites exist for Us to use for Our pleasure, but they get pleasure out of serving Us as well.  Since this delivery white works all day, it probably doesn’t get to taste Our dicks as often as it would like, so there’s no reason not to give it a treat,” He said, pulling the boy’s head down to His balls.  “Just remember that its red uniform means it works for someone else, so You can’t delay it too long.”  With that He stepped back.  The white leaned forward a bit to try to capture some more of His tool, but Calvin patted it on the head and took another step back.

“Thank You, Sirs,” the boy stammered, then stood and made a quick exit out the front door.  Calvon wasn’t sure if it was thanking Them for the business, or for the option of tasting His meat.  Both, he decided with a smirk.

Owen returned with Their drinks and some plates.  After distributing the drinks, it held out a plate and gestured towards the different pizzas.  “What would You like, Sirs?  The fathers and Travon asked for a slice from both boxes.  Dyonte just pointed and grunted.  Calvon rolled His eyes and hoped for patience.

As soon as the four of them started eating, Owen went over to the crib to check on the baby.  it smiled in wonder that He was still sound asleep, undisturbed by the conversations, the sex sounds and even the doorbell.  it turned back towards the room to see Calvon looking at it with a crooked grin and raised eyebrows.  It nodded and returned the grin, reassuring Him that His second son was still snoozing.  Calvon pointed between His legs and Owen immediately dropped down and crawled over.  it glanced up to see Calvon pick up His heavy meat and point the end towards its mouth.  Owen leaned in and wrapped its lips around the head and waited.  After all these years, it recognized the signal that it was about to receive a belly full of delicious, Black piss.  The first spurt of hot urine hit its tongue seconds later, and it swallowed greedily.  it smiled to itself with the expectation that another beer or three and it would likely be drinking more piss from Calvon and Jasen both, and possibly Their sons as well.  it was also pleased that Calvin hadn’t fed His piss to that delivery white.

The Men and Their sons ate and drank, and Owen continued to nurse Calvon’s semi-stiff meat even after His pissflow stopped.  it held the rest of its body still, since Calvon was using its back as a ‘tray’ for His plate.  it shuddered occasionally when Calvon also rested His cold beer bottle on it.  The conversation continued around it as it reveled in the fact that it was able to serve and provide pleasure to these Superiors.

“Daddy, when are gonna get a white?” Travon asked.

Jasen looked at Calvon.  “Well, son, I’m hoping Calvon can give me some advice on that.  Considering what a great job He did with Owen here, I’m hoping to rely on His expertise and assistance.”

Calvon looked at the empty plates and winked at Jasen.  “If You guys are finished, why don’t You go to Dyonte’s room and fire up the holo-games.  Just please keep the noise down so You don’t wake up the baby.”

The lads jumped up and ran out of the room, trying to be quiet and only doing a half-assed job.

“Owen, start cleaning up the pizza and get us both another beer,” Calvon said, patting it on the head.  “Wrap up the left-over slices so Jasen can take them home.”

“No, you keep that here,” Jasen responded.  “We’ll be leaving tomorrow after breakfast to go visit my dad for a few days.  Travon can have that for lunch, or whatever.”

“There you have it, Owen.  Put the leftovers in the fridge for Travon.  Have a slice yourself if you want, just don’t get sick,” Calvon warned.

whites, especially household and rental whites, ate a protein and fiber-based diet to ensure good health and easier bowel evacuation.  Calvon was serious when He explained to Travon how important a clean cunt was.  Owen rarely indulged in any snack food, or anything like pizza; its stomach would rebel at the grease and added fat.  it served Calvon and His son at mealtimes but didn’t eat with Them.  If the food it prepared was within its diet guidelines, it would eat if there was any left after They were finished.  Calvon had no problem with this and encouraged Owen to include something it could eat with most meals, otherwise, it ate from its own selection of foods.  All food was ordered online and delivered, so there was plenty of variety available.

A rumor made the rounds some years ago, hinting that some of the food made for whites contained ground up whites who had died of natural causes or had been purged.  After hearing that, so many whites were reluctant to eat any processed food that the Governing Body had to step in to dispel the rumor.  There were some older whites who were still wary, so fresh fruits and vegetables were still much preferred over anything that came in a box.  Younger whites had no expectation that there would be any option other than cremation for them when they died, so the notion of eating processed whites didn’t seem to affect them as much.

Owen gathered up the pizza boxes and the plates and took everything into the kitchen.  it took 2 cold beers into the living room where Calvon and Jasen had moved, then went back to the nursery and picked up the empty beer and soda bottles and took those to the kitchen as well.  it took a bite from a slice of the leftover pizza and felt the flavors explode in its mouth.  Groaning at the goodness of the cheese and tomato combination, it took two more bites before putting the remainder of the slice aside to put out for the birds.

Calvon had pulled His shorts back on and was stretched out on one of the couches.  He took a long drink from His beer, then gestured at Jasen who was in the recliner.  “I can give You all the information on the agency I bought the nanny from, Jasen, although that was 11 years ago, and I haven’t really had contact with them since then.  They send me emails from time to time trying to get me to buy again, but I’d like to check with DelVon before I make any recommendations.  He uses a rental agency for the holes He makes available at His parties, so He may have a better feel for the best places to look into.”

“I don’t want to go crazy with the price,” Jasen said with a shrug.  “I guess buying a white who has been a rental might help bring the cost down.”

“You’re probably right,” Calvon agreed.  “I’m going to have to look into getting another white for Travon, now that’s He’s fucking.  There’s just no way Owen can take care of Stefon, cook and keep the house, all of which are its primary duties, and also handle two big, black dicks all the time as well.”

Travon chuckled.  “I don’t know how that cunt isn’t stretched out like a mine tunnel by now, you big-pricked sonovabitch.  11 years of taking 11 inches… I’m surprised it can even walk!”

Calvon laughed.  “I’ve seen it doing those Kegel exercises when it doesn’t know I’m looking, so maybe that’s its secret.”

“Shit, if that was all there was to that…” Travon said, joining in Calvon’s laughter.

“Seriously, I’ll contact DelVon and see what He can tell me.  You and I could check out the agencies together, especially since we aren’t necessarily looking for the same qualifications.  I’m mostly looking for a young cunt for Travon to fuck, but I’d also like it to have some knowledge of taking care of a baby.  All I’d need is for Owen to get sick and have to be kept away from Stefon and all hell would break lose in this house.  It’s about time I have someone who could handle driver and butler duties as well.”

“Yeah, and I’m looking for a hole to dump cum into for the most part.  Although, now that you mention that, some child-rearing knowledge would help too.  Travon is only 9, and as I get busier at work this white I buy will need to take care of Him and the house when I’m not home.  Fuck, this could get complicated and expensive!”  Travon sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.

Calvon smiled at His friend.  “Doesn’t have to be.  These places all have a pretty good online presence.  Once We know which agencies to check out, We’ll look at their online catalogs, and You can enter what You’re looking for to narrow down the search.  Once We find some likely candidates, we place a hold on them, go visit them in person, then buy the whites that are the most suitable.  They give a 6-month trial period, so if something doesn’t work out You just take it back and look at others.”

“Did you ever consider sending Owen back?” Travon asked.

“Oh, hell no!” Calvon replied.  “That whiteboy was a perfect fit from the day I saw it at the agency.  The little fucker’s clit tried to get hard just from breathing me in!  I made it drink my piss as soon as we got in the house and it didn’t spill a drop and moaned while it was swallowing.  After I used its mouth a few times it had no trouble throating Me, and my prick loved its cunt from the first fuck!  You joked earlier about it having a twin… if it had I would have gone back and bought that one too!”

“Humph,” Travon grunted.  “I wasn’t really joking!”

Any further discussion was stopped when a baby’s cry echoed through the house.  Calvon and Jasen exchanged a look, then both got up to see what had upset little Stefon.  Of course, by the time they reached the nursery, Owen already had Stefon up out of His crib and laying on the changing table.

“What has my youngest upset, oh stealth-nanny?“ Calvon said with a chuckle.  “I swear Owen moves faster than any bullet train!”

“Just time for a diaper change, Sir,” Owen said with a smile.

Calvon moved over to get His son’s attention to distract Him by tickling His tummy while His tush was being cleaned.

“Watch out, Sir!” Owen exclaimed, just as a stream of piss shot into the air.  The nanny swooped down and surrounded the child’s penis with its lips and began to drink.  Jasen burst out into laugher at the expression on Calvon’s face, prompting Him to start laughing along.

“Kinda obvious that Your nanny has experienced this phenomenon before, eh, Calvon?” Jasen said.

Calvon nodded His head.  “Didn’t I just say it was a stealth-nanny?  Did You see those reflexes?  I only got a couple of drops of baby piss on my arm before Owen was sucking down the rest.  I forgot about the accuracy of a baby Superior’s aim!”

Both men watched in wonder as Owen multi-tasked the diaper change and piss clean up.  Stefon had a new diaper and a smile on His face in a matter of minutes.  The nanny leaned over and lapped up the errant drops of piss from Calvon’s hairy arm.  Calvon scooped up His son and took Him over to the rocking chair while Owen selected a jar of food from the cabinet, and a spoon from a drawer.  Calvon reached out to take the items so He could feed His son.

Jasen just shook His head with a bemused smile.  “This has to be the most efficient room in Your house Calvon!  Since I’ve been here, We’ve fucked here it, gotten sucked here, eaten pizza, changed and fed a baby, and watched nanny drink piss in it.  Speaking of which… “

Owen caught on quickly and dropped to its knees in front of Jasen.  Since His shorts had no fly, it just pulled them down to expose His dick and wrapped its lips around the fat head.  Jasen sighed as His piss flowed down the nanny’s throat.  His dick started to harden as the flow began tapering off, so He grabbed Owen by the back of its head and began to push His prick into its mouth.

“Hang on a second there, Jasen.  Sorry to interrupt, but after watching it swallow Stefon’s piss, and now Yours, I have to go, Calvon said with a laugh.  “Crawl over here, boy, and start drinking.”

Owen dropped down to its hand and knees, ducked underneath where Calvon was holding Stefon, and sucked the head of His tool into its mouth.  Jasen took one look at the pink ass in front of Him and knelt behind the nanny.  He pulled out its plug, lined up His now fully erect dick and slid into that open hole.  Both of them moaned with the feeling.

Calvon was amused that Owen held His dick in its mouth without moving, even though Jasen was starting to fuck its cunt at a decent tempo.  He knew that the nanny would do whatever it could to keep from losing any of His piss.  As soon as He flexed His muscles to push the last of the urine out He started to get hard.  Owen then released whatever muscles it was using to keep its torso still and allowed Jasen’s fucking motion to push its throat down onto Calvon’s rod, while Calvon continued to spoon-feed His son.

“Now isn’t this the picture of domestic bliss, “Calvon laughed.  “I’m feeding both the baby and the nanny at the same time, while the nanny is also getting its cunt reamed!”

Jasen chuckled hoarsely.  “I doubt this is the first time you’ve fed Stefon and Owen at the same time, my brotha.  Damn this is a nice cunt!”

“Well this is about the fourth time I’ve tried to cream the inside of this whiteboy today!  Everybody keeps interrupting me!”

“Don’t worry Calvon, as soon as I get My own whiteboy, I’ll let You have Yours back,” Jasen said with a smirk.  He reached forward and grabbed Owen by the shoulders and started to ram into its cunt, hard and fast.

Stefon had finished eating its baby food so Calvon dropped the jar and spoon down to the floor.  He had to hold His son closer to His hairy chest to keep Him from getting jostled by the force Jasen was using to fuck the cunt.  He’d already interrupted His friend once when He pulled Owen off Jasen’s dick to release His own piss, so He didn’t want to stop Him again, besides, little Stefon thought the rocking motion was great fun and was giggling away.

A baby’s natural tendency was to latch on to a nipple, and Calvon knew that Owen had placed Stefon at its own nipples in the beginning to get the little guy used to sucking.  Since He was being held so tightly to His father’s chest, Stefon tried to suckle His nipple!  Calvon wasn’t so sure if he should allow Himself to be used by His son as a wet-nurse, but the concern was dropped when Stefon spit the nipple out with a frown.  Apparently, a nipple was a nipple, as long as it wasn’t hairy.  Calvon couldn’t help but laugh at the look on His son’s face as He tried to brush a chest hair out of His mouth, followed by a baby-belch.

The loud groans coming from the other end of His nanny told Calvon that Jasen was about to fill its cunt with hot cum.  “FUCK!  Fuck yes… oh fuck this cunt… damn… so fucking tight… damnit, it’s about to get another load out of me!  FUCK!!” Jasen yelled when He shoved as far in as His hips would allow and pumped the cunt full of Superior cream.  The sweat glistened off of His chest, and Calvon thought He looked like He was about to pass out.

Jasen pulled out slowly and just collapsed onto His back, His arms spread out above His head.  Calvon tapped Owen on the head to let it know it could release His dick and clean the cum and cuntjuices off Jasen.  Owen dutifully turned around and began lapping at the still leaking shaft between Jasen’s legs.  It kept itself in doggie position, assuming that its Master would now want to fuck it as well, but Calvon had decided that would have to wait until there could be fewer interruptions.  He picked up the cuntplug from the floor and pushed it back into the white’s cunt.

Calvon smiled at His friend on the floor.  Jasen was still trying to catch His breath, and His prick was still throbbing under Owen’s tongue.  “Give Him the same tongue bath you gave me earlier, Owen.” Calvon told the nanny.  Owen immediately began licking up Jasen’s waist, lapping at His sweat and moaning softly.  Jasen groaned and smiled at the sensation when Jasen reached His chest, then He opened His eyes in surprise when Owen began slurping on His armpit.

“Fuck, Calvon… it’s a damn shame we can’t clone this white.  We could make millions!”

“Well, there can be no doubt that it loves the flavor of Black Man, Jasen; it would lick me for hours if I let it… and sometimes I do!”

“This one certainly knows its place, that’s for sure.  I hope we can find Travon and me one just like it,” Jasen added with a sigh.

“We’ll do the best we can, Jasen,” Calvon replied, just as They heard the guys running down the hallway.  Like before, Dyonte ran right into the room, and Travon stopped in His tracks at the doorway to stare, this time at the tongue bath being given to His father.

“We have to piss,” Dyonte announced to the room.  Jasen sighed again and tapped Owen on the head to release it from its bathing duties.  It crawled over to Dyonte, unbuttoned His shorts and swallowed the head of His dick.  Within seconds its Adam’s apple began bobbing up and down as it swallowed the delicious Black piss.  As soon as Dyonte was though He stepped away to look at His baby brother, ignoring the ‘tsk’ sound from His father when He didn’t wait for the nanny to clean Him off.

Owen then crawled to the doorway and glanced up at Travon, uncertain if the young Superior was going to allow it to drink from Him, or if He was going to be shy again.  “Let it do its job, son,” Jasen said.  Travon nodded quickly and took a tentative step forward.  Like His father, His shorts had no fly, so Owen again had to pull them down just enough to reveal the Black prick.  It wrapped it lips around the head and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally, Travon’s kidneys won the battle over His shyness, and His piss gushed out and down the nanny’s throat.  This time, Owen was allowed to lick the head clean when He was done, then it pulled the shorts back up into place.

“All right, Travon, we’ve bothered the neighbors enough for one night.  We need to get home, so I can finish packing for Our trip to visit Your grandfather.”

“Dad, can Dyonte come with Us?” Travon implored.

“Yeah, dad, can I go with them?  I promise I’ll be good!” Dyonte chimed in.  It was obvious this was rehearsed before They came down into the room.

Jasen and Calvon looked at each other and burst out laughing.  “That was pathetic, guys,” Jasen said.  “If You thought We believed You just thought of that idea, You need some acting lessons.”  Both boys looked sheepishly at Their fathers.  “Tell You what… if Calvon agrees, Travon can spend the night next door with Us, but He will need to come back home in the morning.  I don’t think Your grandfather can handle two rambunctious young’uns at the same time, Travon.”

“Yeah!!” Travon and Dyonte screamed, jumping up and down.

Calvon looked at Jasen.  “I think We’ve been played, bro,” he whispered.

Jasen nodded.  “Maybe They’re better actors than I thought,” he agreed, since there was no protest at the rejection of Their proposition.  “Okay, grab a shirt and Your sandals, Dyonte, and let’s head next door, guys.

“Owen, might as well give them that leftover pizza after all,” Calvon instructed.  “I don’t think it will go to waste tonight.  And Dyonte… button up Your shorts, buddy!”

Owen hurried into the kitchen to grab the pizza that it had wrapped in foil and stored in the fridge, then returned and handed it to Jasen, who was already dressed again.  Jasen slapped it on the ass as He walked by.  “Enjoy my cum inside that tight cunt, whiteboy!” he said with a laugh.  “C’mon guys, let’s go!”

More running in the hall, laughing and a door slamming marked the exit of the three.  Owen looked at Calvon, who was still rocking His son in the chair.  “Damn, Owen,” Calvon said.  “It got very quiet all of a sudden.  Sounds wonderful, right?”

“Master Stefon is usually the noisemaker of the household, Sir, but He has been very good today,” it replied.  The little tyke was looking around Himself, as if He was also wondering how everything became so quiet.

Calvon chuckled and stood up from the chair.  “Let’s take Him into the other room and have some playtime, Owen.  Stefon and I can knock over some blocks for a while, and You can get my dick back in Your mouth.”

Owen grabbed a blanket, a bag of toys and a couple of small pillows for Stefon, then followed Calvon into the den.  it spread out the blanket then waited for Calvon to settle Stefon on the floor before cushioning the baby’s back with the pillows.  Calvon peered into the toy bag and pulled out some blocks and a stuffed panda before sitting next to Stefon, His back against the couch.

Owen waited for Calvon to get situated before lying on its stomach in between His legs.  it sucked the large dick into its mouth and began to slowly slide its head up and down.  Feeling that big, Black prick getting harder in its mouth and throat was one of its favorite sensations, and before long it could taste some precum on its tongue.  The heady scent of Calvon’s musk drifted up into Owen’s nose.  Although breathing when it had the big prick buried in its throat was impossible, it made sure to inhale deeply each time it pulled up from the shaft, to ensure a full head of that delicious aroma of Superior Man.  The sensation of its clit trying to escape the confines of its cage was uncomfortable, but even Calvon’s promise to consider milking it later didn’t matter; as long as it could have His throbbing meat in its mouth, it would be happy.  Besides, it knew its hole would be stuffed later, so the cuntgasms were guaranteed!

Calvon and Stefon played for almost an hour.  Every time His daddy built up the blocks, Stefon would knock them down, giggling and screaming with glee.  Calvon made sure to grab Owen by the back of the head and hold it in place so its throat muscles could massage His dick during Stefon’s destructive moments, before releasing it to rebuild the blocks.

Owen swallowed 2 more loads of Calvon’s piss during the father/son playtime, and was itself in need to urinate, however it had long ago learned how to hold itself while serving its Masters.  Nonetheless, Calvon was observant and had also learned Owen’s ‘tell’ when it needed to use the facilities.  He noticed that not only was His son started to get groggy, His nanny was twitching its legs.  “Nanny, go visit the bathroom while I snuggle a bit with Stefon,” Calvon said with a chuckle.  “I can tell You need to go, and you’re probably drunk on all the beer piss You’ve gulped down tonight.”

Owen slowly allowed the saliva-covered tool to slide out of its mouth.  “Thank You, Sir, it will return shortly,” it said as it made to stand up.

“Take your time Owen, Stefon and I will just hang out here, “Calvon said, picking His son up and holding the sleepy fella to His chest.  “Get yourself ready while you’re in there.   I’m gonna be plowing that tight cunt of yours for quite a while tonight now that everyone is gone, and we won’t be interrupted.”

“Yes, Sir!”

He chuckled softly as He watched the nanny scurry off.  “Well, Stefon, looks to me like Your nanny is anxious to get its hole fucked tonight.  Just think, in about nine years or so, You’ll have your Black dick inside its cunt too.  I hope We can get Your brother to share His new cunt as well.”   He sighed and kissed His son on the head.  “I just hope You don’t go through a phase like Your big brother is.  I’ll have to do a better job teaching You how a Superior Black Man is supposed to treat the white animals who serve us.”

Calvon hummed an old soul song to His son as He slowly rocked Him back and forth in His arms.  Stefon blew a couple of little, wet bubbles against His chest, very content to be held by His father.  Daddy smiled at His son… then frowned as a new aroma wafted up from Him.  “Uh oh, Stefon.  Something tells me my baby-man needs another new diaper already.”

He carefully rose up from the floor, then carried His son into the nursery.  Having learned from experience, He grabbed a fresh diaper from the stack to quickly place over His son's penis as He removed the soiled cloth.  He had to laugh as He felt warmth through the new diaper, a sure guarantee that Stefon had repeated his piss fountain.

Owen entered the room with the toy bag, blankets and pillows, having already cleaned up the living room.  “Here nanny, I’ll hold the pee-cover in place while you take care of the rest,” Calvon said with a laugh.

Owen laughed at the joke.  “He tried to get You again, eh Sir?”

“Hey, I watched, and I learned,” Calvon said with a grin.  “Apparently the first lesson my son will need to learn is that Black piss goes in a white, not on Daddy.”

The nanny giggled.  “it will be thrilled to teach Him, Sir,” Owen said as it deftly exchanged another new diaper for the old after having cleaned up the little Superior.  it leaned into the lad after Calvon lifted the piss-filled cloth away and licked all around Stefon’s crotch to clean up any piss, then fastened the diaper together.

“Well here, boy.  Let’s not let this go to waste,” Calvon said with a smirk.  He pushed the nanny’s head back, then grabbed the ends of the diaper and twisted so the piss would drip out into its open mouth.  “Drink up all that piss, whiteboy,” He growled before stuffing the wet part into its mouth.  Owen dutifully sucked on the material, trying to get as much of the liquid as possible.  “Such a good boy,” Calvon whispered.

Owen could feel Calvon’s hard erection against his side as He closed in on it, trapping its body against the changing table.  it moaned, knowing that watching it nurse the piss out of the diaper had gotten its Master turned on.  Although Calvon was a fair and kind Man, asserting His superiority never failed to get Him sexually charged.

“Get My son in his crib, and I’ll carry everything into My bedroom,” Calvon snarled.  “You’ll both be sleeping with me tonight.”

Owen did exactly as ordered, then ran off to make sure the house was locked up and lights were off for the night while Calvon and Stefon disappeared down the hall.  By the time it entered His bedroom, Calvon had settled Stefon’s crib next to the wall, and was stretched out on the extra-large bed, stroking His 11-inch, steel rod.  Owen’s hole twitched at the sight.

When the nanny first joined Calvon’s household it slept on the floor in His room on a small bed.  Beds that had originally been designed for large dogs were modified over the years to fit household whites; they were somewhat larger, with a built-in pillow and changeable covers.  Once Calvon had discovered how good a fuck Owen was, it began sleeping in His bed.  Calvon rationalized that not only was it easier to fuck the white’s cunt in the middle of the night if He wanted to, it also made it easier to take a leak without having to get the boy’s attention.  Owen had actually adopted the habit of sleeping with its head near Calvon’s crotch, so all He had to do if He had to piss was tap it on the head and push it forward.  Owen had been taught to be a light sleeper, so it woke easily and fastened its mouth around Calvon’s dick quickly so not a drop of piss was ever spilled.  If the Black dick started to harden, Owen would start sucking slowly and deeply.  If its Master wanted to fuck it instead of receiving a blow job He would either tap it on the head, or sometimes growl ‘get your cunt up here.’

Owen had moved to the nursery when Dyonte was born, returning to Calvon’s bed after Dyonte moved to His own room, then back to the nursery again when Stefon was born.  As much as it loved little Stefon, it looked forward to the day it could return to Calvon’s room, whether in His bed or on the floor.  Standing in the doorway, watching Calvon stroke His large tool, Owen’s clit tried to break out of its cage.  it moved toward the bed, its eyes on that glistening dick, but was stopped by Calvon’s deep voice.

“Start with my feet, whiteboy,” he growled.

Owen dutifully knelt on the bed and began licking Calvon’s size 22 feet and sucking on His toes.  Satisfied that it had lavished attention on every inch of flesh, it began licking up His right leg, using its hands to massage the feet as it left them behind.  it alternated sliding its tongue on each leg, working its way to His knees, but evidently Calvon was too horned up to wait any longer.  He reached down, grabbed it by the hair and hauled it up to His fat, hairy balls.

“Clean off my balls, boy.  Breathe in my Black scent, I know that gets that little white clit of yours hard.  Get ‘em good and wet.”

Owen buried its nose under His balls and took in a deep breath.  Just as Calvon expected, its clit tried valiantly to break open the cage holding it captive.  it slathered the hairy nuts with its tongue, making sure every inch was wet and as much flavor had been lapped up as possible.  it was starting to lick in an ever-expanding circle to include Calvon’s taint when His Master finally lost what little fuck-patience He had left.

“Get in bitch position, boy!” Calvon said, the tension in His voice evident.  Owen scrambled to get on its elbows and knees, shoulders pressed into the mattress, back bowed and ass in the air.  Calvon almost knocked the nanny over in His need to start fucking.  He barely allowed the white to settle into position before He yanked the plug out and slammed His 11 inches of hard meat into the cunt in front of Him.  Man and animal moaned in tandem, then sighed.  Owen would have giggled at their mirrored responses if not for the delightful feeling of being stuffed full of Black dick.

Calvon began pumping in and out, grunting with pleasure each time His balls slapped the white’s butt.  He reached underneath and pressed his thumb against the side of the clitcage, hearing it snap open when His fingerprint was recognized by the device.  He pulled it off the little, white clit as carefully as His heavy thrusting would allow and tossed it to the side, smirking at the whine that fell from Owen’s throat when its clit quickly hardened to its full 4 inches.

Calvon grabbed the white by its hips and slammed into its cunt with precision.  He knew His dick was stimulating its pleasure button, and He glanced at the clock on the bedside table to time the reaction.  The display didn’t even have time to flip over to a new minute before the nanny wailed and began shooting into the towel underneath it, its cunt tightening around His shaft.  Calvon continued to fuck through that tight hold, forcing more clitjuice out of the white, smiling at Himself as to how easy whites were to bring to orgasm when being fucked by Superior meat.

He kept up the pace, loving the sound of His hips slapping against the pale ass in front of Him and the moans coming from the nanny.  The cunt continued to clench around Him each time He pulled back, then He felt another tightness as the whiteboy shuddered around another clitgasm.  His record with this hole was five, but He knew he wouldn’t make that this time.  He could feel his own orgasm churning in His balls.  He bent forward and slid His sweaty, hairy chest over Owen’s back.  The action had the reaction He’d hoped for, as the nanny’s body quaked with the effect of a third clitgasm.

That did it for Calvon.  He threw His head back and roared as jet after jet of hot cream shot from His prick and splashed inside the cunt.  He kept thrusting, making sure He bred the hole deeply and thoroughly, sighing with the knowledge that the plug would be popped back into place in this cunt, and the white’s body would absorb His Superior seed.  He dropped His full weight onto the nanny, who in turn, collapsed underneath Him.

After a few minutes of allowing His breath to slow down, Calvon pulled them both to their sides into a spoon position, His prick still buried deep inside.  Owen carefully pulled the towel out from under itself and wiped its crotch before dropping the towel over the side of the bed.  it nestled under the large arm that was wrapped around it and sighed in pleasure.  it smiled when Calvon softly chuckled behind it.

“We haven’t been able to do this for a long time, Owen,” He murmured.  “Might be a while before we can do this again.”

“Yes, Sir,” Owen whispered.  “Thank You for allowing it to expel its clitjuice, Sir.”

Calvon chuckled again.  “You’re welcome, boy.  Can’t have you getting all blocked up in there or anything.”  They both laughed softly.  “I hate to pull out, but there’s another load of Superior piss that needs your throat.”

Owen slowly pulled off His dick, turned around and scooted down the bed, swallowing the entire shaft in one gulp to clean up the cum, then withdrawing back to the head just in time to start swallowing the hot piss.  They both sighed.  “Thank You, Sir, “Owen said softly after it licked Him clean.

“There’ll be more, sometime later, boy, “Calvon said, His voice sleepy.  “I had a lot of beer tonight.  Now get back up here so I can get my dick inside Your cunt again.”

Owen moved back into the spoon position, reached behind and wrapped its hand around the semi-erect shaft, guiding the meat back inside its hole.  it knew that its Master’s dick would stay inside it for the rest of the night... well, until He had to piss again.  An 11-inch prick, even flaccid, wouldn’t shrink enough to automatically pop out, and if experience held true, Calvon would remain partially erect all night anyway.

They drifted off to sleep.  Owen knew it would be awakened by either little Stefan, Calvon’s need to piss again, or the sensation of being fucked again.  All those options made it smile. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Text copyright ® 2018 Jeremy Ellington.

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