
By NakedscribeKC

Published on Aug 2, 2021


Author's Disclaimer: The author has created fictitious persons in an effort to tell a story and as such does not reflect any actual person real or fake, living or dead. As always feel free to submit fan mail and constructive criticism to the provided e-mail address. You can now follow me on Twitter: @TheScribeXXX

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His gaze fell sharply onto the bottle of lotion as if to drill holes into it by sight alone. The raised pump, the ample body, the ribbed for easy to grip sides, all of it called to be used by him. It sang a sweet siren song, just sitting there at the edge of the desk, waiting to be used. Maybe if I just do one pump,Tom McGinnis rationed to himself, one tiny little spurt... itll be ok.His throbbing engorgement stood at full attention, raring to be played with; it longed for its wet voluptuous, sticky end. It had been over thirty minutes since he last masturbated, and the tension in his loins were beginning to mount. No... no,he shook his head, I dont want to be that person anymore. I want to prove that I am not like every other man here. I deserve to return to Chiswick, unmarred and uninhibited by my own longings.The handsomely sexy British actor had made a solemn vow some time ago to stop masturbating before he left the house, and only now was beginning to have his doubts. He felt his stiff, irate member pulsate and twitch between his legs. He knew that he couldnt stop the reactions to his lustful urges, but he also believed that he didnt have to capitulate to them so easily, if at all. The dark-haired sex god sat at the edge of the soft, plush seat, his arms and chest well defined, but not oversized like a bodybuilders appendages would be. He worked out frequently enough to remain young, and virile looking at thirty-five, and his stone-chiseled flat abs were enough to give any twenty-five year old a run for their money. His muscles were the size of baseballs, and he constantly flexed them when moving them about. He had been blessed with great genetics and a seductive smile which gave him a distinct swarthy attractiveness that secured his laurels as the USs sexiest man alive months before The Great Revelation. Toms mighty, lightly browned soldier leaked as it expressed its discontent for not being exercised and trained for battle.A virile sexual battle that his own body wanted more than anything in the world.

No, no, I cant - I mustn't,he thought in his head, chastising his unruly, and abhorrent need for self-pleasure. It felt as though his man cream had started to thicken and clot in their evacuation tubes, deep within his loins. The image of his milk curdling into a soft, pungent, stale cottage cheese flashed into his minds eye as he struggled to maintain his composure. How he longed to feel free enough to relieve himself of this burden, but thought that doing so would only weaken his case, making him seen just as bad as the other men in the immigration office. Over the months, he had tried time and time again not to debase himself in front of others by satisfying his carnal, degrading urges... at least in public. Tom tried everything he could think of to prevent himself from being seen as another uncouth Blacklister in the States. He attached a rubber bands (on multiple occasions) to his junk and would snap it against his stiffy only to have the rubber bands break after the second snap. He tried to think un-sexual words, and images only to find that they somehow (almost miraculously) would lead him back to more erotic notions. He also tried to bang his wife of four months three times a day before she divorced him, citing irreconcilable differences. The half white, half Mid-Eastern Brit had told him that she couldnt handle him being a Blacklister as it was ruining her own acting career. She also stated that he had become far too sexual for her tastes the day she packed up and left. Just one little drop,he mused, and a few quick tugs, and I am home free.Another bolt of muffled pain lanced out at the notion he could end his suffering if only he conceded to his loins' urges. He checked his wrist watch: two minutes had passed since the longings had grown.

He wasnt sure when or if his case manager would be coming back to her office. She had left the room to consult with a coworker about something in his case file without telling him what excatly was going on. The woman was blonde, buxom, and looked like she belonged more in a porno and less like she worked here at the Office of Immigration. The mere sight of her supple body had sent Toms already rabid hormones into overdrive. His urges worsened whenever she moved or spoke, as her ample bosom would jiggle or gyrate underneath her tight white dress-shirt. If he squinted real hard, he could make out the spots where her nipples were pressed against her bra (or perhaps lack of a bra). As if it wasnt bad enough, the office chairs were upholstered with the softest, most sexually agitating fabrics known to man. The ultrasoft, delicate fibers grated against his nut-sack as he sat down upon entering the tiny, almost overbearing, room. It was the most insidious cocktail of stimulants that the Blacklister had come across in his life. It was almost as if they wanted him to beat his rigid tube steak and keep him here in this country. The British soap star was fighting his more animalistic urges, hoping that she would return soon. He thought back on how he ended up in this predicament, and remembered that his agent in London called with an offer to appear on a US soap opera as a two episode disposable ex-boyfriend of one of the leading ladies. From the moment of his first appearance, both women and men who watched the series became enamored with him. They tweeted, petitioned, emailed, and campaigned to keep him on the series, and only stopped when they rewrote his character to be in a coma instead of dead from a gunshot wound. The coma only lasted three weeks as the fans werent sated until he was up and walking around again. In three months time he had gone from a one-off nobody, to a leading hunk, to sexiest man alive a year later. Men and women alike would flood his Facebook fan page with love and support, and even posted lecherous, forbidden fantasies. Theres that notion again: sex... sex with women... deep carnal, angry, almost hate-filled sex. The kind of sex that just drains out every ounce of desire that ones body could produce.Another sense of agony lashed out at him, reminding him that he should unload his burden.

He grimaced with shame and self-loathing, struggling to maintain control against a mounting tidal wave (soon to become tsunami) of lustful cravings. Maybe...he pondered, maybe if I am just really quick about it, and hide under her desk, no one will know what I am up to.He shook his head, no, be strong Tom. You got this! Dont grab the lotion sitting on the desk, slather your fat, leaky pole with the moist lubricant, and stroke your hand across the veiny, hard flesh delivering you to a wonderful, blissful ecstasy. You can do this man! You have strength of will to maintain focus and not submit to the unrepentant hormonal longings!He looked at his thick, boorish, aggressive skin-flute as it quivered between his smooth, defined legs. It bubbled and frothed with precum in stark defiance of its masters wishes as if it was declaring that it wouldnt be silenced into submission... it would not go gently into that long goodnight. Another palpitation brought antoher does of pain with it... enough to almost make him cry out. In his mind he screamed, oh god - oh for the love of god, please make it stop!He stared stared down at his hefty, burdensome male orbs, and for the briefest of moments and thought they had turned blue, literally. The British Blacklister blinked, and saw that nothing of the sort had happened. Instead, he found that his glob knob was even angrier than before... if that was even possible. Another searing jolt of torment crackled through him, threatening to only get worse as time went on.

Dont,Tom heard another mans voice beg from somewhere out of the ether. Please dont,the voice pleaded, Im a man just like you! This is wrong! Dont - DOOOOONNNNNNTTTTT!The Brits stomach turned as he realized what was happening. Another Blacklister was being sodomized somewhere nearby...having his [most likely] virgin-tight rectal cavity being torn asunder by some vicious, lecherous Non-Blacklister. He tried to tune out the mans cries for mercy, but they were too much. Pain once more reared its ugly head as the idea of one man brutalizing another only seemed to make him even more aroused. Self-reproach seeped into his mind as he found himself wishing it were him pounding the mans hole into cruel and bloodied submission. His juices dribbled out the lips of his sauce hole, and before he realized it, he was giving his tiny, dime sized left nipple a little twist, sending the slightest hint of pain and pleasure through his well-defined pectoral muscle. The Blacklister leapt straight up with a heavy concoction of fear and regret. Had anyone seen what he was doing? Were there cameras in the office watching... waiting for the first sign of a slip-up? What would this do to his case? Would he be able to leave the country and go back home to Chiswick in England?

His mind raced as he panicked at what had taken place. How could he be so cruel... so careless... as to derive sexual pleasure from the suffering of another? Tom doubled over in torment after being vertical and forgetting what it was his body craved. Uhhhhh,he panted, bloody hell! Why does it hurt so much?The pain mounted as he felt his splooge fester and clot deep within his body. Rooted inside him, down in the depths of his body (about where his seminal vesicles, and Cowpers glands sat) his masculine sludge broiled and churned as it continually cranked out more and more of the sappy, syrupy goop. His tent pole felt as though it would explode at any moment and that somehow, some unseen force was holding it together. Tom sat down, adding further frustration to the moment as once again the fabric caressed his libidinous spheres. The agony was excruciating, causing him to shake uncontrollably, and to gyrate his legs, but still he refused to pleasure himself. Maybe they missed it,he thought as he kept his legs spread as wide as he could, maybe they missed me twisting my nipple to the sounds of the sexual assault.The Blacklister grew in anxiety and desperation, his mind racing as he imagined various scenarios and permutations of what would take place. He looked down at his watch: another seven minutes had passed since he last checked the time. Errrrrr,he muttered to himself, I wish she would come back already.Another blast of pain seared him at the word come, drilling further into his psyche.

Just as he was about to reach over and end his misery, the door opened. The buxom blonde sashayed into the room, her breasts bouncing playfully with each step. He couldnt bring himself to look at anything other than her firm succulent wrack. She sat down, and stared at him for a second, before frowning. She opened his file folder before speaking, as if to give her more of an air authority and presence of a firm mind. Well Mr. McGinnis,she started, licking her red, pouty lips, making Toms already rabid penis strain further. It seems that both the US Government and the UK government have denied your request for return to your home country.

Wh-what,Tom stammered as he was finally able to force himself to stare at her emerald green eyes while he shifted in his chair attempting to regain his composure. Why?

Well it seems that foreign governments fear that - for a lack of a better description - the blacklisted condition, whatever its source may be, is highly contagious. They dont want the virus, or whatever, to spread outside of this country.

It's a virus? Does that mean that theres a cure or a vaccine,hope found its way into his voice, despite the shakiness from the longings he was saddled with.

No, not exactly; no one really knows what the cause is in the increase in sexual desires for men throughout the US. Theyre afraid it could spread world-wide, and cause mass hysteria. Foreign diplomats in the US are being airlifted supplies regularly, while an immigration embargo has been placed on the US, both by the US and the UN. In essence people will be allowed in, but not out.

But I keep telling you people, Im not a US citizen! Im a British citizen... a participant of the UK parliament... loyal to the Royal Crown, for crying out loud! Honestly... its like you people just want to remain ignorant!

The immigration officer grimaced, thats the other thing...

What,he interrupted, his anger and frustration seething up inside him. What possible pile of shite could anyone toss onto this loathsome mountain of horse manure at this point? What else is there?

Well...thats the thing; you arent a citizen of the UK anymore.

IM NOT WHAT?His stiff, leaky jam maker jostled as he roared at her, unable to control his emotions. Trying his best to quell his rage, what, pray tell, does that make me? What possible country is going to take me.

Well -she bit her lip a little agitated, uhhhhh - ummmm....

Well spit it out woman!Another surge of pain from the pressure in his loins lanced out causing him to once again buckle over in agony. He tried desperately to maintain his composure, but failed as his hands fell flat against her desk, knocking over a few of her knickknacks and other office accouterments.

Youre a citizen of the US,she winced in anticipation of another volley of verbal expositions and possibly foul language.

Tom grit his teeth as he remained pressed against her desk, cock snot oozing out of its batter factory. The Blacklister wasnt sure who was more enraged: him or his throbber. He tried to placate his seething, tumultuous body once more without touching his staff. A new hope dawned in his mind as an idea surfaced. What if I could prove that I dont have this supposed disease?What then?His tumescence continued to pump out pungent, rank seminal fluid, trying to compensate for the new material that his overtaxed hormones were creating.

Ummmm...she stammered once more. Normally the handsome Brit would find this delightful and charming, but with this turn of bad news, it was more infuriating for him. Thats what I was checking on... and given the present state of your - your body, that would be nigh-impossible. Even if it did, the respective governments arent willing to take the risk of you being a carrier... that is to say if it is a virus.

Oh me... oh dearie me - well fuck! Do you know how long I have been waiting to return home?

A year?

A year,he snapped. His dick strained with a rage of its own as the steady stream of precum continued to pour forth with a vinegar of its own. Meanwhile his seminal vesicles had now reached double in size due to the amount of man juice that was being made and housed inside. The torment of not orgasming at the proper time dictated by his biology had started to take its toll on Toms body and mind. His emotional barriers had been vigorously eroded, allowing for outbursts to be more prevalent. Why has it taken a year for - for - uhhhhhhh,he buckled once more as another surge rang out through his nervous system, he still was not willing to succumb to his base urges even now. Why has it taken a year for me-ee-ee-ee to fi-eye-nd out all of thisssss?He panted in hopes of quashing the chain of events that were taking place against his better nature. He thrust his hips to his left in response to what was happening in his body; this, sadly, did little (if anything) to help his situation. When di-di-did these sssssanctions come gasp come into lawwwww?

The immigration representative checked her notes, pushing her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. Just last month... apparently,she quivered.

Soooooohhhhhhh, why was my-my - OH FUCK - original pet-pet-petion to return de-de-denied?Beads of sweat had started to form on his brow as his body went deeper into heat. Blood turned from soup to magma as hormonal surges grew even stronger. It felt as though his body could melt at any second from the heat and stress it was under. Still, he persisted in avoiding the act of self pleasure, hoping against all hope that if she and her coworkers saw how sincere he was in his endeavors, that someone might possibly allow him to return to England. Tom panted and gasped, he could feel madness eating away at his psyche. He squeezed his eyes closed both in an effort not to look at the buxom beauty in hopes that would make everything alright. He also squeezed his eyes shut in response to the increasingly intense agitating pain.

Well, back then, there was an emergency embargo placed until the situation could be reviewed and a determination could be made as to the possible source of the sexual stimulation in the men of this country. Their findings were indeterminate, and werent brought to media attention in favor of showing the true nature of every Blacklister in the States. They were hoping to sweep the whole thing under the rug, which they did relatively speaking. At the same time, foreign governments expressed concerns for bringing this diseaseto their shores, and renounced all of their citizens in the USA. It then fell onto the US government to determine what to do with these newly acquired peoples. They deliberated for the remainder of the year, while the Council of Blacklisters lobbied for absorbing those that were disavowed by their respective governments. As such the bill titled The Male Sexual Relief and Abjection Actwas ratified and adopted into law allowing all potential Blacklisted citizens and family to be turned into US citizens. In short, all Blacklisters and their families that cross the US border are immediately made citizens of the US, with all the rights and restrictions therein. Basically, once you come in, you arent going out, regardless as to why you came in.

THEY CANT DO THAT,Tom roared. Goop wept from his man-eye, causing him again to double over in pain.

All the governments have agreed to these terms in order to keep the Blacklist epidemic contained within US Borders; it truly is unprecedented. As I said earlier, it only applies to potential Blacklisters and their families as it's believed that they are the most at risk to spread the aforementioned virus/disease/whatever.

The former British man wanted to continue to debate the situation, and plead for his case, but the agony of desire forced him to fall to the floor. Pearlescent, almost coagulated fluid continued to seep out of his frontal permanent man-wound, sliding down his exposed, straining shaft and into the perfectly manicured patch of black pubic fur. He laid on the ground panting and moaning, unable to move in fear of agitating his situation as well as the overwhelming nightmarish hellscape of suffering he was being forced to endure. He could only writhe in pain as his reproductive glands continued to torture him woefully so. Uhhh, uh, oh-oh-oh god,he begged, please make it ssssstop. I cant - uhhhhhhh - Im strong... I am pow-pow-uhhhhhhhhh!

Mr. McGinnis, sir, you need to ejaculate,the woman informed him, concerned with his well-being. Please... please... sir, just masturbate... Ill leave the room for you, if you like! You dont have to be embarrassed!

Noooooo,The biracial Brit growled, I am stronger than my urges! I will conquer these desires - THEY DO NOT CONTROL MEEEEEEE!The man yoghurt flowed out of his piss slit, thick, and heavy with age, coating his flat stomach with a milky white cheese-like sauce. He was bound and determined to prove to himself and others that he had some semblance of control in his life. Had he touched his fun stick at this point, who knows what would happen? He convulsed and shook, still determined not to masturbate... not to give anyone the satisfaction of labeling him as just another Blacklister. The meat tears pooled on his sternum, between his thick, defined, masculine pecs as some of them just oozed off his ribs and onto the floor.

Sir, please,the womans breasts bounced as she came around the right side of her desk, just masturbate. I, nor anyone else, will think less of you.

Just - just help me stand up, please!He stretched his left hand up as she stretched her right arm to him. He grabbed her as a counterweight to his mass, while he grabbed for her desk with his left hand. Once vertical, the spooge that was flooding out of him, slid down his thick, meaty, vein-ridden cock. See...alllllll betterrrr!He smiled while gnashing his teeth, doing his best to hold back any indication that he was in a world of torment.

But Mr. McGinnis... sir... youre still leaking... abundantly.

Oh dont worry about that... itll go away on its oh-oh-ow-own.He smiled and lied through his teeth (literally), its gone away on its own in the past.

Well... ok then,she shrugged, still skeptical, if you say so.

Toms dick leaked furiously as a steady stream of clotted, rank, man-swill kept seeping out of his one-eyed cyclops. The waves of agony kept crashing at the shores of his mind as his spam javelin roared and howled and protested, rabid in its indignations at not being acknowledged. Bending over to pick up his mobile phone that had fallen onto the floor was not without its challenges, as pangs of reproach reared their ugly heads once more. Tom ground his teeth electing to power through the torment rather than engage or submit to it. Somewhere in the back of his mind burned a candle of hope that maybe... just maybe... if he tried really hard to prove himself... he could go home and leave this godforsaken nightmare behind. He thanked the case worker as politely as he could, exiting the room as best as he could, leaving a trail of gunk in his wake.

As he strolled down the isle of cubicles, a few of the men whistled the standard cartoon-like whistle of sexual attraction at him, making his face flushed with humiliation. Hey sweet thing,one of them called out, can I get some fries to go with that luscious shake?

Yeah sexy,another rang out, what time are you free? Maybe we could get together, and I could warm my hotdog in your smoking hot buns.

Hey baby,a third one piped up, are you advanced calculus? Cause youre making me harder than hell!A few of them snickered at that last ones joke as Tom climbed into the elevator, trying to cover his slobbering knob that was punishing him for his lack of hospitality towards his gracious admirers.

Stepping into the lift carriage was not without its own troubles as he found it already occupied by an unpleasant woman dressed in a gray business jacket and matching shirt. She looked the nudist up and down, judging him for a few seconds before returning her attention back to the floor numbers being displayed on the simple LED readout. Tom pretended to ignore her steely gaze, and fidgeted with his phone, checking for messages, emails, and his fan page (littered with the sleaziest, crassest messages from his male fans). One guy flat out said that he would love to stalk and rape him sometime, even going so far as to detail how hed do it. Another fan asked where he could purchase the soap stars used bath water so he could drink it. There were some far too horrifically loutish for him to even finish reading. Anytime he started reading another comment, his malefic schlong writhed and quivered with desire sending flares of pain rippling throughout his body once more. He shuddered and buckled as he leaned against the rail in the elevator. Nuggets of hyper-aged cock snot blared from his front man-hole, bringing with them their own special pain. Ohhhhhh,he jounced a bit as he tried to regain his footing. The doors to the indoor vehicle opened to allow an exchange of passengers.

Slut,the dark skinned woman scorned him as she exited through the parted doors. Three men took her place, all dressed in smart and well tailored business suits. They eyed the British hunk, and the globs he was dripping with, sweat gleaning from his lightly tanned skin. His jet black hair was still somehow slicked back, even after all he had been through in the past half hour. The five oclock shadow served to accentuate his chiseled jaw, giving him an air of distinction and raising his sex appeal. Tom struggled to get his footing a few seconds after being chastened for once again not serving the whims of his sexual master. Two of the men just stared at him, as he pulled himself from the angle he had fallen to, missing the floor by about three or four feet.

Another glob percolated from its steamy, lecherous dwelling as if to give a flirtatious wink and say, hey baby, his mouth may say no, but I say yes.Two of the men licked their lips, staring at his alluring love muscle, throbbing with desire as it wanted badly to be played with. One of the men, the second one to enter the carriage, knew exactly what the celebritys staff was going through by the amount of strain it was exhibiting. He instinctively could tell that it longed to be petted, caressed, and given immediate attention and care as he peered into its sad, weeping eye. He was transfixed... mesmerized by the things beauty, singing an unheard song that only he could perceive. The Non-Blacklister began to plot and formulate a plan as to how to aid it in its quest before he left the contraption. Tom, on the other hand, watched the businessman stare dazedly at his loathsome phallus and worried about what would happen next.

The second man spun around and pinned the British stud against the back wall of the elevator, caressing the Blacklisters corpulent nargberries sending waves of pleasure rocking throughout the naked mans body. Tom moaned as he was overcome with the sensation of erotic bliss garnished with little spikes of agony from his neglected gonads. The British Blacklister wished he wasnt so easily manipulated and forced himself to focus on the moment, fear barreling itself back into his thoughts. He wasnt sure if he was about to be raped or just molested and he didnt want to find out. He struggled, please let me go. I just want to go home and relax mate. Please, Ill give you anything.

The man leaned in, I already have what I want,he hissed as continued to tickle the head of Toms cream drenched stiffy. He then rammed his tongue deep into the British studs mouth, tantalizing his oral cavity and wrought sensations that furthered the nudists angst. The Blacklisters baby batter blaster pierced him once more with a sharpness as if to remind him that it was still there unattended, oozing out fun goop and swinging like a dogs tail pleased to see its master returning home.

Tom moaned basting himself internally for being so weak in the presence of another man. How can you be so strong,he thought as the business mans hands caressed his bare, toned body, and be so easily dominated? You should be resisting his electrifying touch, his smooth, sensual fingers, his strong penetrating tongue!He panted as the mans hands slithered and caressed his toned, tawdry form. His dick ached with a new level of pain as it longed to be touched by its new handler. The Blacklister let out a little whimper... hoping on some level that he would be given a sweet release. The business man chuckled as he found controlling the nude Brit to be thrilling and quite intoxicating.

You are so easy to tame,he hissed into the nudists ear. Gawwwwwwwwwwd, you smelling so provocative... you are making me bone so fucking hard right now.Tom let out another moan as part of him wished the man would ravage his taut, lightly browned body. He rolled his eyes back as the man pressed his thumb into his mouth. He wasnt sure what he hated more: being turned on or being turned on by a man. Just as he felt the pressure of his loins build to unmanageable proportions, the elevator chime sounded, and the man turned, leaving the over-sexed stud high and dry... aching for release. Toms spunk stick drooled out thick globs of overstuffed, rapidly aged of jizz chunks. How he wished his assaulter had taken him, then maybe he would be free of this hell he was putting himself through. If he were forced by another into orgasming, then it probably wouldnt count towards being marked as another Blacklister. He might even qualify for asylum with his birth country. After all, no one could turn down someone who could be sexually assaulted repeatedly as well as being the focus of other types of sexually motivated crimes.The doors to the ground floor open, and Tom vacates the machine even more sexually frustrated than before he entered it.

As he exited the immigration office building, he could feel the sun warming his bare flesh. It took every ounce of strength in him to power through the pain and frustration that was still being forced upon him. Every step caused his tall, thick tool smack against his tight, chiseled abs... little beads of crud sticking to his manly form. He dialed his personal limo driver so as to let her know that he was ready to leave this ghastly place behind, and try to reclaim a few shreds of his sanity. Hey ,he spoke as softly as he could so as to not attract the attention of would-be rapists, Im done here. Would you please be a lamb, and bring the car around?He stood there under the hot summer sun, his body dripping with spooge all the while he was soaked with sweat. A jolt of pain ripped through him once more, causing him to lose his footing once more as he waited for his transportation to arrive. The phone clattered to the hard burning cement underscoring the mounting difficulties that he was faced with. As the bare-skinned Blacklister bent over to pick up his electronic device, he felt the sudden pop of a digit go up into his insides. Hey,he cried out more surprised than anything. He looked up and saw a couple of twenty year old Non-Blacklisters laughing as they walked away from his nude form.

Stupid fucking Blacklister,one of the guys jeered, that turn you on? Yeah you wish you had this plump dick taring you in half, huh?They both sniggered as they got away while Tom could only watch with only the slightest twinge of fear sliding through him. What if they wanted more? What then? Would he have enjoyed it or hated it? Just then he heard a voice call out his name snapping him back into the moment and preventing him from mentally flying off into the ether. The dashing Brit looked around for the source, and found the limo had just pulled up. His driver got out of the front cabin and opened the back passenger door to allow him access to the vehicle. He smiled, relieved to find a change in his fortune for the better. He climbed into the back shivering as the soft, silky fabric nuzzled his lardy meat clackers. The notion of beating his sex staff once more reared its ugly head. He wanted more than anything to spew his special sauce, but knew that if he did that, even now in the privacy of his own limo, he would be just as basic and common as any other Blacklister out there.

Traffic was bumper-to-bumper as the pair made their way back to his apartment. The stress he was under intensified, affecting his mental state, pushing him further and further to the point of madness. Right as he was about to lose himself in the ensuing mental chaos, his phone rang breaking up his thoughts. The throbbing Brit looked at the screen; it was his PR agent. He slid the green bubble, Hey James, whats going on mate?

Hey Tom,the agent greeted him warmly. Look, I know youve been a little reluctant to go out in public settings since the Great Revelation, but you gotta go out and show people that youre not afraid. If you keep spending your days locked up in your penthouse all the time, youll go insane.

Yeah, I get that buuuuut....

But what man? You cant live your life in fear all the time.

But I was just assaulted in the lift at the Department of Immigration! I dont feel safe out in public anymore!

Listen as your agent I am telling you that you can't let your fear control you.

I just... I just dont want to be thought of as just another Blacklister is all. I just want to be thought of as an equal in this country, so that I can return home.

Tom... baby... sexy... you are an equal so long as you live your life without fear or regret.

Ok, I guess...

Listen, to help celebrate your return to society Ive got the perfect thing: a new nightclub thats opening called The Bacchanaltomorrow night. Itll be great: wine, dancing, loud music, fun all around; youll love it.

Tom thought for a moment, and decided that his agent was right. Oh, all right - Im in! Just no orgasming - forced or otherwise.

Good, great... check, no orgasming... and dont forget the Soapies is next week... so youll wanna be ready for that, too.

Tom nodded, yeah - fine - Ill be there.

As the limo pressed on, the aching Brit stared out the window watching the public carry on with their mundane lives. On one corner stood a young Latino boy, no more than nineteen years old, sitting on top of a fire-hydrant, beating his fat meat furiously like a loan shark collecting on a fifty million debt. The kid was awash with unashamed ecstasy, his head thrown back as he ignored a small group of fat, middle-aged, terribly dressed men who were entranced by the act. One of them reached out and grabbed the twinks thick, proportionally sized pectoral muscle as it jiggled from the strokinon the token. Either the kid didnt notice or more likely didnt care and just kept going at it with himself. Tom wished he were as free as that kid: free to stroke off anytime, anywhere; free from consequence, from shame, from the pressures of society. As the limo pulled away he could only watch as the twinks sauce finally spewed out of his piss slit, blasting everywhere; making a warm, blissful, sticky mess all over him and his acolytes. Tom could feel another surge of pain well up inside his cock and balls reminding him of the divine treasures that he denied himself. No, no, my beast,he whispered to his cock, if we did that then we would be no better off than them.

It retaliated with another swell of pain, making sure the reticent Blacklister was thoroughly castigated for his shame and denial. He buckled over once more as the anguish tore through him, muttering expletives to himself. Blobs of podgy, senescent legnogg slid down his firm, v-shaped, smooth abdominal muscles, languishing before hitting the soft textiles that cradled his cinnamon lite flesh. Tom could smell the musky, foul stench that his aged cock snot blared outward assailing his nose with its scent and edging him further into a sexual frenzy. Why,he mulled, why does it smell so atrocious and yet so alluring?His penis started twitching again as he pondered all the things that his festering muck produced. Oh god, please, please, please, make it stop. Please make this sweet delicious torment end so I can focus on being the person that I once was and not the man Ive become.Finally the limo arrived at the underground parking arena that was directly beneath the building that held his penthouse.

That night he tossed and turned, dreaming (but not resting) of the businessman from the lift having his way with his body in various locations. In one dream he was alone in the back of a library getting railed on by his mysterious suitorwho was coldly indifferent to his passions and reading the collected works of William Shakespeare. Meanwhile he was howling and moaning with more pleasure than he ever felt before. In another dream, he was walking down the red carpet where paparazzi were snapping photos, wearing only a pair of reflective black dress shoes and a black bow tie. His cock leaked furiously as the lights from the cameras flashed, piercing at the unending surreal darkness. Just as he was about to enter the floating doorway, the businessman popped out from the crowd, and shoved three of his fingers into Toms virgin-tight ass. He howled, not from pain, but from pleasure while the paparazzi melted into friends, family, and a few bullies from school. They jeered and taunted him as he moaned and panted from the sexual ecstasy that his businessman was inflicting on him. His penis morphed into a skin colored tentacle with a single eye at the end which wept with tears of golden honey, shimmering from an unidentified light source. Right as the second voice of woe crescendo from his tentacle-penis, wailing louder and louder to almost deafening proportions, he awoke in a palpable passionate sweat.

He grabbed his smartphone, and texted an S.O.S. to his manager, hoping that maybe if he talked it out with someone, he would feel better about everything. His manager answered, still half asleep, Tom... Tom, calm down man; go through it again.The Blacklister recounted all of the dreams he had been having since falling asleep. At the end of testament, his manager came to one inescapable conclusion, dude - Tom - you seriously need to cum. Youll feel so much better if you do; I promise!

Tom shook his head, no, no... I cant let it win... I cant let them win.

Who man? Who or what are you talking about?

This place... this society... I cant just be another fucking stupid Blacklister subjected by the carnal urges of his baser desires. I am a man - a REAL man! I am not gonna turn into one of those sex-crazed monsters that I see everywhere I go. Maybe if I prove that Im not one of them, then maybe, just maybe, I can go home and forget all about this situation and this country.

I guess... I mean, if thats what you want.

It is

Well, what did the immigration officer say about all of this? Is that how it works? I mean, if you prove that you arent the same as other Blacklisters, will they allow you to go home?

Well, she wasnt exactly forthcoming with that info. But I got the distinct impression that if I did prove myself, I could go home.

Tom, its me... be real here; did she say that phrase exactly?


Tommmmm... be honest!

IF it isnt a virus, then maybe I have a chance to return home. They say they dont know what caused it on the news nor do they have any indication as to whether or not they have a cure.

Ok, be reasonable here; its entirely possible that you may never go home. You might as well enjoy your extended VISA for now and petition to leave again at a later time.

The Brit fell silent as he looked at the sweat and cum soaked sheets, his body glistening as the moonlight poured into his bedroom, giving everything a mystical glow. Tom, you can apply again, right?

He hesitated, they say I am now a citizen of the USA.

Oh Tom, buddy... Im so sorry man. I know that must be rough. I dont know what to say.

Yeah, neither do I

Just beat off and relieve some of that tension that you are feeling and well discuss this later after were both in a better frame of mind, yeah? Now, if you'll please excuse me, I was having one of the most elating dreams about redhead supermodels who saw me as the living reincarnation of their tribal god. I would desperately like to return to it if I can. Good night good sir!

Good night,the Blacklister disconnected the line, crestfallen from the conversation that had just taken place. Another blast of pain reminded him of his gross negligence of the pressure he had placed upon himself. No, no,he reminded himself of his self-fulfilling prophecy, I mustnt beat off! I know that I can prove myself unafflicted by this - this thing, this condition, then I will get out of this mess! I just gotta hang on!Spooge had leaked into his sheets, and coated nearly every inch of his toned midsection in a stinky, rank, musty scent. He buckled over in pain as tears started welling up in his eyes, making them burn and itch. Maybe if it do it here, in my bed... where no one can see me, no one will know.The idea of popping off a load of man chowder without anyone finding out was almost too tempting to ignore. Instead, he steeled his resolve, reached for the pill bottle on the nightstand, and drank half a glass of water washing down the over-the-counter sleeping pills that he took when adapting to a new time zone.

He awoke in the late afternoon to a sharp pang coming from his hate-filled genitals, screaming out as agony rocked his nude form. Tears streamed from his eyes, and the horrid yet delectable funk of his clotted sauce beleaguered his nasal passageways. The smell had quintupled in intensity since he had awoken at two this morning when he had called his agent. The odor forced him into an even further intense sexual desire, making everything he saw seem like a dildo. The sex-crazed Blacklister shot out of bed, and into his kitchen, the urge to ram something in his back man hole now overpowering him. Utensils, and other accoutrements clattered around him as he ransacked the cupboards looking for something to shove in his backdoor. Tom settled on the handle of a pot he had once used to boil noodles and just as he was about to thrust it into him, his cleaning lady shrieked with horror and passed out. He instinctively growled out of frustration, and came back to his senses. Oh me,he spoke aloud, oh dearie me...this cant be good. What was I thinking?Tom strolled over to where the cleaning lady was laying and jostled her back to life.

Que - wha happin,confusion and fear flooding her eyes as she searched his face.

You fainted, Senora Fitzgerald.

I did?

Yes, Im afraid so.

Why Misser Tahm?

Well it seems you took quite a fright when you saw the state of my kitchen,the naked Brit lied through his teeth.

Jye - jye dee-id?

Yes, my dear, you took quite the tumble.He aided the fifty-five year old as she returned to her vertical status so that she could get to cleaning. Jizz continued sloughing down his angry, thick rod leaving rotten, rancid, hormone laced chunks to fall to the floor.

The middle-aged woman sniffed about, face scrunched with disgust, kay... what ees daht smell?Toms testicles and cock sent another surge of pain hurtling through his body, forcing him to double over in pain. He cried out as a couple of tears fell down his face. How long had it been since all of this started? It felt like it had been ages... when in reality it had been only twenty-four hours. Misser Tahm, what ees rong?

Gritting his teeth he responded, ehhh-its nnnothing. I - I have been abstaining from or-or-or-orgasms; I intennnnnnd to prove that I am noooooooot a real Blacklister.

Misser Tahm, dhey say you need orgazm... badly... or you seeick.

Dont be silly, I-I-another burst of pain chastised him, OWW see...he swallowed hard, fine. Now, if you would be so kind as to get to work, please, that would be brilliant.

Oh... ohkay,she was less than sure about the state of his well being, but went to work. After all, she wasnt about to start an argument with the man who wrote her paycheck. The odious stench that blared out from his smooth, supple form was slowly starting to get to the maid. As she cleaned, the maid could almost feel the funk that was wafting around the apartment. No matter what she did or where she went, it was always there, clinging to the walls and the knickknacks that her employer owned. Whatever that smell was, it was definitely coming from her employer, and it was making her sick. It started with a mild queasiness and then bloomed to a full-on stomach irritation resulting in nausea and a headache and dizziness. The harder she tried to fight off the symptoms, the more prevalent they became. She was only able to stand the horrific stench for another two hours hours before she needed to go home. Eye sorry Misser Tahm,she announced, not knowing why this was happening exactly. Eye not well; eye need to go hohme. Eye need to get well.

Tom grimaced feeling guilty about the reason as to why she was leaing. On some level, he knew it was his loins that were making her sick, and that it was because of his negligence that she was being forced to leave. Its ok,he spoke as sweet as he could. I understand completely. Ill pay you the full wage and we can try this again another day.He smiled as she turned, grabbed her stuff, and left.

As the day progressed the torment from the pressures of ignoring his manly duties were like the thunderous waves of a torrential storm crashing against him. Some moments were more unbearable than others, but truthfully there wasnt any real safety or relief from the vigorous ocean waves of anguish. At times he would stumble and lose his footing while walking around his penthouse. He tried everything he could to forget about his aching loins: eating, watching TV, surfing the internet. At one point he even tried bathing himself... which actually only made things worse. The soft loofah caressing his bare, naked body teasing his throbbing yogurt pump moving nearer to spilling its sweet delectable goodness in his bathtub. The Blacklister writhed and moaned as he grew closer and closer towards his heavenly delight. Oh yes,panting with heavy breath he called out, just - just a little closer... almost - NO!He snapped his eyes open seconds before popping his heavy man chowder out and into his bath water. FUUUUUCCCCKKKK,he howled at top of his lungs, I CANT DOOOO THISSS! I HAVE TO BE STRONG! Ill be fine... I just gotta start taking cold showers from now on.

He climbed out of the warm, sexually stimulating water, the excess dripping onto the pristine tile. He grabbed a pure white towel with his initials artfully stitched into the fabric to dry himself off. He knew better than to let his dirty bathwater flush down the drain and into the sewer. Although Tom was disgusted with the idea of perverts taking hold of his used fluids, he had to admit it was still a great money maker. He felt that this batch in particular should go for a higher price than normal on account that it contained some of his semen. He took out one of the jugs that was provided to him and filled it to the brim before he finished draining the tub in the same manner. It took him a while to drain the tub as best as he could before letting a few drops and a couple (or more) chunks wither down the drain. His massive member castigated him once again for being neglected. Deep down inside him, although he didnt know it, his seminal vesicles continued to inflate... growing more and more burdensome with the aged, clotted, festering sludge. His nostrils flared as he tried to regain a semblance of composure, drying himself of the water and goop that now covered his body and hair.

Night fell one again, and with it came tremors as his body continued to fight back against the negligence of his unruly, potent sexual desires. He wanted to whack off so badly, it was starting to consume his every waking thought. His rank cock sludge continued to bubble up, forcing the excess from his body while his seminal vesicles continued to expand and grow in his body. They were expanding at a rate that couldnt keep up with his bodys semen production, which in turn would only permanently misshapen them. As bad as that was, he failed to realize that he was doing far more damage to himself than he realized as his body would irrevocably be changed. These transformations would make the curdled goop he was presently producing an indefinite fixture.

The time had come to attend the opening of the nightclub, Bacchanal. Taking the silky upholstered limo only added to his aggravation and as he got out, the paparazzi were quick to snap photos of the strings of shame slop stuck to his naked, toned, boner-making body. Little bits clung to his bouncy butt cheeks as he headed past the bouncer. Lights flashed as they scooped up every image of his shameful, lust-ridden condition and people started wildly speculating as to why there were white chunks on his bare body. Each step caused his raging man toy to smack his toned tummy, leaving more clumps of fetid glop to stick to his virile masculine frame. Little swells of torment shook his body as he made his way into the building. Itll be worth it,he thought as he crossed the threshold, Ill be able to go home and never have to worry about this infernal place ever again.He took note of the sign in the breezeway: All Blacklisters: free entry and free drinks.

Once his eyes adjusted to the dimmer areas that were in stark contrast to the areas lit ablaze with dance club lights he found that the dance floor, as well as the rest of the place, was fraught with a veritable minefield of passion arousing situations. Blacklisters were being pounded hard against the background of a pulsing, bass heavy music-line. While some were enjoying being mounted and having their rectums torn to ribbons others, however, were less thrilled. The blacklisted Brit made note of everyone, especially the ones who looked like they were getting raped. To his left he found a couple: one appeared to be lost in a sea of pleasure while another had his face contorted in an expression of suffering and humiliation. The man on top was clearly a Non-Blacklister (middle aged) while the hole he pounded was a stereotypical Latino Blacklister twink (smooth and almost fully hairless). Tom approached the pair while the tender, young Blacklister looked up at him, tears welling in his eyes. He mouthed the words, help meas the sound of music was overwhelming, blocking out only the loudest, closest voices to a person. Tom stood there considering the ramifications of attacking a Non-Blacklister so openly and with numerous witnesses about. He considered the laws and weighed the consequences against the rewards.

As he stood there, the top became more and more aggressive, moving closer to its inevitable finish. His pounding began to reverberate throughout the twinks body; the kids tears flowed more steadily. It was becoming more apparent that if Tom didnt do something soon, the kid might end up suffering some real damage. Just as he thought things wouldnt get worse, the top through his head back and gave the appearance of screaming out. Only the slightest of wails could be heard against the cacophony that filled every square inch of the building. The man removed his softening prick from the youths misshapen sphincter, as various fluids dripped down. He smiled and motioned for the celebrity to take a turn on his former play thing. Tom raised a hand and mouthed, thank you, but noas he turned and walked away. The Brit could only imagine the damage that had been inflicted upon the poor boy and could almost hear the kids sobs as he left the scene.

Tom looked around the club filled with Blacklisters and Non-Blacklisters alike. On the center of the dance floor a little flock of young Blacklisted sparrows danced and gyrated their bodies to the mesmerizing rhythm. A pair of them were making out, only stopping occasionally to see if they had been noticed by anyone. They spied a couple of NBs fascinated with their sexually motivated shenanigans, drinking their respective drinks, unable to tare themselves away from the duos seduction. The twink on the right thrust his hips against his mate, dry humping his crotch while his partner gasped as if it was the most erotic experience of his young life. The first one (the one who was thrusting) started sucking on the seconds right nipple while the second continued to display an abundance of sexual pleasure. He noticed the tent in their spectatorspants that stood out with wet-spots at the end. Tom knew that soon enough the NBs would discard their false veneer of self-control and mount the flock of twinks, satiating their own lecherous urges. Pain tore through Toms own loins like a bolt of lightning flashing through the night sky. He buckled over, panting and trying to regain the thin veil of self-control that he struggled to maintain. He felt his own hole tingle with excitement, longing to be filled with another mans veiny banger. Once he recovered from the searing agony, however, he was able to make his way over to the bar and start claiming his free drinks.

The British hunk could feel each thud of his schlong as it bounced against his exposed belly button, wishing that it would stop cranking out its foul smelling gunk. He sat down on the smooth satin barstool, sending shivers of lust coursing throughout his body. His sludge factory had doubled in size (from its earlier state) as the thick slop festered and decayed, further pressing his seminal vesicles against both his rectal cavity as well as his bladder. Looking up at the menu, there were only three or four choices for men who had been blacklisted: Blacklistersshake, Daddys Delight, Banger Surprise, Marsh-mellow, and BacchusSacrifice. He leaned in as the bartender approached, WHAT DO YOU RECOMMENDhe shouted at the man who licked his lips as he stared up at the British stud.

FOR YOU SEXY,he pointed up at the hanging black-lit neon sign, DADDYS DELIGHT!The man winked as Tom nodded his head to indicate that he agreed with the barkeeps recommendation. The Blacklisters tool strained against its fleshy prison, aching to be played with, seeping with the disgusting yet sexually arousing fluid onto his lightly caramelized skin. Another man that was sitting next to him started sniffing about, breathing the brackish odor deeply into his nostrils as he turned to face Tom. The Blacklister picked up the sapphire liquid that had been placed before him unaware of the mans sexual urges overtaking the fellow.

HI,the man shouted at Tom, COME HERE OFTEN?

Tom rolled his eyes at the muscular twenty-two year olds sad attempts to pick him up. He leaned in, LOOK MATE, IM NOT WANTING WHAT YOU ARE SELLING. JUST PACK UP AND MOVE ON, YEAH?


Again, Tom rebuffed the youths attempt to pick him up. AGAIN, NO THANKS; IM NOT AS STUPID AS YOU THINK ME TO BE!

COME ON SEXY! ITS JUST A LITTLE CHAT; I WONT BITE! PROMISE!Tom once again shook his head as he found the twunks right hand, caressing his left sticky cheek. Shivers of pleasure soon overtook his rational mind as the muscle stud continued lightly stroking his bubbly, firm ass. It felt electric; his aggressor was a master of pleasure, barely making contact with his smooth supple skin. Tom soon fell prey to the studs sexual manipulations, letting out a moan that was drowned out by the thunderous club music. The Brit closed his eyes allowing him to drift across the ocean of pleasure, panting and moaning at a level that no one could hear. The frat boys excitement grew as he watched the older man enchanted by his pawing. Toms eyebrows narrowed as his ardor blossomed, his mouth agape as his breathing became much more extreme in his heightened state of arousal. He wished that this moment would never stop. As his one eyed willy twitched like a puppy eager to see its master again, Tom slowly surrendered to the young bucks thrall. He could feel his own foul, tainted lust mayo begin to churn and roil inside him preparing for its much needed release. WHAT IS THAT SMELL YOU'RE GIVING OFF... HMMMMM? ITS SMELLS DELICIOUS!The twunk released the mans ass cheek, and leaned over, placing his tongue onto Toms jizz nozzle, and started swirling his tongue about, drinking in the soured taste of Toms curdled cream. It made the naked Brit shudder and quiver as a divine rapture had taken hold and filled his soul with a buoyancy like he had never felt before. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOUR SAUCE MAN,the meathead pulled away just briefly, IT TASTES LIKE HEAVEN!Locking his lips back onto the naked mans tool made Tom nearly breathless.

NO,Tom cried out, NO - PLEASE! I DONT WANT TO CUM!


I - I -Tom sputtered after he regained his wits, I JUST DONT.



THAT YOU LET ME PUT OUR NUMBERS INTO EACH OTHERS PHONES!Tom dazily nodded, taking a chug from his beverage. The cumly chestnut bodybuilder ripped Toms phone off the bar before the older man had time to have second thoughts to the arrangement and quickly typed in his number, followed by hitting dial. He then expertly saved Toms number into his phone and released the Blacklisters phone into Toms waiting palm. THERE - NOW WE CAN HOOK UP AGAIN IN THE FUTURE! ID VERY MUCH LIKE TO TAKE YOU OUT SOMETIME! I BET YOURE WORLDS OF FUN!The jock winked at his older prey, got up, and walked away. Agony soon overwhelmed the naked man, forcing him to once again buckle over in pain. This time he blacked out, and when he came to, he was in the back of his limo, his manager giving him a judgmental, icy stare. If looks could kill, sharp daggers would have ripped Toms flesh to confetti. He grimaced as he realized what had happened, I - I -

Save it!James cut off any further response, Ive had enough of your bullshit to last me five lifetimes! You need to jerk off, and you need to do it now!

The delectable Blacklister shook his head, fidgeting nervously, no - NO! Im so close... I can feel it! If I cant prove that I am not like them, then how will I ever get home?Tom pleaded with his friend and manager hoping that he could win this argument somehow.

FUCK MAN -James roared at him as the limo continued its journey, YOU FUCKING BLACKED OUT! IF THE PAPARAZZI SAW THAT - YOURE ASS WOULD BE TOAST!

I know... I know, I swear I will jerk off... soon. I promise,tears started to fall from Toms eyes, begging his friend to understand what this meant to him. If - if I havent been approved to return to England in one weeks time, Ill blow my wad live on camera for all to see - I SWEAR!

James took as much control of the situation as he could muster, rage seething as he ground his teeth. The manager relented, fiiiiiinnnneeee - ONE week - NO MORE - understood?Tom nodded agreeing to the pact that they had forged.

The scent of male testosterone flooded his nasal passageways as the naked Brit strolled as casually as he could into the gym. It had been three days since the argument with his manager in the back of the limo and his current condition was making him more and more jittery with each passing day. The sounds of heavy metal clanging against one another ricocheted off the walls coupled with the grunts of men as they lifted and moved the bulky equipment in an effort to become or maintain being physically fit. It had been months since Tom had been to this gym, afraid to leave the confines of his own home unless it was absolutely necessary. His heartbeat quickened as he scanned the room, looking for a safe harbour that would allow him the opportunity to stretch and warm up. In one of the corners stood a young Latino, stroking his rigid member, taking in all of the beauty that the gym beheld. He locked eyes with Tom, and smiled seductively as he continued on with his lascivious activity. The bare skinned masturbator, unabashed in his intentions, seemed to call out to the Brit with an unheard charm that spoke of forbidden pleasures and unacknowledged desires. Tom was instinctively drawn to the youth like a moth to a flame and made his way to where the young stud had parked himself.

The youth licked his lips, closing his eyes, lost in a sea of forbidden carnal urges as the clanging of the barbells overpowered the sounds that Tom was sure that the kid was making. Tom stood there watching as the youth pleasured himself indifferent to the people and the social situations around him. His only thought was the release of his liquid white gold. Little blobs of goo started to form on the tip of his male schnoze, languishing as it traveled a few centimeters down the shaft. Little threads of salty man milk clung to the tip of the Latinos throbbing third leg and the ground wherein a few droplets had hit the padded floor. Tom could finally hear the grunts and pants that the kid was making, almost completely indifferent to the one man audience that his actions had garnered. As the Latinos gasps crescendoed, splooge erupted from the chambers that held his milk inside of him. Waves of cream splashed across Toms bare body as the youth called out AY, AY, AY,over and over again. AS the young man finished, he opened his eyes to see the stunning Brit and his magnificent schlong covered in his juices. Dude,a faux panic rose in his voice, I am sooooo sorry! I didnt know!

No, mate,Tom responded, smiling, its fine; itll mix nicely with my own seminal fluids.

Uhhhh...well...I guess,the youth breathed in heavily at an unusual smell that emanated from this stranger. Excuse me, what is that wonderful cologne that youre wearing? Its - its so intoxicating!

Tom stammered, oh - uhhhhhhh... you know, just something random that a friend gave me.

Well its amazing,the youths penis started to bounce between his legs despite having just emptied itself. Can I give you my number? Id love it if we could hang out and get to know each other. Maybe you could introduce me to your supplier.The sex powered punk reached up to Toms right bare shoulder as if to comfort him and alay the older stud of any fears that Tom might have.

No, thats OK... I gotta be going,Tom moved away from the young pup as the kid shrugged his shoulders and walked away, not wanting to pick a fight. The Brit made his way over to where some bodybuilders were entrenched with their own routine and werent paying attention to the naked fellow. Once there, he found another twink doing jumping jacks while watching himself in the floor-length mirrors. The pups fourteen inch yogurt slinger flopped wildly about with each bounce he made. It was hypnotizing and aggravating; Tom stared at the youth enchanted by everything that this cutie was putting out. It was the sounds of whispers that brought Tom out of his trance and back to reality. The bare celebrity overheard what it was that two other bodybuilders were planning in the background.

Look at that hot piece of rape-bait over there,said one. I bet his hole will feel amazing wrapped around my cock.

Yeah man,the other murmured back, he looks so weak and helpless. Ill push him over to the barbell rack, and you can pin him there.Tom knew what was about to happen, and was scared to interfere with everything that was about to take place. Hey kid,the second bodybuilder moved into the visual area of the kid, and shoved him hard forcing the kid to stumble backwards before regaining his balance. Youre in my space,he growled, his face giving the visage of rage and annoyance. The massive dark skinned Non-Blacklister gave the kid another shove before the twink had time to react, I SAID YOURE IN MY SPACE!

I - I -the horse hung twink stuttered, I sorry!

YOU BETTER BE,the black beefcake gave another push as the kid stumbled up against the empty barbell rack. His friend, a light skinned blonde haired muscle god, grabbed the target, and choke slammed him onto the bench.

Hey sexy,he smiled wickedly, drinking in the youths scent, come here often?He leaned into the face of his target, licking his quivering cheek. The kids eyes widened with fear as he sputtered and gasped flailing wildly about. The light skinned bodybuilder pulled down his springy black gym shorts as his hard lust muscle slapped loudly against his chiseled torso. Mmmmm... you smell so good,he snarled as the trembling youth tried to fight back against his attackers advancing right hand slithering up his body. The kid still couldnt say anything as the man hadnt released his vice-like grip on his throat... only spit and heave. He begged with a desperate look, hoping against all hope that someone would intervene and liberate him from this hell. The blonde powerful bodybuilders aching meat grazed the bare flesh of the youth, sending shivers of terror through his body. The youth flailed wildly about trying to push his aggressor away from him as the sinewy studs sodomy stick coated his bald buns with pre-cock-snot. The twink could feel the goop as it dribbled off his tight, firm cheeks as thin strands splattered to the ground. Again he thrust his arm out against the mountain of muscle trying to force away his attacker. Both men laughed with each attempt of the long schlong boytoy to wrest himself free of the blondes grasp.

As the light skin mans rape tool rammed through the boys quivering virginal hole, the kid let out gurgled shriek of pain. Every inch ripped his hole into bloody ruby ribbons of torment and agony as the beefcake chortled with delight. Tears rolled off the helpless boys face like a torrent of water cascading over cavernous ravine. The kid pleaded in the briefest of moments when his aggressor let go, pooooorrrr favooooooor, deja de violarme!The two hulks looked at each other before the blonde clamped back down after adjusting his stance, making it easier for him to stay balanced. Blood oozed from the kids back hole as the rectal intruder went further inside his body. It felt as if his young, tiny organs were being rearranged deep within by this unwanted intruder. Terror took root in his face as the image of his intestinal tract being ripped in half blazed through his minds eye. His squirming and fighting took a desperate turn before too long as more and more images of damaged innards flooded his mind. The men took delight from the rebelling Latino as he tried repeatedly to free himself.

Were the lights dimming? Why were the employees turning down the lighting in the gym so early? He choked again as his strength and life force oozed from his loosening body. He hadnt noticed it but one of his attackers laughed, hey, looks like the freak is getting a stiffy from all of this.His eyes rolled back in his head as everything started to fade to black. His breathing began to get slower and more shallow as his chest compressions started to falter. The young Blacklisters limbs grew heavy... too heavy for him to use all the while it was becoming far too difficult for him to breathe.

His rapist felt his own beastly nutsack tingle as it made ready for its grand finale. OH YEAH SEXY,he shoved his tumescence to the hilt as blood continued to trickle out. YOU FEEL SO FUCKING AMAZING! YOURE BETTER THAN ANY CHICK PUSSY IVE EVER HAD! I-I-I- UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!Powerful blasts of spooge pumped out his raging sodomy tool as the bodybuilder orgasmed repeatedly rammed up into the now limp male. After the forty-five second gush fest came to a raucous conclusion, the blonde lay on top of his conquest, panting and heaving, desperate to regain his footing. He stood up, slapped the Latinos face, you were great kid,he laughed as he pulled up his gym shorts. The man looked over the flaccid pile of brown skin before walking away unfazed and coldly indifferent to what lay on the dumbbell bench.

Tom approached the body of the twink, and instinctively puffed air into the blacklisted Latinos lungs with air. The kid gasped and choked, springing to life and sliding off the contraption and onto the padded ground. Mistrust and terror filled his eyes as he looked up to his rescuer; are you ok,asked the naked celebrity as his rank juices dripped onto the young mans taut chest.

The kid heaved and sputtered as he started to scurry away from his rescuer, no... por favor, no mas,his eyes were wide with dread. Please senor,he mewed and cracked, no sex jyoh.Tom tried to reach out and help the victim to his feet only to be met with agitation and distrust. The twink was able to pull himself up with what little strength he could muster as blood ran down his legs from the injuries that had been inflicted upon him mere moments before. Tom wanted to help the injured blacklisted youth, but figured it would do him no good as he was most likely distrustful of anyone with an erection at this point, despite their level of nudity. It was probably better this way as another torrent of agony lanced out and into Toms sex-crazed body. He buckled over once more as he could only watch the kid stumble away from his heavily glazed form. Sludge sloughed its way down his ballistic rager pooling near his feet while thick globs clung to his shadowy pubic bush. He wish the pain would let up even if just for a second, but this wouldnt happen... it would not end until he purged his loins of all the glop that was festering and curdling up inside his seminal store house. Overtly sexual images flooded his minds eye: images of beautiful voluptuous nymphs bounding around and playing nude volleyball clawed at his psyche. The Blacklister was overwhelmed with the sexually arousing stench that was making his situation worse. Another blast of searing pain tore through him, forcing him to his knees before he passed out having been overwhelmed by everything.

Toms eyes fluttered open as sensations started returning to him and came flooding back to every fibre of his being as he stared up at a white ceiling that he vaguely recognized. He sat straight up in his wet, heinously awful smelling bed; his loins had been busy churning out the disgusting but alluring cock snot the entire time he was out. How long had he been out? How did he get home? The Blacklister scanned his room before stopping halfway through his search, and stared at his manager. The man who tended to him regularly was now fuming... visible anger was radiating from every inch of his body. He ground his teeth as he shot daggers at his client, you need to beat off - NOW,he growled.

A deep sense of shame filled Tom as he looked away from his manager, rubbing his arm. No,he protested, it hasnt been a week... has it?The blacklisted Brit wasnt sure how long he was out, but it was slowly becoming clear that it was his manager who had rescued him again. He sheepishly averted his gaze from the glare of the Non-Blacklister.

Do you have ANY idea what happened?Tom only shook his head avoiding the mans gaze. I found you passed out on the floor of the gym with various men using your unconscious body as their own personal cum rag. Their juices have been leaking out your backside for the past twelve hours straight. Theyre probably still leaking out of your virgin tight hole right now.

V-virgin tight,a look of disbelief and confusion flashed across Toms face as he turned his attention back to his friend. How would you know how tight my rectum is?

James swallowed hard before responding, be - be - NOT THE POINT! BEAT OFF NOW!

Tom violently shook his head, no, I think not.He cut off his manager before James could utter another argument, now if you excuse me, I want something to munch on; I am quite peckish.

Youre out of food,James gave a soft response, a little fearful of being judged further. James could feel an all too familiar tightening sensation in his slacks as the image of Tom passed out on the gym floor with some random gym bunny thrusting deep into his backside, grunting and moaning with each push, ran through his mind. He remembered how helpless his buddy was... how warm and sticky the celebritys rectum felt as it wrapped around his firm, engorged - NO - he couldnt afford to indulge in those fantasies. He had to help his distractingly handsome sexy client and his smooth, lightly browned epidermis, no matter what wicked desires floated into sex-addled brain. Youll need to go to the grocery store at some point today. Meanwhile, I received a report that your maid is refusing to come into work anymore. She says quote rotting stench that fills his house... has become too much for meend quote. Wanna tell me what thats all about?

I have no bloody idea what she is going on about,Tom shrugged as he put his shoes on for the day.

James breathed, soaking up all of the hormones and pheromones that his client's cock was spewing without either of them realizing what was happening. Yeah, I guess... I dont smell anything wretched or rancid here. If anything, I have to wonder what that amazing smell is... it smells... glorious! Like... like... I cant really place it. All I know is that I want more of it, and I want to - errr, ummm - well never mind. Ill leave; I gotta get back to the office and get stuff done. Youre not my only client, even if you are my best one.

Alright, Ill see you later then.

After Tom ate some of the breakfast that he had delivered, he decided that it was high time for him to venture back out into the world. Normally, he would have the groceries delivered to his home, however he knew that if he didnt leave his house, he might end up getting labeled as a true Blacklister. After all, if he wasnt a Blacklister, he would have no reason to keep himself cooped up in his house all day. No regular real man would be afraid to go into public, after all.

The limo driver came around, blasting out sounds of hardcore metal before shutting off the stereo system. She got out, and smiled, so, where to?She opened the door that was located at the back of the vehicle as she so often did.

Were gonna go to the nearby Ralphs off the corner of Third and Maine.

Sounds like a plan chief,she shut the door as he climbed in. Shivers of passion coursed through his body as his meaty nuts and bubbly ass cheeks grazed the rose red velour interior. His floppy dick shot straight up, never missing a beat on pumping out more of his rancid, globby cock snot. The Blacklister buckled over again as pain seared every nerve ending like divine wrath rending the heavens entwine. More images of slutty, beautiful ladies penetrated his mind, followed by the notion of some alpha male taring up his backside. Hidden inside, where few could see, the size of the Brits seminal vesicles continued to swell, making room for his rotten man goo. Whether he cared to admit it or not, he was entering dire straits and causing his body irreparable damage by not unleashing his special sauce from its soon-to-be cavernous accommodations. The urge to masturbate was never far from his thoughts at all times. Every three minutes the image of his apoplectic fuddy chuddy spraying its lust stew all over the place would also bleed through his sex-aberrant fantasies.

Just one tug,Tom bargained with himself. Just one quick stroke, and that will stop these urges for good. If I run my hand over my shivering pole, it will get rid of every nasty, dirty thought. NO... no,the Blacklister shook his head, no... Im better than all of them. I dont yield or engage in EVERY sexual urge that enters my mind. I just - I just gotta focus and think of unsexual things. Nuns... buns... food... nude... dudes... hot, luscious, leaking man poles... angry, throbbing... dripping with white hot fluids - NO! I will overcome this! I am stronger than my sexual desires!

Tom looked up from his raging stiffy to find that the limo had come to a stop. They were in front of the grocery store in one of numerous available parking spots. She had selected to pull into one of the spots that was the closest to the doors that she could get without taking a handicap or expectant mothers spot. The bare-skinned British stud slid off the velour covered seat cushions, ignoring another blast of agonizing woe exploding throughout his body. As he stood up, he shuddered trying to work his way past the sensations flooding his body and mind. His one eyed willy wept corpulent tears of cottage man cheese that sloshed against his warm, tight abs. Every movement had become an uphill for him at this point as he struggled against the pain that racked his tawdry, lusty frame. As bad as it was right now, far in the back of his thoughts he knew that his suffering would only get worse for each day that passed without attending to his own sexual needs.

He entered the building, passing by a couple that were deep in the process of love making just feet from outside of the range of the electric eye that triggered the automated double doors. The celebrity squirmed as he couldnt help but be an unwilling witness in their passionate love making. Every thrust had the bottom going OH GODor uggggghhhh... dont stopas his top slammed into his eager, dripping hungry hole. Tom remembered how some men were all too happy to participate in The New World Order, offering themselves up at a moments notice... or rather, lack thereof. Above all other Balcklisters, he loathed them most of all. The ones who enjoyed it, the ones who relished in it, the ones who begged for more... they were all the lowest of the low. Still, part of him wished that he would just give in and enjoy being some Non-Blacklisters boytoy... offering his body up without reservation or a second thought. Part of him craved not only the sensation, but also the attention that would be lavished upon him. Every man would look at him with lust and desire, longing to be with him, and him alone; maybe he could marry one of them.

Excuse me sir,a feminine voice snapped him out of his reverie, are you ok?

He shook his head, why yes... yes... sorry, I was just lost in thought.He grabbed the nearest grocery cart, and started making his way past the people. Blacklisters dotted the crowds of Non-Blacklisters as men and women went about buying food and grabbing things off the shelves. People were coming and going, ignoring the occasional clumps of men giving themselves over to their uncouth urges.

Just then, a scream ripped through the throngs of shoppers, HELP - SOMEONE HELP ME! PLEASE SOMEONE, ANYONE STOP HIM! DONT JUST STAND THERE!Toms heartbeat quickened as he knew what was taking place and he tried to resist the compulsion to go straight to its source and investigate the event for himself. OH GOD - HES - HE'S RAPING ME,his suspicions were confirmed. His own twanger punished him once more as it also knew what was happening and what it was that he was missing. The idea of two men going at, one giving over to his own primal urges while the other was having something fleshy jammed up in his insides turned the Brits crank. Ohhhh, how he longed to be released from this self-imposed prison. His knuckles paled as he clamped down onto the push bar of the glistening metal contraption while the room spun out of control.

He looked up as another woman approached him, sir, are you ok?Tom lazily nodded a confirmation, oh god, what is that smell!The grocery shopper wrinkled her face in disgust as she tried to swat the rancid stench that was rolling up her nasal passageways. Oh god, it's YOU! What in the name of all that is decent are you using for a cologne? Whatever it is, they should ban it immediately and never make it EVER again! God, it's so disgusting! It smells worse than any skunk stench - EVER! Itll take days, maybe WEEKS, to get that smell out of my clothes!She backed away quickly in order to regain her composure, but her clothes still reeked of Toms foul, noxious odor.

OH GOD - NO - NO - NOOOOOOOOOOO,the mans shrieks ricocheted against the walls of the grocery store. Tom knew the guy was being brutally sodomized against his will; each pant, each scream made the Brits meat throb with desire. He wanted to be a part of the assault desperately, but his cock couldnt make up its mind if it wanted to be the victim... or the rapist. It punished and shredded against the Brits toned, tanned body, forcing the stud muffin to suffer for its lack of appeasement. If he wasnt going to play with it, then he would rue the decision to ignore its increasing appetites. He knelt down in the middle of the isle as his globby sludge coated his massive member. Men stared at the enverated hunk as he prostrated himself on the cold laminated flooring that had been scuffed and dirtied through daily use. A group of women whispered to one another as they wondered as to why some man would put himself in such an awkward position. They speculated that it was some new way of propositioning men, and left in disgust. Toms body was dripping with a sheen of sweat as the unseen victim screamed out again, agony shaking his voice, torment cutting its way through the core of his very being. The victims lamentable cries for mercy were only being met with cold-hearted, painful, wretched slams from his attacker. Finally, the screams subsided only to be replaced with the sounds of the rapist panting and moaning indicating that he was orgasming inside his victims fuck hole. The celeb was left wishing for his own release, while other men were licking their lips and contemplating as to whether or not Tom was worthy of domination.

Tom stood up, chunky bits of cum slipping down his sweat drenched body, muscles spasming in concert with his motions to regain his footing. He panted and moaned softly as he forced himself to push his grocery cart forward and continue his shopping experience. Sometime later, after acquiring Blacklister approved milkshake supplies, he came upon a young man being nailed by some lecherous old fart who couldnt have been less than sixty-five. The kid looked like he was in misery as the old man thrust his fuck pole up the youths chute. The man was clearly lost in ecstasy, relishing every thrust as a delectable and sumptuous feast for his angered passion pole. Meanwhile, the kid was begging his attacker, deja de cojerme, senor! Me dule mucho! Por favor! PORRRRRR FAVORRRRRR!The old codger wrapped his arms around the kids taut, sensual stomach, arching his body back before slamming his rape stick deeper into his victim. The twink screamed out, POR FAVORRRR - NO ME MOLESTES! PORRRRR FAVVVOOOORRRRR!The kids shaft was busy cranking out spicy Hispanic spunk as little droplets trickled down his spicy crotch and onto the oranges the man had the youth pinned against.

Oh, pant you are grunt such a huff fucking tease! Dont act puff like you dont want it pant you slut!The man continued railing on the poor twink, harder and harder using his body mass as he inched his way to the explosive conclusion. Every thrust was met with a raucous shriek and each removal was gifted with a plea for the man to stop. UHH, UHH, UHHH, OH FUCK KID! YOURE SO FUCKING AHHHHHHHH-UHHHHHHH!Tom watched, frozen in place as the man creamed the clock of what he could only assume to be a stock room boy. The old man quivered as the last bits of cock snot filled in the youths innards. Thanks kid,he tussled the boys hair as he walked away. You were amazing; five star service all around. Ill be sure to tell your manager just that.The young Latino crumpled to the floor, bawling his eyes out as he rubbed his inflamed hole. The British Blacklister wanted nothing more than to comfort the boy, but was afraid that the kid would lash out at him like the last one did. He only stood there watching as the old mans male snot ooze out of his victims flaring sphincter. The kid mewed and whimpered as he lay on the ground, people passing him by all the while ignoring his sobs of anguish. Just then a twenty something Non-Blacklister came up to him.

There, there... poor thing,he cooed, let me help you up. I cant help but want to aid helpless... vulnerable... supple, young men such as yourself. Has anyone told you that you are fucking boner material?The twenty-something beefcake unzipped and pulled his pants down. Oh fuck man,the frat looking boy started thrusting into the twinks burning backside. You are so warm, and that leftover jizz feels amazing drizzling onto my fuck stick. How does anyone NOT rape you constantly?The Latino convulsed as his new attacker continued sliding his pole deeper into his twink cave. The frat boy clamped onto the kids shoulders as the helpless victim screamed out in agony and terror. Tom was mesmerized by what he was witnessing as his curdled sauce percolated up and out of his jizz lips. The fraternity stallion slammed hard into the kid knocking what fruit that remained from off the display and onto the floor.

Youre picking that up,a fully clothed older man with an apron barked as he walked up to the couple.Is everything to your liking sir? Can I get you anything, or anyone else?

No thanks,the young stud huffed, hes truly amazing. I can see why hes so popular.

Yes, hes one of our more popular stock room boys. Hes quite the little whore: men young and old cant stop raping him. He takes as many as forty to fifty dicks a day. And after all of that, he still feels tight and silky inside. Wow - really?

The man who was most likely the kids manager nodded and smiled, yes sir, hes quite the youthful miracle. You know, you can take him home for a night of fun for just $100... or $50 if you are a student yourself.

Wow - thats quite the bargain! His ass could easily go as high as a grand, Id say. You got yourself a deal!

The man was surprised by this turn of events, thank you... thank you so much! Hes off at six if you want to come by and pick him up. Hell be ready and waiting just for you by the loading docks. Just make sure you have your ID ready; cash only.

Ok,the frat boy smiled looking at his new toy, grabbing his hair. Hear that sexy, youre mine all night long! We are gonna have such fun taring your hole up over and over again!

Remember his shift starts nine a.m. sharp, and if he isnt on time, well, therell be hell to pay.

Not to worry, hell be there with bells on, and his hole dripping with my love juices. He may be a little worn out, but hell be there.

Ok then; feel free to pay after you are finished.

The frat boy nodded as he pounded harder and harder while the kid was being torn in half and vibrating from the thrusts that were being forced into him. The frat boy moaned as he impaled his new toy, Oh fuck, OH fuck, OH FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!The twenty-something orgasmed deep into the fiery red hole of his little victim. After things ended, the young man left his new toy, broken and shivering on the floor whimpering as the muscle pup walked away. See ya later, sexy,he patted the stock boys brown cum glazed butt cheeks before turning to Toms direction. Hey gorgeous, wanna do a threesome later,he winked at Tom.

Tom rolled his eyes, no, Im good.

Yeah whatever... you should say thank you when someone compliments you,he sneered. Fucking rape bait,he muttered loud enough for Tom to hear, but soft enough for anyone else to miss. The British Blacklister used every ounce of willpower to force himself to walk away from the desecrated stock boy. Just before he moved out of earshot, he heard the kid scream out again as another man went town on his damaged hole.

The kids innards must be pureed by now,the Blacklister thought to himself.

Ten minutes later, Tom found himself at a checkout line being manned by an older biracial Blacklister, engaging in sex while checking out customers. Di-di-did y-y-y-y - oh god - find everythinggggg you wanted,he croaked out as another man was going to town on his ass. Tom nodded unable to form a response as the top ignored everything that was happening focusing on humping the cashiers brains out. OH FUCK - THATS SOOOO GOOOODDD!The Brit was unsure if the cashier was responding to the what top was doing or his muted response. OH, OH, OH,the bottom started scanning Toms order all the while his top continued fucking the bottom with a raging intensity. The Brits engorged pole ached and throbbed with each moan and pant that the cashier let out. FUUUUCCCKKK,the cashier rolled his eyes back momentarily, smiling, as his top thrust deeper into his backside. YEAH, YEAH, YEEAAAAHHHH!Another slam and the top smiled as well, while the cashier let out a heavy guttural moan. OH GOD, OH GOD, HARDER DADDY!

Oh fuck baby, IM GONNA, IM - UH, UH, UH GOD,the top cried out as he started filling up his lovers rectal cavity with his lust gravy. As if in sharp defiance of an expected need for respite, the top kept on plowing the bottom, never once relenting. The cashier let out a few giggles of pleasure as he arched his back slightly, and met his tops thrusts with a few jut of his hips. The top smiled in response, eager to slam harder into the bottom. Tom quickly took his bagged boxes and left; he was eager to get home and away from the reminders of what it was that he was missing.

The need for sexual relief started to weigh heavily on the British Blacklisters mind. It was gnawing at his sanity, eating away at him, bit by mind shattering bit. Everywhere that he went he was met with sexual frustration. He couldnt escape men having sex with other men either by force or by choice. If it wasnt a Blacklister getting aggressively gang-raped by a group of sex-crazed Non-Blacklisters in an alleyway, then it was a young man beating his hard meat on the ground of a public forum. He was lucky that he had yet to run into a rape gang, otherwise known as a Blacklist Hunting Party. The overly aroused Blacklister had gone online in an effort to try to locate some of these gangs, to try to determine a pattern to the incidents of male-on-male rape. Sadly the statistics of such assaults had been casually ignored as the laws made it clear that raping a Blacklister was no longer a valid crime. Instead, he could only find vivid, sexually stimulating accounts of Blacklisters being assaulted and sodomized. He read about fluids dripping from other mens holes, and how Blacklisters werent really men so Non-Blacklisters retained their heterosexual identities. He consumed plate-fulls of information recounting stories of men being mounted, screaming at the top of their lungs, being forced into sexual encounters against their will, all the while begging for their attackers to relent in their brutal assaults. It had become a sport for Non-Blacklisters to take Blacklisters against their will, with a point system derived from a number of factors, including age, social standing, attractiveness, and cock size. Each group he found seemed to have their own definitions of the perfect victim as well as their own standards for determining a winner. Those who scored the most points were lauded and hailed as heroes in their own right. As sickening as these groups seemed to be to Tom, his penis, however, had different plans. It felt as though it were a separate entity deriving pleasure from learning all of this information. It spat out more and more chunks of his curdled sex cheese, twitching and flopping wildly about. It kept pumping out the toxic sludge, as each note was accented with a reaction of its own. He moaned and panted as he read the graphic accounts, still refusing to play with himself... even more so than before. He steeled himself against the stories of men being taken against their wills.

One story told of a young man being kidnapped, locked in a dingy basement, and forcibly violated for weeks. He managed to escape when he developed a cough due to the dampness of his prison and the men called a doctor who was sympathetic to his plight. Another story praised a man in bagging over a thousand points worth of victims in one day. He was able to subdue several blacklisted bodybuilders, and take their virginities while managing to bring them to broken, sobbing messes. As implausible as it sounded the victor had included video footage of the men crying and begging to be let go. Tom violently purged the contents of his stomach into a nearby trashcan next to his PC after watching one of the videos, disgusted by the pleasure that their attacker was taking in using them for sexual pleasure.

The next few days passed quickly for him as he was engrossed with the stories that various survivors and conquerors had posted to their respective subreddits. He had forgotten about the Soapies and would have missed the event completely if it hadnt been for his agent sending him a text reminding him of the event. His limo pulled up to the red carpet as he watched other men arrive (both blacklisted and non-blacklisted alike). Some Blacklisters wore soap foam barely concealing what nature had given them, whipping some of the men in the paparazzi crowd into a sexual, carnal frenzy... teasing them mercilessly. Others, conversely, were slathered from the scalp to their sandal covered toes in a bright sheen of shimmering baby oil. Men were hooting and whistling, catcalling the Blacklisters who could only smile and say thank you as they made their way down the red carpet. Only a small selection of Blacklisters were dressed like he was: a silk strippers collar, cuffs, and reflective black shoes. Upon exiting the limo, he was tasked with the burden of moving down the red carpet to the entrance of the event. Big thick chunks of his noxious, clotted cottage man cheese flew every which way as he grimaced from an unrelenting, nightmarish hellscape of pain. By the time he had reached the entrance to the awards hall, he had left a grotesque rank trail of his coagulated man curd that would have caused any woman who dared to be within three feet of it to vomit uncontrollably and send any man into an unbridled sexual rage, forcing them to hump anyone within eyeshot. Once inside he found himself a small, unoccupied table as far away from others as he could possibly get.

As the ceremony started, he watched as several of the blacklisted men in attendance, that had entered into the affair behind him, almost violently beating their own meats and were completely unfazed by those who were staring with abject horror. His own brown viper once more made its needs abundantly clear, twitching and throbbing and leaking its venom belligerently as it chastised its master. Thoughts of raucous man-sex flahsed into his head, making him wish that he was being mounted from behind. Tom had yet to learn the damage he was inflicting upon his own body by denying his more carnal nature. His seminal vesicles had quintupled in size trying to accommodate the increasing amounts of rancid shame gravy that his body was producing. The pain from the reshaping and alterations that were occurring within his body were increasing. Even if he knew of the maltreatment he was inflicting upon his body, he wouldnt have stopped. He was desperate to prove himself worthy to leave the country and return to the place of his birth: what he deemed to be his real home in Chiswick.

He stared at those who were free and unfettered from self-imposed limitations. Part of him longed to join them as they mirthfully stroked their stiff, thick, angry joy toys while another part of him chided them for their boorish behavior. That same part that chastised them also guilted him into abstaining from any sexual activities and behaviors. The Brit shifted and squirmed in his seat as he tried to avoid looking at the sexually flagrant Blacklisters, and tried focusing on the rest of the crowd. As he scanned the throngs of celebrities, his gaze landed upon a very titillatingly dressed individual that was stationed to his left about two tables away from where he was. Juan Padillia sat glistening, covered in man jam from head to toe, smiling and laughing as men flirted with him shamelessly, with another was busy gobbling his spunk maker. Scooge dripped lazily down his hulking, tawdry flesh with little strings and bits tethering themselves to the floor and chair beneath him. He didnt care that the women were giving him captious, harsh looks nor did he care when they whispered behind his back. The only thing that he cared about was all of the attention his slutty behavior was garnering.

When the time came for the best new male actor in a soap opera to be announced, Tom shifted his focus back to the ceremony at hand. And the winner is,the voice of the MC cut through the fog of his sex-addled musings, TOM MCGINNIS for his breakout performance in As the Pin Drops!A roar of applause soon drowned overtook the room, drowning out his own distracting thoughts. The journey itself was fraught with its own perils: the pangs of his enormous genitals stabbed at him, his excruciating bone-a-mortis-rex bludgeoned his firm, v-shaped skin. As he snaked his way through the crowd he was able to hear the men hooting, hollering, and whistling at him, giving him exceptionally sexual compliments on his tawdry body. The pinches nipped at his beefy, licentious, supple brown bum-cakes while a few men flashed a call mehand gesture his way. The British stud ascended the stairs to the stage and the MC gave him a pinch on his left nipple, and a tug on his swollen sack. Tom let out a soft yelp and smiled, mouthing a thank youand feigning gratitude for having been molested on stage. His cock roared at him once more reminding him of everything that he ignored.

Thane-thank yoouuuuu everyone for this... uhhh... prestigious gasp award,the under milked Blacklister could barely contain his suffering. Large clear beads of sweat dribbled down his exposed body soaking his socks and black polished dress shoes. You-you-you all huh-uhhh-have n-n-n-no idea what this m-m-m-means tooooooo meeeeee to have OH GOD ruh-received thiiissss award! MY GOD - this is soooooooohhhh amazing! I - uhhhh, ummm- OH, OH, OH- feel blessed to have gah-gah-gah-AH-gotten this! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS PURE - let me thank you all once more!More chunks oozed out of the tip of his inelastic, chubby buddy sliding down his pole, hitting his inky crotch fur before fluttering down and onto the floor near his feet. He once again had to grapple with the podium as another flare of unimaginable torment assailed his nervous system. The reluctant nudist cried out [briefly], begging for the agony to end before taking to the microphone on the podium again. Sorry about that... I, uhhhh, have been OH SWEET MERCIFUL HEAVENS dealing with a really bah-bad headache fruhhhhhhhmmmm allergies thiIISSS year.A pool of putrified, curdled cock snot had formed under his feet while a trail was left in his wake as he left the stage with his award.

Back at his table, he found one of the studio producers sitting in his seat. The pot-bellied, balding man who looked as if he were coated with some sort of disgusting transparent slime winked at him through his bottle-wide eighties predator glasses. Hey stud,the words slithered out of his mouth, lets celebrate your win!He patted his lap while Tom swallowed trying to reign in the bile that had tried to evacuate itself from his stomach. He sat down on the slimy creeps lap who, in turn, immediately started sucking on his left nipple. Well I can see someone is already to blow, huh,he asked rhetorically as he stared down at the Brits lust gun barrel. My, my, fully loaded and ready to shoot.He crammed a chubby digit up the naked mans hole forcing out a little yelp while the man wrapped his lip over his right nipple briefly. You taste so good, and we have all night to play,he devilishly grinned before licking Toms terror-ridden neck sweat. The celebrity moaned and whimpered as the man continued to tease and stimulate his nude, helpless body. The producer was busy fidgeting with his rectal cavity with his left hand while petting Toms waspish man-stinger. Chunk after chunk dribbled from his tonsil presser and onto the mans tailored tuxedo. Ohhhh, poor baby,the man ruefully patronized, you got your hot soup all over my clothes.Tom could only whimper before the man rammed another digit up his corn-hole forcing out another squeal. Despite feeling degraded and humiliated, a larger, more powerful portion of himself was enjoying the attention and kept him from protesting. The molestor let out a chuckle in response, taking the squeal as a sign of enjoyment more than anything else. Good boy,the man pursed his lips, does captain sexy want more?The Blacklisted British stud found himself compulsively nodding in agreement.

Deep in his mind, he was screaming, NO - STOP! YOU FILTHY PIECE OF SCUM CANT DO THIS TO ME!But the only thing that came out was another gurgle as a third digit was buried into his backside. The mans tongue danced playfully across his bare, perfectly shaped meaty pecs and tiny nipples. Tom moaned as his boner penalized him harder and harder, straining for relief. Minutes dragged on as the man fondled, caressed, and molested every other part of the soap stars lightly glazed brown soft, arousingly cut body. Heaps of chunky globs of cock crud sloughed down his aching, arduous, turgid lust organ, soaking the mans pants through while piling up between his crotch. No,Tom panted, plea-plea-please stahhhhhppp!

Why - why do you want me to stop, hmm?

It, oh-oh-oh,the man twisted his fingers in Toms rectum as the Blacklister made his reply, it feels soooo good.

Then beg... beg like the little whore that you are, and Ill consider it. Butttt... and this is a big one... if you make any other sounds, Ill continue; understand?

Tom nodded, yes sir; please, please, pleasssseeeee stop molesting me. It feels too good, and - uhhhhhhh-ohhhhhh!The man cheated and tickled the bare skinned Balcklisters junk bag forcing another moan from his lips.

Uh-oh... looks like you really dont want this,the forty-nine year old grinned wickedly. Tom was forced to endure the mans pawings up until the last twenty minutes of the ceremony. Ok, now lets see what we can do about that angry, hateful monster of yours.The man plopped the Brit up onto the table, china clinking as the surface shook. Toms eyes remained shut as he continued to pant and moan, lost in ecstasy and indifferent to anything other than sexual gratification. The studio exec wrapped his soft, pink lips around his playthings tumescence, hungrily devouring his fat-jim. Tom threw his head back as he howled with delight, your cream tastes amazing... its the best Ive ever had,the exec pulled away for a few moments as blobs dribbled down from his mouth. If only there was to bottle it up and sell it - Id be even richer!

OH, OH, OH, - YESSSSSS - DONT STOP,the sexually repressed blacklisted stud howled as the molestor continued to bob up and down on his private man award. Chunks slid down the execs slimy throat to his paunchy stomach where it mixed with the mans perfectly masticated salmon dinner. The biracial stallion instinctively pushed down on his molesters head, cramming his sausage deeper and deeper into the mans throat. Finally, and with lots of gusto, Tom cranked out his putrid, aged, festering load down his assaulters gullet. Days of sludge filled the man, choking off his airway until Tom finished unloading his toxic, noxious fluids.

The man fell back in his chair, staring up at the celebrity as droplets and chunks fell from his lips. What are you on,was the only thing he could ask. Tom looked down at the mans dumbstruck face as his eyes were wide as saucers. The fear and panic soon came rushing back into the Blacklisters mind as he had realized what had happened. He looked down at his crotch only to find it stiff as ever, unyielding and unaffected by everything that had happened.

Terror gripped every fiber of his being, whats wrong? Why wont it go down? Oh god - why wont it go down?His hard penis twitched once more taunting him with its rigid displeasure as more chunks soon began to form on the tip. Quick - suck me off again!

The studio exec shook his head, I - uhhh - I dont know if I should.A small twinge of pain lanced throughout Toms body, almost as if nothing had happened and he didnt just have an orgasm. Jizz chunks continued to ooze out and onto the dinner plates and tablecloth as panic flowed through the naked man. He slid off the dinner table, and ran out the door desperate to find his limo, wherever it may be.

Dick slapping against his body, the agitated hunk ran down the sidewalk, shouting Lexi, Lexi WHERE ARE YOU!With every step he took, the agony that once tormented him prior to the orgasm started returning, increasing with every smack from his turgid pole.

IM OVER HERE,he heard the familiar voice call out to him. His cock slapped side-to-side as came to running stop, goo flinging every which way.

He huffed, I need to get to a hospital, NOW!

Ok, big guy, we will; just get in the car and well go!Tom slid into the backseat, scrotal tissue being caressed by the soft, velvety touch of the velour. He shuddered with sexual desire while the driver pulled out safely into traffic. It took well over forty-five minutes for him to arrive at the ER, chunks and all.

Help! HELP! I NEED A DOCTOR,Tom shouted, chunks of goo falling and slinging as he made his way through the ER entrance.

Sir, you need to calm down, and fill out the appropriate paperwork for your rape incident,came the voice of the hospital worker.

I wasnt raped,the Brit protested.

Ok, well then, sodomized

Wrong again!

Well you are a Blacklister; what else could there be? You people bitch about getting violated and being victims so much it's just more of a nuisance than anything. I swear, your kind should be grateful for not being shipped off to an island or thrown into cages only to be forgotten.

MADAME, PLEASE - PAY ATTENTION! My erection wont go away!

Have you tried ejaculating yet?

YES - I HAVE!Toms ire was growing as he stood there.

Doesnt sound like much of a problem. Just jack off, and go home... theres a corner setup over there especially for Blacklisters to use.She pointed to a rusted, grimy metal bucket in the far corner of the waiting room.

I dont think you grasp the gravity of the situation -

Look, if you wanna be seen by someone, you have to put the junk in the bucket, otherwise you can leave.

FINE!Tom stormed off to the corner, and started tugging on his flaring stiffy as he towered over the mucky, scooge coated rust bucket. Waves of bliss flowered throughout his body as he jerked on his manhood, losing himself in the experience. The image of the sleazy executive gumming on his nipples filled his fevered imagination, despite his attempts to focus on more cumly options. Surrendering to the memories allowed him to focus on the sensations that extolled the virtues of his current choice of actions. The tickles and tingles of the carnal activity soon replaced the aches and throbs that had been plaguing him just as they did before. With every stroke of his hand relief and elation washed over him like a rapturous song humming Joy to the World.His frayed nerves were soothed and a divine rush that he hadnt felt before. He felt reborn... made anew and wrapped in blanket of heavenly joy. He started moaning and panting, oh god, oh god, oh god - I need it, I need it so bad. OH MY GOD!Tom felt his heavy sperm laden nuts tighten and the jism swirled in his testicles, preparing for their boisterous end. It felt as if nothing else in the world mattered except for the love and affection he was giving himself, smiling to himself and himself alone. Approaching the end point felt less of a race or compulsion and more of a warm, harmonious, loving embrace. It wasnt until the crux of his journey did he realize the power the moment could contain.

OH, OH... FUCK, FUCK, FUCK YES - SWEET GOD ALMIGHTY - YEShe screamed as globs of curdled dick snot splattered against the wall, coating it in a fatty, cottage-cheese-like fun fluid. Each pellet that passed through his urethra felt like a micro-orgasm within the already titillating explosion of man juice that cradled his very being. Minutes dragged on as time seemed to slow to a crawl as Tom emptied the contents of reproductive organs on the hospital wall floor, and rusted bucket. Finally, when it ended, he fell backwards onto the bleach white flooring, panting heavily trying to regain the strength that he once had. Gripping tightly to a chair that was bolted in place, he hoisted himself up and staggered back across the waiting room and to the sassy nurse that sat behind the desk. His turgid third-leg never once capitulating in its endeavors to remain at attention the entire time. Now, as you can plainly see,he huffed at her, I am still rock hard with no sign of softening in the slightest.Shame and anxiety soon came rushing back as he stood by the desk, realizing what it was that he had just done. oh fuck, oh fuck,the British Blacklister thought to himself. What the bloody hell did I just do? I told myself that I wasnt going to jerk it. I promised myself not to empty my stuff all over the place. FUCK! Oh god, I hope this doesnt affect my chances of returning. I hope no one saw that terribly crass display.

Ok, then, fill out this paperwork, and well call you when a bed is available.

Tom slid onto one of the cotton soft seat cushions in the mostly vacant waiting room. The kiss of the fabric caressed his bare flesh sent tingles of lust surging through his body. His dick returned to punishing him once more as a swell of pain caromed through his crotch and up into the rest of his body. While filling in data for the hospital to use, his eyes began to wander around the room. There, three seats away the Blacklister spotted a man that was waiting on the other side of the room, reading a magazine, and began to wonder how many of his kind the fellow had taken. How many blacklisted men had been violated by his rigid penis? How many holes had he ripped apart? How many virgins had he defiled? The biracial studs swollen love rod throbbed at the notion of sexual intercourse, leaking thick globs of his man sauce. With the paperwork completed, he stood up and placed it on the edge of the counter with a slight clatter. His external reproductive gland billowed for relief once more, forcing him back over to the bucket and to the fresh leftovers of his latest masterpiece. Again he took to sexually relieving himself, erupting once more just in time to hear his name being called. Tom,the female voice called out, is there a Tom McGinnis here?As the last bits of curdled cream slopped lazily down the wall, he turned and let go of his hefty power tool.

Coming,he proclaimed, leaving the contents of his reproductive system to remain decorating the paint lacquered cement wall. Tom followed the woman to the back, dick bouncing side-to-side as she ushered him to a room that was off to one side. Laying his bare ass on the paper covered exam table, his dick started to strain once more as it wanted to make itself heard.

So, I understand you wanna complain about a gang rape incident,she rolled her eyes as she turned type in some data from the paperwork he had filled out.

No, ummm, actually my penis wont go flaccid,the Brit smiled nervously.

Whatever; the doctor will be here in about five minutes. Do you think that you can keep your hands off your junk for that long, perv?

Uhhhh, yeah, no problem.

Better yet,she leaned over him, lifting his arms above his head. Once his smooth, hairless pits were exposed, she latched his wrists with a pair of cuffs above his head. Now the legs,she arched his legs up, making sure to remove his shoes and socks in one quick motion. Once they were bare, she pulled out a pair of stirrups, and draped his legs over them while fastening his bare feet to the pedals. Ok, now youre ready,an achingly annoyed tone filled her voice.

Whats all of this for,a twinge of anxiety flowed through his words as his eyes darted up and down looking at the devices that now anchored him to the exam table. She had placed some cuffs across his shins that were placed into the valley of each stirrup that now held his legs, spreading them far apart.

This is just standard practice for all blacklisted patients, sir,she dryly reacted. The doctor will be with you in a few minutes.

Thanks, love,Tom smiled while his cock oozed harder onto his tight, rock hard stomach.

Creep,she muttered as she vacated the room.

Tom lay naked, half spread-eagle, dick throbbing uncontrollably, goo seeping from his piss slit. He wondered when the doctor would come in and what could possibly be going wrong with his body. He hoped that it was nothing of consequence, or if it were something... it was something that could be easily or hastily corrected. His bone-daddy ached and throbbed, longing to be touched, to be felt, to be released of its angry, lustful urges. His mind swirled as the need for a raucous release curled its warm tawdry grasp around his mind. Fingers of passion poked and prodded his thoughts wrending them asunder, pushing him further towards madness. It was a miracle that he had lasted as long as he had without the sweet release of an orgasm. Now that his body had a taste of relief, it keened for more. His penis once more started its steady stream of rank, foul, vomitous masculine pre-sauce. Bits of his curdled goo ooze its way out the jizz lips of his raging member, dribbling down his voluptuous meat shaft, and gathering in his pubes. The blobs sat nestled in his inky black bush before enough of them had congealed together before falling. Stringy, sticky threads from clumps that lay on the floor still clung to various hairs of his pubic nest via strands of sticky sauce. He whimpered and moaned as the urge to expel his male fluids burrowed its way deep into his brain. Shame once more came rushing in with the desires, a constant reminder of his longings to return to his birthplace. The rapping of shoes against a concrete surface with a linoleum finish helped to focus his sex laden mind.

Hello I am Doctor Frankson,announced a man who looked to be in his early fifties wearing periwinkle scrubs and a white lab coat. He had a large, almost gelatinous belly that hung out from underneath his shirt. His hair was greasy, and unkempt, giving the appearance of a combover. He wore horn-rimmed glasses that sat atop his large flaring nose. His arms appeared flabby and pale, lacking any real definition to them. His eyes were really the only distinguishing thing about him as they burned with a brown intensity that were a stark contrast to his aging, pale skin.So it seems you were raped by...he checked the notes on his clipboard, oh so not raped. I just assumed by your lack of clothing that you were another snowflake Blacklister who was complaining about his bleeding sore anus. I swear to Christ they should just shut the hell up and take it like a man. You dont see real men like me complaining about their lot in life. So what exactly is wrong with you then?

Another, beefier man entered the room no more than three seconds later after he finished talking. His hair was a chestnut brown and a stark contrast to the doctors white balding comb over. His eyes were a light turquoise shimmering against his pale flesh. His face was smoothed lacking in any distinguishing flaws and giving him a decidedly East Asian look. He kept his bulky arms (that were the size of baby watermelons) crossed against his saffron blue scrubs. His pecs bulged out straining against his shirt (revealing two tiny, but sharp points for nipples)... almost as if the very fabric was holding back a pair of charging rhinos. The cloth surrounding the mans powerful legs also strained and protruded as they too stretched the fibers that were holding them in. Between the mans legs hung a massive bulge, accented by a darkened wet spot, that dared to taunt and intimidate Tom as he looked over this more than robust specimen of masculinity. In every way it seemed this fellow was the opposite of the man who called himself Doctor Frankson. Tom stuttered, uhhhh...IIIII...ummm...

Well spit it out, man!

Toms gaze broke away from the beefcakes body, my cock - it - it wont ummmm... it wont go down.

And have you masturbated recently?The bare skinned Blacklister nodded furiously trying to stop himself from staring at the hulking menace in the doorway. The doctor looked down at his tablet, I see; according to the notes here you shot quite the load in the waiting room.The doctor inhaled, taking in the wondrous scent that was emanating from his patient, is that cologne that youre wearing misterrrrr...

McGinnis, Tom McGinnis.

I thought that was you,the doctor smiled mischievously. Peoples sexiest man this year. Huge fan of your work; all ten inches of it. Tell me, is it true that you really sell your bath water online at your fan site?

Uhhh, yeah actually, it is; I bottle it all up myself. you ever shoot your wad into it?


Pity, people might pay more for that if you did.

Thanks, Ill try to remember to do that.

How often do you jerk off?

Lately... honestly... none

Really? Surely you must be orgasming when men are pounding your brains out.

Are you asking if Ive been raped or if I am having sex?


Then no... I havent been taken and I havent orgasmed except tonight.Tom swallowed hard as he caught the tenting bulge in the orderlys pants out of the corner of his eye. Well OK then, were gonna run a few tests. Up first is the blood sample,the physician reached behind Toms field of vision and with a small clang, brought out a needle still within its wrap. Now, you may feel a tiny little prick, but thats normal.Doctor Frankson pulled off the paper wrapper, and held it up in the light, looking for the exact spot that he wanted to poke. Toms eyes became fixated on the shimmering bit of metal that would soon be jammed into him. Anxiety arose as he stared at the medical instrument, his heart rate quickening as his mind raced.

Errrrr, ummm... dont I need my arms free?

Frankson shook his head, nope, not at all stud.With a wicked grin, he jammed the sharp metal right into the Blacklisters stiffy forcing a howl of agony from the nude hunk.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! THAT BLOODY WELL FUCKINHURT!The physician chuckled to himself as the syringe filled with the ruby liquid. A few milliliters later, and the contraption was extracted from the Brits tumescence forcing out another cry of pain.

There, that wasnt so bad, was it,Frankson chuckled again, now for the semen sample.Tom struggled against the restraints as it finally dawned on him as to why he was locked up in the first place. These men meant to do him harm and were most likely being sexually aroused by the acts of torture that the doctor was inflicting upon him. The physician once again reached past the Blacklisters field of vision, this time bringing within his grasp a plastic sample cup from off the tray. Im gonna stroke you and my assistant over there... hes gonna play with himself, understand? And if youre really good, he may play with you, OK?

Fear further wrapped its cold icy fingers around Toms beating heart as his pulse continued to climb up a mountain of terror that was beginning to form. He tried to loosen the restraints as his eyes met the sadists gaze. No, please, all I wanna do is go home. If - if they find out, I may never get back home. Please dont do this!The physician squirted a few globs of the lotion into his hands that the instrument cart held hidden behind the Blacklisters head. Ignoring Toms desperate pleas, Frankson gently wrapped his warm, beefy sausages around Toms firmness. Tingles of pleasure overtook the Brits fevered mind as the man motioned up and down on the celebritys turgid uncut pole. Chunky sludge leaked out of the hunks rigid, uncut member, dropping down into the cup where it would be utilized for god knows what. Tom panted and moaned, trapped in an endless ocean of bliss with waves of joy crashing against his bare body and mind. His arms strained and flopped madly about as part of him fought the forced milking while another part reacted instinctively to the sensations that were taking place. No puff pluh-pluh-please dddddont,he tried to force out as near breathless pleasure consumed every fiber of his being. The doctor laughed once more, feeling so powerful in that moment... knowing that he had control of this sex-crazed naked man. Toms eyes were sealed shut as his eyebrows buckled together and a large grin crossed over his face; he was enjoying the milking. He both hated and relished in the blessed hand-dance at the same time. The churning in his balls started making itself known as he could feel his fun gun moving closer and closer to a bittersweet end. He didnt want it, but he knew that he couldnt stop it either. Oh, oh, oh,he gasped as little by little he could feel himself being edged to the crux of the situation. Finally, he popped, OH FUCK, OH FUCK, IM CUMMING - FUCK - NO - YESSSSSSSSS - OH GOD, YESSSSSSS- UHH, UHH, UHH!Tom yanked against the restraints, taring [futily] with all of his strength as chunks of curdled sauce blasted its bits up and over his head... landing several feet behind him. As Tom sat there huffing and smiling, the doctor collected everything that he needed from the bits that had landed on the nude Blacklister.

There,the man pulled away his filled sample cup, now doesnt that feel better?Tom nodded dazed by what had taken place mere moments before the shame and regret came rushing back in. Panic stricken, he wondered what next hell awaited him. Dont worry, this next portion of your exam will be quite easy: my assistant here is gonna give you a nice, soft sponge bath while I watch.

And this helps in my diagnosis, how exactly,Tom quipped.

The physician ignored the question, and wheeled himself away from the imprisoned patient as the hulking menace moved over to the helpless Blacklister. Tom struggled yet again to free himself while asking to be let go and that he had just had a bath earlier that morning. The orderly took a few more steps out of sight before returning with a bucket in hand. The beefcake smiled, dont worry stud, I wont hurt you... let me show you a real good time.He then reached down into the bucket that he had placed on the tray behind Tom, and fished out a dull yellow bathing sponge. Warm water trickled down over Toms light cinnamon skin, giving it a nice reflective appearance antd sheen to it. Every bubble that popped felt like a mini kiss, tickling his moistened skin. Ripples of pleasure soon overtook him only adding to a growing sexual frustration that he was already feeling. The bodybuilding orderly licked his left nipple as Tom could do nothing but let out a little whimper.

Please,he begged as the hulk continued nursing on his bare nipple, d-d-d-dont muh-make me orgasm again.The orderly laughed as he continued running his tongue over the Blacklisters soapy wet flesh, lapping up every dirty ounce that might have otherwise fallen off. I-I-I,Tom swallowed trying to catch his breath, I donttttt want - OH GOD - FUCK!His man root flopped wildly about smacking and sloshing the water that was near his belly button. Tom tried to focus his mind and steele himself against the tidal wave of forced erotic pleasures that crashed upon the shore of sex-starved mind. With each suckle, each lap, and each nip, his will eroded taking with it any hope of stopping what would eventually happen. UHHHH-HUHHH,he panted almost breathless at the [lack of] mercy of the big brute. The orderly briefly chuckled before he continued running his tongue all over the helpless Blacklisters tawdry flesh.

Finally making his way down to the fellas belly button, the orderlys tongue danced around in an elegant ballet of passion, teasing the tip of the Brits bulge. Shivers of desire ran through the celebritys tawdry flesh vehicle as Tom squeezed his eyes shut in an effort to drown out the sensations that were enveloping his body. The beefcake enveloped his new toys joystick suckling at the teet of his pleasure pole. AHHHHHH-HAAAAAAA,Tom cried as his sex poker went into the smooth silky cavern of erotic bliss. He was now swept up in an ocean of unrelenting tawdry rapture. It wouldnt take long for the Brit to bust his rank nut cream down the slimy, gooey throat of the wicked hunk. Blast after blast splashed up against the back of the mans esophagus as the clotted dick snot erupted from within the Blacklsters loins. OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK,he cried out as his lips uncontrollably parted to form an o-shape. He rammed his fuck stick into the mouth of the cocksucker, thrusting [insticntively] with every muscle he had at his disposal. Panting he smiled as the euphoria once again wore off, leaving shame and guilt in its wake.

OK, so now (as per regulations) we have to check your anal capacity,the doctor announced as the orderly pulled away.

My anal capacity,Tom questioned with genuine confusion on the matter, how?

With this,the medical professional once again reached behind his head to retrieve a large implement. It was metallic, long, and looked something like a cross between a turkey baster and an old fashioned reusable syringe. Within its confines sat a turquoise liquid that shone brightly in the neon light.

What does this have to do with my condition,Tom inquired, glancing briefly back down at his still turgid man-shake dispenser. My erection still hasnt gone down? Why the fuck wont it go down?

Shhh, shhhh,the doctor feigned to placate his patient. This is all a pretty standard part of diagnosis for men in your condition.

You mean other men with permanent stiff knobs have to endure this torture as well?

No, no... dont be silly... all Blacklisters are obligated to have their anal capacity checked when seeking medical treatment.He took the baster like device and rammed it into Toms virgin hole. The Blacklister howled from the pain, shock, and iciness of the device as it penetrated his rectum. A cold burning sensation, like that of mint, began filling his anal cavity, rising higher and higher in his bowls. The Brit trembled as his physician snickered at Toms levels of discomfort. It burned away at his insides as the nudist could do nothing but endure this new discomfort that was being inflicted upon him. Ounce after mind sweltering ounce took control of his reasoning forcing his flight instinct to kick in once again. He looked down at his crack as the implement (a little more than half full) was removed and his anus had been taped shut with another plastic device shoved in its stead. Interesting,the doctor commented, it seems that your anal capacity has diminished immensly. According to this test, you are tighter than what normally constitutes a virgin.

Tom ground his teeth as the icy burn continued to tare into his consciousness. The words that the doctor was using started losing coherence as the pain bore like a drill, penetrating deeper and deeper through his over aroused psyche. Half of him wanted to shiver and the other half wanted to bolt straight up and out of the chair, tare off the face of his tormentor, and run like a raving madman out of the building. As the seconds dragged on he could only hear the dull hum of the doctors voice as the man went about diagnosing the situation. Suddenly, as if a miracle on high, the physicians voice came back into focus for the nudist. Well, I think thats why your dick doesnt want to go down. You honestly may have warped your sex drive and reporductive organs in such a way that it is now impossible for you to stop being aroused.

H-huh,Tom struggled to form thoughts and words, how is th-th-th-thissss different from annnnnnnnny other man?

Well most men lose their hard-ons after ejaculation for as little as ten minutes. You, on the other hand, dont ever get soft and are constantly producing ejaculate. Not only is it ejaculate, its some new kind... a thick almost solid kind... a kind that has some unusual characteristics that raises mens libidos more so than normal. Ive never seen anything like it. In the simplest of terms, you are a certified freak. I could literally milk you for hours on end and could still not come close to purging everything that you had to offer.The doctor smiled, while reaching once more out of Toms field of vision, then again, why would I? A stud like you should be milked frequently, be offered up to the public, and passed around like a party favor.

The physician removed the butt plug that was stopping up Toms innards, and allowed the icy blue liquid to drain out into a bed pan that he had positioned below the nudist's reveal cavity. He then grabbed another baster and rammed into the celebritys booty hole. This time a warming sensation flooded the studs rectal cavity followed by the tinkling of a liquid splashing into the same bed pan. Was he having his rectum flushed out? The burning had subsided, leaving the hunk to puff and pant as he tried to recapture his breath. What the fuck was that,the Blacklisters eyes darted around looking for some indicator.

Nevermind about that,the doctor brushed off, I want to get a MRI of your insides before you go. Well need to shuttle you upstairs to the thirteenth floor where the machine is being held at.

Will this actually help me,Tom was desperate to know what transformations his body had undergone and if there was anyway to reverse the damage.

Maybe it depends on what the test results show.

After the orderly had left and returned with the wheelchair that was to shuttle the sexy soap opera star, Tom was eager to get on with the tests. Despite having reservations about going alone with the Asian beefcake who had forcefully sucked his cock, he was even more concerned about his situation. The orderly undid his shackles, and copped a feel of his bare ass as he helped the Blacklister into the wheelchair. Tom looked at him sternly while the man only smirked at what he had done. It wasnt long before the couple made their way down the hall and onto the elevator. Two male nurses stood in the carriage, staring at the soap stud as his cock oozed out chunks of spunk the entire time. Tom turned a light shade of red as the two whispered to one another the entire ride. The Blacklister couldnt help but think that they were whispering about him.

As the carriage moved vertically through the levels, Toms penis twitched and throbbed at the mere notion of him being the subject of much speculation. How he longed to be free of these unruly urges. He would have gladly sold parts of his body in exchange for being freed of these compulsive needs his body saddled him with. Hell, he would have sold his soul to the Devil himself if it meant he could leave this accursed country and return to his flat in Chiswick. Maybe if I touch myself,he bargained, then technically Ill still be cleared to return home. Just one little tiny stroke.The attractive Blacklister took his right hand and ran it down the length of his girthy shaft. Every lump, every vein hummed with delight as he caressed it, feeling the power his lust instrument was radiating with. His cock felt so electric... so intoxicating... so enticing. It was like he was feeling it for the first time.

There in his hands, sat the tool of unimaginable pleasure. Every inch had become a revelation in and of itself. Why was this happening to him? What had changed since jerking off in the lobby? Was it true what the doctor had told him? Had his body truly changed in ways that he had yet to fathom? He stared at the bits that effused from the piss slit, rolling down the shaft, and into his inky black bush. He continued to stare at his rigid member, never once changing his focus nor acknowledge anything else. It was like his man skewer had cast a spell on him and forced everything else in the world to melt away. Maybe if I orgasm once,he rationalized, they will forgive me. After all, its perfectly natural for a man to have one orgasm... some say even necessary.He cautiously slid his right hand up his tumescence, relishing in every lump, every valley, every fold of his member as it reinforced his behavior with sparks of pleasure. He let out a tiny moan, unable to stop himself from doing so despite the desperate hope that he had that no one would notice his actions.

Sir,a baritone voice cut into his trance, I need you to get onto the table.

Startled, Tom looked up, were here?

The orderly nodded, yes sir; time to get scanned.

Well OK then,his dick screamed with disdain, admonishing him with great agony once more. He buckled over with pain as he tried to get out of the chair. The orderly proceeded to grab him and assist him in getting him onto the exam table, all the while copping a feel of the naked stud muffin. The Blacklisters man beef wildly flopped to and fro castigating him for the actions of the orderly, more than anything else. Somehow, in the midst of this living nightmare, he was able to position himself upon the mechanical table, his dick leaking even more chunks of sticky white hot spooge onto his body. Little strands blended into the white background of the surface as he was slowly dragged into the machine. His face twisted and contorted with agony as he desperately wished for this personal hell to end. Oh god, OH god, OH GOD,he screamed as his suffering grew to new heights. Someone, anyone, do something,Tom pleaded.

Sir, you need to lie still for the machine to work properly,came the voice of the MRI technician.

Tom started convulsing as an ocean of pain took control of his body. The orderly snickered at the mans misery as he was slowly wheeled back out of the metallic tube. The Asian man went back over to where Tom lay watching the Blacklister spasm uncontrollably. The beefcake had worked out what was happening and ran the tips of his fingers across Toms tender tip. Please, please,the Brit begged, make it stop!The orderly smiled devilishly and continued to mercilessly tease the overly aroused nudist.

There, there,the orderly cooed, lets have a little fun before you go in, shall we?

Toms eyes widened as fear suddenly took control. His mind reeled with possibilities as to what could potentially happen. He couldnt decide if he wanted sexual relief or to remain chaste. He knew the consequences of each path, and what benefits were inherent with each act. As his attacker approached, he begged, please... I wanna go home!

The Non-Blacklister leaned in, and licked the tip of Toms shaft as the nudist convulsed. Pangs of anguish filled up Toms body to the breaking point. It was almost too much to handle as the man strapped him to the table, all the while never relenting his oral assault. His pubes were matted and soaked with his putrefied dick snot, as chunks of his curdled man cream dotted the once lush mane. The orderlys tongue lapped up the rank, lumpy goo out of Toms pubes which sent waves of pleasure through him and merged with the waves of torment. The orderly laughed as the soap star convulsed again unable to resist the onslaught of sexual deviance that was being forced upon him. Finally, the Asian wrapped his mouth around the Blacklisters lust tool, and started sucking down the cottage-cheese-like substance. He hungrily devoured Toms pleasure pole bringing the stud to new heights of ecstasy. OH, OH, OH,the naked victims voice crescendoed, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!Blasts of rotted baby batter rocketed out of the Blacklisters piss slit decorating the tonsils of his attacker. Volley after volley of lust sauce splattered against the mans throat for a good solid five minutes. The euphoria of the moment brought a smile to the nudists face, while the revelation of what had just happened began forcing themselves into his thoughts.

It was now time for the actual exam, and Tom had stopped convulsing long enough to be scanned. As he slid back into the chamber, he couldnt help but wonder what his future might hold. The machine hummed and whirred as it proceeded to look deep within his body and take images of what was there. It took awhile, but the procedure finished with not a moment to spare. As the procedure finished, the pain had started to return making him want to leave. The orderly came over, removed the straps, and aided him in returning to the wheelchair. Another slip of the hand on his bare ass sent another surge of misery throughout his body. Oh bloody hell,he thought, not again!His priapic genitals strained against his rock hard body once more. The orderly let out a chuckle as he knew exactly what he was doing to Tom, and relished in the nude mans suffering. The Blacklister started shaking as the beefcake wheeled him to the elevator thinking of new ways to sexually frustrate the bare skinned stud.

Has anyone told you how attractive you look,the orderly clearly was setting the Brit up. Antoher blast of pain ripped through Tom as the lift arrived. Once inside, they were centered in the box space and the orderly immediately reached down and gave a firm tug on the celebrity hunks fat staff. Tom let out a moan of both pleasure and pain, wishing he could bust another nut in the mans hand. The orderly let his firm grasp slowly caress each vein, and every valley that the Blacklister had on offer. The naked stud let out a loud whimper as his tool longed to fulfill its lascivious ending.

Please,Tom begged, please st-ahhhhhh-pp! I just want to go home!This time was different; somehow in the midst of this delicious torture he was able to gain a modicum of focus and was able to resist his lustful urges. He thought of his old flat back in the UK, a pint of beer from the local pub, and the girl that he once dated before making it big. All he wanted to do was return home and nestle his face in her big, bouncy bosoms. Oh, how he longed to feel their soft fleshy curves as he motorboated the living hell out of them as she giggled with delight. No, no,he reminded himself, I cant think about sex.The shame of his thoughts soon overtook him while the hands of his aggressor continued to poke, prod, and fondle his naked body. His dick throbbed and pulsated while he struggled to maintain control over his own body. He could feel his curdled sludge roil and slosh within his testicles... gaining traction and readying itself for an explosive finish. P-p-p-p,he sputtered, pleasssseee - uhhhhh- sto-ahhhhhhh-puuhhhhh!The orderly snickered as continued teasing the naked celeb knowing only that Tom was miserable.

Why should I,the Asian bodybuilder retorted, you make the cutest faces when I fondle you. You are literally giving me no incentive to stop, man!

Tom could feel himself grow closer to the edge of ecstasy despite his protests. He tried to stop his hips from thrusting up into the mans forceful grasp a sweat dripped from his brow. Oh, oh, oh,panic and shame were soon replaced with pleasure and erotic delight. The orderly stroked Toms tool bringing him to new levels of unmitigated pleasure. The blacklisted celebrity soon lost control of his hips and he started slamming them upwards into the evil orderlys potent grasp. Up and down he bucked like a mechanized bronco trying to throw off its rider. UH, UH, UH,he panted as he inched closer to the edge his face awash with joy and sexual delight. A widespread grin had broken out across his face while he clamped his eyes shut, SOHH, OHH, OHHH AHHH-HAHHH!His spooge exploded bits and chunks all over the walls of the lift, splashing his slop onto the sides, railing, and the orderly that had taken control of his body. The naked man shook and convulsed as every ounce drained from his body, moaning and wailing the entire time. By the time the pair had reached the admittance floor, the whole room had been soaked in his cottage-cheese sausage juice. He smiled, dazed by the explosion that was just purged from within his body.

Back in the room, the doctor had already pulled up his scans, busying himself with a diagnosis. The pair entered the room, what happened,he could barely form the words as he stared at the mess that the orderly was soaked with.

The sick perv just exploded all over the place,he snapped as he kicked the wheel that was attached to the contraption.

OK, go check for a set of replacement scrubs in the locker room. I could swear that someone left some in there the other day.The Asian nodded, and stormed out of the room, leaving the duo to discuss what was happening to the Blacklisters body.

So,Tom smiled, a little punch-drunk still from the orgasm, what's up mate?

Well, I was just going over the scans the technician sent me. It seems that your seminal vesicles have more than quintupled in size.

The Blacklister sobered up rather quickly, quintupled? Did, you, just, say, quintupled?

The physician nodded his head, actually, upon further examination, they seem to be six times larger than the standard size.

So how do we fix this?

I dont think we can. If I am understanding this data correctly, it seems that the damage is permanent.

Isnt there anything that I can do?

Honestly, I think that the best course of action is to milk yourself frequently... dont relent... EVER! If you do this then you shouldnt cause any more damage to your body.

What about my ejaculate?

Oh, you mean the chunks? Well according to the labs that I rushed, it seems that your ejaculate is permanently altered, too. It will continue to stay like that and emit the pheromones that have been driving men wild with lust. Basically, you are now cranking out supercharged Nuagra; you have no hope of changing that.

Well fuck,Tom felt the blow of despair hit him like a freight train. Well, I guess thats it then... on the bight side though, as long as I dont beat off, I might still be able to go home.

There, thats the spirit,Frankson tired instilling him with a false sense of security and hope. He had tried to impart a sense of urgency in his advice with the patient, but knew that was going to ultimately prove to be futile. Patients sometimes had a way of focusing on other things rather than keeping themselves healthy and Tom was no exception.

Am I free to go?

Frankson was mesmerized by the results of the tests, yeah, sure... just... be careful out there.

Tom got up and out of the wheelchair, leaving some of his slop dripping off the device and proceeded to exit the hospital. On the way out, one of the guards whistled at him, hey sexy, how about you back that thing up over here?The Blacklister buckled over as his genitals once again raged with sexual desire.

OH GODDAMNIT,he cried out as he collapsed to the floor, his jizz blaster aching with an outrageous intensity. He hit the ground and started convulsing once more while the guard just laughed at him.

Look at that fucking Blacklister,he sneered to his partner, he looks like a fish out of water flopping about. Fucking hilarious!

As Tom bucked and jerked, spooge went careening across the linoleum, decorating it with globs of his dick snot. I-I-I-I,he reminded himself, I c-c-c-c-can fight this!He reached down to his man pumper and tried to stave off the onslaught of his putrefied yoghurt only to cause it to splooge out harder. Sauce coated the flooring leaving a white sticky, glbo filled ocean. After what seemed like ages as he stood back up only to find the guards jaws agape with delight and horror as to what they had witnessed.

You,one of them stuttered, you aint human! Youre just a jizz machine!

Fuck - just leave,Instructed the other one.

Tom stumbled to the exit, huffing and panting the entire time. Once outside, he shuffled his way over to the limo before climbing inside. It was the next day before he was able to regain his composure having slept for a solid thirteen hours. The sound of his mobile phone ringing off the hook was what finally woke him up. He rolled over onto his stiff meat staff as a bolt of misery ran through his body, reminding him of his permanent state. OH BLOODY HELL,he arched himself up and reached over for the electronic device. YEAH, WHO IS IT,he barked in frustration after sliding the answer button.

Hey man,came out the voice of his agent, whats with the hostility?

Sorry, sorry,the blacklisted buck apologized to his friend (calming himself), whats going on?

I got you an audition for a new show on TV,James cheerfully announced.

Oh really, what show? Another soap opera?

A reality show called Hunk Island.

Oh whats it about?

In short- it's a show exclusively designed for Blacklisters... a competition with the winner being excused from the laws for upwards of a year.

Tom was aghast at what he heard; was this his ticket out of this hell hole? What do you mean immune?Does that mean I could return home?

The Blacklister could almost hear the man shrug his shoulders, I dont know, but it wouldnt hurt to go in for the audition. After all, you could use all of the help that you can get.

It was too good to be true: an immunity to all Blacklist laws for an entire year? There had to be a catch, so whats the catch?

Not sure... well have to wait and see. Meanwhile, how about you go out and celebrate... ya know, have a little fun... let some steam off?

Well, I could go back to that club from last week.

Yeah, that might be a good idea; just remember to jerk off frequently and youll be fine.Tom neglected telling his agent about the results of the tests that the doctor had mentioned. Instead, the Blacklister spent the rest of his time hiding in his LA luxury penthouse in hopes of not being targeted by anyone. Not only was it safer to stay home and away from potential rapists, but the maid had refused to return to the place until something could be done about the putrid stench that he was emitting. After scrubbing most of the place (at least the places that desperately needed it), the nudist found that a brief respite was in order. It had been a few days since he had taken a bath and most recently received notification that stocks were starting to run low. In the midst of all the chaos from the hospital visit, he had neglected to bathe himself properly. The Blacklister sauntered up to the second floor, and began drawing a warm bath for himself. It was a treat to himself: a bubble bath, one that was scented lavender, that calmed his mind while at the same time stimulated other things.

The soap foam tickled his body as he climbed into the tub. Each bubble felt like a tiny kiss caressing his bare skin making him quiver with a gnawing desire to unload the contents of his reproductive system into the warm soapy mixture. He tried relaxing as best as he could while ignoring the pops from the suds that continued to taunt him. The tepid waves of fluid sloshed carelessly about his body as his dick twitched and pulsated with a neglected longing. Without even realizing it, his hands had found their way onto his turgid third-leg, sliding up and down the vein-ridden shaft, bringing pleasure to his haggard form. The British soap star lay in the bubble covered water allowing the stress of the past few weeks melt away as he milked his man udder, drawing the ensuing raucous finish a little closer with every thrust of his fingers. As the moment of erotic bliss drew closer, he suddenly found himself with the inescapable notion of his libidinous actions. The UK hunk felt the pressure of desire mount in his loins as he was just about to pop, he left with the inescapable thought that he was about to forfeit his status of being labeled a Non-Blacklister.

He shot straight up releasing his rectal thrasher, just before his lack of physical enjoyment lead to unimaginable torment. He crumpled over in agony as once again his genitals punished him for not giving in to their desires. The pain rolled him over like a freight train pressing a tin can as he tried to argue with it in his mind. Only the sounds of suffering escaped his lips while he worked to recover from the torture inflicted upon him. Without realizing it, he reached for his man porker and gave it a few quick tugs releasing more of his pent up passions into the warm fluid. His cock pumped out round after round of rancid, chunky, curdled lust goo into the warm water. The heavens parted and he was thrust into a world of unimaginable delight from playing with himself as his dick snot rocketed out of his cum slit. OH GOD,he screamed alone in his condo, OH MY HEAVENLY FATHER IN HEAVEN! OH FUCK! OH FUCK! YEASSSSSSSSSS!The chunks that were a byproduct of his rank, rotten spooge provided an orchestral mix of pain and pleasure as the beads left micro-tares in his urethra due to their increased size. One minute... two minutes... no end in sight... three minutes... the orgasm still wouldnt stop. Panic tried to push its way into his mind, but the sensations were far too overpowering. Instead, it took a backseat as he finished at four minutes. Uh-huh,The Blacklister panted, oh, oh, oh, fuck me hard, puhhhhhlllleeeeeeeeaseeee.He collapsed in a haze of sexual euphoria, fear, and guilt. Energy spent, he fell asleep only to dream of being fully dressed in his home in Chiswick.

When he awoke, the sun had gone down, enveloping the land in darkness and shadows. The warm night air was alive with the sounds of crickets and other nearby creatures busy with their comings and goings. He quickly looked over at the clock, noting that it was 10:45pm... magic hour. The clubs had begun to fill with celebrities and people from all walks of life. He quickly ran and grabbed a couple of shipping buckets so as to pack up the water for distribution, and sent a text to the distributor about how it was filled with some of his man gunk. The distributor replied that they would raise the price for this batch and label it as limited edition. A pickup time was set for 3pm the next day. He then threw on his shoes, ran gel through his hair, and grabbed his phone with a pouch that normally hung around his neck. After he rang Lexi to have the limo ready, he was off to the club.

The pulsing baseline could be felt from two blocks away and increased in intensity as they drew closer to the entrance. Music and enjoyment was being had by all and Tom was eager to get into the club. About a block away, a hairbrained notion came into effect: he would walk into a side or back entrance of the club instead of showing up in a conspicuous vehicle. Maybe if he did that, fewer people would take notice of him and the paparazzi wouldnt be after him. Hey Lexi,he called up to the driver, Im gonna get out and walk the rest of the way.

Are you sure Mr. McGinnis,Lexi questioned, only the vaguest hint of anxiety in her voice, I mean, we are only a block away.

Yeah, Ill be fine and if no one sees me arrive in a limo, then maybe I wont have to deal with the press.

Lexi shrugged her shoulders, youre the boss. Just give me a ring when youre ready to leave no matter the time. Your safety is my number one priority.

Tom climbed out of the back of the stationary vehicle, his nuts dragging across the soft velour upholstery. Shivers of desire radiated out from his man mounds, and into his body, resonating deeply and forcing pangs of anguish to harbor ill-will to him once more. He shuddered in agony as he made his way down the sidewalk and into the nearby back alley of the club. The area was dimly lit, containing only one or two light sources. Boxes, crates, and even a few tables were strewn about in a haphazard fashion as a slimy moistness seemed to permeate the asphalt and cement walls. The sounds of a deep baseline flooded the empty space as the hunk could feel the vibrations in his chest. He approached the door and jiggled the handle only to find it locked. Bloody hell,he thought, I guess Ill have to go through the main entrance.He turned around to leave the alleyway, only to find his path blocked by a few menacing figures.

Five young men in their early twenties stood between him, and the exit of the alley. Each one more imposing than last; each one as muscular and ripped as the other. Their arms and bodies bulged at all the right places, drawing emphasis on their thick, vein-ridden arms. A V-shape could be seen under each of their tight, form-fitting clothes, leading down to the outlines of their massive tools. A couple were wearing tank tops and the other three were wearing the kind of t-shirts that had gaping holes in the sides that showed off their perfectly shaped bodies and tight flesh. Tom swallowed a bit of anxiety down his throat before addressing the pack of young, sex dipped studs. Evening gents,he tried to hide his fear with a cheerful demeanor. What can I do for you lads tonight?

The blonde in the center spoke up after giving a smug knowing half-grin to his comrades. We saw you head down this dark alleyway,the blonde casually noted, his voice thick and almost sexually arousing, and me and the boys thought that we could help you out. Ya know... keep you safe."

Tom continued to smile, well that is awfully nice of you, but as you can see, Ive got things perfectly under control."

Thats fine, maybe we should escort you inside... you know... as friends then.

Thats OK,Tom once more gulped out of fear, as his heart started palpitating with anxiety. I have plenty of friends already. Thank you lads for your kind offer though.

Ohhh,the blonde smiled once again, that wasnt a suggestion. We should all become good friends right now.

No really, thank you lads so much, and as I said before Ive got plenty of friends.The naked stud tried to barrell his way past the group of young men that looked like they were male models from a fraternity porno.

Dont be so rude,the blonde pushed back, we only want your friendship.Tom stumbled backwards a bit, falling to the ground, his phone clattering out of the pouch and onto the pavement. He caught a glimpse of the blondes crotch in the process as he got back up to his feet. The youths pants tented outwards towards Tom, threatening him with what lay beneath the wet spot that had now started spreading wider and wider. After all, what we want to be is your best friends so that way we can all go clubbing together.

Yeah,chimed the dark skinned youth, we just wanna hang out is all.

My names Steve...the blonde pointed to himself as Tom stood back up, a little shaken. This here is Avery...

Sup,the black man said.

Over there is Clay...

The redhead nodded, hey.

Thats Spence...

The brunette smiled, yo.

And finally, over there is Kyle,Steve pointed at the only Asian in the group. His blank, expressionless face and cold eyes gave Tom chills.

"Well all of that is marvelously fascinating and all, but I have to be getting inside now."Tom made another attempt to get past the pack of horny young men only to have his advances thwarted once again. This time instead of falling, he staggered backwards while somehow managing to keep his balance. You wanna be a pal and let me through, mate?

The leader of the pack pushed Tom a little further, nawww... we want to hang out here with you some more.

Uhhh... sure, we - we c-c-c-can all hang out in the club and dance the night away; itll be fun.

Steve shook his head, again gonna have to go with a 'no' on that. Hanging out here in this fully stocked alley is way more fun; isnt that right fellas?

Yeah real fun,Kyle chimed in, rubbing the stiffy with its wet-spot growing in size.

Im havina blast... what about you Clay,asked Avery as he looked Tom over like a cheap piece of meat.

Im havinbig olbarrel of fun right here,Clay responded, his southern accent far more apparent. The guys were locking step with one another growing closer to the lightly browned Blacklister. Everytime they took a step forward, Tom would mirror their behavior and take a step back, trying to keep his distance as they encroached on his personal space.

Wha - what do you lads want? Money? Cars? Gorgeous women?

Steve shook his chisled, Abercrombie-and-Fitch handsome head as the group took another step forward, nawwww, bro, we got everything we want right here.

Puh - puh - please d-d-d-dont do this, I am begging you,Tom felt something hard and metallic hit his firm, bubbly, bare ass cheeks. He looked back briefly only to find that he had backed up against one of the clubs redundant tables. He reached back, trying to see if it was damaged in any way and if it could be used to defend himself. No such luck; whatever the reason for it to be out here in the alley, it definitely wasnt broken... at least not in any way that he could use to his advantage.

Grab him,Steve barked as Avery and Kyle went for Toms arms. The pair pushed the Blacklister towards the table, toppeling his body onto the metallic rimmed wooden table. Toms heart raced as the full effects of fear took over when he realized what was about to happen. Without being told what to do, Clay and Spence went for the naked mans shoe covered feet and ankles, pushing him up into a missionary-like position. Tom tried his best to keep his legs from being spread apart while they were bent at the knee, but was unable to resist for more than a second as Clay and Spence overpowered him. His eyes darted around as he tried desperately searching for something to use as a weapon. Anything that he could grab was either out of reach or too small to make any impact. Instead, he turned his attention to using his own body and reached up hoping that he would be able to force Steve away from him and that his strength would be enough to stop the assault.

Let me go,Tom pleaded as he pressed his palm into Steves defined masculine chin.

Ohhhh,Steve grabbed Toms hand, forcing it from his face and back down towards the Blacklisters side. Instead, the soap star was able to maneuver it upwards past his raven black hair. But then we wouldnt be having as much fun as we are right now.A couple of the guys snickered at their buddys taunt as Steve grabbed Toms other arm, pressing them together above the nudists head.

This isnt fun!

But it is for us... were enjoying the main event here and we are about to have even more loads of fun.Securing both of Toms wrists with his left hand, Steve was able to manipulate his black sweats with his right, and drop his pants down to his ankles. His underwear was nowhere to be found as his rager snapped back up into a verticle position. The others followed suit taking the hint from their leader as they knew that soon enough it would be their turn. Steve smiled like a Cheshire cat and then leaned into Toms neck, giving it a lick as the British Blacklister shuddered with disgust. You taste amazing,a little bit of his saliva was still attached to the left side of the hunks throat, and you smell even better. What kind of cologne are you wearing?

The turn of events took Tom by surprise, I - Im n-n-n-not wearing any.

Oh really - well... whatever youve got on, its driving me wild.

Me too,chimed Avery.

Me three,said Clay.

Same here,said the remaining pair. Tom struggled once again in an attempt to free himself, this time twisting his arms in an effort to loosen Steves hold upon him. His efforts were thwarted as Steve only tightened his grasp upon the Blacklisters wrists.

Are you actually trying to get away from this little party we got going on?

Toms eyes widened with a mixture of terror and rage, yes! Now let me go!

Not until weve all had our fun.Steve inhaled Toms scent as deeply as he could taking in every molecule that the stud was cranking out.

Puhhhhhlllleeeeeeeeaseeee, just let me go!

Once again Steve shook his head as he leaned in for a kiss, locking lips with his victim who did his best to keep the foreign tongue out. Now lets stop dancing around the elephant in the room, and get to the fun.

Yeah the real fun,Avery sneered.

Steve shifted his weight and arched his back up into the air before using the tip of his member to tap the Brits quivering hole. Tom could feel the pressure as the backside invader pressed itself against his sphincter sending chills up his back. It felt massive; it must have been as thick as beer bottle, at least. It was gonna rip him up and the Blacklister knew it was going to hurt.

No, no please; have merce-eheheheh,Tom cried as his terror rose from deep within his guts.

Steve let out a chuckle, I love it when they beg.Just then he thrusted his rape staff deep into the dry anus of his victim, forcing a screeh to exit the mans mouth. Tom could feel a deep, throbbing, heavy pang race from out of his anus and spread throughout every fiber of his being. He screamed loudly as every part of his anatomy was suddenly lit up with a new kind of torment... different from what his genitals had been putting him through. Shhh - shhh,Steve tried to hush him, thats just the tip sexy. Im barely in there.

Barely in there,Tom thought, barely in there! What does he mean, barely in there?How much more could be left?The tawdry victims mind raced as he tried to process what he had just been told.

OH FUCK,Steve continued his rectal splunking, HES SOOOOOOO FUCKING TIGHT! I dont think Ive ever felt one as tight as he is, before. Quick guys, someone whip out your phone - I want to remember this moment!

Clay bent to the ground and fished out his smartphone before setting it to broadcast the assault. Ok, were live here with Tom McGinnis, and my buddy Steve is having the first crack at his virgin-tight asshole. Steve, tell them what you just told us.

Yeah bro, this rape-bait is super fucking tight! I think he might be the tightest ass that Ive ever had!Steve shoved in deeper as Tom howled in sheer excruciating agony. The victim could feel every inch of his rectal tissue being torn to shreds as he clamped down trying to force the invader out.

HEELLLLLLPPPPPPP,the Brit screamed, FOR THE LOVE OF MERCCCCCCCCCY - SOMEONE HELP!He turned his attention to the smartphone with a pleading look in his eyes as tears started welling up. IF YOU ARE NEAR THE - THE BACCHANAL NIGHTCLUB AND ARE WATCHING THIS - PLEASE SAVE ME! THEYRE SODOMIZING ME!

Ohhh yeahhhhh,Steve sighed real tight.He kept shoving in his fat dick deeper and deeper into his new toys innards. He could feel a little resistance as he persevered, but it only made the assault that much more enjoyable. Five inches, six inches, eight inches... it wasnt long before Toms rapist was able to cram all ten inches into his guts. Blood trickled out his backside and if he wasnt distracted with all of the torment and suffering, he would have felt it leak and pool underneath him. Now its all in there,Steve announced, pleased by what he had accomplished like he had done so many times before.

Tom shrieked incoherently for a solid five minutes before he was able to form words and sentences once more. PLEEEEEEEHHHHSE, JUST PULL IT OUT,Tom begged as the blonde beefcake laughed at his misery,

Ok daddy,Steve tore out his man-kabob as tears fell from his victims eyes, and widened from the torture. Better?

Tom nodded, th-th-th-thank you.Just then, Steve rammed it all back inside with twice the force affecting another shriek from the Blacklister. The boys chuckled as they watched the soap stars face contort with agony the likes of which they had witnessed from others in the past.

I love it when you do that Steve,Kyle heaped praises upon his buddy.

STOP - STOP! FOR FUCKS SAKE - STOP RAPING ME, YOU BLOODY FUCKING WANKERS!Another thrust tore into their victims once virginal anus, making him cry out again. Over and over Toms rapist would thrust into him, causing the Blacklister to scream out. A river of tears came crashing down his face as it turned cherry red from all the shouting and stress he was being forced to endure. Steve violated the man repeatedly for what felt like hours, while for Tom every thrust felt just as painful as the first. STOP - STOP - STAH-HAHAHAHA-P!Steve only growled with fiendish delight as he leaned in, his breath feeling like searing evil upon Toms neck.

Steves thrusts grew in ardency as he could feel the swelling of his spooge building like a tidal wave getting ready to break through a flimsy dam. His cock jabs grew in speed as he started to near the end of his brutal session. Oh yeah baby,he whispered, baby boy likes your tight hole. It feels so good wrapped around my Blacklister Breaker.He threw his head up briefly, OH GOD - HERE IT CUMS DADDY!He squeezed his eyes shut as he panted and moaned moving his face back down to his rape victim could see the pleasure that was beset upon him. OH, OH, OH, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!Waves of cum pelted Toms innards as the blonde beefcake was lost in an ocean of pleasure. Spent, he withdrew his fun toy, and swapped places with Kyle.

Tom panted as he laid on the table, blood dribbling to the ground as he hoped that maybe he would have been given a minute or two to recover from the first assault. He took in three breaths before Kyle rammed his soda-bottle thick rape log into the British hunk's lust cavern. The naked man screamed as every angry inch tore through his backside. "OH GOD,"he shrieked, "IT HURTS SO MUCH - PLEASE, LET ME GO!"He looked up into the face of his tormentor, who only gave a cold, indifferent expression to his plight. Tom felt a chill run up the back of his spine and settle in his stomach as he was unnerved by his rapist's deadpan expression. Kyle continued thrusting harder and harder into his victim forcing squeals and cries from the suffering man. No sound, no expression... just an aloof detachment from the situation. Tom wrestled one of his wrists free of Kyle's sinewy bare grasp and slammed it up into the Asian's expressionless face only to be swatted down by a firm, rough smack across the face. Minutes passed slowly as Kyle assailed the soap star's smooth but firm buns. It took a solid forty-five minutes before Kyle started squirting his lust frosting into Toms defiled donut shop. This time, it was Toms turn to shoot, as rank globs of man crud dripped off his face, Kyle unsheathed his mansword allowing Clay the opportunity to have his turn.

Clay smiled as sweet as he possibly could, hey Daddy; there there, its gonna be ok. Shhh, shhh Clays here.

How,The Blacklister whispered, how will it be ok? You guys are sexually assaulting me - LITTRELLY!

Well thats one way of looking at it. The other way is that we are all expressing our undying devotion to you via physical means.


Clay,Spence whined, I want a turn with him.

Clay nodded, how about we both take him together, like bros. You know: Bros before hoes!

Spence thought for a second, and then smiled sweetly, sounds like a fun time to me.

Cool; Ill take the ass and you can have his throat.Clay rammed his wrist-watch band hefty crotch rocket hard and fast into the Blacklisters bloodied guts forcing another scream out of him that was soon silenced by Spences beer bottle sized dick.

Oh man,Spence smiled, hes screaming into my junk.Spence could feel the vibrations of Toms cries of pain, sending shivers of pleasure through the frat boys body. It wasnt until he forced it down the soap stars throat that the vibrations stopped. Despite still being in pain, Tom couldnt scream and instead started retching and gagging on the young mans rape toy. His stomach spasmed as it tried to expel the intruder from its hidden, private domain. The spasms caused his sphincter to convulse as well as it too was being triggered by what was happening down his throat. Oh fuck,Spence cried, the muslce spasms feel even better!Tom tried to force out a scream for help only to be met with the crushing blow of the enormous, elephantine beast. Spence could feel the slimy mucus and saliva that permeated every inch of the celebritys warm gooey mouth and throat. Strands of his sludge clung to the monstrous member desperate in its attempts to evacuate from the insides of the Blacklisters tawdry bare body. Muscles flexed and spasmed as the rockhard victim earnestly made the effort to suck in as much air as possible.

Clay soon grew a little bored ramming his engorged rape stick deep within the rectal cavity of his boy toy. His mind started to wander, and soon he found his thoughts turning towards the Blacklisters throat. He could hear the noises of pleasure that his bud Spence was producing and wished that he could take the guys place. His thrusts started petering out as he started withdrawing from the experience. Hey Spence,Clay piped up, how about we switch things up a little? I wanna make him gag for a bit.

Sure man,Spence replied with a dreamy smile gracing his face, that would be swell.He tore his hefty tool out of the saliva laden mouth of his new daddy, taking with it several strands of thick mucus. Tom choked and retched, sputtering up globs of mucus and bile as he gasped for air.

Please,he begged as his tear stained face started returning to a cherry red color. I can hardly breath... guh-huhh you could choke me to - to deattttth. Just - AHHHHHH-HUHHHHH!Spence shoved his tool deep within nudists guts forcing more pleads and protests to bust forth out of Tom's facial gash. Meanwhile, Clay saw the opportunity laid out before him, literally, and thrust his raging throbber down his victims exposed, raw gullet. As the pair jammed their guy-roasters in and out of the older man, they leaned in, and kissed each other lovingly. Smiling, the pair looked at each other warmly as Tom laid there, having the life choked slowly out of him.

Toms eyes widened as the pair briefly cut off his circulation as he witnessed the duo engage in their romantic interlude. He reached out to push them away as a blackened haze started to cloud his vision. Ignoring their toy's objections, the pair went back to making out as if nothing else in the world mattered except for their lustful urges and passionate love affair. At the last minute, as the blackness started overtaking his field of vision, the duo blasted their white hot loads into their victims oxygen starved body. Cum flooded Tom's oxygen depleted body, forcing out more life while forcing in more cock sludge. Spent, they withdrew their hefty, corpulent jizz teets, as air rushed back into Toms lungs. Toms gasps were deep and desperate as he tried to take in every last molecule of oxygen he could come by. He spewed out as much fluid from his lungs he could muster with every choke, having lost sight of the fact that the vicious pair had removed their members from his muscular bare body. His lungs burned with a pain unlike he had felt before. The duo immediately grabbed one of each of his ankles as Steve continued to hold his wrists and arms in place. Avery smiled cruelly as he positioned himself near the backend of the choking man.

My turn,he sneered, looking the terrified man up and down, as Tom lay there completely unaware of what Avery had in store for him. You fucking Blacklisters walk around naked thinking youre above the law and that rules of decency dont apply to the bunch of you!Avery crammed his soda can thick thirteen inches deep into the guts of the sexually alluring fellow. You get free fucking universal healthcare that we normal folks have to pay for out of our hard-eanred paychecks! You guys get to play with yourselves and engage in sex whenever you want! And hardly anyone expects anything from y'all!"Another hard slam caused Tom to cry out yet again, and none of it - NONE OF IT -Tom let out another shriek as he felt his insides being eviscerated, IS EVER YOUR FUCKING FAULT! YOU ALL GET TO WALK AROUND WITHOUT A FUCKING CARE IN THE WORLD EXPECTING LIFE TO BOW AND SCRAPE TO YOUR WHIMS!

Avery balled his fist up, cocking it back as terror once again took root in Toms eyes, ALL OF YALL GET TO PLAY THE FUCKING VICTIMS WHENEVER SOME FUCKING LITTLE INCONVEINCE HAPPENS TO YALL!Avery let his fist fly towards Toms left eye socket with as much force as he could muster. Tom heard a crack as Averys fist made contact with his eye socket and causing him to wince in pain. In the back of his mind, the Blacklister knew that this was going to be a rotten lousy shiner the next day. YOU STUPID FUCKING BLACKLISTERS THINK YOU ALL ARE SO GODDAMN SPECIAL! YALL AINT NUTHIN!Avery slammed down his left fist onto Toms leaking cock and toned, flat stomach... knocking the wind out of the nudist who could do nothing to fight back. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMBASS HOE! YOU ONLY HAVE TO TAKE IT LIKE A MAN - THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO!

Tom gave his assaulter the saddest, most miserably dejected look he could manage to create hoping that the fellow would see it and maybe let him go. Instead, Avery only hastened his abuse, eviscerating Toms inner tissues with his beastly dong and punching the Blacklister in various parts of his anatomy. Each thrust brought Avery closer to the edge as his succulent man berries started ripening, eager to help bring about the ecstatic conclusion. The frat boy could feel the tingle of lust signaling to his aggressively hormone laden brain that it was nearly time to pump out his heavy white reproductive man stew into Toms bloodied cauldron. OH FUCK,Avery cried out, YOU FUCKING BLACKLISTERS KNOW HOW TO PARRRRRRRR-AHHHHAHHHHH!His man swabber writhed and twitched inside the celebritys backside as waves of sludge spurted out, decorating the studs interior body. Mixed in with the anguish of the moment, Tom could feel the warm sticky relief that his rapist was unleashing in him. Basking in the warm afterglow, Avery withdrew his gut-cruncher allowing someone else to take another turn.

For the remainder of the night, the boys took turns violently gang raping Tom as the celebrity did everything within his power to fight back. As futile as this was, the Blacklister would shove, scream, and cry out for help and mercy. Then as dawn approached the boys had grown weary of sodomizing the poor battered fellow, and pulled their pants up around their emptied genitals. As the sweat glistened off their bodies, they withdrew from the scene leaving their victim to pick up the broken pieces of his dignity and sanity. Tom crumpled to the ground, tears still rolling down his beet red cheeks. Just as Avery had reached the start of the alleyway, the young black man was gifted with a delightfully horrific notion. He quickly spun about and grabbed the nearest emptied beer bottle and charged at the broken mangled celebrity. Before Tom realized what was happening, he found that a vacant beer bottle had been rammed into his guts with another shriek of misery echoing from his lips. As Avery walked away, he kicked the now vertical stud muffin back to the ground, shattering the drinking vessel inside his broken body. Little fragments of glass now tore at Tom's innards forcing him to relive the misery of the night as he made his way over to his phone. "So much for being the sexiest man alive,"Avery sneered as he left the damaged hunk to wallow in his new personal hell.

Sobbing and whimpering, Tom unlocked the electronic device, noting the time: 5:45am. His gang rape session had consumed his entire night and sunrise was less than an hour away. Each step he took was an exercise in torment as the glass that filled his back cavity ripped his insides to shreds. He quickly dialed Lexis number, Hello?she said dreamily, Tom? Whats wrong?

She could hear the fear and suffering that had mixed themselves together in his voice, Lexi, Lexi, you AHHHH-HAAAAAH need to come get me from the club. I was gang raped AHHHHHH and they shoved a glass bottle into me and broke it. I need to get to the ERRRRRRRR QUICKLY!

OK, ok, just wait for me there; Ill be there in ten.

Tom waited for what felt like forever as he stood bloodied and battered trying his best not to be seen by anyone. He wished that he had never gone out. He wished that he had just stayed home and read a book or something. He wondered what would have happened if he had made it into the club. Would he have been raped? Would the paparazzi posted an image of him leaving that night with jizz photoshopped onto his face? Would some dude roofie him, taken him back to his apartment and raped him? It was that last thought that gave him a sliver of relief: at least he wasnt at some place he knew nothing about. It was at that point that he heard the limo horn go off that snapped his attention back to the moment. He was going to have to walk over to the limo, climb into the back, and then be whisked away to the ER before this horrible night would be over.

The battered stud did his best to hobble over to where Lexi had parked as she stood attentively waiting on him. Inside his rectum he could feel little pricks and tares as each one of the shards shredded his insides. He shrieked and screamed with every step as each one was an exrecise in pure torture. The slits and cuts the shards made into his inner workings tore their way through his mangled body. To say his pain was excruciating was laughable and made the last several days seem like a cake walk. It took what felt like ages for him to struggle his way into the back of the limo as Lexi held the door open. Once there, he collapsed onto the velour interior in a state of exhaustion both from the actual journey and his raucous, energetic night. His breathing had become laboured, as he wheezed and sobbed into the back seat cushions. A mix of blood, glass bits, and frat spooge oozed from his tormented backside, dribbling off the cushions and onto the soft carpet flooring as the driver raced him over to the ER. Every bump along the roads only served to underscore his anguish.

It felt like one of the longest hours of Toms life before they arrived back at the ER. He was moaning and crying in pain; OWWW, OWWW,he cried as tears continued to grace the cheeks of his face. Lexi held him as upright as best as she could as the pair hobbled their way over to the admissions desk. Blood, bits, and cock snot continued their way out of the Blacklisters broken hole, leaving a little pink trail of the mixture in its wake.

Welcome to St. Joans,the nurse droned out in a monotone voice, how can I help you today?

My boss has been violently raped,Lexi aggressively responded, hes bleeding out all over the place from his butt.

Without missing a beat, the nurse replied, fill out these forms, and the doctor will see you as soon as possible.The nurse continued to read the trashy lesbian romance novel, handing a clipboard with pages for medical information to be filled in. The Brit continued wincing in pain as the pair shambled over to the soft chairs while droplets from the aftermath of Toms gang rape session continued to fall from his battered hole.

The pair sat down as gently as could be done while Tom cried out, AH-HA!The bits of glass continued shredding his rectal cavity, only furthering his misery. Welts from where the boys had beat him were starting to form on his once proud, gorgeous body. Lexi, meanwhile, busied herself with filling in boxes and lines of information with as much knowledge as she could give before leaving her boss and relinquishing the data.

Minutes dragged on and it felt like several hours before someone came out, Tom... Tom McGinnis?

Ok big fella,Lexi huffed as she braced herself for what came next, we gotta go to the back and let the nurses and doctors examine you.Tom barely acknowledged with a slight nod of his head as he prepared himself for what was about to transpire. Stabbing pains reverberated throughout his body as the broken Blacklister got up and made his way over to the nurse with only Lexi to provide him support. The shards that remained embedded into the lining of his rectum continued to shift and tare at his soft tissues causing him to whimper and cry as he made his way to the back. Just a few more steps, and well be home free,Lexi assured him. The pair followed the escort to an exam room where Tom could sit (mostly undisturbed) and await the doctors arrival. It was another few hours before the attending physician could see him and every minute dragged on and on.

Hello,came a womans voice, Im Doctor Stevens! What seems to be the problem?

I WAS GANG RAPED,Tom bellowed through gritted teeth.

Ok, I can see that, but why exactly are you here?

Wellll...Lexi was the one to respond this time, it seems that they pummeled him pretty badly.


The attending physician looked stunned, wow, what are the odds? I mean getting a glass bottle to break inside someones rectum has to be like one in a million, or something.Reacting to Toms look of anguish mixed with frustration she focused upon the situation at hand. Ok, well, lets get you prepped and ready for surgery then. I am just gonna get an anesthesiologist in here quick and were just gonna put you under. Normally we dont take such drastic action, but given the circumstances, I think well make an exception.Doctor Stevens fished out a phone from within her pocket and dialed a number so as to summon the anesthesiologist.

It wasnt long before the medical expert had shown up, attached a mask to Toms face and put him under. Hello Mister McGinnis,the anesthesiologist smiled politely, please count down from 100.

100,Tom started as glass shards still tore his insides up, 99... 98... 97...By the time he had reached ninety, he had fallen into a deep, dreamless slumber.

The battered Blacklister awoke in a hospital bed as bright sunlight streamed through a window and onto his face. Tom looked around his room, having nearly forgotten everything that had taken place before he was wiped out. Before panic had time to take over his mind and force him to do something crazy, everything came back in a flood to his conscious mind. The gang rape, the bottle, walking to the limo, everything came back all at once and out of order. It took him awhile to put everything into the correct order and to process what had happened. The aching of his body was minimal, with a few bandages covering the most intense damage. Most bruises had healed and the few that remained looked barely noticeable at this point. How long had he been out? Days? Weeks? Months? He had to know - and know right now! Luckily for him, some kind soul had left his mobile on the small tray-table that hovered right above his abdomen.

Flicking the power button and sliding his finger across the lock screen opened his phone. It had been four days since he had gone into the hospital. He tightened his sphincter checking to see if the glass had been removed from his body. No pain... no tares... no cutting sensations. He had managed to come out the other side of this ordeal no worse for wear. Although his hole felt looser than before, he could swear that it was regenerating even now. He knew it wouldnt be long before it was tight as a drum once again.

The hunky Brit checked his messages; there were so many that he had missed over the course of several days. His agent alone had called him fifty-seven times in a state of panic looking for him. Then, in the fifty-eighth message, James had finally been told what it was that he had missed: Tom was in the hospital recuperating. His agent laid out in detail how and where he was when he found out. It was the sixtieth voicemail that was of particular interest. The case worker that he had met with over a week before told him to check his email. Toms heart raced; he pulled down his notifications of his smartphone and clicked on the one from the USIS and read it himself. His heart sank; there, laid out before him, were the words he had hoped to never see: Your case has been denied without chance to repeal for the following reason(s):

Engaging in illicit activities leading to the classification of permanent blacklisted status. Please review the enclosed link to view evidence relating to our decision.

Tom clicked on the link, and it opened his YouTube app. There, online, was his gang rape for all to view. The boys had posted it with the title "Alpha Psi's Newest Bitch"with over two million views and over one million likes. The Brit closed the app heartbroken by what he saw. He had never felt more ashamed nor humiliated than in that moment. Had the USA turned its back on him? Was there truly no way for him to get back to the UK? Perhaps... just maybe... there was a glimmer of hope that he could see. He thought about what his agent had mentioned about his next audition. He opened his phone back up, dialed his agent, and said, "I'm in."

Next: Chapter 11: Jose 2

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