
By NakedscribeKC

Published on Aug 23, 2020


Author's Disclaimer: The author has created fictitious persons in an effort to tell a story and as such does not reflect any actual person real or fake, living or dead. As always feel free to submit fan mail and constructive criticism to the provided e-mail address.Follow me on Twitter: @TheScribexxx

Archif had turned seventeen only days before graduating high school and a week before his family left for Europe. They had spent a year in the Spanish countryside when the Great Revelation had hit the US leaving the Black List laws in its wake. His mother left his demanding father for a lovely and caring free spirited herbalist somewhere outside of Madrid. The young Palestinian bore neither women any ill will and instead focused his energies on taking care of his father and the family estate. They returned home, breezing through customs with a hefty bribe (his father really didn't want to deal with any bureaucracy in the wake of losing his wife), only to discover some of their male servants disrobed, but carrying on as if nothing else had changed. Furious, his father rang the local city mayor only to discover that the laws had changed in their absence and that there was nothing more to be done. Archif's father stewed in his impotent rage for days as he was more upset by this than a broken marriage. The eighteen year old didn't mind the change and made a small, silent vow to avoid leaving the mansion and it's many miles of land whenever possible.

It was a month after his birthday and his friends wouldn't stop bugging him to celebrate as he had been in Spain when it normally took place. Luis was the most persistent, texting him and setting plans to go out shopping and buy new shoes for the two of them. The nineteen year old Latino was always the most fashion forward of his little entourage and would constantly try to set his own trends on Instagram whenever possible. Archif knew that there would be no stopping his buddy once he set his mind to shopping and now that all but socks and shoes had been banned, he was eager to start setting new looks. After three days of non-stop pleases and "I'll do anything you want" requests, the Palestinian twink caved and he would go out to the biggest, ritziest mall that his town had to offer: Mall of the States.

Saturday came and Luis picked him up, mentioning that the girls weren't in the mood to go out. "Why aren't they coming," Archif questioned.

Luis replied somewhat apathetically, "I don't know...something about makeup or hair or whatever."

"Oh cool"

Luis shot him a look as Archif climbed into the car, "you can't wear that stuff know that right?"

Archif looked down at the t-shirt and denim shorts as the Summer sun warmed the fabrics. His attention turned to Luis's exposed tender body not registering what was going on. "Why what's up? This is what I always wear," he proclaimed.

"Dude...ya know...the Black List laws and all."

"Oh right...yeah I forgot. My dad told me about all that stuff that happened while we were gone." Archif started to immediately disrobe, tossing his shirt and shorts into the backseat.

He sat in the seat of the red Ferrari, trying to maintain some sense of control in his green silk boxers. "Nice try my guy," Luis chastised him, "but the boxers have to go too."

"Really," he wrinkled his nose as he searched his friend's face for a sign of misdirection. He had hoped that this was all some sort of practical joke on his part and that a camera crew would pop out of the bushes at any minute; no such luck. Instead, his buddy watched as he pulled down his skivvies, revealing his well plumped cock and almost apple shaped head. The sun warmed his privates as they sat there unattended with nothing on but a black wallet suspended on a string hanging off of Luis's neck between them. Archif's heart raced as his buddy's own member flopped ever-so slightly, as if it was responding to the visual stimuli. "I don't know man; I am beginning to wonder if it's even worth it to go shopping."

"Well you can't spend your days cooped up in that big ol' mansion. Besides, the laws also state that you can't own clothes, either."

"Seriously - wooooooow! That's harsh, man. I can't believe that my dad and I won't be able to wear anything anymore, not even at home. What happens if we did? Wear or own clothes, I mean."

Luis shook his head, "it's bad man. There was this one guy that lived down the street from me that they somehow found out that he had been hoarding a scrap of fabric that wasn't a pair of socks. They dragged him away kicking and screaming, literally, one afternoon. That was a month ago; no one has seen or heard from him since."

"Oh shit, man! Well I better not risk it," Archif threw his clothes onto the driveway as they sped off.

They pulled into the mall parking lot before the young Palestinian continued his barrage of questions, "So if we can't wear clothes, why are we going to the mall?"

"Technically we can accessories like sunglasses, most jewelry, hats, watches, and some belts...but that last one is mostly for security and law enforcement types. We can also wear socks and shoes on our feet, as you can plainly see," Luis pointed to the pair of expensive designer sneakers that he was sporting.

"Wouldn't socks count as clothes though?"

"Well if we sweat too much the insoles of our shoes can get stuck to our feet. That might shorten the length of the shoe's life so that's why we are allowed socks. They don't want us to step on glass or otherwise injure ourselves. I mean they aren't completely heartless...I don't think."

"They - who?" Archif was genuinely curious as to who the masterminds were behind all of this.

Luis shrugged, "the law makers I suppose."

"Why did these laws get enacted?"

"There was a whole bunch of data that was presented to all of the politicians at various points that unequivocally showed that men from certain countries were more likely to be driven by their sexual desires. They were more likely to commit sexually based offenses and more likely to sexually assault someone. To combat all of those tendencies, the Blacklist Laws were enacted."

"Yeah, but I don't have any desire to sexually assault anyone."

Luis shrugged again, "the data was conclusive. Besides, you're sporting a boner right now, just like me." He looked down at both of their now hardened ramrods.

Archif was surprised at what he saw staring back up at him. He panicked for a quick second, "what do we do?"

"Relax of the perks of never having to wear clothes again is we can stroke off anywhere, anytime and no one will give a crap."

"For real?"

Luis nodded as he took to playing with himself as the elevator from the underground garage began to climb. Archif followed suit sliding his hand along the veiny shaft towards the thick head. He lovingly and patiently felt every lump, every valley, every vessel his mighty member had to offer. It felt so good to be this play with himself whenever he wanted. No one would one would stop him...none would shout at him to stop his uncouth behavior. He felt safe, warm, aglow in this brave new world as each tickle penetrated his now lust addled mind. Although he was predominantly right handed, he would often use his left hand to play with himself as it felt like someone else was touching him. Nothing in the world would bring him such joy as to masturbate at a moment's notice. Archif could hear Luis panting...moaning with a deep, penetrating guttural groan as he too was lost in a sea of divine ecstasy. The boys continued playing with themselves as middle aged woman and her husband got into the carriage. They backed up, pressing their tender, bare asses to the glass focused on the joy in their hands. The woman shot them a dirty look, as the man licked his lips, straining to keep his urges in check. Just as the older couple ducked out the two youths blasted healthy load all over the elevator floor, with little pearls showering their bodies, and Luis's wallet. Luckily, a janitor had been waiting on the other side of the carriage doors and immediately went to work cleaning the mess as they wandered out into the mall. The two boys laughed at the memory of the dirty look the woman had given them, their penises softening for the time being.

Archif's eyes widened at all the changes that the mall had gone through. The sounds of moans and groans flooded his ears as men were locked in the throws of pleasure. The pair passed a group of young men sitting off of a corner, furiously stroking their own one-eyed-willies. They were huddled in a circle, eyes shut, enjoying the euphoria of their carnal activity. Archif watched in amazement as the each took turns orgasming into the center of their little circle, forming a pool of cum. He wanted to join them, but remembered that was not why the two of them had come here. The two continued their trek through the throngs of busy shoppers: some naked and some in clothes. The women's eyes were darting around desperately avoiding the various nude and enraptured men. Meanwhile, some men would actively engage with the public nudists to varying degrees while others continued on with their hustle and bustle. Some Blacklisters were walking and talking, carrying on as if nothing had changed for them while Archif saw others just standing or crouching playing with their peckers like the group of twenty year-olds that he had first encountered.

Then he saw it...something so unusual and at the same time so disgusting that he wasn't sure whether he should vomit or get aroused. There in the center of the mall lay a fenced off area that had men of varying ages going at it like a pack of wild animals. He surpressed the dry heaves as he watched a pair of sixty year-old white men thrusting deep into the backsides of two twenty year-olds. "What the fuck is that?" he pointed at the small crowd that was engaging in similar activities that the the first couples were doing.

"That's the Fuck Station," Luis offered.

"The what?"

"You know, the Fuck Station: it's a place designed to make it easier for men to engage in sexual activities while staying in larger social settings. The construct was tested in fifteen of the biggest malls in the States, before it was rolled out nation-wide. Our mall was one of the first ones to be selected for testing. They say it's also supposed to reduce the number of rapes by giving men a place to fuck, but I think that's just nonsense. If a non-Blacklister wants to rape a Blacklister, they aren't gonna walk over to some willing participant to fulfill their urges. And they think we're the beasts of lust!" The pair walked away leaving the men to their pornographic endeavors.

"So what is there to eat? I'm starving! Can we go get a pizza from the food court?"

Luis stopped and shook his head again, "nawww, man; solid foods are outlawed for Blacklisters. Not more than one a week after the laws went into effect an amendment was added that restaurants couldn't sell solid foods to Blacklisters anymore."

"How come?"

"I mean think about it...if we are to take multiple dicks in our assess a day, how are our tops supposed to stay clean? How are we supposed to stay clean?"

"Fair point"

The two started making their way to the food court, "we have a large variety of options at all restaurants now. Every business has offered a liquids only menu that in many instances has become more popular than the solids option."

"So what does happen if we are sold solid foods? I imagine that we can still eat fruits and whatnot, right?"

"Two very different questions and I will answer both in that order. First, if we are sold solid foods the merchant will lose their business license immediately (minimum: one year) - no appeals! Second (I assume you are referring to grocery stores) fruits are OK as long as we have documentation that shows we have a juicer or blender at home. Most restaurants offer a wide variety of protein powders, nutrient enhancers, and other flavouring options."

"What about the protein powder? Doesn't that create solid waste?"

"Yes, but the chemical that was created to breakdown solid waste even further doesn't work on bulkier material."

"Ahhh, I see...ok then."

"So what will it be then?" Luis stretched his arms out wide as if the food court was his creation and he was showing it off to his friend.

"Well, now that solids are banned, what are my choices?"

"Pretty much anything here in the food court has an all liquids menu. I recommend something from Pizza and More if you really want something that tastes like pizza. Their soy bean Italian spiced blend is out of this world and is the closest thing to pizza we can get."

"OK, let's go for it, then! Wait - where's my wallet? Oh shit! I forgot money!"

"It's cool man; I always carry a card on me," Luis pulled out his credit card from the wallet that hung around his neck. "Platinum card: unlimited credit!"

As the two twinks made their way over to the pizza place, Archif couldn't help but watch as another eighteen year old Latino was getting fucked by a group of what looked to be a group of gorgeous frat boys. The Blacklister was bent over a table being spit roasted: a slim blonde was pounding his ass while a muscular brunette was thrusting his cock into the youth's open mouth. Two of the other dude-bros sat next to the threesome, hard pricks in their hands. Archif licked his lips, wishing that he was that Latino at that moment...longing to have both of his ends filled. The Palestinian's dick hardened as he watched the spectacle, beads of precum starting to leak from his engorged member. He knew that he would have to jerk off, and soon, but was afraid of breaking the rhythm of the group. He watched as the blonde rammed his own stiffy harder with each thrust into the Latino's guts. With each impalement, the Latino would moan louder sending vibrations into the muscle stud's own bone-daddy. The group kept up this little orgy until the Latino twink busted his salty white nut liquid all across the table. As if commanded by an unseen force, the other two shot their loads all over the back of their Hispanic boy toy. Meanwhile, the pair spit-roasters let out a string of "oh fuck" as they too let loose into the willing boy toy. The blonde slapped the ass of the twink as the boys walked away; the twink languished in the euphoria of the excitement.

"Here," Luis slapped a cup into Archif's palm as if to snap him back to reality. "You could've joined them you big slut; you have every right."

"Yeah, I guess so..."Archif's voice trailed off.

"You guess so? DUDE - I bet those two `bators would have loved to have taken you on. I wouldn't mind watching them go to town on you. Who knows - maybe one of them would've taken me too."

The two boys sat there in the food court sipping on their beverages as they watched some of the other Blacklisters beat their respective meats. Archif reached down and started playing with himself instinctively trying to appease the longing he felt in his loins. A little bit of his drink made for a decent low-grade lube as his hand lovingly caressed his stiffened member. With a little bit more of his own saliva he was able to get a good rhythm going on himself. His seed leaked out his fat head and onto the floor, starting a small puddle beneath the legs of the table. He watched as Luis went to town, stroking his own brown rigid toy, adrift in a sea of pleasure. It had been far too long for his tastes since he jerked off in the elevator as he was finding it more and more difficult to not whack it. He really let himself go and got into the moment of the jerk off session the pair were engaged in. Up and down...up and down his hand slid almost effortlessly over his pole and fat head. Soon he couldn't contain the urge to moan, and even let out an "oh god" once or twice. Archif could feel an all too familiar churning in his testicles as he moved closer and closer to the edge. Finally he popped like a balloon at a birthday party and shot load after sticky load, painting the edge and underside of the table with his juices. He sat back for a second, dazed, as he started to come back to reality. As he got up from the table, he had noticed a couple of NBs had taken notice of his and his friend's salacious show.

After their impromptu spooging session, Luis suggested that they go pick out the new shoes that he wanted, "I saw this awesome pair on the Pacific Sun website and I'm hoping that they got a pair in stock. I wanna try them on before I buy them, make sure that they go with my new look." the two made their way towards the other end of the mall as men ogled their bare bodies. Archif tried to ignore all of the men staring and licking their lips as they walked through the shopping center. He turned his head away from the Fuck Stations, trying to block out the moans and pants and even a few "harder, daddy" he could hear coming from the area. His penis, on the other hand, started to stiffen from the sounds of ecstasy as if it had a mind of its own. He elected to watch Luis's reaction to the echos of passion, only to find that his buddy too had started to harden once more.

"Is this all that we are now? Just a pair of sluts who'll do anyone at anytime," he thought. "No, I won't go that route! I will maintain my standards and won't be ruled by my increasing sex drive."

"Oh," Luis had bumped into a big bear of a man as they entered into the store, "excuse me. I didn't see you there."

The man licked his lips as he made a sucking sound with his mouth. "Yeah, right; hey hot stuff... ever been with a real man before?"

"No thanks," the Latino started to cop an attitude, "I'm not into the geriatric scene."

"Whadjuh say to me, punk?"

"I said, I'm not interested!"

"That's what I thought!" the big barrel-chested slab of meat grabbed the little twink and lifted him off the ground.

"Let him go!" Archif tried to tackle the aggressor, but was stopped midway by a pressure on his shoulder.

He looked back to find that one of the three other bears in the group had stopped his charge with a meat hook of his own. "You ain't goin' no where princess! Ol' Johnny just wants your buddy there to learn some manners, real quick like." The man spoke with an indistinct Southern twang in his speech. "Maybe after they're done becomin' friends, you and I can become chums too." Archif's stomach dropped as he realized the predicament that they were being forced into.

"No - no - no - no - no," Luis pleaded with the older man, "I - I'm sorry mister. I'll n-never do it again! I promise t-t-to be nicer." The three old bears encircled the Latino youth, herding him to a bench a few feet away from the store's entrance. A few people passed by murmuring and whispering about the situation at hand. A couple of Blacklisters jogged away to safety as Luis tripped backwards against the wooden bench, a loud smack signifying that he had reached a point of no return for his escape. "Ow," the Latino cried startled by the ice cold wood and steel making contact with his round, juicy small butt. "Please, let me go," he once again begged, but the three men only snickered with delight. It seemed to them that they were the hunters and he was their prey; nothing would convince them to let their prey go.

Archif struggled against the full force of the brute. He hope that his adrenaline would be enough to allow him to make his way to freedom, but only found stronger resistance than he originally anticipated. He could feel the full force of the man's strength bearing down on him, keeping him locked in place. His attacker grabbed tightly onto his jaw forcing his gaze to remain fixed on the the quartet at the bench. Somehow his eyes refused to close, as he beheld the vicious act unfolding before his very eyes. His stomach churned as bile and vomit began to churn in his stomach. These gross men were unleashing hell upon his friend and he could do nothing but wretch as he bore witness to their brutality and beastly ways.

"Hold him steady boys," the first man barked at his two companions, "I don't want him going no where anytime soon." The other two brutes grabbed Luis's limbs as one their leader spread the kid's legs apart.


"Don't worry boy, all we wanna do is become real good friends." The others snickered at their leader's taunts, "besides, if you really ditn't want any of us, you wouldn't be so purrrty like. You can't walk around all of creation, showing off that smokin' hot bod, and not expect men to have fun with it. A hot piece of tail like you shouldn't turn on men like us."

"I-I won't," Luis tried to calm the men with a more soothing tone, "I'll be more careful next time. Just, please, don't do this! I'll do anything, but not this!" The Latino's eyes widened as the man unzipped his trousers, letting out the fattest thing he had ever seen. His stomach dropped as it he realized what was about to take place. Tears rolled off his cheeks as he sniffed back the fountain of mucous in his nose. The man rammed the monster deep into his rectum as Luis howled at the top of his lungs, tears now streaming even harder than before. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE," he shrieked as he felt the rapist's tool tear through his back orifice. "Uhhhmmmnnn," he cried as he tried to free his arms from the other two men's grasps.

"OH MY GOD IN HEAVEN," the man called out, "you've got such a sweet tight ass on you." He turned to his companions, "don't worry, you will all get a taste soon enough. For now, I wanna take him for a long ride!" The pack leader yanked his stiffy out of the kid's guts, looking down at all of the wet tissue he took with it. "Look fellers," he was like a kid in a toy store, "I gots me some lube finally!"

All three of his companions let out a chuckle, as tears had started to fall from Archif's face. "HELP - HELP," Archif yelled, "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US! MY FRIEND IS GETTING GANG RAPED! CALL THE POLICE!"

"No one is gonna come and help purty things like you youngin's," the one who held him snarled. "But if it makes you feel better, scream as much as you likes."

Luis let out another blood curdling scream as a crowd of onlookers watched in horror as there was nothing that they could do. A second wave of agony tore through his sweet, supple body as the man thrust back in. His attacker laughed and laughed, watching the kid writhe in torture. He pulled all the way out before running his rape stick back in deeper than before. More pain seared his fragile, vulnerable form as the man continued his onslaught. In and out; in and out; it had become an almost expected thing for the Latino to hit the high notes as the man rammed back into him. The bench shook with the full force of his hateful love making session...the kid sliding only slightly as the others held him in place. It felt as though his arms would be torn from their sockets anytime he was penetrated.

This pounding continued for an hour before coming to its momentous and anticipated conclusion. "OH FUCK! OH FUCK! OH FUCK KID - YOU'RE MAKING ME CREAM YOUR GUTS!" A torrential blast flooded the broken Latino's body, leaking a thick, gooey pink pool under and on the bench. "Hell yeah, man; NOW THAT'S WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!" He grinned from ear-to-ear, as Luis lay broken, sniffeling and mewing in pain. "Your turn, Tommy," he said as he and the guy on the right switched places. Luis turned his head to his friend staring at him forlornly, his eyes puffy from all of the crying he did.

Archif could do nothing but vomit a little at the mess that was his friend. "Ewwww kid," his captor said, "there's no need to mess over such a beautiful piece of art." Archif had longed since surrendered control to his guard and continued to stand there as his liquid lunch slid down his flat stomach and chest and onto the ground.

He watched in terror as Tommy took to pulverizing Luis's guts, trying again to plead with their attackers. "Please, just stop this," Archif espoused, "can't you guys just leave us alone? We weren't doing anything to deserve this." He turned his attention to the crowd of men, some of them jerking off as they watched the rape continue. "How can any of you be enjoying this? This man is assaulting my friend and your first instinct is to get off on it? How can anyone be so cruel?" His focus fell on two of the Blacklisters that remained, one of which was one of the boys from the circle jerk he saw earlier. Both he and another guy were stroking themselves as Tommy tore into his friend. They were getting some sick, perverse pleasure out of all of this.

Terror filled Luis's face as Tommy unzipped his fly. Although not as hefty as Johnny, if used right, it would still pack a bit of a punch to it. The man slowly thrust his boy beater into the Blacklister's backside, as Luis scrunched in pain. He let out another groan, huffing and panting, hoping all of it would just stop. It hit the kid's prostate inducing a massive rager for the young man, his face flushed from embarrassment. Two of the gawkers had moved in over Luis's contorted face and unleashed a rain of sticky delight over the his brown skin and raven black hair. He choked a little as he struggled to breathe blowing off the jizz as best as he could manage from his full, puffy lips. Tommy leaned in and pressed his lips to his victim's mouth, taking this as an opportunity to seize a lustful kiss. Luis's eyes widened in horror at what he could make out through his new gooey facial mask, letting out a scream of horror and disgust from both the kiss and the jizz that leaked into his eyes. Tommy pulled his hips back and rammed his staff back into the young victim's back office. Another scream rang out from Luis as pain once again made its home in him. "Oh, ho, ho," Luis choked out as another thrust made its way into him. Tommy established a pattern of pounding in sync to some unseen drum, as Luis let out a chorus of shrieks and screams. It was almost a symphony of suffering that titillated the crowd, making a beat one could almost dance to.

Another half hour had passed before Tommy reached the final note in his musical performance. "OH FUCK! OH SWEET GAWD IN HEAVEN! I'M GONNA FLOOD YOUR INNARDS WITH MY SAWCE," Tommy called out as he let out triple the amount of man-jam into his toy's innards. It was more than Luis had ever felt, and if he wasn't in such terrible pain, he might have enjoyed it. Splooge dripped from his ass hole as it ached and throbbed from the collective assault this bunch was unleashing on him.

Archif knew now that there was no point in appealing to the crowd for help as more men gathered around the bunch. He only hoped that the police would be able to arrest the men given all of the DNA evidence that they were leaving behind. If only there was some way to get some of the goo into a bag or a container of some sort, then the authorities would have no choice to lock up these miscreants for the rest of their days. His mind turned and whirled with plans as to how to collect the evidence while getting his friend to safety. "Your turn Al," Tommy switched places with the man on the left still holding Luis's limb out to the side. Luis had long given up hope of being let go at this point and surrendered to the pain that would once again enter his tight, smooth, caramel colored body.

Al unzipped his fly as his lengthy pain pipe sprang out of its cage. Luis shut his eyes, squeezing tight as another round of assaults began on his love cavern. Al's meatcicle pumped furiously and faster than the previous two giving the twink a new type of suffering to endure. He bounced and vibrated as the man huffed and puffed, blowing on Luis's sweat soaked flesh. The Blacklister that had been part of the circle jerk wandered over to Johnny and thrust his own boner into the man's face. Johnny wrapped his lips around the willing participant's sperm worm instinctively sucking on the meat lollipop as the kid moaned with delight. "Me next," he whispered as Johnny went to town on the prick. Archif stared in horror, his mouth agape at the madness that someone, anyone, would want this to happen to them.

Al's passions soon reached new heights as his overall pace quickened. "OH GOD - OH MY SWEET H.G. JESUS IN HEAVEN," he cried as his panting grew heavier. He orgasmed into the Latino's backdoor, as his fluids joined his buddies' stuff both inside and out. Spent and gasping for breath, he lay onto top of the Blacklister's body, drinking in the boy's sweet, delectable scent. Luis could do - and most likely would do - nothing against his rapist as he lay on top of stuffed body. Scooge leaked out of the Latino's pain ridden hole as he lay there panting and chugging down air. He wanted to get up and go back to his normal life, but the men had yet to loosen their grasp. Al turned to Archif's proverbial jailer, "your turn, Bud" he stated between breaths.

Archif looked up to the beast of a man just in time to see a wicked, toothy grin cross his face. He could feel the evil pouring from smile as the man began to loosen his grasp. Seizing the opportunity he had been given, the twinky Palestinian bolted for safety, leaving his friend to wail in torment on his own. He felt guilty for leaving Luis behind, but knew that if he got to a law enforcement official he would be able to bring these bastards to justice. He made it all the way past the Fuck Stations, down the elevator, and out to the car before he realized that he didn't have the keys. Luis had the wallet, the keys, and the semen samples that were integral to his entire plan. His heart sank as it dawned on him that he would have to go back. He stood by the door of the car trying to make it work in his head: he would race back, jump over the attackers, snap up Luis, and then carry him to safety. He then noticed the flaw in that plan: Luis's arms were pinned by these brutes. The wealthy Blacklister thought for what felt like an eternity as his mind raced through different scenarios, always coming back to the same conclusion: there was no way to liberate Luis without taking out the burly men from the equation. With a heavy heart, he made his long journey back to where his Latino buddy was last seen, hoping he was still alive and NOT taken.

He arrived to the entrance of the store where he had last seen his friend only to find that the group had disbanded. Luis lay there shaking and still leaking fluids from his rectum. He had clearly fallen into some sort of level of shock, and Archif was unsure if moving him was the best idea. Alas he saw no alternatives for his buddy, and picked him up while placing one arm over his shoulders and helping him limp out of the mall. It took three times as long as it should have, but eventually they were able to make their escape; keys and all. His friend murmured and groaned as Archif placed the fellow nudist into the passenger's seat as gently as he could. Archif knew that his friend was in no position to drive the red Ferrari, and climbed into the driver's seat. The soft velvet interior grazed his bare skin causing his own penis to harden once more. Electing to ignore its urges for attention, he started the vehicle and drove as far away from the mall that he could possibly get.

It was about five or ten miles to the nearest hospital where he could get his friend the medical treatment that Luis desperately needed. He parked the car, dragged Luis into the ER, and called out for help. It was mere seconds before a swarm of doctors and nurses started swarming over the pair. Archif presented Luis's credit card to one of the attendants to prove that they could afford whatever medical attention was needed. "OK son," one of the doctors adressed the young Palestinian, "you're gonna have to wait here while we do our best. Your friend has been through a lot of trauma, and it's gonna be awhile before we treat all the issues he's facing. You're gonna have to wait in our lobby and see if you can contact some of his family."

"Yes," Archif nodded, "yes, of course. I'll call his home just as soon as I can find a phone."

"Ask the front desk clerk; she will be willing to assist you if asked nicely."

Archif turned back and returned to the double doors, crossing back into the main waiting room. He pushed the doors open, crossing through the doorway, as they rocked back and forth from the force he used to open them with. He saw them: two large, muscular cops that were both built like a brick house. He somehow managed to suppress the boner that he had at the mere presence of this beefy gods, drummed up as much courage as he could muster, and approached the two intimidating men. "Excuse me officers," the beef slabs spun around, "my friend was gang raped and I want to file a police report."

"Ok," the one on the right let out a begrudging sigh, "shoot; I'm all ears."

"Well I'm somewhat new at this, so I don't know how this all works; I'm also kinda nervous."

"Well let's start with the obvious one: is he a Blacklister?" The policeman ran his eyes up and down the Palestinian's sooth, nearly hairless body.

"Well,'s the thing...can we go somewhere else, please?"

The two officers smirked at one another, "sure kid, we can go anywhere you want to." They followed him to an area in which there were fewer people all the while staring at his butt cheeks as they bounced pleasantly with each step. The two looked at each other, as one mouthed the word "score" to the other and another raised his eyebrows in delight at their fortune. Archif was completely unaware of the misfortune that awaited him as entered some empty room that was off to the side. The lights were dim, and the room was filled with of the many chapels that the place had to offer its clients. The second officer playfully bit down on his fist, as the first checked to make sure that they were alone...not that it mattered. They resumed a much more stern and professional posture as the Blacklister turned to face his escorts. "See the thing is...well...he and I are on the Blacklist, but that doesn't excuse what those men did to him."

"I see," the first officer pretended to have a concerned look on his face, "go on."

"Well they brutally gang raped him in the mall in front of a crowd of people; about a dozen or so, I'd say."

"Right, right," the second affirmed.

"How - how," the first one was more intent on knowing the lurid details, "how did they gang rape him I mean? Did they pin him against a wall - er- I mean - did they injure him?"

Archif raised an eyebrow, but continued, "they held him against a bench that was right outside the store."

"Did he scream? I bet he screamed," the second one egged Archif on.

"Yeah, he did and no one helped him. As a matter of fact some of the other guys there just watched and jerked off. There was even a Blacklister who approached them and propositioned himself to the group."

"Ohhhhhhh...myyyyyyy...goooood...really?" the first policeman started drooling as he stared intently at the young Blacklister.

"That would've been dope as hell to have seen," the second one stated.

Archif was taken aback by what he heard, "shouldn't you guys like be taking notes or gathering semen samples or hell - I don't know - doing some actual police work!"

"Yeah here's the thing: you and your buddy are both Blacklisters and seeing as how rape against your people isn't really a crime," the first one shrugged, "we aren't obligated to investigate anything!"

"Tell ya what: if you want," the second one turned to face his partner, "we can demonstrate this fact for you."

Archif swallowed: he soon discovered too little, too late the blunder he had unleashed on himself. He was a tiny little brown bunny rabbit standing in front of two starving wolves. He let out a false smile that radiated anxiety, "no, no, that's ok; ummmm...tell you what? How about I leave and...uhh...we just pretend that none of this happened? Does that sound good?"

The first guy shook his head, "how about no? How about my partner and I tag team that sweet, sweet ass of yours until we have spent every pent up load you've been giving us since we laid eyes on you?"

"Yeah, things would go more smoothly if we took turns sodomizing all your pretty little holes," the second one sneered. They unzipped their pants as two large cocks popped out, staring angrily at Archif.

"Come on guys," he nervously bantered, "you really don't wanna rape me, do you? We can all be friends here."

"You know what they say: they best rapes happen between friends," the first one bounded toward Archif, holding him in place. He leaned into Archif's neck, sniffing the pungent odor of testosterone and fear that the twink was emitting. "You smell so delicious; I could just eat up whole." The second had circled around and had grabbed Archif's arms, locking them into position and placing a pair of cuffs onto him.

"You have the right to remain sexy, and everything you say and do will definitely be used to pleasure us." The second one mocked the Miranda rights at the twink as he trembled with fear.

"What are you gonna do, little bunny? You gonna scream? You gonna cry? The big bad wolves are here, and they are huuuuuungry," the first one snarled. His tongue started darting out of his mouth, licking the panic seat off of his prey's smooth, nearly hairless body. Archif shuddered as an all too familiar tingle surged through his body. Some part, some deep seeded part of him, actually enjoyed what was happening...well the more pleasant parts, at least.

"That's right," the second continued, "we're gonna huff and puff and break your ass down!" He too took to inhaling Archif's sweat soaked body. He grabbed the kid's hair and pulled his head back before trying to plant an awkward kiss on his victim's face. "Good boys make out with their friends," the second one pinched the exposed left nipple. Archif let out a little yelp as the man continued, "bad friends get disciplined hard. So what do you want to be: a good friend or a bad friend?" Before the Blacklister had time to answer, the first policeman crammed his tongue into the open mouth, running his tongue around his victim's mouth.

Pulling back the first cop afforded Archif the chance to reason with them again. Archif pleaded, "please...please don't do this! My friend needs help! You have to stop this and help him! You are police officers, right?"

"Oh my poor little friend," the first one mocked, "he's so sexy and needs so much help." The man's tone changed to one that was sterner, "Blacklisters exist for one purpose and one purpose alone: to be the playthings of men everywhere. One day other countries will adopt this same policy and put the whole libidinous lot of you in your place: between our legs! Until that day comes, we're gonna have all the fun we want; right partner?" The second cop nodded in agreement and bent over to lick Archif's face. The Palestinian's erection grew against his will as the men took advantage of his soft, caramel body. He couldn't believe that amidst all the fear and anxiety he had, he could grow a boner for these two sleeze balls. Both cops' tongues slithered and slimed all over his tight youthful flesh driving him wilder and wilder with madness and passion. Part of him wanted to give into their carnal desires while the other part wanted to break free and run away from fear and disgust.

Before he had time to reach a decision, he felt a large sweltering pain flood his entire body. It started at the base of his spine and blossomed quickly throughout the rest of his nervous system. He looked down as he screamed in pain, only to see the first cop's hips moving closer and closer to his own pelvis. Every nerve ending lit up like Christmas tree lights as it soon became all too clear what was happening: he was being raped. Archif had never encountered anything like it and wished that somehow they would just lose interest in him and let him go. Tears poured from his eyes as he remembered the tears that Luis had let out while he was being gang raped. A dark sinister thought re-emerged from the depths of his psyche now as he had back then: Luis was faking the tears as the men brutalized him. He pushed such a wicked and heartless notion from his mind as the pain surged throughout his eighteen year old body. The two cops laughed at their new toy's suffering and continued to lick his skin whenever possible.

"STOP! STOP PLEASE! IT HURTS! YOU'RE HURTING ME," Archif cried in between shrieks of pure torture.

"Oh, I'm sorry baby. I didn't realize that we were hurting you. We just wanted to have a little fun with you is all," the first one cooed as he pulled his third leg out from the guts of the Blacklister. "Don't worry, it's all over now...there, there." He immediately rammed it harder back into the young man's rectum, "I lied!" Archif howled and howled as the first muscle cop sodomized his hole, his body bouncing up and down as each thrust tore into him. It felt like an eternity had passed in which he was jostled agonizingly in place, each crash feeling worse than the previous one. He felt something warming his insides as the man roared, "OH FUCK, GODDAMNIT, YOU FUCKING LITTLE TEASE! THIS IS WHAT REAL MEN DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Another pulse flooded his insides just before the first cop collapsed underneath him. "Your turn," he panted to his partner; the second cop smiled.

"You ever been gang raped kid," the second one questioned as he picked up Archif from off his buddy.

The twink dazedly shook his head, "no, no, please no...I just - I just want to go home."

"Maybe later; daddy needs some tender lovin' right now." He crammed his sodomy stick into the twink's battered sphincter, striking it with a force harder than the last guy. Archif screeched once more as mucous leaked out his nose. Nothing he could do or say would stop these men from taking what they wanted...nay...needed from his vulnerable form.

He screamed out once more, "NO, I'LL DO ANYTHING - JUSSSSS - AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" It felt as the second man was someone rearranging his intestinal tract, turning it into some misbegotten foreign delicacy. Archif's screams echoed back at him taking on an almost taunting twinge to them, mocking his very being with a sinister quality. He was lifted up higher than before as the second beefcake slammed him against the wall. All the wind in his lungs soon vacated itself, leaving him gasping for more air. The man tossed him like a broken rag doll down on one of the pews, as Archif struggled to catch his breath. He only had a split second before the man spun him around and impaled him once more with his meat pick. "Why was he doing this," somehow the thought had managed to creep into his mind. "He was way more brutal than the others; there was no need." This did nothing to alleviate his suffering as bruises and welts began to surface on his spongy battered flesh.

One final harsh slam into his rectal cavity brought an all too familiar wetness into his insides. "OH FUCK! OH FUCK," the second cop yelled as he yanked Archif's now bleeding head back. "THIS IS SO FUCKING SWWWWWEEEEEEEETTTTT!" After the final drop vacated the man's body, he got up and zipped his fly back up, housing his rape tool deep within its cotton cage. He laughed, "thanks kid; you were great. We couldn't have done this without you."

The first one got up and started to leave with his partner, "yeah, you're one of millions. Don't ever change! Oh, and don't worry - we'll have someone get in here and help take care of you."

Archif could only let a gurgle escape his lips as one, dark, dystopian thought permeated his thoughts: no one would save him from this hellscape, EVER.

Next: Chapter 7: Josh

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