
By Moore

Published on Oct 12, 2001




Cole's mother, Emma, was an innocent 17 year old virgin when she married Beauregard Jackson Sumner III in 1982. Emma knew little about men and even less about sex. Beau knew little about women, but a lot about sex... sex with men. He tried, but his penis rarely stayed hard long enough to penetrate her vagina and ejaculate. Cole's birth two years later was a minor miracle.

For years, until shortly after his death, Emma thought it was her fault so she didn't complain that Beau particularly liked to jerk his penis with his tongue in her rectum. He liked to ejaculate on her belly or back, and promptly clean her skin with his tongue. Emma grew familiar with the smell of semen on her skin and on the bedclothes. Beau often come home after a night out, his clothes stained and the smell of semen wafting from his body.

Beau was dead now and Emma had a young son to raise and protect. Protect from what she had so recently learned about his father. Dead four months. Emma remembered the story in the Sumnerville Times:

Sumnerville, Miss., May 11, 2001: Beauregard Jackson Sumner III, Beau to his friends, 40 years old, found dead today at Sumner Creek of an apparent heart attack.

Sheriff Rod Parker, a boyhood friend said, "Good old Beau. He was probably fixing to take a swim in the creek, like when we was kids, when his poor heart just gave out. We'll miss our Beau who was always the center of the fun when we were growing up together. My condolences to his family."

County Coroner James Dixon reported, "The cause of death was a coronary infarction due to a weakness in the heart."

Services will be held at Grace Church. Burial at Grace Cemetery where generations of the Sumner family are buried.

Not reported, and what Emma didn't know, were the somewhat unusual circumstances surrounding Beau's death. The Sheriff and the Coroner kept this information between them.

"How'd you happen to be at the creek today Rod, to find Beau," James Dixon, the coroner for Sumnerville asked helping himself to another drink from the bottle of bourbon he kept in his desk.

Rod Parker, the Sheriff, took a long drink before answering. "Anonymous phone call at dawn this morning reportin' a body at the creek, so I went to take a look. Saw Beau layin' there, naked, with his dick stickin' up like a flag pole."

Ole BJ must a been waitn' for somebody, Rod thought to himself.

"Called out his name," Rod continued, "But he didn't move and didn't have no pulse. Knew he was dead. Looked around a bit, but but I couldn't find his clothes so I called you on my cell phone."

"You did right by calling me...., saved an embarrasing scene. While you went to tell Emma the news, I was able to finish the autopsy and prepare Beau's body for viewing and burial." James sipped his drink and said, "Good thing Emma and the family didn't want to see the body before I put it in the coffin. Beau died of a heart attack. What I told the newspaper is absolutely true.... there was no foul play. When he died though, Beau was in a state of sexual arousal. Had to tape his penis to his stomach or", James laughed, "or order a special one-of-a-kind coffin."

Rod laughed nervously along with James, finished his drink and said, "Gettin' late, I best be goin' home."

"Stay on a bit. Have another drink. There's more to tell and I have to wait for lab reports tonight. I sent body fluids and tissue samples to a friend of mine for analysis. He'll be faxing a complete report within the hour. We've been friends for a long time Rod so I'll tell you what I already know from the autopsy. I haven't decided if I should include what I found in my official report. I hardly knew Beau, but you grew up together. Maybe you can shed some light on some curious things.

Beau's stomach was empty, Rod, except for oh about a cup of fluid which I pumped out and analysed myself. Beau had a belly full of semen, fresh semem, one or two hours old. His mouth and throat too Rod, fresh sperm cells coated the tissues. Do you have any idea how Beau could have ingested, ah, gotten sperm in his belly and mouth?"

Rod's eyes glazed over as if he were in a far away place. "Maybe I will have just one more drink", he finally said reaching for the bottle. "Maybe he was ah, um, masterba, aw jeez you know, jerkin' off and he tasted..., oh fuck Jimmy, why you askin' me?"

"I'm asking because you were his friend and if you're suggesting that Beau liked to ah, taste his own sperm then I got no problem with that. It's not as unusual as you might think. Medical literature cites cases of boys, men too, with a sperm fetish. Males who like to ejaculate, or as you put it Rod, jerk off, and drink their own sperm. A recent study indicates that the long term ingestion of sperm may be habit forming and even addictive."

"Addictive? Like drug addiction? Like a persons gotta, gotta have uh, a person could become a cum junkie? "Yeah," Rod said, "Beau had a, what'd you call it, a sperm fetish. A sperm fetish like you just said and he musta ejaculated and swallowed down his sperms."

"Maybe so, Rod. Maybe so," James said slowly as he reached for a small glass beaker and a set of measuring spoons. "Let's do a little experiment. This here's a one cup container and this spoon, this spoon meaures out one teaspoon worth of liquid. We'll see how many spoonfuls of water it takes to fill the cup. You with me on this Rod? I'll dip the water and you keep count."

Rod started counting as the coroner dipped and spilled the water, a teaspoon at a time into the one cup container. "...Twenty two, twenty three, twenty four...... sixty two, sixty three, sixty four. OK that's it, the cup is filled. We just proved it takes sixty four teaspoons to fill the cup, so what."

James said with a satisfied look on his face, "You got any idea how much semen the average male produces when he ejaculates?"

Rod laughed and said, "I don't know 'bout average, but my wife tells me I cum like a horse."

"I'm sure you do Rod, but the average male," James paused to catch the sheriff's's eye, "The average male ejaculates, cums, approximately one teaspoon of semen. One teaspoon Rod! How many teaspoons did it take to fill that container?"

Rod looked sick as he said, "Sixty four." He saw where this was leading.

"Right, sixty four teaspoons, and sixty four teaspoons of semen is what I found in Beau's belly. Sixty four men ejaculated into Beau's mouth. Beau swallowed the semen from sixty four men, not more than two hours before he died!"

"Cocksucker broke his own record," Rod mumbled under his breath.

"Also found pubic hair. Dark and wiry pubic hair in Beau's mouth, and stuck in his teeth."

"Cocksucker mouth," the sheriff mumbled again. "He called it cocksucker mouth."

"Huh? Oh, and that's not all," James continued. "His bowels too were filled with sperm. Not just the lower intestine, but all the way up into the small intestine." The coroner thumbed through a book on anatomy until he found the page he wanted. "Look at this Rod. This is the picture of a normal rectum, pink and puckered. This is picture of Beau's rectum, not so pink is it? And his anal opening measures exactly 2.49 centimeters, almost one inch. Something mighty big and fat's been going in and out of Beau's ass, for a very long time, to cause his asshole to stretch out like that."

For nearly thirty years, Rod Parker had protected the reputation of his boyhood friend, Beauregard Jackson Sumner III. Beau was a homosexual, a slave to cock. Cock had ruled his life from the time he was a teenager. Now that Beau was dead, Rod felt bound to protect his widow, Emma, and his son, Cole, from the truth.

"James", he said settling back in his chair. "Pour us both another drink and I'll tell you a story."

Next: Chapter 11

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