Bliss of Love

By Steven Cheiron

Published on Oct 28, 1999


The Legal Stuff - If for any reason this is in anyway, shape, place, or form illegal where you are, do not read this, download this, or do anything with this. If you are too young - scoot, you shouldn't be here. If you don't like male to male sex - what are you doing here? If you are an anti- gay bible pusher (or any anit-gay/bi person) - be careful, you don't want to get on my bad side. I can be a mean ass if I want to. Finally, if it is perfectlly legal in everyway, shape, place, and form - welcome and please continue by all means.

This story is mostly fiction. Some of the characters are similiar to real life people, but this is mostly just in my mind. The story is not intended to imply or say that anyone in it is gay/bi or has gay/bi tendencies. Basically, don't take this story the wrong way.

Please do not copy this or any other part of the story. Everybody is allowed one printed and one electronic copy. The only site able to post this story if Nifty. Any other sites have to contact me, to get my permission.

This is my first time writing anything, so please tell me what you think. My e-mail address is (be careful cheir0n has a zero not an o in it.) Any constructive criticism is welcome, of course flames will be ingnored.

I truely hope that all of you will enjoy this. Have fun and read on.

The Bliss of Love - Part 2

"What do you mean nightmare? I thought that that was your fantasy?" my sister kidded.

"With AJ there?" I joked. "He's not my type. I don't care even if it was just sex... Although I must say Kevin and Nick were pretty..."

"Don't wanna here it... lah lah lah lah lah lah..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know, but damn."

"I told you I don't want to hear it," she said while putting a serous look on her face.

"I know, I know." I realized I took it too far, for her tastes, as usual.

"I'm glad you're alright then. Now get some sleep. You have to get up in a few hours and take mom to the concert."

"I gotcha."

Denise left the toom and I slid back down the bed. It took an hour, but I finally got back to sleep. Fortunetly, or unfortunetly depending on how you look at it, my dream didn't come back.

"Dag-Nab-It Daisy!" I yelled as my alarm went off. "Are you in heat or something? Do you always have to have your ass in my face?"

She scampered off of the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Once there she turned around, looked at me, and meowed at me.

"Hold on a sec, I'll feed you in a minute." Whenever she she headed to the the bathroom and meowed, she wanted to get fed. "As soon as I'm off the phone, I'll feed you, ok?"

I picked up my cell phone and called mom. "Hey mom. Just wanted to let you know, I'll be over in about two hours. Bye." The answering machine had picked up.

I headed over to the bathroom and fed Daisy. While there I did the three Ss, shit, shower, and shave. I brushed my teeth and smiled a witty smile to the mirror to myself. 'Ok, what to wear,' I thought. I put on my black jeans, the ones that were two inches to long and three inches to big. 'To think these were only a couple inches too long a year and a half ago.' That's right. In about two years, long time, I went from a 36 to a 33. I went from 205lbs to 155lbs. I struggled for six years to loose the weight. Now everybody tells me I don't weigh enough for my height. Too bad for them, I like it. I might as well describe myself to you. I'm 5'11", dirty blond to brown hair (Don't tell me I better go wash my hair if it's dirty.) I've got hazel eyes, and a medium build. I'm between slightly defined and slightly skinny, if there is such a thing. I wear glasses, fortunetly they look nothing like the birth control glasses the military hands out.

Anyways, I decided to put on a short sleeve shirt. The shirt looked like is was sewn together from patches of green, blue, gray, and brown. Once I was finally ready to head out, I double checked to make sure I had everything. Keys - check, wallet - check, clothes - check, phone - check, cloves - check (Yes I smoke those fancy things), breath freshner - check (I could aways get lucky). 'Ok, what am I missing. I know I'm missing something,' I thought. "OH SHIT! I almost forgot the tickets," I yelled to myself. I grabbed the tickets, and rushed out the door.

45 minutes later, I arrived at mam and dad's. Dad answered the door and let me in. As a typical woman/date (no offense to any women reading this) would do, she waited for a few minutes upstairs in her room. When she was 'ready', she made her 'grand entrance' wear blue jeans and a pull-over. She asked me if I was ready to go (Shouldn't I have asked her that?) and I said yes.

I drove us to the Metro, and we hoped on the Blue Line. We had to switch over to the Red Line then wait for our stop -- Woodlypark - Zoo. If I had known it was an uphill trek for, what seemed like, seven blocks, to get to the Zoo, we would have gone to the next stop.

Our first stop at the Zoo was the Cheetah Sanctuary, my mom's favorite animal. We stayed there to watch them for awhile. My mom was watching them through binoculars. (She's legally blind, so she brings them with her when she goes to concerts. She can still see, but her eyesight with her glasses is worse than my eyesight without my glasses.) We took the long trek to the other end of the zoo.

The 'thing' I couldn't remeber that was going on (see part 1), was an animal art fair/show. As usual, we stopped at every booth except for the kid's area. Since the booths were along the zoo path, we looked at the animals as we passed them. We totaly skipped the Reptile House. My mother has been deathly afraid of snakes since she was chased by a Black Racer when she was only 6 years old. I got my fear of snakes from her, and my fear of arachnids from my father.

At the end, we arrived at the big cats holding area. The first one was an albino tiger, not white, but albino. (I used my mother's binoculars, and saw that the eyes had no coloring.) At about this time, it was 5:00, so we decided to leave and get somthing to eat before we saw the show.

We decided to find a place by the Arena where we could eat, so we headed back to the Metro, go on, switched lines, and got off. Here's were I started freaking out. Everything I did was as it was in the dream. I would try to do something out of the ordinary, then remember it from the dream. Talk about major Deja-Vu. We went to the Arena Cafe, left, and went to Burger King. My mother sat down next to the old man from the old couple in my dream. Everything was the same except for one thing. Sometime when I was in line, girls ran screaming down the road. A bunch of girls, in Burger King, jumped out of their seats to join the ones that were running. It was obvious that the tour bus just passed by.

Once I made it back to my seat, we had the conversation from the dream, then headed over to the Arena. We stopped for a little restroom break, then asked for direction to our seats. One more thing happened that wasn't in the dream. When my mom got her binoculars ready I told her, "Now don't embarass me by pulling a Kenny Rogers."

"You're never gonna let me live that done are you?" mom joked.

"Nope, never." I grinned widely, remembering what happened. My mom went to a Kenny Rogers concert with my uncle a good many years ago. She had brought her binoculars to watch him, as usual. She was able to talk the people in the box office to give her fourth row seats (because of her eyesight). Well, during the concert, Kenny stops singing mid song. He turned to my mother, pointed at her and said, "There is a lady in the... fourth row, watching me through binoculars." Needless to say my uncle stood up and pointed to my mother, making her flush deep red. Now if that ever happened to me, I would be more embarassed than my mother.

"Just watch it, or I'll make them stop the show," she said with a mischievous smile.

"And just how would you plan on doing that?" I asked smugly.

"Your mother has her ways." She had a grin that matched the Cheshire Cat.

I rolled my eyes at her, turned, and sat down. A couple minutes later, the dream started again - we got up, bought our shirts, and returned. The concert had strated with EYC opening, just like the dream. Even unbearable wait between EYC getting off and The Backstreet Boys getting on happened. Everything in the dream happened, plus some things that weren't. When The BSB finally made it on stage, I was thrilled. I enjoyed every moment I was there. One of the two things that I prayed would happen, did. There it was - Nick's hard-on. I was happy. The only thing left in my dream was winning the concert. Boy was I hoping that would happen. An interesting thing did happened while I was watching the show. The one Backstreet Boy that I really liked (I thought it was lust, but yet there was something else there) kept looking in my direction. I was always watching him, except when he was on the other side of the stage, out of sight. For some strange reason, I always watched him. I thought I could see him look at me, around me, through me, into me, but I brushed it off as him looking in my general area, at the girls around me. I mean, I know I was surrounded by girls that were at most 14 years old, except for 3 mothers, but yet maybe he was looking at me. 'Nah, why would he look at me. Just because I'm one of the few males in this place, maybe, but unlikely,' I thought. 'He was just probably acting like a good performer should, and make as much eye contact with the audience as possible. But then why would he always star at me. Why not in front, or behind... Give it up, it's not like anything is going to happen.'

So I went back to watching, and enjoying, the show. The end of the show arrived and my heart dropped. Once they went under the stage to wait out the crowd leaving, there was no contest like in my dreams. My mom and I started to head out when I felt a tug on my arm. I turned around and saw a man running. He had on a black trenchcoat, brown cowboy hat, what looked like blue jeans, and sunglasses. I couldn't see his hair, or anything noticable. 'Asshole,' I thought. "What time is it, honey?" mom asked. I look at my wrist to read the time.

"SHIT... sorry mom," I said pissed.

"What happenned?"

"That man stole my watch," I barked. "Sorry, I don't mean to yell at you, but you know. I mean, you gave that watch to me two Christmases ago."

"Well let's find a guard or someone." We walked up to a group of security officers and told them what happened.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do," one of them said.

"What do you mean 'There's nothing you can do.'" I was starting to get angry. "You can at least file a report. Even if that's all you do, it's still something, not nothing."

"Like I said, there is nothing we can do," he said again.

Now I was angry. (I can get angry really fast, or slowly come to a boil, depending on my mood.) But I know just how to push buttons. If he's a security officer, and it's his job... "Listen, you are going to file a report, and I will sign it. If you don't, I will call the D.C. police to come here. I will have them arrest you for obstruction of justice, and see if you can ever get a job a security guard again."

"Listen, SIR..."

"NO, you listen mister," my mom jumped in. Once she got involved I knew I had nothing to worry about. She is the type of person that could convince The Pope and Mother Teressa, may she rest in peace, to have kids together. She could convince Bill Clinton that sex with his wife was actually good, so he wouldn't have to have sex with the interns. "I can make it so that not only do you loose your job, but the only job you'll have is as that voice in the box when you go through drive through at McDonalds saying, 'Do you want fries with that.' ... I can make you life a living hell. All it takes is one phone call to my good friend Madeline. You might know her. She's the Secretary of State. I can have the FBI, CIA, and escpecially the IRS after you in a flash. I can have your face plastered on television sets all over the US, with a caption underneath that says 'Fugitive Wanted'. It'll go something like this...'The IRS is looking for him, for over $50,000 in back taxes that weren't paid. He last lived in the Washington D.C. Area, and used to work as a security guard until they fired him for not doing his job. There is a $10,000 reward for anybody who can bring him to the local police statrion.' And that's just the beginning. So unless you shut up, take the report, and file it... your life's a living hell."

"Hello. What seems to be the problem?" An woman in her mid fourties walked up to us and asked.

"No problem, just about to file a report about my watch being stolen."

"Oh, why don't you follow me. We can look at the video cameras, and can see if we can see who he or she is."

"Sure..." I said hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" she asked me as we started walking to the video tape room.

"It seems like a bit much. Why would you go through all the video tapes just for a watch?"

"Well, to tell you the truth... I overheard you mom 'convincing' the guard to file a report. I sure as hell don't to be on her bad side," she whispered.

"She does seem to get people to do what she wants, doesn't she?" I smirked.

"We're here." She unlocked a door, and my mom, the one guard, the lady, and I walked into the room. She closed the door behind us and locked the door. "I locked it, so that no one can interupt us. By the way, my name is Cathy Henderson, and the guard to your left is Mike Williams."

"I'm Cici Mendenhall, and this is my son Steven Jr. It's nice to meet you Ms. Henderson."

"Same here," I pipe in.

"Well let's get started, shall we. Were did this happen?"

"We got up from our seats and were heading up the stairs between Sections 101 and 102," I commented.

"Ok, about how long ago was it?"

"How long were we argueing? About 15 minutes? So I'd say it happened about 20 to 25 minutes ago."

"Let's see what we can find." With that we started looking at the different video tapes.

Slowly, but surely, we were working our way through the tapes. "What was that? ... Hold on, back up slowly," Ms. Henderson said at one of the tapes. Mike backed up the tape a number of frames and paused the tape.

"Steven... Is this the person you saw?" She was trying to get my attention away from another video I was watching.

"Who?" I ask.

"This one." She pointed to the screen.

"Yeah, that's him, but I don't reconize where he's at."

"How long ago was this taken?" she asked Mike.

"15 minutes ago," Mike responded.

"Mike, did you see him come out of that room at all?" she asked.

"No, I haven't."

"Um." She has a frightened look on her face. She reached to her side and grabbed a walkie-talkie and said, "Red Alert at the Center, Red Alert at the Center."

"I can guess what red alert is, but where is the Center?" I asked confusingly.

"Sorry can't tell you... yet. Are you sure you didn't see him leave Mike?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Ok, we've got him trapped, there is no way out of that room."

"Jim, where are the Arts?" she asks into the walkie-talkie.

"They're at the Center. Why?"

'Wait a minute. Jim? Could he be...? Nah. But it sounded like him... Just my imagination.'

"Where are you?"

"Down the hall from the Center, why?"

"Just stay there and make sure nobody enters or leaves the Center."


"I told you don't call me Roger," Cathy giggled into the talkie.

"10-4 Good Buddy," Jim laughed.

"Ok, follow me. Hopefully this will all be over soon enough."

"Three things first," my mother states in a commanding tone. "First, where are we going? Second, where is the Center? And third, who or what are the Arts?"

"Ok, I guess I have to tell you since all this is happening... The person who stole you son's watch is in the room where the Backstreet Boys go to rest before and after the show... basically the 'CENTER' of their behind the stage activity. So we are going to the Center. And of course you should be able to figure out the rest."

"I got it," I said. "Like the Kennedy Center for the Arts. The Arts are the Backstreet Boys, and the Center, their room."

"Bingo, now lets go, we've already wasted too much time."

Cathy unlocked the door, and relocked it as she dashes out, we all ran after her. She must have been on a track team, as we were barely capable of keeping up with her. We followed her through twists and turns, running the entire way. She slowed down as she approched a turn. Once there we ran into Jim. 'Holy shit it is him. The same burly man from my dream.' He must have weighed at least 350lbs. Nobody was getting past him.

"Ok Jim, let's go. The rest of you, stay here. We'll be back shortly."

Cathy and Jim disappeared through a large set of doors. We started to hear yelling, followed by talking. All my mother, Mike, and I could here was a bunch of people moving around and stuff being moved.

Mike started to walk to the doors and I followed him, out of curiosity. He slowly opened the doors and peeked in.

"Mike I told you to stay where you were," yelled Cathy.

"Sorry Ms. Henderson."

"Get Mrs. Mendenhall and her son in here. We need to talk to them."

"Sure thing."

Mike went to get my mom, while I waited hidden behind the door. When mom arrived, we grabbed each other's hands and walked in. Mike decided to stay outside.

"You wanted to see us, Ms. Henderson," I said.

"Yes, first off, let us introduce you to the Backstreet Boys. Guys, this is Mrs. Cici Mendenhall and her son Steven. Mrs. Mendenhall and Steven, this is Howie, AJ, Nick, Kevin, and Brian."

"Nice to meet you," my mother said extending her hand.

"Same here," I said. I stick out my hand as well.

"My pleasure." "Nice to meet you too." "Ditto." The guys all replied while shaking my mother's and my hand. I nearly fainted when I finally touch 'my' Backstreet Boy.

"Second off," interupts Cathy. "We've searched the entire room, and nobody is here except for the Boys. And finally, while we searched the room, we were looking for the trenchcoat, hat, and sunglasses of the perpetrator. we couldn't find anything. Boys, did any of you see anybody come in her about 20-25 minutes ago."

"No," they all replied in unison.

"We've been here for about a half hour, and nobody has come into this room except us," Howie explained.

"There was that one thing though," said Nick, looking all confused.

"What was it?" asked Cathy.

"Well, we were all sitting here talking about the concert. I got up to go to the bathroom. As I walked past the double doors, they opened. I looked outside, but nobody was there. I thought it was a joke, so I didn't think anything of it," explained Nick.

"How long ago did this happen?" inquired Cathy.

"Let me think... ... ... I think it was about... Oh boy... 20 minutes ago."

"This is starting to get wierd..." I said with my eyes starting to grow.

"He's gone," yelled Mike, busting into the room.

"Who's gone?" asked Cathy.

"The man on the video tape. I went back up to take a closer look. I remeber we left it on pause. Went I went in, the video was still paused, but no man. Instead there was a head looking out the door, Nick's. I've looked at the tape over and over again, and he's not on it."

"Fuck me..." exclaimed Nick.

'My pleasure,' I thought. "Can I finish what I was going to say?" I asked.

"Sure go right ahead."

"When we were looking at the tapes, I found the tape were my mother and I go up the stairs. I saw myself get hit by something and turn around. Here's the strange thing... the man wasn't on the tape. Nobody bumped into me or yanked my arm. I looked at the tape closely and didn't find him anywhere.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" asked Cathy with concern in her voice.

"Because I wasn't quite sure what was going on. Now I'm totally baffled."

"Cool, real life X-files," exclaimed AJ as he headed towards the bathroom. "Yo dudes," he yelled a few feet from the door of the bathroom.

We all looked at him, and saw that he was pointing towards the bathroom. We looked and saw the bathroom door open slowly on it's open. Kevin rushed to the bathroom and started to look around inside. "Guys, come here. You have to see this."

I headed to the bathroom first and everybody followed me. Just as I got inside the bathroom, the door slams shut. "FUCK! ... Sorry mom," I yelled. "What is going on here?"

"Will one of you unlock the door?" yelled Brian.

"What do you mean unlock the door? It is unlocked," Kevin stated.

We heard the knob turning, but the door didn't open. Both Kevin and I turned to the door and tried to open it - no luck. "Somebody try and break the door down, we can't open it either," yelled Kevin through the door.

"Better get out of the way," Jim yelled back.

Kevin and I looked at each other, at the door, at each other, and we said in unison, "Oh Shit!" Kevin jumped into the shower, which was on one side of the door, while I jumped onto the sink counter, which was on the other side. The toilet itself was right in front of the door.

"One... Two... Three... AAAAAAAHHHHHH," BANG... THUD.

"What the hell just happened?" asked Kevin.

"Jim tried to ram the door," said Nick.

"Unfortunetly, when he hit the door, he apparently knocked himself out. He fell asleep on the floor. That was the thud you heard, when he collapsed," Cathy explained to us.

"Now how are we going to get out?" I asked.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder and turned around to find Kevin staring at something. I got closer and looked at what he was staring at. My jaw dropped to the floor. Kevin's was already there. It was my watch, but that wasn't why Kevin was staring. The fact that it was floating three feet in the air was why he was staring. Not only was it floating, but it was spinning. When I got close enough, it dropped. I just dropped to the floor. Kevin and I went to pick it up at the same time. We ended up bumping our heads together.

"Ouch," I stated.

"Ooooo, sorry about that," Kevin commented. "What is that?"

"That's what was stolen... my watch."

Again we both reached down to pick up the watch. This time we didn't but heads. I grabbed my watch, then Kevin accidently grabbed my hand, intending to grab the watch. "Oh, sorry about that."

We both got up at the same time. I was still holding the watch, and he was still holding my hand. We were looking at each other, when all of a sudden the door flew open.

"WHAT THE..." Howie yelled.

Kevin and I looked at each other, then at our hands. He yanked his hand away as I yanked mine. I ended up dropping the watch.

"What the hell was that?" asked Brian.

"We both reached down to pick up my watch and grabbed for it at the same time. He ended up grabbing my hand, then the door flew open," I stated.

Brian glared at Kevin, while my mom glared at me. 'What?' I asked my mother with my eyes. She looked at my hands then at Kevin. I guessed she was trying to tell me that she didn't believe that that was all that happened. I guess the way it looked, wasn't the way it was.

Nick pushed through the crowd and picked up my watch. "This is what was stolen? No offense, but why would someone steal this?"

"Unless they desperatly needed a watch, or knew the sentimental value, I have no idea." 'May time bring us together for always,' echoed through my head. "Yeah right," I said under my breath.

"What did you say?" asked Ms. Henderson.

"I said that unless they desperatly needed a watch, or knew the sentimental value, I have no idea," I repeated.

"No, after that."

"Oh, I was just talking to myself. I do that every now and then."

"Oh... ok," she said unconvincingly. "Now, we've solved one problem, but another one has created itself."

"What's that?" asked Brian.

"How did the watch get from his arm to your bathroom with no one noticing. That and if it was the person you saw," see said looking in my direction, "how did he show up on our videos one minute, and disappear the next?"

"Now what do we do?" asked my mother.

"Well, seeing as how you have your watch back, all we can really do, is get your phone number and address, file a report, keep trying to identify this man, figure out how he pulled all this off, and most important, why?"

My mother gave Cathy her and my phone numbers and addresses. Cathy gave us a number where we could reach her.

"What time is it Steven?" asked mom.

"Oh no, it's 1:23, we can't catch the Metro. Now what are we going to do?"

"We can have someone give you a ride," said AJ smiling at me. "It's the least we can do, since this never would have happened if we didn't have a concert here." Talk about going for a stretch.

"It would have happened, just another place and time," I commented sarcastically.

"Maybe, but we'll never know," agreed Nick with AJ.

"That would really help us out. Thank you very much," mom thanked them.

"No problem ma'am," said Kevin.

"Please, call me Cici."

"Sure thing... Cici."

"Well, other than this little incident, I really enjoyed my evening," said my mother.

"I have to agree. Your show was spectacular. I really enjoyed it. I REALLY loved the opening. I thought it was perfect. My mother is right though, we do have to go, not to mention your guys still have a concert to put on tommorow night."

We all said our goodbyes and shook each other's hands. The security people left just after we did. We walked to the front entrance of the Arena, where the BSB had a driver to pick my mother and I up and drive us to my car. He drove us back to the Metro stop I was parked at, and we thanked him. I drove my mother home, thinking about what had transpired that night. She was thinking the same thing. I dropped her off, we said our goodbyes, and I left. The entire way home, I was think how peculiar everything was. 'Was it all because of my spell? ... It couldn't be.' I thought. Then I started talking to myself again. "One, he can't be gay. Two, it could always be another Backstreet Boy. Three, why would my soulmate be put into a famous person's body? - We would hardly be able to see each other. That and we wouldn't be able to even hold hands in public. Four..." I kept listing reason's off as to why it wasn't the spell. However, for every reason I could think of why it wasn't, I could think of two reasons why it was.

To Be Continued

Is there really a man that took Steven's watch, or was it something magical? How was the watch floating in the air? Is Steven's spell coming true? This and more on future installments of The Bliss of Love.

Let me know what you think. Any questions, comments, and suggestions are welcomed. Any flames won't, and will be ignored. The sender of any flame will be blocked from sending and further e-mail.

Steve (Cheiron)

Next: Chapter 3

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