Bliss of Love

By Steven Cheiron

Published on Nov 16, 1999


The Legal Stuff - If for any reason this is in anyway, shape, place, or form illegal where you are, do not read this, download this, or do anything with this. If you are too young - scoot, you shouldn't be here. If you don't like male to male sex - what are you doing here? If you are an anti- gay bible pusher (or any anit-gay/bi person) - be careful, you don't want to get on my bad side. I can be a mean ass if I want to. Finally, if it is perfectlly legal in everyway, shape, place, and form - welcome and please continue by all means.

This story is mostly fiction. Some of the characters are similiar to real life people, but this is mostly just in my mind. The story is not intended to imply or say that anyone in it is gay/bi or has gay/bi tendencies. Basically, don't take this story the wrong way.

Please do not copy this or any other part of the story. Everybody is allowed one printed and one electronic copy. The only site able to post this story if Nifty. Any other sites have to contact me, to get my permission.

This is my first time writing anything, so please tell me what you think. My e-mail address is (be careful cheir0n has a zero not an o in it.) Any constructive criticism is welcome, of course flames will be ingnored.

I truely hope that all of you will enjoy this. Have fun and read on.

The Bliss of Love - Part 4

I turned around and walked back to the living room. "Ok, Where do you want to talk? We can talk here, or my room," I suggested.

"Since nobody is here, why don't we talk here. If anybody comes home, then we can go up to your room... I really think we should try to stay out of your room," he stated.

"Ok, where do you want to start?" I asked.

"Well, tell me about yourself." I told him everything that I told the others while we were all in the limo. I also told him about my dreams of becoming a masterful healer, to be able to heal people using just herbs.

"Can you tell me why you did what you did, even part of the reason?" I asked Nick.

"You know I'm bound by contract not to tell you certain things, but this all began when I started having these dreams. They started a little over a month ago," he told me.

"What were they about?" I querried curiously.

"They involved you. I had no idea what it was. Just one night I had this dream, and you were in it. You started to appear in more and more dreams up until a couple days before the first concert in DC. I didn't think anything of it until I saw you with your mom at the concert. I got really freaked out."

"That's not all you got," I said under my breath.

"What did you say?" Nick asked me.

"Don't worry about it," I answered.

"No, tell me." He seemed curious.

I started blushing. "I said that's not all you got." I turned deep red.

"What do you mean by that?" He didn't know what I was talking about.

"Well... I can I say this without it coming out wrong... Your friend down south decided to stand up for itself that night."

He started to blush deep red. "I hoped nobody would see that," he weakly said. I got over being embarassed and started laughing.

"Yeah right, how many people love you? And your going to hope none of them see you get a hard on? Ha Ha Ha," I laughed.

"Please don't remind me. Besides how would you know?"

"Easy, I'm bisexual. It doesn't hurt to look out for that kind of stuff. It makes great fantasy material." He started blushing again and hid behind his hands.

After he got a little calmed down he said, "You suprised me."

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"You just came out and told me that you were bi. You didn't want to hide, and you weren't afraid of what I could've done. Not that it mattered anyway, I already knew you were at least gay," he replied.

"First off, I really don't hide the fact that I'm bi, but I don't go tell every person I see, or make it completely obvious. Secondly, how in the world did you know I was at least gay?"

"Easy, since you did actually exist, like in the dreams, then you were at least gay, like in the dreams. In my dreams you were having a relationship with a guy," he explained.

"Ok, next question, what's with these notes?" I asked.

"What notes? I arranged the flowers, the call, the tickets, and backstage pass. That's it. I didn't send any notes."

I looked into his eyes, and watched his face as he told me this. He wasn't lieing. "Hold on, I'll go get them." I went and got the notes for Nick. I handed them to him for him to read. Once he read them, he looked up at me.

"Do you believe in magic?" he asked me.

"In a young girl's heart..." I started to sing.

"No really. I'm serious."

"Yes, I'm part wiccan."

"I thought about writing these, but decided against it. Looks like something, or somebody, thought otherwise."

"Ok, we have to tell each other everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING. I'll start." I started to explain everything, "The night before your tickets went on sale, I cast a spell... a love spell. I was calling for my soulmate to come to me. The only things that could be construed as tangible, something you could see or feel, is time, the sun setting, and being bound together. What's been happening lately has been making me think about what I did with that spell. Your turn."

He stared wide eyed as I was talking. Once I was done he started thinking about what to say. "It was about the time you cast the spell that I started having the dreams. It was about you and... somebody I know. They all were. When I saw you at the concert, I knew I had to meet you. Do you remember Mike?"

"You mean the security guard?" I asked.

"Yeah, him. I paid him to steal your watch and bring it to me. I gave him enough money so that he would change the tapes and everything. That way he couldn't be found, and there would be no tracks to follow. When our door 'opened by itself,' he opened and closed it. That was the signal that he dropped the watch by the door. I went and picked it up. I then went to that bathroom and stuck it in the cabinet under the sink. The rest I don't know what happened. The bathroom door did what it did on it's own."

"How did you get the watch to float and spin?" I was curious as to how he pulled this off.

"What? I didn't touch it after I put it under the sink." He didn't believe me.

"Is Kevin gay or Bi?" I asked.

"I can't answer that question," he responed.

"I'll take that as a yes. Otherwise you would have flat out denied it. Well anyways, when Kevin and I were locked in the bathroom, he tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and there floating and spinning three feet off the ground was my watch. After a few seconds it just dropped. That's when Kevin and I bumped heads. Again we both reached for it. This time I grabbed my watch and he grabbed my hand. That's when the door flew opened... The reason I asked about Kevin is because of my spell. In it I said something along the lines of time bringing us together forever. That could have been time doing its job. That's why I'm totally confusilated."

"I got you now," he said.


Both Nick and I checked our cell phones to see which one was ringing. It was his.

"Hello?" he answered. "Yeah, ok. I almost forgot. Thank you for reminding me." "Ok, I'll see you in a few hours." "Bye."

"Who was that, if you don't mind me asking?"

"If everything goes according to my dreams, your future spouse," Nick answered.

"I knew it," I yelled. "Ooooo, it's going to happen. Finally I can be happy in my life. I'll finally have someone to love and hold, and who will love and cherish and hold me back," I layed back and stated dreamily.

"Steve... Steven... STEVEN... Earth to Steve, Come in please."

"What? ... Oh, sorry Nick. Guess I was out of it, sorry. What was the call about?"

"He was reminding me that I am supposed to be at Dulles by 5:00. Our plane leaves at six."

"I guess that's understandable. I mean, don't you have another concert tommorow night? You have to get to the new arena and practice there, so it makes perfect sense."

"Yeah we do, and yeah it does. Still, I wish we had a little more time between stops. Sometimes it's a little too much."

"Honey, I'm home," yelled a girl from the door.

"Hey Denise, I'm in the living room."

"Honey?" Nick mouthed to me.

"Yo sis, what you doin back from Denny's?" I looked back at Nick and saw him nod in understanding.

"No reason. Just thought I might come home," she answered as she walked down the hall to the livingroom. "Who's your guest?" she asked unknowingly.

Nick almost passed-out. He couldn't beleive that what looked like a 16-17 year old not know who he was. I looked to him, and saw his eyes wide open and mouth on the floor. "Denise, meet Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys," I said.

"Yeah right... Now introduce me to your friend," she stated not believing me.

"Hold on a sec," I told her. I ran up to my room, opened my Millenium CD, got the book out, opened it to a picture of Nick, and bounded back down the stairs. I showed the picture to her and said, "Like I said, Denise, meet Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys."

This time it was her turn to be wide-eyed and open-jawed. When Nick saw this, he started laughing. I joined in. "How? ... When? ... Why? ... HOW?" she stuttered.

"Long story. I'll tell you later," I told her. "Would you mind leaving us alone? We have some talking to do."

"Sure, I'll just go back to Denny's... Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you're here."

"Thanks," Nick replied.

Denise turned around, and walked back out the door. As she walked out, she made sure the door was locked.

"So... Where were we?" I asked.

"I have to be at the airport by 5," he responded.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost 3."

"Cool, plenty of time," I said. "So... where do we go from here?"

"I don't know. It's not like I can invite you to come with us. Not only is it not that realistic, but the others would have a cow."

"I know what you mean, if only there was a way for me to spend more time with you guys, get to know you all on a more personal level."

"When you get into a water fight with AJ, you know know him at his level," Nick joked.

"I'm not going there," I added. "If only there was a way for me to go to another of your concerts, preferably when you had more free time on your hands."

"That's not gonna happen unless a show gets canceled..."

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I asked as I saw him in a thoughtful stance.

"Just thinking how to get you two together again. I've done it once before, now I've gotta do it again," he responded. "I've already got a few ideas on how to go about doing some things."

"Care to clue me in?"

"Yes I do. It's gonna be a surprise for you as well as for him."

"Then I guess, I have no choice, but to..." I rush over to him, "tickle it out of you." I start to tickle him for all he's worth. He starts to laugh and roll over. He curls up into a ball, and tries to get away from me.

"You're not... HA HA HA... getting it... HA HA HA... out of... HA HA HA... me... HA HA HA," he laughs while trying to escape my clutches.

I travel from one spot to the other tickling it, the sides, the armpits, the elbows, the feet, the back of the knee. He doesn't back down. He won't tell me. A thought, totally not me, pops into my twisted mind.

"WOOO HOOO.... Not the family jewels. You're not getting it out of me that way either," he screams, but doesn't dare budge an inch.

"Darn," I say as I let go.

"When you get the chance, ask the others. They'll tell you, when I want to keep something a secret, nothing can get it out of me," he stated.

"So now, I'm all in the dark... again. What am I supposed to do? Can't you at least give me a hint?" I ask.

"Well, if things go better than expected. I think you should tie up loose ends here, i.e. job, that sort of thing. But if things go only according to plan, just get ready for a few days vacation."

"OOOOOOKKKKAAAAYYY," I said unsure of what was to come.

"Well we better get going. I don't want to be late."

"Gotcha... Have everything you need?" I asked.

"DUH... I have everything I came with."

I tried to stiffle a laugh, but failed. My face couldn't hide it.

"You know what I meant."

"Of course I do. One thing you have to learn about me and my friends. If there's a way to pervert something, we do it. And shut up, don't say a word about what I just said."

"What?" he asked inoccently. "I wasn't gonna say anything."

"Maybe, but you were thinking it," I responed as I would to one of my friends.

"Well lets get going."


We both straighted up, and headed out the door. I turned around to make sure he wasn't that far behind me. "Someone's got a hardon again."

"Well, wouldn't you after you got groped?" he asked.

"If Kevin did, sure..." I started to say.

"I real'y don't want that picture." He pretended to type a few letters in the air, then said, "Delete."

"Out of morbid curiousity, why'd you pop one anyway? At the concert I mean," I tried to make him blush even more.

"Wouldn't you, if you were surrounded by screaming girls?" he asked.

"Pedofile," I said.

"Hey, a lot of them are only a couple of years younger than me... I'm not as old as you are."

"Watch it bub, I already know I'm old, I don't need people confirming it."

"How old are you anyway?"

"Next year I'll be a quarter of a century old," I responded.

"Damn, you are getting old," he joked.

"Watch it," I repeated.

The rest of the car ride to the airport was spent getting to know each other better, and joking around. You could say we were building up a good camraderie. We even exchanged phone numbers and e-mail addresses. I though we were at the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

When we got to the airport, I turned into the parking lot, and parked the car. "So, did you find out what you needed to find out?" I asked.

"What? Oh yeah, that... sure did. Thanks for a great time," he answered.

"You're welcome," I said. "Let's get you inside and find the others."

Because it was so early in the morning, and because it was 'leaked out' that they were leaving from BWI Airport, the only teenage girls you could find there were with their parents about to go on a trip. It didn't take long to find the other BSB members. They were all in a private lounge.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Nick asked.

The others grumbled and groaned. Apparently they were very tired, and just wanted to go to sleep.

"Well I held my part of the bargain, and see, he's wide awake. The rest of you only have yourselves to blame for being tired," I commented.

"You didn't have to pack Nick's room," groaned Brian.

"True, but it can't be as bad as my bedroom," I stated.

"You got us there," said Kevin.

I turned to Kevin so only he could see, gave him a sly wink, and turned back to the others. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him get a confusing look on his face.

"Something I forgot to tell you guys the last time I saw you," I said.

"What is it?" asked Howie.

"It's about what you do during 'The Perfect Fan.' ... You know how you use five sets of mother-daughters?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" Brian responded.

"Well... the song is about mothers and sons, so why do you have all mother-daughters, instead of mother-sons. I mean, I know that your fan base is teenie-bopper girls, but still. You could have had at least one mother-son couple on stage... My mother didn't think to highly of you because of that. She thought it was sexist," I commented.

"Well, we really don't have much say in it. The only say we do have, is when we're in each of our home towns. Then it's our own mothers that will be on stage with us. Other than that, I think all the couples are contest winners. We've tried to talk to management about it, but sometimes they can be a little thick-headed. But we never give up. We'll keep on trying," answered AJ.

"Ok. Sorry if I sounded all ticked off, I wasn't trying to be. I was just trying to get a point across," I stated.

"That's ok. We understand," said Nick.

"Well, it was nice to finally meet all of you, and I'm sure you have a few things to discuss before you get on the plane, so I'm gonna get going," I stated.

"You sure you have to go?" asked Nick.

"Yeah, I need some sleep before I go to work today. Whatever sleep I can get." I went up to Nick, and we gave each other a good hug and a pat on the back.

"It was nice to meet you, and I hope we can meet again," Nick said.

I realized he was trying to hide whatever plans he may have from the others and played along. "I hope we do to." I shook hands with Brian, then Howie, then AJ, saying 'Goodbye and Good Luck' to each of them as I did. When I got to Kevin, I shook his hand, said goodbye, winked at him again, and then turned and walked out the door.

As I was driving back home, I was wondering what Nick was planning. What did he have up his sleeve? I also wondered what Kevin would do to Nick if he realized why I was winking at him, or if he would even figure it out. I wondered what I could do to get ready to go. What could I do so I could get a short vacation, or easily quit my job. I decided to quit my job, and get a job at Blockbuster. I know it was a great pay decrease, but at least I was happy working there. Whatever Nick had planned, I was sure to be ready for all contingencies. I'd have a suitcase packed and ready to go at all times, and everything else hanging by a wire. That way, I could just cut the wire and be free. Then doubt entered my mind. What if he didn't pull through? What if was all just a lie?

I decided that I would prepare to leave at a moment's notice, but all I could do was wait and see. And that's just what I did.

To Be Continued

What DOES Nick have up his sleeve? Will Steve ever meet the BSB again? Is this all just a ploy? Will Kevin realise what Steve meant by the winking? And Will Kevin pulverize Nick if he does? This and more on future installments of The Bliss of Love.

I know this is a short installment, but I needed a place to end and thought this would be good. The next installment could take a little longer to write. I hope to have it out by Thanksgiving. More than likely I will be done before that, but I say Thanksgiving in case something should come up.

Let me know what you think. Any questions, comments, and suggestions are welcomed. Any flames won't, and will be ignored. The sender of any flame will be blocked from sending and further e-mail.

Steve (Cheiron)

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