Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Oct 27, 2014



This novella is a work of fiction. Any similarities with real life is of pure coincidence. This story contains homoerotic encounters between college age adults. Acts include masturbation, mutual masturbation and touching of male genitalia.

Copyright 2014 Max Millan


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Goodbye to Paradise by Max Millan

The days were more hectic compare to the last summer's base training. I was now into what people in the service commonly referred to as the Officer Candidate School prep. We were doing our training in a remote mountainous region. Matt was once again back to his summer football training camp after getting closed to being cut from the team. It was all in all a great relief for both of us that we both didn't mind that we were miserably tired at the end of the day. With both of our college lives seemingly back to normal, each day was coming in much much easier.

Weeks before Fall semester, a short break between the Summer and next school year, Matt and I made our final trip to the hill and reminisced about what just happened. We were both caught off guard that almost derailed us.

"How was the training?" Matt asked while sipping on his favorite brand of beer. Being legal, he had now the option to be choosy.

"Oh shit, sometimes I couldn't even feel my legs after the training," I replied showing him some of the sore spots on my feet.

"That looks nasty," he said.

"I know. 'Em boots are not the most comfy. From dusk 'til dawn sometimes."

"No shit?" he asked.

"Yep, you couldn't even get some rest even if you want to."

"What's your plan this school year?"

"Probably take an extra class to catch up," I replied. "How about you?"

"Same thing. I want to graduate this year." he said but he didn't sound too excited about it

I sensed the heaviness in his answer that I just said, "hey bud, I'm so back up."

"How long?" he asked.

"More than two weeks."

"You know we haven't watch the second movie from last time," he suggested with a grin.

"Let me call my folks just in case I get too drunk," I said.

We got out of my truck's tailgate and latched it back then drove to Matt's house. Matt was teasing me about my horniness the whole drive to their place that he was able to convince me to take my cock out of my shorts to see my boner. "Nice, you free balling now too?" he asked when he noticed my lack of undergarment.

"Sometimes," I replied. "Stop that you idiot. We might wreck," I said when he started stroking my cock.

"Nah, it's fine. This is not the busiest road in the country," he said continuing on. The extra skin of my cock completely unroll when my cock was hard, but the loose skin would still go over the head when being stroked. Matt being cut was quite curious about it.

"Stop, stop, stop," I told him.

"What wrong now?"

"Stop, I will explode," I said because his warm hand around my cock was in the danger of making me unload too early in the game.

"Ooopppss, better stop then," he said finally letting go of my cock.

His parents were already on their way to the wine tasting party when we arrived at their place. A short reminder about not getting too drunk and their off. The liquor cabinet had long been remained unlocked. The same scenes were pretty much repeated from last time, although Matt egged me to unload a second time because he said "I have some catching up to do." Another naked dance off which I was quite into because of my new physique then some naked wrestling before the alcohol finally let us know who was the boss.

Fall semester came. I was taking my remedial engineering class with Slater who happened to failed it too. Matt was able to catch up with his studies last summer. Shawn became a permanent fixture in our group now that Reed was seriously seeing someone. The football team was having another tryout looking for new players. A few players were graduating next school year including Matt and Reed. Shawn and I were a year behind them.

The dollar movie theater was the place to be during the first few days of the semester. Mike's band was going another membership change, so it was later that semester before they were able to secure some gigs. The movie theater was doing a marathon special of movies of some comedian. Movies were old, but it's interesting to see how funny or unfunny the guy was in each movie.

I rode with Matt to watch his training for once. There were several people watching from the bleachers. Some of them were probably parents watching their son eager to have a word with the coach. You could also easily distinguish the students who were trying out. They were grouped together and being corralled like a herd of cows. Matt, Reed and other seniors were busy bossing them around. They made lapses around the field until only one or two of the new prospects remained standing. In no time, the field was littered with out of shape aspiring football stars catching their breathe. The hot summer day was not helping them either. These were probably the ones who made the initial cut. After the lapse, the group split into several smaller groups. The training was mostly about the new recruits. The current players were showing them how to play their prospective position. The possible quarterbacks were a different case. Coach Fox and the other trainers were closely monitoring their practice. Matt and Shawn were busy punishing the slightly smaller prospects. They even tackled them to the ground out of nowhere. Coach Fox would tell them to quit horsing around which was ignored when coach was looking away. Matt sent a text message telling me that the training was almost over. They would go to the locker room to clean up and get change. I waited where I was sitting soaking the sun with my sunglasses. I might have dozed off a little bit.

"Hey, Joe." When I didn't respond, Matt kicked my leg.

I jumped up, "ouch! You bitch!"

"Ooopps, sorry."

"Oh shit!" I said looking at my arms and legs. "I'm roasted."

"Well, that's what you get for sleeping under the sun," he teased.

We walked back to his car and got in. I was checking my arms, and I looked at my face on the mirror. It was so red.

"Worried about your pearly smooth skin?" Matt said as he tried to run his fingers on my face.

"Ouch! Stop that, fucker," I complained. I had sunburn on my face, arms and legs.

"Dude, you need to get something for that. You looked like you just came out of the oven."

Lesson learned. Watching the football practice became my past time. I tagged along with Matt every time they had a practice and I was free. Any shaded area became a prime spot for me. I still fell asleep because of the dry summer heat. Matt would just pushed my knee instead of kicking my leg when he found me sleeping while waiting for him.

Matt changed to his workout clothes out of habit after practice, even when he's not planning to go to the gym. I don't blame him. It's probably the comfiest attire you can wear during summer.

"You still don't wear undies when you're wearing your sweat pants?" I was checking him out in the car.

"I still don't. I'm no longer overly conscious about it though. If people look at it, fine. If they notice it, fine."

"Ha-ha. So what's the plan for today?" I said while trying to adjust his package to the right side.

"Well, I got nothing. We can play peek-a-boo again at the student center viewing room," he suggested.

I looked at him, "let's go back to the dorm." Loose basketball shorts was the proper outfit for that kind of game.

We scouted the viewing rooms, and one of them still had both front ends of the seating unoccupied. I came in first then he followed a few minutes later. There we would swing our knee towards each other to flash one another not worrying about the fact that there were people behind also watching the TV.

"What's the plan after?" I sent him a text message.

"Relax on the recliner," he responded.

"Too early for that."

"Not for me :)"

"I believe yah, :)"

"Can I?"

"Can you wait?"

He stood up and quickly went to the restroom.

"Where u at?" I sent him a message.

"Restroom. Have a boner. :)"

"Are you planning to sneak one out?"

"No, just waiting for it to go down."

"Don't touch it."

"I'm not. Cold water :)"

"See you at the arcade," I diverted the conversation. If we continued, he would just think about his growing problem even more.

We shot some pool in the arcade then watched some guys playing a new fighting game with beautiful graphics and bloodier. The old game was relegated to collect dust for the moment until the novelty of the new game wore out. They're playing king of the hill; winner stays on, challenger pays. Shawn showed up and suggested that we check out what's going on downtown. He was also looking for something to do. We agreed and went to Shawn's car. I called shotgun, so Matt sat behind the driver seat. He adjusted one leg of his shorts so his dick was in full view every time I turned around to talk to him. Shawn was busy driving and complaining how dead downtown was this time of the year oblivious about the game Matt and I were playing.

Shawn and I were now both of legal age to drink. It's almost nightfall when we decided to stop driving and went into one of the downtown bars. There were three people and the bartender in the bar.

"How are you boys?" the heavy set bartender greeted us as we sat down by the bar area.

"We're good. Thank you," Shawn replied.

"May I see some ID?" It's not really hard to tell that we were college students.

We showed our ID proud that we could finally drink without the law chasing us out. There was really nothing much going on inside the bar. An old guy who was drinking alone at the end corner was humming the tune playing on the radio. A middle aged couple with a bucket of bottles of beer in front of them talking to the bartender about their daughter were sometimes a little loud. We had a hard time getting out of the conversation when the lady kept on trying to setup us up with a date with her daughter. How do really get out of that bind without making someone's daughter look undesirable? After a grueling five minutes of trying to imply no to the lady's proposition, we proceeded to play music on the jukebox. We probably sung every song we played that even made the old guy laughed to our antics. One more round of beers, and we were ready to head back to the dorm. Matt pretended to call shotgun this time. It's my turn to flash him from the back. Shawn dropped us off in the parking lot. He said something about Reed being done with his business that he could come back to the apartment.

We missed dinner, so we called for pizza to be delivered to our dorm. Matt turned on the game consoles and popped in our favorite shooting game.

"I thought you wanna relax on the recliner?" I asked him.

"Pizza coming remember," he replied.

"Oh, OK."

He handed me the other controller, and he was already picking up the game settings standing in front of the TV then when he's done, he got out of his shorts. That meant I was the one to answer the door for the pizza delivery guy. We just finished our first match of the game that we lost when we heard the buzzer sound. The delivery guy was outside waiting. A quick trip to the front door and I was back with our dinner. That's also my cue that I could join Matt playing video games with no pants on. This wasn't the first time we played video games butt naked.

Our squad was being clobbered in all the game matches we played that most of other players in our squad quit the game.

"Damn, let's play some other shooting game," I told Matt.

"That's a better idea," he agreed. "You can consider this as my gun salute for you still being here," he added.

"Matt, I think you only do gun salute when someone died."

He thought about it for a second trying to figure out a good come back but he came up with nothing.

"How do we decide who wins the shooting game?" he asked.

"Who can shoot more the whole night." I replied.

"Deal. Wanna bet something?"

"Hell no" I said. I had the feeling I was going to lose anyway.

Our game started. We shot our first load at the same time. A little bit of a break, we're at it again. He shot first. It was several minutes before I shot mine. He was already going for his third when I got my hard on back. By now, both of our torsos were decorated with our love juice. Some of his were already dripping on the sides. Unfortunately, mine was sore already after doing some frantic masturbation. I found his shirt and wiped off my hand and dick then conceded the game. He was still going strong with his legs going stiff up and down the footrest determine to have his third. I tried to wait for him but I was getting really sleepy, so I told him I was done for the night. We woke the next day with dried ejaculate on our body. Well, at least, Matt did.

"How many more times did you jack off after I fell asleep."

"Just had my third. I was gonna go for fourth but I quit."

After a few laughs, we cleaned up in the shower. The recliners were given a thorough cleaning too. All the time that I've known Matt, I never stop wondering how can he produce that much bodily fluid. He didn't even need to save up; he would just have more if he does.

We also had to air out our room. The smell of sweat and the last night's produce was very strong. With our book bag in tow, shirt, cargo pants and flip-flops were ready for the day. This was Matt's last school year and so was Reed's. I had not really ask Matt about his fear of finishing college. Many students couldn't wait to graduate from college, but there were some like Matt who were afraid of going into the next stage, the real world. For now, he was keeping his mind occupied with football. He was excited once again to play football. The team was hellbent on winning the championship that year after coming up short last year. Slater and I were attending our engineering class in pair. The gang teased me about dumping Matt and finding another boyfriend. It was sort of true that I spent a lot of my time with Slater that school year and the next. He also became an honorary member of the group, since he and Ashley started dating. Like I mentioned before he also became my shadow, so our Monday night football gang just gotten bigger, and surrogate Saturday night drinking buddy when the team was playing away. Matt and I being older and smarter stopped our week long revelries that almost derailed us. We did go out to see live bands on weekdays but we tried to enjoy the band more than downing as many alcoholic concoctions we could find. Getting drunk was mostly reserved on Saturdays.

Matt was extra happy. He had found a regular hookup after his football game, so he showed up a little late sometimes for the party which was good for me and Slater. We had a designated driver. I thought for a moment that he started dating to go steady. He adamantly denied that he was. Well, I think, he was just squeezing every bit out of his last year in college. Girl landing on his lap would become a thing of the past when he goes out into the real world where he will need to put some effort in finding one. My Friday nights shenanigans however was happening less frequently, as my engineering class became more and more difficult. Slate and I would try to finish our homework and other course work by Friday to give us more time having fun on Saturday. Matt still called to annoy me on Fridays hoping to catch me in the middle of my favorite past time when they had to leave early for the game. Because I was spending more time in the library studying, he had to find another way to annoy me. Sometimes when they had to stay for in a hotel after the game, I would receive calls from him just to tell me how comfortable it was jacking off in a real bed. When his effort to be funny did not work, he would fake loud groans and moans when he sensed that I was with other people.

The cold winds started blowing again and just like that the second half of my third year in college was drawing to a close. Matt could not wait for the last game of the season. He would be playing this time, and we were once again favored to win. I could see from his face the way he counted the days in his head.

"Can't wait for the game?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm so excited," he replied.

"It's your very last game."

"I know."

"Are you happy that you no longer need to kill yourself after?"

"A little bit."

"Is coach planning another celebration after the game?"

"Yeah, if we win."

"Well, I'll probably be in Mike's apartment after the game for the party."

"Cool, I'll meet you up there."

"Don't you have a special kind of party after the game?"

"Oh, there will be but not immediately after game," he said showing his sheepish smile.

"LOL," I just said.

The football season was ending which also meant the finals week was coming up. Slater and I like before tried to finish up any remaining projects and assignments remaining early in the library. Matt would sometime show up late in the night after his football practice or training. Wednesday night, he didn't show up. I was wondering, so I sent him a message.

"Where are you at?"

"Back in the room, frustrated," he responded.

"Coach's order," I replied.

"I know."

Slater and I finished our work early that night, so I went back to the dorm to check on Matt.

"What's up?" I said when I opened the door. He was reading his textbook in my bed.

"What's up? This is up," pointing at the tent between his legs.

"LOL, it won't go down?"

"No it won't, I can't study."

"Why are you in my bed?"

"My legs still feel like jello," he said.

So put my bookbag on my desk and proceeded to my bed. I sat by the foot of my bed in between his legs. He didn't move and just continued on reading his book. His straining dick was too tempting not to check, so I pulled the waistband of his shorts and his cock sprung out.

"Damn, you are rock hard," I said. "You've been playing with it, aren't you?" I continued.

"I ain't. I swear, but it gets stimulated when it brushes against my shorts," he said.

"Are you sure you are not doing this?" I said while I gently started stroking him.

He lifted his book when he felt my hand rubbing his manhood. "Stupid fuck don't do that," he said, but I just ignored him.

"Please don't make me shoot my load," he protested.

"Then don't," I said and found the copious amount of precum forming on the tip of his cock with my finger.

"You are going to break my perfect streak," he said.

"Seriously?" I asked with amazement.



"I swear," he said.

"I don't think you get a prize for it Matt."

"I know, but . . . ahh aaahhh." He moaned his response.

"Listen to that," I teased him.

He gave me the finger.

"Dude, it's just Wednesday," I said.

"What the heck, I'll just blame you," he said then took over holding down the waistband of his shorts. He must had been really horny that it didn't take that long to surrender his load. He got up and wiped himself clean. A new clean shirt and he was up in his bed.

"Happy now?" I asked.

"Thanks bud," he said looking down from the top of the bunk bed smiling at me.

"Are you joining me this Friday?" I said.

"I don't know about that. That's too close to the game."

"No point pretending that you didn't break the coach's rule," I teased him.

"I did not. You made me do it," he responded still putting the blame on me.

"So, are you game?"

"I'm skipping," he said.

"You sure?" I insisted.

So Friday night came after taking our shower, Matt and I were both naked on the recliners watching my choice of porn. He tried as much as possible not to touch himself, but he had no problem giving me a hand. He said, he was joining me only if I promise not to make him shoot. I wasn't so clear about it, so he still had put up with me when I reached for him. Matt was quite keen on the videos I was looking. He started pointing out possible video inspiration. Matt's warm hand wrapped around my cock was doing wonders that I was almost begging him to keep on stroking me. As if out of habit, I was able to matched him and he started moaning with me. But all of a sudden, he grabbed onto my hand.

"Stop, stop. You gonna make me cum," he said.

"Isn't that the point?" I told him.

"But not tonight," he said still preventing my hand from moving.

"Ha-ha-ha, got you going, didn't I?"

"If you don't stop, you're on your own," he warned me.

"Oh c'mon."

"Just keeping you company, stupid fucker."

When I sensed his hand loosened up, I immediately continued stroking him, but he was determined not to break his promise.

"Oh no, you don't," he said then moved away from my reach.

"Lol, you are probably the first person to run away from nutting."

I stood up and tried to grab him but he was able to parry my hand. At that moment, we both receded two little kids playing tag. I was chasing him around and round while he tried his best from letting me get a hold of him.

"C'mon Matt. It wants to be here," I said pointing at the palm of my hand.

"Not tonight, you have your own to play with," he said while trying to hide behind the recliners.

"Here I come, Matt."

After several ring around the recliners, I was able catch him from behind, but he was able to grab both of my hands.

"No, you don't. I had more practice when it comes to tackling people."

"OK, you win," I said pretending to concede.

I guessed, he knew I was lying. Matt went around me and had me in an arm lock then he put his other arm around my neck.

"I know what you are thinking," he said.

"I said you win." I replied. He twitched my arm a little bit.

"Ouch, I promised I'll leave you alone."

"Not with that smirked in your face."

He slowly moved by the bean bag and pulled me down with him. I was now lying his stomach and his cock was safely in between us. I had completely lost control on the situation, Matt knew that the only way to stop me from pestering him further was to get me off. He reached around and found my waiting cock.

Matt was laughing when I grabbed his arm still around my neck while giving out soft moans. "This should calm you down," he said.

I tried to grab him but it was a lost cause when he put his legs over mind and pulled me tighter closer to him. I finally gave up and just let him have his way. I put my hands on his thighs letting him know that I truly surrendered the game.

"Feels good?" Matt asked.

I said "yeah" in between my ever increasing moans. Once more, I was asking him to keep stroking me. The warmth of Matt's body was making me sweat even more as I tried to move my legs under the weight his when the sensation was undeniable good.

"Buddy, keep stroking," I remembered saying over and over again.

"You like that," Matt would say while his hand was busy stroking my throbbing cock. His arm that he was using to pin me close to him was now gently rubbing my chest and my stomach.

When I said, "don't stop," Matt increased the pace a little bit. After one long grunt, the prize of the moment was scattered all over my stomach.

"Nice load," Matt said.

I looked down and said, "yeah."

"That was amazing. You might spoil me if you keep doing that." I added.

"That good, huh?"


I was a little exhausted after chasing him around, so I just remained laying on his stomach long after I recovered from my orgasm.

I told him "now it's your turn" when finally got up. He hurried up to his bed and laid on his stomach.

"You are funny, Matt," I told him. He just grabbed one of his pillows and pretended to sleep.

We won the championship easily. The other championship team portrait in which he was wearing his harness was immediately replaced with him on his one knee in the middle of the picture holding the trophy. That would became one of his most priced possessions.

Christmas break I caught Matt spacing out several times again. Just a few more months and he would be done with school then the inevitable journey to adult life would start.

"What's eating you?" I asked when I caught him doing it during one of my visits to his house.

"I'm fine," he replied then took one long swig of his beer.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't know"

His dad came out and joined us in the backyard patio. "Matt, I just talked to Scott. He thinks he can get you a job at his firm," he said.

"Really! That's cool," Matt replied pretending his enthusiasm.

"He said just look him up after your graduation."

His dad friend owned a law firm that mostly deal with divorce. It's not the most exciting job you could ever have, but living in a small town the picking was slim, so it's better deal than most. Looking at Matt, the proposition from his dad just made his fear even more real. His mom joined us and the conversation about the job offer went even longer than Matt would have liked. For a moment, his worry went to the backseat when his siblings showed up with their young children. Matt was a proud uncle of seven cousins. And the company of his sisters and their husbands looking happy had somehow gave him a glimpse of what he could look forward to. Their house became noisy and busy chasing around overactive toddlers.

That Spring semester we had to figure out some housing arrangement for the next school year. Since Reed and Matt were graduating Shawn was looking for a roommate. I was able to convince him to go back living in the dorm. Shawn became my roommate during my senior year. Matt was willing to lend us his recliners. He said that he would pick it up later.

As the semester drew to close, Matt was feeling more and more lethargic. His depression was undeniable, but every time I asked him what's wrong he would always reply that he was fine. I told the gang about it.

Tim suggested that we all go to Mexico for spring break as his final hoorah. Unfortunately, I was low on funds for that kind of activity. Shawn said something about doing something different. Matt had already been to several spring break vacations.

Reed said, "why don't you guys visit me this summer?"

"Oh, that might be a good idea. By the look of it, Reed might just end up getting hitch soon," Shawn said.

A round of teasing came from the group.

"No plans yet, people."

"I got an idea. Road trip," I said.

"To where?" Tim asked.

"Nowhere," I said.

Shawn replied, "that sounds interesting. We could include Reed's house to our route."

"Anyone else?"

Almost everyone bulked at the idea. They were not so sure about just driving around going nowhere. I was not also sure if Matt would agree with my plan. Shawn volunteered his ten year old Crown Victoria for the trip.

One lunch break we told Matt the plan. Surprisingly there was no need of convincing Matt. I didn't know if he was just going with the flow or if he really liked the idea. Matt became more animated after our conversation. I could still sense the lingering feeling of not knowing from him, but he was able to carry on.

For the next few days, we were busy planning out what route to take. We were going to take the upper part of the country then comeback through the lower section. The only thing marked on the map was Reed's house.

The night before the graduation, Matt's parents drove to the school for tomorrow's ceremonies. They treated us to a dinner at Bubba's Grill. There it was Matt's turn to reminisce about the last four years. He's most recent accomplishment, the championship. Then the broken arm came up. Matt would jam his foot on mine every time I mentioned of how a big baby he was the whole time. We broke the road trip idea to his parents. His mom looked worried about it, but his dad wasn't although he said that he didn't get the idea of a road trip without a destination. Shawn and Reed with his girlfriend and his mom walked in. The waitress moved the table right next to us to make one big table. The conversation about the last four years just got longer. Reed just got engaged, and they were moving too. His girlfriend accepted a nursing job in another state. We had to update our road trip map. We were going to see him during the later portion of the trip on our way back. The night went by, and we were staring at the younger kids coming in and out of the restaurant. We used to be those kids excited about college. The certain level of freedom that came with it. You were treated as an adult without the accompanying responsibilities that came with being an adult. For that moment, the world was you, and it felt like it would go on forever. The four us decided to watch Mike's band after dinner and raise some hell. We were the loudest people in the bar not caring about the other patrons. We cheered on every song that the band played. Well, we even made a raucous when they were just tuning their instrument in between songs.

The final hours of Matt's college life was ticking away, so Matt and I were trying to prolong it as long as we could. We played some video games back in our room after coming back from the bar 'til the wee hours of the morning. His graduation ceremony was the last one in the afternoon, so we had time to kill.

"Are you ready for the big day?" I asked Matt as we chilled on the recliners.

"I wonder what should I wear under my gown?" he said.

"Go there naked," I suggested.

"I'm thinking of wearing jammies," he countered.

"You don't even have one."

"I can get one."

"Isn't that cheating?"

"True, it sounds pretend."

"Just go there in your shirt, cargo pants and flip-flops."

"That's so regular," he said.

"You can specially decorate your shirt tonight," I said winking at him.

"Hhhmmm, interesting proposition, . . . or I can wear that shirt," he said, pointing at his blue shirt in the open closet.

"You still have that shirt?"

"College souvenir."

"Lot's of it too," I said laughing.

"Don't make fun of it. I'm wearing it tomorrow."

We were both staring at the ceiling while were talking. My hand found his stomach as I blindly reached for him. It was an easy task finding my way to what I was looking for from there. I encircled the base of his semi-hard on with my fingers like I normally did.

"I'm getting a boner talking about it," I said.

"I am too," he said then moved his hand to my crotch to check my growing concern. "Do you wanna stroke each other while we chat?" he asked.

"Sure," I eagerly responded.

We rotated one of the recliners so they were side by side but facing the opposite direction. We both got naked and sat on the recliners. Matt took out the lube and said, "just in case one of us got going." We reached for each other cock and continued our play.

"Are you going to take that job your dad was talking about?"

"Maybe, not sure yet."

"Why not?"

"I'm still thinking."

"How about you?" he asked.

"I'm going to Virginia after our road trip."

"For what?"

"Marine Officer Candidates School"

"You're all set then?"

"Yeah, just need to finish the last year then I'll earn my commission then you'll have a full pledge Marine buddy."

"Do you think they are going to send you out overseas?"

"Most likely. But hopefully they will allow me to choose which base to be assigned to after."

"Make sure to choose the closest base."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"What 'keep that in mind?' You better." He gripped my cock so tight.

"OK, calm down. I will."

"So are you and Shawn going to have the same room rule?" he asked referring to our jack off friendly zone.

"Don't know yet," I replied.

"By the way, he also gets busy during football season."

"That's not a problem. I'm used to it by now having you as my roommate. How do you guys find these girls anyway?"

"Words travel fast around the team."

"So you guys ball the same girls?"

"Pretty much."

"How do you decide who the girl goes with?"

"Whoever was around when a girl shows up or just a plain booty call. They agree most of the time. There were guys who like to get it right there after taking their shower. You can hear moans coming from the janitor's closet."

We talked about him visiting us from time to time. He could stay in the dorm, I don't think anyone was going to notice.

"I think we need to get some sleep," Matt said. The morning light had already made it to our room.

"That's a good idea. Do you want me to finish you off?"

"Please do. I've been ready a while back. I was just holding back."

"OK, relax and enjoy." I propped myself and lubed his cock then I gave him full length strokes. He wasn't kidding when he said he was close because not long after he was thrusting into my hand.

"Don't stop buddy. I'm close."

He tossed his head back and let it go. I kept my fast stroking motion which sent his cum all over the place like the first time I jacked him off. Some landed on my right leg. We looked at the mess he made he said, "cool, just like the first time you jacked me off." We cleaned up. He asked for a pillow and his blanket then went to sleep on the recliner. I lay down on my bed and did the same.

It was close to lunchtime when Shawn came knocking on our door and woke us up. He was wondering why we didn't show up for breakfast. Matt was still naked, so he wrapped his towel around his waist and grabbed his shower pail when he opened the door for Shawn. Shawn and I waited for him and ate lunch to finalize our road trip. We were to meet back here two days after the school closed.

All that was left was the graduation ceremony, Matt's parents and his personal cheering squad found a good spot close to the stage. We waited then we heard "Matthew Christopher Sawyer," not yet. There he was walking on the stage in his flip-flops. When Matt was handed his diploma, we erupted "Go! Matt go!" causing a chorus of laughter inside the gymnasium.

Next: Chapter 11

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