Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jan 1, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Corporal Callahan by Max Millan

Summer semester is now in full swing. The campus is filled by students who are trying to catch up on their studies or can't wait to finish their school as quickly as possible. Although not as busy as the regular semesters, it is something that Shane is wanting to see. Shane was able to convinced the corporal to do some foot patrol around the campus.

Shane and Collin walks into the student center to see if anything is a miss. They make their way to the arcade area, the most frequented section of the building. The viewing areas are next sniffing the air for that distinct smell of recreational herb. The growing population of the university also attracts the attention of many enterprising individuals who live in the shadow. The university police department has been confiscating contraband in alarming frequency. The city police had long warned them that more and more people were being arrested in the city.

Today, the air smells clean and everything seems to be in order. The two walk back to the squad car. Collin gives Shane a reason to laugh when he starts inspecting his midsection after taking his seat in the passenger side.

"Happy now?" Shane says while giggling.

"It's almost gone," Collin says.

"I told you not to worry about it too much."

"I know, but I can't help it. I can see my crotch now without any obstruction."

"Oh c,mon, it wasn't too bad before."

"True. Not seeing my stomach bump is nice though." Collin still with his almost child-like comment is making his partner laugh at him more.

"Let me check," Shane jokes trying to pinch Collin side but his fingers just slips through.

"See, it's gone," the corporal says instead of trying to prevent his friend from pinching him.

The next day, Collin is sitting by the communication desk when Shane comes in the office. Shane greets the corporal and proceeds to walk to the briefing room to start his night shift.

"Don't bother," Collin tells him.

"What up?"

"We are on office duty tonight."

"Oh OK."

"One of the communication officers took a week long day off, and the other is on regular duty."

Shane sits on the remaining chair. They will be manning the communication desk for tonight.

"Answering calls tonight, huh?" Shane is not too excited about it.

"Yup. And you better check your breathe and practice your smile. You will be talking to people tonight."

The lobby is now littered with officers who just finished their briefing. And a minute later, the headquarter is silent. Except for the lieutenant and another admin officer, it's just Collin and Shane. The corporal picks up the phone when it rings. Shane turns on the computer to access the program they need for tonight. The phone call doesn't sound to be urgent, so Shane goes back to looking for the program and is annoyed by the windows just popping out of nowhere.

"What the fuck? Ads showing up suddenly," he whispers his annoyance.

Collin scoots closer to Shane after putting down the phone. "What's wrong?"

"This damn computer has virus I think," Shane replies.

"What's going on?"

"Windows suddenly pops up. Here one just shows up again."

"Look at that Shane. Someone is asking for a good time," Collin jokes when he sees the ad of an 800 number phone sex line.

Shane opens the web browser to see the history. After scrolling through it, he finds the culprit. "Porn sites."

"LOL, that ole timer is looking for whack off inspiration," Collin comments.

Shane and Collin laugh at the thought of the old guy cranking his shaft.

"What do we do?" Shane asks his corporal.

"I'll get James," Collin replies talking about the admin officer who is in the office.

Few minutes later, Collin shows up with James in tow.

"Can you take a look at this? I think this computer has a virus or something," Shane tells James.

"Damn, some of these are hardcore porn," James blurts out in amazement.

"Can you fix it?" Collin asks.

"It shouldn't be a problem. I just need to run something to clean the computer. . . . He can get into trouble for this."

"Let's not do that. The old guy is probably just lonely. He is close to retiring," Collin requests for the other officer to be more lenient about it.

"I guess, I could just ask the techies tomorrow to block access to outside websites from now on."

"Thanks James."

Shane is blown away by Collin's considerate attitude. Civilian life might not be that bad after all. Now that the computer is fixed, they can start their night's duty logging calls and talking to people who might come in the office. The night is going slow. It's been more than an hour when they had their last call.

"We should have taken a screenshot," Collin says.


"So I can give the old guy a hard time."

"And I thought you are being kind earlier."

"Don't you think it's funny?" Collin says swinging his chair to face Shane.

Collin who easily get excited even with small sex talk is sporting more than his usual bulge. The trace of his shaft is now visible which is something that caught Shane's eyes.

"Yeah it's funny," Shane response.

"He's probably with a young hooker right now," Collin swings back facing the desk and slouches on his chair giving Shane a grin then swings again to face his partner.

"Shane, I might have to charge you viewing fee," he jokes.

"Oh c'mon, As if it's not always in the open."

"True, and I'm proud of it," Collin answers his friend who he figures checking out the bulge between his legs. Well, he knows that he is a big boy and his bigness is something that is hard to hide specially in a tight fitting police uniform.

"I believe you," Shane says then flips Collin a quarter.

"What's this?" Collin who is not too keen regarding Shane's gesture.

"That should buy me a five minute of viewing time."

"Oh, peep show quarter."

"Cool. I'll have enough money for coffee and donut later."

So for the next five minute, Collin made sure that his friend has good view of his groin area. The night is still going slow except for a few non-urgent calls, so their game continues on. Collin like a clockwork will turn away after some minutes has passed until he hears the sound of a coin bouncing on the desk.

"I'm running out of quarters," Shane tells Collin.

"Nope," Collin says tapping on the desk, so Shane has to put up with his almost childish game by tossing another quarter.

Half way through their shift, Collin has accumulated two dollars and fifty cents from Shane. Collin grabs his haul and tells Shane that he is going to get some coffee and donuts. Shane forks a five dollar bill. Shane thinks of his new friend after he steps out of the door. Is he really that carefree, or is he just putting up a front? There doesn't seem to be anything out of place or something that feels devious about Collin. His senses tell him that he's someone he can trust.

It didn't take long for Collin to get back with two cups of coffee and box of donuts. There is a 24-hour grocery store nearby which has been the serving the university police with their choice of confectionery delight and cheap coffee brew.

"Anything exciting that happened when I was gone?" Collin greets Shane who logging his own calls into the system.

"Nothing so far."

"Can you log my calls also? It will take me years to put mine in," the corporal says talking about his less than average typing skill.

"What's in for me?"

"Free viewing for the rest of the night."

Shane logs his calls in the system. Collin being appreciative sits facing his friend even when Shane is no longer looking at him. The slow night is taking toll on both of them even their little game is not enough to counteract the fact that they are just sitting around for many hours. Shane puts his arm on the desk getting ready to catch a nap when he hears a coin tossed to his direction. Shane lifts his head then smiles when he saw the quarter. He shifts his chair to slightly face Collin but continues on taking his nap.

Collin is grinning when he confirms that his friend was excited all along when he sees a small darker spot on Shane's blue pants. He gets the kick out of it somehow. He has a little bit of exhibitionist inside of him. However, he finds it funnier than titillating when people check him out. Girls. Booyah! Guys. That's fine too.

Shane wakes up while Collin is shaking his shoulder. He looks at the clock. He must have dozed off the rest of his shift.

"We're done!" the corporal exclaimed.

"Are we covering for rest of the week?" Shane asks.

"That's our fate."

"Sucks. Well I'm going straight home. I still feel so sleepy."

"See you tomorrow at the gym," Collin says sending his friend away then finishes up for the night.

"OK." Shane waves then walks to his car.

On his way back to his place, he catches the sight of the stadium. But that night his already tired eyes tells him that the visions he longs for is not going to come. He kicks off his shoes and fell on his bed face down. Something tells him that he should just let go and leave the past behind. Why did he go back to this place? He doesn't know. Is he trying to recreate something that had long passed? Maybe just maybe it can happen again. Those were the thoughts that's been bothering him ever since he set foot in the campus.

For now, he is enjoying Collin's company. He found another kindred spirit even if it just the corporal's playful spirit.

The many nights of doing desk duty have been both a blessing and a curse. Although it gives them some leeway on how to spend the night. They can take a walk outside when their legs need some stretching, and the TV is on for their enjoyment. The slow nights is only broken by occasional calls from the university employees asking them to check on some suspicious areas. The two are bored to their senses.

"Do you need money for coffee and donut later," Shane asks Collin.


Shane tosses a quarter to his direction. "TV is getting old," Shane says grinning. The corporal checks his groin area. It's just his normal bulge.

"LOL, you can just check it out."

"Really? Give me back my quarter then."

"Too late. Show is charging again."

Collin flips the coin back to the Shane. So for a good part of the night, the two end up flipping the same coin to each others.

"Shane, you lost."

"Why did I lose?"

"You're getting a hard-on."

"Oh, just trying to much yours," Shane tells Collin trying to explain away his excitement.

"Well, this is just soft wait when it's hard. It will be scandalous," the corporal brags.

"I've seen it, nothing new to me," Shane says referring to the time when they do full-monty in the shower.

"Not in its full hardness glory." Collin says framing his crotch again with his hands.

"LOL, you and your dick again. Be careful, this area is monitored," Shane warns.

"Oooppps," Collin says quickly composing himself when he was reminded that there are cameras all over the office.

Shane surmises that Collin's pent up horniness for many nights not being able to have his way with his pregnant wife is driving him crazy. So their nights of covering for the other officer who is out for vacation is over. The Shane says goodbye to the corporal. Next week, they will be back patrolling in their squad car.

The corporal walks into the bedroom looking at his sleeping wife. The dim night light illuminates the her kind face. That damn sickness has robbed it the glow that it used have. To the corporal, she's just as beautiful as ever. Two years ago, his wife Samantha suddenly fell ill. The doctors around the city have yet to find out what is wrong with her. Her frailness has been Collin's concern for the last few months still blaming himself for putting her into even more precarious situation. Just one night after drinking with some folks who he knows around town, he came home with his testosterone not in check. Just one night of snuggling with his very understanding wife on their bed naked. Just one night when the head between his legs did the thinking for him, an accident waiting to happen. The doctor told him that his wife is not healthy enough to carry another child, but here he is caressing his wife's face before putting his arm over her and tells her good night feeling sorry for her. She is determined to have the baby no matter what the cost. It's going to be a girl what Collin wants to complete his family of four. A rambunctious boy is soundly sleeping in the next room.

The warm summer night makes for a good time to do some foot patrol. The library is the busiest spot during the night. The basement of the library is open day and night. The computer room is always occupied by students cramming to finish their paper or their homework. The two officers hang out by the exit door telling students to use the well lit pathways instead of taking the dark shortcuts. When the number of students leaving the library has dwindled, the two decides to go back to their car.

"How's the wife doing?" Shane asks the corporal.

"She is fine," Collin replies.

"You don't sound so happy about it."

"I am. Don't get me wrong."

"So what's with the long face?"

"She at that stage, you know."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about. I have no experience in that area."

"She's not putting up with me anymore."

"Ha-ha, she lost interest in sex."

"Not funny. It's just halfway through her pregnancy. We should be able to do it."

"Should you be more accommodating?"

"I know, just not used to not getting some for weeks."

"Does your dick dictate your brain?"

"A little," Collin says not even trying to defend himself. "She eventually stops putting up with me. I just lost track of time," he added.

Shane does not know if he should laugh or feel sad about his partner, so he came up with a suggestion that sounds both. "Corporal, it's called masturbation, spanking the monkey, chocking the chicken, jacking off . . ."

After hearing his friend suggestion as if a habit that he had forgotten, Collin lifts his right hand and looks at the palm of his hand and slowly curls his fingers to form that very familiar fist. He opens his hand then curls his fingers a few times trying to visually gauge the exact size of his penis when it is hard.

Noticing what his partner Shane asks Collin, "what are you doing?"

"It's this round," Collin casually says showing the opening to Shane.

Collin who fills up his pants with his big legs and round posterior cannot do much to hide his manhood from view.

"You are a first rate shower?" Shane accidentally comments about his friend obvious bulge between his legs. It's not that he is ashamed about it. Collin might not be ready for that sort of comment.

But his fear is unwarranted when the corporal says, "this?" then frames his crotch with his hands. "I don't mind it anymore. I used to be overly conscious about it but not anymore."

"How so?" Shane asks curious about the Collin's answer.

"I can't really control who's looking at it just like now," Collin answer making a reference to Shane.

Shane who is obviously checking the corporal's bulge once again just says in his defense, "you started it."

"I did not, you did."

"You did, 'it's this big'" Shane says repeating what the corporal said and showing the same curled up hand.

"Well, it is that big," Collin says innocently.

For the past few days the campus was dead in between the semester. Shane and Collin are mostly busy roaming around place making sure no one is taking advantage of the fact that most of the apartment's occupants are gone for the break. The place feels like a ghost town sometimes. When there is really nothing much going on, the two sometimes check what is being shown in the dollar movie theater. And also checks if there is anything unlawful happening inside the theater. When it's this slow, the dark theater can be a tempting place for mischief.

A trip to the grocery store for some refreshment and another drive around the campus caps their night.

In the shower, Collin and Shane are bantering about some nonsense before their discussion bears into Collin's plan after work.

"Maybe I'll show her my puppy eyes tonight," Collin tells Shane.

"Corporal, you crack me up sometimes."

"Can't blame a guy for trying."

"I believe yah."

Samantha wakes up when Collin opens the door of their bedroom. She can't sleep. Her head has been aching since afternoon.

"Are you OK?" Collin asks.

"Hon, can you get me some Aspirin and a glass of water?" his wife says.

Collin dutifully goes to the bathroom and opens the medicine cabinet looking for the bottle of Aspirin. He sets the two capsules by the nightstand then goes to the kitchen to fetch some water. After adding a little bit of hot water to the cold water from the fridge, he is back in the bedroom helping her take the pills. She goes back to sleep. Collins sets the glass by the nightstand and slips under the cover. He spends sometime staring at the ceiling before falling asleep.

"Did you get some action last night?" Shane asks Collin the next day.

"No luck, she's not in the mood again."

"Can't you just leave her be for the next few months?"

"I try but it's not that easy."

"Just wait when she decides to kick you out of the bedroom for being pushy."

"I'll settle for going in from behind in slow motion."

"You are funny."

"Just going crazy."

"So how are able to survive not getting laid during your deployment?"

"Oh Corporal, just step outside and jack it off."

"Nah, I'll just try again tonight."

It is almost noon when Collin wakes up. His brunch is ready for him. Collin rummages through one of the cabinet looking for some coffee to brew but comes up empty. The fridge offers him a can of soda. He takes his seat by the kitchen table and eats his fried egg, sausage and grits.

"Collin, we are running out of supplies. I made a list for you to take to the grocery store," his wife tells him who is sitting on the couch with his boy on her side watching the television. The soap opera is about to start, one of the few luxuries that his ailing wife partakes in that he dares not to interrupt. After finishing his brunch, he grabs the list and tells his boy to behave himself while he is gone. The boy asks if he can buy him some popsicles. But only if he behaves, Collin tells him. The boy promises. Collin has taken over most of the things that his wife used to do; grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning the house, and tending his wife's vegetable garden. If only he is a good cook, he would have taken over that too, but his wife insists of doing at least that. She knows many ways to extend their income.

The weeks grocery has been sorted and neatly placed inside the pantry. Collin joins his wife on the couch and put her snugly safe in his arm. The bump on stomach is growing everyday it seems like. His little jokes about the show annoys his wife. One of the few moments during the day when can spend some time with his family. His boy is busy playing in front of them savoring his icy treat that has been staining his round handsome face and the white shirt he is wearing.

Collin's time at the gym has been his brief escape. It's one of those times when he doesn't need to think about anything but counting and finishing his sets. In reality, he is fine going about his workout the wrong way. He isn't too keen about the result. The time in the gym is something he needed. He's very pleased about Shane's help, but he wishes Shane will be more lenient than a tyrant workout buddy. Shane's guidance is hastening the whole thing.

"How I it going corporal? You seems extra bubbly tonight," Shane asks the corporal who's been beaming with a smile the whole night.

"Summer football training camp just started. Can't wait for the football season."

"Aren't we working on game nights?"

"Exactly, we can park the car and watch the game. Instead of scratching our balls waiting for something to happen."

"Cool, we can do that?"

"Yeah, but we still need to monitor the radio. Maybe the captain will assign us on guarding duty."

"That's even better."

"When the weather gets colder, the old timers start complaining. We might be able to volunteer."

"Why during cold weather? Can you ask earlier?"

"Not sure. Those old geezers protect their schedule like pitbulls."

"Sucks, my balls hide during cold weather," Shane blurts out.

"Have a problem with shrinkage?" Collin's time to make fun of his partner.

"I need something to keep it warm."

"Don't worry the police issued thermal undies are quite good."

"You get shrinkage?"

"I got plenty that I don't even notice," Collin brags.

"You really crack me up, corporal."

"How so?"

"You seems to be overly proud of your package."

"Why shouldn't I? I know it's impressive."

"See, you just did it."

"Well, I can't help it. It even amazes me sometimes."

"Sure it does, sure it does," Shane conceding.

The wait in the doctor's office isn't long. Their family doctor talks to them about making an appointment with the more advanced hospital in the city. She might be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, the doctor says. Although it's not life threatening, they have to know the extent. Collin immediately made an appointment hoping they will learn something more definitive. The busy city, to Collin's surprise has somehow given his pregnant some energy that she was able to walk with him one night looking at the department store window displays. But as quickly as she mustered some strength, her energy is gone again. Thanks to a relative in the city, her hospital check up went smoothly.

"How's the hospital visit?" Shane asks Collin.

"They said she is going along with the pregnancy fine," Collin replies faking a smile.

"Good to hear."

"She's doing so good that I might have to reward her with some good lovin'."

"You mean, beg her."

"It will be good if she agrees.'

"Be careful. She might just kick you out of the bed if you keep insisting."

"Nah, she will eventually not be able to ignore my puppy eyes."

Shane has come to realize sometime ago that his friend is just being funny. Some women lose the interest when the pregnancy is at the later stage. His wife is probably one of them, Shane thinks, so he is willing to go along with the corporal's story of repeated unsuccessful sexual conquest.

That night the two find themselves again parked by the unpaved back road waiting for anyone who will take advantage of its remoteness. They had written three citations already. No drunks just kids and their four-wheel drive pickup. A car turns and disappears to one of the roads. The two officers shares a naughty smile once again just like before.

Shane says "15 minutes?"

Collin snickers, "he-he."

So they sit and wait for the right time to once again destroy a young man's dream of getting lucky by the side road. Unfortunately there ruse is not successful because by the time they see the parked car, the occupants are ready to go. Collin jokes that the guy probably nutted prematurely. They let the car pass them without anymore incident.

"He's probably getting a hand job and just needed to blow his load," Shane says.

"Or a moving blow-job," Collin says.

The two look at each other and shares a good laugh.

"Got anything something like that when you were a student here?" Collin asks Shane.

"No, I wouldn't risk wrecking for that."

"I don't believe you,"

"Why? Don't tell me you wish that you did it?" Shane who has gone to recognize some of Collin's fantasies asks the corporal.

The corporal didn't answer the question but chuckles about the idea.

"You're thinking about it," Shane insists.

Then the corporal mimes driving a car and describes what is in his head. "Driving my convertible Mustang, whistling, in warm summer night," Collin says while gently moving his hand as if he is caressing someone's head. "Would have been sweet," the corporal continues.

"You are one sex starved motherfucker," is all Shane can say.

"Well, I am."

"Good that you stop pestering your wife. You better get used to jacking off for the meantime, corporal."

Next: Chapter 16: Allotted Time 3

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