Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on May 18, 2015


Blissful Paradise (Allotted Time)

Allotted Time by Max Millan

The school was bustling once again with over energetic students after a brief hiatus during the summer break. The maintenance workers were busy hauling out debris from freshly renovated dormitory. The sound of the electric shears buzzed chopping away the unruly growth of green brush decorating the sides of many buildings as groups of newly minted college residents rushed for class registration. A stray dog was begging for food from unaffected students who were making their move on every girl that ventured their hunting ground. By the right at the other side of the cafeteria, another group was already forming and not soon after a rap battle commenced to the cheers and taunts from the other students. The commotion gave the stray dog a window to quickly grab a sandwich from the hand of one of the preoccupied students. A short chase, but the dog made it's way to the other side of the road. In its haste to get away, the dog bumped into a man standing by the recruitment offices. Surveying the writing on the wall was Sgt. Pinski with his green service cap in his hands being crumpled. Shane and the other occupants of the offices were removing the spray painted "MURDERERS!" followed by a peace sign. Their disdained was clearly shown on their faces while another group of people watched with suppressed giggles. After cleaning up the ROTC office ground with placards and signs, Sgt. Pinski checked on how the others were doing under the growing opposition of the war in the campus. When last pigment had been scrubbed, the university police finally showed up to investigate. Their offer to help in figuring out who did it was respectfully declined. It's annoying, but it's nothing to be too concern about.

"How was the ROTC building?" Shane asked the older sergeant.

"Nothing too bad. Just some signs left on the ground."

"This is fucked up. We never asked for this."

"I know but we are the closest thing to whatever the hell they are protesting about," Sgt. Pinski replied in a more sober manner.

"Stinkin' hippie wannabes. They need to find some other things to spend their energy on."

"It happens when you have nothing else to worry about. Are you guys OK for now?"

"Yeah, we're fine. I've seen worse."

With a firm handshake, the older sergeant said goodbye to Shane and the recruitment centers went along with their business as if nothing happened. Shane stared at the freshly clean window. The streak-less glass let the morning light unimpeded into the office. Shane walked up to the window and pulled down the blinds. He looked at the kids walking in front of the office with no care in the world. The mischief that morning gave him a little bit of worry, but it had nothing to do with those bastards vandalizing their building. From that incident, he found a short glimpse of what might be. That night, the once boisterous group of people from the base was no longer in sight. One or two of them showed up and joined him by the bar and the news of their coming deployment quickly dominated their conversation. They would be joining their brothers in arms pretty soon. On the other hand, Shane's fate was left on the air. His commanding officer had not mention anything to him. He thought that the recruitment office was shielding him for now. It's the feeling of not knowing that was killing him. How do you even prepare for that? Many decisions had to be postponed and planning for the future would seem a useless endeavor.

For about a week, he was feeling the weight of the situation he was in. He went on with his day to day life in the office that had been his raft for a little over two years. It was a reprieve to be in the bustling campus teeming with happy-go-lucky kids going along with their life of no responsibilities. Shane watched the place through the window. Kids of the same age living two completely separate lives one of complete bliss and another a life with one foot on the grave. A familiar face gazed through the window and opened the door.

"What up soldier?" Shawn greeted him still wearing his workout clothes.

"Not much."

"How come you're still open?"

Shane looked at the clock. It was a little over fifteen minutes after closing time. "Shoot! I didn't even notice."

"Here is the ticket for tonight's fanfest." The football star handed Shane his ticket to the stadium event and sat by the chair in front of the big desk.

"Cool! Thanks. Ready for the game tomorrow?"

"We are ready to kick some butts."

The first game of the season normally brought in a lot of celebration. The tailgate party by the stadium was the last of them. The whole team would be in parade while some college and local bands provided the entertainment to the students who were happy to join in the celebration. It felt like college life was a long excuse to find a way to drink. It's surprising that most of the kids still managed to finish school.

"You guys still practice until the last minute?"

"Yeah, the life we traded for fame. So are you still driving home tonight?"

"I'm planning to. I feel lethargic for some reason."

"Are you feeling sick or anything?" Shawn asked showing some level of concern.

"Nah, I'm fine, just don't have the energy for some reason. What time it starts?"

"Around six. Ends about nine."

"How about the game?"

"Ceremony starts at two in the afternoon, but game starts at 4. How about staying tonight then I'll ride with you tomorrow after the game?"

"I think I'm driving home. I probably just need to catch some sleep. I'll make sure to catch your game and if you still wanna come home with me after the game that would be fine."

"You don't sound so excited," Shawn asked prodding a little bit.

"Army life just getting into me, I guess," Shane replied.

"What? They make you do crazy stuff and shit?"

"You can say that."

"Well, I better freshen up. See you at the stadium."

"OK, see yah," the soldier said looking at Shawn lumbering out of the office. His adrenaline had already gone through his system and the fatigue had set in a little.

The makeshift stage was blaring with music from one of the college bands playing a mix of alternative and country songs. The front of the stage was littered with party-goers with their plastic cup of beer in hand swaying and grooving to the music. It didn't take long for Shane to find where Shawn was. The football team was signing autograph and had a tent where several of the players sat continuously scribbling their names on t-shirts and posters. After procuring his own plastic cup and beer, and a poster of the team last year's championship, Shane lined up for autograph. It was twenty or so people before his turn. The crowd grew bigger and place was even louder. A little bit of a commotion ensued when Matt showed up on the table. His personal cheering squad was alive and well. Ashley, Tim and his girlfriend, and Joe were the loudest of the bunch behind them was the Japanese student named Daisuke helping Mike lugged his instruments. Mike and his ever changing line-up of band members would have their own set later.

Not looking up Matt asked, "to whom should I make this?"

"To the most awesome dude in the world," Shane said when he recognized that Matt was just going with the flow.

Matt like someone in automatic mode just wrote "to the most awesome dude – Matt" on the poster. Only when he handed back the poster that he broke out of his trance. "What the hell are doing lining up for autograph?"

"Look what the cat dragged in," Reed interrupted and proceeded to sign Shane's poster. Shane's poster was passed around and was immediately signed by all the players in the tent even those who were not seated. Shawn put a smiley face and signed his name.

After spending sometime by the tent, Shane looked for Joe and his group. Mike and his band were setting up for their set. The group was hanging around Joe's old pickup truck also waiting for Mike's band to start playing.

"Can I join your party?" Shane said. A customary request since he was not an official member of the group.

"The more the merrier," Tim welcomed him who was busy fooling around with his girlfriend by the truck's tailgate.

Joe's striking hairstyle showed the evidence of his Summer training with the Marines. "Nice hair, Joe," Shane joked while he stroked his own white sidewall head.

"Yeah, got chopped off last Summer."

"You won't miss it. Pretty soon that's the only hairstyle you'll be wearing for the rest of your life."

"Well, no need to spend money on hair products I guess," Joe replied laughing at his new predicament.

The group made their way to the stage when they heard Mike tuning his guitar and testing out the microphone. For a brief moment, Shane was taken out of the gloom he was in. It was half way through the celebration when Coach Fox climbed up the stage to give a speech. After a loud cheers from the crowd, he called on the team to join him on the stage then the place went crazy. The quarterback made a short boring speech which was interrupted by Matt and Shawn's doing their best impression of a battle cry to bring the energy back up.

Joe's group had already enlisted several other students to join them in chanting "Go, Matt go! Go, Shawn go!" The team were kings. Their appearance on the stage also signaled that they were free to join the rest of students. Matt, Reed and Shawn joined the group after coming down from the stage. Offers of alcoholic beverage were declined. The alert eyes of Coach Fox and the trainers looking for any student athlete ingesting even a drop of alcohol was ever present. Joe was teasing Matt. He had two cups in hand. He said that he was also drinking for Matt. Shawn was trying to sneak a drink which Reed dutifully slapped with the back of his hand drenching Shawn's t-shirt.

"That ain't cool," Shawn protested.

"Stupid fuck. That old guy has eyes like an eagle," Reed responded referring to Coach Fox who was talking with some of the college officials by the team's tent.

"What should I do with this?" Shawn was still complaining about his soaked shirt.

"Give it me," Shane said.

Shawn took off his shirt and handed it to Shane. Shane carefully rolled the shirt to squeeze out every bit of beer on it without crumpling the shirt too much then flap the shirt twice before handing it back to Shawn. The big guy felt the damp shirt with his hands and was still not happy with it.

"Jeez, just put it on," Shane insisted.

"But it still wet."

"Then go shirtless then."

Shawn put on the shirt, and the dry Summer heat did the rest. The smell of the sweat and beer mixed together did not bother him one bit as he ran around the place with Reed and Matt talking to people and heckling Mike who resumed their set after the interlude from the team. Mike would just acknowledge them which normally stopped them from giving Mike a hard time on the stage.

"Look at them go," Joe commented.

"Like bunch of kids, aren't they?" Shane replied.

"They're having the time of their lives."

"Yeah, they are."

"I keep telling Matt that he will end up a car salesman someday."

"Ouch! That's funny though."

"Are you watching the game tomorrow?"


"You know where we are going to be. You're welcome to join us."

"How do you always get that spot behind them?"

"We have connections in the staff. They save the spot for us."

"You do?"

"Some people we know from our class are working here."

"Aah . . ."


The team had to leave early that night as requested by Coach Fox to get ready for tomorrow's game. Shane finished Mike's set and also said his goodbye to Joe's group who were staying for the whole duration. Matt was at the apartment when he arrived, playing some video games with Shawn. The only thing they could do to pass some time.

"What's up, Shane?" Reed greeted him.

"Got cutoff from the celebration, huh?" Shane said.

"The old man was afraid some of the players might start drinking when they're gone, so they told everyone to go home."

"Too bad it's just getting good down there. The main act was just starting to play when I left."

"You staying here tonight?"

"Nah, I'm driving home. I'll just come back tomorrow for the game."

Matt suddenly jumped up. He just won his match against Shawn. "Who's next?" he kept blurting out. Shawn wasn't happy. Reed was trying to get the controller from him. "C'mon, give it up. Your boyfriend is waiting for you," Matt joked.

"Why? Are you jealous? Joe's not putting up with you," Shawn countered then begrudgingly conceded his controller to Reed and flipped them both before turning his attention to Shane.

"Are you OK to drive?" Shawn asked Shane.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I didn't have much to drink."

Shawn walked him back to his truck. A firm handshake and a quick hug then Shane was off. Shawn waited for the car to get out of his sight before coming back into the apartment.

The stadium was blaring to the sound of the crowd waiting for the home team to take the field. Shane found his way to Joe's group once again. The parade of the teams gave way to the a one sided victory for the college. Everyone was in party mood after the game. Shane and Shawn had something else in mind. Shawn took his shower in the team's locker room, and met up with Shane in the apartment afterwards. With his gym bag at the backseat of Shane's truck, the two made their way to Shane house.

"You look good out there," Shane commented on Shawn's excellent performance.

"My performance or me?" Shawn joked.

"Both, he-he" the other guy concurred laughing.

"I'm hungry. Wanna eat some Chinese?" Shawn's suggested.

Rubbing the big guy's stomach Shane replied, "Are you sure it will be enough to fill this up."

"Should be. A lot though."

"Wouldn't Reed be looking for you?"

"I don't think he will miss me much. He already sent me message if I'm going to be away."

"Sounds like he is planning to get busy."

"Yeah, he is."

"Gonna have fun with his groupies?"

"Most likely."

"Wouldn't yours going to be looking for you?"

"They can wait to have me," Shawn bragged.

"Better be."

"This is reserved for you tonight," Shawn said while tracing his semi-hardon under his shorts.

"LOL, you still have energy for that?"

"This can go on and on and on like the Energizer bunny," Shawn said pointing at himself.

The drive brought them to a Chinese restaurant just outside Shane's town. They ordered food enough to feed a family of five and extra order of egg rolls which happened to be something of a favorite of the two.

On the horizon, the late sun of summer was making its final descent when the two arrived at Shane's house. The loud cheers of the crowd had been replaced by chirping crickets and musty odor of the sea water and the nearby swamp mixed together filtered through the night's air that had long worn out its effect on the residents of the sleepy town.

"Damn that reeks," Shawn complained as he swung his gym bag on his shoulder.

"You'll get to use it. And why do you complain, don't you get the whiff of it anyways?" Shane countered.

"Yeah, but not this much."

"Thanks to that we get the cheapest shrimp in the land."

"That's how you get shrimp?"

"Yeah, don't you know? And how long you've been living in this state?"

"I've never known that."

Shane picked up their dinner and asked Shawn to unlock and open the door to the house. Once inside, he carefully laid the boxes of Chinese food on the table. He looked around and found Shawn browsing through his DVD collection, "What you up to?"

"Looking for your porn stash."

"LOL, you won't find any. You can get porn for free on the Internet now."

"This one is still wrapped?"

"Which one?"

"This," Shawn said holding up a DVD.

"Oh that one, I don't even remember buying that."

"How come?"

"Bootleg from Thailand. I bought quite a few."

"No wonder the cover looks funny. Don't you get punish if they catch you?" Shawn said examining the blurry printed cover of the a cheap looking DVD case.

"It wasn't always like that. Just recently."

"Can I open it, see if it works?"

"Go ahead," Shane said who just finished opening their dinner and setting plates on the table. Shawn looked at the table and skipped using the plate. He grabbed a box of noodle and few egg rolls then jabbed a pair of chopsticks in his take out box. Shane just scratched his head when he saw the big guy went back to the living room and sat on the floor with his dinner. Seeing Shawn, the soldier copied him and just took his own box and chopsticks. Shawn was already engrossed with the movie. Shane sat on the couch behind Shawn. With his legs, he pulled the big the guy closer to the couch until he was leaning on it between his legs.

"Wow, look at that. You get free Chinese lesson," Shawn commented when the foreign subtitle showed up on the screen.

"Those bootleg movies are hit or miss. Sometimes you get a decent copy, often times you don't."

He caught a glimpse of the egg rolls Shawn was hoarding. "What the hell, did you just take all the egg rolls?" Shane said looking over at Shawn munching on the egg rolls one after the other.

"I'm hungry, I still have one. You want it? It will cost you."

"Screw you."

"I guess you don't one any then," Shawn said threatening to put the last remaining treat I his mouth.

"No, I want it. C'mon give it to me," Shane begged gently rubbing Shawn crotch with his heel.

Shawn surrendered the remaining roll to Shane.

"Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome," Shawn stood up and made another trip to the table for his seconds.

"Wow, you really are hungry."

A third through the movie, the empty boxes of Chinese food were stacked on the table, and the two were comfortably watching the movie. Shawn was still sitting on the floor and Shane on the couch. The lull in the movie seemed to have made Shawn restless. The feeling of tiredness when the adrenaline is fighting it can play tricks on someone's body.

"What's wrong with you?" Shane asked.

"Nothing, just tired."

"You can crash in the bedroom."

"Not feeling sleepy though just tired."

"Shock of the first game?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Shawn stood up and started stretching his legs blocking Shane's view of the television.

"Hey, the movie is just getting good." Shane said but the big guy pretended not hearing anything. "C'mon move," Shane complained once more.

"Ooops, sorry," Shawn again pretending to apologize.

"Find something else better to do than blocking my view."

"Well, do you want a hand job?" Shawn naughtily suggested as he sat right next to the other guy.

Shane still fixated on the movie didn't answer but moved his hand out of the way and put it over the big guy's shoulder. It didn't take long before Shawn had him out of his shorts. After tugging on his balls for a bit, Shawn wrapped his hand around the hardening cock. Shane tried hard to ignore the attention he was getting by acting unaffected with his eyes directed on the TV, but the warm hand rubbing him proved to be undeniably irresistible.

With a smile on his painted on his face he said, "I like that."

"You like getting a hand job?"

"No, I mean, that you are pestering me that way."

"I can pester you better than this," Shawn whispered in his ear.

"You're breath smells like onion," Shane pushing Shawn's face.

"Why are you complaining? We ate the same thing and besides you won't smell any where my mouth is going."

Shane couldn't find a good comeback and just laughed it off, "Do whatever you want just let me watch my movie."

Shawn laid down on the couch resting his head on Shane's stomach then he gave him a wide grin. He turned on his side look, a quick look at the movie and when it didn't interest him, he turned his attention to the hard dick in front of him. Shane gave out a soft moan to acknowledge what he was getting.

"Don't get too carried away," Shane warned him. "I'm planning for a long night," he continued.

Shane never made it to the end of the movie. The two ended up sharing a shower when Shane could no longer ignore the other man's playful advances. Shane was soaping Shawn admiring his towering big frame, and examining the telltale signs of the football game that left a few marks on the big guy. The redness on one of Shawn's thighs and a bruise on his side gave the Shane a pause.

"Are you sure those are normal?"

"I had worse."

"Does it hurt?" Shane running his hand over the bruises.

"They're still numb."

After confirming that nothing was out of the ordinary, the two continued their shower in the small cramped bathtub. They bodies touching and grinding as they moved in and out of the flowing water. The only indication of the what was to come was there occasional hugs and pecks on the others neck. Shawn stepped out of the shower first and dried himself. Shane finished his own shower while the other man was leaving the bathroom.

"What taking you so long?" Shawn shouted from the bedroom.

"In a minute, just drying myself."

Not a moment soon, Shane was standing by the bed looking at the Shawn who was laying in the middle of the bed with his full nakedness in display.

"Damn, my whole body felt jello all of a sudden," Shawn said. The soothing effect of the warm shower did its work on his his tired body.

Shane climbed on the bed straddling him by his groin area. Before planting a kiss on Shawn's lips, he said, "Don't worry, I'll do all the work, gentle and slow." He wasn't a type of guy to lust on someone's body, but the big tight toned body of Shawn was just too tempting not to explore. Shawn's eyes followed the other man's hands as they slowly massage his biceps then his chest down to his sides. Shane held his waist and gave the him a wide grin.

"Been thinkin' about tapping that, huh?" Shawn replied grinning back.

"You've got one of the best looking bubble butt. Don't you know that?"

"Well, it's yours. Have fun."

"Oh, I will, but before that, let's get this fat one hard," Shane slowly stroking the Shawn's cock. The big man's uncut dick responded to the gentle strokes and the pink head glistened from the ample precum oozing out of it. "Damn, what a nice looking dick." There were times when moment of tenderness was what they were looking for, but tonight made for a good time just to have some fun. It's not as often that Shane had a way with a very willing Shawn.

"Just lay down there and look macho," Shane said. Shawn put his hands behind his head parted his legs to make room. Shane's eyes were now fixated on the waiting cock. He licked the head teasing it and Shawn responded with a guttural grunt. In no time, Shane's mouth was wrapped around Shawn's manhood and slowly going down on it. He switched from sucking on it to licking the underside of the cock and his equally impressive balls. Enjoying the hardness and bigness in his mouth. The lucky receiver of the sensual attention was moaning and grunting giving his approval.

The sight of the man going down on him prompted him to ask Shane to change position. "Can you flip around? I want to suck yours too." He scooted down the bed while Shane moved to a sixty-nine position with him on top. He carefully guided his cock to Shawn's waiting mouth then leaned back to the big dick that had been mesmerizing him for the better part of the night. The room was filled by their moans and sometimes slurping sounds as the two exchanged a frantic oral stimulation. As the sexual encounter progressed, Shane was ready to give it to to Shawn. "On your stomach," he commanded.

Shawn turned over and splayed his legs ready to receive Shane. "Someone told me you like it deep and slow," Shane uttered. Shawn smiled. It must have been Reed who told him that. Shane reached for the nightstand's drawer and pulled out a tube of lube and squeezed a few drops on his hard cock, and with his finger, he primed Shawn's waiting hole.

"Ready?" Shane asked.

"Yeah," Shawn responded.

With that, Shane eased himself inside Shawn who gasped for air when the soldier's hard cock was deeply planted in him. Shane started his slow assault, "You like that?" he said teasing Shawn,

"Give it to me, baby," Shawn grunted encouraging the man on top of him.

Shane straddled him with his legs resting on the back of Shawn's thighs. The sensation of the hard cock filling his hole made Shawn moaned and groaned with pleasure. In between Shane's slow strokes, he would pick up the pace and hammered the big guy's behind. The slapping sounds muffled the moans coming from both of them. Shawn was not complaining. He wanted Shane's cock deep inside him. Then Shane slowed down burying himself deep before returning back to slow strokes.

"I could do this all night," Shane said panting.

"I'm all yours."

"Damn, you are so fuckin' hot," Shane whispered in his ear then peppered him with kisses on the cheek and neck. Even the night that was planned out to last long, the night slowly built up to inevitable crescendo. Shane motioned the big guy to turn over. With their eyes locked with each other, Shawn arms wrapped around the man on top of him who was now working on his release, his legs swung in the air with every full body thrusts he was receiving. Then the sound of the peak of sexual pleasure briefly filled the room. Shane unloaded his seed deep inside him.

A kiss on the lips ended Shane's conquest, "Thank you , babe," he told the smiling man under him. He propped himself up and wrapped his hand around Shawn's still hard cock. Shawn gyrated as his own impending release that had already built up came. His body jerked with a short bursts of "aahhs" for every drop of cum that spewed out of him. Shane was happy looking at the mess decorating the Shawn's wide torso.

"Damn, that was awesome," Shawn said after catching his breath.

Shane grabbed the towel that he brought with him and wiped himself and Shawn clean. Shawn turned over in his stomach making room for Shane to lay down. Shawn put his arm on Shane's chest. Shane looked at him, but the exhausted man already had his face buried on his pillow. Shane switched off the lights and said goodnight to Shawn.

Shawn responded, "I'll sleep like a baby."

"If you wake me up in the middle of the night, you know what is going to happen," Shane jokingly warned him.

"Just wake me up if this needs another action," Shawn replied rubbing Shane's spent dick.

It was already eleven in the morning when Shawn woke up the next day. A quick shower and he went looking for Shane. The smell of the breakfast drew him to the kitchen. Shane was napping on the couch still in his undies. Shawn finished his meal and sat on the couch which woke up the napping Shane.

"Still tired?"

"Just a little sore but I'm fine."

"Sorry, I was at you for a bit last night."

"Really, I didn't even notice that it was that long."

"Time flew by quick when you're having fun." Shane said running his hand over Shawn's uncombed hair.

"What's the plan for today?" Shawn asked.

"What do you guys normally do on Sundays?"

"Nothing, just sleep through the day mostly."

"We can drive to the beach after lunch then grill outside after," Shane suggested.

"Sounds good."

By three that day, the two were zipping through the crowd frolicking the beach, tossing around a football. The beach was busy with people taking advantage of the warm Southern fall weather. Among the crowd they were busy with their own game of flashing their sweaty bodies to one another as they run around catching the football. Shane would often caught a glimpse of Shawn flexing his muscles for him which he responded by doing the same pose. When throwing football became old, they tried crashing someone else volleyball game. Some other college kids made their way to the beach. When their stashed of cold beer ran out, it was also their signal to head back home. A quick detour to the store for a few cuts of steak and more cold beverages for grilling, and they're in Shane's backyard setting of for some barbecue. Shane prepared the steak while Shawn lounged on one top of the picnic table catching the last rays of the setting sun.

"You are gonna splinters laying on that," Shane warned him.

The big guy rolled around to check his back just in case. "I'm hungry when it's gonna be ready," he complained instead.

"Dude, I just started."

"Just kidding," Shawn sat up looking at the dense tree line behind the house. "Aren't you afraid something will just come out of that when you are grilling out here?"

"Don't tell me that. One time I swear, I saw a bear."

"LOL, we don't have bears around here."

Most of the times, their days together went like that. They talked about many mundane things never really bared into the more serious stuff. The darkening sky as the smell of the roasted meat on the fire filled the air and the chirping of critters brought in things that they were not so sure how to go about.

"Are we really going out?" Shane asked out of nowhere.

Shawn looked at him and responded tentatively "I guess we are."

"Are you really sure about that?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean, not I'm not really sure how it supposed to go." Being comfortable about themselves didn't really mean anything. They've both been with a girl in which the norms were predetermined by the long history of human civilization. But they were threading a different path.

"I guess we could just let it play along and have the feel of it along the way."

"I guess so too," Shawn agreed.

"So what about our good friend Reed?" Shane asked while carefully turning over the meat over the fire.

"Honestly, he's been quite distant in that area. I think he's giving us space."

"I don't mind," Shane confided.

"Are you sure?"

"As long as it's just nutting, I really don't see the problem with that."

"You've seemed more open minded about things more than me."

"Like you said, I too don't know how it supposed to go. Maybe if we don't try too hard it will work out."

"OK, I tell you what, maybe I'll ask you first before I do it with someone else. You always gets the first dibs," Shawn offered his best response.

"Why? Are you planning a lot of it I gather?" Shane responded.

Shawn was taken a back a little after recognizing what he said. "No, I'm not."

"LOL, maybe you have a girlfriend that I don't know about."

"Someone that rubs us jocks the right way, yes, but not girlfriend, girlfriend. He-he."

"Freakin' jocks."

"Maybe you have one . . . or a special buddy in the base," Shawn countered.

"Not here. If you really wanna know in the old base . . ."

"Do you sit in circle when polishing your guns?"

"No, someone normally polished mine."

"I bet, you like it shooting too."

"That was the plan," Shane said then giggled.

"Are the steaks ready?"

"About done."

"Damn, I have a boner now." Shawn said. Shane looked at his direction. He was again laying on the picnic table with his swimming trunks undone examining his hardening big dick out in the open.

"Why don't you make yourself useful and put that thing away and grab some plates inside?" Shane requested. Luckily Shane's backyard being in a cul-de-sac was hidden from view.

Shawn dutifully fetched plates and forks for the two of them and set them on the table. Shane brought in his haul of freshly cook steaks. Few slices of potatoes and corn cobs rounded their dinner that disappeared in an instant. Shane brought in the dirty dishes. A sniffed of his shirt decided that a shower was in order.

"I'm taking a shower. Will you clean the grill?" he shouted from the kitchen.

"Yes sir!" he heard from outside.

After a few minutes, the freshly showered Shane came back. He smiled when he saw the clean grills and the metal fire guards set by the foot of the grill.

"Hey, better take a shower now before you decide to finish all those beers."

Shawn smelled himself as if protesting before going in. Outside, Shane lit one the bug repellents, the light from the kitchen would suffice for the night. It was looking like a good evening. The sky was clear and the half-faced moon was making it's way up. He was on his way relaxing on the one of the deck chairs when he heard the radio being turned on. He looked inside and saw Shawn still drying his hair and fiddling with the stereo.

"It's nice out here," he said when he walked out. "It's so quiet," he added then sat on the picnic table with his feet on the bench facing the Shane who had his own feet resting on the bench. Shane tossed him a can of beer from the cooler by his side. The flickering lights of the next door neighbor illuminated the rest of the area.

"That forest looks scary."

"Are talking you about the pee line?" Shane asked.

"Pee line?" Shawn replied confused.

"Oh, when I have people from the base here that becomes our restroom."

"Something might just jump out of that thing and bite off your dick."

Suddenly Shane had a naughty idea seeing where Shawn was sitting. He leaned forward and fished out Shawn's cock out of the sleeve of his shorts then sat back with a grin on his face. Shawn on the other hand, just continued talking as if nothing unusual happened.

"Eeww!" Shawn grimaced and twitched imagining his dick getting bitten off.

"LOL," Shane recognizing where the reaction was coming from.

"So doing it with Reed is fine?" Shawn asked for confirmation.

"I must admit, I might do it too," Shane confided. "Reed is a looker," he continued.

"Got yah?" Shawn said then winked. "By the way, you might still caught me jacking off sometimes even when you're around."

"Jerking off is always a fair game. So other than jerking off, do you have times when you just want to get off?" Shane asked.

Shawn was hesitating to answer.

"C'mon don't be shy," Shane egged him.

"I just like to get blown sometimes, take my dick out then someone takes care of it and let me enjoy the whole thing."

"That doesn't sound so unusual."

"I don't know, but sometimes I just feel like I want one out of nowhere."

"That's still not out of the ordinary."

It must have been on how he was getting it that gave him pause a little, "I would get lucky when a fanboy was around."

"Three taps on my shoulder," Shane agreeing to fulfill Shawn's need.

Shawn eyes seemed to twinkle, "Cool. So I guess you have your own too?"

"I love quickies," Shane replied with no hesitation.

"Oh shoot!" Shawn said when finally realized what he got himself into.

Shane remembering Shawn's fascination of the office setting, "We can sometimes do it in my office," he said enticing Shawn with a wink.

The banter about some bits of their sexual habits had a very obvious effect on the younger man whose cock had been hard peeking out of his shorts' sleeve. Shane looked to his left then to his right to see if the coast was clear. He set his beer on the table and took a seat by the bench in between Shawn's legs. He rolled down the sleeve to completely let the big dick out into the open. Shawn was just following what the other man was doing moving his beer by his chest to get his hand out of the way. He took a swig of his beer but had to stop in the middle of his sip and almost gag on it when he felt Shane's mouth wrapping around his cock.

"Ummph!" Shawn blurted out. "Damn, you almost made it came out of my nose."

"Sorry, I wasn't looking," Shane replied looking at Shawn laughing as he stroked the hard cock in front of him.

"It just feel so different when you do it somehow," Shawn said.

"Feels good? You want some good suckin'."


Then the two continue on with their conversation between Shane going down on him and stroking his cock trying not to make it not too involve just a good clean fun while they chilled outside, but the cool Fall wind finally made its presence known.

"C'mon, let's go inside. We have an early day tomorrow," Shane suggested.

They're clothes were piled on the floor by the foot of the bed as the two tumbled on the bed in a lip lock hands exploring each others body. Shane was grasping the back of Shawn's neck as his tongue darted in and out of Shawn's mouth while the other man's hands were massaging his ass cheeks and pushing his hips closer. Their eyes met after a brief respite from their making out. Shawn grinned and with his finger signaled Shane to turn around. Another smack on the lips, Shane turned himself around, so he could get some Shawn's meaty treat. On their sides, the passionate kisses had been replaced by the intent desire to pleasure one another. For a good bit, the room was filled with their muffled "aahhs" coming out from their lips that were busy sliding back and forth throbbing manhood of the person whose desire they wanted to satisfy. Shane was had long been accustomed to Shawn's extra girth and was able to match Shawn. They were not wasting any time. The sound of soft moans that emanated from each others just made them even more eager to please. After a frantic exchange of oral stimulation, both out of breath but not ready to surrender, they disengaged and flopped on the bed.

"Wow, I can't believe I was able to hold back," Shawn said.

"Me too," Shane replied lying on the bed rubbing Shawn's thigh which made it to Shawn's round ass.

"So can I have quickies sometimes?" Shawn never really answered it earlier, so he was curious about it.

"Yes, you can have your quickies."

"Nice, I promise I'll be gentle . . . most of the time," Shane responded with a grin.

Shawn got up, "Oh, you are so gonna get some good poundin'. You've been naughty." For which the soldier just responded by raising his legs making himself ready to receive the man who was kneeling on the bed between his legs. Shawn reached over and took out the lube from the nightstand and handed it to Shane. Shane already knew what the big guy wanted, so he smeared a few drops of lube on Shawn's cock and then primed himself. Shawn leaned over with Shane's legs by his big arms. Looking at intensely at the Shane's blue eyes waiting for Shane to finally guide his hard cock to his waiting hole. Shawn pushed it in deep then gave Shane a kiss before starting his slow and long strokes. Shane gave out a long soft moan as he felt the entire length slid inside him.

"You like?" Shawn teased.

"Yeah, baby give it to me."

Shawn pulled the cover over then the two made love with only their grinding bodies talking. Between their grunts and moans were long passionate kisses. The night faded with a long guttural grunt from Shane as he spew his load on this stomach then Shawn immediately followed releasing his seed deep inside him. After quick exchange of thanks, Shawn rolled over letting Shane rest on him.

The morning sun was already out when the made their trip back to the campus. Like always, Shane was left to himself during the morning commute back to the campus while Shawn dozed off for most of the drive. Shane dropped him off to his apartment complex as the whole place slowly stirred to life to the march of young sleepy college kids trying to make to their classes in time then he proceeded to open the office.

He slowly pulled the blinds up and looked through the window. The sight of the students busy darting in and out of his sight that he had already taken for granted were coming back into view. The long days sitting at his desk waiting for a few young men to set foot in his office many looking forward to serve but plenty were looking for a way out of the slow town. He massaged his temple then sat by the chair in front of the desk. He looked up and saw the face of an sternly looking middle aged man. Months passed by quickly. Without a word the commanding officer handed him his new order. He knew all a long that he had to say goodbye to the blissful existence of college life. And it was good.

The sound of the roaring crowd had been replaced by the eerie chugs of choppers bringing in the new arrival to a camp in what looked like a desolate place on Earth. Shane was part of the second wave of deployment from his base. Shane surveyed the land when set foot on the dry sandy desert. He looked back and for a brief moment saw the sad face of his grandmother and beside her were Shawn and Reed sending him off. That was last time he saw them. His grandma who raised him passed away in the middle of tour while Shawn and Reed moved on with their lives. The thing he heard was Reed moving to another state and Shawn moving back to the city where he grew up.

An occasional email from Shawn and people that he knew kept him going. But the missions kept on coming and soon enough his part-time college life was completely replaced by his martial duties. The six months that he told Shawn when he was going to be back easily turned to a year then another. Many times they were told that they would go home but it never came for several more years. Shane saw the base transformed from a collection of tents to full blown operational base. The permanency of the war effort had long been accepted by many even if it wasn't officially mentioned.

The sound of gun fires and bombs falling from the sky had been his company for many years.

"Ooppss, I'm so sorry,"he heard a lady who was profusely apologizing to him.

He looked at his lap that was drenched in beer. The home team just scored and out of excitement the lady jumped up with her cup in hand. Shane recollection faded away.

Next: Chapter 23: Allotted Time 10

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