Blissful Paradise

By Max Millan

Published on Jan 31, 2018


Blissful Paradise (M-Radio)

Come What May by Max Millan

The sun beats down on anyone who dared step outside. Dom could only recognize bits and pieces of complaints coming from his workers. The foreign language they spoke could not hide their frustration about the midday heat wave. Dom called out from the second floor window and let them have a break long enough for the house to cast shadow on one side of the building. One by one his hired hands walked inside the house shouting their gratitude. His phone rung and almost dropped it. The weather was hot that even his hands were sweating.

"What do you want stupid fuck?" he answered after recognizing who was calling.

"May I speak to Jeremy Slade?" Carson joked from the other end.

Dom grinned before answering, "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

"Oh, is this Jeremy?" Carson teased him again.

"What you want fucker?"

"Nothing. Just chillin' waiting for my delivery schedule. I must say those were good stuff."

"Don't tell me, you've seen them all already?"

"Yup, stayed up all night. My arm got some really good work out last night. It's still sore."

"Horny bastard. I bet your arm is not the only thing sore."

"Don't say anything about it. You know how easy it responds. It hurts."

"No jerking off for you tonight."

"As if a little pain will stop me from masturbating."

"So why are you bothering me for? I got shit to do. You know . . . a real job."

"Don't you get high and mighty with me, Mr. Foreman," Carson depended himself. "And I was planning on inviting you for a barbecue this weekend. I have some people from work coming over for a drink and steak. We received our bonus check yesterday. Woo-hoo, I'm two hundred dollar richer," he continued.

"What time?"

"Who told you I'm inviting you," Carson teased his friend.

"OK then I'm not going," Dom feigned his disappointment.

"Just kiddin'. Come by in the afternoon this Saturday. Bring your own choice of poison."

The shouts and hoots behind Carson's house can be heard when Dom walked inside the house. Carson accosted him to join the fun outside. The sweet smell of well spiced meat cooking on the grill filled the air. Four of Carson's co-workers showed for the cookout. The two middle-aged men talked politics by the backdoor and another two, who looked like they were just barely old enough to drink, tended the charcoal grill.

"Hey peeps, this is Jeremy," Carson introduced Dom to his friends. One by one the other men introduced themselves and shook the hand of the new arrival.

"It's Dom actually. This idiot likes to play games," Dom said correcting his initial introduction then gave Carson a mean look. "How do you guys put up with this asshole?" he continued.

The other men laughed at his remarked instead of answering. Dom asked what the celebration was all about and found out that Carson was promoted. He accepted a new position as a supervisor and won't be making deliveries anymore. The afternoon was spent talking mostly about Carson and his invitees' delivery work. Carson was going to be their inside man. The cooler slowly emptied out and every morsel of steaks were long gone. The sun was already on its final descend when the Carson's guests left. Dom stayed to help his friend clean.

"So you got a promotion, huh?" Dom said.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting it," Carson replied.

"How come?"

"I didn't apply for it or told anyone I want the job. My boss just asked me out of the blue if I want to work in the office. The previous supervisor retired. No more heavy lifting for me."

"Congratulations, buddy. Are you also getting a raise?"

"A little. I'm not sure how much. I didn't ask." Carson said. He checked the grill for any remaining grease and covered. "I'm right about the done. I'm taking a shower after. I'm soaked and stinky."

The two walked inside the house. Dom mentioned the CDs he gave his friend.

"That's what you're so embarrassed to tell me," Carson said.

"I'm not embarrassed about, but you must understand, it's not something that you share willy-nilly."

"Doesn't bother me one bit."

"I know you won't be. Just wanting you to know about it," Carson sensed some seriousness in his friend's tone. "You can come in. It's not like you still have anything you haven't seen," he said when he saw Dom stopped by the door of the shower. Dom leaned back by the sink while Carson tested the water. "How did you come up with Jeremy Slade?" Carson asked while dropping his shirt and shorts on the floor.

"My first producer gave me that name. He said it sounded mysterious and erotic at the same time."

Carson let the water run through finger once again before replying, "It's not something like the street you were born and some other name?"

"Nah, just something we came up with."

Carson stepped in the shower when the water temperature was to his liking and joked, "You're free to peek whenever you want." He winked at his friend before closing the translucent curtain. "What's in the first CD?" he asked.

"I thought you already saw them all," Dom raised his voice to cut through the shower noise. The curtain's floral design partly obscured the naked man behind who immediately started soaping himself before his body was even fully wet like a habit.

"LOL, no. Just the video you said that was the best and couple others," Carson replied while his blurry figure traced someone who was lathering his intimate parts.

"Remember the road trip I told you about?" Dom started describing the content.

"Which one? The one when you hooked up with that college kid."

"The football varsity player, Yes. It's what happened before that. You probably already guessed that modeling job is just a euphemism for doing work in the nude."

"Go on," Carson said behind the curtain.

Dom still hesitated a little. "You probably should just watch it," he said.

"Not even a background."

"I had solo scene in there when the guy filming finally convinced me to stick a dildo in my ass. It's the unedited version, so you will hear some of the behind the scene conversation."

"Wow, you popped yourself on camera," Carson said slightly peeking out of the shower with shampoo bubbles running down his face.

Dom still leaning by the sink with his arms crossed over his chest replied, "Pretty much."

"Are you sure you're just gonna stand there? Water feels good," Carson told his friend.

Carson need not wait for a respond. The sound of Dom's belt being undone and the high pitch clink when it touched the floor prepared him to welcome a companion in his small tub. Sharing the bath was something that came natural for both of them being accustomed to communal bathing.

"Be careful with that or you might poke someone," Dom said when Carson faced him as he washed the suds on his back.

"It will poke something alright," Carson replied naughtily.

"Are you going let me shower, or are you going to hug all the water?"

"Here you go." Carson scooted side way and changed place with his friend. "You're so demanding. Do you want me to soap your back too?"

Dom stood under the drizzling water and let his Carson's hand wonder all over his body. The soapy hands felt slick on his skin. Touches that felt more like exploring than washing his body. He felt the warmth of Carson's body on his back when his friend drew himself closer to him. He casually gave way when his friend's hands moved between his legs.

"Don't get carried away," Dom told him. "It might explode," he added when Carson gave him a few slow strokes of encouragement.

"Do you wanna watch your videos with me and give me a play by play," Carson told him.

Carson stepped out of the tub and let Dom finish his shower. Not bothering to completely dry himself, he wrapped a towel around his waist and proceeded down his basement. The humming sound of his computer started to fill the room. He was popping in the CD when he heard Dom calling from upstairs.

"Where are you?" Dom called out.

"I'm in the basement," he answered.

"What are you doing?" Dom slowly climbed down the stairs still drying his ears.

"Getting ready to watch your videos?"

"Can't wait to see it, can you?" Dom said as he sat on a couch close by and threw the towel he used to dry himself at Carson, which the other man with good reflex caught before hitting his face. He received the standard middle-finger response from his friend. Dom surveyed the basement that was slowly taking its shape. The only couch and a good size TV close to the window occupied the end of the rectangular basement. Video game discs and a controller of his gaming rig littered the floor in front of the TV. Right next to the couch where Dom sat was a computer desk and an executive computer chair where Carson was comfortably rocking himself back and forth waiting for his computer to settle down after a slow start. On the far end stood a frame for what look like a bar area. Wood panels were neatly stack on the floor. Carson once offered him to take over the basement on one of their passing conversations that he never actually replied to. The old lady's place was cramp, but it was closer to were he worked. He was not too keen about adding thirty more minutes to his daily commute.

"Are you building a man-cave?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to have a bar over there and replace that old TV with a bigger one." Carson adjusted the monitor so Dom could see. Dom pointed out the video of his solo seen.

"Long video," Carson commented.

"It's unedited," Dom replied.

The video started playing. Dom grinned when he saw Carson taking his towel off. There was no hiding Carson's excitement. His manhood was at full mast already. Even when they had their first encounter, there was always been a sense of casualness on how they go about it. And with added familiarity there was no need for urgency.

"Where was this?" Carson asked when he saw Dom and his friends still in their t-shirt and camo pants walked inside a hotel room.

"California. We drove their."

"What made you try it out?"

"Word of mouth. We talked to another marine who had done it while we were out drinking one night. Quick bucks for getting off on cam seemed inviting at the time."

"Sweet ass," Carson said when the seen cut to the new arrival lining up to take a shower.

"Damn, it feels weird," Dom commented.

"What's weird?"

"I mean, it's sorta weird knowing that you are jerking off looking at me."

"Like this," Carson with a bear grip around his cock gave Dom a show with the matching facial expression of what look like an ecstasy and pain.

"Damn, now I can't escape picturing your awkward facial expression when you are cumming every time I see you."

"LOL, how is that different when we're having sex?"

"I don't know. It's just is," Dom was having trouble explaining.

"Don't tell me you haven't jerk off thinking about my cock and my ass? Cause I probably used you as inspirational material many times," Carson sheepishly confessed.

"Not that I have not," Dom said. "I have imagined you bent over many times my friend," he continued.

"Woo-hoo, that's very graphic description." Carson returned his attention to the video. "What happened? You are guys are wearing your uniforms again."

"We just took a shower to freshen up and put them on again. The guy filming made us lay on the bed together for a little some interview."

After a little of introduction and some pointed questions the scene proceeded as expected. "You're buddies can't seem to wait to get things started. Look one of them already has his hand inside your other friends pants before you guys even started filming," Carson commented.

"Yeah, I think that was the first I learned that they've been fooling around for quite sometimes. I think that one will cut immediately to just them."

"Where did you go?"

"Nowhere. I just moved to the other bed."

"That's not nice."

"What not nice?"

"Leave you alone by yourself."

"Damn, I was actually nervous. I had it took me while to get comfy. But those two, they came prepared."

"I can see. I think I'll just skip to your part," Carson told Dom. That night he was more keen about seeing his friend in action. "You look so young and chunkier."

"I know right. I was still carrying some of my baby fats."

"What happened to your buddies? The other bed is empty."

"They were filmed first. They were just sitting on the side being quiet or a least trying to. You'll hear them heckling me."

Another quick interview before the man directing him instruct him to do what comes naturally. Dom tried to put on a tease before unbuckling his belt and taking out his placid but still impressive dick. "There you go. Too bad no one is helping you," Carson said. "Look at that. Got me so hard," he added. Carson looked at Dom who was now laying down on the couch fully expose. He grinned.

"What are you thinking?" Dom caught him.

Carson winked and extended his hand open upwards, an offer for his friend to join him. Dom stood and walked close to his friend. Carson found his friend's cock and gave it a tug. "There a chair over there," he said.

Dom looked around following Carson's finger. Tuck away in the corner hidden by the slab of wood he found the chair his friend was talking about.

"Look at that. That is one sweet dick," Carson exclaimed. The computer monitor showed Dom already had his camo down his ankle and stroking his dick. "I would suck on that thing. Would you?" he asked his friend jokingly.

Dom set the chair close to the executive leather chair and answered, "I'm afraid I'm not that limber to suck my own dick." He placed his left elbow and leaned on the back of the over-sized leather chair as he sat by the edge of his chair the making his cock hung freely.

Carson attention was still on the monitor in front of him not wanting to miss anything when he felt his friend's hand trying to nudge his right hand. He freed his cock and let Dom took over. He had no problem searching for his friend's in return.

"You a have funny way of jerking off," Carson said.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't wrap your fingers around your cock like everyone else."

"What can I say, I like it loose."

"Lot's of wrist action. I won't be surprised if you suffer from carpal-tunnel."

"Nah, I've been doing it that way and no problems with my hand so far."

The two watched the video played on while gentle tugs on each others manhood were just enough to keep themselves hard and not go over to the point of no return. They have all night to kill.

Their conversation picked up once again when the man filming threw some toys on the bed. The man offered Dom more cash if he tries one of them. Dom hesitation was clearly shown on his face. "I don't think so," you could hear him say then a combination of teasing and encouragement came from his friends who were standing behind the camera. The man panned his camera to show who was talking. The two men who already finished shooting their scene giggled at the idea of Dom playing with his ass for the first time. Dom had not even tried inserting even his own finger in him.

"LOL, you looked like you'd seen a ghost," Carson joked.

"Don't you see the size of those things?" Dom replied.

"So this would be the first time you are going to try it?"

"Yeah. I wasn't so sure if I really wanna go with it."

"He promised to pay you more?"

"Yeah. He even laid the money on the side table just to encourage me."

The scene cut to an empty bed. "Where were you?" Carson asked.

"I was in the shower with Sawyer. He was helping me prime the hole."

"And it wasn't on film?"

"It wasn't a pretty sight. I was slightly bent over bracing myself on the wall. The man filming came in with a more agreeable size to try first. Sawyer picked a long slender glass toy. After some teasing, I was able to accept about an inch before I felt like I was going to poo. I ran to the bowl but nothing came out."

"That's got to be a funny sight."

"Shit, it was something not easy to get used to, something going the opposite way. Your natural reflex was to push it out. Sawyer applied a strawberry smelling ointment all over the glass toy. He said it will help."

"What was it?"

"It's that special ointment to numb you up. It burnt for a bit then before I knew it Sawyer had the toy up my ass."

"Never used one. I just manned up when Hunter and I first tried it. Well, after a lot of lube and finger play."

The scene continued on with Dom sitting back on the bed, this time fully naked. He grabbed the back of knees and pulled his legs close to his chest then the camera zoom in to his waiting hole. The guy filming stroke his cock for a bit before revealing a long pink dildo of average girth.

"Looks like you are ready," Carson commented.

"Damn, even with my ass numb it was still a struggle. Look at my face. I was holding my breathe the whole time. He kept telling me to relax but it was hard," Dom continued his narration.

"That only made me even harder," Carson commented on the video.

"I know you are," Dom said and inspected the rigidness on Carson's erection. He pulled on it and let it go hitting Carson's stomach before settling back to full attention. "So do you wanna continue watching that, or do you wanna get it on with Jeremy Slade tonight?" Dom teased him.

"Oh shit, have I told you that you are a walking jerk-off fantasy," Carson said. "Former marine, check. Beefy, cheek. Good looking, check, and most important of all, porn star, check."

Carson shutdown his computer, and the two hurried upstairs to the bedroom. Carson landed on his back when Dom pushed him into the bed. Dom climbed between his legs smiling wide. He moved in closer until his lips were almost touching the head of Carson's dick, but he had another plan. With his strong arms, he raised Carson's tree trunk legs until his feet were up in the air.

"Aah," Carson softly gasp when he felt the tip of his friend's tongue touched just above his opening. A long lick followed ending below his balls. Dom gave him a few more licks tracing the mound formed by the extra penis muscle inside before aiming for Carson's hole.

"Fuck!" Carson exclaimed. Dom's darting tongue made him relax, and his hole slowly opened up to welcome the intrusion. "Shit. You are amazing, buddy," he said.

Dom looked up. "Now you know," he replied.

"Damn, keep doing that."

Dom turned him over on his stomach. He parted his legs and went down again spreading those round ass cheeks in front of him with hands. Carson's pink hole was inviting. His exploration continued with index finger. He wet his index finger then tease the rim. Carson moaned waiting for the finger to go in. Another soft gasp escaped his mouth when it finally happened. Carson gathered his senses for a moment to grab some supplies from his nightstand. In his hand was a bottle of his favorite lubrication. Dom smiled when he read the label. It was one of those special formulas specially made to make invasion from behind a little easier. He knew what his friend wanted.

Carson laid sideways while Dom left hand made it under his arm cuffing the ball of his shoulder. Carson slowly bent his knees when he felt his friend's chest pressed against his back. The warmth of his friend that he felt on his back sent tingling sensation to his muscles. He bent his upper knee farther while Dom rested his left leg on top of the other. "Is this what you want?" Dom whispered in his ear.

That familiar feeling of being filled crept into Carson's lower body that he unconscionably lifted his upper knee to let his friend come in easier. "Yeah, buddy. Give it to me," Carson replied.

Dom started slowly. When the motion became more steady, he picked up his speed until the room was filled the sound of skin slapping on skin. Carson grunted with every trust of his friends. He slowed down after a while to rest some. He told Carson, "You couldn't wait, can you?"

Carson grabbed his friend's hand and guided it to his erection. Dom wrapped his hand around it from behind. "Damn, you are rock hard," he told him.

"I've been waiting for it sooner," Carson replied.

"Well, if you just told me I could have swing by sooner."

"You seemed to be busy lately having a your own projects now."

"You know I can always make time for a little some-some."

"I have self control, he-he. Just some though or else I would have hunted you down if you didn't show up today. You just didn't know how horny it made me seeing you in action."

"Yeah," Dom said. "Do you fantasized getting it on with a porn star?" he teased him and pushed himself deep.

"Only with the sexy ones," Carson snickered and with that Dom had him on his stomach with legs slightly parted.

Dom lifted himself. He positioned his legs to run along Carson's on the outside making sure they brushed on every movement. His thrusts became more deliberate and with every stroke he came closer and closer. The bed creaked in harmony with their grunts and moans. Dom was panting on the back of Carson's neck when he heard Carson said, "It looked you needed it too."

"I guess, I did. Just preoccupied to drop by." Dom rolled both of them on the their sides without pulling out and reached around for his friend's cock. It didn't take long when ropes of cum stained the bedsheet. Dom squeezed the last few drops while Carson came out of his own extended gasp of ecstasy.

They exchanged thank yous before going into the bathroom to wipe themselves. Carson tossed Dom the towel still damped from their shared shower and looked at his over-sized sports watch. "Got some shorts I can borrow?" he heard Dom from behind him.

"You look good strutting around buck naked," he replied as walk back to his bedroom. He came out in his boxers with white undershirt on and a basketball shorts in hand.

"What time is it?" Dom asked as they walked to the living room. He put on the borrowed garment before settling on the couch.

"About eight o'clock. Enough time for round two," Carson replied.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" Dom asked.

"No. Why? You have something in mind," Carson asked as he made his to the kitchen.

"I got nothing plan for tomorrow," Dom replied.

"Are you planning on going full Jeremy Slade on me?"

"Is sex the only thing in your head? I was wondering if you have something planned."

"I'm thinking of going to the beach."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Trying to even out my tan," Carson said pointing at the clearly delineated biceps. "Do you want a cold one?" he offered.

"Yeah," Dom replied before turning on the television. He flipped through the channels looking for something to watch. A little later, Carson handed him a can of beer before sitting on his reclining chair. Dom's channel surfing interrupted, the TV ended on a local channel showing the news.

"Is that our boy, Mike, on TV?" Carson exclaimed as he slumped down on his recliner.

"What the hell? Yeah, its' him," his friend concurred.

"Where is that? It looks like a courthouse."

Dom read the scrolling text at the bottom of the news cast trying to find some clues on what's happening. "They were rallying outside the courthouse waiting for a verdict on something this coming Monday," he said.

"When was that?"

"Just today. It must have something to do with the event we attended. He was talking to some people about a case. I didn't know that it's actually happening here now."

"What's it about," Carson was now the one curious.

"Obscenity law."

Carson frowned giving what he heard some thought. "Does it affect us?" he asked.

"I think so," Dom regretfully told his friend.

"How so?"

"If the law passes, they can shut us down, which reminds me, do you know why I gave you my videos?" Dom told his friend.

"Why? Is there a reason other than me getting off on it?" Carson replied.

Dom elaborated, "I'd spoken with some people at the event that I attended with Mike. There was this guy who had personally experienced what we are dealing with. He said that whoever is behind this anti-obscenity campaign will probably start digging shit about us both to intimidate and humiliate us. They are bound to find out my unusual choice of career."

"It doesn't bother me," Carson said.

"Just laying it out in the open, so no surprises when it comes up."

"Will you get in trouble at your job if it goes around?"

"I'm not worried. I'm more worried about you, you know, your promotion. They will start looking at your past too, or connect you to me. And they will likely leak it out just to mess with us."

Carson took a long swig of his cold beer. He massaged his temple with his hand almost digging in his short square fingernails before answering, "You know what? Let them. If it gets hot at work, I'll just look for another job."

"Are you sure?"

Carson considered his life, a former serviceman with a proclivity that was frown upon by many. He threaded carefully between putting his life on the line and being kicked out from a job that he wanted to do since he was a kid because of his desire to play with another man. He sighed, "Yeah, I'll be fine."


"I used to run around with some people at the base, a few hook-ups every now and then, but I have nothing public like yours."

"Same here except for the last part."

"So what made you decide to be a porn star?"

"I quickly burned through all my savings when I came back from deployment. So many years out in another country, and I felt like I had so much catching up to do. Spent my money like crazy chasing the life the I thought I missed. Until one day, my bank account was all dried up, and all I can show for is that souped up car."

"Same thing happened to me. Damn, I even considered having a sugar daddy just to get out of the shit that I was in."

"Sugar daddy?"

"Yeah, I wasn't kidding. It was so bad that I was willing to sell my soul."

"Daddies," Dom said then giggled. "I had an encounter or two," he continued.

"Oh yeah, with whom?"

"Folks from the studio."

"You mean, you have other films you haven't shown me."

"Not filmed."

"I bet you guys fucked like rabbits."

"Lol, I wouldn't lie, sex happened but not the way you imagine it. We went to the studio to work and not to hook up. Many I didn't even meet. How about you? Do you have a daddy that I don't know? You know, helping you out," Dom said then winked.

"I can take care of myself," Carson depended himself. "Although this might interest you, I hooked up with someone from your company once."

"No shit! Who was it?" Dom replied very surprised.

Carson smiled.

"Don't tell me," Dom replied when it dawned on him on who was it.

"Yeah, I've been delivering supplies to your company for as long I can remember. One time, I was doing my usual delivery, and I saw him eyeing me, and then, out of nowhere, he mentioned that I looked like a Boy Scout in my uniform specially my shorts. I thought that all he was wondering the whole time. The next few deliveries I caught him looking down between my legs when he was signing for the delivery. He wasn't hiding it. Maybe because he saw me checked him out too."

"When was this?"

"It was a while ago about three years. After work I went into one of the bars that you see when you drive up here. He was there with his construction crew celebrating. They finished a project. I sat on the end of the bar when the waitress handed me a drink. She said someone bought me a drink. She pointed at him. I gave him a toast as a thank you."

"Looks like he was trying to pick you up," Dom joked.

"He was. In the restroom, he made a comment about me looking like Boy Scout again and made particular remark about my round ass. I grinned and that was it. I went to his apartment that night."

"You wouldn't have guessed by just looking at him, right?"

Carson looked at Dom intently after hearing his friend's comment.

Dom replied, "Yeah. Last time we met was three months ago before I was promoted to a full-pledge foreman. He delivered the news of my upcoming promotion in a very special way."

"How was the delivery?" Carson asked.

"Face to face, long and deep on the sofa," Dom replied then chuckled.

Carson laughed with his friend a little. "What does he do? I remember people referring to him as boss."

"He is the lead foreman of the company. He handles most of the big projects."

"Lol, we probably should surprise him one day," Carson joked.

"We should just to see his reaction, but I heard he has a special lady now."

Carson recalled a brief conversation with the man. "I thought he was taking a break from romantic relationships after a couple of bad divorces."

"Nothing wrong looking for someone who will regularly stroke your dick."

"True," Carson agreed.

They looked at each other and chuckled. Oh, what a small world, they thought. After a brief silence, Dom continued the last topic before it bear off, "How did you get out?" .

"I moved here looking for a start fresh. I looked for a job then stuck with it. Maybe some stability was what I needed. Dude, can you imagine not having sex for almost a year?"

"You held out that long?"

"Yeah. I was trying to avoid any distraction. I started my blog just to get things off my system."

"I guess I should have done it sooner," Dom said. "I found myself just drifting. I ended up living in my car for a few months calling for people I know when I needed a bath. One afternoon, I was walking around downtown aimlessly when I passed this employment office. There was a long line then a nice lady went through the line asking for any veteran in line. I raised my hand, and she escorted three of us to a room. Apparently there was a social worker handling our case. I was really thinking that nothing would come out it. Three weeks later, I got a call from the social worker. If I'm willing to move, she found a few options for me. I picked the farthest one that's why I'm here," he briefly recalled the last year of his life before setting foot on the sunnier end of the country.

"The story of our lives. How old were you when you were deployed?" Carson asked.

"I just turned twenty three when the order came."

"The marching order came when I was twenty one."

"The best part of our lives . . ." Dom said then sighed.

"You sounded like you hated what happened to you."

"I'm not sure ... really what to think. I loved and cherished my time overseas one day and hated it another. If you think I feel bitter about. No."

"Me, I was a little naive. I thought it was the best thing ever, you know, the real thing . . ." Carson took a long paused and scratched the back of his head feeling the almost bare skin just above the neck before saying, ". . . then it dragged on that I almost forgot that there is life after."

The image of the courthouse faded from view, and the news switched to high school sports event. Carson stood up and went back to the kitchen to grab some more beer. "Do you want one more before round two?" Carson shouted from the kitchen.

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