Blood of the Gods

By CJ Roberts

Published on Jul 18, 2015



This story is an adventure fantasy story involving two men that is loosely based off the Elder Scrolls video game series, most notably the Elder Scrolls Oblivion. While elements of the story may sound similar to elements of the game play this story only borrows elements from the game and dose not follow the game's storyline.

Chapter 4

Alexander was reluctant to take the thief with him to Kvatch. He knew that the thief could potentially have information that would be damming to the assassins but part of him suspected the thief to be in league with the assassins. As the two rode on, Garrett filled in the details of his escape from the Imperial City, minus his sexual escapade.

"So you say their was a table in the middle of the chamber?" Alexander questioned.

"Yeah," replied Garrett "It ain't the first time I've seen those weird religious cults use those sewers for their rights and initiations but this one seemed different from the others."

"In what way?" asked Alexander.

"Well, usually you see the typical cultist type alters in these places. Ya know, an alter with a creepy statue of some deity, offerings, displays of the deity, but this one was vastly empty of all things cult related. Minus the banners of course."

Alexander pondered for a moment over the details described by the thief. If what he said was true then this place may have been used as a staging area for the assassination. He knew that the assassins that helped Lucas to escape had to have come from somewhere in those catacombs and it was general knowledge that the Imperial city had been built on the ruins of an ancient city. Some parts even using the ruins as part of the sewers.

"So what makes you think these people were cultist's?" asked Alexander.

"Well I don't really know if they were or not." replied the thief. "It's just in my experience, the typical peasant doesn't use the sewers unless there is a need to be out of the public eye. Maybe they were cultists, a crime syndicate, maybe they were planning some wild orgy. It could be for any number of reasons."

"Like a thief who steals from honest people and needs to make a fast getaway?" replied Alexander.

Garrett chuckled and pounded the Captain on his back. Alexander seemed less amused.

"Well after I complete my mission in Kvatch, you're gonna show me this chamber with the sunset banners in the sewer."

the two rode onward for a short time before finally emerging into an open meadow with rolling hills, covered in a blanket of different wildflowers and the occasional tree. Beyond the meadow, on one of the largest hills was a great stone wall whitewashed white in the distance.

"That is Kvatch in the distance." said Alexander "We will stop their for a while while I gather some information. In the meanwhile you wont leave my side."

The two rode through the meadow and up into the gate of the city. Kvatch was an old city in the process of being rebuilt. All through the city construction in some form or another was taking place. Some buildings showed sings of having been repaired while others looked as though they had just been built. Despite this, the city seemed to be bustling with activity of all sorts. Garrett sat on the back of his companion's horse and awed at the sight of a plump woman wearing a large ruby necklace. Alexander rode up to an unfinished building just off the main plaza. On the side of the building was the sign of the mages guild, an eye encircled by an inverted five point star. Alexander dismounted and walked up to a young blonde woman in a long green dress. She was a beautiful sight with big blue eyes and a button nose. Her curvy body, which showed well through the skin tight torso of her dress would have made most men stop in their tracks but for Alexander such thoughts were very unlikely to happen. Alexander approached the woman and cleared his throat.

"Excuse me miss." he said.

The young woman turned her head at him and smiled.

"Hello there sir knight. How can I be of service?" asked the woman.

"I was hoping I could inquire your guild as to the location of a young mage." Alexander replied.

"Well our Arch-Mage would be able to help you as he has listed all of our members, but I don't know..."

The woman scanned the area around the building. She waved towards a figure who was coming out through the front door. The figure was that of a young, brown haired, man possibly in his mid 20's he was a handsome fellow who wore a clean cut haircut and a shaven face. His face was broad with a strong chin and clear gray eyes. As the man strode towards him he couldn't help but stare at the man's lean muscular chest which was splashed with a thin layer of brown hair. He wore only a pair of beige linens, and thick leather boots, obviously meant for use as armor, which came up to just below his knees.

"Kaleb, this knight wishes to inquire about one of our guild members."

She turned back and smiled at Alexander. But his eyes were transfixed on the male mage standing before him.

"Well a blade." Kaleb said as he held out his hand to shake Alexander's. "I haven't seen one of you guys in years."

The mage flashed a wide smile of pearly white teeth.

"My name is Alexander. 4th regiment assigned... ...well I used to be assigned to the Emperor's personal protection." said Alexander. "I wanted to inquire to you about a young man who may or may not be a member of your guild."

"Ill be glad to help you in anyway I can." the mage replied. "June could you help Kiraava with the guild hall's inventory list?"

"Sure thing Kaleb." June began to walk into the hall but took her time as she continued to turn back and smile at the handsome blade. She lingered for a few seconds in the doorway then entered into the building.

"Sorry about June." said Kaleb. "She has a big thing for men in armor and will swoon over any man be he a decorated knight or one of the city guards. Come let's go to my room."

Kaleb lead Alexander into a tavern across from the guild hall. The tavern was a loud noisy place filled with all sorts of working class people drinking and carrying on without much of a care in the world. The walked to the rear of the tavern and up a flight of stairs to a small hallway lined with doors. At the end of the hall Kaleb took out a key and unlocked a door leading into a small, well furnished room.

"Their now." Kaleb said as he closed the door behind Alexander. "I've been using this place as a temporary office and living quarters."

Kaleb offered Alexander a seat and sat down next to him on his bed.

"Now how can I help you."

"Well," Alexander began. "iv'e been tasked with finding the whereabouts of a young man who had been placed in the care of the monks at Kvatch's temple of Akatosh (god of time.) This young man left the care of the monks around the time of the skirmish four years ago. Now I don't have any real details on how to describe this young man but from what I was told he had developed an interest in magic before the skirmish..."

"And you thought we might know his whereabouts." Kaleb interrupted. "Frankly I don't know much about the young man myself but I do know who your talking about."

Kaleb stood up and walked over towards a small desk in the corner. He bent down and pulled out a small box filled with paperwork and began to dig through it. Alexander was mesmerized by the Kaleb's firm ass and began to visualize Kaleb without his beige linens

"Ahh! Here we are. His name was Martin, at least that was the name he gave us." Kaleb explained. He came to us during 4th era year 428 at the age of 15."

Kaleb sat back down on the bed where he had been before.

"Seems he had an interest in the School of Restoration..."

"Excuse me. You have a school on the premiss?" Alexander interrupted.

"Oh no." Replied Kaleb. "When I say "School" I'm referring to a field of magic. Although he could learn from one of our senior mages. It seems Martin had been interested in using magic as a means of healing the sick an injured poor who came to the temple. Now I've heard of the priests and monks at the Temple of Arkay (god of life and death) using magic for this service but the head priest at our Temple of Akatosh strictly forbade magic and the use of it by the brothers. As a matter of fact, he even tried to bar us mages from entering the temple but by divine law he couldn't."

"So is he still a member of your guild?" questioned Alexander.

"Unfortunately no." Kaleb replied "After the skirmish he was reported missing. I suppose he left of his own free will especially since he had confided in our former Arch-Mage about leaving the temple permanently. Sadly I have no further knowledge of what happened to him afterwords."

Alexander sighed and stood up.

"Perhaps one of your current guild members know of his whereabouts." suggested Alexander.

"Your free to ask around." replied Kaleb "But most of the guild members who were here 4 years ago are dead. You see the Mages Guild stepped in to assist the solders defending the city and many of our members either died in battle or left to join another guild. Only a handful of us remained to rebuild here and most of our current members joined in the last couple of years."

Kaleb stood up and held out his hand to shake Alexander's.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be any more help." Kaleb said as he stood up "Now if that's the end of your business with me..."

Kaleb let go of Alexander's hand. Then he leaned in and wrapped his arms around the Captain's torso, pulling him up to the Arch-Mage. Alexander was surprised by the man's sudden affection and his face began to turn red when he released the mage had the same thoughts on his mind as Alexander.

"...then what do you say we move on to more pleasurable matters."

The arch mage grinned with a lustful expression

"You know, June isn't the only one who admires handsome men in armor." he said in a low voice. "I couldn't help but notice you were much more interested in me than June when I met you. She's a beautiful woman and never seen a straight man ignore her the way you did."

"I uhh..." Alexander could barely muster the words to say anything.

Perhaps if you care to rest here for the night I'd be more than happy to share my bed with you. Of course I'd be only more than happy to personally entertain you."

Alexander's mind raced with numerous thoughts, some which told him go for it while others begged him to remember his mission."

"It's a very tempting offer," Alexander nervously said "but I have other matters that prevent me from accepting."

Kaleb let go of Alexander and moved towards the door. He stopped and opened the door for his guest to leave. As Alexander moved out of the room, Kaleb grinned and said, "Well I can always leave the invitation open for when your mission is complete. Whenever you come back to Kvatch you'll have a warm bed to sleep in and a warm body to lay with."

Kaleb leaned in and kissed Alexander on the lips. Alexander left the room and heard the door close behind him. As he made his way through the tavern and back onto the street he felt a little discomfort and a lot of relief at the fact that chain mail dose an excellent job at covering an erection.

Alexander made his way back to where he left the thief and his horse and to his surprise, both were still right where he had left them.

"I had half expected to find you gone." Alexander said as he approached.

The thief grinned from ear to ear at his companions comment.

"Did you finish your mysterious mission?" he replied.

"I'm afraid my mission still continues." Alexander replied.

He mounted his horse and reached down to help Garrett into the saddle. The two companions rode back through the city to the main gate. Behind them, a loud commotion was happening as a plump woman was crying to the guards about the loss of her ruby necklace to a sneaky thief.

"Perhaps it might be best if we don't stop and just leave the city." said Garrett.

"So I expect you to be the cause of that poor woman's commotion." Alexander frowned.

"Well..." Garrett replied.

He leaned in and began to whisper in Alexander's ear.

"Actually there's been someone tailing us since we left the Mages Guild."

"I know." Alexander replied in a low tone. "I noticed someone tailing me from the tavern where I met the Arch-Mage."

As the two companions rode through the city gate, a shadowy figure stood at the end of a nearby alley. A masked figure wore dark clothes made of black leather with a red emblem on his chest. One of the setting sun. the figure motioned behind him and another figure appeared from out of the darkness. The man was a tall muscular figure with dark hair tied back behind his head. He walked with a heavy step, made by a mechanical foot that had long replaced the original and had a small scar under his left eye.

"It seems as though you've been replaced Lucas."

the slender figure of a young blonde woman in a tight green dress walked up behind Lucas.

"You have quite a fine taste in men. Had I not already known he prefer d men, I would have made an attempt to take care of him in my own special way."

"What did you hear June?" asked Lucas.

"It's exactly as we thought," she replied. "he is trying to locate the Emperor's illegitimate heir."

"And did you manage to learn anything?" said Lucas.

"Well I overheard the Arch-Mage proposition your ex boyfriend for sex, but beyond that he knew nothing of the boy's whereabouts."

Lucas stood agents a wall and pondered this information for a few seconds.

"It seems that Kvatch is a dead end. We have the Knowledge that the blades are making their move but to continue to seek information here would be a waste of time."

Lucas turned to the masked figure.

"Follow Captain Alexander. Do not engage him but keep track of his whereabouts and while your at it, try to see if you can figure out who is his companion and why is he with him. Whatever you do, do not let them know of your presence."

The masked figure disappeared into the shadows.

"And what about me?" asked June.

"Tell your guild mates you just got word that your mother has fallen ill. Then get over to the Imperial City. The last of our new initiates need to be tested."

"And what do you plan on doing?" June inquired.

"I'm gonna get us a sacrifice for the master's arrival."

the two walked back into the alley and disappeared into the shadows.

Several days later, Alexander and Garrett left a small roadside inn that had been their temporary place of residence for the past couple of days. Alexander had spent much of the night re-inquiring into Garrett's story of how he fled from the Imperial city and by morning he and his companion set off, much to the thief's dismay to the Imperial City. The city was only a few hours ride from the inn and Alexander had changed from his blade's armor, obtained earlier from Jauffre, into a set of civilian clothes, a pair of tan linens, heavy boots and a dark red shirt with the sleeves rolled high up enough to expose the Captain's biceps.

"Frankly I wish you'd just write down what I told you and let me go." the thief scowled

"I made contact yesterday with Jauffre and wrote to him the information you told me. He's instructed me to meet with another blade, working undercover. Were gonna find this secret chamber." Alexander said.

"And why do I have to be here?" Garrett frowned.

"For two reasons. One, your an important eye witness and you have a better grasp on the layout of the sewers than either myself or our contact has, and two. To make sure were not walking into a trap."

"A trap?" Inquired the thief.

"That's right. You should probably know now that I don't trust you and the best method to making sure we're not discovered is to keep you with us every step of the way."

the two rode on for a distance before reaching the top of a hill. Beyond it laid the sprawling Imperial City. It was an awe inspiring sight, a city that covered a small island in the middle of a big lake, six miles wide. Three large rings of walls separated the city's numerous districts. At the city's center was a mammoth tower of white limestone that spied high in the sky from the center ring. The two companions rode over a massive stone bridge made of the same white limestone as the city walls and the tower and into the main gate. Garrett took great care to keep his face hidden from the imperial guards. The city was still buzzing with activity as the two rode up to a stable near the main gate. People milling about stopped at various shops that were housed in impressive ornate limestone buildings, stopped at stalls that dotted the roads and chatted away the day with their friends. One would expect business as usual despite the Emperor's assassination. Alexander walked up to Garrett who made an attempt to keep himself incognito within the crowds of people.

"I wont even ask why you've suddenly retreated from your usual "devil may care" attitude into a shrinking violet."

"Well you should know, the guard Captain knows who I am and would love to throw me into the dungeons." Garrett replied.

"Well if your information turned out to be helpful, ill let you off. Now if I can just find a place for us to hold up till I meet with our contact."

the two walked down the streets towards the main market district.

"I might know a place we can settle down while were here in the city," Garret said. "but first I must ask how you feel about gay men."

"Why?" asked Alexander.

"Well of all the people to show up at my shop, how have ya been Garrett!"

Alexander and Garrett wandered up to a Blacksmiths shop on the main street of one of the city's poorer districts. The man who they met was a large man with thick muscles and graying black hair that wrapped down to his chin in a short stocky beard.

"How have ya been Brent?" asked the thief.

"Things have been alright, but now you show up back at my shop and best of all you bring one hell of a hunk with you. Come on in you two!"

Brent chuckled as he reached his arm around Alexander's shoulders and drew him in close. Alexander's face began to turn red as the smith brought him inside.

"Thanks for the invite Brent. I knew if anyone would be happy to see me it would be you." said the thief.

"Well ya know your welcome to stay as long as ya want," said Brent "and while I know better than to ask why your back in town, I'd have ta know who your shy companion is."

"Well this is Alexander, and really the reason I'm back here is because of him. Say hi to the nice man." replied the thief.

"hi..." Alexander muttered

"Ya know since your here now," Brent said as he drew the thief in closer. "why don't I close up early and the three of us go upstairs for some fun in the sack." the smith said in a coy manner.

Alexanders face was now bright red all over at the sudden proposition.

"Well this fella has a job to do, but you know ill be happy to play with you all night if you want." Garrett said.

He grabbed Brent's arm and released Alexander. Then the two walked back to the shop's entrance.

"You're supposed to be with me at all times." Alexander said in a low voice.

"Well I can tell ya he won't relent till he gets some cock and unless you want to have a three way with us you'd best take off now. Besides with his libido, Brent will still be drilling me by the time you find your contact and get back here." replied the thief.

"Yes but I ordered..." Alexander began.

"If you're gonna want my help from now on I'm gonna need you to trust me. Now get."

Garrett shoved Alexander out the doorway then closed the door, locking it behind him.

"Now," Garrett began. "i believe the last time I was here we didn't get to finish up."

Garrett and Brent walked up the stairs to a small bedroom above the smith. No sooner had the door shut behind them then they stripped from their clothes. Garrett grabbed hold of the naked smith and began to press his lips against the smith's. Brent wrapped his arms around the thief who stood almost a foot shorter than the towering old man. Garret reached down and grabbed the old man's cock which was now half erect and pushed the old man on his back back down on the bed. He slowly jerked his friend's cock till it was rock hard and throbbing. The old man pulled the thief back on top of him and then the thief began to suck at his neck.

"Oh yeah." Brent moaned.

The thief ignored the moans coming from his friend and moved down from his neck to his harry chest, licking it every step of the way. He finally stopped over Brent's nipple and began to suck down on it.

"Unnff!" The smith moaned

Garrett bit down on Brent's nipple which he then uttered a small yelp before returning to sucking it. The smith grabbed hold of the thief's arms and rolled him onto his back. He bent down and slipped the thief's now hard cock into his mouth almost taking all 8 inches of it in. the thief began to moan at the pleasure he was felling throughout his body as the smith greedily sucked on his younger friend's cock.

The smith then began to move his toung down and over the thief's balls taking care to enjoy the flavor of his friend's jewels before moving under his crotch.

"Ungh." the thief moaned. Brent picked up the thief's hips then turned him over onto his stomach. He took his hands and spread open Garrett's ass to reveal his tight hole then chuckled at the sight.

"Ya reached a dry spell huh?" Brent chuckled.

"Shaddap and get that toung moving."

Brent leaned in then began to lick the thief's hole his powerful toung weaved its way over the tiny opening taking a chance to press down on to the opening. The thief was moaning in sheer ecstasy as his senses gave way to what the old man was doing behind him. Brent continued on till he felt he had loosened the thief's hole enough then shifted his body so his thick meaty cock laid over the opening Brent allowed his cock to slide between the thief's cheeks taking time to prod his hole when his cock's head moved overtop, then without warning he drilled his meat deep inside the thief. Garrett let out a yelp as the smith's cock rammed deep into his body. The smith took no time to be suttle or careful once he was inside but instead began to drill the thief deep and hard. Both men were lost in their moans and sexual lust as everything gave way to the moment. Brent drilled harder and faster into the thief till finally he could feel his climax coming. Finally without warning he let loose his seed into the thief's bowels and let out a loud moan like a beast calming his territory.

Brent rolled off the thief onto his back. Both men were panting and sweatng. Garret turned his head to look at the smith and smiled.

"I'm guessing I'm not the only one to hit a dry spell." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I haven't had a good fuck since I last saw you." the smith sad as he smiled.

Garrett rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling.

"And to think, just two hours ago, I was objecting to coming here."

The smith rolled over and wrapped his arms around the thief he leaned in and began to kiss Garrett on the lips. It was to be the beginning to a long afternoon.

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