Bloody Tears

Published on Mar 11, 2022


Bloody Tears

It was a cool night a few days before Halloween. I honestly should have been home hours ago, but I needed some last-minute supplies for a school project I had due soon. Besides, it was Friday night. My dad shouldn't be too pissed if I was a bit late. He was likely just getting home himself after a long day of work. My mother had died giving birth to my younger brother Jake. So, it was just me, him and my Dad. My name is Jason. I am 13 years old, about 5' 1" tall and have short dark-brown hair with gelled spikes at the front being the only styling I decided to do. I had bright baby blue eyes and an athletic build. To me, I was just an average kid with ok looks. I was told others thought I was quite cute though. I guess it is hard to know whether you actually look good. Anyway, I got good grades in school, played on my middle school's basketball team and had a few close friends and many more people who wanted to be my friend. I suppose I was quite popular and yet I was kind of a nerd when it came to video games and computers. All in all, I felt that I had a normal life. A life that would end tonight...

My black DC skate shoe with a white sole slammed into the pavement, propelling me forward on my board. I felt a shiver run up my spine as a gust of wind wailed into me as I sailed down the darkened street. My black dazzle basketball shorts and sleeveless black T-shirt were providing little warmth in the autumn air, but the dark blue zip up hoodie I wore compensated a little. My dad thought it was ridiculous I would wear a hoodie while at the same time I chose to wear thin basketball shorts and ankle socks. Perhaps it was strange, but I enjoyed the feeling of shorts over jeans and I hated the feel of longer socks. I zoomed down the street, swerved slightly and did an ollie onto the sidewalk. I stretched out my hand and felt a shock race up my arm as I snatched the corner of concreate wall, allowing me to take the sharp turn into the pedestrian tunnel without slowing down. This was a nice shortcut which made it so I didn't need to cross the large freeway that blocked the way to my neighborhood.

As I sailed down the dark tunnel, I mused that it was unnaturally quiet out tonight. I hadn't seen a single other person walking about and the last car zoomed by more than ten minutes ago. Even though it was a quiet residential area, the lack of any activity gave the night an eerie, almost mysterious feeling. I sort of liked it despite the possible danger or perhaps because of it. Lost in thought, I continued to push myself down the tunnel. The rhythmic slapping of my sneaker and the rolling of trucks were the only sounds that could be heard as I flashed through the small islands of yellow-white light that cast by the evenly spaced lamps inlaid into the walls. Yet as I was just about to clear one of these illuminated areas and venture back into the shadows, I suddenly felt a queasy sensation of weightlessness overtake me. I lost all semblance of direction as I sailed through the air. The realization that I was falling hit me moments before the concreate ground did.

My board continued rolling into the darkness without me, as if an invisible force had simply plucked me off like swatting a fly. "What the fuck" I thought with annoyance, unsure how I had managed to fall off my board. My head throbbed where I had banged it on the ground. Knowing that I would have a nasty bump on my head, my Dad's nagging voice about me not wearing a helmet while on my board seemed to mock me. I slowly sat up and my vision blurred as I tried to regain my focus. I was preparing to jump back to my feet and find my board when a small snort caught my attention. I whipped my neck around to see what had caused the noise and my breath caught in my chest. Standing not five feet from me was a boy of maybe 14 or 15. His face was illuminated by the lamp to my right and I could see his bright green eyes filled with mirth at my plight. His head was cocked to the side slightly and a wide smirk split his handsome face. My heart began to beat rapidly. It was a mix of fear and anxiety. Fear for how this boy had seemingly come from nowhere and anxiety from the proximity of a boy with such good looks. I had known for a while I was gay and the kid standing in front of me was, to put it bluntly, hot as hell. He was a few inches taller than me, but from my perspective on the ground, he towered over me. His appearance was a study in contradictions. His cheeks were soft, but he had a sharp jawline. His had midnight black hair but possessed a very pale complexion. His demeaner was laid back but there was a sense of mysterious power lurking just under the surface. His ear was pierced with a silver stud and his perfect pearly whites seemed to gleam as his smirk turned into an intimidating, toothy smile. He wore a dark grey silk button down dress shirt, its top two buttons undone showing the upper part of what was clearly a well-defined yet hairless chest. The shirt was untucked, the edges of it slightly covered the tight dark blue skinny jeans he wore. A pair of white Adidas sneakers were crossed one over the other as he leaned against the concrete wall.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" he said looking down at me. "Aren't you a little young to be out this time at night?" he asked, clearly amused. It took me a moment to collect myself and I spoke in a guarded tone.

"I'm not too young. I am out by myself most of the time. Besides you are barely older than I am" I said in my defense. I gave him a shy smile as I rubbed the back of my head nervously.

"Looks can be quite deceiving my friend" he said cryptically. He then chuckled at some private joke I did not comprehend. He then began to walk around me to my other side, never letting his emerald eyes leave my blue orbs. He extended his hand to help me up. I looked at the hand as if it were some foreign object I had never seen before. After a moment, I was able to get over my anxiety at this eerie and sexy stranger and eventually took his hand. As my fingers wrapped around his calmly hand, it felt like a bolt of electricity raced up my arm. Warmth spread though me even though his bare hand was frankly frigid. He yanked me up with strength far beyond what I thought normal. I stumbled slightly as my sneakers failed to grip the ground, causing me to fall towards him. He quickly steadied me, and his left hand lay flat against my back.

"Easy there, buddy" he said lightly. His kind words and his touch sent shivers through my body and my heart continued to pound rhythmically in my chest. My breathing became shallow, and I ran my tongue nervously across the metal braces that covered my teeth. The edge of my tongue slipped out of my mouth to my lips to try and stifle the dryness that had suddenly appeared there.

"What the hell was going on?" I thought derisively. No one had ever provoked a reaction like this in me. I mean there were plenty of boys that I thought were cute in my school, but this guy was causing my body to act like he was everything I had ever fantasized about. It was like all my wet dreams were coming to life right before my eyes. Though what about him caused such a reaction I had no idea. My inner thoughts were shattered when I suddenly found his face inches from my own, his cool minty breath falling on my cheek. The look he was giving me was odd. I had never had such a look directed at me. If I didn't know any better, I would say it was lust. I watched his eyes quickly dart around to examine my whole body. The strange look I had observed changed and his smirk returned as his stare zeroed in on my crotch. My cheeks flushed red as I realized I was hard as steel in my shorts. His eyes returned to mine and sparkled in the dim light.

"Well this is just too easy" he said with a small chuckle. "What is your name kid?" he asked me.

"J-J-Jason" I stuttered out. I was trying to ignore how close he was or how demanding his presence seemed to fill my personal space. He put his other hand on me cheek causing me to shudder.

"Well Jason, my name is Shawn" he said in a clear voice. "It seems to me that I am lucky I came upon you. This night is going to be a much better hunt than I thought" he said as his left hand stroked my back and his right continued to cup my cheek.

"Hunt?" I questioned, starting to panic. What the hell was that supposed to mean. Was he just toying with me before he beat the shit out of me? The moment the thoughts formed on the surface of my mind, he frowned slightly, and his left hand circled around my chin, forcing me to hold his hardened gaze just as I was about to turn away. Now that I was so close I could see that his eyes didn't really look natural. They were too bright as if they actually glowed in the dark. But this didn't seem to bother me as much as it should have. Because my thoughts became muddled as I continued to stare into his crystalline depths. His face morphed into a deadly serious expression and he spoke with a much deeper and demanding voice.

"None of that now Jason" he said with finality. "I do not plain to beat you, I plan to have some fun with you. I know what you are feeling, and I intend to give you what you want. After all, I need to get your blood pumping and your adrenaline flowing. Don't worry you will find the experience most pleasurable." He said, whispering the last word. "Now what I want you to do is relax." The last word seemed to eerily repeat over and over in my mind. Nothing else seemed to matter. Time seemed to slow.

As if on cue, my tensed muscles seemed to deflate, and I felt my weight drop back on Shawn's hand behind me. Before I could register anything else, he was leaning towards me, his eyes closing as the distance shrank. I felt my eyes mimic his and as my vision narrowed and darkened I felt cool wet lips push against my warm dry ones. At first the kiss was chaste and gentle, and he was doing all the work. However, after a few seconds I allowed my lips to respond and kissed him back. Soon his tongue began to sweep across my lips and it began to slowly pry them apart, demanding entrance. I hesitantly obeyed and relished the feeling of his demanding organ plunging into my now open mouth. Normally my braces would make me awkward, worried about how it must feel for me to kiss him. But nothing matered at that moment. Only Shawn and the wonderful warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. Soon my own tongue darted forward and wrapped around his as if I had no control of my own. Pleasure shot through my entire body as the kiss continued to increase in passion when Shawn forced me even closer by putting his left hand on the back of my head, his fingers running through my hair. This continued for what felt like hours but was likely only about a minute.

With blinding speed, Shawn spun me ninety degrees and shoved me against the hard wall, his hand shielding my already bruised head from receiving another blow. Unfortunately, there was nothing to shield my back and the shock of it hitting the wall with such force knocked the wind out of me. As I struggled to catch my breath I felt his right hand, which he had moved during our kiss to lay flat against my chest, move down to my thigh. His fingers began to snake into my shorts, pushing the left side up my leg. Shawn was staring into my eyes intently but soon tore away and moved his face into the nape of my neck. After a moment, he thrust into me and used the wall to force me up. As my sneakers were no longer on the ground, I quickly held onto his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist to hold myself up. I felt the hard lump in his jeans line up with my own clothed rigid member. I could feel his cool breath on the side of my neck as he took in my sent. He leaned up to give me another kiss and then ran his tongue up my check and nibbled on my ear lobe.

"You smell amazing" he whispered huskily into my ear.

He continued to hump me as he moved his mouth to the other side of my face and nibbled on my other ear. I felt his hand slowly slide the zipper of my sweatshirt down so that it was open and he then he lifted my t-shirt up exposing my underdeveloped chest. He dislodged his mouth from my ear and moved it back to my neck. I could feel him nipping me with his teeth and running his tongue on my pulse point. I was in complete nirvana and could barely keep up with the escalating pace of his manipulations. Shawn returned his mouth to mine and we made out feverishly. My arms had moved to encircle his neck and after a full three minutes of hot and heavy lip mashing, he pulled away. I pouted at the loss of contact, but my breath hitched as I caught sight of his eyes. Instead of the glowing green, they now were blood red in the center with fiery orange at the edges. His breathing was ragged, and he gave an animalistic growl as he moved his hand over my mouth and turned my head violently to the side. My euphoric state prevented me from forming the rational thought of why he was doing this. Out of the corner of my right eye, I caught sight of sharp canines dripping with long strands of saliva. Except the teeth were wrong, they were too sharp and too long. My heart began to beat a mile a minute as my slowed brain seemed to put the pieces together. I didn't have to wait long to have my fears confirmed.

Shawn viciously slammed what I now recognized as his fangs into my exposed neck, causing me to scream into his hand as an explosion of intense pain surged from my curated artery to encompass my entire body. I felt two warm streams of fluid cascade down my back and chest as my blood flooded out of the sides of his mouth. My muffled scream seemed to be drowned out by the pronounced slurping noises he was making as he tried to drink all he could from my devastating wound. The bite itself sent shards of ice from the wound through my veins, numbing everything as it went. After a few moments of this I felt a rumble as he seemed to moan in pleasure at the taste of my blood. The sudden loss of blood had caused me to become light headed and the pain began to fade away. I could feel him begin to gyrate against me again, this time more in need as a new lust took old of him. The sexual lust had been replaced by his lust for nourishment. Though to be honest it seemed that with one came the other.

I began to weaken and the dizziness in my head became overwhelming. My awareness of the seriousness of the situation I was in lessened to near nonexistence and it seemed that my fear was replaced with a need to embrace my fate. I was overcome with a desire to feel as much pleasure as he was feeling. Even though every instinct should have demanded that I get away from this monster, I instead clung to him tighter and began to meet the thrust of his hips with my own. This unwitting cooperation seemed to cause him to slow down his sucking so that he could extend the pleasure. His tongue began to lap at my wound and the saliva seemed to heal it, causing the blood to flow slower than before. His hand moved from my mouth to the back of my head forming a tighter seal between his maw and my neck. As I humped in time him my hardness became unbearable and the light-headed feeling was obliterated by blinding bliss as my orgasm came and I moaned loudly, my seed spilling into my boxers.

After a few moments I came down from my high and felt Shawn rip his fangs from my neck. He let my feet fall from his waste and forced my week arms from around him. As he stepped back the complete loss of support caused my exhausted body to slowly slump to the ground in a half sitting position, my jacket bunching up and softly scraping against the wall. I slowly reached up to my mangled neck and felt that it was still pulsing blood slowly. A crimson pool had formed on the ground below me. Shawn was slowly groping his crotch as he lowered himself down to my level. He began slowly stroking my hairless legs, as he spoke huskily to me.

"You taste amazing buddy" he said grabbing my ankles and dragging me away from the wall, so I lay flat on my back. His words were muffled as my senses were dulled from lack of blood supply. It was at this point that I realized how truly weak I felt and cold, so very cold. He climbed on top of me, his legs coming to straddle me on either side. "Don't worry Jason, everything will be over soon" he informed me, his tone soothing. I felt his dick line up with mine and he began to thrust into me yet again. He moved his mouth back to my wound and I felt the slightest pinch as his fangs simply sank back into my torn flesh. At this point, there was no pain at all from the bite. and I was a little disturbed to realize that his humping had caused my dick to grow hard yet again, pulling much needed blood away from my heart. My hand slowly came up to rub his head on its own ocord and a moan of pleasure escaped my lips. I could feel my heart was begging to slow as his sucking became more ferocious. Soon my hand fell limply to the ground as my vision began to blur. My legs began to relax, and my feet slowly fell to each side as my body lost muscle control. As the darkness began to wrap around me, I felt him moan into my neck as his entire body stiffened and he ceased thrusting. It seemed that finishing me off had finally brought him to climax. it was then that my world was consumed by shadow. If only that was the end of my existence, perhaps my soul could have yet been saved...

Next: Chapter 2

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