Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Dec 2, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 11- California Christmas

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 11- California Christmas

We are more careful in the morning and I suck Tom off in the shower, gulping down a mix of water and jizz, refreshing. Toms going to have to wait for his protein shake as uncle calls breakfast. Tom is rather chubby at breakfast but he gets through it. Uncles packing food and a cool bag.

`So today boys were heading for the beach at Torres Pines. I've booked a lodge overlooking so we can stay over after the sunset if we want. I've got the sleeping bags in the car already and we are good to go.'

`Hurray' we say jumping up and down and hugging,

`you'll need clothes for driving through but then it should be as nature intended.' Uncle added.

We go for a piss and brush teeth,

`now Bud please, we've time', begs Tom

I look at Toms thick engorged dick and drool.

Uncle shouts `I'm getting the car out'

We finish brushing, I take my grip off Toms dick and we get into our college gear, might as well tell the world we are in the colleges ace swim team!

Toms not been in a Tesla before so he sits up front with Uncle and it's boys car talk all the way. I'm daydreaming in the back, imagining Tom being nailed by three horny cousins and feeling jealous.

`Oh I forgot to say' pipes up Uncle

`an old friend, well my age, is calling by and I heard from Wayne that he's buying some farm thingy in Bahia and so he can drop by, he says he'll bring Ray if he can spare him. The cabins sleep 6 so we should be ok'.

Tom turns and we high five

`that's the best Uncle' we say in unison.

Toms calling Rick `uncle' as well that's sweet.

We get to the cabin and park up, it's a walk to the lodge in the woods. Now it's really one room and an outside dunny off. There's a stove in the centre of the room with strings of chain lights off to the walls. Around the periphery is a continuous mattress, with a padded rail on wall so they double up as couches or beds. Outside is a washing up sink and a shower. We put the food and beers in the refrigerator and Uncle gets the stove ready for chow and coffee later.

It's a glorious day and Tom and I run to the beach to explore, we pass a sign saying `warning clothing optional beach'.

We run back strip off and fold our clothes and put them in our bag, Uncle says take a towel and swim shorts just in case. We go off and Uncle fettles the lodge. We lay our towels down with stones on the corners, leave our shorts on top and run to the sea, the shoreline is quite away but hell we're athletes and so we run and jog and wrassle run, that's Tom for ya, he just `invents' things to do. We are soon at the waters edge and just keep on running. Tom leaps and touches his feet together high in the air like a clown, I copy of course and soon we're splashing in the water and diving into waves,

`its fucking beautiful' I shout to Tom,

`yeah I am' he shouts back

I run and jump piggy back on him, my arms around his neck kissing his nape and my dick pressed hot against his back. He swings me around as if I'm 10 and we fall back, the water breaks our fall. We wade out past the breakers and swim. We see Uncle waving and we run back, leaving our towels claiming our spot on the beach. We run in wet and with sandy legs.

`Look who's here'

says Uncle and there in white shorts and looking rather tanned is Mr Henderson. He's pleased to see me,

`just look at you, all filled out'

we hug and our nakedness embarrasses Hendy a little.

`Oh this is Tom my roomie and this is Hendy, I mean Mr Hen...',

`oh that's fine it's Hendy from now on, pleased to meet you Tom. Now I'm feeling extremely overdressed, may I?'

He looks at Uncle Rick who's still in shorts.

`Well the boys have christened the sea, so it's our turn now Hendy',

`come on Rick let's show these boys how it's done'.

They drop and Hendys in pretty good shape, slim, no belly as such, great white tan lines like he's still wearing white shorts, nice shapely butt cheeks and a good length on him.

We follow and Tom slows so as not to overtake them and they run in and go past point of no return as a wave breaks over them. We put arms around us and dance and frolic in the water.

Hendys quite strong and manages to dunk Tom who looks surprised and chases Hendy picking him up in a crotch lift and depositing him in a big wave. Hendy and Uncle are pooped and lie down on the towels leaving Tom and I wrassling. We hear a shout and see big Wayne, we run to meet him. I give him a big hug,

`whoa boy, where's your manners, ain't you gonna introduce me to this fine strapping looking fella?'

He gives Tom the once over his eyes resting on his cock,

oh yes sorry', I say Tom, this is Big Wayne'

They go to shake and Wayne does a trick and instead of shaking does a wrassling move, now Toms no dunce and he knows this and counters him, tweaking Wayne's ass.

Wayne says `Big Toms pretty smart',

and realising what he's said blushes a little then says,

`fuck me, I left Ray in the van.'

He runs out and I'm jumping up and down, Ray sees us and runs in and we hug and dance around,

`who's this hunk Bud',

says Ray who's pulling his jeans off, he's commando of course,

He throws his jeans over to a seat and bends to untie his boots.

`Ray this is Tom, Tom this is Ray, Ray this Hendy',

`what ol' Hendy you talked to me about?',

`the very one' says Hendy and they all shake.

`Fuck, look at you' Ray says to me and seeing the beach he runs out shouting back to Uncle

`Wayne's coming back later, make a bed for him'.

We run to the ocean. Rays splashing and kicking water everywhere then we run to the waves and Ray shrieks as it cover his nuts. We swim with Ray between us. He goes under and is in trouble. We haul him back to standing water,

`heck I ain't too good in the sea fellas, you're like fucking dolphins compared to me'.

So we sat in the water, legs apart facing the sun and the sea as the waves rippled up our legs and broke on our balls. We chatted shit all afternoon. Rays got a promotion, more money, more staff to look after. He stands up and turns away and pisses into the sea, we stand either side of him and piss along with him, band of brothers, arms interlocked.

`So who's the daddy around here?'

Ray lifts his dick and shakes. I grinned and recalled that summer when he'd say that and we'd get hard and measure on a hay stalk or some other, it would always be Ray who's win and then it was his right to fuck my brains out.

`Say Tom, I think you might be the daddy looking at yours hanging now, what you think Bud?',

`you still look like the Daddy to me Ray',

he grinned and grabbed me forcing my head down and lined up his soft cock and mock fucked my mouth me laughing.

That was one heck of a summer' Ray says. I suppose we won't know till we're all horned up?'. We walk across to the dunes, the sun beating down on us, the sea wind blowing through our balls.

`Who's for wrassling Ray style?'

Now I know from experience that `Ray style' means all the dirty tricks that get the boys mad.

`How's that work?' asks Tom,

So I say `Tom and Ray go first. Then I wrassle the winner and then whose left wrassles the winner, and so on'.

The second I stop talking Ray trips Tom, whose unawares we'd started. Tom complains and suddenly Rays got him pinned, Tom is furious and realises complaining is no use, he's gotta get him.

This is better than sunbathing I thought, watching Rays muscles flex, his dick swing, his tattoos and scars. Seeing his colour change, hear him grunt, and watch his wiley face looking for human weaknesses. Toms calming down now, he's goading Ray, Rays not biting, Tom starts to grapple close, his thighs rubbing Rays shaft, trying to crotch lift Ray, his dick rubbing Toms arm.

The lift does it as Tom lifts Ray over him, scraping his dick up his abs and over his shoulder. Ray drops on the sand and lies back winded

`you win, well look at me, you got me horny as a bull in a cow field'

he slaps his dick in his palm. Tom is aroused, Ray grins and I see them both slapping their cocks in their palms, Tom kisses Ray and they roll in the sand, getting hotter. I jump on top and wrassle them apart and it turns into a nip and grab. We roll on our backs and Ray says

`who's the daddy?'

We hold em upright at base we all say

`it's mine'

then face each other kneeling and compare length against each other, Ray declares me the winner but Tom asks for a remeasure with skins pulled back, Ray and I oblige and Tom and Ray compare, Tom grips his and Rays dick and pumps lightly

`jus making sure they're full'

and it's a draw on length.

`How bout girth' says Ray. He grips his lightly

see my finger and thumb overlap, then he grips Toms lightly fuck Toms thicker, come here Ray'

Tom and I compare, we know the answer but do it for Ray. I prod Tom but he don't prod me, I'm a 1/4" longer, Ray looks pleased

`fambly winning', he says and high fives me.

then I grip Toms and Rays in each hand and pump

`well Toms is thickest but Rays is juiciest', I say

`you sure?' says Tom?

So I suck em both on the dunes with the blue sea ahead. Suck one, pump the other

`this ain't fair on Bud'

says Tom and we arrange in a ring, each sucking a cock, out of sight in the dunes.

`Who was the daddy?' says Ray.

`I reckon it's me' says Tom.

Ray and I dive on Tom and tickle and suck and wrassle till we're all sandy and run to the ocean to cool down. Rick and Hendy walk hand in hand to the sea, looks like they've got to know each other again as their fat dicks swing low. We walk back to the dunes and sunbathe. We pop boners all afternoon. Toms leaking pre and I long to lick it up but Ray says to Tom

`don't worry I got it'

and Ray squeezes up the clear liquid up Toms shaft and onto his tongue then lays back on his towel.

I hear Hendy and Rick getting the barbecue ready and marinate the meat for tonight's feast and I doze off, content. I'm half dozing and Ray kicks me, his head burrowed into Toms dick as he massages Rays scalp. I lie back a bit jealous and put out. I run to the sea for a good swim to clear my head. There's no 60 lengths here just freedom and I swim out to a buoy and back to shore. I don't recognise anything, the shacks look similar but different, no Hendy or Rick or the boys. I'm walking along getting glances and cat calls from guys sunbathing lost your way son?', hey come talk to me', `hey cuz ain't seen you in a while' and I'm thoroughly lost.

I look for the buoy and spot it and run up the beach, the wet sand is easier and I'm back at the spot, I see Tom and Ray making out and join them. Rays giving Tom one, his ass rising up and down temptingly, I spit lube getting as much sand off as I can and cuddle Ray,

`hey cuz', he says,

`we can do this, it'll be fun'.

I spit and wet his pucker then push in, Tom groans at the extra weight so I lean on my arms,

`that's better' says Tom

`Ok on three, 1,2,3',

Ray pushes and then retracts and I push into Ray. He gasps and pushes down and I retract

`hey we got it, but I can't last'

and Ray slumps over Tom and he shoots his load. Tom rises up on his strong arms and crawls out from under Ray, I fall with Ray and reconnect up Rays ass,

`not so hasty'

says Tom who straddles me and now I'm in the middle of a Tom and Ray sandwich,

`extra Mayo' giggles Ray as we start to buck. Toms being timekeeper and he slows as he gets close, Rays groaning

`Bud that's a fucking truncheon you got up my ass', says Ray.

Toms getting close, I love that full feeling of his dick in my ass, Tom grunts and judders,

`that ol' leg of Toms is twitching like a dog with fleas', says Ray.

Tom sends me over the edge and I pulse into Ray and we collapse in the dunes, kicking sand over our cummy cocks. We relax and get our strength back and run to the sea to clean up.

We hear a shout and see big Wayne running towards the sea, `ah that's why he's called BIG Wayne' laughs Tom.

`Hey Uncle' I say

and Wayne hugs me tight, his cock pressed against my thigh, My balls are squashed against his thigh, he picks me off the ground and swings me around like he always does,

`fuck look at you'

he says prodding my abs and my pecs, he grabs my cock and pulls down hard,

`the boys growing up, there's not many who could take that dick', winking at Ray.

`Speak for yourself'

says Tom cheekily and Wayne holds his long dick at his base and swings it around,

`it's not as painful as it looks'

he laughs and he runs towards a swelling wave and swims through it as It breaks over us, we swim after him and he plays `monster' as we try to topple him, running up him, clambering on him. I'm sitting on his shoulders, my cock pressed against his nape,

`ah that feels jus' like when you were a scrawny kid and we played in the river eh son?',

`yes Uncs', always feeling safe with you',

`yeah, good times son, I've always loved the feeling of your balls on my neck'.

He waded out deeper, put his arms on my waist and lifted me up, I put my knees on his shoulders like I was an eight year old kid. I stood up and dived off him and into the sea. He surface dived and we raced to the buoy, Wayne was nipping my ass if he caught up with me, When we got to the buoy, Wayne says `the currents caught us, we need to swim diagonal'. We swam back. We saw Tom and Ray walking up the beach and joined them, we climbed out the sea and Wayne had chubbed up,

`you're still a beautiful as ever Wayne'

I say, he flexes a little proud, and he says,

`but just look at you, you take my breath away'

he puts his arm around my shoulder pulling me close to him and his hand pinches my nip. We walk into the dunes and lay down and chat, Wayne says

`don't be jealous of Tom and Ray, Tom'll soon have his fill of horny li'll Ray pounding his ass'.

I laugh and say `I'm not sure Toms into that, more the other way around',

Wayne let's out a belly laugh,

`Well I'd like to see Toms dick pounding Rays ass or shoved down his throat, it should at least stop his incessant talking and dumb questions!'.

I lay next to Wayne, he reaches down and cups my nuts in his hand and rocks them like he used to. I cupped his too, my swimmers hands bigger now to hold both, not just one.

We chat about college, the guys, getting nekkid at Uncle Rays all summer, Hendy, Rick, Coach, Mason and Tom. Our ball play has given us both a hard on,

Wayne takes my cock in his big hand,

Just like old times' he says, you hard in one hand and li'll Ray hard in my other, slowly beating you off to sleep, seeing who's gonna shoot first. I remember you shooting for the first time, Ray had shot his load and was asleep and you wanted me to keep on pumping you, your dick looked sore so I gently sucked it and then I saw your balls rise, your breathing almost stopped as you gasped out `Wayne, what is it, what's happening?' I gently pulled the skin over your crown and back up, your eyes fluttered and you shot your bolt, a high plume, it almost touched the ceiling and landed on me followed by enough spunk to fill a bath',

`Yeah I remember that, how you licked it all up so I was clean and it wouldn't stain my jim jams'. I said

`We'd fun times after that' I continued,

`me n Ray would compete to see who could shoot farthest, who dare suck the others dick off and swallow but the best was snuggled up to you before bed, your beautiful cock to play with, my hand wouldn't go even half way around it then'.

I take Waynes cock in my hand and grip, my fingers don't reach around it still. I pull the skin over the rim and back up, he groans, He sits up and I sit facing him, I get close so our cocks are touching, Wayne's cock standing proud and thick, mine looking like a kids alongside. Wayne cups his hand around his and mine together and beats gently then he wraps just around mine and I take his, we take each other close, edging.

I say `I've loved your cock since I was 12, I couldn't handle it then ...',

`Wanna try now?' He asks grinning.

`Fuck you'd split me in two',

`you'd be surprised who can take this',

`tell me go on!',

`a gentleman never tells' he says.

We stare at each other and he's pumping both our dicks in his hand, a stream of precum erupts from Wayne's dick and runs down the firework

`see it's self lubricating, but it needs a helping hand or mouth'.

I bend to suck him spitting saliva over the crown and massaging it into his rim with my lips, I push his skin down with my tongue and savouring the cheesy, salty taste, I manage to get him all in, scraping my teeth on his shaft, my jaw aching as I pull off, his cock glistening in the sun. I lift up my ass, facing Wayne, my arms around his neck and deep kiss him, his prickly chin rough on me. I start to lower my ass onto his dick, fuck it hurts, I feel his bell end start to open me up, like it's Tom or Rick or Ray, but it's not, it's Wayne, I bear down like I'm dropping a hard log and I lower a little,

`keep bearing down' says Wayne.

My whole body wants me to eject the monster, I bear down again and I'm lower still, fuck it stings, I ask Wayne to squeeze my nips hard, to distract the pain, he does so and something happens, I slide down to feel my ass on his thighs.

`See, clever lad, I used to say that to Ray and that I'd give him spending money, but what can I give a fucking hunk like you for taking your Uncle Wayne's fat dick?'

I laughed and that tightened my ring, Wayne gasped,

`fuck that's tight, try to move up',

in a few strokes I was bouncing on his ass.

`Oh son that's beautiful'

he said and it felt good after all these years to be able to please Uncle Wayne.

We hear Tom and Ray laughing not far away and I climb off and I lay down, two erect cocks on two dozing guys. Tom and Ray find us and kick sand over our dicks, we chase them to the sea, cocks slapping legs and abs as we ran, we got to the breakers and 3 pale asses and one tanned god dived into the waves, we had competitions, playing floating starfish' and Up Periscope', when we tired of that we resorted to wrassling, with Wayne showing us all the dirty moves he knows and getting boned up. We ran back to the dunes and we dozed off together; me, Wayne, Ray and Tom.

Tom woke and snuggled up to me

`howdy pardner'

he says and grabs my cock,

`how's Junior?' I say,

tired' says Tom, too much excitement for one day'.

We hear the chow pan gong and get back to the shack, Rick and Hendy have the bbq going, salad bowls full and bottles of beer from the cooler. We sit on a big rug outside, cross legged and eat our fill. The conversation flows easily Tom and I tell about college life and some of the dumb asses on campus, Wayne and Ray about the farm and stories of fruit pickers antics, Hendy about dumbass kids at school and Rick about times on the farm as kids with Pop, and Wayne and Gramps shooting anything that moved. Rick says

`Wayne, your looking as good as I've ever seen you',

`Thanks Rick, I've lost over 2 stone, the story is that we got a new cook, Lizzy, that's Ellie's daughter',

`what can't be, she was an itty bitty girl', says Rick,

`well, Ellie retired and Lizzy said she'd do it and could look after her ma at same time. So out went the hog roasts and fatty beef stews that the fruit pickers loved and in came Mexican spicy bean stews, enchiladas, big salads, lots of wild almonds from the farm and meat once a week. She's upped the quality of the food and improved the diet of the workers. Some of the pickers kids were getting like porkers'.

We emptied the cooler of beers and Wayne got his guitar and a bottle of `shine and Ray, Rick, Wayne and I sang harmonies of sorts of old country songs, passing the bottle around. Hendy and Tom joining in the choruses. Toms got a beautiful Tenor voice. Hendy backed Wayne up on bass. We are bathed in the amber glow of the setting California sun.

Rick looks up and says `looks like its going to be a clear night' and he went inside to light the stove for later.

We watched the sun set and paired up, we sat, all loved up in the silence, even Ray had stopped talking and asking questions of Tom. Wayne's strong shoulders supported me easily, his dick warm on my back and if I shuffled back I could feel his big balls on my ass cheeks. Looking around at the tired sun kissed bodies, the four of us who'd only eaten and not cooked, went to wash the dishes. Adjacent was the solar shower and we watched as Tom and Ray washed each other, their fit bodies and excited dicks a pleasure to admire. They left enough warm water for Wayne to wash me like I'm a newborn lamb, washing my hair first, then working from the top down to my legs, my dick, balls and ass, gently rinsing away sand from all creases and holes. Wayne let me do the same to him, the water ran colder, rinsing the soap off, he looked like a god, muscular, strong, dependable. His erect cock slowly lowering after the shower and all the attention I gave it.

We went inside and under the festoon lights and the orange glow of the stove we laid out on the mattresses around the room, sleeping bags under us for if it got cooler. Rick turned the festoon lights off and we sank into love making in the dim light of the flickering wood burner. As our eyes got used to the light we saw the orange shapes of bodies wrapped around each other and the sounds of skin slapping on skin as we shared our bodies with each other. Ricks lube pump was being passed around and we'd see a body run to retrieve it like a naked warrior dancing around the fire. Wayne tapped my shoulder and we watched Tom take Ray, no shouts of pain or protestation from Ray as Tom leaned over Rays body hugging him as he shot his load. I got a familiar pang. Wayne whispers in my ear

`we got unfinished business'

and I felt his dick rise up my back. I went and got the lube pump and smeared Wayne's cock and he got a blob and fingered my ass,

`you feel ripe to me' he says and this time as I climbed on his cock, my back was toward Wayne's front. I lifted up and sank down exhaling quietly and Wayne kissed my nape sending my cock leaping, I slowly lifted off and Wayne kissed my shoulder, his bristles rough on my neck. I lower again slowly, I feel Wayne's monster pulsing, opening me up with his heartbeat, I rise and Wayne reaches around and grips my shaft and mirrors my rising and falling, I slow down wanting to make the feeling last forever.

I lift off and turn to face Wayne. He climbs up, lifts me up and lays me down on the mattress, I lift my legs and see Toms eyes in the firelight as I concentrate on Wayne, he's at my gate, and pushing in, he's in control now, I lift my shoulders off the mattress and wrap my arms around his neck as he pumps me slowly, building up speed, the sweat on his forehead catching the light, he's getting close, `pull out' I whisper in his ear, he obliged, his cock is massive, bursting with blood, he tickles his rim and shoots up me, covering my chest and face. He cleans me up with cummy kisses like he always did, then he asks me to stand up, he lays down on his front, his ass rises.

I nuzzle into his ass, the musky smell of his hole fills my nostrils as I trace my nose up his crack blowing on his pucker, I point my tongue and bore in the parting of his cheeks with my hands to reveal his jewel, he's moaning quietly as I finger his hole and open him up. I find the smooth almond of his prostate and tap it gently, I put my other hand under and massage his balls in time with fingering his prostate, then I grip his rock hard shaft and feel it pulsing like a live creature.

I line up, I'm on my knees and as I lift up in an arc my cock enters his hole and as I raise further the pressure takes me in fully, I lay close to him, hug fucking him, building up speed, I find his cock and beat it off in rhythm with my fucking. I feel him writhe beneath me as I push down and go in deeper. I pull out and tap him and he rolls over, he lifts his huge legs and I enter him again, going faster now building pace. I pull out and shoot my load over him, I'm in control, I beat my chest in the glow like a warrior as I spurt, hands free over Wayne's brawny chest, a full load. Wayne's face is in agony, I know he wants to shoot again. I lick up my cum and feed it to him, I can see his cock thrashing wanting release. I lower and cats lick his frenulum and watch the first plume hit his face then suck every drop down as he bucks into my mouth. I take him deep, and feel his cum running down my throat. I lick up his first plume and spit dribble it into his open mouth, his white teeth and sparkling eyes laughing, silently. I lay half on him, my ass pushed against the shack log wall and I drift off.

It's a bright star lit night as I piss on the dunes, the cooler air exciting me again. Tom stumbles out and hugs me from behind, his manly arms around my neck and pecs pulling me tight to him. I feel Junior in my ass crack and I'm erect instantly, I put my hands on my knees and junior slides in my cummy hole easily, Tom grips my cock and quickly, mechanically fucks me whilst beating me off, he cums up my ass and I shoot into the sand.

He picks up two towels drying off the line and we run to the ocean, the wave tips are white in the starlight, the water is a deep inky black. We run in and wash in the water playing, hugging, kissing, laughing. We wrap the towels around our shoulders and walk along the waterline to a distant jetty and sit watching the sun rise behind the wooded hill, listening to the dawn chorus of noisy gulls and waders and walk back. In the shack I see Ray lying with Wayne, both boned up in their deep sleep. Rick is spooning Hendy. We lay on the mattress and reconnect, Junior is up for it, I'm up for it and as the dawn light increases Tom takes me again and I feel him pulse his cum inside me, we switch and I fuck Tom, cumming, on his request, into his mouth, him gulping my cum down,

`first protein shake of the day', he says,

`what about Rays spunk?',

`ah, that was before midnight'. He laughs.

I rekindle the stove and put on water for coffee. We sit on the porch peeling potatoes and trimming fat off the bacon ready to fry for breakfast. Ray runs out boned and pisses in the sand, his hands on his waist, a golden arc from his beautiful cock. He grins `sorry' and kicks sand over the retreating puddle.

Wayne gets up and runs to the sea, we chase him and I do a flying hug, my arms around his neck and legs gripping his waist as he pisses into the sea, me looking over his shoulder at his thick golden stream wishing it were mine, smelling his aroma, getting me hard. Rick and Hendy are next they run hand in hand and unashamedly piss over each other's cocks, struggling at the end as they get hard, then they swim off.

Ray jumps on Wayne's front and me with me still clutching onto Waynes broad back, Ray kisses me. Ray starts to rock back and forth and I do the same, I can see Ray is hard and rubbing his cock up Wayne's chest, I grip Wayne tighter and rub my cock up his back as we rock, Wayne's got a giant hard on too, Ray shoots up Wayne and the sight of Rays familiar cum face sends me shooting up Wayne's back. Wayne turns and swings us off and we fall into the water then kneeling up Ray and I kiss Wayne's dick from either side and our lips and tongues surround his shaft and we kiss and beat him off with our lips kissing his shaft in the salty water. Squeezing a bull ball each we feel him get close as his nuts tighten and we watch his legs quiver and buckle as he spurts a strong plume.

We take it in turns as Wayne hits our faces with spunk as we giggle and push him over on his ass. We kiss up every drop of Wayne's salty sea water cum from our faces and look at cum smeared Wayne, we all swim to clean up.

Rick an Hendy fry the potatoes in the bacon fat and bacon and stir in the eggs calling us over. The suns up and we sit in a circle, silently eating apart from the odd breaking of wind and giggling.

Wayne says `not at the table Ray'.

Tom, Ray and I walk off to the dunes leaving the oldies to clear up. We sunbathe, topping up our tans, Rays white skin `shorts' looking red. I drift off and wake up as Ray is giving Junior a good sucking, Tom lifting his ass off the towel, his ass clenching and his abs shaping into that crooked six pack of his that I love.

I pull Ray off and join in, kissing across his cock with Ray and lapping our tongues under his cock as me and Ray kiss, we ride junior who hardens even more and twitches and bucks at the heightened sensation, we tug on his balls as we bring him closer, Toms lifting his chest off the towel now, his abs in a perfect crunch as he emits that beautiful 'oh, oh oh' then the silence before the storm as he shoots and moans a crescendo.

Ray shoves his finger up Toms ass as he cums to prolong the spectacle as Ray burrows into Toms groin taking junior deep in the soft warm cave for a bathe. Ray spreads his legs and let's me at his dick. Toms spurting dust down Rays throat now.

Tom pulls away and he gets down to Rays dick with me and we beat off Rays dick getting him hot and high. Rays cussing as we kiss over his cockhead,

`just fucking do it'

he moans as we kiss-ride his shaft and pull at his balls, Ray rises, his abs show through and his ass is off the towel. Tom invades Rays ass with his fingers looking for his prostate and getting Ray closer and closer. Ray moans and shoots, Tom gets his second or third protein drink of the day as Ray empties his sack down Toms throat

`special delivery' Ray says.

I lay back with my hands behind my head, grinning, ready. Ray looks at me, his beautiful eyes twinkling, squinting and he grins and starts sucking on my cock, Tom wiping cum off his lips shows me his tongue white with Rays cum and kisses Ray over my shaft as they get into the motion, slavery cum kisses up and down my shaft. I'm getting close. Ray pulls off and lies on his towel he begs that I push my dick in his mouth and he deep throats me, Toms opening my cheeks and nuzzling in spitting getting my pucker wet, and as Ray sucks me off Tom slides in and fucks my ass raw with his sandy wet dick.

I shoot down Rays throat and feel Toms tensed fuck muscles melt on my back as he lets go inside me. We fall and lie back in the sun, now burning down on us and run to clean up in the sea.

The shack door is closed, a sign that Wayne, Rick and Hendy don't want to be disturbed.

We swim but Rays not a swimmer and he goes back, we see him peering through a window beating off as he watches, then he sneaks inside the shack, we finish up cleaning each other in the sea and walk back in the sun drying off.

We hear giggles and open the door ajar,

'come in boys, plenty to do in here'

shouts Wayne. As our eyes get accustomed to the light we see Hendy's ass and Ricks ass wiggling like suckling pigs as they are slurping down and deep on Ray and Wayne. I take Ricks ass and Tom takes Hendy in a long, slow languorous fuck session that seems to last for hours.

The lube pumps empty, the moonshine is long gone, no more beer, bacon all eaten and every hole and orifice has been tapped in every combination.

We have a communal shower and clean up on the patio and lay drying in the dunes in the sun whilst Hendy, Wayne and Rick pack the boxes and load up the cars. Rays very quiet, almost tearful as he snuggles into my neck, his hot breath wet on me.

Then as Wayne beckons him over, he brightens in an instant, gets up, tweaks my nips real hard and climbs into his shorts for the journey home, he turns and shouts

`see ya, don't wanna be ya'

and climbs up into the truck next to Wayne who's laughing as Ray moons us as they pull away towing the farming contraption they came for.

Hendy hugs us all and drives off to his sisters to finish his holiday. Tom sits in front of the Tesla, I lie back thinking of all those cum shots. What a weekend.

Its a quiet drive back. At hime, Rick plugs in Tommy Tesla to recharge and we do the same, falling blissfully to sleep.

Toms all over me today, cuddling, teasing, and touching as we sunbathe and swim. I love the attention. Uncle is quiet, hiding away in his study. Tom says he'll cook and he raids the freezer for seafood and knocks out a passable risotto. The chilled white wine goes to our heads and we all get an early night and some sleep after the busy days and nights at the beach.

At about 3am Rick comes in and snuggles up between us,

`I can't sleep' he says,

we spoon him and he falls into a deep sleep between us. Tom is first awake, he's embarrassed about Junior, but then notices Ricks huge hardon. I get up for a pee and Tom laughs saying

`look at us 3, all boned up'.

Rick laughs and says `be a shame to waste them'.

`Morning protein' says Tom and he goes down on Rick, Rick goes down on me and I go down on Tom.

`Whoever shoots first prepares breakfast' says Rick.

This turns into an edging contest, where of course Rick wins as Tom and I get desperate to shoot and I send Tom over the edge. The smell of his cum sends me over, Tom and I both work on Ricks cock, a double attack, me sucking Ricks nuts, cramming them into my cheeks like a squirrel, Tom has Rick deep down his throat and is humming.

Rick is holding off for as long as he can. Rick raises his arse and arches his back and finally shoots. Tom says,

'you'd better get some lengths in dude'

and me and Uncle swim and wrassle until Toms shouts 'breakfast' and we chow down, he's cooked us a pan of smoked salmon slices and scrambled eggs on sourdough toast, with plenty of coffee.

We get back into the holiday routine, protein shakes, running, swimming, sunning, wrassling, gym, lunch, sunning, sleep.

Uncle says we must've run around the equator and rowed the pacific.

We've not done it for a few days now. Ricks been sleeping with us to help him relax, which mainly has been Tom and I sucking him off. I'll be glad to have Tom back all to myself tomorrow.

We give Rick one last shot as we kiss his shaft and suck his nuts and Tom is the recipient of the protein shake. We swim and take a shower on the patio, and dress into our college swim team gear, white vest, navy shorts and a zipper top. I clutch my package, the jock feels good, the fabric rubs my cheeks as I turn and bend.

`I'm gonna be horny all day' I says to Tom,

`only if there's a mirror nearby' he joshes.

We walk into hallway, bags packed,

Time to go' I say see you at Christmas'

to Uncle and with a hug from both of us, we jog down the hill. 2 studs at peak of fitness, heck we should charge people to look.

Getting back to Toms room and laying out nekkid again the weekend all seems like it was a dream.

1st Semester exams are over. College broke up on 16th December. We started getting Christmas cards, Tom sent me one I daren't display and Wayne sent an invite to the farm for Christmas, he'd put in some photos he'd printed off from his phone of us wrassling in the dunes. Toms blue eyes shining his dick hanging semi and Ray, cat like about to pounce, his muscular ass clenched, legs astride, balls hanging, I'm in profile, pointing at something, encouraging one of them, my broad chest and shoulders narrowing to my tight waist and abs, my butt cheeks sculpted and my dick, thick and curved hanging over round tight balls and my thighs tensed and rippled, caught in action.

I take the transit to Claremont. My bag full with presents. I get to Ricks and jump the side gate. The pool is covered and I've no intention of stripping off instantly. We hugged and over the next few days we got to know each other again, what we liked, how best to delay the inevitable, to build slowly rather than make do with instant release and pleasure.

Ricks pools is just too cold to swim in now so the garage gym has come into its own. Instead of swimming in the morning I've hammered out an hour on Ricks expensive machines. When Ricks finished his work we'll do an hour in the garage gym, running, rowing, wrassling then with sundowners in hand we'll sink into the hot tub.

I love the sensation of climbing out of the hot tub with a stiffie then running to the patio shower or into the house for more beers in the cold Californian night air and then sinking back into the hot bubbles, my frozen Christmas baubles warming up again.

Wayne invited us to the farm for Christmas. Nothing fancy, just the boys and us. The pickers have gone south to Mexico now that the cranberry swamps are done.

We drove up in the Tesla, getting mocked by the boys,

`hide your flashlights, the battery boys are here'.

We got her hooked up in a barn charging slowly as she was nearly done. Ray was all over me, wanting news of Tom. Wayne got the whiskey out `the good stuff' he kept saying as he refilled our glasses. We played strip poker, the mighty wood burner keeping us warm. It felt great to be with family, naked, warm, close. We sang carols staring at the wood burner until the flagon was empty and we retired. We slept close that night, Ray and I, I'm sure he's put 10 pounds of muscle on as he flexed for me as I waited for him in the big iron framed bed, quilts ready and me shivering waiting to be warmed up by this big hunk.

`Fuck, your getting fit dude', I say,

yeah it's hauling bales 24/7, it seems that if I'm not stacking em, I'm loading `em into a truck'.

He growls like Hulk and jumps into bed. We bathe in the warmth of each other, hard cocks sword fighting under the duvet as we roll on over deciding wrassling style who's gonna fuck who first. Rays on top, he sticks his tongue in my mouth up to my throat. I swing up, his lube is ready and the cold gel makes me recoil as he oils me up ready. With my legs held high he takes me,

`oh that's good'

he says as he slips in deep,

`fuck, your hot cock feels good'

I say and he starts pounding, drunk from whiskey and eager to shoot means he don't last long, cumming up me as I watch his muscles tense and his beautiful cum gooner as he releases into me,

`fuck that's good' he moans then grins, spent, as he pins my arms down.

`Nothing for you tonight' he says,

`oh yeah?' I say,

and he gets outta bed, I know what's coming, I leap out, boned up, I go for him, wrassling.

This is serious, if he wins I get maybe a suck off, if I win then I'm master and I can dictate how I take him. He's got all the dirty moves and the brawn, me, well I got brains, a competitive brain.

We wrassle and I get him in a dirty move, squeezing his balls `till he surrendered, I win.

On my instruction, he bent over, I entered him and he slowly rose up standing straight as I held him around the neck by my strong arms and he sucked my fingers as I fucked him raw. I shot and we clambered shivering into the creaky bed and spooned. Christmas morning we were both still sore,

`I gotta present for you'

Ray grinned and he knelt above me and pushed his dick in my mouth, I drank his protein shake. We dressed and went for a run around the farm.

Wayne was up already and tending to the animals,

`The bird is in' he says referring to the Turkey. Rick nipped my ass and scooted off, I chased him, we could have been 8 and 11! I helped Ray haul more bails for the stock and we were sweating,

`see what I mean, these fuckers are heavy, too much rain after bailing'.

We got back and the boys meandered in after their chores. Rick had made brunch, like he does, taking time preparing and cooking in his apron. His bum looking inviting, Wayne up close, kissing his neck. We tucked in, sore heads and asses after last night. We had our fill and relaxed as Wayne and Rick prepared the vegetables as the smell of roasing Turkey filled the house.

We feasted and fucked all Christmas Day, the log burner roaring, sweat pouring off us as we sang, ate and wrassled and screwed each other's brains out until we collapsed by the burner.

Next morning Rick woke up clanking empty moonshine flagons and tidying up. We had a `left overs' lunch and prepared to drive back. A great fambly Christmas. Ray was sad to see us go as ever.

The Tesla was charged and we scooted silently down the road, my ass mooning back at him out of the window.


Read about Buds exploits in the next chapter.

comments welcomed

Next: Chapter 12

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