Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 21, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 5 - College Capers

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 5 - College Capers

At College I follow registration signs, I get to register and am told to wait, slowly 23 other guys assemble and a student guide takes us to halls. Delius Hall, Floor 5 West. We each get a keycard and a holder. Opening the door we pile in and find our hutch.

`Drop your bags then meet in the comms' says the guide.

The comms is an open area with tables couches and a TV, off the comms is shower and shit block and a small kitchen.

He reads the rules and grinning says

`have a great year guys' and high fives us all.

The door closes and we get to our rooms, beds creaking, doors slamming and guys wandering about introducing themselves. I meet a guy off the same course who's sleeping in the hutch opposite me and we hook up for that day. He's called Cray and asks me where I'm from

`Atlanta via The Heights' I say and he's from Tupelo.

'Long ways for both of us' he drawls.

We're in halls and it's hot, about 5 o'clock. I say

`I'm gonna shower and change then look for something to eat'.

Guys nod around me and so I go to my hutch and strip off and pull a towel from my large hold-all, get my shower gel and walk from my room to Crays hutch

`you ready?' I grin.

He looks me up and down and wraps a towel around his waist and drops his pants and we walk to the comms. I've got my small towel over my shoulder and showing all I got. Guys looked and joined us, slowly getting braver and eventually strutting in naked. We had a great show and tell session getting to look at and really get to know the guys on the hall. I dried off and changed out of preppy gear and into cut off shorts and a worn vest. My physique doing the rest.

Cray, Mason and I went to look around and we ended up in the refectory and sat at a table with other guys chatting shit and looking at what's going on. Hell there's some great ass around here, I thought.

After the pizza we walked back, found our hall and our hutches and bade farewell until morning. I wandered to the pisser in the night and saw Masons cute ass in a stall bathed in moonlight and a golden curve spraying into the pan, I stood at the side of him and let my stream flow, he looks at me and his tongue touches side of his mouth then looks away, he shakes his dick and is walking back. I watch him turn to look at me as he went into his hutch. I ignore the `come on' and lay in bed wide awake.

My alarm beeps, I get up, pull on shorts and sneakers and I'm off for a run. It's 6:00 and the town is just waking up. I run through the college and through the wood that borders the campus and back into town on the perimeter path. I get to halls, the sweat glistened on my body, the comms was a riot of boys showering, sat in stalls shitting, their stall doors open and chatting. How quickly we feel at home. I strip off and shower.

Mason says `hi' and joins me on the adjacent spigot and we wash and chat. Fuck, how did I miss that last night, as I look at his ginger hair and his red pubes surrounding a long cut schlong.

`Good run?' He asks,

`not really, I'm more of a swimmer' I say,

Mason nods, `me too, say I'm heading for the pool at 10:00 we can walk together'

he says. We shower and make sure we show our assets off, dry together and get back to our hutches. In 5 mins I hear a knock at the door. I'm laid out naked on the bed, cooling off. The door opens and it's Mason. I look up at him,

`come in' I say, and he sits on the bed, he's dressed.

`Have you looked at your itinerary yet for what's after swimming?'

I'd completely forgotten. So I gets up and looks in my folder to read that I'm on pool orientation at 10:00.

Shit' I say, you saved my life'.

I slip on my cutoffs and vest and we make it to sports desk for 9:55.

Coach swaggers in and looks at us lined up, scanning the line, nodding and acknowledging, the odd wink here and there.

`Good to see you all and a special welcome to the new boys. The older students will show you around, I look forward to seeing all of you at Y practice this evening'.

He left and students called out our names and we grouped in fours and they showed us around the pool and facilities.

We had the afternoon free before practice at 6:00. I walked back and unpacked then lay on my bed, already missing Uncle, Claremont heights and that pool.

I got to the sports centre, the changing room was a battlefield, I was putting my swimsuit on and the older guys started laughing and a guy shouted across to me

`hey newbie it's a Y practice, leave them off',

I took my suit off. I looked around and all the guys were naked and lining up at the pool exit.

The clock showed 6:00 and the squad walked out nekkid to pool side. It felt amazing, surrounded by fit lads and cocks. We stood poolside, the other newbies were clutching their packages shyly. I just stood hands by my sides like the others. Coach walked in and prodded the lads who were covering up with his stick

`hands by your side' he said.

`So' he continued 'every week we have a Y practice without suits, it dates from the YMCA when boys didn't wear swimsuits. Don't worry the pool is locked down, no public, no parents, just swim coaches and the best athletes at Claremont'.

The older guys roared and we all joined in.

The coaches split us up into manageable groups and disciplines.

We started practice and soon got into the swing. I looked out a few guys I'd like to meet for more than swimming. After the swim the lockerroom was just as crazy, the showers were packed, all the guys sharing spigots. I muscled my way in to a group of older lads, all clutching dicks as we chatted and swapped grins, rubbed backs and nipped asses. I finally got the chlorine out of my hair and rinsed down and dried myself on my tiny hand towel and slipped into my shorts and vest.

Coach came in the room and we all stopped talking and stood up.

`Great practice tonight boys, some real talent here, you're making it difficult for my selection. I'll pin the teams list up at 6:00 tomorrow for the first event next week'.

Mason and I walked back together, he put his arm over my shoulder as we walked, just like old pals, the weight and closeness was just what I needed and I suspect Mason was feeling kinda homesick as well.

Swim was a riot' he said and looked at me grinning all that dick!',

yeah' I said it's been a while since I saw that many cocks in one room'

we laughed and walked on,

`I couldn't help but notice your all over tan' he said.

`Oh yeah, I've had a summer of naked sunbathing!', I told him about the house and pool, being nekkid all day,

`fuck, I'd love to do that' he says.

We ran up the stairs to our landing and into the dorm. There were guys everywhere in the comms, some walking naked after a shower, most shirtless just chatting with their hands down their shorts. I dropped my bag in my room and says to Mason,

`well that's me done for tonight',

and I got my toothbrush and went to comms for a piss and do my teeth. I gets back to my room and I turn off the light and strip off, I pull sheets back and Mason looks up at me, he's lying naked on his back in my bed,

`hope you don't mind company' he says

My shock turns to a grin

`move over' I say

We spoon. My hard cock resting in his ass crack, my arms under him on his pecs, tight and warm. We were out, asleep in a minute.

I wake up hot, Mason is sprawled out on his back, his pecs and fingers twitching in a dream, his abs a pulsing grid on his slim muscular divers frame, his dick engorged, surrounded by red hair, his shaft rising up from his tight abs. I sit up in bed, bend over and smell him, sweat, musk and faint whiff of chlorine, I blow on his cock end, watching it bounce, I see his balls rise tight in the sack. He's ready for release in his sleep!

I gently prise his cock into my mouth and slaver over it as his tip pushes against roof of my mouth then I suck harder sealing my lips around his cut rim, tickling the rim gap with my tongue, taking him deeper and back, not losing suction. Masons groaning in his sleep, and he starts suddenly and wakes up with a shudder

`wah... oh... fck',

looking at me he relaxes, says

`that's good',

his ass leaves the bed as he arches his back, his abs crunching, he takes my free hand and sucks my fingers then finds my cock and he pumps and plays with it. I break off, his cock shiny and wet. I shuffle around on my ass and swing my legs up high, he spits on my pucker and fingers my hole, now it's my turn to groan. He sits up on his knees and falls forwards onto his arms, press up style on top of me, then bending his knees softly he's pushing at my gate,

`push harder' I say,

his cock is nearly bending. As I bear down my ring relaxes wide enough to let him in.

`F'ck that's tight' he whispers

and pushes some more and he inches his way in, all seven of them, up to his hilt, his balls clanging on my ass cheeks. I breath out and grimace at the pain and we wait a minute until my breathing gets back to normal, fck he's longer than uncle I think and about as thick.

He senses when it's time and starts to rock his hips, his arm slips forward, clumsily falling on me, his prickly chin on my chest, he looks up and grins at me, our eyes locked as he rocks himself to ecstasy, I see him cum in his face, his eyelids flutter, his smile grimaces and he grunts his breath as he fucks me like an animal, shooting his load up my ass.

I feel his cum squirt out and run down my ass. I double tap his back for release and he pulls out, turns and kneels up like a dog waving his butt at me. I part his cheeks and smell his musky hairy crack and dive in with my nose. Spitting to get him wet and playing with his nips, I spit lube my cock and line up and start pushing, I'm gliding in, fuck he feels good, I find his sticky cock under and beat him back to hard as I fuck him. I'm close in a few strokes and I pull out, he turns over on his back and I straddle him, my balls on his face. He chews my tight risen balls. With my arms behind me for support Mason gently beats my cock off, getting me close and cooling me until I'm moaning for release, which comes on the next round, I shoot covering his face and hair with plumes of white cum. I squeeze out the last drop. `I need a piss' I say,

`me too' says Mason

We get up and run quickly and quietly to the comms, the bright lights making us squint and stand over a pot pissing into the water, two golden streams crossing, drilling into the water below. We squeeze the last drop of slimy spunky piss out. Mason face is covers in my cum, I pull him across the deserted room to a shower. I see a forgotten hand towel,

`hey that looks like mine!' I say

my voice too loud echoing around the empty room. I push the button on one of the spigots and we jump back till it's warmed up a little, we hug under the jets. I kiss lick my cum up from Masons face and wash the rest away. I see a forgotten sliver of soap and Mason soaps me up, he's got me as hard as iron again as we quickly dry on my tiny towel and run back stealthily, our hard cocks bouncing in front of us back to my room. We collapse on the bed and doze till dawn.

The sun shone through the thin drapes and woke me up. Mason had rolled onto the floor, cuddling the duvet. I got up, woke up Mason and looked at my phone. It was 10:15. Shit I've got stuff to do, first up is my run. `You coming Mase it's 10:15?'

He says I need more sleep' then leapt up and picks up my tiny towel, holds it over his junk, then opens the door grins and says laters' to me. He's crossing the corridor to his room. I see his pert boyish ass running and the some guys calling

`oh my, Dixie' and wolf whistles as he's caught leaving my room naked. Busted!

I got my shorts and sneakers on and was out of the door in a flash and did my circuit of campus, up to the woods and down.

I passed by the pool and ran in. `Boss' was on the donut,

`hey it's Ricks boy isn't it?' He said

`I'm his nephew' I replied.

Hey son' he says I've had a couple of guys leave jobs so if you want to earn some dough and have some fun then why not work a few shifts with the guys at the pool?

`I'll think it over' I says and his face falls.

`Look I gotta fill these posts now, the guys who left were final year students so it'll be a while till I'm asking around again, comprendo?',

I thought it would be good to have some cash and be more independent of Uncle so I says

`Thank-you Sir, yes I'm glad to accept'

he held out his arm and as I shook he says

`call me Boss, every one else does!'

He looks at a chart and asks if I can I work a 4 to 10 today?

`That's perfect' I reply.

I run back, freshen up and change into my preppy gear and after grabbing a bacon roll in refec I'm ready for an introduction to the modules at 11:30 and a library tour at 2:00.

At 4:00 Boss throws me a blue polo and rummages in a box for shorts and hands me these. I've got new on order' he says, but these aren't too bad' as he sniffs the crotch. He shows me into the staff changing room, it smells of sweat and floor cleaner, I look at the lockers with broken doors and cleaning brooms and paddles.

`Get changed here whilst I tidy up'.

I whip off my top and boss turns to face me, he's messing with the paddles and brooms facing me, waiting for me to drop my shorts. I drop my shorts quickly and give him an eyeful of my ass and junk, I step into the old shorts and pull them up forcing my balls high and dropping my junk in,

`ooh these are tight'

I say, pulling the back out of my ass crack. I turn and my package is prominent and I pull on the blue top. Boss leaves having had his eye candy and I look in the cracked mirror as I put on my sneakers, I say

`who's the daddy' I whisper and push out and grab at my package.

Boss shows me the gym changing and then Terry appears,

`sorry I'm late Boss, I'll show Bud the ropes now'.

Terry looks at my outfit, and whistles

`man those shorts don't hide much and that tops nipple tight, but don't worry, I've got spares, brb'.

He comes back and I pull off my sneakers and drop my shorts to change and Terry gets an eyeful, he's leaning on his broom, watching me intently as I strip off. I like the attention and make sure I'm fully nekkid and stretch and flex a little then put on his spares which are actually new. I feel much better and jump up and down to let my balls hang natural and Terry takes the old kit and puts them in a locker.

`That better?'

I nod and he starts explaining

`the job is to keep the floor and lockers as clean and dry as you can and to stop shower water building up because of a blockage or whatever, that can be gross if it's hair or a bandage or clothing, it's dumb jocks mainly who leave their shit everywhere. Boss keeps a bin for lost property. You'll find everything in the Janitors cupboard. So that's it. I'll go on pool duty now and I'll leave you to it, see you at swap over'

Terry left and I was alone. I checked the floor and swept up. Then checked the shower grating, I found the hose and worked out the trigger release. This is fun, I lifted the grate and blasted the hair and greasy soap down. Then tackled the tiles leading to it, blasting off the built up grease. I stopped and walked across the empty lockerroom and opened the janitor cupboard. I got some degreasing agent and smeared this over the shower floor, I found the scrubber broom and worked this in, I really gave it some, pushing and pulling the broom over the dirty tiles, giving my arms a good workout.

I left it to do it's job for a few minutes then hosed it down, the pine smell filled the air and the floor looked pretty damned good. I blasted around to make sure the bleach was all gone and it was not slippy. I stopped the jet and from behind I heard a solitarily clap and

`good work sonny'.

I turned around and this guy, must've been about 28, a sweaty hunk of a guy in a wet vest and tight running shorts looked up at me up and down

`you're new aren't you' he said

'yeah'. I replied,

I'm Ethan' he swaggered, I'm a regular, and I'm sure we'll get to see more of each other.'

We fist bumped and he pulls his sweaty vest over his head and sort of flexes. I find myself leaning on my broom against the wall, transfixed. He turned away and packed his vest in his bag and pulled out a towel and gel. He dropped his shorts and I saw the jock straps white against his round butt cheeks, he bent to untie his laces and his pucker peeped at me. He kicked off his sneakers and jock, he picked up his towel and gel and started to turn.

I saw his long cock swing towards his thighs like a pendulum before he saw me looking and he walked passed me so close I could smell his musk as he walked to the shower. I heard the shower run and wanted to see him, in fact I wanted to join him! I'd chubbed up and needed to do something to distract, I got a handbrush and started to sweep out the lockers. One by one, locker by locker, I was getting closer to the showers and I could see his back and the suds running down his deep valley and disappear into his ass crack and I could just see the back of his balls as he washed. I got a full hard on and pulled my waistband out to let my cock swing upright. I could just about bend to sweep out the lower lockers. I brushed out an old jock amongst the chip packets and sweet wrappers. I put the jock in my pocket and carried on.

The water stopped and I couldn't help but stare as he walked by me to grab his towel. I swept the debris into a locker with the brush and unhooked the jet and washed down the shower again. The jet sprayed off the walls and my polo was getting soaked and my abs showed through the material.

`You're getting good and wet' he says as he's drying his legs, his ample dick hanging curved over his big balls as he dried his toes.

He stood up

`I've got a spare top', He says,

I laugh and say thanks but it would drown me,

I take the tight one Boss gave me earlier and peel off the wet shirt, then drop my new shorts. He's looking and whistles through his teeth as I stand naked

`you're filling out just fine, boy, keep on doing whatever you're doing'

and he winks and he's lowering to sit as I bend over to put my shorts on, he gets an eyeful of my ass. I stand and stretch and flex as I'm pulling the tight top over my crunched abs. I see he's got a hard on. He's embarrassed as he packs away his gear. We don't look at each other again but as he leaves he turns and say

`it's Bud, isn't it?' And I say

`yeah Ethan, nice to see you'

and he says `you're a pleasure'.

Terry comes in as Ethan was leaving.

`oh so you met Ethan, did he undress you with his eyes?',

I laughed and said `yeah he did'.

Terry says `dude look at this clean shower, you'll be getting me sacked'

and he picks up the jet and squirts my crotch. I chase him around and push him into the showers and push the spigot. He's drenched. He wrassles with me, he's strong but I'm wily and we just about cancel each other out. We stop for a breath and shake.

`I'd better get back to the pool, my breaks over. I'll dry off quickly in the heat.'

I wasn't too wet but swapped back in to the other gear and as I did I saw the jock I found peeping out of the wet shorts pocket. I checked it out, nice, Champion, size M, the pouch looked clean enough, I sniffed at it, just a bit musty.

I slipped on the jock and the shorts and flexed in the mirror, I could feel myself chub up, the jock'll keep me in check now whatever happens. I flexed some more and pulled down my top. The door burst open and a team bustled in from one of the indoor courts. Hockey I guessed. I picked up the rubber paddle broom and went to the showers out of the way pushing water toward the grate, looking out to the lockers as the students chatted and stripped off, watching them running towards the showers naked. I checked them all out. I was invisible to them, just a janitor. The showers were busy, one of the younger lads got a boner and the others teased him about it, he weren't bothered, he just stood proud as if nothing had happened. I'm going to enjoy this job I thought.

The boner guy dressed slowly, I scraped my paddle broom pushing the water to the drain, facing him. He bent to get his pants from his bag and brought out a jock, as he turned his erect dick slapped against his abs and he stepped spider like into the white jock and pulled it up over his dick, tenting it. He looked down and grinned at his cock and the guys laughed at the sight. I smirked and he saw me. Our eyes made contact and his face hardened to a frown

`what are you staring at shower punk?' He shouted and the team all turned to look at me. I bristled and stood tall, ready for anything

`jus' doing my job' I say.

`You want some of this do ya?' And he pulled his dick down in the jock and it snapped back up

`plenty to go around' he says.

I carry on with my broom.

They walk towards me and I'm trapped in the shower, big guy pushes me down by my shoulders and pulls my face into his crotch. I felt his hard shaft on my nose and smelt his freshly washed crotch, sniffing deeper I get his faint ass musk. He says

`fag boy likes my dick'

and the other guys come in closer clutching their packages, some drop their waistbands over their asses showing what they got, slapping their hardware on the palm of their hands in a rhythm.

Jock boy pulls his jock lower and his cockhead protrudes, I tighten my tongue to an arrow and tickle his frenulum, then being bolder I pull his waistband down and the jock drops to his ankles as his cock escapes its lair, slapping my cheeks as he prods it into my open mouth.

I suck hard and broaden my tongue, cat licking the underside of his cock, his hands burrow into my scalp, he starts bucking slowly, the guys have formed a circle and each holds the others dick with the other arm over their shoulders locked in a man circle around jock guy, naked with me sucking him off.

He's timing his shot, waiting for the boys to catch up and, sensing the moment, he pushes me back onto the floor and shoots his load over my face and chest, this triggers the team who shoot one by one and I see their jizz arc through the air splattering on my abs, chest and face, their cum mingling and matting my hair, running down my forehead, dripping onto my chin and spurt after spurts coating me in athletes jizz. They snap up their jocks and finish dressing and leave.

Terry is prodding me with the paddle, I wake up and rubbing my eyes I look up at Terry, ashamed of my naked cum covered body, I look around and I'm fully clothed,

`heck I've never seen a dude asleep in the showers cuddling the paddle before'

and he puts out his arm laughing and pulls me up.

`Shit I must've dozed off somehow', I say,

Terry says it's the heat and humidity, it really gets to you, you gotta keep hydrated, walk around, go to reception a few times on errands'.

I thank Terry for his advice as I wipe my hands in my hair and down my chest checking for cum. I realised It must've been a dream. I looked around and tidied the lockers and there in the locker was a white jock and written in pen on the waist band was Ethans cell number. I put it in my pocket and brushing out the other lower lockers I found an old blue jock right at the back, and pocketed that, more bounty to take back to my hutch.

I finished my shift and Boss waved me and Terry off and we walked out arms over shoulders into the balmy night.

`Thanks for saving my ass earlier',

`you owe me one' he laughed, 'anyway what were you doing sleeping in the shower?

`I just remember brushing the water with the paddle into the drain and the next you were prodding me!',

Terry pulled my cock and tweaked a nipple as he says

`try getting some sleep on a night! You freshers!'.

Coach says I'm doing well, I'm not improving my times but he's concentrating on technique. He says that whatever I'm doing is helping and to keep on with the running and swimming the mile a day.


Read about Buds exploits in the next chapter.

comments welcomed

Next: Chapter 6

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