Blown Away

By jay taylor

Published on Nov 22, 2001


I was standing in the galley of the mess hall. I had volunteered to do a week as camp counselor for the grade eights of my old school. Christie was with me. She was going into her second year at college and I had one last year of high school to finish up. She was one of the counselors, I was the youngest of the lot. Christie, the older woman.

I was standing in front of Christie as she sat on a kitchen counter, between her legs, my back to her. She was cold and was warming her hands by running them over my chest and stomach under my hooded sweatshirt. She pulled me towards her and hugged me tight, I could feel her breasts press against my back. Her wandering hands had slipped just inside the waistband of my pants, I had a raging hardon that I hoped she wouldn't notice. It had not occurred to me that she was seducing me.

Her hands felt soft and she smelled great, kind of an outdoors and woman scent mixed together. She started to kiss the back of my neck and ear, around my throat and I figured out that she had more in store for me than just her personal human hand warmer. I wanted to turn and face her, to kiss her, but she kept me facing forward as her wandering hands delved deeper into my pants.

Now I wanted her to discover my erection, I wanted it badly, I was willing it to happen, too scared to just guide her hand there or tell her what I wanted. I hoped I'd be man enough for her, she was a college girl, used to all those college men, I was just a high school kid about to enter his senior year at the end of the summer.

There was a light tapping on the window. I looked over and saw John, the archery instructor motioning with a "can I come in?" look. Embarrassed to be caught like this, I called him in out of the cold, Christie didn't move her hands from where they were, fingers just inside the top of my pants. She stopped kissing and exploring.

John walked in and looked at us, he looked right at my crotch and I could have died from embarrassment. He made small talk, then Christie pushed me away and left, she said she was going back to her cabin for some sleep. She had lost interest in me.

No kidding. John was a couple of years older than Christie, in his early 20's, he was average height, black curly hair down to his shoulders. He had the body of a soccer player, kind of thin but muscular, good thighs. Good biceps, triceps and awesome pecs, the result of years of archery, no doubt. He spent his days in small cut off jean shorts and running shoes, nothing else. No socks, no shirt. He had a light growth of chest hair and that line of hair that goes up from the crotch to the navel. I shared a cabin with him, he was a good size in the genitals department, not huge, but proud of what he had.

Yes, I had noticed, I had even looked. The guy took his time getting dressed after a shower, I swear he enjoyed strutting nude in front of me, so why not have a good look? His cock and balls hung heavy, unlike my perky teenaged genitals. John's cock hung over his balls and it's head dropped just a little lower than his balls. His penis was thick and dark, circumcised.

I admired him, his confidence and his skills as an archer. The kids worshipped him, and the female counselors melted under his charm. No wonder Christie had lost interest in me in his presence.

John apologized for interrupting us. And once again I had been interrupted just as things were starting to get interesting with a chick! We walked back to our cabin through the woods and my mind wandered.

Growing up in my neighborhood there were a group of us who had been going into the woods for fun and discovery for years. Jesse, Seth and his brother Ronny, me, a few others. We ran around the wood lot naked all day, skinny dipped in the river by Jesse's house, read dirty books and played doctor with each other. Over time we had discovered the magic of the circle jerk. One summer before we went into high school it was all we did, around a campfire in the woods almost every night.

There was also the time we played strip poker, Seth had the brilliant idea that the loser would "suck off" the winner. I lost, Seth one. As I got on my knees in front of him, his erection inches from my lips, he told me I didn't have to do it "right now, in front of these clowns." That meant I was only temporarily excused. My only wet dream involving a guy had to do with that one still outstanding debt.

Still, even with my history of getting naked and jerking off with all of my closest friends I liked girls and thought of myself as straight. It's just that every guy I was friends with I ended up having some sort of sex with. Not that I was totally innocent.

Out of town at the drama competition I had been billeted with the lead actor of the host school's play, a very handsome red headed kid named Scott. Dan and the other jocks were billeted elsewhere, Scott lived out of town on a farm. Scott was funny, he had that bitchy sarcastic humor and I pegged him as being gay. He was a little swishy, but kind of "is he or isn't he?". He was. On the drive out to his house I definitely got some signals as we talked, he put his hand on my leg when he wanted to make a point, asked me how we managed to get so many good looking guys be in the play, stuff like that.

Up in Scott's room with his parents in bed and asleep for awhile, I came back in from a shower with just my towel on. Scott got up from his journal and started to take his clothes off so he could have a shower. We faced each other as in a state of undress and made inane small talk as we both sized each other up. He didn't wear underwear under those corduroys, that explained the obvious outline of his long, circumcised cock. I dropped my towel and stood naked in front of him. I took my time finding some briefs as he watched me. He was slowly, almost reluctantly wrapping a towel around his waist as we talked about nothing. We really took our time checking each other out and neither of us was very subtle about it. It was a long slow act of foreplay. Fuck, I was horny, he was actually quite muscular for such a faggy guy. Working man's muscles, the result of growing up doing chores on a farm no doubt. He went for a shower and I got under the covers in my cot at the end of his bed and waited for him to return. I resisted the temptation to see what he had been writing in his journal, to see if I was in there. I planned to be after tonight.

Scott came back into the room and locked the door. A very good sign that he was thinking the same thing I was thinking. He took off his towel and started drying his hair. The light from the side table shone on the golden red peach fuzz that covered his body. I had never seen red pubic hair and he kind of fluffed it up when he dried his genitals.

I was in fucking love and I don't mind admitting it. Or I was deeply infatuated. There had been several different friends I had had "sexual" relations with. In each case it was just straight boys doing what came naturally, taking care of an urgent need, part of adolescence, discovering and growing up. Except for my ongoing relationship with Dan, it was always a group setting. No one was more homo than anyone else, it was a no risk venture. Even with Dan, as much as I loved the feel of his mouth on my cock and the feel of his perfect body in my hands, it didn't mean anything. If the last blowjob was the last blowjob I probably wouldn't have noticed and just moved on. But this ginger haired farm boy was different.

I had only known him about 10 hours but I couldn't get him out of my mind. He had captured my imagination from the moment I laid eyes on him. Sex with him wouldn't be just out of convenience or urgency, this guy was gay so getting into bed with him was the real thing in my mind. He would give and expect more. And I was ready.

All I wanted to do at that point was drop to my knees in front of him and take his cock into my mouth while it was still soft, to feel it get hard and fill up my mouth, to press my face into his red pubic hair and suck and lick and go deep until he climaxed into my mouth. To this day whenever I need a "hardon in a hurry" I fantasize about doing that to him. Scott put on some boxers and one of those sleeveless undershirts, he looked even hotter still, and he climbed into bed. He left the lamp on as we talked about nothing for a while, and eventually the talk turned to his interest in the jocks in our play. Scott had "accidentally" come into our classroom as we got changed and seen the guys without shirts on as we put our face makeup on. He was obsessed with what he had seen.

I decided to make a move on Scott. I climbed into bed beside him and told him that I wanted to get to know him better, or something just as stupid. With that I slipped out of my underwear, he looked at me wide eyed as I reached under his shirt and started stroking his chest. Tonight that boy was going to get a full on blowjob from me, I was crossing all the way over to the dark side, period.

I tried to think of what Dan would do. I got Scott naked, pulling off his undershirt as he sat up, reaching in and pulling down his boxers as he lifted his hips. I pulled the covers back for a better look at him. He kind of moaned as I moved my hand down his chest to his stomach and started down to his genitals. I turned my attention from his golden haired chest and neck down past his six pack abs and looked at his long cock laying on his stomach. A light amount of fluid was leaking out from the perfect head.

Beyond the purple rim and down the 7 inch shaft a couple of big testicles were pulled up tight by his anxious scrotum. His bag was covered in reddish peach fuzz. His muscular thighs reflected a golden shine from the single light in the room beside us. I started feeling my way down to his genitals.

Before I could get that far I rolled over a little and put my leg over him, I was getting quite turned on and I wanted the total body experience. I planned to lay on top of him in the missionary position, I even thought I might kiss him. He grabbed hold of my leg and pulled me tight to him, my cock was grinding into his hip. And then I felt his cock starting to jump under my inner thigh, and hot cum shoot between us. Christ, he might have been gay, but I seemed to be his first experience because he couldn't contain his excitement. It was over in seconds. His cock pulsed under my leg as I looked at his straining face, his eyes closed and his head arched back on the pillow. I cleaned his cum off off my leg. I told him it was OK, he held his dying hardon in his hand and gently cleaned up his pubic hair and the strings of cum at the head of his cock.

I didn't get to blow him that night or the next because he came exactly that quickly all over my leg again. Both nights I laid in his bed as he laid beside me, his head on my arm, and stroked me. Both nights I took my time cumming, he was masterful with his hands. He stroked and squeezed, varying his grip and his rhythm, he made a real project out of jerking me off. When I came I pulled him close to me, writhing and bucking my hips, thrashing my head from side to side on the pillow and finally many powerful bursts of cum into a towel I held on my stomach. I regretted that he had been so quick to cum, all I wanted to do was suck him off. Both mornings we woke up beside each other too late to go for another shot at it. I left town and never saw him again.

I was turning into quite the little homo.

So back at the cabin somehow John and I got into a pillow fight and a wrestling match, we were both in our underwear. I never thought of John sexually, but wrestling with him I had become aroused. He pinned me and laid on top of me, crotch to crotch. He was looking in my eyes.

"Oh fuck, here we go!" I thought, I knew what was coming next. I put my hands around his waist, then I slipped them into his underwear and down his ass, pulling off his briefs. Conditioned response, I knew the drill, this certainly explained the strutting around nude in front of me all week.

"What are you doing?" he asked. Screech! Moment lost, severe humiliation. Oh fuck, life was over.

If he could read my mind..."What am I doing? I'm getting ready for you to blow me, stroke me, try to fuck me, just like every other guy I'm ever alone with..."

"Sorry," I stammered.

"No man, it's my fault. You're just a kid, I got you going there. I shouldn't have...sorry."

We untangled and got into bed, turned out the lights. I was still rock hard and I slowly and quietly jerked myself off. Neither of us mentioned it the next day. I was lucky he was cool, and I never saw him again anyway. This homosexual thing was getting out of hand. I counted at this point some 5 guys with whom I had shared mutual orgasm, I still wasn't old enough to vote and I still was absolutely dying to lose my virginity with a girl. It was a confusing time.

Christie and I did date after we got back home. She said she had only left the mess hall because she was embarrassed at being caught by John.

Our relationship ended right after her dad, who hated me, caught us about to do "it" on the hood of his beloved Corvette in the garage. True story, I was finally bare assed naked on top of a girl, my cock was rubbing against the lips of her vagina, I was so close to entry for the first time! Automatic garage door opens, dad and mom sitting in the family car, Christie and I like two naked deer caught in the headlights. I ran so hard, trying to pull up my pants, her mom was laughing, I knew her dad would never hurt his precious only child. But the high school kid fucking his college daughter on the hood of his Corvette? I was worse than expendable.

The universe was truly conspiring against me ever having straight sex.

Dan had gone away to an athletic camp on a scholarship, he'd been gone for about 5 weeks by this time, I was truly dying for human company, tired of masturbating alone. I longed for his return, a safe partner, a sure thing.

I had a part time job at a local burger joint. Jesse, my old neighborhood friend had helped me get it, putting in a good word with the General Manager. Jesse was technically not from our neighborhood, his family lived about 3 miles north of our side of the tracks, next to the river. They had a big piece of property and a small house that his dad had built and improved over the years. As kids Jesse knew his family was considered poor and he had found us and came down to play with us often. Jesse had been part of many circle jerks in the woodlot, I knew the feel of his erection, he had whacked me off too. A couple of years had passed since those days.

It was late August and Jesse and I were closing up at the burger joint. Jesse had the exalted position of team leader, which paid him about a buck an hour more than us. Most of us didn't understand how he got it, he was younger than the college guys who usually had that position. Jesse invited me back to his place for a swim in the river and I saw a look pass between he and John, the General Manager. I didn't think anything of it and accepted.

Back at Jesse's house we parked in his driveway and I left my wallet and watch in his rec room as he grabbed a couple of towels. He turned off the security lighting in the yard and we set off down the property to the river, quite a distance. We skinny dipped in the refreshing water, the greasy burger smell was washed away, and Jesse started to frolic just like old times. We hadn't been naked together since before high school but here was old Jesse splashing me, wrestling me, trying to push me under, and yes, grabbing my balls. One look in his eyes and I could see nothing had changed for him.

We walked back to the house in our towels and went into the rec room, sat on the couch next to each other in the dark, looking out the bay window at the moonlight shimmering on the river. I was speaking quietly and Jesse told me that his drunken parents were definitely not going to hear anything until at least noon, they passed out every night. His sister's room was on the other side of the house two floors up, she wasn't going to be disturbed by anything we did. That sounded ominous.

Jesse wasted no time as he threw open his towel and started stroking his cock with his left hand. Mine started to harden as I stared at him, and he reached over with his right hand and let it flop on my stomach, palm up. He let it trail slowly down to my crotch, and I gladly opened my towel as he wrapped his fist around my hardon and started stroking. I reached over and started stroking him with my left hand, it was old times again for sure.

Like his body, his cock long and thin. Jesse was a bean pole. He was circumcised and like me his cock didn't give off much pre-cum stuff. I was enjoying myself when I was jolted to reality.

"Fuck this, I can do this to myself!" Jesse said. The meaning was clear, he wanted a blowjob. I wasn't sure I was ready to take that step with someone I worked with and went to school with. He might tell everyone, he might think I was a fag, he might not understand or believe that I also liked girls, too!

I thought about it for a moment and I realized that we were older now and that masturbation just wasn't enough to satisfy Jesse. I made the decision to go for it, and I bent over to take him into my mouth. He told me to hang on a minute and stood up in front of the couch. I got a pillow and put it on the floor, and knelt in front of him. In the moonlight shining through the window I had a good look at the cock in front of me.

Jesse had probably 6 or 7 inches, not thick at all. He had a mostly hairless thin body, small little butt, he wasn't athletic but he was wiry. His bag was average size with a light growth of pubic hair, and the area around the base of his cock had a small bush of dark hair. He was no Greek god, no Dan, but I was turned on anyway.

Jesse was impatient, I knew I wasn't going to be the first to do this to him. I also knew that once I started I would have to finish, Jesse had a bit of a mean streak in him, just like his asshole dad. He pushed his cock head against my lips and I opened wide and swallowed his cock.

It was silky smooth around the base of the head, the head itself was smooth.

I let his cock rest on my tongue as I held on to his ass and slowly descended. I got as far as I could go comfortably and felt his pubic hair just brush the end of my nose. I could smell the river on him.

Jesse was holding on to my ears and slowly started to pump his cock in and out of my mouth. I kept up without gagging, I was proud of what I had learned from Dan. I kept trying to take him deeper on the down stroke and made it my goal to have that scrotum brush against my chin. I settled in for a long one and anxiously awaited the burst of cum which I guessed wasn't all that far away. I was giving my first blowjob, I felt proud and made mental plans to reward Dan for his patience when he got home. Jesse was moaning and muttering and I swear I heard him say "bitch" at least once. I did hear him tell me he wanted to try something else as he pulled out of my mouth. "What the fuck else could there be?" I wondered and then I figured it out.

Jesse had gone over to the gym bag he had brought in with him from the car and was unwrapping a condom. I knelt there and watched him in the faint light as he rolled it down his wet cock, then I watched as he reached in the bag and pulled out a tube of KY Jelly. "Oh shit, what the fuck have I got myself into this time?" I wondered.

"I'm going to fuck you." Not a question, not an answer to my silent question, not a warning, just a statement said plainly and coldly. He seemed so angry. I felt like I had started this and I was determined to stay in the game, so I nodded as he came over to me. He pulled a big throw pillow over in front of the window, laid a towel on it and moved around behind me. He knelt down behind me and put his arms around my waist, kneeling so close I could feel his hard cock against my back, his balls resting on the top of my ass cheeks. Jesse was quite a bit taller than me. I could feel him panting on my neck.

He pushed me over until I was on all fours over the pillow and just kept repeating that I should relax. I felt cold lube being spread around my anus, then Jesse gave a grunt and slowly started to enter me.

"Just relax!", he kept repeating as he slowly pushed more of his cock into me. It was uncomfortable, like I was taking a backwards shit, painful and as he got deeper I kept thinking "That's got to be all of it, right?". But it wasn't. My stomach started to ache from the pain and discomfort but Jesse kept going.

Finally I felt his thighs against my ass cheeks and I knew he was all the way in. He pushed me down so I was on my stomach on the pillow, face on the carpet and ass up, and with his hands on either side of me on the floor, started to pump my ass. In and out, muttering things like "that's it, yeah" and questions like "how do you like that?" which I don't think he really wanted an answer to.

I had adjusted to the discomfort and could actually feel a little pleasure, kind of a horny burning from inside me. I was glad he had used lubricant, though. Jesse had reached around and was stroking my cock as he laid his full weight on me and just pumped his hips as he moved his cock in and out of my ass.

It was exhilarating, I was being fucked! We had gone from the chill of a midnight skinny dip to a hot sweaty fuck. I could feel the sweat on his chest dripping on to my back, I was gone to another place. The swell of orgasmic relief was slow in building and promising to be unspeakable.

I felt my own orgasm suddenly shudder out of nowhere at about the same time as Jesse's pumping turned into urgent fucking, that's the only way I can describe it. I had no warning it was coming, and I felt wave after of wave of cum shoot out onto the towel under me as Jesse started fucking in earnest, I could hear his balls slapping against my ass as he pumped in and out.

I was writhing in ecstasy, screaming into a small pillow I had grabbed, I could feel Jesse's hot breath as he buried his head into my shoulder and neck. His pumping had changed from rhythmic and measured to ragged, driving his cock into me, holding it there, then pulling back and driving it home again. Calling out something, clearing his throat, panting. He moved up onto his arms and I looked over at our reflection in the bay window as he arched his head and said something completely unintelligible, and shot his load into my ass. Oh fuck.

I could feel each burst fill his condom on each down stroke of his orgasm, he had a good four or five intense shots, then a few more light ones, then he collapsed on top of me and we laid there as his cock twitched in me.

He fell asleep still in me, and I passed out. I don't know how long we were like that, maybe two minutes, maybe half an hour, but I finally came to as he was stirring and pulling his limp cock out of me. He spoke.

"You should let John do that to you if you want to get a raise." Matter of factly, no shame. I died. "He likes to fuck me, he likes it when I fuck him, he sucks me off, he likes boys, man. He likes you. Should I tell him you're interested? I'd be willing to share, I can't do this with him all the time..." So much for the warm afterglow.


Jesse was a fucking boy whore, John the General Manager's boy toy. The only reason Jesse had been promoted was because he let John do him. John the married guy with two daughters. I felt sick. And I told Jesse to fuck off and die.

I got dressed and left Jesse's house silently. I got my wallet and watch and walked home, my ass and heart aching. I had just had homosexual relations with a fucking boy toy who had only been looking to recruit me for his old fucking fat and ugly sugar daddy. I didn't know how I could ever look into the mirror again.

This exciting new world had suddenly turned ugly.

Epilogue: Look, I kept this incident buried deep inside me until I discovered the Nifty site by accident and decided to write a homoerotic story about my first blowjob thanks to Dan. Out of courtesy to everyone I have used fake names except for mine and Dan's, and I would have given Dan an alias if I'd known I had a series in me. Again, out of courtesy to Dan I have one last story to come about our relationship in our final year of high school and the first few years of college.

Just so you know, I quit work the next day after Jesse and I had sex. Also so you know, when I graduated from business at college I came back to my small city and bought that burger joint. John was still the GM until I fired him the same day I signed the papers.

I don't give a fuck whatever happened to Jesse.


Next: Chapter 6: Blown Away by Dan

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