Blown Away

By jay taylor

Published on Nov 26, 2001


Way to out me on the WWW! Kidding, anyone who reads that already knows which way I swing (both!).

Your story was mostly right but the first chapter didn't tell the whole story of how we did it in my car, so here is my version. It isn't easy reading what someone else writes about you but I should have told you all this when we were kids but I was too scared. I hope you get as big a hard on as I got when I read what you wrote about me.

I think you are way too humble and you are more of a man than you know and a lot of people feel that way. Here's to you!


Jay was the kind of kid everyone respected. Not everyone liked him, but the ones who didn't like him didn't really know him. We grew up together in the same neighborhood and I always admired him.

He was a little guy, about five and a half feet tall. Even before he was a teenager he was physically impressive. He never worked out in a gym but was he in great shape! Every year in the fall his dad would have a couple of truckloads of wood dumped in the driveway and Jay would split the logs and stack them in the basement for the winter. At first it took him nearly a month and a half to do it all, but by the time he was 18 he would have it all done in a weekend. He was quite a sight standing shirtless in the driveway swinging an axe in the cold autumn air. His chest and arms and abdominals were solid, hell, his whole body was awesome, probably because he also shoveled his driveway while the rest of us used snowblowers, used an old fashioned push lawn mower while the rest of us had gas mowers and raked the leaves from three oak trees by himself. Then he would get on his bike and go and do it all again for his grandparents across town. I never heard him complain about his raw hands after chopping the wood or his aching back and he never seemed tired. He was so full of energy all the time. He didn't smoke or drink or do any kind of drugs, not even aspirin.

He went for a long run every morning and during the day he never walked either. He ran between classes, jogged to school, even ran while he delivered papers to the houses on his route. He never had time to join a team at school and barely had time for his first love, music. I know the volleyball coach begged him every year to be on the team, Jay was probably one of the top three volleyball players in the school, but Jay always said he'd rather leave the spot open for someone who really wanted to be there rather than was just good at the sport but didn't want to be there. That's the kind of guy he was, he never wanted to get something for himself at the expense of anyone else.

By the time we were in high school I was so in awe of this guy that I was afraid to speak to him. I knew he would never be rude to me but I always felt shy when he was around.

I saw him stand up for the little guy so many times that I think Jay forgot he was a little guy himself. Once he stood in the doorway of the cafeteria when a bunch of seniors came to haze the freshman class and he told them they would have to get past him first. He was only a sophomore at the time, but no one dared try it and they gave up. I am ashamed I let him stand there alone but I he didn't need anyone's help anyway.

I first started to think about Jay in a different way when I heard him in the locker room with Eugene in our junior year. Eugene was just a small kid who hadn't even hit puberty yet and he had just got cut from the junior football team during tryouts. He was crying and Jay was there with him. I heard Eugene tell Jay that he was going to work out and get tall and big, and his little hairless cock was going to be "this long" and next year he would make the team and no one would laugh at him anymore. Jay told him that he knew he could do all of that and when he made the team Jay promised him he would be there to cheer him on at every game.

The next year Eugene grew and worked out daily, Jay even went for runs with him and when fall came he was well over six feet tall and all muscle. And his little boy cock was now hanging half way down to his knees and all Jay said was "I knew that if anyone could do it you could do it." Eugene made the team and got the nickname "Huge" after his first practice when the guys were all showering together and Eugene came into the shower room naked. Huge body, huge cock, way bigger than mine so I was second biggest. Jay made it to every game afterwards and even got the band to come and march during half time. Huge and I have talked about it and I know for a fact that Huge loved Jay so much he was his personal bodyguard for the rest of high school and Jay didn't even know it.

At the homecoming game one year Jay organized a "Jungle Boogie" pep rally and came out with the band playing two big bass drums strapped side by side over his thick neck wearing only a loin cloth. It took two guys to lift them up and put them around his neck and to help him take them off after, but he carried them himself and made it look like they only weighed a pound because he never stopped smiling that perfect smile. People still talk about how he looked and I know everyone was blown away by how muscular the little dude was, there is a full page picture in our yearbook called "Little Tarzan" and the funny thing is that Jay didn't even know that anyone noticed.

I noticed.

OK, so one night when we were 16 I was with my girlfriend and she started talking about how one of the guys on the football team really hated Jay and how he was going to get him. I guess he was mad because the football coach called Jay in front of the whole gym class and apologized to him for calling him a "little fag" in his junior year and told him that compared to him most of the guys on the football team were the fags. Jay was embarrassed and tried to argue but Mr. Preston just shook his hand and said he was more proud of him than any of the other guys.

So this guy Terry (he died in a motorcycle accident in our senior year) had plotted with his girlfriend Beth Paxton (fake name, so is Terry's but Jay knows who I mean) that she would get Jay over to her house to help her with Shakespeare and then get him all horny and naked and just when he started to fuck her this idiot would burst in and beat the shit out of Jay for trying to rape his girlfriend. I told the bitch I was dating to fuck off forever and I jumped in my car to get over to Beth's house to stop it from happening. When I got there I saw Beth's dad get out of his car and go in to the house, and Beth's boyfriend take off from behind the house and run to his motorcycle down the street. I just waited in my car in case Jay needed help.

Then Beth and Jay came out of the house and walked to the corner and started necking and making out. I saw Terry come up the street on his bike and I got out of my car and stopped him. Anyway, I'm bigger and stronger and I told him I would break his fucking neck if anything happened to Jay and that since they started it Jay should get to finish it with Beth as far as he could get without interruption. Terry saw I was right and he was dead if he didn't let it happen.

Anyway Jay and Beth finished up and he started walking home I guess because he was way down the street the next time I circled the block so I stopped the car and asked him if he wanted a ride. I could see his crotch was still huge and I was impressed with how big the little guy could get. The thing about Jay was that he only looked small with clothes on and I guess that was true in the crotch too. If you never saw him without a shirt on you would never guess what he was packing under there. I saw him without pants on in the showers and he was packing a good unit in there too. OK, I'll describe it.

His cock was not long but it was thick. It was perfect and even the circumcision scar was perfect. He had a thick patch of pubic hair and a good set of balls that swung low when he walked. Standing still the whole package laid on top of his muscular thighs and in pants that made it stand out almost like he always had half a hardon in there. I can admit now that I could never take my eyes off his crotch when he'd come into a classroom and I was already sitting down and I was always afraid Jay or someone would catch me staring. I used to make excuses to take longer in the shower if I knew Jay was on his way or I would get there faster if I saw him go in the change room.

His whole body was all perfect muscle and even though I worked out all the time mine didn't look so compact and tight. His ass was tight and muscular and looked just as good naked as it did it his uniform pants. I had to think about baseball so I wouldn't pop a boner in the shower and I used to jerk off and think about doing it to Jay even when I had a girlfriend and was getting laid regularly. I would sometimes taste my own cum off my hand and pretend it was Jay's.

So he got in my car and we drove a bit and I tried to make small talk and said something about his hard on and I reached over and grabbed his crotch like the guys on the team always do. I didn't know what to do when I discovered he was still sporting a woody because I thought it would be gone by now so I squeezed it and said something stupid. And then he said he had his hand down Beth's pants and I grabbed his hand and smelled it and said I could smell her. It could have been any of the sluts for all I know. Then Jay reached over and squeezed my cock and it got rock hard and he kept his hand there while I drove. I thought cool he wants me too so I drove into the country out of the city and pulled over.

Jay still had his hand on my crotch but I saw him look nervous for the first time ever and I told him to wait a minute and I pulled my pants and jockeys down. I had done a circle jerk with the guys once on a road trip so I figured this was all good.

Jay stroked me and stroked me and stroked me and I watched his hand go up and down my long cock and I saw my bag pull up when he would go up. There was precum everywhere because I leak a lot and it was getting on his hand and so now there was extra lubricant and it felt great. Jay started to change the pace and he was sqeezing then going quick then just doing the top inch under my head up and down real quickly. I thought I was going to shoot in a second then he went down to the bottom of my cock and started feeling my balls. When his hand got tired he switched and I could see his biceps flexing under his shirt and his beautiful eyes just staring at my cock and he was so handsome and I couldn't beleive it. I didn't even know he was into this stuff and he gave good hand.

Then I started to cum everywhere into my t-shirt and I was glad I had taken it off for a rag already. Jay just kept stroking the extra cum out of me and it was awesome and I just wanted to do it again with him and every night after that too.

So it was his turn and I realized he was still dressed so I started to take his pants off after I took his seat belt off and reclined his seat so he could lay back and enjoy a good hand job like I just did. But when I looked down at his perfect cock something came over me. His woody was perfect and straight and dry and man was it thick, like him. I don't know what came over me but I wanted to suck him dry so I just did.

I am so glad that the first cock I ever had in my mouth was Jay's because he was the coolest guy I ever knew and I had been in love with him since grade school. The little prince could have told me to do anything for him and I would have so I sucked him off just to prove it.

His cock tasted so good and it fit in my mouth perfectly and I was glad I had my braces taken off that summer. I went up and down on it and it felt so good and I knew that I wanted to do this a lot. When his cock would get to the end of my mouth I would try and go a little deeper each time. I remember thinking it was like his cock was made for my mouth. I didn't even mind the smell of sweat on his bag but I wanted to try it again with him after a shower next time. I played with his balls and pretty soon he was starting to make noises and move his hips up and down. He was gasping and at first I thought he was choking, then he was tapping my head trying to tell me to stop it because he was going to cum and I just thought fuck you I'm not stopping until you shoot right into my mouth and then he did. His cum tasted sweet and so much better than mine and I remember thinking that I should stop drinking coffee and start drinking lots of water like Jay does because I could taste he was 100% healthy just by his sweet cum.

It was hot and forceful and I was swallowing like a son of a bitch to keep up but I did and I wouldn't let his cock out until it got soft. I knew then that all I wanted to do was suck Jay off every day for the rest of my life. I asked him to keep it a secret because I didn't want the guys to know I like cock as well as cunt. But why should it be a secret when it feels so right?

The End

So that is why you ended up with a blow job that night, Jay, and I am sorry that "Jesse" fucked you so bad. If I had known I would have split the little fucker in half with my fuckstick, I would have made his ears bleed and I would have made your boss beg for more when I did him too. I feel bad that me and Huge left you alone that summer.

You started me on a way of life that I still enjoy but I always wish that you and I could live in the same city and I could blow you once in a while as well. There has been a lot of kinky sex for me with girls and guys and when I see you I will tell you all about it.

Stroke it for me. Write back.

Your friend, Dan

Next: Chapter 7: Blown Away for the Last Time

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