Blown Away

By jay taylor

Published on Jan 10, 2002


This is a culmination of the Blown Away series, which was supposed to be one short story about one event, but which turned into an ongoing saga about my confusing and secret teenaged other-life.

For a guy who only wanted to get the girl, I got nothing but guys....

Here's more:

So Dan had been away to his sports camp for about 10 weeks, I had almost lost my virginity to a real nice girl on the hood of her dad's Corvette, but he had come home and caught us in the act. She dumped me in favor of her dad, he of the classic cars and violent temper. And as summer wore on, I learned the nasty side of sex as I took it up the ass from the boy-toy of my boss, the undiscovered pedophile, but not before I got down on my knees in front of my former friend and gave him head first. It was a lonely time for me. Oh yeah, and I misread the signals from a 20 something college boy and put the moves on him. Thankfully he was cool and put it off to teenaged hormones.

In the final couple of weeks of the summer I hooked up with a real pretty girl named Sandy. She was a couple of years younger than me and I was madly in love with her. I took it real slow, going to movies, bowling, necking by the river. Everyone said we were made for each other and I was sure this one would be forever, so I didn't want to mess it up by letting my cock do my thinking for me. We worked together at the burger joint where boy-toy and asshole pedophile still worked. I could see Jesse's stupid smirk every time Sandy and I would pick up Sandy and we would leave her work holding hands together, it was almost like he was thinking "Yeah, but he sucked my cock and I fucked his ass real good before you two started dating..."

John the manager made moves on me, clearly Jesse had told him about what we had done, and John must have thought that since the groundwork was laid the rest was going to be easy. He'd come up behind me while I waited for Sandy and get way too close if he thought no one was watching, he grabbed my crotch once when he came out of the freezer and said he just wanted to warm up his hands, stuff like that. It creeped me out just to see him and I would almost get physically ill at the thought of going to pick up Sandy at work. Jesse was just mean all the time. One time I accidentally touched his ass when he passed by my desk at school, and he really went off on me, called me a fag. The whole class thought he way overreacted but they didn't know our history.

Sandy and I would kiss and make out on dates, but she complained once that I seemed distracted. It was true, I was. I couldn't get thoughts of Dan out of my mind, I missed him but I was also determined that I would never have sex with a boy again. In the past, every%20time I got hot and heavy with a girl I liked, Dan would invite me over and blow me, and I would lose all interest in girls. These poor girls never knew why I would just dump them like that when everything seemed to be going so well. I really liked Sandy and I didn't want that to happen to us, so I avoided Dan and yet I looked for him at the same time. It became an obsession, kind of like a reformed drunk going into a bar and ordering a drink just to see if he had the willpower to not drink it. And knowing I would lose the battle.

Early October, Dan had been back home a good 5 weeks and I had only caught a glimpse of him once or twice at school, our final year in high school. He had trimmed down quite a bit and if it was possible, was even more cut than before. The bulky weightlifters look was replaced with the muscular look of an athlete. His brown curly hair was now cut short and died blonde, the curls replaced by a more athletic and manageable crew cut look. He had immersed himself in football and it was known that there were college scholarships on the way. He had no time for me anymore. I figured that whatever happened at sports camp had cured him of his homosexuality and the days of blowjobs for me were long gone.

I masturbated at least 3 times a day, and felt like such a loser for doing it. Man, I hated myself for what I had done, the secrets I kept, the way I really enjoyed the company of my girlfriend but had never made a move on her, the way I dreamed about Dan sucking my cock, the way every guy was starting to look like a potential sexual partner to me.

Correction. It was worse than that, only certain guys looked good to me, I was becoming selective and therefore, gay? I would look at a guy and think, "he must be a runner, look at how lean he is" or "he does squats, look at those glutes" or "how come I can't make my crotch look like that in my jeans?" and then reach a conclusion, "Yeah, I'd do him."

I was so horny that I nearly called my pal Seth and offered to pay up on the blow job bet I lost 4 years earlier. I hung up when I heard his voice. I even thought about finding that red headed farm boy I had fallen in love with the year before and fantasized about sucking his cock, going down on him while we drove around in that neat car of his.

I hated going to pick up my girlfriend in a place where the boss and his boy-bitch knew I was vulnerable and in a weak moment I might join their awful club, I didn't want to get sodomized by a middle aged fat guy while my former childhood friend stood by and watched, but it was looking like that was inevitable if I wanted to keep my job. Fuck, Jesse was making life miserable for me at school. I even offered to suck his cock after school if he would just let up on me, and he just laughed and reminded me that he wasn't the one I had to please. And I sat there and saw his cock just bulging out from his pants, inches from my face as he looked down at me and laughed. Even my misery was turning him on.

And I couldn't tell a soul.

And then on a Friday in October, I just got home from school and the phone rang. I recognized Dan's voice and manner of speaking immediately. He asked me what I was doing all weekend, his parents and siblings had gone up to Toronto to celebrate the Canadian Thanksgiving with family and left him alone in the house. He told me to come over for the weekend.

"It'll just be the two of us until Sunday night." Not a request, not even an order, just a statement of intent, I guess.

So I shared my sleeping plans (sort of) with my parents and sprinted over to Dan's house after dinner and a shower, excited and nervous, smelling like Irish Spring. (Manly, yes, but I like it too!) He met me at the door. I took off my shoes.

Not a word of greeting, he stood there with a smile, dressed in his jeans and t-shirt, looking very good as I stepped in the house.

He turned and went downstairs and I followed him silently. While he was away his parents had turned the basement into his own private room, the bunk bed he shared with his brother replaced with his parents' old double bed, blinds on the half window, wall to wall cheap carpeting on the floor, wood paneling walls plastered with posters of sports and rock stars. Small stereo in the corner. Dan took my overnight bag and threw it on the chair beside his desk. He turned off the light.

Pitch black. Couldn't see a thing except the alarm clock. I stood in the darkness and felt Dan's presence as he moved close to me. His breath on the back of my neck. His arm reaching around my waist, pulling me close to him.

Leaning against his chest, holding on to his forearms as he moved his face into my neck.

Both of his hands, wandering now, reaching up undoing the buttons on my shirt from top to bottom, both hands at work as he pulled my shirt out of my pants, then undoing my belt. This guy had missed me. Undoing the top button of my levis, pulling the zipper down carefully over my bulging crotch. Pulling my shirt off and tossing it somewhere, then moving his hands back to my jeans and reaching inside, either side of my hips and pulling them down. I stepped out of them and kicked them off. Pulling up my t-shirt over my head then slowly, slowly running his hands down over my shoulders, my chest, my stomach and into my briefs, around my waist, over my ass, then pulling my underwear away from my crotch and sliding them down, letting them drop as I stepped out of them and they joined the pile of my clothes discarded somewhere in the dark.

Naked except for my socks.

In the dark. I leaned back against Dan. His rock hard body was keeping me standing as my knees went weak and I fell short of breath in anticipation of what was to come.

Then Dan took his own clothes off as we stayed together as one, I felt his bare chest against my back, then his naked thighs against the back of my legs, and finally, gloriously, the only clothing left, the cotton underwear between me and his steel hard cock coming off, gone, just the two of us now, skin to skin, the only light coming from the alarm clock.

My eyes had adjusted to the greenish glow as I watched his wandering hands over my body. Finally he made his way to the center of my being, my throbbing cock, my aching testicles, my pubic hair, my bag, my ass, my nipples, my shoulders. I turned to face him but he pulled away from me and laid down on the bed.

I came over and stood beside the bed, he took me by my bag and guided me until I was on the bed straddling him. He moved me forward and slid his body down and I ended up kneeling over his head, holding on to the headboard of the bed, facing the wall. He adjusted a couple of pillows so he could reach me, then gently, ever so gently, took my testicles into his mouth. Both at the same time, one at a time, licking, sucking, pulling them down, blowing on them lightly, loving them. His hands wandered up from between us, between my legs, over my thighs, up my abdomen as far as he could reach and then back down to my shaft, stroking, rubbing, jerking me.

My cock was just screaming for some warmth, but it seemed that he had missed my entire body as much as my cock missed his mouth, and he was taking his time exploring every square inch of me.

In supreme horniness and barely controllable passion I tried to turn so I could get my lips onto his shaft, get into 69 position and push my hair trigger cock into his mouth, but he gently and firmly held me in place, facing the wall, my flushed face pressed against the cool paper of the poster of some football player on the wall behind his bed. I was in fucking delirious agony as his tongue boldly explored some very tender territory, almost slipping into my asshole as my mind reeled in disbelief and wonder at what Dan must have been up to at sports camp that summer. Nobody makes this shit up, somebody had to have shown him. He stopped short of rimming me, each of us had things we considered "too gay" to do, but over that weekend we came dangerously close to doing them all. And I trembled and gasped as his tongue made its way up my scrotum to the base of my cock.

He stopped to rest a bit and pulled me down so that I ended up in a squatting position on his chest. I lifted as he adjusted the pillows and moved so that he was laying with his head against the headboard, kind of like you'd read a book in bed. He lifted me forward by my ass and I moved my knees into his armpits, and when we were in place, he put his lips on the head of my cock, then holding me by the balls slowly took me all the way into his mouth. Inch by inch in a process that seemed to take hours he swallowed me, until his nose was pressed into my pubic hair. We rested like that for a moment, then he reached around to my hips and started me pumping his mouth slowly. The beauty of this position was that he was comfortable, no neck strain, no aching knees, totally in control and I did all the moving. This became known to me as the "face fuck", different from a blowjob in which the one doing the blowing does almost all the work. It became our favorite position. I don't know who the fuck showed him this, but I have to thank him or her for it.

Several times Dan would need a break, and he would guide me down so I was sitting on his crotch as he massaged his jaw with one hand and jerked my cock with the other. He was clearly turned on by the feel of my ass on his cock, he moaned and bucked his hips gently as I sat there. His long wet cock would lie between my ass cheeks and under my balls and he made no attempt to enter my anus. But man was he turned on.

I can't tell you how long this slow face fuck went on, well into the night. Every time I got close to the finish line Dan would sense it and have me stop and sit on his mammoth boner until I had come down from the edge and was ready to continue. He didn't want this to end and I didn't either. But finally he spoke the only words he had said since I walked into the house when he told me to "go for it, don't stop until you're done."

And so I did. I got back up and started fucking his mouth, but this time with a purpose. I'd do little strokes so just the head of my penis was moving in and out, then go deep and long for a while, then back to short quick pumping. All the while he kept up, and I could feel the cool air as he breathed out of his nose into my very damp pubic hair. My balls were soaked with his saliva as he slurped and sucked and did his best to keep up, never letting go of my hips or ass as he guided my motions in and out of his mouth. When he sensed I had had enough and was near the end, I think my moaning gave it away, he reached up and started stroking my abdomen with one hand as he cupped my balls with the other. I could tell he was getting tired and out of concern I wanted to finish as soon as I could, but he had kept me up for so long that even in my state of being fully loaded with the safety off, it could happen at any time, it could happen never.

Without the fear of being caught I let down my guard and was quite loud. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh Dan, oh my God, holy shit...." He was humming and grunting, the bastard, he knew what he was doing.

From somewhere, everywhere, from the outer reaches of every part of my body, it came. Everything I had in me focused on the length of my cock which by this point seemed huge and full, and the ache in my balls ended suddenly as gallons of boiling cum rushed through my cock and out into Dan's waiting mouth. A second, more violent torrent of cum came just after, and a third, and a fourth. I was seeing stars as I arched my head up and strained the sinews in my neck and called out, "Oh fuck, oh Dan, holy shit...."

As my cock drained the last of whatever I had left, as it twitched in Dan's mouth and I leaned forward and panted hot air down my chest and onto the top of Dan's beautiful head, as I lost the ability to think or speak or see....

I came to as Dan turned on the bedside lamp, I was still sitting on his crotch and I had my head buried in his chest, my arms around his neck where they had fallen when I let go of the headboard, I was finally getting air...

"You O.K., man?" Between us there was cum everywhere, all over my chest and stomach, and Dan's. Fuck, this was so hot, I had set Dan off when I collapsed on top of him, I guessed. His jism was cooling and getting sticky, God only knows how long we'd laid like this, how long I was out. "You O.K., man?"

Dan rolled me off gently so I was laying beside him, he sat up and grabbed my t-shirt off the floor and I watched as he cleaned up the cum all over his chest and stomach and pubic hair, as he squeezed his half erect cock and the few remaining drops pearled out of the slit, as he rubbed the folded shirt over his scrotum, then handed it to me. I was having trouble focusing so he took it from me and started wiping his cum off my chest and stomach, when he got down to my genitals I took it from there and cleaned myself up. Dan got up and went into the bathroom behind the door beside his bed that I hadn't noticed when I first walked in, I heard the water running as he brushed his teeth. I heard the rush of a shower and he came out with a towel around him, "Your turn." A man of so few words. I took a quick shower. When I came back into the room Dan was passed out under the covers on the far side of the bed. We hadn't discussed arrangements but clearly the other side of his bed was mine. I lifted the covers quietly and checked to see what Dan was wearing - nude. Cool. I climbed in beside him and reached over and turned out the light.

In the middle of that night, or maybe the next, I don't recall, I woke up with a raging hardon being stroked by the blonde god who was pressed up behind me, his monster cock pressing against my ass. Something was covering the alarm clock so I couldn't even tell what time it was. We laid like that as I made my way out of the mists of exhaustion, and Dan pressed his cock persuasively against my asshole. If he reaches for a condom, I thought, this relationship will have gone to a whole new level. For safety's sake I hoped he would, for the sake of innocence and teenaged horniness, I hoped he hadn't planned the weekend that well. He hadn't.

"I want to fuck your ass." Not a request, but not quite a demand. "Do it," I answered. I pulled my knees up towards my chest as he slowly pushed his cock into me. The natural lubricant he leaked so copiously was doing the job, and it wasn't too uncomfortable. He was a lot larger than Jesse but it didn't seem to bother me as much as the first time when Jesse fucked me. Gradually, slowly, he got his cock into me, and after what seemed like forever I could feel his thighs against my ass. He rolled me onto my stomach, never letting go of my now very erect member.

It was over pretty quickly. He humped me a few times, then panting hard and biting my shoulder gently, licking between my shoulder blades and squeezing my cock and balls so hard I thought they'd fall off, I felt him spasm and a gush of hot cum filled my passage.

I might have only been 18, but I knew the difference between getting fucked and being made love to.

When he could move, Dan gently withdrew and then helped me to the shower so we could both clean up. With the bathroom door open the large shower area lined up perfectly with a full length mirror on the closet door on the other side of the room. If you didn't mind a little water on the floor you could leave the curtain open and watch yourself in the shower. I guessed that was a favorite pastime of Dan's since he set it up for us to do, and we soaped and massaged each other under the hot spray as we watched ourselves in the distant mirror.

I explored and discovered and appreciated Dan's awesome maleness, his muscular, toned and tanned body, his long legs, his ridges of abdominal muscles, the way his nipples pointed down at the end of the rock hard pectoral muscles, his wide neck, his perfectly muscled back, his thighs, fuck, even his calves. Watching him do me in the mirror I was surprised at how muscular I was too, I hadn't ever given it much thought before.

He gently soaped my ass, and I stroked his cock and pubic area clean with a handful of shampoo. We dried off and fell into bed together.

The next morning after we had slept in we had breakfast together in the sun room, looking out over the back patio as the warm autumn sun shone through the glass doors, half sprawled in the cushioned chairs, legs apart, hanging there naked together. And being very careful with our hot coffee. I guess Dan felt he owed me one after doing me in the middle of the night, and as we just sat there staring out over the yard he suddenly dropped to his knees in front of me and took my cock into his mouth, and blew me. I was once again blown away as I came to the realization that this young man, athlete, football star, the boy all the colleges were vying for, the all American kid, the stud, was totally enamored with me. Me. He just couldn't get enough of me.

The rest of the weekend went like that, we took the afternoon to drive way out of town and do some rock climbing together in the crisp Autumn air. It was quite a turn on to be out and about with Dan after having to avoid each other in our own town, but we didn't fuck it up by having sex in a public place like the hills we were exploring. It would do no good to be busted by a Smokey, and we had his house to ourselves for another night and a full day after that.

Years later in my restaurant I heard one young cook ask another how many times he thought he could "do it" in one night. "Seven", I answered automatically. They just stood there in shock and I blushed at how fast the answer had slipped out of me, unasked. "Sounds like the voice of experience," one said, impressed. If you only knew, I thought.

After the weekend of sex with Dan, in which we did almost everything a few times, I broke up with Sandy. Actually, I missed our date on Saturday night and felt so bad because I was in bed with Dan when I should have been at the movies with her, I had to break up out of guilt. Of course she never knew why.

After that weekend Dan and I went back to being strangers in public, but frequent visitors to each other's bedrooms in real life.

In my college years I roomed with a cool guy who was quite the Romeo. We used to have a few drinks and chat about his sex life, I couldn't believe what this guy could get up to with so many different women.

Dan stopped by to visit unexpectedly one time, and fortunately my room mate had planned to go over to his girlfriend's house anyway. We all had a few drinks together and Jim left for the night.

Dan and I were soon getting to know each other again in my bed, making up for lost time, it had been a couple of years since I had been with anyone, guy or girl. Dan was laying on my bed in naked ecstasy, vulnerable and lonely.

"Fuck me, Jay," he moaned. I had never seen him like this. I froze. He knew my answer before I said it.

"I can't." It was just too gay for me. After all I had done with him and a few other guys in my life, I still couldn't let go and just do what felt good.

Dan gave me a magnificent blow job, then left before I could satisfy him. His cock had died after I had refused his only request of me, ever, and I couldn't get it back to life no matter what I tried. We never saw each other again and I went on to finally lose my heterosexual virginity to the first girl who nearly got it, Beth Paxton.

I could tell you about how once again we came so close to being caught by her dad, in glorious detail, but if you've read this far, face it, you aren't interested in this or any of my heterosexual adventures.

On a final note, my college room mate and I got a little drunk on Jack Daniels one night, and as we sat around puffing cheap cigars and talking about his sexual conquests, he said he had done everything sexual it was possible to do with another person.

"Person?" I asked.

"A chick, I mean." Silence. Uncomfortable pause. "You ever thought about doing it with a guy, Jay?" What the hell, I was drunk anyway.

And then it was his turn to be blown away.

True story.

thanks for writing!

Next: Chapter 8: Blown Away at Sports Camp

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