Blown Away

By jay taylor

Published on Jan 17, 2002


Dan here. This is my version of events. Jay said I could contribute to the series. I don't write as well as he does, but my fiancee edited for me. Bisexual stuff between teen boys. Read at your own risk.

Blown Away at Sports Camp:

Sports Camp affected me deeply. The whole summer with about 100 guys all in the prime of their athleticism and sexuality. It was inevitable that there would be homosexual activity.

I came into camp a cocksucker having spent the last 8 months giving Jay head on a regular basis. But I had no intention of spending my summer that way.

I lost my virginity to my friend's mother when I was 13. I had biked over to the nice side of town to visit Shawn at his perfect house and found that his Dad had taken him and his sister to the club for some tennis, leaving Mrs. H. at home alone. She invited me to stay for some lemonade and a swim in the pool, and then seduced me. She told me that if I ever wanted to have sex with her again, all I had to do was ask. I came back to her at least 5 or 6 more times that summer, and I learned a valuable lesson, all you have to do is ask. Some guys never learn that.

Shawn's sister gave me my first start to finish blowjob when I was 15. I asked her to.

Over that summer of sex with Mrs. H. I grew a lot taller, my cock got huge, my balls dropped and I got real hairy everywhere. My voice changed and I had to start shaving once a week. I always associated becoming a man sexually with becoming a man physically. By the time I entered high school I had the biggest cock in the locker room and I knew everyone was watching me every time I had a shower after gym class.

I fucked a lot of girls, but it's only the law of averages. A famous athlete once said you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I never missed an opportunity to score, and even though I struck out more than I scored, I still got laid a lot more than any guy I know. I learned to ask like a gentleman and got my face slapped a lot less often, got laid a lot more often. I returned to Mrs. H frequently over the years to learn more, to show her what I had learned.

I'm no dog. I show respect to every woman I have sex with. I really love making love with a beautiful woman. The way they smell, the way a woman's breasts hang and fall off to the side when she's laying in my bed, her soft hands on my scrotum, the little sound she makes when she's having an orgasm, the way my cock feels like it's home when I'm in a woman. The way a woman grips my hard penis and strokes it when I'm running my fingers lightly on her clit, the gush of juice running down my bag when she's bouncing on my lap, fuck I could go on. The way they're fascinated by my cock, like it is the last piece of the puzzle they just have to finish, how it just fits, it just belongs.

The way her smell lingers on my fingers, lips and pubic hair. Sometimes when I go straight to the gym after leaving a woman's bed the heat of my workout brings the smell back again and even after a hard workout and soothing shower I have to run home and have her again and again. I don't care how exhausted I am.

I love standing naked in front of her as she stares and watches and finally gives in and goes right for my cock. Getting out of bed naked and knowing she's watching my every move. I love watching her stand naked in front of me, admiring my body as I fall in love with every inch of her. Her softness pressed to my rock hard body. Being stronger. Knowing that I turn her on more when I'm in a tuxedo but that she can't wait until she can get me undressed.

Sex with a chick when you're both hot and anything goes. A face full of wet cunt, her pungent juice running down over my chin. Doing her from behind and knowing its good for her because I can't hold on much longer myself. Cumming and cumming and cumming into her, then collapsing beside her and sucking her nipples like a baby. Passing out.

Making love, me on top of her, me inside her, feeling her fingernails rip into my shoulders and ass, going on for hours until she's begging me to stop, then shooting white hot semen as her vagina contracts on my cock, squeezing me, pushing me to even greater ecstasy.

Letting go of everything I'm supposed to be while I share with her all that I am. All of me, no holding back. Knowing its not enough, knowing its more than she's ever had from any other man. Open, and completely at her mercy.

But thanks to Jay I discovered that all that I love about being a man can be shared with a man. Going naked into a homosexual encounter, rock hard, every muscle in my body straining and tense, and meeting the same thing, getting it all back in return. A woman yields, a man resists and sometimes wins.

The best part about having sex with a man is the way he totally focuses on his cock when he's on the brink of orgasm. He stares at it, watching my hand move up and down, watching it move in and out over my lips, lifting himself up on his hands and looking down at himself as he fucks me. Knowing that no matter how strong, how accomplished, how successful he is, at this moment he is totally in my control and I am in his. He will say or do anything I want if I will just let him finish. He hopes it will never end.

The best thing about sex with Jay was what the orgasm meant to him. It was a total body experience, he never lost focus. What a turn on, what a reward to hear him call out, lose himself, give himself to me. Jay fully experiences orgasm like no one I know. That's why I loved to prolong it, bring him to the brink and back off again, just to make it that much better when I finally cut him loose.

And being that guy myself when another guy, just as fit, just as handsome, just as strong, does it all to me.

I never even jerked off for the first time until I was 20. I didn't have to.

Even then, I have only jerked off maybe 10 times in my life. The first time was during final exams when my college room mate and I were sitting in the dorm, in our underwear, studying like madmen. I was so fucking horny but I didn't have time to go trolling for action. I said so, out loud, just like that, and asked my buddy if he felt like taking care of me. I told him if I didn't cum soon I would lose my sanity.

I guess he thought I was joking because he didn't say a word, just got up and got a Penthouse magazine and one of his ragged t-shirts and dropped on the desk in front of me. "Page 112. I'll be back in half and hour." And he left.

It was a graphic photo lay-out of two naked chicks going down on a naked guy. Hmmm. Bi-curious room mate? When he came back exactly 30 minutes later I was laying on my bed, stark naked, still leisurely stroking myself. He sat down on his bed and watched me. "What the fuck is taking you so long?" We were both jocks and pretty open with each other, we never tried to hide our morning hard ons and each of us had done a chick in the room while the other guy was trying to sleep.

He didn't believe me at first when I told him this was my first time ever doing myself and wasn't this what every guy does? He watched me intently and his sweatpants were just tenting out like crazy, but even if he came over and wanted to do me now there was no way, since I was going to jerk off alone, I was going to jerk off alone. Eventually I shot into his t-shirt and relieved the tension in my groin, and then watched him strip off his clothes and jerk himself from zero to sixty in about 30 seconds. I was fucking amazed. We both ended up lying in our beds, gripping the balled up t-shirts over our dying cocks, laughing out loud until I thought I'd bust a gut over what had just happened. He couldn't believe I could do it for so long, I couldn't believe he was so fast. Fucking college memories.

The last time I jerked off alone was about 3 days ago when I read Jay's story about our weekend together. For me it was also the most erotic and sexually charged weekend I have ever had, the best sex ever until I met my fiancee Danielle. That's why I'm going to marry her. She's fucking awesome in bed, she's OK with my alternate lifestyle, and I love her. She hasn't made me forget Jay, but there are times when she makes me forget my own name. I could have read Jay's story and waited till Danielle got home, but what he wrote about was personal and I wanted to experience it alone. So I fucking took another 45 minutes out of my life to stroke my own cock and relive the memory of Jay.

OK, so back at camp. It's relevant to that weekend Jay writes about.

A bunch of us made a pact not to jack off and see who could go the longest. I was only in on it because I knew I'd win since I'd never whacked off anyway. One by one they dropped out until I was the last man "standing" about 6 weeks later. My buddy Mark from the west coast and I made an arrangement that I would stand guard at the door of the shower room while he went in and jacked off, then he would do the same for me. He went in and came back like 10 minutes later and told me it was my turn. I said I didn't need to because I don't jerk off. He didn't believe me but when he looked in my face he knew I wasn't lying. "Come here, you've earned it." He took me into the shower room and we both dropped our towels and well as dropping our guard. Anyone could have walked in and caught us but I didn't care. My cock was on fire. Mark got up beside me and put one arm around my waist and grabbed hold of my cock with the other hand and started stroking me. He told me not to get all hung up about a guy touching me (no problem) because he had never gone one-on-one with a guy before either, but since we were friends and I had earned it he was going to make sure I got it. (Again, no problem). It took a while but I was totally into it watching his hand stroke up and down my long shaft, watching him as he watched my cock, he was so into it. I had my arm around his shoulder and he was kind of leaning against my chest. His other hand occasionally wandered over the muscles of my ass. His bicep flexed as he stroked up and down. His cock was getting hard against my hip. The head of my cock was a deep purple when I finally shot my jism onto the wall of the shower, Mark just kept stroking until he was sure I was done. We both showered up and cleaned off the wall. Nothing like that happened with Mark again.

We'd both done circle jerks before but never been situated so that we had even touched each other. One memorable circle jerk happened outside the barracks at about two in the morning. It had been a rough day and we were all sitting in a circle around a fire we had built, wrapped in blankets from our bunks, some guys sharing a blanket. Everyone was in their skivvies or naked under their blankets. Anyway, one thing led to another and the jerking began. Huge was directly across from me.

If you have read Jay's stories, Huge was actually a guy named Eugene who was hung like a horse. Me, him and a pretty boy named Bob were the only guys from our town at this Sports camp. Huge was in the Leadership program with me, Bob was in the gymnastics program.

In the end, all the guys in the circle had cum onto the sand, monster black cock Richard (or Big Dick as we called him) on my right was first. I prided myself on being adept at making my guy cum first or last, whatever I decided it would be. Just Huge and I were still in the game. Every fucking thing at that camp was a competition.

The guys on our left were complaining about sore arms, so the rules changed and it was decided that Huge and I would face off for the title. So we stood together facing each other and jacked each other off. I tried not to think about that huge cock in my hand, and that fucker Huge just looked me in the eyes with that stupid little smirk he always had when he was competing one on one. I would have won because I had him close, I felt him spasm once but he willed it down, but then he leaned forward and whispered in my ear "I'd rather have yours in my mouth" or something like that. I knew he was lying, but his lips brushed my ear when he said it (on purpose the bastard) and I just started cumming and cumming and everyone was cheering and laughing and then he shot his load all over my chest and stomach. Some of the guys were hard again and were stroking themselves as they watched us. It was fucking erotic I must admit. Two big tall handsome dudes, the two best hung guys in camp, from the same home town, stroking each other in the light of the campfire. Huge had a beautiful smile and a perfect body. Handsome boy, high cheekbones. Nice ass. Long circumsized cock that hung way down past his huge balls when it was soft. It came up well past his navel when it was hard. I didn't think one that big could get so hard, but we were only 18. Now I knew what people were thinking when they saw mine for the first time, except even more. His pubic hair was auburn color. Any one of the guys watching us would have done anything to switch places with either of us. At that moment we had all forgotten about chicks, at that moment we were all gay.

Later in the shower room I asked him if he meant it about the blowjob. He told me to wake him up anytime but I never did. Summer ran out before even one night came and went when I wasn't so exhausted I couldn't wake up. I know one night I woke up with the biggest hard on I had ever had and I felt a hand on it. When I could focus the hand was gone but I saw Huge climbing into his bunk. I whispered out to him what he was doing but he just smirked and turned his back to me. I was never sure if it was a dream. Back home I made a move on Huge once when we were both drunk and he pushed me off and said we weren't at camp anymore. Oh well, I had that cock in my hand once and he had mine in that big paw of his.

Bob the gymnastics fag from our town pissed me off once when he was talking trash about Jay. I confronted him when we were alone on an overnight camping trip in the mountain, and the pretty boy broke down and started crying like a baby. "Don't hit me, I'll do anything." He was kneeling in front of me and my cock started to get hard. I couldn't fucking help it and I didn't try and hide it either. He noticed, it was hard not to, we had just come from a swim in the rapids and we were both still in our swimsuits.

(Me in cut off jeans, him in speedos. Asshole.)

This was the closest thing to rape I have ever done, but I hated that guy and I still do. I told him that since his mouth had got him into trouble with me, why shouldn't his mouth be the thing that gets him out of trouble. I told him to think of something to do with it before I knocked his teeth out. The fucking guy had said some really mean stuff about my Jay, and I realized that I was as much in love with the little dude back home as I had ever been with anyone.

You gotta understand. Bob had been tormenting Jay back home every day. Jay thought they were friends and had no idea what rich kid Bob was saying behind his back, making fun of him, calling him white trash, stuff like that. I couldn't do anything about it because back home Jay and I were supposed to be strangers. Bob would walk home with his pack of snobby friends and they would laugh at Jay when he would say goodbye to Bob and head over to our side of the tracks. Jay never knew.

So Bob looked at my rising cock and begged me. "Don't make me, I don't want to, oh please.." which just turned me on even more. I told him it was his choice, but truthfully it wasn't much of a choice. I was going to pound the fuck out of him, we were alone in the wilderness for the night, and I was way bigger than him.

He undid my top button and I pulled down my zipper. I looked down over my rock hard torso to my rock hard cock surrounded by damp pubic hair, jutting out from the open jean shorts, Bob on his knees staring at it. He pulled my shorts down over my thick thighs and put his hands on my hips and ass as I scanned the area to make sure there were no hikers or other campers. The cool mountain breeze felt awesome as I stood in the sunshine, naked and exposed in the great outdoors. The wind of his breath on my bag as he just stared at my growing hard on felt cool. He was on his knees looking up at me past my cock which was now looking straight up at me too. Big brown fucking puppy eyes, welling up, looking for mercy. Finding none. He put his mouth on my cock and licked the precum. After a moment, he leaned forward and took some more in. I took hold of his head and moved my hips.

What a fucking sight to watch my cock move in and out of his mouth, over his lips. Seeing him gag, then pull away and beg me to accept his humiliation as complete. Bullshit. This guy had sucked my cock for all of 30 seconds. Was pretty boy a fucking virgin? He obviously had never had a blowjob himself if he thought that's all there was to it. "I'm going to fucking cum in your mouth and you are going to fucking swallow it so let's get it over with. You fucking offended me and my friend so don't blame me." Bob put his pretty little mouth with the perfect teeth back on my cock but this time he was angry and in tears again. I had to warn him to watch the teeth or I'd knock them out and still fuck his mouth, and there was nothing he could do to stop me.

So I fucked his face and he gagged and slurped and cried. After a while he actually started getting good at it, but I think now that he was just in shock. I held on to his head and rammed my cock home and shot load after load into his mouth, then when I was done and I knew he had swallowed all of it, I threw him to the side. I picked up his shirt and wiped my cock off and threw it at him. The worst part, the part I feel guilty about sometimes is that when I looked down at his crotch he wasn't hard. He didn't have an erection, the guy truly was straight and didn't want to blow me. He just lay there trembling and crying so I can't convince myself this was anything but rape. I told him to stop crying and go rinse his mouth out, then keep it shut forever or I'd do it again.

But if you haven't been to an all guys camp which is designed to be a brutal, character building experience, you can't understand that this was par for the course. If I was smaller or weaker it would have been me taking it from some bigger guy. The first year I went it nearly happened to me but I was saved by my aggressive stance. I have never backed down.

I'm not sorry Bob. You shouldn't have fucked with my friend's trust. And like the pretty boy faggot coward that you are you never said a word to anyone. You still won't. As an act of mercy I changed your name so it's still our secret.

OK, I'll finish up with the experience that made me want to go home to Jay and show him how much I loved him. The reason that the October weekend turned out to be the fuckfest of my life.

Old guy, about 40, Leadership instructor. Took an interest in me from day one and I'd been around enough to know when it's my body someone wants. We finally got some time alone after a whole summer of him just happening to show up when we'd all be taking showers, or coming to work out with us then sitting naked with us in the sauna, pretty obvious to me. So I came right out and asked him what he had in mind when he invited me, just me, to come back into town to watch some movies at his apartment. There were pictures of his wife and kids on the side table.

He started shaking and got all upset and after I admitted that I had had sex with a few dudes before but I liked girls more, he admitted something of his own past. He said he'd had a friend who meant more to him than anyone and they had discovered sex together all through their teenage years. It sounded familiar, except he hadn't seen his buddy in 20 years and he was married with kids and had never been with a guy since then. He was faithful to his wife in one way, but he was lying to her in another, because lately all he could think about was having one last gay encounter before he was too old for anyone guy to want him. It was fucking sad.

He told me I was the best looking young man he had ever laid eyes on, I was perfect, and I was the first guy to ever tempt him so much that he'd break his marriage vows just to spend a night with me.

Fuck of a confession. I wouldn't let him do it. Don't get me wrong, this was an easy score and I was fucking horny all the time anyway. For forty he looked about 30, was in great shape and yeah, I had sprung one thinking about doing it with him too. I'd watched him while he instructed and got that teenaged boy crush thing, I'd had a dream about him fucking me. But I couldn't do it.

I told him he should get his house in order before he came to me. Such fucking wisdom from an 18 year old, I think it was the last smart thing I ever said.

So when I got back home to Jay I swore I would not turn into that 40 year old tormented guy, that no experience would go unlived. No truth would go untold. I am what I am. Take it or leave it.

Jay and I sucked and fucked and stroked that weekend away, and my most memorable experience of it was when he was exploring my body in the broad daylight and he discovered that I shaved my chest and armpits, trimmed down my pubic hair and shaved my scrotum. He was fucking fascinated and we ended up shaving him down too.

And I fucked him up the ass for the second time that weekend, and it took all day to do it right, and he sat on my lap, I laid him on his back, he laid face down with a pillow under his crotch, we did it all. This time we did it right with condoms and lube I bought in another town when we spent the day rock climbing. All fucking day we were naked, never got dressed once until Jay had to go home. Even when the pizza guy came to the door. I didn't fucking care but Jay stayed out of sight. Jay never fully returned the favor, but he made sure I was satisfied otherwise. He's got it right when he says I ached for the feel of his cock in my ass. I've taken it that way several times in my adult life, but every time I think about it I wish it would be Jay who had taken me first.

By the time I finally shot my load in him we were flushed and sweaty and both of us were incoherent, and I shot cum like I'd never cum before. I don't even know how either of us managed our morning jog on Monday, but we did. He went home Sunday night, my parents came home, and life got back to normal.

Fuck I loved that Little Tarzan, I've been with a few guys and many women since, but there is only one Jay. It is Jay who truly has always left me "blown away".


Next: Chapter 9: The Bet

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