
By Richard McQueen

Published on Jan 11, 2022


Story: Blueblood: VH5 Exposed

Chapter 1 Dragons in Manhattan

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

Colin and Devon bring Vlad and Gaius to Manhattan.

Dragons in Manhattan

Things could have been worse. Agent Fane Jacobs did have questions, but Dr. Petran had told him and verified what we said about the V5H and treatments was true. If he didn't trust her, he needed to find someone else to ask about what she'd been given to verify. The Prime Minister of Romania told him unless he had something to charge us with, we should be thanked for helping and let it drop! So, Agent Jacobs dropped it.

Colin got with the others from Romania that was staying. There was the vampire we met first saying he was Dracula. Christian? He was smart! Alin was sharp and was more comfortable with the technology than Christian. He and Christian came to the caverns where the VUN-EE was going to be at first. They had the needed space there! Stan worked with them on Buddy. Christian, like Alin had been out seeing the world since he got the serum. He had come back after hearing what happened. Alin was fine with this technology. We set up the VUN-EE in what had been Dragon's Caverns...or as it was called by Mark and it stuck, Dragon's Lair. I liked the name. It took about a week to get things straightened out for us to feel safe leaving them alone. We were bringing two men back to America that had no IDs! They had been outside the world for centuries, but you couldn't tell people that. Talking with Ruben, Senator Cooke, and Congresswoman Chance, they were making arrangements for refugee status for both Dragon and Gaius. Colin, me, Gaius, and Dragon got on a computer video phone call with Ruben.

"What name should I put down?" Ruben asked us.

The other computer was set so Ruben saw all of us on screen.

Dragon looked at Gaius and smiled, then looked at the computer again. "Vlad Dragon."

Ruben nodded. `"And you?" He asked Gaius.

"Gaius..." Gaius said, but was interrupted by Dragon.

"Gaius Dragon." Dragon said quickly smiling and taking Gaius' hand. "It is legal in the United States to marry?" He looked at Colin and I and asked, "It's common practice for couples who marry to have the same last name. The two of you share one." He turned to Gaius. "We could use my former family names Tepes, or yours..."

Gaius' eyes went from left to right as he thought, "If I could remember what it was..." he chuckled as he scratched his head. "It has been a while since I used it. Nicolae uses his mother's last name."

"It would be a new last name for both of us," Dragon said.

Gaius' eyes grew to look at Dragon. "Wait a minute, isn't someone supposed to ask first!?" His smile was there.

Dragon sat back smiling at the person he loved. "Gaius, we've been together off and on for nearly five centuries. Do I need to ask? Why should I ask? Why don't you ask me?"

"Okay, will you marry me?" Gaius asked.

Dragon chuckled and nodded. "And there's only us from now on."

"That's what a marriage is for!" Gaius stated obviously. "Well?"

Dragon chuckled. "Yes, I'll marry you." He said and again true to his words, kissing Gaius and not caring if anyone saw it.

Ruben just looked a little confused. "Okay, Vlad and Gaius Dragon. I'll enter that, we'll just tell them with your countries restrictions you couldn't marry. You can do it legally when you get here."

I patted Dragon...or Vlad now, happily excited. "Yes! I knew it! That's two weddings we'll be having!"

Colin shook his head at me but smiled. "There won't be any problems with INS or anything, will there?" He asked Ruben.

Ruben shook his head. "No, whether they apply for Immigration or not, we'll have documents they can use. Just fly into that private airport and fly them here. It happens all the time, with no permission given many times. They will have that. It will be fine. We'll be there when you arrive." Then he grinned. "How's everyone else?"

"Everyone else is fine," I said. "All agents have worked extremely hard."

"Okay, how's Alex?" Ruben smiled asking more specifically.

I grinned. "My son is fine."

"Your son!?" Ruben said in surprise and thought a second then nodded with a chuckle. "I guess he is now." He shook his head. "This whole age thing works against my head. Gabriella is Colin's daughter while Colin looks too young to have a daughter that mature, you married Colin making her your daughter or stepdaughter and Alex marries mind has a hard time with it." Ruben smiled. "Does that make you my great-great step-uncle or something?" He shook his head. "I don't know...we're related somehow." He smiled at us. "It was a good thing you meeting me in Central Park that day. Whether we are or not related. We'll be ready when you arrive." He looked at Vlad and Gaius. "I'll welcome you when you get here, gentlemen."

Colin ended the connection with a satisfied sigh. "We have only a few more days here, then we fly to New York."

Vlad looked at us. "You say that so casually. I've seen those things go through the sky, but I never dreamed I'd be in one."

"Thousands fly all the time now all around the world." Colin smiled. "You'll be fine." He gave Dragon's arm a quick pat. Dragon didn't look comforted.

Stan came to us later. "Okay. I have a webpage I began. Since this," he patted the CPU, "is an extension of Buddy, it will be programmed on Buddy himself, so everywhere Buddy is. I've scanned Alin's, Christian's, Edwin's, and Matt's eyes. I even did Sarah's for backup. Now I need to do yours."

"Our eyes," I said to be clear.

Stan nodded. "It's good security. Ocular scanners work the best." He waved at the computer. There was nothing odd. "If you'll sit here." He pointed to a stool by the CPU. He pulled a long...pole from the side with a ball looking thing toward the top turned it so this...eye faced us. The camera? "Just look straight ahead at the lens." He pointed to the little camera. Then at the keyboard, he typed quickly. I didn't see anything, no lights or anything.

Stan nodded. "Okay, Colin, you're next." He waved Colin to replace me in the chair.

"But Stan, nothing happened," I said waving at the device.

Stan chuckled. "Yes, it did." He hit a few more keys and pointed to the monitor. "See?" The odd image with those lines...all white except for the strange red streaks in a complex pattern appeared. "You want a light show!? This is your eye. More complex than the fingerprint so more secure. That's you!" He waved me away. "So, scoot, it's Colin's turn."

"Who says scoot anymore!?" I grumbled. "I've never seen this." I touched the odd thing with the ball camera.

Stan smiled looking more amused than bothered. "What I needed was a...more directed scan. Buddy can do it without this, but for something more detailed, like the eye, I use this." He waved again. "Now, skedaddle?" He offered the new word.

Getting up Colin came and sat in the chair.

"Let me show you this," Stan punched some more keys. A webpage appeared, looking very nice with Holms' Laboratories across the page. The main page had the Home, Investment Opportunities, Our Mission, Current Treatments, and other things. It looked very...clinical. Some lab guy looking at a test tube of something in a lab could be seen. I didn't know him. "Anybody that gets to the page can access all this. Doctors and Scientists can access all this and it's got what it says. All done by George and the is real." He pointed to the lower portion of the page. There was a VUN. Just the letters in a font. Just letters, but no prominence. "Click here, Colin."

Colin moved the arrow everyone knows how to use and clicked on the VUN.

"Verification commencing." The computer said in a rather monotone computer like voice, but we all knew the voice.

My eyes widened. "That's Mark!"

Stan smiled a little warmer. "Yeah, can you think of a better voice?" He gave a grudging shrug, "Well, maybe you could, but I couldn't at the time." He smiled. "I like it."

"Identity denied." Mark's voice said.

"Now," Stan waved at Colin. "I'll get you next. He sat and clicked the VUN word.

"Verification commencing." Mark's voice said again. It took just a few seconds before Mark's voice said...and much warmer and more...personable said. "Hi there, beautiful. Welcome back, Stan." I should have said, much more personal.

Colin looked with eyebrows raised at me and I was just shaking my head at Colin. "It's certainly Mark's voice. I almost think Mark is really saying it."

I watched as a more complicated page came up with the selection of Current Events. Communication Options. VUN United States. VUN Great Britten. VUN Eastern Europe. The Venom.

Stan smiled and turned a little pink. "Buddy knows it me, so..." he rose again as he exited the webpage and waved for Colin to sit again. "Hold still." He did it again with the tapping and again, nothing happened. "Now, hit the VUN letters."

Colin clicked the letters again.

"Verification commencing." Mark's voice said and now, my voice came out. "Hi there, good looking. Welcome, Colin."

Colin smiled more. "Now, Devon's in here?"

"It's still Buddy," Stan said pointing at the CPU. "He knows us."

"How'd you get my voice?" I asked.

"Really?" Stan asked. "You talk to and use Buddy all the time. Examples of your voice is in the was easy."

"But you made Mark's the default voice." I chuckled.

Stan nodded again. "Yes." His look asked, why not?

"Sure." I put my hand on Stan's arm. "You do know you're marrying Mark...not him?" I pointed at the CPU. "Maybe Mark was right to tell you no body fluids on the computer."

Colin grinned. "I'm glad it wasn't Mark's voice. Even hearing Mark say, hi there, beautiful could make things awkward later between Mark and me."

"I can change the outgoing message." Stan offered more worried. "I wanted to make Buddy more...friendly. Is it too much?"

I patted Stan's arm. "You know us, Stan. We're joking. When Sarah accesses the webpage..."

Stan smiled. "Then it's Mark's voice, but not that personal. Friendly, but I don't have whoever she's with on file."

Colin smiled. "I'll have to give you a raise."

"You haven't said what my earnings will be!" Stan smiled with a laugh. "How do you raise nothing?"

Colin laughed a little and stood up bringing Stan into a hug. "I'm telling you that we are...the VUN, but with Devon and me in particular, we know what you can do. We are so grateful to you. You're a valued member of ours and Devon's and our dear and Mark. You do a lot. Just know, we know that. You are family to us."

Stan grinned a little bashful but nodded. "Thank you."

"You have a scanner attached...I remember the big one...the 3D one," I said looking at the CPU. "I just never knew about...that." I pointed to that stick thing and the eyeball on it.

"Yes." Stan nodded. "Buddy has it all."

"Buddy's only as good because of you," I said.

We began packing to go least to our home in New York. Things were a bit congested at the house. We said our good-byes to Eva who cried making us swear to keep in contact. As our things were being taken from the house and loaded to take us to the airport. Passing the bedroom used by Gaius and Vlad I noticed Vlad was looking...anxious. Gaius was helping load up.

"Are you okay, Vlad?" I asked him.

Vlad smiled as he closed a suitcase. "I'm fine..." he looked at me a then chuckled and gave a shrug and nod. "I know better than to say that to you. You read people very well. You can read me. I'm nervous." He said simply and sat down on the bed. "Gaius and I are stepping into a world we don't know. Gaius was out here more even before the serum,"

I nodded. "I can't say I understand. I was raised in this world. I have seen it before though. Gabriella had a hard time at first. Like you, she had been out of the world a century. Amasis was out of for two thousand years! They are both fine now." I sat by him. "We won't leave you to get confused or struggle at all. I promise." I looked closer at him, in his now normal eyes. "There's something else."

"You don't let go, do you?" Vlad chuckled but nodded. "It's silly, but...I'm so used to all these people needing me." He shrugged. "I wanted that burden off me, now that it is...I am, but sad? Does that make sense?"

I grinned. "It does." I chuckled. "You're adjusting. You still care about these people, but no longer feel responsible. You were used to the weight of that, now it's gone, but you were used to carrying it around. A part of you will miss that." I put an arm around his shoulder. "We need you. How do you feel now?"

He smiled. "Because I can convince people to do or not to do things?"

I smirked. "Sure, that's all." I joked. "You found us out. We're just using you, Vlad." I bumped his shoulder as he chuckled at the absurdity of my statement. "You know better than that, Vlad. You have a talent. If you use that talent, fine. If you don't, fine. We love you. You will want something to do. If it's not with the VUN, we'll find something else you can do. You will be needed, as a member of the family. Nothing else. We won't let you go until you and Gaius decide to go somewhere else. I hope you won't, but whatever you decide. You can freely do."

Vlad smiled and gave a nod. "Thanks." He moved back a little to...see me better? "Are you sure you're only in your thirties? I've been alive over five centuries. I don't recall anyone like you."

"Gaius is pretty sharp and can read people."

Vlad nodded. "Yes, he is, but he doesn't have the insight into the human heart. You do."

At the private airport, we got ready to board the plane. Dr. Petran, Sorin and Vasil saw us off.

"We'll stay in touch through Buddy I know." Dr. Petran said smiling. "I look forward to George's continued research. I know he'll find a cure." She moved forward a little and hugged Colin. "But I'll miss you all. You two, in particular."

"We'll be back," Colin said smiling and walked to Sorin and Vasil. "I'm glad you two helped us."

"Certainly," Sorin said nodding. "I hope we continue to be good friends."

"We will be. Vasil, thank you for your help." Colin said shaking his hand.

"I, too, hope we are good friends," Vasil said nodding.

"We are," I said hugging the man.

Hugs all around again and we boarded the plane.

Now, the expected reactions from Vlad and Gaius. They'd never flown before. I don't know if Vlad had ever been in so much as a car before. The engines revved up and we began to move and like Gabriella, Amasis and others, I saw two pairs of hands grasp the armrests tighter.

I leaned toward them. "Remember. Thousands of people fly safely every day. Thousands that live. Relax. I know it's new, but trust me. You'll be fine." I assured patting Gaius' arm who just nodded quickly, but couldn't say a thing for now.

The engines suddenly grew louder even in the pressurized, noise reducing plane and the plane began to move faster, increasing speed until the nose began to rise and then our rear wheels left the ground as we climbed into the sky. I smiled as I saw Gaius grasp Vlad's hand which Vlad squeezed back for mutual support.

Colin grinned also watching them also. "They'll be fine." He said looking at me. "Good-bye, Romania. Good-bye Transylvania. This was a good trip. We had problems. Some deaths, none of us, but I feel it was all good."

"It was," I nodded. "We begin the next phase."

Colin chuckled. "After some days back in New York, we should take Vlad and Gaius to Charleston then take a couple of weeks off. Just you and me. Okay?"

I nodded kissing him. "That's sounds great. I love you, Colin."

He smiled. "I know. I love you, Devon."

We hugged as tight as we could as we were belted in our seats. "I love you, husband."

"We're going home!!!" Mark shouted from his seat. "I'm getting married!!"

"All by yourself?" Stan asked mockingly irritated.

"I do nothing without you, baby," Mark said happily, kissing Stan.

And just like everyone else. When Vlad and Gaius could see there was no problem. They did relax.

"I told you," I smiled at them. "Thousands of people fly."

"People don't die from it?" Gaius asked, still a little anxious.

"Occasionally, there can be," I admitted reluctantly. "Accidents can happen...but they aren't that many. Human error is mostly to blame or weather, but we have clear weather, as far as I know. Our pilots and maintenance are very good."

"We'll fly quite a while," Colin said smiling. "We can eat, watch a movie, read...there are things we can do to pass the time."

"We do this how long?" Vlad asked.

"Ten to twelve hours, depending on conditions and delays," Colin replied.

It was a pretty long flight as we cruised through time zones. We traveled with the sun heading west. We even watched two of the Star Wars Movies! Vlad now understood about the Jedi Mind Trick seeing Obi Wan Kenobi do it. I stuck with the way George Lucas put them out first. We would begin with Episode IV. We watched "A New Hope" and then "Empire Strikes Back."

"And you were worried about me!?" Gaius balked as he was a little unnerved by the many odd creatures in these movies. "I still am struggling with the whole long ago in a galaxy far, far away bit. Other galaxies!? How far away and how long ago? Thousands of years ago?"

I shrugged and grinned, "The Universe is very, very old. It could be a few billion years ago."

Gaius' and Vlad's eyes grew hearing that.

Still, all things come to an end and we did land at the private little airport in New York. Then we flew in two of the large helicopters to the roof of the VUN where we were greeted by George, Burke, Ruben, Congresswoman Grace Chance, Nicolae, his wife Helga, and their children, Rica, Gina, and Jan.

We quickly got off the helicopter Helga and Nicolae were family to Gaius, Ruben and Congresswoman were relatives of Alex's. We were all connected somehow.

George hugged Colin first and then it progressed as everyone else greeted everyone who arrived.

Ruben and Grace Chance greeted Alex and Gabriella.

As Gaius was greeting his son and his wife and his grandchildren, he looked back at Vlad and held his hand out to his future husband.

"You remember Vlad," Gaius said and looked at Helga. "I think you met him, too. You knew him as Dragon."

Vlad walked up to take Gaius' hand. "I believe we've met." He gave the sharp European bow and kissed her hand, but didn't let go of Gaius' hand, however, the two stood very close together with touching shoulders.

Nicolae's eyes widened and Helga was surprised as well.

Gaius nodded. "Yes, to answer the question I see on your faces. Vlad and I are getting married."

"How long has this being going on?" Nicolae asked a little heated.

Gaius looked through angry eyes. "I didn't need to consult you. He's my choice. You chose Helga, she was your choice, with no question to me if I thought it was a good idea or not. Only now, you're approaching the quarter of century mark with her. Vlad and I have been together for five centuries...soon to be six. That's way before your mother or you were even close to being born. Just accept it or let it go." He said softly, but firmly. "We're getting married!"

Helga, surprised, but not bothered as she smiled and shook Vlad's hand. "It just wasn't...considered before. We are sorry for the reactions. Welcome to the family, Vlad."

"Understood, but I was alive to welcome your great-great-great and so on...grandparents to the world, if I knew who they were." Gaius reminded. "Vlad and I were together then, too."

"So, you didn't love Mom?" Nicolae still was having difficulty.

Gaius frowned. "Things are different with us. I'm not answerable to you. I will say this: I most certainly did love your mother. You can't ask me about that. Vlad and I had an understanding then, we're entering another soon. I did love her, but her life was short! I knew that. She knew about me. In the forty some years of your life, son...have I changed at all physically? No. I haven't aged a single day." He said stressing so his son and daughter-in-law would see what was before their eyes. "That sounds good, but it's really a kind of Hell. We didn't know about the venom or had the very notion of a serum then. I was going to make her what I am, a vampire, but she saw what it was like and said no. I knew I would lose her, but it was her choice, which I respected. I loved her enough to let her go when it was time and that was love. It broke my heart! The one person always there is Vlad. At first, we thought it was just loneliness, and it was! A couple of hundred years and I knew I loved him, not as a friend, we had that, but I was in love with him. He loved me. I don't care what you think. I'm not asking your permission or even if you think it's a good or bad idea. I don't care! We're at last getting married. Deal with it however you like. I'll lose all of you one day. Unless I'm killed I'll lose them and their great-grandchildren! That is my Hell." He said and walked away with Vlad.

The first helicopter took off and the second one arrived. Greetings done again.

Vlad looked off the roof of the VUN at the lights of Manhattan. "It's a new world for us, Gaius."

"In many ways," Gaius nodded he kissed Vlad now, without needing permission from anyone now and Vlad didn't care what anyone thought. "We'll be fine, Vlad. We'll be here together."

"Are you okay?" Vlad asked him.

"I'm fine. Whether Nic comes around or not, we're getting married." But it bothered Gaius.

Ruben came to Vlad and Gaius while we waited for the others to arrive. He produced a couple of cards and handed them to Vlad and Gaius. "Here are some ID cards for now. Stan sent some pictures which we put on them for verification. Dragon's a different kind of last name." He said smiling.

"There are others." I defended Vlad and Gaius.

"Name one," Ruben challenged me.

Colin grinned. "Uh, oh." He shook his head. "You should never do that. Devon always wins."

"That's not true," I said to Colin. "I know Dragon is not that usual as a name, sure, but I know one right off the bat...Daryl Dragon?" I looked at puzzled faces making me groan. "The Captain and Tennille?" I reminded them, still, they weren't getting it. "The songwriter and musician? Muskrat Love? Love Will Keep Us Together?" Which it didn't for Daryl Dragon with his wife. Maybe that was the problem. Having no love pulled them apart. Then I saw some nods as they were remembering the song, but had forgotten about Daryl Dragon, if they knew to begin with. They knew the songs!

Ruben nodded remembering. "Oh, yeah. I'd forgotten them." He chuckled. "I didn't care for that Muskrat song, the other one was pretty good, but I remember now." He nodded at our two new VUN members. "Are you tired?"

Vlad nodded. "Yes, but I'd like to see Repetate and Iustina. They are doing alright?"

George nodded. "They're fine. I can even say, they are happy here." He grinned. "We even found some new cartoons for them to watch. Since language isn't really important, they are enjoying some others. The action is what they like. Not the conversations." He waved to us. "They will be happy to see you."

George, Burke, Gaius, Vlad, Colin, and I rode down the elevator. The elevator was still something both Vlad and Gaius had to get used to.

We introduced Gaius and Vlad to the guards on the floor assigned to watch for possible problems with the Old Ones. Entering their room, the secure one? They looked up and saw Vlad and...their eyes grew, smiles were there instantly as they rushed to Vlad who held his welcoming arms out to them as they were making sounds! They were so happy to see Vlad and as they didn't speak, the sounds were..."uuhs" and excited "aahs" repeatedly as they hugged Vlad as they do, coming up to his chest and sort of rubbed against him in happiness as Vlad stroked each bald head in affection.

I knew what they were saying in actions as they were glad to see him. "Da, da, şi eu sunt f1ericit să te văd." Vlad chuckled. Since Gaius and Vlad spoke English, I didn't need the translator with them, but I knew Vlad told them in Romanian, it was good to see them, too.

Then they looked and saw me and their eyes grew again and rushed to me and did the same with me.

"I told you I'd be back." I smiled stroking their heads as they liked.

They looked over and saw Colin and smiled at him, but stayed with me.

"They have people they prefer," Colin chuckled to Gaius. Gaius nodded smiling in agreement. We visited a while, but then I looked at Colin and knew he hadn't eaten in more than a few hours.

"Okay," I said holding Iustina's face to look at me. "We need to eat. We won't leave. We'll be back, okay?" I swear I saw a little disappointment in his eyes. "Don't look at me that way." I grinned rubbing the place over his ear his liked. "I said I'd be back and I am. We'll be here, just eating." I leaned in and kissed his cheek. I hadn't done it before and it never occurred to me. I knew no one could get close to giving them a kiss before. How would they react? I saw surprise now in his eyes, but he smiled more. I grinned and did the same for Repetate. "We'll be back."

Vlad did the same thing and said. "Ne vom întoarce." Vlad grinned at me. "I said what you did." He shrugged. He chuckled. "I never kissed them before, but I did miss them! Seeing you do it, it just seemed natural."

"Sure, it does," I nodded. "What they are is human. Different, but human."

Colin grinned bringing me close and kissed me on the head as we left Repetate and Iustina.

George shook his head as he secured the door and walked with us down the hall. "I'm getting closer to them, but I don't know if I would kiss them." He smiled. "They are very cooperative here. I mean it, they are happy."

"They are safe. They don't have to hunt for blood and all the cartoons they can watch," I said smiling. "They are happy." I shrugged. "I fell in love with Gizmo and now there are these two. I love them."

Vlad nodded. "Me, too."

As we got on the elevator George nodded. "I might someday, but they cooperate very well. I don't even have to tell them what to do when I need a venom sample. I present the container and they give it readily."

We went to Vamps where a large table was set for everyone. We sat in the chairs saved for us.

"What's next?" Ruben asked. "I know approximately what you're planning to do Colin."

Colin sighed. "Well, first we're going to take a few weeks off." He kissed me. "We're having a couple of weddings coming up, which we need to plan. We'll take Vlad and Gaius to Charleston. If they want to stay there, that's fine. Devon and I need some alone time."

"Which all of you should do," I added.

"I present at a conference in two months," George said but shook his head. "If you're going to do it, that's when you can."

"That may be too soon," Colin said and then brightened. "Or..." Colin smiled leaning back a little, "You have a reputation, George."

George's eyebrows rose. "I suppose I do. People know my work medically and scientifically."

"And no one suspects or questions how old you are?" Colin asked.

"Most people correspond by email, internet, phone calls...when I get them and snail mail." George replied. "They almost never see me."

"They would come if you invited them? It could be your conference for Holms' Laboratories and you," Colin smiled more thinking. "You know doctors from other countries, if only by their reputation. We offer complimentary rooms and airfare. We can set the date." Colin started nodding. "Yes, that would work."

"You're showing those two upstairs and telling them you're vampires, son," Willie said. "Isn't enough to show those two? Why tell them about you?"

"Evidence that there is some control of the outcome," Colin said simply. "If they want to test Devon's and my blood, fine. They can see Iustina and Repetate and know there are thousands of Devon and me...who are vampires, but it's not what they believe or read about or seen in movies or TV. We aren't the things of fiction."

"They are learned minds." I nodded. "They can't argue with facts."

"We will be in full control." Colin now nodded more certain about his plans. "Yes, that will work!" He said happily having a better plan. He took another bite of his steak and chewed grinning.

We had a good meal and a nice time now that some pressure was off our shoulders.

I saw Willie yawn. "Okay, it was a long trip." I grinned pulling Colin up. "Vlad, do you want to go say good-night to Iustina and Repetate?" I looked at Vlad to see if he wanted to.

Vlad nodded. "Yes," He grinned. "To show them we haven't left."

"Then we can go to your new home while here," I said to them. "We can arrange quarters of your own later, but for now, you'll stay with Colin and me. Is that okay?"

Gaius nodded. "Great! We'll stay until you throw us out."

"Then you'll be living with us a long time," Colin said simply with a smile.

Grace Chance looked at Vlad. "If I can are Vlad Dragon. are...Vlad Tepes..."

Vlad nodded sadly, but now no longer denying who he had been. "I am the one they often called Vlad the Dragon. I was born in 1428." He admitted quietly and reluctantly, not looking at her. "There were several names I went by. I am of the House of Basarab. I was Vlad Tepes. I was also..." he hesitated, "Vlad Dracul."

I watched as her eyes grew the more he told her.

"Then you are..." she started. "Dracula?"

"No!" Colin said quickly.

"He is not who you think he might be," I said. "Most of what is told about him is a myth...a story." I said trying to keep my tone level. I would defend him and Gaius.

"He is not who Stoker wrote about," Colin said. "We've known him for weeks now. We made him a part of the family."

I pointed at Alex. "He's as much a part of the family as Alex. Therefore, part of Alex's family. I trust this man."

Colin nodded. "So, do I. He's a very good man."

Alex grinned. "Me, too." He smiled at Vlad as Vlad was now smiling at the response coming now from almost everyone at the table, his eyes coming up at everyone pleased.

"Thank you, dear friends..." Vlad said. "Thank you, my family."

"Forgive me, but you have to admit," Grace Chance smiled, "not many would be able to say they are related at all to this man." She nodded. "Colin has the confidence of all of you. Who am I to argue?"

As we were leaving the table, Nicolae stopped Gaius. "Dad," Nicolae said softly as reached to touched his father's shoulder. "I'm sorry about what happened on the roof. I was...I'm human. I was surprised. It is easy to forget what you are and sometimes I forget how long you've lived. You're right. I don't know what you've gone through. You haven't really changed except now you can visit in the daytime." He chuckled. "I'm glad you have someone you can count on."

Gaius smiled. "You said it yourself. You're human." He hugged his son. "Now, so am I."

"I'm just protective of people I care about," Nicolae said smiling. "I know you'll be happy." He gave his father a crooked grin. "Are we invited to the wedding?"

Gaius laughed. "I don't even know when that will be! When we do have one, I'd love for you to be there." He looked back at Vlad. "He's an amazing man."

"He'd have to be," Nicolae said confidently. "He won you over. I love you, Dad." He hugged his father. "We'll all be there."

Gaius kissed his son's cheek. "I love you, Nic. Since Vlad and Devon are going to visit Repetate and Iustina and I'm not their preferred person. Are you heading for bed soon?"

Nicolae shook his head as Helga came over to them. "We talk! I missed a lot because of what you were as I was growing up. We need to make up for lost time." He looked at Helga. "Do you mind?"

"I think it's great. We'll show you where we're staying." Helga smiled and turned to gather her children to take them to their borrowed apartment.

Colin visited with George some more while Vlad and I saw the two upstairs again. We visited a couple of more hours before fatigue got the better of me.

Vlad smiled as I yawned. "We'll be back tomorrow," Vlad said in English to the two of them, "But we need sleep." He grinned as they seemed was disappointed, but they did understand. Then he leaned to me. "I don't know where I'm going to sleep."

Saying good-bye again, they weren't surprised when we left with a hug, a real hug and kiss as we left.

Vlad looked up suddenly puzzled as I secured the door. "Will Gaius know where to go?"

"Nicolae knows where we live," I said taking him to the elevator.

Getting to our apartment Vlad walked in and smiled. "I don't know a thing about this world...not really, but...I can see, you two aren't poor."

"Vlad!" Gaius came from our balcony terrace motioning for him to come with him back out. "You should see this!" He took Vlad to the rail of the terrace and pointed at the various city and the lights that could be seen.

Colin walked up to me, put his arms around me. "Did you two have a good visit with the boys?"

"We did!" I nodded. "They may have been dangerous once, but they are delightful now." I hurried on to say. "I'm not saying they are not very dangerous; they seems that with this hunger no longer driving them, they've mellowed."

"They still need blood, or they will die...won't they?" Colin asked thinking about it. "I've never known a vampire to die of starvation. Blood is all they can consume." He jutted his head to our terrace seeing Vlad and Gaius standing close on the terrace. "How's he doing?"

"He's doing well," I smiled. "He just has to get used to things now. He's smart." I kissed Colin. "He'll do fine."

"I love you, Devon," Colin said kissing me.

"I know," I said loving his arms going around me ensuring security in me. "I love you."

"I know."

Colin and I showed Gaius and Vlad where they were sleeping before we parted with them. Gaius came over to the door after we showed them the room and we could see him about to say something.

Colin raised his hand. "Hug me if you want, but I can see you want to say something. I think I know what it'll be."

Gaius nodded. "We're grateful!" He said as Vlad came up nodding in agreement.

"He's right," Vlad said putting his arm around Gaius. "We owe you a lot. You not only accepted us but welcomed us like family. So, one last time, thank you."

"You're both more than welcome," I smiled as they were about to close the door, I stopped it a second. "I will give you a friendly warning."

Two pairs of eyes widened.

"You're tired, I know, but...there is something...called jetlag." I said.

"Jet? Lag?" Gaius repeated. "I don't know what that is."

Colin chuckled. "No, but you will feel a little odd in the morning. You'll find out what it is." He patted Gaius on his arm just at the shoulder. "Good night, Gentlemen." He put his arm around me and we headed to our bedroom.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

Colin gave a little nod. "Sure, so are you. Are you too tired?"

I grinned the reason for the question. "Because you want us to do something?" Of course, he did.

"It doesn't have to be high energy..."

I grabbed him kissing him deeply and began walking backward as I led him toward our room. In our room, I pulled his shirt out of his pants and began unbuttoning it as he chuckled.

"Maybe a little energy," Colin said closing our bedroom door with his foot.

The energy was found...a little. There would be more energy later. No wham bam tonight, but we loved each other.

Colin's and my prophecy came true. I felt it when I woke up. Neither Colin or I had gotten up after making love and just went to sleep. Colin moved slightly, rolling from his position he did spooning me and groaned. "I feel terrible."

I grinned at that. "We knew it would happen." I rubbed his hairy bare chest. "Start a shower and I'll get you some of your Death Wish coffee." I kissed him. "How can you feel so terrible and still be so sexy?"

Colin chuckled. "You're biased. I don't feel sexy." He grinned at me. "You are."

"Biased?" I cocked my head. "Maybe, or it's just true. We don't have to get up." I said.

"You know sleeping in never helps," Colin said sitting up throwing his legs over the side of the bed. "Coffee. I need it before we shower."

I looked for my underwear and pants putting them on which Colin's eyes widened as I did that. "You want coffee," I said. "We have others here. We're all guys, but..."

"I know I bought you a robe," Colin said.

"Which is all the way in the closet," I said whining. "This is quicker. I'll make you and me some coffee this morning. Maybe for Vlad and Gaius, too."

Colin chuckled. "Okay." He waved to me to go.

Making the coffee and waited for it to finish, I heard a door open and saw Vlad come out of his room. Like me, he hadn't put on a robe, just put his leather pants. I realized he didn't have a robe.

When I say this, I'm in love with Colin. Never doubt that. However, I appreciated male beauty. Vlad was nice to look at. Vlad was...a hunk! He was a warrior and it showed. Both he and Gaius were warriors. The venom did one thing besides preventing aging. It froze everything in time. He would make many men going to the gym jealous. Not the rolling muscles of some guys that bulged, but his were honed and well developed. It was a good thing I had worked so hard to be in shape for Colin's and my wedding because I'd be frozen in whatever shape I was when I was bitten. Both Vlad and Gaius were hunks! Very handsome. I chuckled as Vlad stretched his arm out to pull on what I knew was stiffness.

"This is that...jet...lag?" Vlad growled a little as he walked into the kitchen area. "I feel I was in battle...for hours!"

I nodded. "That's it. Sore muscles and some fatigue. It's the price we pay to travel as we do."

"And you do this a lot!?" Vlad asked incredibly. "You flew here and back in less than three days!?"

I nodded. "That's right again." I smiled as the coffee was done. "It will pass in a day or two. Did you and Gaius sleep alright?"

Vlad nodded with a grin. "That..." he thumbed back at the room he shared with Gaius, "is a very comfortable bed!" He smiled. "I look forward to seeing this world with its marvels. That bed is one."

"It's a big world." I poured Colin's needed coffee in the big mug for him and a smaller normal sized one for me. "This..." I patted the coffee maker, "is Colin's favorite coffee. I made plenty in case you and Gaius want some." I pointed at the cabinet. "Mugs there, sugar and cream in there, but again...a warning..."

Vlad's eyes widened again. "Another warning?"

I nodded picking up Colin's coffee. "Colin likes his coffee very, very strong." I jutted my head to the pot. "Death Wish...isn't for the faint of heart. Drink it carefully. It's sort of strong."

"Called Death Wish?" Vlad looked at the pot with an unsure look in his eyes.

"You'll understand after the first cup," I looked at his black leather pants. "If you're up to it...we can get you some other clothes. I need a haircut and so does Colin, he's starting to curl. We can go to Vamps, they are open for us." I waved at the pot. "Have your coffee and we'll drink ours and shower then go. Does that sound okay?"

"Yes." Vlad nodded and then looked at me.

Getting things together, got breakfast and then I went to check on Lucian. He was also on the same floor as Repetate and Iustina. His room also had no windows, but the sun was no problem for him now. The man I saw in jeans and blue shirt was eating. He looked like a convict. He did something wrong, so I knew he was. He had gone on the serum after they'd been brought here.

Going into the room where he was consuming his meal, he was a different man. He looked up at me, smiled and stood from his chair at the little table he was using to eat off of. He had color in his eyes and on his face as he had a naturally fair complexion. He was a nice-looking man...for a blond.

"I see you're eating again," I waved at his plate that had a steak on it. "I don't want to interrupt, but I wanted to see how you are doing."

Lucian nodded. "I do well." He said. "I'd forgotten how good it was to have a meal. This is so good!"

"You're on the disk now." I waved at his arm.

Lucian nodded and rubbed his chest as almost everyone does after the serum injection. "That serum hurt."

"I know, I've done it three times."

"Three?" Lucian asked. "You mean, doing it all again two additional times?"

I nodded. "The first time, I'd just been bitten and I was given it to stop me from becoming a vampire. The second one, I became a vampire. The third, I did it to show someone what he was...just like me. Colin went through it every day for nearly two decades until George perfected the serum. George did, too."

"I don't know if I would do that," Lucian said with new appreciation.

I shrugged. "They both wanted it gone and thought it was worth it." I looked about the room he was staying in. The single bed was neatly made and there was a little bedside table, but I saw an assortment of books and one open on the little table. "We have televisions you can use."

Lucian smiled. "I'm fine." He nodded. "I have books. That I really enjoy." He looked at the room. "I know you'll be sending me somewhere. The others with me were sent a few days ago." He shrugged. "I'm fine here for now. There is no rush on my part."

"We don't need the space for now," I admitted. "We may have to when we do, but until then..." I smiled. "How are you otherwise?"

Lucian now had a sadder look. "I still miss him, if that's what you mean."

"That's what I mean," I smiled at him trying to make sure he knew...I could understand on some level. "I'm told I can talk to people in many conditions. We won't be here a couple of weeks or so...and back again later. If you want to...we can talk...if you want to."

"Thank you, but..." Lucian said softly. "I'm not ready for too much of that yet."

"Okay," I turned to leave, but I turned back. "If I can ask, what you and Iilya were going to seem reasonable. Why did you agree to do that in the first place?"

Lucian looked surprised. "Hasn't Colin ever wanted you to do something you didn't want to?"

"No," I answered immediately with no needed thought. "He's never done anything I haven't wanted to do or had to talk me into. If he did, I still won't do it."

"You don't think he'd leave you if you didn't do it?" Lucian asked.


Lucian nodded and let out a..."huh." "But there's nothing you wouldn't do if he asked?" Lucian pressed.

"If it was within parameters of what's right and wrong."

Lucian nodded again. "Iilya had a dark side." He said. "What if Colin had a dark side? Would you leave him? Would you love him?"

"That question isn't valid. I know Colin and he doesn't have a dark side."

"What if he did?" Lucian asked again.

"I don't know."

Lucian nodded. "Iilya did. I knew that. I loved him and he loved me. I couldn't risk him leaving me." He nodded holding his hand up to stop me. "I was weak. I didn't want to take the risk he might. Understand? I loved him."

I nodded not really knowing if I would if Colin had a dark side. I doubted I'd have fallen love with him at all. "Thanks for explaining it." I smiled at him. "Your steak will get cold. I'll be around if you want to talk later."

We decided to take Vlad and Gaius out to see Manhattan. They were together, arms around each as they were doing what many did doing the circle looking up at the many buildings in awe.

"It's so...big!" Gaius said.

"One of the biggest cities in the world." Colin nodded.

Then we saw another side of Vlad we got to see. As they were looking up, they collided with a man who was walking with another male friend.

"Watch it, Faggot!" The tall dark-haired man said irritated at being bumped.

"We didn't see you," Gaius said. "We apologize."

"Yes, but I don't understand the name you used," Vlad said in accented English.

"Foreigners and faggots!" The dark-headed man growled.

His lighter brown-haired friend, a little shorter sneered. "You have to wonder which of them takes it up the ass." He snickered. "Isn't that right, Gill?"

"Explain this...faggot," Vlad said ignoring the friend.

"You are! Whether you give him your cock up his ass or you take his up yours, you're fags!" The dark-haired man said irritated. He looked at Colin and me. "Them, too."

Vlad smiled and walked closer to this man making the man back up. "From the tone and the way you said it, I think it was an insult!"

"I was just stating a fact." The dark-haired man said now realizing the sheer size of Vlad. Gaius and Vlad were over six feet and they were...brawny! "People are watching, you wouldn't dare."

Vlad smiled again. He was a vampire. A predator. He had hundreds of years of practice and his smile had little humor and he leaned in closer still. You could feel his looming presence and practically hear it. You couldn't run from it. "I won't hurt you. Physically. You wouldn't stand a chance if I did. There are four of us and only two of you. The sad thing is, I do know the word you used is and understand what it means." Then his voice changed...very quietly he said in that resonating way. "You will tell the truth." He smiled. "Have you sucked a man's..." he looked at me, "what's the word? Cock? Is that right?" He smiled as I nodded. "Have you sucked a man's cock?"

The man was almost dazed like we'd seen a man under and almost kind of spell transfixed by Vlad's voice. He actually began sweating. It was November! It was cold out! "Yes," He said quietly, his friend's eyes widened as he looked at Gill in disbelief.

"Have you...taken it up the ass?" Vlad asked, his voice resonating.


"Have you put your cock in a man's ass?" Vlad asked.


Vlad nodded. "Who's ass?"

Gill jutted his head to his friend. "His."

His friend's eyes widened as he looked at this Gill. "What!?"

"So, you're a faggot, too?" Vlad said more than asked.


His friend's eyes widened. "What!? When did you do this!?"

Gill was now sweating more but didn't answer.

"The truth. Answer him." Vlad said.

"Three were...drunk and stoned," Gill said. "You didn't wake up."

Vlad nodded. "That's what I thought. Listen." He said the word listen resonated more. "Whenever you call someone a fag or faggot, you will have to say...I am too. Understand?"

"Yes," He said, still under whatever Vlad was using on him.

Vlad stood up straighter. "Now, what were you saying?"

Gill was now looking very uncomfortable as his friend shoved him hard. He remembered what he said. "You fucking raped me!?"

Gill stammered. "I wasn't...I was drunk, too!"

"You just said you did it three fucking times!? I asked you what happened because I felt it the next day! I told you!" His friend was close to hitting Gill, but instead walked off and Gill ran after him. "You raped me!!!"

Colin and I had seen it, but again... "That was incredible!!" I said to Vlad. "Not only can you suggest something, but you also make them tell the truth!?"

Vlad smiled. "It was said by that Obi-Wan guy on the Star Wars movie, the weak minded are easy to influence or something like that." He jutted his head at Gill who was trying to explain to his friend that was still walking away. You didn't have to hear it to know what was being said. The friend was jerking his arm away and then waving of the arm angrily to tell Gill to leave him alone, the actions said it clearly. "Did he strike you as being that strong of mind?"

Colin was still watching as Gill was chasing his friend. "Not really."

"Gaius can do it, too. I felt it when we first met him." I said. "Did you teach him?"

"I did," Vlad nodded. "It took a couple of decades, but...yes."

"Will you teach us?" I asked.

Vlad smiled. "You've got the ability now, Devon!"

"I do?" I didn't know that.

"I know you have it." Vlad nodded. "Colin, you have the ability, too. It's just not trained to use it like I do. I can train you both." He looked at me. "Devon, you can talk to anybody and they listen to you even if no one else can. Colin, you can sense other people, whether to trust or not. You both have the ability. It just got focused in two other directions."

Gaius smiled as he put his arm around Vlad. "He could do it some before we were bitten. After he was bitten, it just got stronger and he learned to do it well. Don't you think?"

"Don't I think!?" I waved at Vlad. "That was the Jedi Mind Trick! It was better than truth serum or even...Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth!"

Again, they looked confused. "Who?" They both asked at the same time.

"Is this Wonder Woman part of those movies?" Vlad asked.

I grinned shaking my head. "No! Well...there are movies of her, morning cartoons, TV show and loads of comic books." I bounced. "I'll show you if you like."

"Devon's right, that was amazing!" Colin said. "Now, let's get those haircuts." He looked at Gaius and Vlad. "I agree with Devon's statement, too. Is there a dress code or something?" He pointed to the leather they wore.

They both looked at each other's clothes. "No," Gaius said. "This is comfortable," Vlad added.

"We'll get some new clothes for you," I said. "I know you bought some, Vlad. I saw it. It was nice, you just need more."

"It is cold out," Vlad said simply. "I plan to buy some and I have money of sorts, but when I used it even in Transylvania, they looked at me like I was crazy. They took it, but..."

I looked a little surprised. "What did you give them?"

"I gave them some silver Ducats. I have some other gold coins I can use if that works better." Vlad said.

"From what century!?" I asked.

"The ones I have are from my grandfather in the 14th Century," Vlad said trying to understand. "Do they not take silver here? I have gold coins, too. I had people buy things for us when we were in the caves, but we made a lot of things. It wasn't needed." He said simply.

"Vlad," Colin forced himself to stay calm. "Those coins are six or seven hundred years old?"

"Yes," Vlad nodded. "I brought some with me in my trunks."

I didn't know a thing about these coins, except they were rare. That, I knew. "Those things have got be worth a fortune!" I marveled.

Colin nodded. "I'll say, their about $500 dollars...a piece! How many did you bring?"

"A little more than hundred maybe." Vlad still was not certain what we were saying. "There is more I hid in Romania. I will need to get them? Should I send for them?"

"You have almost a million dollars with you now!" Colin stated, forcing that calm again.

Vlad shrugged. "If you say so, I don't know modern currency. It sounds like a lot."

"Vlad!" I grabbed his arm happily. "Your comment when you saw where we lived as we are rich. Damn it, man." I poked him in the chest lightly. "You are very rich, Vlad!"

"You may want to keep it," Colin said carefully.

"Why would I do that?" Vlad asked. "It's used to pay for things. Why would I keep them? I brought them to spend for me and Gaius!"

"They are in good shape?" Colin asked.

"They are in a box," Vlad said. "They've hardly been touched. That's good, right?"

"I could handle it for you," Colin said carefully. "I can call someone, get a good price and invest for you, if you trust me."

"We trust you with our lives, Colin," Vlad said. "This is a different world for us. I'll give it to you if you want it. I have more! We owe you."

Colin smiled at that. "I wouldn't take it. I don't want it for me, but you two. I'll invest the money for you both. I've done well in the past and am doing fine now. I can do it for you. I want to help you both."

Vlad nodded. "I believe that."

"We can go down Fifth Avenue! Buy whatever you want!" I said. "You can practically buy out the stores!"

I knew that Colin and I were planning to pay for what they needed, but now...knowing what they had... A man feels pride when he does it himself. Vlad was going to do that. Okay, we did have to pay at that time, they didn't have a card or anything. Neither Colin or I were worried about not getting anything back. If Vlad could make people tell the truth and suggest things...even if he didn't do for the VUN if he taught us how he did that. It was well worth the price.

We were guys. Haircut and like me, they did what they needed to. Standing around looking at clothing...wasn't my idea of fun. It wasn't theirs either. We got them some outfits from Dolce and Gabbana, I knew them and Armani...that was it for me...yeah, yeah, I knew Boss and others, but really? I didn't want to look. We got what we needed. We even got Gaius a nice black leather eyepatch for his left eye. Remember? He'd been cut on his left side of his face? The eye was there, but white and he couldn't see well out of it. The clothes were being shipped back! No carrying all those boxes wasn't necessary. We went back to Vamps. There were the trendy well-known restaurants in New York, but the volume Colin liked to eat, not to mention Vlad and Gaius, we went there. It was very good! Vamps wasn't named for the loose girls we called Vamps, but short for...what do you think? The chef and several cooks were vampires and yes, vampires loved flavor, more than the other non-vampires. It was very good eating there.

At the end of our meal, Colin smiled at Gaius and Vlad. "You don't know the city...we could show you around more. We can go see the Statue of Liberty or something."

Vlad nodded. "Maybe," He smiled. "I might go up and see Repetate and Iustina, if you don't mind."

"It's been a great morning and afternoon," Gaius said. "I've not been this relaxed..." he thought, "I can't remember being this relaxed."

Vlad chuckled. "He's right." He played with his little glass of scotch. "I won't say it again, just as you told us not to last night. I will say. We'll earn our stay here."

"You don't have to do that," Colin said. "We didn't ask for that."

Vlad laughed. "Everyone needs something to do. I am now." He said sighing and sat back satisfied. "But I will gladly work with you. I will do whatever I can for this VUN."

Gaius nodded. "So, will I."

"Whenever you need to get truth...or convince someone of something. I will be there. You need muscle, I'll be there." Vlad said.

"We will be there," Gaius said taking Vlad's hand. "You can count on us."

Colin smiled, taking my hand. "The VUN is growing."

"All for the good of all those out there," I said to Colin. "This is what you wanted to do in the first place. Lucian asked if I ever did something...just because it was you. This...I would have done, with or without you. I'm just glad we're doing it together."

Colin leaned in kissing me. "I love you."

"I know." I smiled. "I love you."

" do."

Next: Chapter 48: V5h Revealed 2

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