
By Richard McQueen

Published on Dec 2, 2022


Story: Blueblood: Red Alert

Chapter: 14 Soviet Jeans and Another Hybrid?

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

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Devon and Colin make some decisions and are introduced to Charles Slaughter, Chuck's father.

Soviet Jeans and Another Hybrid?

A blood seeking Vampire's hours of function sucked. You could take that several ways. Vampires sucks blood after the sunset, yes. They operate late at night and hide in the darkness, yes. A vampire could not be anything else other than a vampire. Whether in their life before the venom they were a morning person or a person who did better staying up late. The venom dictated what time to rest and when to get up and get moving. There was no choice. I did not consider myself a morning person. I hated alarm clocks. Whomever it was that thought the snooze button was a good idea was a sadist! Those extra minutes were a lie! "Just five more minutes?" That didn't help. I got up and got going. Colin I know isn't a morning person. His love of coffee started when he had to get up and run the family plantation. It was medicinal! Yes, he enjoyed it, loving the taste. The hours now once again were dictated by the sun. The venom kept a strict schedule with all vampires...except for Willie. He really had no hours of operation when in the Manhattan subways. He woke, sought blood, and looked for his "treasures." Now that his mind was clear and he got the serum, he was a good man. He was before the serum, but the trauma he suffered from war and the bite had clouded his mind.

Anyway, the hours of operation in Asbest were daylight hours. George had to get the paperwork for shipping Chuck's body to the United States. Forms. The plane he was being sent on was ours and a private plane. That wasn't a problem. The death certificate was done and signed by George. The cause of death was poisoning. The investigation was through. We knew who killed Chuck, but punishment was being done by the people of Asbest. We got Chuck in a casket and loaded into a van to go to Yekaterinburg, where he would be loaded on the plane and taken home. I wanted to go with him, but we had things we had to do in Asbest. The vampires here were at a critical time and could not be left a single day. The people with the FBI knew they were doing a risky job and could be killed. Chuck was killed, but not doing a job for the FBI. Confidential information was a part of the FBI and confidential information was a part of the VUN.

We had to be up that night just as the sun went down for our new vampires to wake and we moved them through the next night. Not just Stan and Mark, but all of them. Yes, Stan and Mark were very important to me, Colin, George...all with us here in Asbest.

All of Chuck's friends and coworkers watched as Chuck was loaded on the van and drove off. Then retreated solemnly and silently back into the underground of Asbest. Colin and I went to our quarters and neither of us wanted much more that to hold each other close. A reassurance that we were still together and alive.

We rose again a couple of hours before sunset and went to get the first meal...and coffees. Then we went to the kennel and got Dan-D, Pechenye, and Hiccup. Anton chuckled when we picked them up and gave us a satchel to carry them in. Then he handed us another bag and held one up that was a different color.

"This is Dan-D's bottle," Anton stressed. "The other two has Pusik's milk in it. Just her milk." He touched Dan-D's head and rubbed it affectionately. "Though we may need to cut back on the supplement I put in his as he's catching up quickly. His mother is still cleaning up after him which she won't do when he eats meat."

Colin nodded, "Pechenye needs to bond with us until we get to the United States and check with Amanda. Hiccup needs to see his daddies."

"We don't want him to think he's been forgotten," I grinned kissing each on the head and tucked them into the satchel with their heads sticking out so they could see, as much as puppies this young could see having their eyes open just a few days.

We walked down to the laboratory area where our friends were waiting. Once again we got there before they woke up. The venom was still trying to dictate when and how, so waking was still on a schedule. This time.

I was pleased to see Kuyvashev had changed into a loose shirt and jeans. It surprised me when I read "Soviet Jeans." In English! Not Cyrillic. Yet they didn't look old at all, worn a while but not from before 1991!

"Yevgeny!" I said pointing to his pants. "That says Soviet Jeans!"

Kuyvashev grinned, "Yes, it does." His head cocked a bit, "Are you worried it will come back?"

"Should I be?" I asked.

Kuyvashev shook his head, "I don't think so." His head gave a grudging nod, "Though there are some groups that would like it back, but their grandparents tell them they won't go back to the bread lines." He hit his backside and smiled. "No, this is the most popular brand of jeans in Russia. Practically every person owns a pair or two."

I grinned, "I suppose they sell them here in Asbest."

Kuyvashev's head nodded, "I'm sure they do. There's men's clothes, women's clothes, and children's clothes, belts and even shoes!"

I brightened and looked at Colin, "We should buy some!"

Colin smirked, "As if what we are isn't controversial enough." He waved at Kuyvashev but looked at me. "You'd wear them in Manhattan? In Charleston?"

"Uh, yeah," I grinned. "I know you understand the Soviets didn't win the Cold War."

"Yes," Colin nodded. "I was around when it started!"

"I'd wear them to the White House!" I declared.

"The Russians are coming!" Colin said in mock horror

"A great film!" I said happily nodding. "Have you seen it?" I asked them and saw no recognition. Kuyvashev was kind of suspicious, but he shook his head, too. "It's a great film, made in 1966. It stars Carl Reiner and Alan Arkin. A Russian submarine runs aground on a New England Island of Gloucester which has maybe two hundred people. They wanted to see part of America; they weren't spies. Rather than radioing for help and starting an international incident the captain sends a nine-man landing party. Wild rumors and misunderstandings, it was a comedy! Then a small boy gets in trouble and has to be rescued which the Russians did! There was a message to the military but when the jets arrived overhead, the sub was surrounded by small civilian boats loaded with the residents of the island, all escorting the sub out to sea. The sub goes on its way! It had trauma, in a funny way. It had romance as a local girl falls for a handsome young Russian sailor and everyone ends up being friends. I loved that movie!"

"Is there a movie that you didn't like?" Colin grinned.

"I told you I didn't like Congo because it's absurd coincidences just for suspense," I bounced. "I fell for that Russian sailor Alexie Kolchin myself! And he was blonde."

"This was in 1966?" Kuyvashev asked.

"Yep," I nodded. "Right in the middle of the Cold War. It showed how we can all get along. Americans and Russians! I love most of the Russians I've met so far."

Colin shook his head again, "When did you STUDY?"

"I'm here and a high school graduate with some college," I justified.

"You'll wear Soviet Jeans in New York," Colin chuckled.

"Yes!" I saw Yuri, Zoya, Vlad, and Gaius come in and a lightbulb went off in my head. I pointed at them, "You know? When we met those wonderful people in England, in Romania for certain and here in Russia, too. I thought there must be a dress code. You all wore black!"

Vlad's eyes widened and Yuri was surprised a little and he said, "Well, we had to." Yuri said logically. "Patrolling at night we had to dress so we couldn't be easily detected. A vampire's night vision is extremely good. We couldn't do much to keep from being sensed by smell or other means. You know we can always tell another vampire when meeting them. Black clothing was a way to avoid detection."

"Yeah," I nodded. "I got that. I got a brainstorm just now."

"A brain storm?" Yuri asked puzzled not understanding. He spoke many languages, but some words he hadn't been exposed to.

I nodded and pointed to my head, "A storm of ideas in my head."

"Oh," Yuri replied.

"We makeup a dress code," I hurried on. "Oooh, even better, we start a clothing line. Call it Vampire Brand Fashions. All clothes would be in black."

"All of it" Gaius asked but was smiling at me.

"Sure!" I nodded, "Denim, leather, and cotton, but all black. Style would be the attraction. Black is slimming and chic!" Another thought hit me. "The label on the back can be black, but the name vampire will be in bright red, the color of blood! It can even look like blood like they did with the Halloween Extravaganza in Transylvania!" I was on a roll. "Oooh, oooh it can even be advertised," I moved my hand over the air in front of me, "For a night on the prowl, dress in killer looks!" I looked at Colin who was rolling his eyes away, but Vlad was smiling with Gaius. "Huh? For killer looks? Get it?"

"They aren't prowling for blood," Kuyvashev said to clarify.

I waved that away, "No, their hunting for a connection and love. Everyone will want them." I looked at Vlad, "And you would be perfect to model clothes for men! You're gorgeous yet every inch a man! Masculine, rugged, and even without your talent on; very appealing!" I pointed at him. "A pair of tight-fitting Vampire Jeans on with the label shown above that great ass will get men all over the world racing to the stores to be as viral as you!"

"You're serious?" Colin asked uncertain.

I shrugged, "I don't see why not. We have our fingers in medical cures and treatments for blood diseases, in computers, in hospitality...why not a clothing line? Fashion."

"I don't know a thing about fashion," Colin said weakly.

"What do you know about medicine, chemistry or computers?" I asked pointing at him. "You KNOW business! You said you wanted things that had long term profits. The clothing industry have profits in the millions and billions!" I saw George come in. "Don't tell me there isn't a fashion designer in our numbers. We need to find them, and we can back them! Have shows in New York, Paris, and even Milan!"

Colin was weakening on his objection, "Fine, but YOU take this on. It's your idea." He pointed, jabbing his finger in my direction. "Find someone who has the talent, and you see about making it work." He smiled. "As if you didn't have enough on your plate."

"You have as much on YOUR plate," I shrugged.

"Can I have coffee?" Mark asked sitting up groggily.

We had forgotten about them. The sun was not quite below the horizon, but almost.

George shook his head and grinned, "I wouldn't advise that yet. It will make you sick now."

"Mark!" I shouted rushing to hug him. He looked better. There was a little moisture in his eyes and the darker color his mother gave him was looking better.

"Chert!" Sergey said sitting up as the others were stirring too.

I didn't need the translator to tell me that was the word "damn" in Russian. "Yep, that's been the word used almost every time." I grinned. "We warned you it would hurt a lot."

"Yes, you did," Garold nodded as he rubbed his chest over his heart. "It DID!"

I saw Stan sit up and rushed to hug Mark. I turned to Mark, "No coffee or food yet. Maybe this will help." I pulled a puppy from the satchel.

"Hiccup!" Mark greeted the puppy that clearly knew him as he whined and struggled to get to Mark. Mark took the puppy who greeted him with happy licks and his tail was going very fast. Mark hugged Hiccup to him, "How are you?" Hiccup continued to lick Mark with enthusiasm. "I missed you, too."

Stan grinned, "Well, he was jealous of Buddy. I'll try not to be jealous of Hiccup."

"Aw," Mark smiled at Stan. "Hiccup loves you."

Akim sat up more, "Tonight will be a repeat of last night?"

George nodded, "Until we can get the blood levels up where it needs to be." He sighed, "I explained we are restarting your body functions. Your heart was first. Tomorrow, we will try something bland without any spices. It will be the best thing you ever ate. Believe me." He looked at Mark, "You might be able to drink coffee then, but I recommend you wait until the next day. The pain shouldn't last as long as yesterday, but the difference won't matter."

"This time the injection will be in the arm," I pointed out. "The night here is shorter in the Summer so we should begin in a couple of hours."

I put our three puppies on the floor so they could explore and exercise their legs. They were getting stronger and were able to wobbly make their way around the lab. We ended up putting them in a large crate to keep from stepping on them as we worked.

Kev came in, "You're up!" He smiled. "Did I miss anything?" He smiled at crate of happy puppies who were eager to greet him. "Hi, babies." He bent over and petted each one.

Colin slapped Kev lightly on the back, "We'll fill you in."

Our new Russian friends were surprised there was no hunger this time.

"As long as you stay on the serum," Kev warned. "You won't ever be hungry for blood again."

After hearing that, no one decided not to continue. I was not surprised. The local vampires were tired of living in the dark and being a slave to hunting for blood. They had done this for decades and some I found out was a century or two. Stan and Mark had family alive in the United States they couldn't even imagine being separated from.

We had the puppies brought back to Pusik, their mother to keep them away from the suffering.

Being medical first, we did the traditional checks. Blood samples and heartrates...all checked and ready to go. Again, the fact that they knew it hurt so they were better prepared. The syringes were prepared, and we inserted each in the arms. The pain began again and was just as agonizing as before. Everyone of us who were vampires could empathize. Kuyvashev cringed again seeing the suffering.

"Nothing can be done for the pain?" Kuyvashev asked with his head slightly turned away, but unable to stop watching with his eyes fixed on the people undergoing the treatment.

"The venom won't let us," George answered.

"George has made great strides with the serum," I said waving at George. "They had to do it for several hours to go outside for just a portion of the day!"

"And YOU did this whole thing twice!" Colin countered. "Why? To show someone what they truly were!"

"He was bitten twice, too." George bragged. "We got the serum inside him the first time and kept him from becoming a vampire. Which worked. The second bite was as with Stan and Mark."

"You were bitten and didn't become a vampire!?" Yuri balked.

"Yes," I nodded. "The serum was given to me so quickly after the bite; I was kept from becoming a vampire." I looked at George, "There were a few that happened like me in Transylvania. They were kept from becoming vampires, too."

George nodded, "It was added so quickly after the bite."

We did visit and left the vampires getting treatment alone. There was nothing we could do to distract them. George, Kev, and I took turns watching them to be sure everything was going according to plan. I had asked George before and asked if anyone ever had an adverse reaction or allergic reaction. His reply was he watched out for the first one.

At eleven that night, one in the afternoon in Manhattan, Colin and I called to speak to Rubin. The plane left Yekaterinburg that morning and it was a direct flight. We hadn't heard of any problems or delays. We wanted to be sure Chuck had gotten home.

"Yes," Rubin sighed. "He was picked up a couple of hours ago. He had donated his body to science, but the FBI wanted to be that science." He shifted uncomfortably. "There's nothing in him that wouldn't normally supposed to be, is there?"

"No," Colin replied. "He was a great, healthy man in his mid-thirties." He shrugged.

"He did take that stuff George gave them to keep vampires away," I pointed out. "The Disflavor?"

"Oh, yeah," Colin nodded. "Could that be a vitamin supplement or something?"

"We'll ask George," I offered. "How is his father?"

Rubin frowned, "I don't think either Chuck or his father ever raise their voices!" He nodded, "He took the news well when I told him. He wanted to be here when his son was brought here. He's in Chuck's apartment for the night."

My eyebrows rose hearing that, "Is that wise? All those reminders of his son?" I shrugged, "Or it maybe comforting to him. What did you sense?"

Rubin shrugged. "He said he knew his son did a dangerous job and this was a possibility. I assured him the situation was being taken care of but I couldn't say too much about it." Rubin threw his hands out, "He didn't even argue with me!" He shook his head, "Anyway, Amanda is spending the afternoon with him now. He was pleased that Chuck had found someone."

I smacked Colin lightly on the arm, "See!? Even his father knew it was important for Chuck to have someone in his life!"

Colin chuckled bumping me lightly, "Yes, you are right." He looked at Rubin, "He wasn't surprised by the age difference?" He hurried on, "We know she has just been turned, but she was in her early twenties."

"Ten years younger," Rubin grinned. "The same as with Chuck's mother and father." His eyebrows danced. "It's a shame she was taken by cancer so young."

Colin and I looked at each other and I asked, "I didn't know that. Did you?"

Colin shook his head, "No. I knew his father was his sole surviving family member." He looked at Rubin. "He never talked much about himself."

Rubin chuckled, "He didn't tell me either, but he DID tell Amanda. She told me. His father was thirty-one when he married Chuck's mother when she was eighteen!" He smiled more enjoying our conversation about Chuck. He liked, even loved Chuck as much as we did. We had all congealed as a family and that included Rubin Chance. "I can see where Chuck got his size. His father, Charles Slaughter is as big as Chuck and in his upper sixties; still healthy."

Colin and I both smiled at that.

"I'll be available to talk with his father if he needs it," Colin said seriously.

I took Colin's hand, "You need it, too."

Colin nodded, "I do. Telling his father how important Chuck was to me. He was not simply an agent, but a dear personal friend and someone we consider family. How much we are sorry for his loss and will miss him always."

Rubin smiled and nodded, "He goes back home tomorrow. I'll arrange a video call..." he looked at the clock, "What time is good for you?"

Colin looked at me, "What is it? Eight hours difference?"

I shrugged, "Moscow Standard Time is eight hours ahead. Does it matter?"

"You're right," Colin nodded. "Just tell him I would be so grateful if he would talk to us."

"I think that will be fine," Rubin sat forward more making his head grow in size on our end. "I hate to ask this, but..." he looked at us with a serious face. "No one can take the place of Chuck. However, do I need to look for a someone to fill Chuck's position with you? No one can replace Chuck, but do you need someone? I know you're working with other agents with the FBI and also with agents with MI5. Do you need another agent?"

Colin looked surprised. I was surprised, too.

"We can always use more people," Colin began. "Another agent with the FBI's credentials would help immensely. I don't have to tell you we aren't going into countries that will like an American FBI agent."

Rubin chuckled, "Yes, they know we aren't always welcome. Being sneaky is part of the job."

I smiled at that, "He or she will have to be briefed on what we're doing. That can be done when we come back in a week or so."

"Is there something you'd like the agent to be able to do?" Rubin asked.

Colin thought a moment, "Our next destination was going to be Asia. China probably. If we can have someone who speaks Chinese, that would be great!"

I smiled at Colin, "Which one? There's Standard Chinese, Mandarin, Cantonese..."

"As many as they can!" Colin defended thrusting his hands out in frustration. "Standard Chinese would be great. I know all regions of China speak that. They have to for government and business. Our cover story will work there, too. Getting all the Chinese languages and dialects programmed into Buddy will help big time."

Rubin nodded and smiled, "I'll comb through the agent files and find the best one. He or she will be sworn to reveal nothing. I'll find the best one. I'll leave the orientation part to you."

"You did great with the ones we have now," I grinned. "Another agent will be wonderful. I'm sure we will love whoever you get,"

Rubin nodded and got serious again, "How are the other agents doing?"

"Shelly is fine," Colin answered. "She and Amir I think are heading toward marriage. Stan is no longer an agent but he still acting with all that knowledge he had when he was an agent. That neurotoxin didn't remain in his system and cause damage. Mark is his usual, happy go lucky self."

"But he's a vampire now," Rubin said solemnly. "So is Stan. How are they handling the serum treatments?"

"It's hurting them a lot," I answered sincerely. "Our reason for doing it was to keep them from dying. It was the only choice. We would have for Chuck but couldn't. THEY have reasons to continue."

"We all had to do it," Colin shrugged.

Rubin sighed again and nodded, "I understand." He smiled a little. "I'll text you with a time when Charles Slaughter will talk to you."

"Thanks, Rubin." Colin brightened. "Your uncle is doing well, too. Bringing Alex into the foal was a great idea." He grinned, "Nephew."

Rubin smiled back, "Yes, it still blows my mind, too. Your daughter is my great, great, great whatever aunt. That makes you both uncles." He chuckled. "I'll let you know. See you in a few hours." He touched something on his computer and our screen went black.

"Another agent will be great," I said. "I will talk with the others and ask them not to compare whomever we get with Chuck."

"They're smart," Colin defended. "They should know not to."

"Sure," I agreed, "but it's Human nature. Hell, I'll need reminding. He won't be Chuck."

The computer came back on and Rubin's face appeared. "Good, you're still there." He looked at something in the room to the side. "Don't worry." He said to someone off screen. "I'll get him. Talk to Colin and Devon." He got up and Amanda sat in front of the computer. She was still looking as young and pretty as ever. She had surrendered her fashion to a more business-like appearance...except for now. She looked like the young woman she was. Hair down and coming over her shoulders.

"Hi, guys," she greeted but her normal happy self was subdued. She loved some one who was now gone. "I was taking Mr. Slaughter to Vamps for lunch." She smiled. "He is just the sweetest man. I see where Chuck got a lot from." Her head bowed slightly, "I will confess, I haven't told Mr. Slaughter what we do here, but he's not stupid. I found out Chuck left a will, but the thing that surprised me..." she looked at where Rubin had disappeared, "he left something important to me."

"Oh?" I asked.

She nodded, "Chuck and I did discuss marriage, but as I wouldn't age and he would...I didn't want problems for him." She chuckled. "The idea of him growing older with a young-looking wife tickled him. He said he'd be the envy of all the older gentlemen who had trophy wives. I wouldn't be. Anyway, we talked about having children. George had said he'd help us. I don't care if I use my own egg or someone else's. I would love a child by Chuck. Maybe two." She shrugged. "George said that the venom wouldn't let conception happen in a vampire," her finger rose, "BUT he didn't know if it was the process that the venom wouldn't like. If one of my eggs can be fertilized by Chuck's sperm, I wouldn't care if someone else carried it to term."

"Won't your egg have the venom in it?" Colin asked and then looked at me.

I frowned, "And why do you think I'll know?"

"Do you?" Colin asked.

"No." I answered flatly. "A girl is born with thousands of eggs with the DNA in them. Does the venom change the DNA? We'll ask George."

"I want a child," Amanda said softly. "If it's Chuck's child that would be wonderful. I had really fallen in love with him. I'd like to try. Nick, Gaius' son can't be the only one that's half vampire and half Human possible, but the child will not be an experiment. If I can, I will have his child."

"He did a sperm sample!?" Colin asked surprised again.

Amanda nodded, "He and many agents have given samples for cases like this. A female's eggs can be taken but that's a little more difficult. They do it."

"I know Chuck would like that very much," I grinned at her.

She looked up at the side and smiled at someone, "Hi, Mr. Charles. We'll go get lunch after this." She rose and waved to the now empty chair in front of the computer.

I was pleasantly surprised when a man sat that Chuck had taken after so much. Chuck had gotten his size, build, and so many facial features from him. It was Chuck, just older!

"Hello, Mr. Slaughter," Colin began. "We can't...I can't tell you how sorry we are about losing Chuck. He meant so much to me, Devon, and all of us. We loved him."

"There is nothing we can say, but we are so sorry," my voice faded as I spoke.

Charles Slaughter smiled at us. It wasn't a happy smile, but a sad yet understanding smile. "When Chuck told me he was joining the FBI, I wasn't surprised, but naturally very concerned. I raised my son alone after his mother died. He was just about to turn ten. I was a police officer and I never forgot I had someone at home that needed me. Even when I made detective, I never forgot." He was still smiling, "I was so proud of him. He said he wanted to make a difference and when he joined your group he said he finally felt he was doing just that, making a difference. He loved you, too. The times he would text or come by...I knew he was very busy. The job was dangerous, but he was helping missing people come back to the world. He didn't say much more, but he loved it." He pointed at us, "I can tell you really cared about him. That is so important. I don't blame you. I thank you for giving him the purpose in his life."

"He was a very good man," I said.

Charles bowed his head slightly, "Thank you. I know he was." He looked about the room he was in. "This place looks very impressive. Very high tech. I know he was at home here."

"He is family," Colin said. "You are, too. You won't be forgotten."

Charles Slaughter's eye teared a bit and he nodded, "I believe you." He leaned forward, "I know about what Amanda told you about. My hearing is just fine. I stood outside the room and overheard. I hope she can have Chuck's child." He pointed at us with a grin. "Then I won't be alone. I'll have a grandchild and you'll have to let me come back." He saw our eyes widen and he chuckled, "I was a detective. Being able to overhear things is part of the job. I have no objections." He looked at someone standing near him. "Yes, I heard you. You're a fine girl, Amanda. I can understand why my son loved you. You'll make a good mother."

We saw Amanda come into view as she hugged the man tightly, "I know he or she will have a terrific grandfather!" She kissed him on the cheek. "That means you stick around!" She demanded.

Charles laughed, "Both my parents lived to be in their nineties. My grandfather died at one hundred and two! I'd say my chances are good."

Amanda didn't let Charles go but looked at us, "Didn't I tell you he was the sweetest man?" She stood up right, "Come on, Mr. Charles. I'm taking you to the best restaurant in Manhattan! The country!" She waved at us, took Charles' hand and...not pulled him after her, but led him away. He called back a "See you" as they left.

Rubin sat and pointed in the direction Amanda and Charles left and whispered, "He really IS a nice guy! Hell, I'd marry him! And I'm not gay!"

Colin grinned, "Oh, come now, Rubin. Very few people are totally straight or gay. It's okay if you stray a little to one side and then the other."

Rubin grinned, "Talk to you again." He hit a switch and the screen went black again.

"I would probably marry him, too." Colin smiled at me. "But I have you so I'm good." He leaned in and kissed me.

Returning to the lab area. Kuyvashev was still there watching as our friends were still suffering.

I glanced up at George, "Sorry. We got on a call to Rubin and then talked to Charles Slaughter, Chuck's father."

"How is he?" George asked.

Colin nodded, "He's a really great guy. He's very understanding." He sighed, "I'm not sure I would be if it was Gabrielle."

"George," I wanted to steer the conversation away from that subject. "You offered to help Amanda and Chuck have a child?"

George looked surprised, "I did. I wasn't sure how to do this, but I was going to try."

"Well," I grinned. "Amanda's taking you up on that! She wants you to try."

"Wait," Kuyvashev started. "You guys can't have children?"

George shrugged, "No one has."

"Until one male vampire managed to get a woman pregnant," I grinned.

"One," Kuyvashev repeated. "She wasn't a vampire, but she knew he was a vampire."

"Yes," Colin nodded. "He loved her enough not to make her a vampire."

"Vampires don't reproduce the typical way. The venom does not allow a pregnancy to happen," George shrugged. "A male vampire's sperm does have the venom, and it normally doesn't happen. One vampire is a unique case. He has some abnormalities I have studied and don't have answers. His son has both vampire venom and regular Human blood. In fact, I believe he holds the key to helping us get rid of the vampirism."

"Really!?" Kuyvashev said back amazed.

"We're treating you as a friend, Yevgeny." I said to Kuyvashev. "Please don't ask more about who and where." I turned to George again. "Okay, just the science part. How are you approaching this?"

George nodded, "I would go in and remove an egg or two from Amanda. I'll test her eggs, which I'm sure has venom...or at least I think it will." He shrugged as he began pacing in a circle as he thought out loud. "A girl is born with her DNA already there. I'm sure there is venom in and around it. The venom changes a person's DNA, does it happen in the egg? I don't know. The venom may have, but the venom was in our one male vampire that fathered a son with a regular woman. Will the same thing be true with a regular Human male's sperm with a vampire female's egg? I don't know that either. I was going to force the fertilization like they do with infertile couples where conception is difficult. If an embryo begins, I will feel better if we used a surrogate Human female to carry the infant."

I nodded, "Because she would have a more suitable and conducive environment to carry a baby to term!"

"Exactly!" George nodded. He was happy I got him. He shrugged, "If this works," he looked at us very serious, "and that's a big IF; I can get more vampires to have children. It's a bit more involved with a female vampire."

I nodded understanding. Colin, however needed more information. "Why?" Colin asked.

"Because a girl's eggs are there since birth," I said and having George nod again at my understanding. "There are literally thousands of eggs at birth, very immature, but there with all the genetic material needed. Her body loses many of them as she grows up. By the time she reaches puberty she has hundreds left. If a vampire follows the normal pattern," I held my finger up to Colin, "and we have seen examples where they have not, the hunger for blood overwhelms their brain, the female is in shape and more mature. Her DNA in her eggs is set. A man's sperm is constantly made. It renews itself, meaning the venom causes the new DNA to be made." I said lastly more as a question to George who was nodding even more.

"That's it precisely!" George was very happy I understood. He waved at Stan and Mark, "With these two, if they wanted a child they could have a child as they gave sperm samples before this bite."

"They did?" Kuyvashev asked, but he nodded. "We offer such an opportunity for agents with Russian Intelligence."

"Why?" Colin asked.

"They have jobs that are often violent," Kuyvashev explained. "They can be exposed to dangerous radiation or illnesses that would make having a child safely difficult. The giving of their sperm assures them they can have children in the future if they want to." He shrugged.

"Yes," George nodded. "Stan and Mark knew this was a possibility and gave samples just in case. Chuck did, too."

Colin was understanding, but wanted to know more, "Could we do this vampire to vampire?" He looked at me. "I was thinking of Gabriella and Alex. If they wanted a child, could this work for them?"

George scrunched his face, "I don't know. They both have venom. Gabriella's body will treat the new life as an invader and reject it." He grudged an uncertain nod and shake of his head, "Even if I did it as an in vitro conception, will the venom allow the embryo to even grow?" He shrugged. "Again, I don't know. We've never had a vampire born a vampire! Will he or she be allowed to be started? I don't know. With our one birth of the one whose father is a vampire; his mother gave her half of DNA, and her body allowed his son to grow. He ages and will die like any Human."

Kuyvashev was fascinated by what we were talking about, "But this son doesn't seek blood?"

George shook his head, "He has a natural form of the serum in him. It is a kind of anti-venom and natural immunity. I was trying to make it so we," he waved at Colin, me, himself, and the other undergoing treatment, "can do it naturally. A sort of natural antibody to the venom our own bodies would make. Then we could do it without the serum."

"This son does have some qualities a vampire does," I explained to further clarify. "He's very sensitive to sunlight. He has to wear a very strong sunblock to be outside even for a few hours."

George nodded, "This son has three children, all of which have the natural immunity they got from their father. They are sensitive to the sun, but not like their father." He smiled at us. "As much faith as they have in my abilities, I don't know how I'm going to take the rewritten DNA out of us." He looked at Kuyvashev, "Gene Therapy is a long way away from doing that. If I can keep improving our lives and make us more Human...that's my goal."

"Each generation..." Colin said to Kuyvashev.

"A generation is bite to bite," George quickly added.

"A little bit of each person was added to the venom," Colin explained. "I passed part of me to Devon."

I smiled at Colin, "Which is kind of sexy." Then looked at Kuyvashev, "Originally, when the Old Ones, the vampires that started this ten thousand years ago, all victims bitten were the wild vampires we told you about."

"But each victim," George explained. "One bite to one victim they passed more and more of what it was to be Human. We retained our intellect and speech. That's perhaps ten thousand generations. I think it is nature's way of trying to get rid of the venom and its effects."

"Which means in more generations it won't work at all," I waved at that conclusion.

"But we can't wait that long," George said simply. "I want it not to work now."

Kuyvashev was moving as he thought aloud, "Okay, so the vampires are evolving." He looked at us. "These potential children could carry what you need to stop it." He saw all three of us nod. "And you know where it started."

"Yes," George nodded. "In Northern Africa that became Egypt."

"How?" Kuyvashev asked.

"Something was given to some villages that caused the birth of these Old Ones," I answered. "It was recorded in a scroll we found, but that scroll was in a language that was unknown. Our computer took a long time to translate the scroll." I looked at Colin and George, "I believe Buddy's still working out the final translation. An elixir was given to cause the birth of the Old Ones."

"Where did the elixir come from?" Kuyvashev asked.

"We don't know," George answered. "There have been many theories from meteors, Atlantis, to aliens. The writing told of the elixir used that even for THEM was very old. They did it to conquer other lands they wanted to invade."

Kuyvashev turned as his mind was going over the information he had been given and sat in a chair hard as he absorbed what we'd given. "I believe you," he held a hand up as he tried to find words, "but this is so...UNBELIEVABLE."

"In each country we've been to," Colin said seeing Kuyvashev's mind working as it was easily read on Kuyvashev's face, "we've gotten people within the government to work with us."

"The FBI in the United States up to the President," I said. "Military Intelligence or MI5 in Great Britain; to the SRI, Servicul Roman de Informatii, Romanian Intelligence Service." I smiled, "We also have some very smart scientific and medial minds in all those countries that know and have seen what we do. They add credibility to what we say and do."

"We need that here in Russia," George smiled at Kuyvashev.

"The problem will be that you won't be able to tell any in the Russian FSB," Colin said seriously. "The only ones you talk about it with must be approved. By you, if you take the job. You already know Alexandria Balakin knows and can be talked to about this. She may have contacts she trusts. However, you will be doing this secret that even your Intelligence Agency, the FSB, can't know about."

I saw a faint smile grow on Kuyvashev's face. That idea appealed to him somehow, "That sounds exciting, doesn't it, Yevgeny? Don't let that fool you. It's a tricky task, if you take it." I warned.

Colin added, "You will be given exclusive access to our website and get all the information about what's happening in the VUN."

"If we can trust you," George said. "We have two that can tell. One that can make sure you won't talk to anyone. Can you think of a scientist or doctor you would trust in Russia?" He held a hand up, "I mean a man or woman that could understand all this. I have the chemical breakdowns of the venom and the serum. I would give access to that to someone trustworthy."

Kuyvashev thought a few seconds, "There are some smart people I can think of." He looked up, "Maybe if I speak with Alexandria at the end of this week, we can come up with a name." He shrugged, "Or two."

"You do that," Colin smiled. "I believe you."

Kuyvashev smiled back, "Oh, and I prefer close friends to call me Geny." He said with the hard J sound. "I hope we can be friends, and maybe even close friends."

"We're getting there," Colin smiled. "Yevgeny."

As with all that go on the serum, the pain those getting the serum did stop suffering and went to sleep. Going through the agony was very taxing. Again, we each took turns watching the new members of our group.

Kev took the first watch. I would take the second watch. George insisted on it to be careful that the one in a million chance some complication occurred. Needless to say, it didn't happen. Colin kept watch over me. Go ahead and laugh, but it was nice to have someone that cared enough to stay with me to keep me company.

Kuyvashev went to rest for the next night. Colin felt okay with him, and Vlad had lightly asked him in Vlad's talented way to trust us and prove that Yevgeny was deserving of that trust. Don't get me wrong. Any programming by us to ensure Yevgeny could be trusted meant WE didn't trust HIM. Vlad's suggestion would only mean Yevgeny would think about it before he did something questionable.

About two hours before sunset, Colin and I went to the kennel and got Hiccup, Dan-D, and Pechenye and brought them to the lab area again.

"Are we bringing them the small meal?" Colin asked me.

"It's better if we take them to the meal," I replied.

I had told the chef what to make. Chicken. Asbest had that poultry processing plant, and I knew there was plenty of chicken.

The cook at that time looked puzzled and I had to use the translator on him. A nice man, but spoke almost no English, "Vy khotie kuritsu bez pripravy, dajeh bez soli eli pertsa?" You want chicken with no seasoning, not even salt or pepper?

I chuckled and nodded, "Yep!" Da!

He knew what we were doing and just nodded, promising it would be hot, juicy, and done.

"Nikakikh spetius!" I said firmly with a smile.

"Da," he nodded and said in accented English, "No spices."

We got to our friends and were pleased to see they were up already. It wasn't quite sundown. The venom's hold on them was weakening. I was pleased to see Yevgeny was there as well.

Mark brightened when he saw who was with us, "Hiccup!" His hands reached out for the puppy. "And those with Hiccup." He grinned.

Colin looked at me, "Should we be offended?"

I smiled, "With Mark? Nah."

Hiccup was glad to see Mark, but equally glad to see Stan!

"Last night was not much better," Stan told us.

"Last night only lasted six and a half hours," George informed them. "not the eight."

"Not a lot of difference," Sergey grumbled.

"Sergey!" Garold gasped and pointed at him. "Your face!"

Sergey touched his face but looked at Garold. He pointed at Garold, "Your face!"

I chuckled and got some mirrors they could hold, "Look at your own faces." Male or female, they were all surprised at what they saw. They had color and moisture in their eyes. "I know it hurts, but all of you are taking huge strides back to looking and being Human."

"It will be worth it if we can see a sunrise," Larva said softly. "How soon will that happen?"

"Tomorrow," George answered. "Today, you get to eat something!"

"Eat!?" Daria repeated. "You mean food?"

"Yes," I nodded. "And it will be the best thing you'll ever eat! Ever! Chicken." I chuckled at the few upturned lips and the other disbelieving looks. "The smell you have to reprogram your mind and it will be heavenly; and the taste will be ambrosia!"

"You are going to there!" Colin said. "We didn't want to bring all that down here."

"Later you can eat borsht!" Yuri grinned. "I love it!" He saw the surprised looks from his friends. "I never had it before!" He defended waving his hands out helplessly.

We made our way to the café. I was carrying Dan-D and Colin was carrying Pechenye. Stan was carrying Hiccup.

Getting our vampire friends to sit around a table and I lifted Dan-D up to my face, "I'm putting you down to play and explore. We'll get you a ball or one of those squeaky toys to annoy everybody with soon." I lowered him to the smooth, white floor and set him on his feet. "Watch out for these tall creatures," I pointed at the people. "And you watch out for them!" They were smiling at me and my interactions with the puppies. Everyone loves puppies! Vampire or something else, everyone loved puppies.

We watched as Colin placed Pechenye next to his brother. Stan put Hiccup with his brothers. They were still very young. Their senses were starting in the beginning phases. They couldn't see clearly but that would improve in two more weeks. They could see and smell...a little. Mostly they ate and slept. They needed the chance to exercise.

"Don't wander off," Mark instructed and stroked Hiccup who stood there with his brothers and they figured out what they could do.

I thought it important, and I explained some things. "I'm bringing the food to you. I'll caution you as we do with everyone that goes on the serum; your bodies have not digested solid food for decades or even centuries..."

"Not that anyone ever listens to us," Colin grumbled with a smile.

"It's impossible to resist," I commented and looked at them. "Where we gave you the serum has a couple of bathrooms." I held my fingers up. "two." I waved at the wall where there were doors that had the figures of a person standing there and another one with a dress thing. Men's room and women's room. "Here are enough for everyone, because..."

"You will need to go quickly," Colin chuckled. "And do something you haven't done since before you were bitten!" George and I joined him in laughter. Yevgeny's eyebrows rose in surprise.

"That part of their anatomy hasn't been used in a while," I explained to Yevgeny. "Stan and Mark may not be as bad. Your bodies might not have forgotten too much."

The cook, whose name was Dima, came from the kitchen pushing a cart with a large, covered tray. He lifted the cover and steam rose. The smell of cooked chicken filled the air.

"Ni soli, ni pertsa," Dima said looking squarely at me.

I leaned toward Mark and Stan who didn't have their translators, "He said, no salt, no pepper." I looked at Dima, "Spasibo." I said without using my translator to say, "Thank you." Hey, I was learning Russian.

As with other vampires, placing the chicken in front of them...all of them curled their lips as the smell reached their nose and their brains told them "No." The serum was telling them it was okay. In fact, like we told them, that part of the brain now told them, "Eat it!" Eyes grew and knives and forks picked up and they began eating. The first bite was also like we said, ambrosia! Eyes closed on two as the taste was so good. The rest were now eating faster! Even Stan and Mark were shocked.

"There's nothing on this or in it?" Stan asked.

"This is sooo GOOD!" Mark nodded but kept eating quickly.

Colin and I laughed. George nodded and smiled, "The venom does heighten your senses to make you a better predator. Vision, hearing, and taste are heightened."

"I ate chicken the day before yesterday," Stan said. "This just tastes better!"

Dima could speak some English. He said in broken English, "No salt, no pepper, no...FREEZE!! Kogda-libo..." he searched for the word in English, "Ever!"

I waved at Dima at what he said.

Yuri leaned forward, "This week, you WILL eat borscht!!"

I heard a familiar whimper and looked down at the three puppies who were huddled together, but Dan-D was voicing something.

I grinned, "Oh yes. The floor is cold." I reached down and picked him up and Pechenye. Colin picked up Hiccup.

"Hi," Colin greeted the puppy, "I'm your Uncle Colin!" He hugged the puppy gently. Hiccup knew him and was fine.

"Are we going to Chuck's funeral service?" Mark asked.

"After you complete the treatment," Colin began. "Yes. I'd say in a week."

Mark nodded, "The pups will only be three weeks old. Are we coming back?"

Colin looked at George and me, "I think we have to. We should only be a week there."

Mark nodded, "I think they should be alright, but they need to stay with their mama another four weeks before they're even weened. Even if they aren't, Chuck is way more important."

I looked at Yevgeny, "We're hopefully establishing a VUN chapter in Russia. There is a lot to do to make that happen."

Yevgeny nodded, "I look forward to it." He looked up. "I wanted at the end of my career to do something very important for Russia..." he nodded and admitted, "and for myself. I believe this is it." Then he looked humorously annoyed, "and I can't tell anyone!"

"I thought that was what people in Intelligence Services wanted," I said. "Doing something so secret no one knows, even Intelligence Supervisors!"

Yevgeny nodded, "Yeah." He grumbled.

Next: Chapter 69: Red Alert 15

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