
By Richard McQueen

Published on Apr 22, 2023


Story: Blueblood: Red Alert

Chapter: 16 Magic

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

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Taking Colin's new toy home, Devon realizes something. Being what they are gives them a kind of magic. For him, at least. They take their new friends with them home before their next jaunt.

The plane's taking off was...thrilling? I don't know what word to use. Down here in the cargo section, it was nice...for a cargo area. I was there to keep Pusik calm. She would help keep her brood of puppies calm. Mark stroked Pusik and so did I, touching each puppy while sending the feeling to be peaceful and relaxed. I still couldn't believe I could do that, but it worked! Maybe we DID have something magical. Vlad sure worked magic.

Down below there were no windows, and the engines were louder, but not bad. I felt the altitude rise in my ears and knew to yawn or just wait. They'd pop anyway. Holding your nose and doing that thing with holding your breath and trying to get the air out, blocking the air so it had no choice but go out your ears. Forcing them to pop was not a recommended way. Chewing gum! I didn't have gum, so... Pusik and her pups didn't have gum. If we HAD gum, we'd have to teach them to eat it! Too complicated.

"I know we needed a bigger plane," Stan smiled at Colin. "This plane ain't cheap!"

Colin grudged a nod, "No, it's not. With George's cures and various medications for treating blood disorders, and cancer, we're making good money." He smiled at Stan, "And your work with Buddy, the computer end of our business will grow. There's justification for it." His grin looked a bit menacing, "When we land in Russia again, and later in China, the plane will show them power." He shrugged.

Mark smiled at Colin, "It's a show of that power." He nodded. "That can work."

Colin grinned, "I know."

I stroked Pusik's soft fur as she relaxed with her puppies. The black fur was clean, Anton bathed his dogs once a week. More, if they got muddy or when it was cold and there was a lot of snow and ice. Why? Snow and ice is frozen water! He washed them in hot water and dried them out putting them in a heated kennel! His room was heated, so why not theirs? Pusik was in a large crate that held her and her puppies with enough room to move around in but kept them secure. Pusik was a big dog, the need to move, stretch her legs, even to go to the bathroom was needed.

"How long is this flight?" I asked.

Colin gave a shrug and nod, "Nine to eleven hours. We are a direct flight. No transfers or refueling required." He nodded. "We are traveling with the sun. We left in the morning and will arrive at the airport near Manhattan. Teterboro, New Jersey. I had to change airports due to the size of this plane, renting the hangar, their ability to get the jet fuel..." he smiled, "They can do it..."

"It's not cheap," Stan said simply.

"No," Colin admitted. "We're working it out."

"Working it out?" I questioned. "We need to land."

Colin nodded, "And we will. Ruben has told them we were to land there. I'll be working with the airport on the price. They will let us land. It's after we land that's in question." He grinned. "Money talks. We will come to a settlement." He smiled at Mark, "You and George need to have the paperwork for Pusik and her brood ready." He shrugged, "We shouldn't have any problems, but if anyone asks we show them the paperwork. Just in case."

"It's in Russian," Mark said smiling.

"Yeah, but it's legal!" Colin stated proudly. "If they need help reading it, we have those translators to help."

"There are restrictions on transporting animals this young," Stan pointed out.

"Restrictions our President can override," Colin nodded.. "We will be discrete. Like we were with Iustina, Repetate, and Ralph. They weren't exactly brought in by legal means. They were needed to help George." He looked away slightly, "If they're found out, we can say they're needed for his research."

I felt a pang of hurt hearing the three Old Ones names. I really missed them. Knowing what they were didn't stop me from loving them. I reached in the crate and picked up Dan-D. Recognizing him now among all his brothers and sisters was easy now. They all looked very similar and Dan-D was catching up with them in weight and in size, but I knew him now. He knew me, too. His tail began wagging as soon as I began reaching. Bringing him up to my face he began licking. Love was recognizable with many species.

"Using this sweet little thing as a research animal!?" I asked. "Who could do anything horrible to this sweet little guy?" I hugged Dan-D close. He responded by giving me even more licks even faster.

Colin chuckled, "I'm not saying anyone would. I'm saying George could say he needs these particular puppies for an experiment. Thus the reason we're bringing them."

The other puppies wanted our attention, too. They had gotten to know us and knew we were friends and I had gotten to know all of them.

"You two have got to see this plane!" I said to Mark and Stan, "It has everything, including a lab for George and Kev." I waved them off, "Go see. I'll stay with Pusik and keep her happy."

"Fine," Mark said as he was about to put Hiccup back with his mother.

"Wait," Stan stopped Mark. "Can't we take him upstairs?" He asked Colin.

Colin nodded, "Sure." Then he was in parent mode and shook a parental finger at them, "This is a brand-new plane. No marking of territories, no wandering around sniffing..."

Stan grinned, "I'll see that Mark doesn't." He kissed Mark and rubbed Hiccup's head gently, "And you, too."

Mark didn't even bother with Stan's remark, "George has a lab on this?" He nodded, "I would love to see it."

All of the puppies had Human pet-parents. One by one each of the parents came to retrieve this pup-child. Leaving Pusik, Dan-D, Pechenye, Colin, and me by ourselves.

Colin arrived at a decision, "Pusik, is this the first you've been alone since you gave birth?"

Pusik was sitting up in her huge crate, all alone and you knew she was concerned about her babies. She was a friendly dog, A Rottweiler, but a friendly Rottweiler. I had been frightened by one next door when I was very little. That cursed me with fear I confronted each time I encountered one. The Romans used them as guards thousands of years ago. Pusik's face held contentment with her happy expression...along with the mother's worry.

"Looks like the party's moved upstairs," Colin commented as he stood, Pechenye in his arm. "Let's join them." He looked at me. "Does she need a leash or command in Russian? Something?"

I got up and felt I needed her by my side. It's difficult for me to say how this was done in my head, but it only took a few seconds, Pusik rose and came to my side and waited, ready to go wherever. I looked at Colin, "No, I guess not." I moved toward the stairs with Pusik right at my side. It was if I commanded "heel" and she did. Maybe that was what I did. I don't know. There were things otherworldly about us, but I never thought about becoming a dog psychic. Hey, a dog could read emotions easily. Such as when you've had a bad day and they come and lay a supportive head on your lap. They sense when a person is about to have a seizure and warn the person they are with. They are support animals and trained to know what to do. Perhaps the venom had given me the ability to do this. Ellis could smell I was made into a vampire by Colin! Pusik could probably tell, but until she talks... She didn't react to Colin, me, or any other like us on the serum. She knew Yuri and Zoya and they were vampires. How did she react to them? Was the fact that they hadn't sought Human blood make the difference? How would she react to Iustina, Repetate, or Ralph? How would they react to Pusik? How would we train the puppies to seek those not on the serum and not us?

Getting to the level where the others were, we saw the whole plane were talking with each other and the puppies. Scout was wanting to explore this new place and letting her dog-parents, my mother and Willie know that. Mom put her down so she could, to a degree.

Looking at Pechenye I was reminded of the main reason we were taking them to Manhattan so early. Chuck. Again, that pain from loss hit me. A beautiful person was taken from the world. People often say that, but I KNEW this was very true. His happy demeanor and presence were missed by all of us. The pain I felt I didn't wish away. This is going to sound strange, but I welcomed it! I was supposed to feel the pain! Yes, it hurt! It told me how much I loved him. Mom told me that when my father died. I didn't fully understand then. I understood more now. Chuck meant a lot to me, the evidence was the PAIN. It hurt, yes. Accept it. Mom told me to welcome it. But it hurt! Why would I welcome pain? If you accept it, somehow it doesn't hurt the same. Now, I wanted to know who originated that and how did they know? What criteria was used? Whatever. It didn't matter. Chuck was gone and I felt the ache. I didn't even try to stop it. And to prove part of what I said before, both Dan-D and Pechenye let out a little whine. Dan-D even licked my face once slowly as if to say, "It's okay." Sure, I projected an emotion. They picked it up. Even Pusik looked at me patiently but kept at my heel. I kissed Dan-D's head, then Pechenye's. I patted Pusik and said, "I'll be okay."

Colin looked confused, "Okay with what?"

I grinned, "Just assuring Pusik, Dan-D, and Pechenye I was alright."

Colin looked uncertain, "And they told you they were worried?"

I shrugged, "More like, they told me they are here for me."

"They did," Colin said to confirm.

"Yep," I grinned at him. "They did."

When we got in the passenger area, Pusik knew the people in it except for two. Kuyvashev and another young man in his mid-twenties I hadn't met. The new man was not unattractive, even with his blond hair. I don't need to say it again. Slender and he stood about my height, five feet and ten inches? One very important thing I detected; he was a vampire! I sensed Pusik tense with the new people. I felt calm with Kuyvashev. It was clear this new guy was a steward. He was in a kind of uniform like any steward or stewardess on a commercial airline. He wore black pants and over his white shirt was a dark red vest. I guess that WAS a uniform for us.

"Oh, Joshua," Colin said to the man who looked up, smiled and walked over after giving Willie a drink. "Do you have a moment? I want you to meet Devon."

The young man nodded, "Of course, Mr. Wentworth."

Colin chuckled, "Remember, there are two Mr. Wentworths on this trip. Calling me Colin is fine." He motioned to me, "This is my husband Devon Wentworth." I stuck my hand out which Joshua took.

"Miss Ursula told me a lot about you when I began with Holm's Laboratories a year ago."

Colin nodded and looked at me, "Joshua Sisto is one of the rescues from the New York Subway." He smiled as my eyes were widening. "Yes! He was in the first group you and I found in the subway. You and I found him! In that big hole we found in the subway wall! Remember there were about a dozen down there." He touched Joshua's shoulder. "He is one of those dozens."

I couldn't know every vampire. Even at home, and I mean home in Charleston and Manhattan! There were vampires at Holm's Laboratories and a part of the Vampire United Nations in Manhattan. There were people such as Ursula and Amanda who worked in the background. A very much needed service. Certainly not a lesser service. No. I needed to be more aware of what they do. Amanda was vital at her job of keeping Iustina, Repetate, and Ralph provided with their daily blood. John Burke's supply of blood from his herd of prized sheep gave the supply of needed blood. The rats in the subway had worked, but the sheep were much better. Amanda and Ursula no longer needed any blood. Neither did this vampire named Joshua. He looked Human. He WAS Human, just like we were. All vampires were Human. They just suffered from an infection. Even the wild vampires. It was easy to think that because we were "in the trenches," we were the Vampire United Nations! We weren't the most important.

"You were in our first," I sought a word quickly, "to get you free of the nightly wandering in the subway?"

Joshua chuckled, "That's nicely put." He scratched his right ear. "I lived a nightmare for almost twenty years."

I shook my head, "Something I never encountered."

Joshua smiled and gave a nod, "Thank God, you never did. It was horrible!" He nodded to Colin, "You suffered a lot longer!"

Colin nodded his acknowledgement, "But I recovered."

"I heard," I said to Colin, "As you tell me." I waved at Colin and then looked at Joshua. "You were in the subway since when?"

"New Years' Eve," Joshua frowned. "I had one last semester at NYU..."

"New York University!?" I blurted out excited. Joshua's head retracted a little. "Majoring in what?"

"Applied Psychology," Joshua said warily.

"Really!?" Again, too enthusiastically for Joshua. I saw him move slightly back. I reached out touching his arm. "Sorry." I patted him gently, "You want to be a psychologist?"

"I hoped to be," Joshua answered and then frowned.

"You were bitten when? You were in Manhattan," I said to get more information.

"Yes," Joshua answered. "It was December thirty-first of the year two thousand. The last day of the twentieth century. I was celebrating the beginning of the twenty first century."

I nodded, "That's right. January first of the year two thousand and one was the first day of the new millennium!"

Joshua frowned, "I greeted the new millennium as a vampire." He said sadly. He shrugged, "My friends from school didn't survive. I don't even remember who bit me. We were very drunk."

"You're alive, Joshua," I reminded him. "You were nearly finished with your curriculum to be a psychologist." I said hoping he would confirm what was needed.

"Yes," Joshua smiled. "I took cognition and social psychology and neuroscience, and developmental psychology."

I grabbed him and hugged him, which startled him again, "Sorry," I patted him again on the chest. "I'm interested in getting that form of credentials. Everyone expects me to council, and I can't..."

"Are you KIDDING?" Joshua interrupted me and asked incredibly. "I am having to earn my degree again. I've had to retake courses I already took." He grudged a nod, "I managed to clep a few courses..." he looked at me, "You know clepping."

I nodded but Colin looked puzzled, "To clep a course means you take a test to prove you already have what is taught in the course." I explained to Colin.

Colin nodded, "Oh." He smiled at Joshua. "You entered NYU again?"

Joshua shrugged, "I entered that school posing as my own son." He chuckled. "Ruben helped to make that possible."

"He did?" I grinned. "He gave you a new identity."

"If I re-entered the University as I am," Joshua looked puzzled. "I should be in my fifties or sixties. So, I'm Joshua Sisto...Junior!" He shrugged. "Ruben got me a Social Security Number, Driver's License...the whole nine yards." He grudged a nod, "Now you! I'm jealous. How many people have you counseled? How many war veterans from how many wars? I saw the video you made dealing with Vlad and Gaius. You confronted them with their perceived beliefs. You deal with those three back in Manhattan. Iustina, Repetate, and Ralph." He went on, "George records everything. I saw you deal with Wayne when he was a wild do things instinctively and do it very well."

"Thank you," I said and smiled a bit. "You have the teaching I want. " I waved at my mother who was playing with Scout who was trying to get to Willie's drink. Willie was moving it away and out of reach for Scout to get. He was fussing a little at the puppy, but half-heartedly shaking his head. Scout responded by licking Willie's face. "My mother taught me a lot."

Joshua nodded and smiled, "There are some who are born to be great council. She is one and she passed it to you." He held his little round tray for drinks up ,"I volunteered to do this job on this plane. I needed to return to work. I was just thrilled to be a part of this group in ANY way!" He chuckled, "While on breaks during school, I tended bar. There's not much difference between bartending and being a stewardess." He grinned, "They didn't give me the skirt though." He looked at me. "There are almost two hundred degrees you can get online by computer with the NYU." He looked at Stan, "I'm sure Stan will let you use Buddy to do that."

"I knew that, but I just hadn't gotten around to it" I said.. "I just don't want to hurt anyone."

Here was the age thing again. Looking at Joshua, he looked a decade YOUNGER than I was, BUT he was OLDER . The vampire bite, the venom had stopped his aging, YET his mind had matured, "I don't think you could. There is no curriculum to cover how to council people who are two centuries old, five centuries..." he waved at Amasis, "Or over two thousand years old...and royalty!" He sort of hissed a whisper, "He was a Pharaoh! In EGYPT!" He hissed to me like it was confidential. He pointed again. This time at Vlad. "I don't care what he says: that man IS Dracula!" He grudged another nod and shrugged, "Minus the really cool black cape and wanting to drink your blood." Joshua turned to me, "You guys are on the front lines!"

Colin smiled, "Where you want to be."

"Hell, yeah!" Joshua blurted.

"You read all this?" I said cautiously.

Joshua nodded, "George is a true man of science. He documents everything! In detail. Even his reluctance with the Old Ones. He recorded his lack of agreement on doing anything with them but documented his need for their venom." He pointed at me, "Your sessions with them, teaching them about the world, their love of cartoons..." he grinned, "I love Tom and Jerry, too. That's a sign of great intelligence!" I laughed at his observation, but he went on. "Devon, Stan came up with those things for them to use to speak with and you taught them to use them. Amanda has continued that during your absence." He smiled, "And so have I."

"You read all this?" Now I was directly questioning Joshua about what he knows and how.

Joshua smiled, "You, however, don't record things in written form. George and the VUN have it that anytime someone goes into Repetate's, Iustina's, and Ralph's's recorded on video by Buddy. Your sessions with them are important. I watched and listened to them." He looked at Colin, "I have clearance to do that."

Colin smiled and nodded, "The restrictions are to limit people outside the VUN from seeing them. That's not you."

Joshua looked as if he felt better now, "Good." He sighed and looked at me, "Check online for the NYU's online programs. You seem to know how to draw people's truths out. You inspire confidence. Does it matter if you've got the degree?"

I thought about what he said, "It does to me." I confessed. We operated most of the time outside the law! There were no laws about dealing with vampires, on or off the serum! Wild vampires! Old Ones! "I think having that degree will assure people I know what I'm doing." I shrugged. "Including me!"

"Evidence!" Joshua said suddenly. "There is evidence around you that says you DO know what you're doing." He looked beyond me and looked a little guilty. "I really need to get him his Moscow Mule." He pointed at Kuyvashev. Again, he leaned in and hissed the whisper, "Do all Russians have to drink vodka?"

I chuckled, "I've not met all Russians, but I think so."

Joshua grinned, "Well, there is no Psychology Texts about treating vampires. You will be writing the text that will be used in the future, Devon."

I nodded and then asked, "How's your Chinese? What do you know about Chinese Vampire Legends?"

Joshua's eyes widened, "I know about the hopping vampire tales. Jiangshi I believe." He grudged a shake of the head, "I'm afraid most of what I know is limited to ordering from Chinese-American Restaurants."

"You and me both," I grumbled.

"Me three," Colin added. "With the translators it will be much better." He waved at Kuyvashev, "He's coming!"

Joshua chuckled, "I asked for this flight to do a job. So, I need to do it."

"You are talking with the Chief Executive Officer for Holme's' Laboratories," I said thumbed back at Colin. "Since he's the one that stopped you, I dare say your job is secure."

Colin nodded, "I am and I did."

Joshua smiled, "Still...I existed in a fog for nearly twenty years." His chuckle had a deep sadness in it. "Seeking blood every day, hiding constantly..."

I touched his arm, and I could not understand his pain, but I knew it was there. Every vampire I've met, except for Amasis and Mom had horror stories. That pain ran deep. I was feeling compassion.

Joshua looked at me curious, "What are you doing?" He smiled, "Whatever it is, don't stop."

I was a bit startled, "Why? What's happening?"

Joshua grinned, "I am feeling this wave of something very comforting and warm." He nodded at me.

My eyes widened, "That's coming from me?"

Joshua nodded, "Oh, yes. It's very comforting."

Those stories about vampires were right about this. A vampire could sense other vampires' presence without seeing them. Every one of us could. Colin sensed that evil Brett Marshal that night of his Christmas party without seeing him. The night when I was bitten that first time. The night we met Edwin who was trying to hide, but Colin sensed where he was. Jeremy Proctor has Downs Syndrome but knew what we were by sensing us. He also projected love and trust to the many barnyard animals who in turn trusted him completely. Gaius and Vlad projected a strong malevolent feeling, dark and threatening. I did, apparently, with the dogs. I felt love and compassion toward Joshua? He said I did.

"I've not felt that in..." Joshua tried to think, "a long time. Thank you." His head went back a little as he sighed contently, then he looked at me directly. "You may feel better with more instruction, but I trust you. You could ask me anything and I'd tell you." He smiled bigger. "The truth! You are a natural counselor." He pointed at Kuyvashev. "He really wants a Moscow Mule."

I waved at Kuyvashev and said, "He's coming."

Kuyvashev got up and walked over wary of Pusik's protective stance. I felt calm toward Pusik who allowed Kuyvashev to approach, "I can see he's busy. Just point me to the vodka, I can make it myself."

"No," Joshua bowed slightly, "I just got caught up with my employer." He smiled, "We have Beluga Vodka. How does that sound?"

Kuyvashev's eyes grew, "Really?" He smiled and waved at where he sat. "I ordered, in English, the Moscow Mule! I am not as fluent reading have Beluga Vodka?"

Colin grinned, "Top shelf, even in Russia."

Kuyvashev chuckled, "I don't care what shelf it's from..." then he nodded, "Oh, yes. I remember that's what you call top quality." He looked at the plane's interior. "All top quality for everyone on this plane. I've not flown in one nicer! Is everyone with your VUN treated like this?"

Colin grudged a nod, "With only a few exceptions, most of these people have suffered. Many for decades and even centuries. They deserve a little pampering."

"I wish to join!" Kuyvashev stated firmly. He smiled bigger and he looked at Joshua, "Take your time, but can I get it before we land?"

Joshua nodded, "I'll get it right now." He looked at me and Colin, "Excuse me, gentlemen." He went to get Kuyvashev his drink.

I looked at Yuri and Zoya. Yuri appeared fine, but Zoya was tense. She had a firm grip on the seat. The armrests were too wide. I tried it again. A feeling of serenity, calmness, and security was what I felt toward her. I was amazed when I saw her grip lessen as she let go and relaxed. Maybe we DID have a magical ability. Then I chastised myself. Whenever men had something they couldn't explain, they called it magic or witchcraft. I was not a witch. My abilities did not come from Satan, the Devil, or any demon. It was an ability that...and this was just a theory, but we were predators. The ability to calm, and even seduce to get made sense. No, I didn't imagine Iustina, Repetate, or Ralph would seduce anyone. They may know about sex having seen it, but they couldn't do it. Could they? The equipment wasn't there! I would have to talk to George. "I should have been here when we took off." I smiled touching Zoya. "This is your first plane flight, isn't it?"

Yuri nodded with a big smile, "It was! Very exciting!"

"I would choose another word," Zoya admitted, "I don't know the word in English, but it was like scared." She looked at me, "We are FLYING!?" She said incredibly. "We aren't going to fall." She wanted me to confirm what she had said.

"I will say the plane should not fall," I grudged a shrug and nod. "There is no guarantee with any transportation promising no problems. The number of planes that fall or have difficulties is decreasing every year. This mode of travel is safer than trains and other forms of ground transportation. Millions of miles are traveled this way per year and the numbers of planes in trouble are very low."

"Millions of miles," Zoya repeated.

"That's what he said," Yuri told his wife. "I saw him say it. You didn't hear him?" He chuckled.

Zoya didn't turn away from him as she nodded, "Yes, Luchik, I heard him."

I smiled hearing her say a name I did not know. No translator, thus no translation! Yuri wasn't offended and from the way Zoya said it, it wasn't a bad word. "Okay, what did she just call you?"

"I called him my ray of sunshine," Zoya grinned. "Sunray to be precise. Often, he is."

"Luchik," I said. "I'll have to remember that." Patting Zoya I smiled. "It will be fine. Everyone who has never flown before has the same problem. Gabriella had a very strong reaction flying the first time. Talk with her." I received a lick and looked at Dan-D. "Thank you for reminding me, Dan-D." I said and kissed him on the head. "Everybody!" I said loud hefting Dan-D up a bit, "All of these bundles of joy you're holding...nature will be calling any second. To keep anything untoward from happening on this shiny new plane, we need to take them back down where they can get the love and care from their mother." I turned to head back downstairs and was about to pass Colin who was showing Kuyvashev something. Kuyvashev had his drink now.

" any language thanks to the Delkenzie program on Buddy," Colin was saying as he touched the screen that displayed in front of Kuyvashev's seat. "Russky, pojaluista." He smiled. "See? Everything is now in Russian!"

"Your claim that the languages were what you were here for?" Kuyvashev asked about what we had said we were doing.

Colin nodded, "We were! The Delkenzie program is refined every time we research a region we go to. Russian was the first language other than English that the Delkenzie Program learned. The translation is more accurate."

I touched Colin who looked at me, "Great plane!" I told him which brought a big smile on Colin's face. "I'm taking Dan-D down to be with his siblings and his mother. I think Mark and I should take shifts being with Pusik."

"Okay," Colin nodded. "If I see Mark, I'll know your doing your shift. Visa versa if I see you."

"Right," I nodded, kissing him quickly. I waved at everyone taking their puppy down the stairs. Sniffing the air I grinned, "Some puppy has left their mark up here. It was bound to happen."

"No problem!" Mark said suddenly near us. "Anton gave me something that will clean it up and get rid of the smell. I swear!"

Joshua was explaining the menu access by the screen to Yuri and Zoya. He smiled as he was about to walk back to the kitchen area.

Kuyvashev stopped him, "This is the best Moscow Mule I've ever had!"

"Thank you," Joshua bowed slightly. "I was becoming very popular twenty years ago in Manhattan." He chuckled. "I almost decided to do it full time."

Kuyvashev's eyes widened, "When you were three!?"

I laughed and pulled Joshua in a bro-hug, "He's one of us. He got treatment in New York."

"You mean..." Kuyvashev pointed at Joshua, "He's a vampire, too?"

"Just like I am," I replied and waved at Colin, "He is, George...he was rescued recently."

Joshua nodded, "And spent those years since acclimating to life in the real world!" He smiled, "Not much has changed with bartending, but they sent me to school to become an even better bartender!"

Colin nodded, "We..." he waved at himself and me, then motioned to the others, "we have been away a lot, but I was told he was the best bartender at Vamps!"

I grinned at Joshua, "Was he?"

"We have to go there." Colin declared to Kuyvashev.

"It's a restaurant at the VUN!" I added and bowed a head a bit, "Holme's Laboratories really. Open for Human and Vampire clientele..."

"And Vampires are so hard to please!" Joshua added happily.

Colin laughed, "That's because a vampire can taste and smell better than a Human can!"

I thumbed at Colin, "And the amount THIS one eats!"

Colin threw his arms out helplessly, "I was bitten just after a big meal! It's not my fault."

"I'm not saying it is," I said back.

"I heard about that," Joshua chuckled. He waved back at the kitchen. "I'm prepared. There are three chefs at Vamps that think they are each in charge. One, Lorenzo, has been there for over thirty YEARS!" His smile grew, "He has been there since Ursula, Colin, and George has been there and started Holme's Laboratories. Longer than anyone. He is Italian and let's just say...they realized having all three there at the same time was not wise." He chuckled, "The yelling! They are all great chefs!" He shook his head. "When their shifts overlap..." he dipped his head. "People could hear it in the dining area!"

There was a quiet whine and a lick to my cheek. Looking at Dan-D, I remembered. "Oh, right!" I kissed his head quickly, "Sorry, Dan-D. Let's go." I looked at Pusik who had not left my side. I reached down patting her head, "You're a good girl, Pusik." I needed to praise her more and give her attention. Just her. She was a great dog. "Let's go." I looked at Joshua, "We'll talk more. I know there's an interesting story here. I can't wait to hear it."

Joshua nodded, "There's about eight and a half hours of air-time left," Joshua said with a smile. "We will."

Getting back below with Pusik and Dan-D, Pusik went in her crate and plopped down. I could read her thoughts about what she was going to do. No, I couldn't read minds, but her sigh as she lay with the pups returning, she knew what they wanted and needed. That was her job, and she would do it. I reached in patting her head and scratching under her chin as she liked. "This is what you will do until you ween them." I shrugged. "That should be soon, I think." This was nature's timetable, not mine. "You're a good girl."

Mark came down carrying a spray bottle and some device I didn't know. He grinned. "She is a very good girl." He held up the device, "I had to vacuum up Iilyana's mess upstairs." He shrugged. "I'm surprised more haven't marked their territories."

"Iilyana?" repeated knowing who that had to be. "Is that Lucian's name for the puppy he took?"

Mark nodded, "Yep." He thought. "I don't know if I want a puppy named after me."

"At least Iilya knows he hasn't been forgotten." I shrugged smiling. "Lucian loved him for better or worse." I watched Pusik take care of her babies. Until she weened them, she would take care of any poop. I felt sorry for Pusik. With as many pups as she had, that was a lot of poop! "What's happening with all the urine?" I asked. A vampire's senses were enhanced, but I really didn't smell any piss!

"Charcoal and baking soda!" Mark grinned again. "A lot of charcoal and baking soda." He pointed at the pad Pusik, and her pups were laying on. "That pad's a big pamper. You've seen the commercials. It's either Pampers or of those that shows the difference between three in the morning with their diaper verses without. The baby gets wet, and the baby's crying telling it needs changing and with that diaper, it sleeps. Not needing that change because it feels dry even if it did pee." He pointed at the pad, "That's what Anton came up with! The puppies may pee, but no one feels it and you don't smell it!" He said in triumph. "That man's mind has truly gone to the dogs."

I nodded, "Thank God." I looked but didn't see Stan. "Is Stan with Buddy?"

"Of course," Mark grumbled, but smiled. "I'm second fiddle again. This time, this part of Buddy flies!"

I chuckled, "He's endlessly devoted to you. It almost killed him that time he almost lost you. He stayed by your side, waiting for you to get up."

Mark looked at me, "I remember." He said fondly. "And he confessed his undying love to me."

"Which was practically on a billboard!" I said exasperated. "Everyone else saw it!" I held a hand up, "I know, you were worried about upsetting his fragile mental state. His mother explained why, but it took so much for the two of you to get together! He won't leave you for Buddy." I waved at Pusik. "Have you left Stan for Pusik?"

Mark was offended by almost nothing. He looked at Pusik, "Well," he pondered, "As attractive as Pusik is..." Mark smiled as he petted her. That was a testament as to how much she trusted Mark and me. We were allowed contact with her at a vulnerable time for her.

"Are you going to be training the puppies?" I asked.

"Me!?" Mark asked quickly and shook his head. "You have your pronouns confused. You meant to say YOU would be training them!"

I shook my head, "I don't know a THING about training a dog!"

Mark chuckled, "But you've already started. Pusik was at your heel the whole time you were upstairs. You had her calm and accepting just after she gave birth in Asbest! You had all the dogs in that kennel obey you, and sit in one day! All of them accepted you as the alpha. You were training them that first moment! I saw it."

I didn't realize what I was doing, "I didn't know I was doing anything. I don't know how to train them to find a vampire and not us!"

Mark nodded, "These dogs, Pusik's pups have been bred from dogs who for generations trained to find vampires. It is instinct now. For over a hundred years these dogs have sought vampires, yet Yuri and Zoya and the others were not targeted. I think the training will just be a defined search." He shook his head and pointed at me, "I think these dogs will be trained very quickly by you." He laughed, "Stan and I will get you to train Hiccup not to pee or poop on the floor for us and not to chew up our shoes."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Well, that's your fault. It's a testament of love! It's a chewy leather and smells like you! Chewing something like that means he loves you!"

Mark smiled at that, "tell that to Stan when he chews his shoes. You know it will happen." He looked at me with a serious look. "You have a magic with them."

"No," I said quickly. "It's not magic! They sense my emotion to know what I want. Dogs do that with people all the time."

Mark nodded, "And your emotional communication is more precise. If it's the venom, or the serum...perhaps both, it tells them what to do. They obey." He looked at me more directly. "When you wanted Pusik to be calm during takeoff, Stan and I were calmed, too. Was Colin calmed?"

"You'll have to ask him," I muttered.

Mark looked puzzled a moment, "I wonder what sense I'll have enhanced."

"It seems what is enhanced is to make us better hunters," I thought. I had denied it for so long.

"You've had some influence from day one with me," Mark waved to the plane's interior, "You got through to Stan day one! He's an extreme introvert, but not with you! He opened up with you! Matt! He trusted no one! He opened up to you in one night! Gizmo, Wayne..." his head wavered, "Wayne was a wild vampire! He trusted you quickly while he couldn't speak, but you got him to talk BEFORE the serum! We would probably have killed him! He was dangerous, but not with you. Amasis..."

I had denied it, but I couldn't now. The dogs were proof. I had truly influenced them, and they wouldn't have responded without it. I still didn't believe it was supernatural. It was perfectly natural, just enhanced.

"Iustina, Repetate, Ralph responded," Mark added. "They trust you!" He stood straighter, "Does this mean I can go in with them and not be attacked?"

"They won't attack you now. What abilities you'll get are determined by the venom to make you a better hunter," I shrugged. "I find it hard to believe some alchemists ten thousand years ago came up with an elixir that have these characteristics. Only Humans that hunt at night, reproduces by bite, and leaves almost no evidence! If you or I were killed now..."

"God, no!!" Mark blurted.

I nodded and smiled, "Yes, I agree, but if we die now, our bodies would dissolve to ash and leave nothing. Nothing to bury."

"The perfect getaway crime," Mark said quietly. "Nothing to even analyze."

I grudged a nodding shrug, "Not according to George. It's too perfect an elixir."

"I wish we could get some of that elixir," Mark said wishfully. "Does it last in storage? Nothing from us lasts long outside the body, our blood, venom...nothing lasts long."

"Sure," I agreed, "it doesn't. Like I said, the perfect elixir! Too perfect! No science in the past could come up with that."

"Don't forget the Atlantis connection and that they got this elixir from someone." Mark said with a smile. "Perhaps they were the leaders who wanted to weaken people for easy conquest."

"It is very otherworldly being what we are," I nodded, then shrugged, "It could be. And until we find the smoking gun, we won't know."

Mark's face held a bit of anger, "Which we will never find."

I shrugged, "Which doesn't matter." Mark's expression held surprise, so I quickly added, "George is working miracles creating a treatment that allows us to come out in the day, eat, and function despite the venom. You know as well as I do, he will find a cure."

Mark's face held a renewed conviction as he nodded, "You're right." He smiled as two puppies whined for attention.

Dan-D was trying to get to me. I reached down so Dan-D could sniff and lick my hand. "So, who's taking the first watch?"

"How about rock, paper, and scissors to decide?" Mark suggested.

I grinned, "It is the most reliable form of chance to win by." I held my hand out in a fist to be ready.

Mark brought his out and then froze a second, "Wait! What does the winner get?"

I thought and nodded, "Good company by these wonderful beings?" I again gave my hand and fingers to Dan-D, who had begun to gnaw on my fingers as well as lick. Not biting, but telling how much he loved me orally! His milk teeth didn't hurt. He would know if he hurt me.

Mark nodded, "That sounds good. I'm again second fiddle to Buddy. A computer widow..." His voice and tone held sadness and a touch of bitterness.

"Mark," I began lowering my fist from the game.

"I know I shouldn't feel like this," Mark said. "I think that's why I enjoy working with these dogs like I do. Stan gets to feel like they are more important than he is."

"Mark!" I said chastising him by my tone. I sighed, "Every one of us have something to be jealous of by our life partners." I waved at the surrounding plane. "Colin is a workaholic," I confessed. "If I let him! He does a great job with Holme's Laboratories business. He would do it almost every hour of the day, if I let him. George is a science geek who has to be reminded to look up and see John!" I shrugged a nod, "And you have always had to remind Stan to eat, sleep, and even shower...and that was BEFORE he had the venom." I waved at Mark, "What you feel is how you feel! It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, it's how you feel." I looked more directly at Mark, "Have you TOLD Stan how you feel?"

"He knows how I feel," Mark insisted.

"He might," I agreed. "You may have to remind him again and again. He can't read your mind." I threw my hands out in exasperation. "Colin has been jealous of Iustina, Repetate, and Ralph because of the time I spent with them and not him! He was jealous of Wayne when I first started to work with him when he was Jerry! He told me how he felt, and we dealt with it! I got obsessed with all of them at first. I can't read Colin's mind. We talked about it." I pointed at Mark. "You want to be the center of Stan's mind...."

"He's got other things he has to do," Mark interrupted.

"So?" I shrugged. "He swore to you in front of everyone that YOU are the most important to him! In front of parents and friends. I was there! He even signed a legally binding contract pledging himself to you. He belongs to you. You belong to him. It's the primitive part of ourselves that wants to claim that frequently..."

Mark grinned and pounded his chest in a gorilla-like fashion, but he gave a very good Tarzan yell.

I smiled, "Was that Ron Eli or Jerry Weissmuller? There have been several Tarzans."

Mark shook his head, "No, that was all me, Mark Goddard."

I nodded with a smile, "Sounds good. My point is," I went on, "none of this would happen if our life partners didn't do what they do." I tapped my own head, "We know that in here. There would be no plane without Colin. There would be no amazing computer without Stan. We would not be walking around without George. You feel jealous! Rightly so! Tell Stan how you feel!"

"What the Hell was that just now?" Colin asked coming into the cargo area where we kept Pusik and her pups.

I waved at Mark, "He was just stating his claim."

"Me Mark," Mark said in the primitive sound of a caveman, or rather like Tarzan. "Stan mine!"

Colin looked at Mark unable to think of what to say and ended up saying simply, "Okay."

"Colin" I said to him. "What's the most important to you?"

Colin grinned and put his arms around me, "You. What's the most important to you?"

"You," I answered immediately and looked again at Mark. "Most important is there is NO perfect relationship because a couple is made of two imperfect people. Just as important as talking is, listening is equally to the other...and I mean hearing the other. There is NO perfect relationship. Continuing to strive for the perfect relationship is ongoing. I'm not perfect," I backhanded Colin very lightly, "and his views of a relationship are two centuries OLD! "

"And his view of a relationship is so immature!" Colin justified, "It takes a lot of patience to listen to some of his views and understand."

My eyes rolled and returned to look at Mark, "The POINT is..." I continued, "a relationship takes WORK. Hard work. Talking and listening. However, it's worth it." I held a finger up to Colin, "Just a second." I looked at Mark. "Are you ready? The winner chooses." I held my fist out.

"Oh, yes," Mark nodded. "On three."

"One," I counted as we thrust our fists down the first time.

"Two," Mark grinned as we did it again.

"Three!" We both said and held our choices out. He won. Rock breaks scissors, right?

"I stay the first four hours," Mark grinned, He looked at Colin, "It's a pretty plane. I'll see it more later."

"Is there anything I can bring you?" I asked knowing that as much as he loved dogs, and these dogs in particular, but nothing else to do. There were no screens down here to watch movies or television. No access to any library of books...nothing to do.

Mark shook his head and pulled his android from his pocket in his pants, "Nah, I've got it covered. You should bring yours when you come down." He grinned, "Stan knows where I am."

Colin pointed smiling, "And you know where he is."

I threw my arms out helplessly, "It's a big plane, yes! Where can he go? It's not THAT big."

Upstairs Kuyvashev had Joshua's attention, questioning him with the familiar questions.

Joshua was answering, "...just seems like a gain." Joshua shook his head. "The process for getting here is not what I would give anyone. Even people I hate."

Colin's eyes narrowed at Kuyvashev, "Don't tell're looking to make a more efficient agent."

Kuyvashev grudged a slight nod of acknowledgement, but shook his head, "No." he said. "I understand..." he held his hand out to Colin, "At least I understand what you've told us; that this was Hell for you." He waved at Joshua. "He lived a nightmare for twenty years." He waved at Colin, "And yours was over a century?" He shook his head. "I can only imagine what you went through." Then he looked at Colin. "From what you've admitted to, there are possibly hundreds if not thousands of untreated vampires in Russia." He inhaled and moved on, "Vampires that once they get treated will have abilities as strong as YOURS!" He stressed what he wanted, "I'm not suggesting ANYONE be made like you. I'm talking about those already bitten could be used as agents..." he waved at the people in the plane, "Like these people do."

Colin looked at the people on the plane. He nodded, "We have been lucky, so far." He waved at his family and friends. "These people are law abiding citizens. Honest and compassionate." He sighed, "Not all we have begun treating are."

"In fact," I added. "Some are criminal."

"We're Human," Joshua said looking at Colin. "That woman, Marissa...the First Vampire, and her nephew Adrian?"

Colin nodded, "That title of First Vampire was really that of a queen in America. Adrian was a true criminal, feeding on people, making money by biting people to convert them to being a vampire. Something he did to Brett Marshal who tried to destroy me and my family..."

"And he almost did," I added putting my arm around him.

"Some of these people in Russia will also be dishonest and criminal," Colin said. "I can guarantee it."

"And some will be honest!" Kuyvashev insisted. "They will need jobs. Those honest people can be used by the FSB!"

"Russia's Federal Security Service," Colin clarified.

Kuyvashev nodded, "Yes, an agency I work for."

"Geny's right," I agreed and said it to Colin. I waved at Joshua, "He's an example. Joshua needed a job and a way to pay his rent. Holme's Laboratories provided that job." I looked at Joshua, "I assume you filled out a W2 and are paying taxes." I saw some surprised looks, "I don't want anyone in trouble with Uncle Sam!"

Joshua chuckled, "Yes, FICO is being paid and I'm now paying taxes...with the adjustment in my work history by the VUN for my sudden appearance." He shrugged. "The FBI authorizing the adjustment."

"Of course," I nodded. "Others are being employed by others at Holme's Laboratories, or Thornwood..." Colin was nodding.

"I got it," Colin nodded, "I got it." He sighed. "We knew what needed to be done in each country. Not just the United States and the FBI, England and the United Kingdom's Domestic Intelligence, MI5. Romania's Supreme Defense Council ..."

"Wait!" Kuyvashev said suddenly. "Those people KNOW about you and what you are?"

Colin looked at me, then nodded at Kuyvashev, "We couldn't have done it on our own. None of us could." He explained thinking how to explain further. "George developed the treatment, and I did the business. Then we spread out through New York, mostly in the subway tunnels in Manhattan. All over Charleston. We grew due to an alliance with the FBI." He waved at Alex, "His great, great nephew was a person pretty high up with the FBI. We crossed the Atlantic to England, got in with MI5." He gave a wavering nod, "We were growing so fast! We needed help, so we let our President know about us. The British Prime Minister..."

"They KNOW!?" Kuyvashev blurted.

Colin nodded, "They had to know! And George, as smart as he is, couldn't handle all the vampires we were discovering in the world, so we invited learned minds in several countries in on what we knew and the treatments to begin in their countries..."

"What countries!?" Kuyvashev almost demanded.

Colin retracted slightly, "The United States, of course, Singapore, Bangkok, Paris, London, Mexico, Zurich, Sydney, and Hong Kong. The Clinic Hirslanden which is why we're going there next."

"China!?" Kuyvashev blurted again. "The nenormality!?" He asked in Russian, then switched back to English, "Are you crazy?" He may have repeated what he said in Russian, but without the translators, it was a logical guess. The pressurized cabin was as soundproof as it could be, but the others were looking curiously in concern.

Colin frowned, "Not at all." Colin said with a forced calmness. "Why do you think I might? We mentioned it before."

"Because you are going to Communstical Kitai!" Kuyvashev shouted. "I've dealt with the MSS for years! They can't be trusted!"

"People said that about Russians, Geny," I pointed at him. "Should we not have trusted you?"

"No!" Kuyvashev answered. "I took a while to believe you. You forced me to see what you were doing. The MSS will be tougher than I was." He looked off a second, "You had it happen in front of my face. Could you have faked it? I suppose, but I can't imagine how." His hands went out helplessly.

"We didn't," I said annoyed. "We lost a friend. That was not faked!"

"I said," Kuyvashev voice was still raised. "I couldn't even imagine HOW!"

Alex and Willie started coming over. I guess to provide support. Colin waved them down.

"There are vampires in every country," Colin calmly said. "Just like Russia, these people in China need help." He put his arm around me and pointed his thumb at himself. "WE are that help! Should we discontinue this budding alliance with you and Russia?"

"What!?" Yuri asked standing. His eyes held alarm after Zoya had been signing to him so Yuri could keep up even though he could see us...barely. "You can't! There are still vampires out there! We've cleaned up the area around Asbest..."

I had begun nodding and put a hand on his arm, "I don't believe that was what Colin intended to do. It was more of a rhetorical question." I looked

Yuri's eyes returned to its normal calm state, "Oh."

"I couldn't cancel the alliance," Colin explained. "Even if Geny here objected. It's too important!" He smiled, "There are many victims in this part of the world that need rescuing. We will try to do that."

Kuyvashev waved off the plane as he thought of the words in English, "You are speaking of...Red? China? Krasny Kitai!"

I chuckled, "We called you guys Krasny!" I didn't need a translator to know Krasny meant Red. Kuyvashev's eyebrows rose. I defended, "Well, you were!"

Kuyvashev's hand waved off the plane again, "And they still are!"

"Bent on total world domination?" Colin asked with a smile. "That's what we KNEW you wanted."

"The Soviets couldn't even dominate what they had," Kuyvashev shook his head. "Too much corruption in the ranks..."

"What we risk with every new addition," I shrugged. "People that suffer, long to end that suffering, but complacency causes corruption. The limited resources, luxuries are horded by the upper ranks, just like the Romanovs did." I shrugged. "Lessons learned. That threat of corruption is much worse in beings with longer lives."

"Hopefully," Colin began. "Even after two centuries of life, I'm not."

"Amasis has had two thousand years of life," I added. I grudged a nod, "He did suffer a god complex, but that seems to have been suppressed."

Kuyvashev's head grudged a shrug and looked away and then looked back at us, "Have you experienced any..." he broke off thinking of a word in English, "agents with the Politics of China!?"

Colin waved Shelly over, "Have you dealt with any Chinese MSS agents?"

Shelly didn't look surprised, "I've not dealt with any personally that I know of. My knowledge is hearsay, but I've known agents in the FBI that have. They are not to be trusted and are quite formidable. I heard about some operatives they use who are just as Caucasian as you and I are!"

"Really?" Colin asked surprised.

"Sure," Shelly nodded. "China isn't the melting pot the United States is, but there are over a hundred thousand Caucasians in China who call China home."

"I understand Google really struggled in China," I added. "The government wanted to watch what the people in China could access."

Kuyvashev's head was nodding as I was speaking, "Yes, they threw this Google out!"

"Yet, the people have found a way around the limitations," Colin said. "We are getting emailed messages from China."

"Besides," I shrugged. "We are landing in Hong Kong. The Hirslanden Clinic is in Hong Kong. That is the clinic we contacted and keep in contact with for George."

"Okay," Kuyvashev understood. "There will be Chinese Agents working while we are there. As I understand, when the British gave Hong Kong back to China in..." he tried to remember.

"1997," I provided.

Kuyvashev snapped his fingers and pointed at me, "Yes! It was July! When the British gave Hong Kong BACK to China, several of the Caucasian populous remained. That was a while ago. Some of the children could be agents with the Chinese to spy on what you do. I guarantee there will be!"

Colin nodded, "I bet there will. I've already gotten authorization to land to further our broadening of the Chinese Languages." His eyebrows waggled, "All of them."

I chuckled, "And there are tons of them! Standard Chinese, or Mandarin is just one." I then counted on my fingers, "Yue or Cantonese, Wu Chinese, Minbel, Minnan, Xiang, Gan, Hakka," I saw Colin's eyes widen as I named them, "Zhuang, Mongolian, Ulghur, Krygyz, and Tibetan! We'll need all of them to make Buddy's language abilities complete with Chinese." I looked at Colin. "I do more than watch television! Don't look at me like that."

Colin shook his head slowly, "Is that all?"

"No," I inserted. "There are dialects," I chuckled. "Cantonese has fourteen known dialects! We will need Buddy to sort them out!"

Colin's eyes widened further hearing what I said, "Perhaps the very Chinese will need Buddy's Languages."

I nodded with a smile.

Kuyvashev pointed at us, "You need me with you!"

Colin smiled, "You consider yourself one of us?" He grinned.

Kuyvashev's arms went out helplessly, "I'm here, aren't I? Hell, yes! I'm one of you." He looked between Colin and I. "I may need to go back to St. Petersburg for a week or so..."

"To report to an authority?" I asked with a grin.

Kuyvashev nodded with a look of mocked fear, "Yes, a very great authority." He grinned, "I married her."

"I thought so," I chuckled.

"You don't live in Moscow?" Colin asked.

Kuyvashev nodded, "I do." He grinned, "I keep little apartment in Moscow, but Kira lives just outside Pushkin, just South of St, Petersburg. She has house in the country." He shrugged. "Since she lives there alone mostly,"

Colin frowned, "She lives alone? Is that safe?"

Kuyvashev nodded, "She is not alone. Fyodor and Grigory keep her safe. They are very protective."

I smiled, "Dogs?"

Kuyvashev nodded and held his hand halfway up his torso, "Yes. Very large dogs. I text her when I am to arrive so she will be there. It takes three quarters of hour for them to remember I'm authorized to be there."

Colin grinned, "It's your house!"

Kuyvashev shook his head, "No. It's Kira's house," he grinned, "I bought it, yes, but it's Kira's house, and Fyodor and Grigory's house. I am a guest."

"That was a big dog," I held my hand up to equal what Kuyvashev had.

Kuyvashev nodded, "And they weren't putting their paws on me," he chuckled. "Putting their paws on my shoulders they are taller than I am!"

"What kind of dogs?" I asked smiling.

He thought a minute, "I know what they are. They are mixed. Brothers we got as puppies," he looked at us again, his eyebrows waggled. "Very large puppies. They are..." he thought more, "Doberman," He looked at me, "You know the name of this breed?"

"Doberman Pinschers?" I nodded. "Sure."

"Datsky?" Kuyvashev asked.

Colin held a finger up and went to where Kuyvashev had sat and typed on the keyboard on the screen. Just a second later he grinned and looked at us in triumph, "A Dane? What we call a Great Dane?"

Kuyvashev pointed at Colin, "Yes! Combine Doberman Pinscher and Great Dane! That's what they are! And solid black! Both of them. Very big and scary!" He laughed, "But they love Kira!"

"I bet they do," I smiled. "We call that breed Doberdanes."

"We do?" Colin asked. "Now I have to watch your Internet searches?"

"We do," I nudged him. "You're welcome to search my history with the Internet. I have looked for some handsome hunks, but I have you." I grudged a shrug, "I have the best, so it hasn't been too much. They pale in comparison." Colin grinned at that.

"I insist on going with you to Hong Kong!" Kuyvashev stated.

"Fine," Colin said simply. "We will be in Manhattan maybe two weeks at the most. Pusik is still nursing her pups. We fly back to Asbest. Pusik knows when to ween her pups. During that time, we establish the Russian VUN chapter. Prepare to go to Hong Kong."

I looked at Colin, "Directly from Asbest?"

Colin shrugged, "Yes." He looked at Kuyvashev. "This trip to Russia was not planned. We can fly out of Yekaterinburg. I need to order the fuel for this plane before we go." He grinned at me and shrugged, "To make sure they have it!"

"I'm sure I don't want to know how much it costs to fill this up!" I grumbled.

Colin just chuckled and shook his head, "You'd be right." He looked back at Kuyvashev. "There's plenty of time for you to check in with your office and Kira." He smiled, "You brought your car to Asbest, right?"

Kuyvashev nodded, "Of course." He waved an idea off. "And don't worry about my checking in with the FSB." He nodded and held a hand up, "I do send a report once a week, but what am I to say about THIS?" He grinned, "At least this trip to America isn't costing them." He shrugged and then pointed at us. "I am going with you to China!"

Next: Chapter 71: Red Alert 17

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