Bo Brady

By moc.loa@yuGllekceR

Published on Mar 16, 2003



This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the characters mentioned. i am no way connected to days of our lives. this is a fan fiction. Days of our lives is owned by NBC.

Bo Brady woke up on day and his tummy hirt so bad. He rolled over to face his wife Hope but she wasn't thare. Bo was worried because Hope never left without telling him. Bo sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. He noticed a note and stood up and walked over to the dresser whare the note was. Bo noticed he was naked he said to himself "i never sleep naked ... whatever" bo bent town and then yelled from the pain he was in. This scream woke up his son Shawn. Shawn jumped outta bed and ran into his parents room. There he saw his father laying on the floor naked. Shawn ran over there and gotten his knees by his dad and held him and asked his father what's wrong. Bo told shawn that his tummy hirt really bad. Shawn got worried, all his life he never could think of bo in so much pain. Shawn got behind bo and helped him to his feet. Bo was now on his feet naked, in front of shawn who was also naked. Bo bent down to pick up the note from hope and felt something touch his ass. bo looked over his side and shawn was naked and had a hard on. shawn felt his dick touch bo's ass and told bo he had to go do summon and he see him later. Bo stood up as shawn ran outta the room. Bo just kinda smiled and then he sat down on his bed and red the note. Hope had went out of town for the week to go see a sick JT. Bo stood up again and went into the bathroom. He turned on the water but nothing was coming out. Bo wasn't up to MR. Fix it right now so he walked down the hall way, still naked, and went into Shawn's room. shawn garbed the covers and covered himself. Bo looked at shawn and smiled and told him his mom was gonna be outta town for a week or two and they had they had the whole house to them selves. shawn looked at his dad's naked body and looked at bo's face and said "oh well okay" in that get outta my room voice. Bo pulled the covers off shawn and told him "thare is no need to cover up, Its just the two of us and besides you can jack off better in the nude all laid out over the bed with no covers, trust me son i do it all the time" shawn gasped and said "but you are married' Bo smiled and said "well shawn sometimes you gotta have a good jack off, not even sex is as good as when you are super horny and so hard it hirts" shawn's dick was now soft so he stood up and asked his dad what he was doing today, Bo looked at shawn bed where the baby oil was and looked back at shawn and said well "first im gonna take a shower, then im gonna go to the doctor and see whats wrong with my tummy, then im gonna come home and get you, then we are gonna go get some food and some movies and come home, and then after all that im gonna show you how to really jack off, real good" shawn looked at his dad with shock and said "what! i know how" "yes shawn you know how how to stroke your dick but im gonna show you how to do it a different way and much better, so good when you cum wou wont be able to breth for a few seconds" bo said in a cocky voice. "wow, i cant wait" shawn said verry excited. Bo turend around and walked away and shawn stared at his fathers ass and got hard again. Bo turned around and shawn's hard dick and got hard himself, but he just kept walking. Bo walked down the hall way into the other bathroom. Bo went and turned on the shower and said "thank god it works" bo then sat down on the toilet and started to piss. "maybe i have to shit, maybe that's all that's wrong with me" bo told himself. after about 40 minutes on the toilet trying to shit bo got worried and decided he needs tot ake a shower and go see dr. wesley as soon as posable. Shawn was in his room jacking off. shawn finally came and laid there for a few minutes then looked at the clock. Shawn jumped out bed and looked at the clock "10:50 oh my god im gonna be late, i have to take a shower and get ready for baseball" shawn ran down the hall way and into the bathroom where he saw his dad standing up from the toilet "um ah sorry dad i didn't know you were um ah im gonna go" bo garbed Shawn's shoulder and asked him if he was gonna be late for baseball. shawn told bo yes. bo told shawn how the other shower isn't working and they both could use this one, it was big for two. Shawn said "oh i don't know" "well shawn we both need a shower right now and this one if built for two" bo told shawn in a soothing voice. "well dad i know that this holds two" shawn told his father in a i know it all teenage voice. "you do and how is that?' bo asked his son. "well when we found rex and cassie belle and me brought them up here and cleaned them up, she took cassie into yore's and mom's bathroom and i took rex in here" "oh, and you and rex took a shower together" "well dad, at the time i thought he was alien and he didn't know how to shower i had to show him" "ah, i see, well now me and you will take a shower together, son" "okay dad" shawn and bo both got in the shower and started to get wet. shawn grabbed the soap and started to lather himself up. shawn then gave the soap to bo and bo took it and started to lather Shawn's back up. "um ah dad what are you doing" "um ash son im washing your back" "i can do that myself" "or i can do it for you, you are my sailor man, i use to wash you and clean you and pull on your dick and wipe your ass" "you what?!?!?" "shawn you were a baby" "and you pulled on my dick?" "yes, even little boys get hard on's, and you always did it was the only way to bring it down, and tonight im gonna do it again when i show you how to jerk off like a man" "oh okay" "looks like someone needs to pull yore dick again" shawn looked down nd saw he was getting hard again. "um ah dad i don't know what got me hard" "nothing has to make you hard, you are a teenage guy, teenage guys get hard all the time for no reason" shawn started to feel wired bo noticed his son acting odd, so to light the moodhe grabbed Shawn dick and flicked it and laughed. shawn laughed to as he stuck his hand between bo's legs and started to bounce his fathers dick up and down. bo was shocked but didn't mind. "dad, we need to stop this you are my father and im your son" "shawn, calm down we are just to guys helping eachother out and haven a good time, there is nothing wrong with that" "oh, well okay, kinda like me and brady" "you and brady?' "yes, when i was like 13 brady showed me what to do with a hard on" "oh, okay, like i showed Phil" "you showed Phil?" "yes shawn, he is my brother" shawn started to move closer to bo and then hugged him and told him he loves him and hopes he's hugged his son back and started to tell him that after he goes to see dr. wesley hell be okay. then he spanked his sons white ass a few times and told shawn he needs a tan. shawn laughed and spanked his dad back and told his father that he hopes when he gets older that he hopes his ass stays firm like his father. both of the men, father and son, laughed and sawn got out of the shower and went to go get ready for practice, a few minutes later bo got outta the shower and got dressed. shawn was about to leave when he saw his dad in pain again. shawn told his father that he's gonna drive him to the hospital. ~~~AT THE HOSPITLE~~~ "ah, bo brady, what can i do for you?" "well Wesley, i woke up this morning with a tummy pain and then i fell to the floor" "hum, can you go to bathroom?" "you mean can i shit, no" "well, i can give you some meds, they should help within a few days" "wesley, come on there's gotta be summon you can do to help me right now" "well bo, the only thing i can think of is a enema" "a what what?" "a enemas, im shure you wouldn't want one though" "well what is it" "well its a bad full of some liquid with a tube on the bottom nd i would have to stick the tube in your ass and let the liquid get inde you" "what!?!?!" "i didn't think you would want it, but that's the only way for a fix right now" "well i guess so, it wont hirt will it?" "yes it will, but just a little" "well okay, i guess so" "okay bo, take all your cloths off and lay down on the bed on your stumic" "sounds like youre gonna fuck my ass, just kidding" "you would like that wouldn't you" craig said as he slapped bo's ass. "just joking' Craig went to the drawer and got some lube and put it on his fingers. then he spread bo's ass cheeks apart and put his finger three "wesley, what in the hell are you doing" "oh, bo im just putting some lube your ass up so it don't hurt when i place the tube in your ass" "okay, i see now wesley, well hurry up" "all done with that part, now im gonna place the tube up yore ass" "okay im ready" Craig garbed the bag and the tube and then noticed thare was not liquid in the bag. he told bo that he had to go fill the bag up. Craig walked into the bathroom and took his pants off and pissed in the bag. Bo will love this i bet. he told himself as he pulled his pants up and walked out the door back over behing bo "okay bo, im now gonna stick the tube up yore ass" "well lets go" witht hat craig stuck the tube up bos ass and bo started to yell but shut his mouth. he was now in more pain than before. craig told him "losen up bo, if you are not so tense this wont hirt as much, okay" "okay, bo said as he started to cry" Craig ung the bag on the bar and walked ver in front of bo and started to stroke bo's back and telling him it wuld be okay. Bo looked up and craig and then told him that the water was warm. cairg told bo that if it was warm it is better. craig then left the room and went to another patent. bo just laid thare, naked on a bed with a tube in his ass. about 20 minutes passed and bo felt like his as gonna explode. right then craig walked back in the room and told bo he needs to pull his ass cheeks together so no water comes out. bo did as he was old and about 5 minutes later craig told bo that he needs to keep his ass cheeks locked together as he pulls the tube out. craig yanked the tube out and wheeled the bed bo was on in the bathroom and told bo to get off and take a shit. "with you watching" bo asked "well bo i just stick a tube up your ass ive seen you naked before, but i can leave if you want me to" "oh, no never mind its okay" Bo got off the bed and sat down ont he pot and let go, lots of water (as he thought it was) came outta his ass, then he started to shit and told dr wesley and thanked him. bo then looked on the floor over by the sink and saw some piss. bo asked craig where he filled the bag up and craig told bo right over there and pointed to the sink right above the piss. after bo was all done shitting (about 40 minutes later) he stood up and craig tossed him some toilet paper and bo threw it back and said he don't use that. bo then walked over to where the bag was with the water from his enema. bo opened it and smelled piss. "you just filled my ass with your piss didn't you?" "yes bo id did, im sorry" "well your gonna pay for that, take all your cloths off" "what" "now!" bo yelled craig took all his cloths off and stood up. "bend over the sink. now!" craig did as he was told. then bo walked up behind him and started to make his dick hard. bo then stuck his dick on Craig's ass hole and started to push "oh i forgot the lube, i would dry fuck ya, but that would hurt me also." bo walked back into the the other room and got the lube and walked back into the bathroom where wesley was till bent over like abitch waiting for dick in her ass. bo got down on his knees and rubbed the lube all over Craig's ass and hole. bo then stood up and stuck his dick head at Craig's little pink virgin hole. bo thrusted himself all the way in craig without stopping once. craig went to yell but bu covered Craig's mouth and started to fuck him hard and fast, unlike he had ever fucked anyone before. bo didn't have a rhythm or anything just fucked Craig's ass. about 45 minutes later bo finaly came in Craig's ass. bo pulled out and turned craig around and pushed craig to his knees and told Craig "suck my dick now" "what, bo, ic ant that was in my ass for like an hour" :oh well ha suck on it now" Craig did as he was told and sucked bo's cock. craig sucked for like 20 minuted then bo pulled out and started to jack off and shoit a lod of cum right into the crotch part of craigs black thong. Bo then turned around and bent over and old craig to clean his ass. craig told bo no way i just saw you shit and yo didn't wipe. bo smiled and told Craig oh well. craig stuck his face in Bo's crack and bo made craig stick his toung up bo's hole. Craig started to taste bo's shit but he kept licking till after about 40 minutes bo made him stop. bo then pulled his cloths back on and told craig he had to have that black thong, full of cum all day. Craig pulled his tong on and hated the way ti felt. bo could tell and walked over to craig and pulled the thong down and bent craig over again. then bo lubed his cock up again and stuck only the head of dick in Craig's ass bo asked craig if he had anysex toys and craig old over in the drawer bo pulled out and walked over the drawer and found a few but plug's. bo then stuck his dick head in Craig's ass again and started to piss. bo pissed for like 15 minutes and then pulled out and some piss started to come out so but jammed a but plug in Craig's ass and put Craig's thing back on him and told craig he had to have both on till he came back to take the butt plug outta his ass. craig told bo that he wouldn't leave a but plug up his ass filled ass all day and have a thong full of cum on. bo told craig that yes he would or else he would bring shawn down to do whatever to craig he wants. craig told bo that he would leave the but plug in his piss filed ass and the um thong on till bo came back to take them bo was happy and put his cloths back on and then made craig put his cloths back on and he noticed the but plug coming out a little so bo took his cloths off again and stooped craig. bo then took his thong and put it on craig. craigs thong was the jockstrap kind bu bo had the one that went up the ass crack. bo was happy now. Craig had his ass full of bo's piss, a but plug in his ass, a jockstrap thing full of cum on and bo;s thong holding the but plug in. bo got dressed againa nd told craig to get dressed now. craig an bo both walked out of the bathroom and craig went on to his next patint and bo left. B went to the sex store and bo walked intot he sex store and got some video's, some lube, and some bondage stuff. Bo then went to the video store and got some normal video's and some candy. Bo then went and got some fast food for him and shawn. Bo went to dot com and got shawn and they went home ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bo and shawn went home and sat down on the couch and bo put a movie in and hima dn shawn watched it and ate dinner. shawn asked his dad how it was at the doctor and bo told shawn is was wonderfula nd hes all better now. bo then got up and walked upstairs and intot he bathroom and started to take a shit again. bo then walked inot his bedroom and took of his cloths and shawn yelled at his dad to get down here asap hes gotta see this scene. bo ran down the stairs naked and jumped on the couch and watched the scene "umah dad your naked" "oh yeah, i bet you like that ha" "oh yes Mr. brady i want you so bad" shawn said "well then little Mr. you've gotta get naked as well" both men laughed and shawn got up and threw the trash away and then went up to his room and got undressed and told his dad he's gonna go take a shower. bo ran up the stairs and stooped his son and told him he can take a shower after they have some fun "what kidna fun" shawn asked "bo took shawn into his room and pulled out the bag from the sex shop. shawn said "sex fun?" "yep" bo said. i saw you jerking off and as yes it will get you to cum, this is so much more fun. "well then dad, its time you showed me" shawn said as he took his cloths off and laid ont he bed. bo put the video in and laid on the bed. shawn looked at the video and said "hey umah dad this is gay porn" "yep son it is, i have known for a while now that you were gay, or well at least bi, an im fine with it i really dotn care" "dad, that helps a lot, thank you for not freaking out" shanw said as he rolled over on top of his father and hugged him. Both men started to get hard and thye started to watch the gay porn movie. "dad, you dont have to watch this f you dont want" "son, iw ant to cauz img onna jerk ya off like the world is gonna end." bo then got up and got the sex bag again and pulled out a cock ring and put it on shawn and told shawn not to ask anythang, not yet. shawn just shock his head, bo then got the lube and put it in his had and slowly started to stroke Shawn's dick, shawn started to move to try and get bo to do it faster but bo told shawn "start slow" bo kept going slow and went all the way up the shaft and all the way down, then bo started to speed up a little bit he could tell shawn thought he was about to cum so he kept going slow, but not to slow. "dad im-ah, oh my- im gonna, wow -- im gonna CUM! ah dad, i cant cum what's wrong" shawn asked bo told him that he has a cock ring on so he cant cum. shawn started to watch the movie again and bo went faster and faster and faster then bo got hard, but he told himself that this about shawn not himself. Bo hen started to go faster and faster moving his hand all the way up and all the way down Shawn's shafut as he twisted his around he could see his sons face go red and hear his son breathing so bo pulled the cock ring off and started to jack off only the head part of Shawn's shaft really hard and fast as he twisted his hand. shawn then yelled and came, and came, and came so more, he even shot some on his dad shin. after it was all done bo told shawn "thats how ya do it"shanw saw the cum on bo;s chin and licked it off then started to french bo. bo let his son and didn't mind. then Shawn pulled away and said sorry. i went to far i know. bo told Shawn its okay, and by the way we have the house and bed and porn and lube and some other stuff all to use we can do wahtever you want, and if you ever wanna sex, i am here for ya cause i would rather u sleep with me than some other guys but if ever ave a boyfriend you gotta use a condom. shawn said so we can try anything bo told his son "yes anything you want"

Next: Chapter 2: John and Brady Black

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