Boarding and Stuff with My Buddy

By Dude Sweet

Published on Jul 14, 2003


Well I can't wait till we get there, but it's a five hour car ride. I remember all the fun stuff we did during the ski trip. We had two tents, 1 for them, 1 for us. We stop by the store and get ice, firewood, hotdogs and ZIMAS! They got beer. We set up the tents, get the fire going and sit around and drink. It's fun in a group. We are all drunk. Aaron and I piss together.

I am enjoying hanging out with them and drinking, but mostly I am thinking about if me and Aaron will do stuff in the tent. I'm not sure how drunk we got, but we didn't do anything. We just barely made it into the tent and passed out, without stripping or getting in our sleeping bags.

I wake up in the morning. It's hot, I'm tired and thirsty and I have to piss 3 liters. They are all sleeping, so I piss, drink some water, get undressed to my boxers and lay on top of my bag, till I fall asleep again.

I wake up again. I pull on my shorts and shoes and socks and get out of the hot tent. I eat some food, and walk around a little by myself. When I get back, Cooper and David are moving around, waking up. They stick their heads out. They both pee on the tree and drink some water to. They don't want to talk, they are so hung over. They go back to sleep.

I get bored, so I go in my tent, pull down my shorts and boxers and jack off. I fall asleep again. I hear Aaron moving around to climb out of the tent. I follow him and we pee together. He has a morning boner.

After hanging, we all four cook some lunch and drink a lot of water. We are almost out. We decide to go on a hike together. It's so hot, we all strip our shirts off and just tuck them into our pants so we don't have to carry them. Me and Aaron are walking together behind David and Cooper.

"Dude, I was so drunk last night," Aaron says to me.

"Yeah man, me too."

"Did we" he asks.

"I don't think so. I think we both passed out. I jacked this morning," I said wanting to bring it up, hoping he was still cool with stuff like that.

When we get back to camp, David and Cooper go to the store to get more, ice, drinks and alcohol. Me and Aaron stay at the camp.

"Want to go streaking dude?" he asks me.

"Ok. Where?" I say, excitedly. I mean we are not drunk or anything. I hope we can do some other stuff too.

We go a short way into the woods and strip naked. He's got a semi, so I get one too, but as we start walking naked, they go away. We see a guy coming, but decide to stay naked. He passes us, says Hi, and goes on. It makes us feel cool, that we didn't pussy out or anything. When we rest and empty our canteens in our mouth and over our heads Aaron says, "Mind if I jack?"

"No, its cool. I will do it to." So, sitting on a rock, we both jack like maniacs. It's fun, doing it outside. We clean up, get dressed and go back to camp. We sit around in the early evening drink Zimas, and Dr. Peppers and playing hearts. We don't really get drunk, just a nice buzz.

We make a fire and have dinner. As if starts to get dark, we just sit around the fire and talk. And drink some more. Then I get the shock of my life. Aaron, who is sitting next to me on a log, faces me and kisses me on the lips. First I am surprised. Then I am even more surprised that it didn't gross me out. We go back to talking, pretending that the kiss didn't happen.

He does it again. I kiss back. We open our mouths. I feel his tongue on my tongue, It feels all tickley and squishy.

"Get a room," teases David. Oh yeah, the world still exists. Oh yeah, they're still here. I am having trouble breathing, I am so...warm feeling inside.

"Let's get away from these peeping toms," says Aaron. I agree and we go in our tent. We lay down on our bags just looking at each other. Finally I say "That was my first kiss."

"You taste good," he says. He comes closer and kisses me again. I am ready and get my tongue ready and kiss back. We put our arms around each other. "Let's get naked," he says, when we stop kissing so we can breath." We strip quickly. As we kiss, we have our hands on the other guys boner.

"Can I taste IT?" he asks. I know he means my dick.

"Yeah," I say, almost out of breath. He puts my boner in his mouth and sucks it and jacks it. I just relax, not tying to hurry, or make it last, just totally relax. As I can feel it ready, I warn him, in case he doesn't want me sperming in his mouth. He either doesn't hear me, or doesn't care. I shoot. I relax. I am in heaven. He kisses me, snuggles up with me and naked, we fall asleep.

I wake up. I feel good. He is practically on top of me. I reach down to feel his boner. I decide to jack it. He rolls over on his back and I jack him all the way. I don't know if he wakes up or not. I clean him up with someone's boxers. I snuggle up with him, my head on his chest and we fall asleep again.

I wake up when I hear David and Cooper laughing their asses off. They have our tent open and just took a picture of me and Aaron, naked and snuggled up together. As I get mad and try to grab the camera, they take more pictures of me. "Fuck you," I shout. Well all this screaming and stuff wakes up Aaron.

"Chill dude, don't worry," he says trying to calm me down. He just zips up the tent, ignoring them as they take more pictures. "We can erase them. Don't worry." Erase them? Yeah, cool. Ok, I stop freaking out. He kisses me and I forget about them. We lay down and kiss each other again. "Dude, I want to do this, but I got to pee like a race horse. He puts on his boxers, as do I, and we go out to pee. The pervs take more pictures of us. He ignores them, so do I. We put on out shorts and eat some dry cereal and drink some Sunny D.

I want to do some more stuff with Aaron, but not with THEM around, so we go on a hike.

When we are sitting taking a break Aaron asks, "Can I suck you again?"

"Hell yes," I say pulling down my shorts and boxers and laying on the ground. He sucks me. I love it. After a short rest I ask, "Can I suck you?"

I never sucked before, but it might be cool, having his dick in my mouth. He strips as I pull up my pants. Its weird having a dick in your mouth, but makes me even more horney than when he was sucking me. I can totally here that he's enjoying it.

Then I hear him say "Get the fuck out of here." I look. It's David and Cooper, luckily with no camera. I'm embarrassed, but Aaron is just pissed. They won't leave and finally he gets dressed and we walk away.

When we get back to camp, Aaron goes in their tent and steals the car keys. We get in the car, just to chill and turn on the air conditioner and listen to music. But then Aaron starts driving! "Dude."

"Yeah?" he says acting cool.

"You can drive?" I ask.

"Well, it's not that hard. I have beaten Grand Theft Auto one two and three." He both laugh. He just drives around the dirt roads and finally pulls over. "Want to finish?" he asks me.

I do! It's great. It freaks me out when he comes, but I was ready for it. I decide I like it! He sucks mine again! Then we just chill for a while.

After a while we drive back. David is pissed! Aaron rolls down the window only a tiny bit and says when they give us the camera, they can have the keys back. After a little bit of screaming and yelling at each other, we get the camera. We look at the pictures of us. It's kind of cool, then erase them. They also have pictures of them naked and jacking and stuff, so we look at them too. Hehe.

They ditch us the rest of the day. And don't come back till like midnight, when we are sleeping. We here them, but ignore them and go back asleep.

Well, since we didn't drink anything yesterday, we wake up early, feeling good. We eat a full breakfast. We decide to piss them off and make a lot of noise and throw stuff at their tent. We do this for about 30 minutes before we get bored with it. They finally drag their lazy asses up and we pack up the car to go back home.

I fall asleep, but wake up when Aaron is pulling down my pants. I freak out for a second, then relax and let him suck me all the way. I really should do hi, but I fall back asleep. When they drop me back at my house, I tell him, "I owe you dude."

He smiles and says, "Ok." Yeah, it's more than ok, its damn cool.

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