Bob and Marcy

By moc.oohay@llewgnigazibob

Published on Mar 26, 1999


This is a true story of the love of two people It contains some graphic sexual references and sexual contact stories between consenting adults, included male/male and female/male contact. If you are offended by such descriptions, please leave now.

Thank you, Bob

If you'd like more, please email

Bob and Marcy

They were older when they met at work. Both had relationships that had not worked out. Both fell in love with the bright, cheery attitude of the other. They dated for a long while, not wanting to ruin the relationship with sexual contact. Instead they courted each other, sending each other funny cards and flowers and little gifts. They would leave special items on each other's desks. They were falling deeply in love, and as with all relationships, conversation over pleasant wines would and could turn to talk of sex.

Bob had always fantasized about the diversity of the sexual relationship. He had often wondered what oral sex felt like for a woman, and what she would feel when having oral sex with a man. Often, he would think he was gay, or at least bisexual. In his sexual relationships in the past, he had often kissed a woman deeply after she performed oral sex on him, savoring the taste and smell of a man. He would often perform oral sex on a partner after intercourse. And this night, he shared his sexual reality with Marcy.

Marcy had never had sex with a woman, and had never even considered the possibility. She had some trouble relating to what Bob was telling her. And, of course, her first reaction was the typically that of a 30 year old single female .."just as I thought, all the good ones are gay!". But somehow, listening to this handsome, sexy man relate his innermost sexual feelings to her was quite a turn on.

She point blank asked him, "Are you gay?"

Bob was not offended at all by the inquiry, and answered truthfully, without hesitation, "I had a sexual experience with a man. It happened about 10 years ago, after a bachelor party that was being held quite a distance from my home. They were showing X-rated movies, and to say the least they were doing their job. I was feeling quite aroused. The guy I was staying with at the hotel noticed that I was getting pretty drunk, and suggested we go back to our room and get some rest so we'd be ready for the wedding early the next afternoon. I found out later that he was bisexual. Anyway, when we got back to the hotel, I stripped and dropped into the bed, feeling a little woozy from all the booze. I put one leg on the floor to stop the room from spinning. I must have passed out, for the next thing I remembered, was a hand on my crotch, rubbing me. I was getting turned on again, and not really thinking about who it was. I turned my head and opened my eyes, and here was my friends hard dick just inches from my face. At first I was surprised, then curious, and finally sucking," Bob explained.

"You sucked a man?" Marcy asked, not disdainfully, but rather with a certain curiously sexual inference.

Bob continued, "Yeah, for a few seconds. Unfortunately, the dizzying effects of the alcohol were still all to powerful, and I got up from the bed, bounded into the bathroom and threw up. Poor guy must have thought that I was totally repulsed by the moment."

Marcy curled her legs up into a ball on her couch, and leaned toward Bob. She was getting quite turned on by this conversation, and she didn't understand why. She had been physically sickened in the past, when she and her girlfriends had spoken on the sex habits of gay men.

"What happened when you came back into the room? she asked.

"I laid down on the other bed. He came over to me, sucked on my cock for a few moments. Turned into a 69 and offered his cock to me again," Bob explained.

"Apparently he didn't think you were too disgusted by it," she laughed.

"Yeah, apparently not," Bob laughed in return. "We continued sucking on each other, until I passed out. I woke up the next morning with him naked next to me. I don't think anything else happened. We just got up, showered, and went to the wedding. Nothing was ever said of the events of that night again."

"Have you had sex with a man since?" she asked. She was surprised by her need to know. It was quite obvious that this conversation was having a effect on her. She had pulled her knees up into her chest, looking like a little schoolgirl waiting for the next tasty tidbit of gossip. But her face told another story. He face was flushed, and her breathing was labored. She was having trouble forming the words.

"A few years ago, when I lived in Phoenix, a man who was a friend of my ex-wife's asked if I wanted to go out for drinks. On the way back to my house, he asked if I was into sex. I, of course said, yes. He then leaned over and kissed me, putting his hand on my crotch. I pushed him away, quite violently, which I've always thought was kind of funny. I did not hesitate to stick a man's cock in my mouth, but just the thought of kissing a man gave me the heebie-jeebies," Bob explained as his voice trailed off.

Marcy could tell from Bob's actions that there was more to tell, and she now desperately wanted to hear it.

"What happened next?" she asked, hoping for something special. She wasn't disappointed.

"We drove the rest of the way in silence. Him feeling totally mortified. I was feeling ... I was feeling... hell, I don't know what I was feeling. Slightly turned on. The memory of what a cock felt like in my mouth was very vivid. I did want to try it again."

Bob stopped for a moment, reached over for his glass of wine, took a big drink and continued. Marcy repositioned herself on the couch, with one of her heels rubbing her in such a way that she was now not only getting aural, but physical inspiration as well!

"When we arrived back at my house, we parked in an adjacent parking lot. It was protected by old cottonwoods. No one can see in, and you can't see out. We got out of my car, you know that old Beetle I had when I first came here? And we walked toward the house in silence. As we passed his truck, I stopped, grabbed his arm, and climbed into the bed of his pickup. I unzipped my pants, he did the same, and we were naked from the waist down in seconds. He lay down and I arranged myself in a 69 over him. I slipped his cock slowly into my mouth. And then went crazy, sucking, licking. I took him all the way in. I could feel his cock curving down my throat. It was all way to much for him and he started to cum. It seemed like gallons. I didn't think of swallowing or what to do with it in my mouth, I just kept pumping my hand and my head in unison on his cock until he finished. He rolled me over and finished me off in a minute or so. We straightened up and went into the house. His wife was due to arrive in a few moments, so I opened a bottle of wine for them and sat down on my chair and watched some TV. We said NOTHING until she arrived. I offered her a drink, she asked how our evening went, I said just fine, and they left. I never saw them again."

Marcy was getting totally flushed. She had never been turned on by sex talk, and had been repulsed by the thought of two men together, but this man was getting even more gorgeous in her eyes with his honesty and candor. Those were traits she admired most in men. She reached out and touched his cheek. It would from this point forward, be her way of expressing acceptance of whatever they discussed. When they would fight, when the issue was resolved, she would smile and touch his cheek in the same way.

"I thank you for telling me these things. I am surprised because you seem so masculine. I am also very attracted to you right now." She lowered her face, looking at the floor.

"Can we go upstairs?" she quietly asked.

Bob leaned forward, kissed her on the cheek, grabbed her hand and led her upstairs. That night, they made love. It should have been hot and nasty, as the previous revelations would seem to have dictated. Instead it was warm and loving. It was sensual. They shared every inch of their bodies. There was no awkwardness as is usually the case with the first time, but rather a sensual, loving, slow experience of lovemaking. They would make love, sleep a short while then wake up and start over. No part was off limits, no part went untouched. Early in the morning, with the sun raising, they finally fell asleep.

-Part 2-

When Marcy woke, with Bob lying next to her, she had wondered how this had happened so quickly. Well, quickly for their plan. They had been dating for nearly a year and a half now. That was an eternity for most couples. She looked at him and realized that she was deeply in love with this man. She also realized that she wanted to experience some of the same things that he had. Maybe even with women. Her mind raced with thought. As she kissed him the night before, after he had so completely satisfied her orally, she could not help but wonder what he had felt. She licked his chin and face to taste herself. At one point, when he was lovingly between her legs, she lifted a breast to her mouth and sucked on her nipple, wondering about other women and sharing them with Bob. She also visualized her with another man, with Bob there. She reached over and touched his cheek. He moved slightly, taking a deep contented sigh, and rolled on his back. She kissed his lips. He awakened, somewhat startled. They laughed and made love again. And she knew that her sexual secrets needed to be shared as well.

The next few days were filled with lazy lovemaking. Since it was the weekend, they could listen to music, or take a walk hand in hand, make some experimental food dishes, and just generally chill. While working on a special pasta salad, Marcy looked timidly at Bob and said she had something she needed to tell him, but was nervous about it.

"As long as it doesn't involve sheep in Times Square, you have no reason to be nervous. And even if it is sheep in Times Square, I'll be accepting if you have the associated video tape", Bob teased with a sly smile on his face.

Marcy laughed. She had such an infectious laugh when something tickled her. It would start as a silent shaking of shoulders. Eventually, her face would turn red and her eyes would water. And nobody was immune. One look at her beautifully contorted face, and you found yourself in a similar situation. She laughed so hard, she needed to lean on Bob for support. He wrapped his arms around her and laughed as well. Not so much at his lame attempt at humor, but from her hysteria!

Marcy began to calm down. Taking short staccato breaths, not unlike those associated with a good cry. Bob looked down to make sure it was still from laughter. And it dawned on him she was laughing, not so much from what he said, but from nervousness. He took his hand and lifted her face to his, and gently kissed her on the lips.

"You can tell me anything," he said as he kissed her again.

She returned his kiss with passion. She took both of her hands and held his face, pulled his lips to her. She gently ran her tongue around his lips and mouth. Pausing to gently suck on his upper lip, then his lower, and then finally, a hot passionate kiss. She felt safe. She felt secure. She set aside the pasta, covered it with a tea towel, and took his hand, leading him to the living room and her couch.

"I have secrets, too. I want to tell you about them. Is that okay?"

"Of course, you can tell me anything!" he said.

"And you promise you won't be jealous or angry?" she asked with a look of near panic.

What was she going to tell him? He knew that as in love as he was, there could be things she could say that may make him feel uncomfortable, maybe even jealous. He could not imagine what they could be, though.

"I can't promise I won't have a tinge of jealousy. I think I can promise that I won't get angry. As much as I am dying to hear what you want to share, I must be honest."

Marcy reached out, and gently touched his cheek and said, "Thank you. I love your honesty, and I think I can tell you anything. You are the best friend I have ever had!"

Bob smiled in return, and brushed a lock of hair out of her face, then settled back into the couch to hear her revelations.

"I never thought I would tell anybody about this. I have been carrying it with me since my senior year of college. None of my girlfriends even know. I feel I can get it out and have someone listen who would understand what it is to be lustful." she said, as she nervously licked her lips.

"Tell me," Bob smiled. He realized that for Marcy, sex had been part of lovemaking. The lust part was really foreign to her. She had only been with a couple of men her whole life and each relationship grew from friendship to love of sorts before they retired to the bedroom. He took her hand, and kissed her palm.

She swallowed hard, "You remember Bob. College Bob. The football player and my college love?"

"OOPS." Bob thought. Now he knew what could possibly make him angry. This troll had kept her as his trophy girl all through college and two weeks before their planned wedding, he called from Cancun to tell her he had married another woman. Bob bit his lower lip and nodded to let her know he remembered College Bob.

"One weekend our senior year, we went to a movie house in Chicago. They were showing some sexy films. Not really adult. I guess you would call them "softporn". I began to get rather turned on by the whole thing, as did Bob. He reached over and grabbed my breast, and I in turn began to stroke him. Before long, we were in various stages of undress. He was touching me everywhere, the sounds of love coming from the screen I think pretty much drowned out our moaning." she said, telling it matter of factly. Bob listened intently, as his initial jealousy turned to interest.

"He pulled me toward him, and pushed me gently toward his lap. I could not believe I was doing this in public, but before long I was on my knees before him. I looked up at him, his eyes were closed, as he was very into what I was doing. The shock was the man looking over his shoulder, watching me. The shock turned to lust, as I realized I enjoyed having him watch. I continued to suck on Bob, he was getting closer to orgasm. The man licked his lips, watching. I stopped for a moment and Bob opened his eyes to see why. I motioned with my eyes to the man over his shoulder and he looked in that direction, smiled, and leaned back to enjoy what I was doing. The man looked at Bob, then at me. I put my hand on the seat next to Bob and patted it, hoping he would take the hint and move into that seat. He disappeared, and I went back to work on Bob. He was so close to cumming. I wanted it to last, so every so often I would take his cock out of my mouth, and squeeze just below the head. One of those great "Cosmopolitan Sex Tips", she laughed. He face was flushed as she told this story to the man she was convinced was her lifemate. She felt totally at ease even to the point of using the word "cock", which always seemed so foreign and obscene to her in the past.

Bob had to admit, this story was very sexy. And in spite of the fact she was telling him about oral sex with a man he hated for hurting her so badly, he was happy she was finally sharing this with someone, and honored that it was with him!

"So, I continued to work on Bob, when this man came and took the seat next to him. Bob looked over, and smiled again. I reached over and began to rub this man's crotch. He was huge. Here I was, semi-naked, on my knees in a theatre, sucking my fiance while touching the penis of another man. I got totally wrapped up in the moment. I tried to undo his belt, but couldn't. He took the hint and undid his pants and pulled them down. I stroked his cock, while sucking Bob. Bob saw what I was doing, moaned loudly and filled my mouth with his cum. I swallowed as much as I could, gave the head one last lick and slid over in front of my new friend. I lowered my head to his cock. It was much bigger than Bob's and I was only able to get about half of it in my mouth." she explained, as she stopped and reached for her bottled water. Her voice sounded raspy as her mouth dried out, telling this incredible story.

"I sucked on this man's cock like no other. I moved my head and my hand in unison until I noticed his balls contracting, moving up. I increased the speed of my head and hand until he came. It was everywhere. I had never seen so much. There was no way I could take it all in my mouth. I pulled away for a second, thinking he had stopped, and as I did, another arch of cum came from his penis and landed on my forehead and bridge of my nose. I lowered my head again, and took him back in my mouth. After several more spurts he collapsed back into his seat. I ran my finger across my face, collecting his cum, and then licked if off sensually while staring him in the eye."

Marcy leaned back into the couch. She took a sip of her water and closed her eyes. Bob moved closer to her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thanks for choosing me to hear that story," he smiled and he gently stroked her cheek. They kissed.

"There's more," she whispered softly as they kissed.

Bob sat back and smiled and said, "Continue, please!" Although he wasn't sure he wanted to hear more.

"I kind of went on a binge. I sucked two more men in the theatre that night. They were friends of ol' big dick," she said, stopping abruptly. "Can you believe I said that? Ol' big dick?"

She threw her head back in laughter. "I can't believe I said that!"

Bob laughed with her. He held her. When the moment passed, she continued.

"For several weeks after that, Bob would bring a friend when he came to visit. I would be on my knees, usually before they had their coats off, sucking cocks. It continued until one night, as we were planning our honeymoon, Bob said that he was happy to have such a little whore for a fiancee. I laughed at first, but he cut me off, telling me he was serious. I was his little whore. To say the least, that brought me back to earth. I never did that again. Bob and I began to drift apart, and while we continued with our wedding plans, I knew that our relationship was ending. I felt I needed to tell you about my sexual past, as well as the truth about my breakup with Bob. Of course, he took the gutless way out, but at least he saved me from a life with him." she said, as a tear formed.

Bob was not sure if this was a tear of loss, or a tear of resignation for finally coming to terms with her past, and sharing it with another human being. Bob took Marcy into his arms and said, "I love you with all my heart. I will be here for you, forever!"

Part 3

Their relationship became closer. Their love continued to grow. They shared their secret wants and desires with each other. They shared their fantasies. Each time, their lovemaking was more intense, more enjoyable.

"I would like to see that," Marcy said one night, as they lay in bed naked.

"What you were talking about?"

"Men sucking each other. It sounds so sexy when you share your fantasies with me. Can you rent movies like that? With men and women?"

This was a surprise, he never imagined that she would want to rent "dirty movies" as she called them.

"Yes, I would assume you could find them. They seem to have just about everything on video these days," he answered.

"Let's go get one. Now!" she said, as she bounded out of the bed and began to put on her jeans.

"Now? It's 11:30! We have to go to work in the morning," he said, suddenly realizing he sounded rather whiny. He laughed to himself as he got up, got dressed and headed for the door.

Part 4

It was embarrassing at the video store. Neither one of them knew what to ask for. After browsing through the adult section and not finding any films dealing with two men and a women, other than the typical hard-core stuff, they had to go to the counter to ask. Of course, a young woman of college age was working. Bob sheepishly asked if they had any adult films with two men and a woman. She said there were plenty in the adult section. Bob then explained they wanted to see men and women all involved in sex acts with each other. The young attendant looked confused for a moment and then lit up and loudly proclaimed, "Oh, you want bisexual movies!" The video store went silent and people all looked at them. Bob managed a muted thank you, and they headed back to the adult section, heads hung low.

They found what appeared to be a hot tape. Lying in bed, Marcy seemed in a trance watching the video. The movie started with a couple, having sex in a hot tub and before long a man joined them The men licked and sucked on the woman for a while. One of the men then entered the woman and they slowly began to fuck. The other man crawled onto the edge of the hottub and the woman began to suck him Soon, the man who was fucking moved his face closer to the woman as she sucked the other man. An audible gasp escaped from Marcy's mouth. She was slowly stroking Bob's penis as they watched. The woman took the man's cock from her mouth and pointed it to the man. He tentatively licked the head and then began to suck in earnest as she licked the man's balls. The rest of the movie was pretty typical. The man and woman fuck, he pulls out, cums on her stomach as the other man stoked his own cock and then emptied himself on her breasts.

"That was hot. But I really want to see a man suck off another man until he cums," she said matter of factly.

"You are amazing me. The other day, you nearly gagged when you said "cock" and now you are spouting out colorful epithets like a pro!"

She smiled at Bob. She loved the way he spoke, the words he used. She loved the way that just his presence had opened up a new door to sexuality for her. She loved the fact that lust had a place in her life. She kissed him deeply, and whispered, "Would you suck a man for me?"

He pulled away from her, looking into her eyes, wondering why she was asking this question. Fantasy was one thing, but reality can sometimes be totally devastating to a couple.

"I would do anything for you," he softly spoke as he kissed her neck. "But are you sure this is what you want? To bring another man into our bedroom. To share that intimacy with someone else?"

She took his face into her hands, sternly looked into his eyes and said, "I am awakening to a new world. I love you. I only want you. But I want to experience some things that prior to the last few weeks, I never even dreamed about. I was able to have sex only once in my life without the strings of love attached. I want to do that again. I do not want to become romantically involved with anyone else, I just want to experience everything with you. I want to watch you suck off a man. I want to help you do it. I want to kiss you as his cock slides between our lips." As she spoke, she began kissing his neck and chest, between kisses moving lower, until finally she took his hard cock deep into her mouth. She had never been able to actually "deep throat" Bob before, but she was so turned on, that she took him deep into her throat. She was surprised when his pubic hair tickled her nose.

She pulled Bob from her mouth, and squeezed his cock, producing a large drop of pre-cum that she smoothed over her nipple. She offered it to Bob and he willingly licked it clean.

"You love the taste of cum as do I. Lets find someone so you can suck him for me. And suck him for you!"

They made love, and when they awoke the next morning, they made plans!

Part 5

"But where do we find someone. I don't know of anybody around here who we could nonchalantly walk up to and say, `Hi, My name is Bob and could we suck your dick?'"

"I know exactly where to go. I read about this in the Advocate. In Columbus, you can rent bisexual men. We could get a room, invite one in, have some sex, find out if we like it, and send him on his merry way," she offered, as if she had just discovered the secrets of cold fusion!

"Rent a man? A male prostitute? Are you kidding?" he said, on the verge of laughing hysterically.

"Knock it off, funnyman, I am serious," she said, sounding allot like a third grade teacher he once had, scolding him into embarrassment. "Where could we find someone here, and what if we did? If word got out that we were experimenting with bisexuality it would be a blow, pardon the pun, to your professional future."

He saw the headlines now. Major broadcaster fires employee caught with cock in his mouth while girlfriend watches in awe. She was right.

"Okay, Princess Plan-a-lot, when do we go?"


She was spontaneous if nothing else.

Part 6

They arrived in Columbus in about 2 hours. They checked into the Embassy Suites hotel on the northside of town. The room was large, with a sitting area, a king sized bed in the back room, a small kitchette with coffeemaker and refrigerator and a rather large TV with a VCR. They looked in the classifieds of the paper until they found a listing for a masculine man for men listing. She called, and a rather sexy male voice answered.

"Hi, I really don't know how to handle this but I am calling about your ad in the paper," she said, her voice an octave or so higher from her nervousness.

"Yes, I am a man who enjoys the company of other men. I charge a flat fee of $150 an hour and that covers everything," the mystery voice explained.

"Oh," she said, trying to think of how to close the deal. "Everything includes both of us touching you, or vice versa?"

"I can tell you that I will come to your place for $150 an hour and you will not be disappointed."

It dawned on her that what they were proposing was illegal, and he could not say he would have sex with her and Bob over the phone.

"When can you get here?" she asked.

"I can be there by 8 if you want just an hour, but if you want me for a longer period of time, I could be there by 11," he said.

She told Bob of the possible arrangements, and they opted for 11pm.

"We're in room 442," she said. "And we'll see you at 11."

She hung up the phone, and her whole body went limp on the couch. "

"His name is Adam. He'll be here at 11. I will then make some quick small talk with a man I have never met and then watch you suck him off. What am I doing???" she asked, as her body began to shake, and that sexy special laugh took over. They laughed together for several minutes, then kissed, and left to buy some booze and rent a video if they could find one. This was going to be an amazing night.

Part 7

They were nervous, as they showered together. It was a few minutes before 11, and in anticipation of the big event, they were washing each other with deliberate enthusiasm, scrubbing intimate parts of each other's bodies. They stepped out of the shower and toweled each other off, kissed and went into the sitting area and made a drink. Absolut and soda was their favorite. Ironic, Bob often thought, that they liked so many of the same things. And after this evening, he thought the male anatomy was another thing they shared. He smiled.

"What are you planning?" she asked.

"Nothing, I was just thinking how we both like so many of the same..."

His sentence was cut short by a knock on the door. Marcy choked on her drink, and coughed out a mouthful. It was very reminiscent of an old Martin and Lewis bit.

She reached for his dress shirt and put it on. He sat down nude on the couch. She went to the door, opened it, and was completely speechless. Could not say a word. Stared blankly at a very attractive mid-20's blonde man dressed in a navy shirt and khaki pants.

"Are you Marcy," he asked.

"Who?" she muttered. "Oh, Marcy, yes. Hi, Adam?"

He nodded.

"Come in please. Bob this is Adam."

"Pleased to meet you," Bob said, rising out of the chair to shake hands, oblivious to his nakedness.

"Pleasure is mine," Adam said. His smile was genuine and his appearance was just what they ordered.

Marcy suddenly realized that she was standing in them middle of the room with only Bob's shirt on. Of course, she had not buttoned it, so her breasts were in plain view. She began to button the shirt when Adam reached out and stopped her.

"You are gorgeous. Please take that off, while I get comfortable."

Bob approached him and paid him his fee. And asked if they needed more time could they pay at the end of the first hour. Adam agreed to the arrangements and proceeded to take off his clothes. Bob moved to the king sized bed and watched with Marcy as a very sexy man stripped in front of them. He was soon nude, and in his semi-erect state, his cock appeared very large. He walked toward the bed, took one of Marcy's hands, and one of Bob's and placed them together on his cock.

"This is the first time for you two, isn't it?" he asked. "And I'll bet it was your idea, right?"

Marcy looked up from his cock, which she shared with her best friend in the world and saw Adam's blue gray eyes looking at her, which for some reason surprised her..

"Yes, Bob told me of an experience he had with a man, and I want to share that with him," she explained.

Adam put his hands behind their heads and drew them toward his cock. It was nearly erect now. Bob figured it measured 9 inches. Marcy just thought it looked to big to be practical.

Their faces touched and she leaned into Bob and they stared at the beautiful cock just inches from their mouths. Adam thrust his hips toward them, and Bob stuck out his tongue and licked the head. Marcy's breath caught as she watched Bob bath this man with his tongue. She lightly tongued the other side, moved their hands and licked the shaft down to his balls. He was shaved somewhat, with only a patch of pubic hair above his cock. His balls were clean, which seemed rather sissy-fied to Marcy. She nearly broke into one of her laughing fits when she thought of this sight. Bob licking the head of this man's cock, as she licked his shaft and balls, and the word "sissy-fied" popping into her head. She quickly lost that thought, though, as she saw Bob move forward and take this man's entire penis into his mouth. His nose was shoved into Adam's pubic hair. He let out a low moan, obviously enjoying the feel of Bob's throat. Marcy looked at and studied Bob's face. His cheeks were sucked in as his tongue worked on the underside of Adam's cock. His throat looked too big, and she tried to imagine where the tip of Adam's cock was right now. She felt moisture run out of her, and down her leg, as her lust grew. She licked Bob's lips, and the bottom of Adam's cock, as Bob got into a rhythm.

Bob would take Adam's cock in his mouth, with just the tip of it inside his lips, and then thrust it all down his throat in one movement. He did this time and time again, as Adam thrust his hips to meet Bob's mouth. Bob slowed, and took Adam from his mouth, offering it to Marcy. She licked around the head, as Bob joined her. She would pull his cock to the side, and passionately kiss Bob, then slide his cock between their lips. She could feel Bob's lips touching hers mixing with the sensual feel of Adam's spongy cock head. She felt an orgasm coming on. She grabbed Bob's hand and put it on her pussy, and he massaged her clit and put a finger deep inside. She came on the spot, moaning in pleasure around Adam's cock and Bob's lips.

Adam informed them that he was going to cum, too. Marcy quickly recovered from her earth shattering orgasm and licked aggressively around Adam's cock head, then grabbing it and feeding it to Bob. Bob pumped his head and his hand in unison, trying to coax Adam's cum from his cock. It didn't take long, as Adam's balls tightened, Bob removed his mouth and pumped his cock with his hand, aiming it toward his open mouth. A large surge of cum exploded from his cock, shooting right into Bob's mouth and chin. Bob closed his mouth around his cock, and moved his hand. Adam pumped and pumped his cock into Bob's throat, moaning with each thrust and each surge of his cum. Some of it ran down Bob's chin and Marcy quickly licked it up. As Adam withdrew, his orgasm complete, Marcy kissed Bob deeply, sharing this other man's cum with her lover and best friend. They passed it back and forth, not intentionally, but just through the natural action of mouths and tongues kissing. Neither one of them wanting to swallow it, as both wanted this moment to last forever. Finally, Marcy pushed Bob onto his back and kissed him deeply, allowing Adam's cum to run from her mouth to his. She heard him swallow several times. This completed the act. The sensual act of sharing a man. His cock. His cum. Their kiss became softer, more loving. She stared down at him, and stroked his cheek.

Adam was sitting on the edge of the bed now, watching this moment on the bed. He had serviced many men, and not just a few couples, but he was even touched by their love and the moment they were sharing. He climbed up and wrapped his arms around them.

"Should the star of this show now experience the same pleasure he was so willing to give?" asked Adam, with a big smile on his face, his now semi-hard cock resting on Bob's stomach.

"I think he deserves the best," she answered, climbing off Bob and leaning onto some pillows at the head of the bed. "Please, make him cum!"

Adam bent over Bob's cock, and went to work.

Part 8

The next morning, over a continental breakfast, they ruminated over the night's activities. Yes, they both enjoyed it. No, no one was jealous. They ended up paying for Adam's services for three hours. Marcy felt the sexiest part of the night was she and Adam in a 69, with Bob licking his balls and anus. Although in her mind, the most loving part of the evening, was sharing that beautiful man's cock and watching in awe, as Bob deep throated him. She felt as though the image of Adam's first shot of cum into Bob's mouth would live with her forever. They made plans for a return visit. They got Adam's private number. They were even deeper in love. And they discussed more fantasies.

But that is for another time.

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Next: Chapter 2

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