Bobbi's Awakening

By moc.loa@81dcffiT

Published on Mar 10, 1998



Bobbi's Awakening Part 1

I was six years old the summer of my awakening. Just out of the first grade and beginning to enjoy the summer of fun before me. The hot July days with Katydids singing was the background for this summer to be.

The middle child, I was sandwiched between, Carol, my older sister by two years, and Beth, my younger sister by only eleven months. Carol had all the attributes of the "first born", bossy, better than the, attitude. Beth on the other had was typical of the last born, spoiled and get my way type. I suffered in the middle spot, wanting everyone to like me, and not doing anything that might offend someone.

However, with that said I was still a boy and still got into my share of trouble. In fact, being a boy is what happened to initiate my awakening. It was wash day. Mom was busily running a weeks worth of clothes for a family of five plus Grandma through the Magtag and hauling them to the clothes lines strung across the back yard. I was up early and had decided to may an excursion to the little stream that meandered through the woods about a half mile from the house. I was outfitting the Radio-Flyer with all the essentials I might need in crawdad hunting and creek exploration. As I started my departure Mom stopped me to inquire of my plans. I told her and she responded.

"You can go down by the creek to play but you stay out of the water. That creek is filthy with contaminated water. And take Beth with you and take care of her. Don't get those clothes dirty, you won't have clean ones till the wash is done.", she said.

"OK" , I retorted, as I headed off with Beth and wagon in tow. Now I didn't mind Beth tagging along she didn't fuss at me the way Carol would and she was game to try most everything. I also knew she wouldn't tattle on me for bending Mom's instructions a little. I had no intention of not pursuing the crawdad hunt. And what sense would there have been in going to the creek if you weren't going to play in it?

Beth and I arrived at the creek and with shoes and socks discarded entered the creek to start the crawdad hunt. After a time of turning over rocks and grabbing the critters we had exhausted our hunting area. So I decided we should build a bridge over the creek with old wood laying around the banks. Rocks from the creek formed the pilasters and the old boards the deck. Upon completion I conned Beth into the wagon with me for the inaugural crossing of the new bridge. Down the bank we went and out onto the middle of the bridge when disaster struck. The bridge collapsed dumping the wagon and both of us into the cool creek waters.

Beth was up and out of the creek screaming her head off as she ran towards the house. I tried to call her back and attempted to catch her, but to no avail. I knew I'd be in trouble. Why couldn't she just have waited. No one was hurt. We would have dried off and no one would have been the wiser. But not now, I knew I had better get my stuff gathered and head for home before Mom came after me. I knew if she came she'd be packing a switch that I'd get applied to my butt the whole way home. As I neared the back the house Mom was standing on the back porch with hand on hip and fire in her eyes.

"I thought I told you not to get near that creek. Look at you, soaked to the skin and with that fifty creek water. Your sister's in the tub now and as soon as she's done get in there and scrub that filth off you. Get out of those clothes now.", Mom screamed at me.

I just hung my head and headed to my room to strip out of my wet clothes. Any back talk would have resulted in some physical laying of the hands which I wanted to avoid at all cost. It wasn't long till Beth was out and dressed and I was in the tub being scrubbed within an inch of my life. Mom was taking out her frustration on me with the wash rag as my skin glowed rosy red.

"Bob", she said "These are the last clean clothes you have till the wash is done. So help me God, if you get dirty again today you'll be wearing your sister clothes. So if you want to be wearing a dress to play in just get dirty again today."

Carol was right outside the door, ease dropping on the tongue lashing I was undergoing. I know she derived pleasure from seeing myself or Beth in trouble. It was her opportunity to demonstrate how good she was and how bad we were.

Carol now decided Mom needed additional encouragement.

"Mom", she said "I have a dress and slip that he'd look real cute in. Do you want me to get it for you?"

"No, Carol not right now. He has his old jeans he can wear, but if he can't keep these clean I may need them. But you go on and mind your own business. I'll take care of your brother."

So I had dodged a bullet. I couldn't believe Mom was serious. I was sure she was just threatening me. Why would she want to humiliate me by putting me in girls clothes. Dad wouldn't let her anyway. And I knew she wouldn't want Grandma to see me in girls clothes.

Off I went outside to play. Mom's threats were quickly deposited in the recesses of my gray matter while the immediate play at hand consumed all the conscious part of my mind. I was at the side of the house playing with my Tonka trucks. Carol would appear every once in a while to spy on me. I knew the slightest wrong move by me would immediately be reported to Mom.

The coal had been delivered last week for the winter to come. All around the coal shute window were the black leavings of the spilled coal. Soon I was loading the coal into the Tonka truck and making my own deliveries on hands and knees. Carol then showed up on her last inspection.

"Look at you! You're filthy again. Wait till Mom sees you. She's going to really be mad. I'm going to get her so she can see you.", Carol shouted.

As I stood up and inspected myself I could see her point. I hadn't even considered the dirt I had been gathering till Carol had announced her inspection results. Oh so what I thought. I'd been this dirty before and nothing much was said. I'd just have to stay outside till supper was ready and then clean up. No big deal I thought. Wrong!

Mom appeared from around the corner of the house being towed by the hand by Carol.

"See I told you so. Look how dirty he got his clothes again. Shall I get the dress for you now? You said you'd put him in a dress if he got dirty again." Carol was encouraging.

"Look at you. I warned you. Now get in the house and get those clothes off.", Mom shouted.

"But Mom", I said, "I'm not that dirty and I'll just play outside till supper. I'll bath then and change clothes".

"No you won't. I told you to stay clean, now get inside to the bathroom and get those clothes off so I can get them into the wash. And don't get that coal dust all over the floors", Mom yelled as she grabbed me by the arm to escort me into the house and up the stairs to the bath room.

I was unceremoniously striped and dumped into the tub where for the second time within hours my skin was scrubbed to a rosy red hue. Drug from the tub by the same arm I was pulled up stairs by I was pulled down the hall and into my bedroom. Carol was right behind still offering her assistance in finding her clothes for me to wear. I really believed at this point my Mom was bluffing and I'd be put in my room for the rest of the day or surely into some of my clothes which had to be done by now. As we entered the room I got the shock of my life when I heard Mom tell Carol, "Carol, go get me some clothes for him and don't forget some shoes and socks".

Off Carol went to her bedroom. What was going on here. Certainly She wasn't serious about this. Surely she was just trying to scare me. "Mom", I said, "What are you doing? I'll be good. I'll just stay in my room till my clothes are dry. Your not going to put me in her dress are you?"

"Bob or Bobbi I should say, I told you not to get dirty. You think all I have to do around here is to clean up after you kids? Well maybe if you are dressed like your sisters you'll learn to behave at least till I can get my work done", Mom retorted as Carol entered the room and dumped an arm load of clothes onto my bed.

"Here Mom, I got everything. I even brought him a pair of pink panties and the pink slip that you bought for me with the dress".

"OK Carol, you better stick around I may need some help", Mom said.

It was at this point I started to cry and decided I could fight this and she'd give up before I ever would. "Mom don't do this. I'll be good. I'll do what ever you want but don't do this to me", as tears streamed down my cheeks. "Your not going to do this Mom I won't let you."

Mom still had me by the arm as she swung me around and planted a hand across my bare bottom that I'm sure the crack was heard outside. This unleashed a further torrent of tears as I tried to pull away and she threw me to the bed.

"You'll straighten up right now or I'm really going to give it to you. Carol put those panties on him while I hold his legs down."

"Hold on to him Mom, These will really look cute on him."

Carol had the panties over my feet and up to my knees as Mom half sat on me and held me down. Mom quickly stood and jerked me to my feet as Carol pulled the panties the rest of the way up and around my waist. The pink nylon panties were trimmed with little bows and I never felt such humiliation, or so I thought. Another swat across my butt took the fight out of me. I continued to plead but to no avail.

"Carol give me the slip"< she commanded as she slipped it over my head and arms. Tears continued to stream down my cheeks. I could see myself in the dresser mirror as the pink nylon slip draped my body and the little bows matched those that disappeared under it that adorned the panties.

I hadn't recovered yet when the satin pink dress was dropped over my head. I had figured if she did get me dressed, I'd be out of it before she got back down the stairs. But I soon realized I was in trouble as the pink satin dress was buttoned up the back with me in it. I'd never be able to reach those buttons. I'd be in the dress until someone came to help. More tears as the full realization of my predicament dawned on me. The tears also brought another reprimand from my Mother, " Shut up and quit crying. Your not hurt and if you don't shut up you'll be in dresses till you go back to school."

"Oh Mom isn't he cute. He looks just like Beth in that outfit. I'll bet no one would know it wasn't Beth in my hand me downs. Can I take my new sister out to play when your done", Carol teased. "Beth come up here and see your new sister".

"Carol, just help me get his socks and shoes on. Oh you're sure you want him to wear your new socks. The pink lace anklets really match the dress but it goes with your outfit too", Mom said.

"It's OK Mom, I want my new sister to be her prettiest. Here, I also brought these white patent leather Maryjane shoes for her too", Carol said. "Oh and I brought the barrette with the pink ribbons for his hair."

I was in total humiliation. My cheeks were burning. There I was standing in a pink party dress complete with panties, slip shoes and socks. What I saw in the mirror frightened me. I did look like a girl. I could have be Beth's twin sister. I had never before realized how much I looked like her or she looked like me till this moment as I stood there in all these frills and lace. Mom produced a brush from nowhere and my hair was pulled into bangs over my forehead and the pink ribbon barrette was pinning my hair back behind my ear.

"There you are Bobbi", Mom said teasingly "You are a very pretty little girl now. I hope you learn to behave now. I'd hate to have to buy more dresses for you instead of jeans. But if you don't behave you be wearing allot of dresses and skirts".

Choking back tears I pleaded, "OK Mom I learned my lesson. I'll be good. Please let me out of these clothes. I promise I'll be good".

"No, you'll stay in your dress till I'm done with the wash. I don't want you in the house under my feet the rest of the day either. You can spend the day outside in your pretty clothes and we'll see if you can stay clean this time", Mom said.

"But Mom I can't go out like this. Someone will see me. Please Mom don't do this. I'll be good I promise."

"You had your chance. Now get outside. You can stay on the porch if you want and no one will know the difference. No get out of here before I decide to keep you in dresses. You do make a pretty little girl."

Beth now stood in the doorway with a surprised look on her face. She must have thought she was looking into a mirror. "Bobby what are you doing? Did you dress up to play house with me? Oh you look so pretty. Wait and I'll put on my dress. Is it Ok Mom can I put on my dress too"?

"Oh go head if you want. Then Bobbi and you can play house on the front porch", Mom said as she took me once again by the arm and lead me down the stairs.

As we reached the foot of the stairs near the front door to the big front porch Grandma called from her chair in the front room, " What's going on? What was all the screaming and shouting about? Oh my Beth, you sure look pretty in that dress, come here and let me see you. Are you going somewhere special?"

Terror struck again. I hadn't considered what would happen when everyone saw me dressed like a little girl. What was Grandma going to say. What would Dad say if he saw me like this? My cheeks redden as Mom Turned me into the front room to stand directly in front of my Grandma. The sun was shinning into the window at my back and I hoped she wouldn't recognize who really stood before her. Those hopes vanished as Carol standing behind me piped up.

"Oh Grandma, don't you know your own sissy grandson? That's Bobbi in my clothes. Isn't he pretty"?

"Bobby is that really you? What are you doing in those clothes? If Carol hadn't told me I wouldn't have recognized you. I really thought you were Beth." she said as she reached out and lifted the hem of my dress. "Oh my even pretty pink panties. What's going on here?"

"Bobbi can't seem to listen very well and all his clothes are now dirty and in the wash. So I decided he could wear his sister's clothes till the wash was done. He does make a pretty girl doesn't he. Beth's getting change into her dress now then we'll see if we have twin girls or not", Mom replied.

I escaped to the sanctity of the front porch with its boarded rail. Maybe I could remain hidden till Mom came to her senses. The summer breeze blew through the porch and under the satiny skirt of the dress I wore. Chills and goosebumps appeared on my legs even with the warm breeze. I wondered if girls felt like that all the time they were wearing dresses and skirts. I was sitting there with new unnatural feelings when I peeked over the porch rail to see Brian, my best buddy heading towards the house. Oh no, what was I going to do? Up onto the porch he bounded and stopped short when he saw me crouching in the corner. The worst thing that could ever have happened was about to occur. There was no escape.

"Hey Beth, he said "where's your brother?"

I could hardly speak but mumbled "Oh he went up on the hill today. I don't think he'll be back till late."

Just then Carol appeared on the porch. The only thing worse now would be for Beth to appear.

"Hi Brian" she said, "what's up today? Doesn't Beth look pretty in my old dress? I even gave her the slip, socks and shoes to go with it."

"Yea she looks nice but kind of overdressed for play isn't she?", he ask.

"Well she is but she just wanted to look pretty. Maybe she has a crush on you and wanted to be all dolled up for you. Come over here Beth and let me help you finish. I've got some pretty pink nail polish to match your dress and you need a little blush on your cheeks. Now come on we wouldn't want Brian here to see you with out your make up now would we", Carol teased.

She was going to tell on me!! I was mortified. If Brian ever found out I'd never be able to go to school or out again. I hurried to turn my back to Brian as Carol applied a rosy blush to my cheeks which felt hot enough that I couldn't believe the blush would even be noticeable.

"Yea well she can keep her crushes. I just came over to see Bob. If he gets back early have him come over to my house. And yes Beth you do look very nice." Brian said as he descended the steps.

"Brian if you stick around awhile you may run into Bob. I don't think he went that far, do you Beth?", Carol teased.

"Oh just tell him to come over when he gets back. I'm not going to hang around a bunch of girls all day.", Brian said as he left.

" What are doing Carol? Your not going to paint my nails. Just leave me alone. You've done enough already and someday you'll regret it", I said when Brian was out of a whispered voice range.

"I'll paint your nails sweets and anything else I want to do with you or I call Brian and Beth both out here. Then we'll see which little girl Brian likes best."

" You wouldn't do that to me would you?"

"Just try me. Now sit down on the chair while I paint your nails".

I sat as Carol painted my nails with soft pink polish. The feel of the silky panties and slip was becoming more noticeable to me all the time. I didn't want to admit it to myself or anyone else but the feelings I was having over wearing all these soft frills was starting to make my pee-pee hard. My cheeks were burning and my throat was so dry. By the time Carol pronounced my manicure finished I was burning with a fever I had never known before. I wanted to rush into my room and tear the clothes from my body. What was happening too me?

Carol brought me back from my reverie as Beth joined us on the porch. "Oh Bobbi," Beth said " You really do look just like me in that dress. Do you want to play dolls with me? You can have Betsy my best doll. We can have a tea party."

"I don't want to play dolls. I'm not a girl. I hate these clothes.", I yelled at her.

"Well sissy", Carol butted in "You may not be a girl but dressed the way your are you better hope know one else finds out. If you don't want me to go round up your friends to come over and play with, you you'll play dolls with your sister."

So I took Betsy from Beth and we had our tea party. I almost forgot how I was dressed and began to enjoy the make believe world of our tea party. That was till Dad's car pulled into the driveway. I ducked down and he pulled into the drive. Beth and Carol ran off the porch to greet him and escort him in his usual path into the house. Right up the front walkway onto the front porch where I tried to become invisible in the pink party frock.

"What's going on here? Bobby, what are you doing in your sister's dress?", He questioned as Carol related my predicament to him. "Well, I guess you shouldn't pick on your Mother on wash days, huh? My, my but you make a pretty girl. Maybe Mom's going to keep you as a girl", he laughed.

That was all I could take as I began to cry and headed for the door to hide in my room. Whatever punishment Mom might inflict on me for going back inside could not be worse than the humiliation I was suffering at the hands of my Dad. I was halfway through the door when Dad's hand grasp my shoulder to prevent my total escape. "Bobby, you do make a pretty little girl but don't cry or your make-up will run", he teased.

He loosed his grip and I ran up the stairs throwing myself onto my bed in huge sobs and tears. My distress was so overwhelming that I fell asleep in all the satins and sobs. I don't remember how long I had slept before being awakened with a gentle shake by my Mother. "Bobby", she said "Get up now. You can put your clothes back on now for supper. I'll help you out of your dress."

As I stood before her she unbuttoned the dress and slid it off my shoulders. The pink satiny dress fell like a pond around my feet. She lifted the slip over my head and as I slipped out of the panties, socks and shoes she was placing the slip and dress on a hanger. "Well, I see you didn't get the dress dirty. I hope you can keep your on clothes clean from now on. I'm going to hang this dress and slip in your closet and you put the panties and socks in your dresser. Maybe it will remind you to keep a little cleaner when playing. If you can't then maybe you'll have to wear the dress to play in again." she said.

Bobbi's Awakening Part 3 by Bobbi

The past two days had been a whirlwind of existence and experience for me. First being put in my sister's clothes by my Mother as punishment and then being dressed by my sisters to play house with them. At six years old my mind could not begin to comprehend all the mixed feelings I suffered. The initial humiliation and teasing that went with being a boy in pink nylon panties, slip and party dress; the slow realization of the wondrous feel these clothes had and the effect on my body. Then acceptance as my sister dressed me once again with hair ribbons and dresses.

I lay in the bed with the pair of yellow nylon panties on and the yellow nylon night gown Carol had sneaked into my room. I had already passed muster as Mom had been in to tuck me in and with me being buried under the covers she had no realization of what her son wore. I knew I shouldn't be doing this. The consequences of being caught I couldn't comprehend. Good reason proved to be a short fall of mine through out my life and this was no exception. I fell off to sleep wrapped in the comfort of my nylon bliss.

The next realization I had was being shaken awake by my Mother's hand. As I came to a conscious level I heard her screaming, "What in God's name are you wearing"

The covers were torn off in one swift motion as I lay three in full view in the yellow nylon nightly which had ridden up high enough to expose the matching panties with the little bows on them. My mind raced. Nothing I could conceive of could explain to her my laying here in my sister's panties and nightgown.

"What are you doing in your sisters underwear and nightgown? What's wrong with you? You want to be a girl now or something?", She continued her diatribe.

"Mom, please it wasn't me. I didn't want to wear these things. Honest I didn't. Carol made me do it.", I pleaded.

"I just don't believe it. My son in his sister's clothes. Carol get in here this instant".

"Mom she made me. She said she'd tell Brian and everyone about you putting me in her dress if I didn't do it".

Carol appeared at the door way already dressed. She gave me a quick look and then turned to Mom and ask, "What do you want? I'm on my way down to eat".

"Did you make your brother wear your clothes to bed last night? He said you made him do it. Is that right?"

"Oh Mom, I didn't make him do anything he didn't want to do. He was wearing my sundress all day yesterday and I just gave him something to wear to bed".

I had to jump in now. She wasn't telling the whole truth either, even if I wasn't telling the whole truth. "Mom", I pleaded, "She's lying. She made me. Carol, tell her the truth. You said you'd tell everyone if I didn't."

Mom ended it there as she told Carol to get down stairs and eat her breakfast. She then turned to me and said, "Bobby, I don't know what's going on here and I'm really shocked by your behavior. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I'll get to the bottom of this. Now get out of your sister's nighty and panties and get dressed for breakfast."

"OK, but she did make me do it. You won't tell Dad will you Mom? Please it won't ever happen again I promise you. But please don't tell Dad I was wearing panties."

"I don't know what I'm going to do. I won't promise you anything. Just get dressed and down stairs."

I shucked my panties and nightgown and threw them to the far corner of my room in disgust. I will never wear girls clothes again; I promised myself. I don't care what Carol and Beth say or do; I'll never wear them again. I slipped into my cotton briefs, blue jeans, T-shirt, cotton socks and sneakers and headed to the breakfast table. Carol and Beth were already there eating there breakfast, but the conversation I knew was about me.

Beth was saying, "I wish he were really my sister, but we were just playing. We really looked like twins, Mom."

"Well I don't want anymore of it. Both of you are to leave your brother alone. If I hear of you dressing him up or even helping him you'll both be in trouble. Do you understand me?", Mother responded.

"Bobby, your to stay out of your sister's room. And I'd better not find you in there clothes again unless you want to be sent back to school in dresses. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Mom, it won't happen again, I can promise you that."

It appeared as if I had dodged a bullet. Carol could no longer make me dress up and Mom probably wouldn't tell Dad. She seemed satisfied that she had put an end to this foolishness. I was sure I'd never wear panties and dresses again.

Not to many days had gone by when looking through the Sears Roebuck catalog. I stopped in the girls section. Oh my, these little girls were so pretty. There panties came in every shade and color. Some of them were so fancy with ruffles and bows adorning them. The materials looked so smooth and shiny, I'll bet they really felt good on. And the slips were adorable. Even little bras without cups to match the panties were there to see.

Mom came into the room and I slammed the catalog closed. My cheeks glowed red. They were on fire. "What are you doing?", she ask.

"Uhhh, nothing." I responded. "Just looking at the toys".

"Well it a nice day out, I'd think you could find something more constructive to do."

"Yea, I think I'll go get my trucks and play outside."

I took the catalog and headed upstairs to get my trucks. At the head of the stairs I turned right to the bathroom rather than left to my room. I had made a decision to complete my inspection of the catalog in private. I locked the bath room door insuring privacy and returned to the girls department.

Oh how glorious they were: The sundresses and party dresses, the dresses for Sunday school, they pleated skirts that hung to the hips of these little girls. Oh they were all so pretty. I knew everyone would love a pretty little girl. Boys they just tolerated.

I couldn't answer in my own mind why I was doing this and why these clothes attracted me so much. That's when I spotted the hamper filled to almost over flowing. I couldn't resist opening the top to look in and see what had been discarded by my sisters. Right there on top was a pair of Carol's prettiest panties. I picked them up and straighten them out to inspect them thoroughly. The material was different than the nylon. It was satiny like the party dress I had been forced into a few weeks ago. The white satiny material was printed with pink, blue and yellow flowers. The leg openings had scallops around them in a lacy pattern. Oh my cheeks were burning again. This must be bad.

I made a decision. I slipped off my jeans and briefs and stepped into the panties. They tickled my legs as I pulled them up into place. Oh what a feeling. My pee-pee was hard again. I ran my hands over my satiny bottom and tummy. Oh my what a feeling I was experiencing I could not discern. Glancing into the hamper I saw Carol's petty slip wrapped in with the little white pleated skirt she had worn to the movies last Saturday.

I reach in once again and turning the airy little slip with the lace hem right side out I stepped into it and pulled it up around my waist. The feel of the slip sliding over my pantied bottom and brushing my bare legs sent chills through me. I quickly grabbed the skirt and pulled it on. I found the zipper in the side and pulled it up. The skirt fit as if it were made just for me. It was snug over my tummy and then the pleats flared out to cover my legs to mid thigh. The weight of the cotton skirt pressed the slip around my legs and the goose bumps ran rampant up and down my body. I swished in a quick turn and the skirt flared out. I did it again as I look in the door mirror. When the skirt would flare out I could see plainly the lacy petty slip underneath.

I was caught up in the moment until I heard a wrap on the door and Mom ask, "Who's in the bathroom?".

I almost fainted as I weakly replied, "It's just me. I'll be right out".

I quickly took the skirt slip and panties off and tried to arrange them in the hamper just as I had found them. I didn't want any questions ask or raise any suspicions. I was back into my cotton briefs and jeans in nothing flat. But I had found a treasure that would entertain myself with for a long time to come.

You may recall that Mom had taken the party dress, slip, and panties she had put on me that first time and put them in my room as a threat. Well I never really played with them or tried to sneak into them because I always figured Mom left them there to bait me. I just knew she'd know if they were ever moved or worn. And now that I had found the treasure of the hamper. She'd never know. Oh my, I thought, I must be a mental case or something.

Life progressed. I had my secrets in the catalogs and hamper. Sometime I would visit daily to search both Beth's and Carol's discards. Other time the guilt would keep me away for weeks at a time. One day the dress, slip and panties of the first time disappeared from my room. I must have passed the test. Nothing was ever said again about those two summer days long ago, but they awakened something in me that demands attention even to this day.

It was a couple of years later and I was in the Cub Scouts. This month's project was the "Wizard of Oz". Besides the associated crafts and story telling the grand finale would be a skit to be performed at the monthly Pack meeting where al the Dens got together. When Mrs. Clark announced the skit and informed us each of us would have a part and would have to make costumes my mind started racing. Oh, if only I could get the part of Dorothy. I would have to wear a skirt wouldn't I? And no one could say anything about it. After all it was just pretend, for fun.

It was determined we would draw names for the parts, After all, no self respecting boy wanted to have to play a girls part. I joined in the fracas and adamantly stressed I would never be Dorothy. The die was cast; the names were pulled. I looked at my slip and my eyes fell along with my spirit. I was to be the Tin man.

None of the others had yet admitted to having the part of Dorothy. I quickly surveyed the room and determined that Ralph must have drawn the part I so desperately wanted. I couldn't let him know I wanted the part he had and I'm sure he would be more than happy to accommodate me.

"Oh darn", I said "Ralph, I didn't want this part. I wanted to be the Oz. If you got the Oz I'll trade with you."

"Yea I might have the Oz part", Ralph replied, "But if we trade there's no-trade-back."

"OK, I'll trade, anything's better than what I got."

With that we traded slips, and I was now to be Dorothy. Oh he thought he was so slick as he busted off about putting one over on me. Of course I protested and yelled cheat but not enough, I hoped, to bring a reversal of the decision by Mrs. Clark.

As we left for home that day Mrs. Clark stopped me.

"Bobby", she said, "I hope your not to upset about the part. I'm sure you can borrow one of your sisters dresses or skirts for the Pack skit. Don't worry, there will be other boys doing there skits dressed as Dorothy."

"OK Mrs. Clark, I'll ask my Mom for help but I'm not promising I'll be wearing any dress or skirt."

"Now Bobby, you can't let the rest of the boys in the Den down. We want to have the best skit of all the Dens, Don't we."

"Yea, OK, I'll see you next week," And I was off on a cloud. Mom would have to help me dress now. After all it was for Cub Scouts. Oh boy what would I wear. I almost ran the whole way home I was so excited. Then I started to logic. I couldn't let on to Mom I wanted to do this at all. I'd have to be careful how I told her. Maybe better to say nothing till she ask me how Cub Scouts went today. I hoped she'd put the costume together right away for me but how could I prompt her if she were to believe I was reluctant to do this? Oh I'll just fib a little. I'll tell her we're to take our costumes to the Den meeting each week to practice till the Pack meeting. Yes that was it. Three whole weeks of dressing up.

I went home and according to plan I didn't disclose anything to Mom who was busy preparing dinner. As we sat round the table for dinner the conversation turned to what each of we siblings were involved with at the time. Finally Mom ask what we did at Cub Scouts today.

"Aw not much. This months thing is on the "Wizard of OZ", I said.

"Well that's interesting, that's still one of my favorite movies. Do you remember when we saw it together?"

"Yea, I remember. Wasn't my favorite but it was OK."

"Well what are you going to do with it as a theme?"

"We're supposed to do some stupid skit about it at the Pack meeting. We have to have costumes and learn these lines to say. I guess every week from now till the Pack meeting we're supposed to work on our costumes and take them to the Den meetings."

"Oh quit grousing. You'll probably have a lot of fun with this. What part are you playing?"

Ah Oh, Here it was, D-day. Got to be careful, got to act upset, but not to upset. "Oh I don't want to talk about it", I groused, "Ralph tricked me. I have to play the part of Dorothy. But I'm not going if I have to wear a dress or skirt like Mrs. Clark said."

"Well well. How about that. You got the lead part. And of course you'll wear a dress and be the best Dorothy there. It's only a play after all.", Mom responded.

Then Carol Piped in, "I'll help him. I'll loan him a skirt or dress for the play. I've got a lot of clothes I don't wear anymore that should fit."

Little did she know. I could wear almost all of her clothes and all of Beth's clothes. If they'd been through the wash I had tried them on: Panties, slips, tights, dresses, skirts and blouses.

Dad laughed and then stunned me with his comment.

"Hey I remember you in a dress a few years ago and you made a very pretty girl then. I think they got the right girl for this part", he laughed.

I was so embarrassed. I couldn't believe anyone would bring that day up to me again, least of all my Dad.

"After the dishes are done and you kids get your homework finished, we'll see what we can find for you to wear", Mom said.

"Mom, I don't need anything till next week. Don't worry about finding me a costume yet. Anyway all I need is a skirt or something that will fit over my uniform."

"I have time tonight and we may as well get it done while we have the time".

Well, there it was. I would get a dress or skirt to wear tonight. I already had an outfit in mind but I could never be so bold as to suggest it to Mom. From my frequent trips to the hamper I knew which ones fit me best and I just knew that the outfit I had in mind would be perfect for Dorothy.

Carol had the cutest little red/yellow/green plaid pleated skirt. I really looked great in it. The pleats came to just above my knees, long enough for the conservatives and short enough to still have that little girl look. That skirt with her white cotton blouse were perfect. Then a pair of white knee socks would really set off the outfit. I wondered how far Mom would take this? Would she insist I wear panties and slip also? Oh I hope so but I was sure that was too much to hope for.

I quickly finished my homework or half finished it. I couldn't concentrate on anything but what was in store for me this evening. Would I "chicken-out"? Being dressed at home was one thing, but being dressed in a skirt and panties out in front of all those people was another story.

As I walked past Beth's and Carol's bedroom door I saw them with a pile of clothes on the bed. Dresses, skirts, slips, shoes were strewn about as they chatted on about this dress and that. They were getting a head start on this dressing thing. I stepped into the room and ask, "What are you two doing? All I need is a skirt to wear over my uniform. I'll just roll the pant legs up if I have too."

Carol replied, "You can't go like that. You have to be dressed to look like Dorothy, not some jock in a skirt."

"Maybe you think so but I don't", I replied.

I spied the red plaid pleated skirt on the top of the pile. Now was my chance.

"Look Carol, let me try that red skirt on over my jeans. If that fits, I'll wear that for the play but that's all."

"Well do what you want. You'll be the one to ruin the play", she said as she threw the skirt into my face.

I stepped into the skirt and pulled it up over my jeans. I struggled with the zipper and couldn't quite get it all the way up. I did get it high enough that it would stay in place.

"There", I said, "This will do fine for the stupid play".

I was hoping to get more encouragement from them or insistence on dressing more. Maybe I had protested too much. My fears were put to rest as Mom entered the bedroom.

"Well the skirt may be all right but the pants have to go", she said. "Your going to have to wear a slip under that skirt or it will never hang right".

"Ah Mom I'm not going to do that. It's only a play. I can't wear a slip the guys would never let me forget it."

"Oh quit. Slip those jeans off and leave the skirt in place. Carol, get me that white half slip over there".

Carol rushed to bring her the white satiny slip with the lacy hem. Mom reached under my skirt and in one quick motion the jeans were down around my ankles and I was stepping out of them. Next she was sliding the silky slip up my legs and positioning it around my waist. She then finished zipping the skirt which now fit perfectly. I could feel the tingles in my groin. I hope my pee-pee would not get hard.

"There now let's see how that looks. Turn around for me", Mom commanded."That's not going to do. You can see your underwear lines through the back of the skirt. Beth, get me a pair of you panties.

Beth jumped from the bed and ran to her drawer. She held up a pair of her fanciest panties. White nylon with lace panels down the sides made the most demure panties I had ever seen. These I had never had on as they were new and hadn't seen the hamper that I knew of.

"Mom, I have two pair of these panties and I'll give him these ones. I only wear them on Sundays anyway and one pair will do me and then he can have a pair just like mine", Beth said with true compassion.

"Mom, I can't wear those", I pleaded. "Please this is going to far".

"Look your not going to embarrass me going to the play half dressed. What would Mrs. Calrk think? She's good enough to be the Den mother for all you guys the least you can do is do your best for her. Now slip your briefs off and slip these on".

I reluctantly slipped my cotton briefs off and stepped into the panties. As I pulled them up I discovered a problem. I had caught the back of the slip in the panties and there I stood with my nylon clad butt exposed with the slip and skirt tucked in the back of the panties.

Beth and Carol laughed as Mom came to the rescue.

"Here, let me help you. Your going to have to learn how to pull up your panties with out this happening. See, hold the skirt and slip up with your arms as you lift the panties up. Then just run your hand around the waist band of your panties to make sure your skirt and slip aren't stuck."

With all this attention and the silky panties and slip being moved around on my body my pee-pee came to full erection. Thankfully when the skirt and slip were dropped into place there was no external evidence of my predicament.

"Carol, get me a pair of your white knee socks. Better get me the thinner pair to be sure the shoes will fit him."

There I sat in the red plaid skirt with a petty slip and panties on. I slipped my shoes and socks off and pulled the thin white knee socks on. With one leg thrown over the other thigh as I had always done to put my shoes and socks on I was exposing all the frills under my skirt to anyone caring to look. That brought another reprimand from my Mother.

"Put you leg down. When wearing a skirt you can't act like a boy. Learn to bend over and put your socks and shoes on while you keep your skirt in your lap. If you don't want all your friends to see everything your wearing you better remember."

I shrugged and put my feet on the floor and bending over to slide the socks the rest of the way into place. The more I squirmed on the chair putting on my sister's socks the more sensations coursed through my groin. I thought my pee-pee would bust.

I thought it was done but then Mom issued more instruction.

"Carol get me that white button down blouse that you said was to small for you. Oh, you better see if you have a top for under it. It's pretty thin material and it has to have something under it".

"OK Mom, do you want to try one of my bra's too?", Carol ask.

She was really proud she was allowed to wear a training bra. She really had nothing to hold anymore than I did in one.

"No, just get me the white cami top that matches the slip. Maybe we should have just gone with the full slip", she said.

I was stripping off my shirt when Mom told me to hold my arms up as she slipped the white satiny camisole with lace to match the petty slip over my head. Chills ran all over my body. I thought I was going to faint. I recovered as Mom held the blouse for me to slip my arms into. I started to button the front and discovered I was a little clumsy about it. The buttons were backward! Mom saw the struggle I was having and only commented, "You better practice on the buttons or you'll never be able to dress I time for the play".

The white blouse was sheer and had a little collar that was of eyelet lace. The eyelet lace ran down the front of the blouse concealing the buttons I had just struggled with. With out further instructions I tucked the hem of the blouse into the skirt. I was dressed complete, I thought. Then Beth started.

"Oh Mom, doesn't he look like me? Will you do his hair like mine too?"

"Well, we'll have to do something with the hair. But you better bring me your white flats for him to wear, Carol. They'll be easy for him to slip off. Then we'll have to find a pair of red slippers or shoes for him. He'll have to change in the skit to the witches shoes."

I slipped on the flats without a word. I had allowed all this to be done to me with out the single utterance of a word. Partly out of resignation and partly because I didn't trust my voice not to tremble. I loved the clothes I was wearing. I secretly hoped Mom would make me wear them forever.

"Well what do you think? You haven't said a word. Just a few little touches and I don't think anyone would think you to be a boy", Mom said as she inspected me. "Come on with me".

She led me out of the girls room and into her bedroom. She sat me in the chair and began on my hair. The bangs reappeared over my forehead with a stroke of the brush. Then without warning she picked up the bangs in her fingers and with scissors cut them to even length. I started to protest but it fell on deaf ears. My bangs were curled with a hot iron so they now fell into a curl across my forehead. The back and side were brushed straight as it fell to my collar line. The curling iron struck again as the ends were curled under. Beth's twin emerged in the mirror. The tears were welling in my eyes and I fought with all my might to keep them from flowing. How would I explain tears. I choked back the feeling as Mom continued her "Few more things".

"Here we go. If your on stage you'll have to have a little make-up", she said.

She then painted my upper lip with a pink shade of lipstick and said, "Here go like this" as she mashed her lips together. I followed suit. I had never had lipstick on before but the creamy feel of the lipstick was an experience I wouldn't soon forget.

"Oh one more thing.. Carol bring me that straw hat with the ribbons on to me", Mom ask.

Soon she was pinning the little straw hat on the back of my head. The plaid ribbon matched the skirt pattern and the tendrils of the ribbons hung half way down my back.

I stood in front of the mirror and could only see the pretty little girl reflected back at me. If I were a boy I thought that's the girl I would want.

What was happening to me. I'm a boy. I shouldn't be feeling these things. Thought of how Brian would go crazy over a girl like I was crazy. What's wrong with me. I almost ran from the room. I needed time to think.

As I exited I ran headlong into my Dad in the hallway.

"Hold on there Beth. Where's the fire",he ask as he held me by the arms to keep me from falling.As I raised my head to look up at him the realization of who he was holding dawned on him. My cheeks burned and silent tears of embarrassment rolled down my cheek.

"Here, here. what's all this", he comforted. "Who's this pretty little girl? Don't cry. I won't tease you. I know how hard this is for you. I'm proud you have the courage to do this. Those other wussy's wouldn't have the guts."

Oh how little he knew. If he really knew what I was thinking and how I felt I'll bet he'd be preaching a different sermon. He took me in his arms and hugged me just like I had seen him hug Carol and Beth. It was so comforting and I felt safe and protected in his big hairy arms. After what seemed an eternity he pushed me back to give me the once over again.

"Come on, Bobbi", he said. "Let's go down stairs and watch some TV. Maybe we can even find some ice cream."

I sniffed and brushed at my eyes as I followed him back down the stairs to the TV room. I sat on the couch and remembered to tuck my skirt under me as I sat just Like Beth and Carol did in church. My knees were still trembling when the family had all gathered in the room. Dad entered last with the proclamation, "We're out of ice cream. How about we all go to Dairy Queen, my treat".

Positive responses echoed through out the room. I got to my feet and said, "I'll be right down soon as I change."

"No time for that Bobbi if we're to get there before it closes. No one is going to see you anyway. We'll go through the drive through", Dad said.

Made sense to me and I need an ice cream or something, like a man needed a good shot of whiskey when he was stressed. So out the door we went. The cool night air blew up my skirt and another new feeling was experienced. Now not only did my own movements cause the silky slip to caress my legs but now the breeze played with my sensitive body. How did girls put up with all these sensations? Did I have "boy" feeling that girls didn't ever experience? Maybe that's why they got to wear all the pretty soft clothes while boys were resigned to wear cottons. Maybe that was it: We boys couldn't handle the sensations and girls did or couldn't feel them. I made a mental note to quiz Beth about it.

Before long we pulled into the DQ. It was late and the drive through was closed. Dad pulled up in front and without giving my predicament a thought he swung open the car door and said, "OK ladies, let's be quick before the inside counter closes. Make up your minds quick on what you want, no time to take orders."

They all piled out and I remained in the car with the door being held open. I couldn't let people see me dressed like a girl. What if someone from school saw me. I guess I'd forgo the ice-cream treat tonight.

"Come on Bobbi," Dad said, "No one is going to see you. Even if they did they would know who you were and that you weren't just another of my daughters. Come on now and get some ice cream before they close".

I reluctantly slid out and Dad took me by the hand and led me inside to the counter. As we ordered our various treats and they were handed to us the woman behind the counter handed me my cone and then remarked to Dad.

"Oh are those twins? My they are pretty little girls. All three are lovely. I never thought twins should have to wear identical outfits. You can tell these two are twins a mile away."

Dad responded, "Actually they aren't twins."

My heart rose up into my throat. Surely Dad wasn't going to tell her the truth. Please Dad no don't do it raced through my mind.

"There only eleven months apart and look more like twins every day although I think that disappoints Bobbi, doesn't it Bobbi.", Dad finished.

"Yeaaaa", I mumbled as I turned to make a quick exit. The fire burning in my cheeks. I went back to the car and hid in the darkness till they returned for the trip home. I was lost in thought. Here I was a boy and dressed in my sister's clothes from the skin out. I had been out in front of strangers and I was a girl to them. I loved the feel of the clothes and I loved myself in them. I was a pretty girl. Strangers fussed over me. I wasn't the ho hum little boy to be tolerated. I felt the warmth of my Dad I had never experienced. The tenderness he had shown me tonight was like water to someone lost in a desert. I knew when I took my skirt and panties off I'd never feel those things from Dad again.

Oh Please God let me be a girl.

Awakening Part 4 by Bobbi

We had arrived back home after the ice cream trip with me in my sister's panties, slip, skirt, blouse, shoes and socks. I rushed into the house now starting to feel the remorse of being in girls clothes and liking it. As I bounded up the steps I heard my Dad call out to me.

"Bobby, you really did look nice tonight and I know you'll do real well with the skit."

I didn't reply but headed straight to my room to get out of the frills I had worn all evening. I had dropped the plaid pleated skirt to the floor, stripped off the white blouse, discarded the flats and knee socks and stood there in the white lacy nylon panties and cami. That's when the door opened and Mom came in. She looked at the pile of frills on the floor and then said.

"That's no way to treat your clothes. Hang your skirt and blouse up on hangers and put your socks in the hamper. I'll be sure there're clean for you for the Den meeting next week". She looked at me standing there in the panties and cami and continued, "If your going to wear those to bed tonight, please be sure to put them in the wash tomorrow morning."

"Mom, I replied, "I wasn't going to wear them. I just haven't gotten changed yet."

"Well go ahead and get in bed. I'll be back to tuck you in a minute", she said exiting my room.

I stood there not really wanting to take the panties and cami off but also realizing that if I didn't I'd be sending a message to Mom that I had painstakingly avoided up till now. The message being that I, a boy, her son, would rather be her daughter. With that I quickly shed the soft nylons and donned my cotton briefs for the night.

Not much was said about that evening or the upcoming Cub Scout event the rest of the week. Mom had washed the socks and under things and had put them in my dresser drawer. Each day I would fight the temptation to slip into my outfit to become my sisters sister. Each time I opened the drawer I couldn't resist fondling the soft nylon panties, slip and cami. However I resisted the urge mainly for fear of being discovered. After all, I would soon have a justifiable reason to wear the outfit again.

On Tuesday morning I was shook awake by Mom and then she was pulling clothes out of my closet and drawers as she said, "You're to take your outfit to the Den meeting today to practice your skit. I'll drop your shoes, skirt and slip off at Mrs. Clarks today so you won't have to carry them to school with you. You better wear the panties and cami under your uniform to school to make changing at the meeting easier".

"Mom," I almost shouted, "I can't wear girls panties and that thing to school. I don't need all the costume for practice. I'll just slip the skirt on over my pants for practice."

"No one is going to know what you have on under your uniform unless your in the habit of showing people your underwear. And Mrs. Clark wants to see everyone in costume before the Pack meeting."

Well, I figured, No one would know and I had wanted to feel the soft smoothness on me all week. So without anymore argument I took the panties and cami and headed to the bathroom. After the usual amenities I slipped the panties up my legs and into place. The sensation was just as intense as the first time Mom had forced me into my sister's panties at six years old. I dropped the cami over my head and once again the chills ran all over my body. I couldn't resist running my hands over my silk clad butt and then feel my nipples harden and make little bumps in the white nylon cami I wore.

Ah oh, my pee-pee was hard again. I couldn't go through a day of school like this. I had to settle down. I quickly stepped into my uniform pants and shirt. I buttoned the shirt tight up around the neck and inspected myself in the mirror to be sure the white lace of the cami or panties was not visible. Satisfied I headed to the breakfast table. Every step I took produced sensations as the cotton uniform pants and shirt rubbed against the smooth nylon of the panties and cami. The nylon acted as a "super conductor" in transfering the sensations to the nerve ending in my skin.

As my sisters and I headed out the door for school Mom called to me.

"I'll pick you up after the Den meeting today. I have to pick up a few things downtown so I'll pick you up on the way home."

Well that was nice of her. I didn't know if I'd have the guts to even go to the Den meeting. Well maybe I could just slip the skirt on over my uniform anyway. No way was I going to let the guys know that I was wearing panties, slip and cami under the skirt.

School was uneventful till late afternoon. At recess I felt natures call and went to the rest room. Several boys were already there. I remembered what I was wearing on my bottom and panicked. I couldn't risk the white nylon lace being seen while I tried to slip my pee-pee out to relieve myself. I entered a stall and securely locked myself in and out of harms way. I loosed my belt and carefully slid the panties down with the pants. After relieving myself I pulled the pants up, tucked my shirt in and exited quickly back to home room.

Miss Carson, our teacher had us doing math problems at the black board. Mine was simple. I walked up wrote the answer and quickly returned to me seat. As I returned I saw Traci snickering and whispering to Jenny who sat next to her. I sat down and look back studiously at the work I had done at the black board. Surely I couldn't have messed up on a simple problem like that. No, I hadn't. Oh well, they must be just being silly.

Exercise period came and we were herded out to the playground for a game of tag ball or something. As I was about to exit the room Miss Carson called to me.

"Bobby, could I see you a minute before you go out?"

"OK", I replied as I turned and went over to where she stood.

She didn't say anything as she was apparently waiting till the room had emptied. Jenny and Traci were the last to leave and were still snickering and looking back at me as they left. My mind was racing. I must be in trouble or something. I couldn't think of anything I'd done to deserve a special session with Miss Carson. Then the bomb fell.

"Bobby, I think you need some equipment adjustment. Your shirt tail is tucked in your underwear and they're sticking out above your pants," she said as she turned me around to assist in the equipment adjustment. She was about to pull my shirt tail up when she stopped abruptly.

"Are these your panties, Bobby? There very pretty but I'll bet they're your sisters. Does your Mother know your wearing your sister's panties to school?"

"These aren't mine. My Mom told me to wear them today. There for a play at Cub Scouts. Please don't tell anyone."

"OK, OK Bobby, calm down. I'm not going to tell anyone. I just wanted to know why you were wearing girls panties. You know there are some boys and men who like to dress in girls clothes. Some of them just like to dress up like girls and some of them want to be girls. Now I'm not saying your like them but it isn't all that unusual. In fact, there are even some girls who like to pretend to be boys."

"That's not me Miss Carson, honest. This is just for a play at Cub Scouts and Mom told me to wear these today cause were going to practice after school."

"Well Bobbi I think Jenny and Traci may have seen your panties. The lace around the waist band is pretty incriminating. I'll talk to them and maybe they won't say anything to the others. Here, Let me tuck you back in."

As she raised the shirt tail and pulled the waist band of my pants out she saw the lace hem of the cami I was wearing. She didn't stop this time but tucked my shirt back in over the panties.

"Well your Mom goes all the way doesn't she? That's a very pretty cami your wearing. Be sure to keep your shirt buttoned up. You know you can always talk to me about these things if you want too. I'll understand and maybe sometime you'll want to talk about it. You can talk to me anytime and it will be just between you and me."

Oh no, did she think I was one of those? Why would I want to talk about things like that. That wasn't me was it? No, I knew I couldn't and shouldn't be a girl. I just liked the feel of nylon. I wasn't one of them.

"Yes Miss Carson. Can I go outside now?"

"Yes, but you better be careful. If the others find out what your wearing I'm afraid you'll be in for allot of teasing."

I went out and played, and carefully so as not to risk additional exposure. The rest of the day was uneventful. I found I couldn't look directly into Miss Carson's eyes. It seemed to me every time she caught my eye she'd beam me a knowing smile. I also avoided any contact with Jenny and Traci. I didn't know what they had seen. I wasn't going to give them the opportunity to interrogate me about it.

Ralph and the rest of us raced from the school and over to Mrs. Clark's for our Den meeting. Maybe Mom forgot to bring the skirt for me. I was really getting scared. How could I dress up like a girl in front of all these guys? They would really tease me and I knew they'd spread it all over the school. What had I done? What did I get myself into. Yes, I wanted to try on my sister's clothes but was it worth this?

As things settled down in the family room where we were meeting Mrs. Clark began.

"OK guys let's see how your costumes are coming? Did everyone practice there lines? How about putting your costumes on and we'll help you all finish them."

"Oh Bobby, she said, " If you go up to my room at the top of the stairs you'll find the clothes your Mom dropped off. I'll be up in a little while to see if you need some help."

"Yea, Dorothy, get in your pretty dress for us", Ralph teased as the rest of the guys laughed.

Red faced I trudged up the stairs to Mrs. Clarks bedroom. There on her bed was the red/yellow/green plaid pleated skirt, the lacy petty slip, the sheer white blouse with the lace collar. She had even brought the little straw hat with the ribbons dangling down the back. The white flats were set on the floor and the knee socks tucked into them.

I closed the door and sat on the bed to think about my predicament. Maybe I should just quit Cub Scouts. I can't do this. I'll be the laughing stock of the whole school if I do this. Why would Mom and Mrs. Clark allow this to happen to me. Surely they knew what would happen to me. And then Miss Carson thinking I was one of those guys who wanted to be a girl.

All of a sudden I made a decision. To Hell with those guys. This was a pretend play and I'd show them I wasn't afraid of there teasing. I'll make them all wish they were Dorothy. I'd be so good and pretty. They'd be sorry.

Off came the uniform, socks and shoes. In flash I was into the silky slip, blouse, and skirt, I sat on the chair in front of the Mrs. Clarks vanity. Then I rolled the knee socks up and slipped the shoes on. A light knock on the door announced the entrance of Mrs. Clark.

"Oh my Bobby, you're going to be the best Dorothy ever. You really look like your sister in that outfit. Here let me help you with your hair." she said as she walked over and took her brush to my hair.

In nothing flat I was back in bangs and a girlish hair style. The girl appeared in the mirror once again, pretty and petite. She sat the straw bonnet on my head and pinned it in place. Then she held my chin in her hand and tilted it up to see my face.

"Here a little color to your cheeks will look nice", she said as she applied a very light coat of pinkish blush to my cheeks. Then without warning she applied a light coat of pink lipstick to my lips.

I mussed my lips as Mom had showed me and Mrs. Clark smiled.

"Well I guess you know more about dressing than I gave you credit for".

I hadn't said a word during this whole time. I had steeled my nerves to the job at hand. What ever Mrs. Clark wanted to do to make me a complete girl was fine with me. I'd show those guys.

Now I stood up turned around in front of the mirror to inspect myself and quietly said "Thanks" to Mrs. Clark. I loved myself at that point. I was beautiful, well at least pretty. Oh I could be a girl, couldn't I.

"That outfits prefect for your part Bobby. Do you have the red slippers too?", she ask.

"I guess Mom couldn't find any."

"Well that's OK for today. We'll see what we can do before the Pack meeting. Come on now the guys are costumed and waiting downstairs. Let's go show them a real Dorothy."

Without the slightest hesitation and head held high I marched down the stairs behind Mrs. Clark for my debut. I entered the room and mouths dropped open. A pregnant silence fell over the room for a minute.

The silence was broken as Jeff said, "Wowie", and gave a wolf whistle.

Ralph regained his composure and said, "Well well well, I think Bobby wants to be a girl. I don't think that's a costume I think those are his real clothes."

The laughing was halted abruptly by Mrs. Clarks raised voice.

"all right, that's enough. The next one to start teasing is going to become the Dorothy for the Den."

That was enough to shut them up but I knew they would all be waiting their turn out of Mrs. Clark's protective canopy.

We practiced our play and the only incident occurred when Ralph flipped my short skirt up to expose the slip and panties I was wearing.

"See," he said, "He's all girl".

That brought a quick reprimand from Mrs. Clark.

As we were finishing Mom walked through the front door.

"Hi, guys. Are you about done? I need to borrow Dorothy for awhile", she said.

Oh it wasn't bad enough with the boys teasing. Now my Mom was instigating.

Mrs. Clark spoke up, "Oh we're done for the day. You can take her... I mean him with you anytime."

I headed for the stairs to change. My initial valor and determination had waned under the trials of the Den meeting.

"Just grab your clothes. You can change when we get home. I have to hurry. I haven't got supper started yet and your Dad will be home soon.", Mom commanded.

Without giving it much thought I did as she said. I really wanted to escape before anyone else started on me. Once in the safety of the car I relaxed a little. But as we approached the turn to home Mom turned the other way, back towards the mall.

"Where are you going?", I half shouted. "The house is the other way."

"Oh settle down. You need red slippers for the play and I thought this would be a good time to pick them up. Then you can try them on to make sure they fit. I don't think you'd want to be trying slippers on while you were in your own clothes, now would you?"

"Mom, I'm not going shopping in this outfit. What if someone sees me?"

"No one would ever guess or think you were anything but a girl unless you tell them. Quit worrying.", she said as she pulled into the mall lot.

Reluctantly I followed her into the mall. At least the shoe store was close to the entrance. Once inside the store I grabbed a chair in the far corner and slouched down as far as I could. As I did so the short skirt slid further up my thighs.

Mom leaned down and said in my ear, " Honey you better sit up. Your showing your panties to anyone who wants to look."

I was mortified. I quickly sat up and pulled the skirt down in an attempt to cover as much of my exposure as possible. Another sensation made me aware of another mistake. This being a girl thing was harder than I thought. When I had sat down I hadn't smooth the skirt and slip under my butt. Now I had my pantied bottom directly on the cool leather chair bottom. This was not an unpleasant sensation. I slid around a little on the chair before Mom caught my eye.

"You better straighten your skirt", was all she said.

I stood and smoothed the skirt under my bottom and seated myself once again. Mom had cornered the sales girl and was explaining what she had in mind for her daughter. Soon there was a pile of boxes in front of me with the sales girl taking various red shoes out for Mom's inspection before she slipped them on my feet. With every pair I was required to stand and walk in them. I didn't understand all the fuss. A pair of red shoes was a pair of red shoes. I would only be wearing them for ten minutes, so was fit really an issue?

I was in the last pair. A red shade that matched the red in my pleated mini skirt better than any had so far. They were flats like the white ones I had worn in. But these covered more of my feet and there was a shiny gold buckle on the front.

I had just reach the turn around point of my walk when Jenny and her Mom entered the store. I turned quickly and got back to my chair hoping to hide. I knew she must have seen me. Maybe she didn't recognize me. I whispered to Mom.

"Please, these shoes are fine. Let's go."

"OK, Honey, I like these ones too. Do you want to wear them home or shall I have the girl wrap them?", she ask.

"I don't care Mom. I'll wear them, OK. Let's just get going", I pleaded as she and sale girl abandoned me.

Jenny walked straight towards me and plopped down in the chair next to me. She leaned over to inspect me more closely and said.

"That is you, isn't it Bobby. What are you doing dressed like that? I thought you were your sister, Beth. Traci said you were wearing girls panties in school today but I told her she must be crazy. What's going on?"

"Oh Jenny, please don't tell anyone. I have to be Dorothy in a "Wizard of Oz" skit for scouts. We were practicing and Mom insisted we stop and get red shoes. Please don't tell.", I pleaded.

"I won't tell on you. You sure went all the way, didn't you. I think you make a better looking girl than you do a boy. Do you wear girls panties all the time now?"

"No, Jenny I don't. I didn't want to wear these ones but Mom made me. She said the skirt wouldn't be right without girls panties and a slip. I hate these things."

"Oh your make-up is really great. I wish my Mom would let me wear make-up. And are those your new shoes? I really like them. Maybe I'll get a pair just like them."

I had completely forgotten about the make-up. I knew my cheeks were now much redder than the pink blush. Mom finally came with the white flats in a bag and told me to hurry up, we needed to get home.

"Remember your promise, Jenny", I said as I beat a retreat to the confines of the car.

As we headed for home Mom said, "Who was your girlfriend? She's a pretty thing."

"Oh Mom, that was Jenny from school. She knew who I was and she saw the panty top I was wearing at school today. I'll never be able to go back to school. I know she'll tell someone."

"Oh you worry to much. Didn't you tell her why you were in your sister's clothes?"

"Yes I told her but that won't make any difference if she tells the kids about me."

Any semblance of valor had been completely drained from me as we arrived at home. I ran in the door and headed straight for my room to become a boy again. I heard Dad call out as I ran past him.

"Hey, who's the good looking girl in the red shoes".

I was in tears as I entered my room. I practically tore the frills off me and couldn't get into my own clothes fast enough. What was going to happen to me. If Jenny told I'd be dead. It was one thing to dress as a girl for a play but to go shopping as a girl couldn't be explained away. I was still crying when Mom entered my room and put her arms around me.

"I'm sorry this is so hard on you. I never thought about anyone recognizing you. But I'm sure Jenny will keep your secret. Now please don't cry. I got the idea you kind of liked to wear your sister's clothes. I'm sorry if I was wrong."

I didn't respond. Maybe Mom knew more than I thought she did, but how. Well I guess she would know now that she was wrong.

Bobbi's Awakening Part 5 by Bobbi

After the dress rehearsal and the impromptu shopping expedition for the red shoes, I was home safe in the confines of my own room. Mom had comforted me as my emotions burst through in the form of tears. I was still concerned about her attitude and comment concerning how she thought I might like dressing in my sister's clothes. I would later learn that Mom had no suspicions of her own, but Miss Carson had called her concerning her discovery in school that day. She wanted to confirm that in fact, Mother was aware of I had been wearing white nylon panties and a lacy cami under my Scout uniform. She's the one who suggested to Mom that I might enjoy thinking of myself as a girl and dressing accordingly. She even suggested that if Mom saw further evidence of this that she might want to seek some counseling for me.

I didn't go down stairs for supper that night and fell deeply asleep in my own clothes in my own bed. Morning found me famished and I ate twice the breakfast I normally would have eaten. Then as time to leave for school approached I got a sick feeling in my stomach. How could I face the kids at school today? I was stupid for allowing myself to become such a complete girl in front of the Cub Scout Den, even if it was only for a skit. And if Jenny who discovered me in the mall in full attire buying a pair of girl's shoes broke the code of silence I would never live it down.

After all, Jenny was one of the prettiest girl in our whole school. We certainly weren't close friends, more like we recognized one another. She had never had anytime for nerdy me and I was in to much awe of her to ever attempt to have a close friendship with her. Oh please God don't let her tell, I prayed in my mind.

Ralph was the first to greet me at school.

"Well Dorothy dear, where's your pretty outfit today. Still wearing your sister's panties, or are they really yours?"

Amid the jeers I just pushed past him to seek shelter in home room. Oh no, first Ralph, and now Traci and Jenny were waiting to ambush me. Traci came rushing over and acting very coy and girlish ask.

"Bobby dear, are wearing your lacy panties again today? Does your Mommy buy you pretty ones to wear?"

"Your nuts", I said, "You better get your glasses changed, four eyes".

Then Jenny came to the rescue, "Oh Traci, leave him alone. I told you yesterday they were just his briefs sticking out."

A few more jabs and Miss Carson entered the room and things settled down. Things went without incident till afternoon recess. That's when Miss Carson released the class for the outside but ask me to wait a minute.

"Bobby, I know the kids are teasing you and I'll try to keep things from getting out of hand. However, if you wear girls clothes around school again they're not likely to let you forget it," Miss Carson continued. "I talked to your Mom about the incident yesterday. She told me she allowed you to wear part of your costume to school under your uniform."

"But, Miss Carson, I didn't want to wear them..."

"I know, I know Bobby. But I just want you to know that you can always talk to me about these things. Sometimes it's easier to talk to a friend rather than your Mom or Dad and I am your friend aren't I?"

"Yea, I guess so. Can I go now Miss Carson?"

"OK, go ahead and join the others but recess is about over."

I ran out an because of the lateness of the hour I just stood around the play ground and watched the others. That's when Jenny came up to me.

"Bobby, she said "I'm sorry about Traci. I didn't tell her anything about the mall. I won't tell anyone but, I don't think anyone would have recognized you in that skirt and top with your hair fixed that way. And you really looked nice with the lipstick on. I wish my Mom would let me wear make-up."

"Jenny, I don't ever want to be in those clothes again," I lied. "Mom made me do that. I'm not even going to be in that stupid play for the Pack meeting."

"Oh, Bobby, you can't quit now. The meetings next week and I ask Mom if I could go with her and Jason. I want to see you in the play. I known you'll be the best Dorothy there. Jason's Den doesn't have a clue about doing the play right. I'll bet your Den wins first place if you play the part."

Jason was Jenny's older brother. He was really in Boy Scouts but was Den Master for one of the other Dens in the Pack. I never thought about it before and had never seen Jenny at any of the Pack functions. Now she'd be there to see me in girl's clothes again. I didn't believe I could face her again dressed like that.

"Well, I don't think I'm going to do it. I've had all the teasing I can take."

"Bobby I hope you don't chicken out. I think your really brave to do this and your so cute when you were dressed."

Oh, God. She thought I was brave? She would be mad if I didn't do it. The prettiest girl in school liked me, even if it was in a skirt. The bell rang and we headed back to the class room.

"I'll think about it," I yelled as I ran back to the class room. Embarrassed about the conversation and afraid of the further teasing I might receive just for talking to a girl. Oh how I deep inside wanted to be in those clothes again but, it was wrong and I knew it. It was wrong because I liked the feel of those satiny panties on my bottom. It was wrong because I liked the way I looked in that skirt. And it was wrong because I wanted the attention pretty girls got that was withheld from little boys.

I raced home after school to avoid any potential comments or teasing from my classmates. Into the house and straight to the kitchen I ran to grab some cookies and milk to tide me over till supper. Mom was in the kitchen starting to prepare dinner. She ask how my day went.

"Mom, why did you tell Miss Carson I wanted to wear those panties and top to school? She acted like I wanted to wear girls clothes. And I really got teased about being Dorothy."

"Don't be such a sissy. I told her it was for a play. You make a big deal out of everything. Now you better go get your homework done before supper. Oh, and by the way I put some things on your bed I picked up for you today. You may want to consider a costume change for your part as Dorothy. Anyway I'm not sure your sister appreciates sharing her clothes with you."

"Ah Mom, I don't think I'm even going to be in the stupid play," I said heading up the stairs to my room. I entered my room and there on the bed was the biggest shock I'd experienced in my young life.

A pleated white skirt lay on the bed with a pink sweater of soft angora laid next to it. There was a pair of shiny satin panties laid there with a matching training bra like Carol wore. I couldn't resist picking up the panties in my hands to feel the soft silky material in my fingers. What was going through Mom's mind? I picked up a cellophane package and read "Footed tights - Girls - White - 8 to 12". And a white petty slip with a lace hem and a Cami top to match. The lace straps and lace on the bottom hem matched the lace on the slip.

This was not a "Dorothy" costume. What was going on? Was this some sort of test? Why would Mom do this? This stuff had to cost allot of money. Tears welled in my eyes but I squeezed them back. I threw the panties on to the bed and grabbed my homework. I started to immerse myself into the assignments but my mind was not on homework.

Did Mom want me to be a girl? Dad sure treated me different when I was dressed in the costume. Did they want me to be the sister Beth kept wanting me to be? Then I got sad, then mad, then stupid. I jumped up from my desk and stripped off all my clothes. I grabbed my robe from the door and headed for the bathroom down the hall. Well, if they wanted a girl then they'll have another girl. I'll show them.

I started the water and then spotted the Mom's bubble bath. Into the tub a goodly measure of the sweet flowery stuff went with me right behind it. I soaked in the warm scented bubbles and I think it began the transformation of my mind as my body might soon follow. I washed my hair in Mom's strawberry scented shampoo and followed it with her cream rinse. My shoulder length hair felt so soft, I had never felt it like this before.

I climbed out of the tub and patted myself dry a big fluffy towel. Rubbing my soft scented body didn't seem appropriate, so delicate patting dried me off. I dried my hair with another towel and then used Mom's hair drier to finish the job. I was afraid the noise of the dryer would alert someone to my processing and interrupt. But no reports were heard and I continued.

My hair was so soft and full. I had never seen it like this. I brushed out the bangs as Mom had done last week and then rolled them on the hot curling iron on the vanity. Wala, my bangs were a curl of blonde hair across my forehead. Now what? Oh there it was a pink scruffy. The things that held Carol's and Beth's pony tails in place. The pink scruffy was done with a pink ribbon that would match the pink sweater top.

I brushed and brushed the sides of the my hair to the back of my head catching the hair in my other hand. Heck this was easy. Then holding the hair in one hand I twisted the scruffy into place to hold it there. I released my hair and looked into the mirror. Hey, not bad for a first time. There was that pretty girl looking back at me once again. No wonder Dad was impressed.

Oh, something was missing. That's it I said as I pulled tendrils of hair from the sides to dangle in front of my ears. Taking the curling iron in hand I wrapped each of the tendrils in the iron to produce a wispy curl dangling in front of each ear. Beautiful I pronounced. Next came the pink lipstick. Stage or not my lips would be pretty and smooth with a coating of creamy lipstick. Just like Mom, I painted the upper lip in a perfect bow and then mussed my lips together. Oh, and a little spritz of perfume to top it all off.

I looked in the mirror. There she was, that pretty girl. Was it really me. The was no boy in that reflection. I felt giggly and flighty. Back to reality I came. It was getting late. Soon Mom would be calling for supper. I donned the robe and listened at the door for anyone lurking in the hall. I opened the door a crack to peek. The coast was clear and a quick dash was made to the confines of my room.

Once inside I quickly threw off the robe and grabbed the panties off the bed. Oh they were pretty. Satin pink with little satin ribbon bows on the legs and I the front of the waist band. I stepped into them and pulled them up my smooth hairless legs. Oh, how they hugged my tummy and butt. I couldn't resist running my hands over the sleekness provided to my behind and tummy. Oh my pee-pee was really getting hard.

Next the little training bra presented some problems. How do you hook this in back? Several very awkward attempts left me still in panties and no bra. I was about to give up when I decide to hook it in front and then worry about positioning it properly. I hooked and side the little bow in the middle of the nonexistent cups to the front. Slipped my arms through the straps and I was there. Oh the feeling of the tight satin over my nipples brought them to hard little points all at once. I pinched my nipples through the satin material and the sensations ran through my whole body. These couldn't be boy feelings.

Next came the truly unknown as I opened the cellophane and pulled out the white silky feeling tights. Now I had seen Mom put these things on Beth before. How was that now? Oh yeah, she rolled them somehow. I sat on the bed and bunching them up and sticking my feet into them I started them up my legs. It was going well. But again new sensations spread up my legs into my groin. As I reach the knees I stood and pulled them the rest of the way into place. Oh my, what feelings I experienced. My legs felt so smooth and when they brushed together electricity went through me.

I next slipped the cami over my head being very careful not muss my hair or get lipstick on the white satin and lace cami. Then I stepped into the satin matching petty slip and pulled it into place. I was running out of time. The pink angora sweater had a wide neck opening and was easily slipped over my head, hair do, and make-up without incident. As it dropped in place it was beautiful. I knew it would be my favorite forever. The neck line was wide and it had a shawl type collar. It left my shoulders bare almost to the arms. The shawl laid over my chest and hung off the shoulders. Oh what a beautiful fit and such a demure look.

I stepped into the white pleated skirt and pulled the zipper up the side. The drop waist style hugged my tummy and made the skirt hang off my little bum so nicely. The pleats flared out from the dropped waist and hung to mid thigh. A quick check in the mirror revealed the skirt and slip length were perfect. Mom had done a wonderful job. I spun and the skirt flared out. It brushed against my legs pushing the satiny slip against my silky clad legs. I had to stop this. My pee pee would surely burst through the satin confines if I didn't stop.

I looked for the white shoes. I knew the red ones wouldn't do. No these didn't look right either. I went to the door and listened. I opened it a crack and listened. Yes, I could hear Mom, Beth, Carol and Dad's voices from down stairs. I sneaked into the girls room and straight to Carol's closet. There I found her pink Mary Jane's. I slipped them on my feet and buckled the straps. I had to look one more time in her mirror at the beautiful girl I had become. Then I retreated to my room to await my entrance as the daughter and sister they wanted. I'd show them now.

It wasn't long till Mom called, "Bobby, get washed it's time for supper."

I opened my door and in the most demure steps I could muster descended the steps and made my way to the dinning room. Everyone was there but me, "Bobbi." Dad was sitting at the head of the table, not yet with his chair pulled completely up to the table. Beth and Carol were seated on the same side of the table and Mom at the foot of the table. The only one not to see my grand entrance would be Mom, until she would turn around.

I entered the dinning room and the conversation stopped. Mouths dropped open and I went directly to Dad and slide myself onto his lap.

"Is this what you want me to be Daddy? Your little girl.", I said as I slipped my arm around his neck.

Dad spoke first, "What's going on here? What are you doing in your sister's clothes again?"

"But Dad, Mom bought me these for my own. I thought that's what you and she wanted."

Carol spoke up, "What's he doing with my shoes, Mom?"

Mom interjected, " I got her... him those clothes today so he wouldn't have to wear his sister's. Now Carol, he's not hurting your shoes any. I certainly didn't expect a dress rehearsal for dinner though."

Dad stammered, " Bobbi, you make a very pretty girl, but I think you may be carrying this too far. Let's just eat and we'll talk about this latter." He gently slid me off his lap with his big hands holding me around the waist. I felt so like a girl at that time as I took my seat at the table and carefully tucked my short skirt under my butt as I sat.

Dinner proceeded. Carol was first to point out I was wearing lipstick. Why couldn't she wear it, also? Why did I get new clothes and not her? Was I wearing her panties again? Did I have a bra on? Was it her's?

Mom, put her fears to rest and I said nothing. I just smiled appropriately and turned the real shine on to Dad. I knew I was really making him nervous. I wondered what he was thinking. Did he really want me as his daughter? I couldn't tell. Maybe he was disgusted with me and would hate me. Maybe I had taken this too far.

Mom ask, "Did you do your own hair? Where'd you get the idea for that?"

"I saw you do that to Beth's hair and you curled my front last week. I didn't know how to curl it but I figured I could manage a pony tail. The curls in front were just an after thought. Do you really like it?"

"Yes, Bobbi it's very stylish and you did a wonderful job for your first time. The style fits your face well also, don't you think so, Carol?"

"Mom, he's just a big sissy. He might look like a girl but he's a boy," Carol retorted with jealousy dripping off her every word.

"That's enough, Carol," Dad commanded. "Bobbi, why did you dress like this. Do you like wearing girls clothes or do you want to be a girl?"

"Dad," I quietly responded, "I want to be what ever you and Mom want me to be. But I can't be a girl at school. The kids really tease me even about being Dorothy in the play."

"Bobbi, your our son and always will be." he said.

Oh no, rejection by Dad. So he didn't want me to be a girl. But he didn't really like me as a boy. He liked the girls better. He never hugged me like he did them. Tears welled up again.

Choking back the tears, I stood to beat a retreat before the real tears would stream down my cheeks.

"Dad, I thought you wanted me to be a girl. You hugged me and told me how pretty I was. I'm sorry, Dad. I just wanted to be pretty for you," I cried as I ran from the room and up to my bedroom. I threw myself on the bed and cried myself to sleep. How could I have been so dumb?

I was awakened a short time later with a soft shake of my Dad's hand.

"Bobbi, Bobbi," he said, "wake up. I'm sorry about what happened at dinner. Maybe you were right. Maybe secretly I wanted another girl. When I saw you tonight in your outfit I was stunned. Your a beautiful girl."

Dad had sat on my bed and was holding me in his arms. I felt so warm and safe. I listened to him but what was he telling me? He really did want me to be a girl?

He continued, "If you want to be a girl for me at home then you can be anytime you want. But Bobbi remember I love your as my son or daughter whatever you want to be. Now why don't you dry your eyes and come downstairs with the family?"

"OK, Dad. I love you too. I just want to make you happy. I don't mind being your daughter, honest."

And so we joined my other sisters and Mom in front of the TV. I wore my new panties and bra to bed that night and Mom brought me in a pink nylon nighty to sleep in. I waited till she left the room and slipped into the nighty and crawled under the covers. I truly felt like a girl this night except for the hardness in my pee-pee as it wrestled in the folds of nylon and satin.

Bobbi's Awakening Part 6 by Bobbi

The next morning I awoke in the pink satin panties, training bra, and pink nightie. As I climbed out of bed I was embarrassed with myself. I'm not a girl and Dad really doesn't want me to be a girl. He was nice to me but I knew he thought I was being a big sissy. I took off the nightie, panties, and slip and searched out my own cotton breifs, jeans and t-shirt. I wasn't going to be a girl, not anymore. I would be a boy from now until forever.

I headed downstairs for breakfast. Carol, Beth and Mom were already in the kitchen fussing with breakfast. I said nothing but climbed onto the chair to await breakfast to be served.

The usual "Morning" greetings were exchanged and then Beth said, "Aren't you going to dress today? You really looked pretty last night. I thought you would dress and we could play today."

"Ah Beth," I groused, "Leave me alone. I'm not your sister and I'm never dressing like that again. I just put the clothes on to show Mom she was wrong."

"That's enough Bobby," Mom interjected, "Your Father and I made it clear you could dress how you wanted at home. If you don't want to dress like your sisters, then don't. But don't get nasty with Beth."

"Yea," Carol said, "You dressed yourself last night. No one made you wear panties and a skirt. And you better have put my pink shoes back where you got them."

"Don't worry, I put your stupid stuff back in your room and you can even have the skirt and sweater Mom brought home. You'll never see me in them again.", I said with authority.

"I wouldn't wear those clothes. There to little girlish. You can keep them for your own little dress up days and leave my stuff alone," Carol retorted.

"That's enough, all of you. Now finish your breakfast and get your beds made and rooms straightened up before you start anything else," Mom commanded and we were silenced.

I finished eating and was the last to leave the kitchen. As I got to my room Mom was exiting. I went in and made my bed and stared picking up around the room. Mom had left a pile of clean clothes on my dresser to be put away. I opened my underwear drawer to deposit clean t-shirts and there right on top were three pair of girls panties. All three were satin material with lace and bows in blue, yellow and white. I couldn't resist feeling the material but I was mad. What did she think was going on? Didn't I just tell her I was through wearing girls clothes. I would get through the play next week as Dorothy, but that was the end of it.

I moved the panties aside to bury them under my own white cottons and that's when I uncovered the three matching training bras. Almost frantic I dug deeper to uncover the white petty slip with cami and a pink set too. I ripped open my sock drawer and there were lace top socks and two more pair of tights, in black and white. I dropped everything and went to my closet. Nearly half my closet was taken up with the skirt and sweater I had worn yesterday, the original outfit of my sister's for the play and a flowered dress and yet another skirt and blouse. I collapsed on the bed, my mind wondering. What was going on. I'd never wear these things. Mom must be testing me. Well, with as much resolve as it took me to dress last night in the skirt and panties, I resolved I'd never wear these. I would say nothing to Mom. But I would never wear these clothes.

I finished putting my real clothes away and picking up the room. I needed some fresh air so I headed straight down the steps and outside to the warm spring day. I was on the front walk working on my bike when I was startled by Jenny's voice behind me.

"Hi, Bobby, Whatcha doing?"

"Oh...., nothing. Just trying to get this chain tightened. What's up with you?"

I was shocked. This beautiful girl from school had never had the time of day for me. Now all of a sudden she was going out of her way to speak to me and even be nice.

"Oh nothing really," she said, "I was just out wondering around. I'll probably go over and see what Traci is up too. By the way, have you studied for that math test on Monday? I really have a hard time in that class."

"I haven't really thought about it. I'll probably look it over Sunday night. I don't think it will be that big a deal," I said as I continued my work on the bike.

"Your really good in that class. I wish I was as good as you. Would you mind helping me study sometime this weekend?"

Wow, I thought. This can't be for real. Of course I'd help her. I do anything to be close to her.

"Sure, I don't no how much I can help but, I'll try."

"Great, how about coming over to my house Sunday night. I got a really nice study area and I'd really appreciate it. Is 7 o'clock OK?"

"Yea, that's fine, I guess. See you then. I'll bring my notes."

"Great," she said as she moved off down the side walk.

I couldn't help staring at her as moved off. She was wearing a yellow print sundress with a full skirt. With every step she took the hem would swish and her perfect legs would appear up to where I strained to see if she was wearing panties. The short length was perfect. Short enough to get your attention but, long enough for modesties sake. She wore yellow lace top socks and white sneakers. My mind ran back to the yellow panties and bra concealed in my underwear drawer. I'll bet they would go perfect with that dress. The stirrings in my groin started again. I shock myself back to reality, jumped on my bike and rode as fast as I could to no where. I just had to clear my mind.

The weekend was uneventful. By Sunday afternoon I was like the cat-on-a-hot-tin-roof. I couldn't wait for seven o'clock to arrive. At four I shocked my Mom by taking another shower, the second of the day. Then I started dressing. What to wear? I opened the underwear drawer and had to stop and stare at the satin panties there. The pink ones were there now too, having been washed by Mom. I had to pick them up and feel them. Oh, I knew I wanted to wear them, but I had taken and oath. Anyway I couldn't let Jenny find me in panties again. I discarded the panties and any thought of them for an evening with Jenny. So it was jeans and T-shirt for our study session.

I arrived at Jenny's a half hour early. I rang the bell as was greeted by Jenny's Mom.

"Oh, hi Bobby. Jen said you'd be over to study. I think she's in her room. Why don't you have a seat in the living room and I'll check on her."

"OK, I guess I'm a little early."

She left me setting in the living room as she went up the steps to search out Jenny. As I sat there Jason, Jenny's older brother came in.

"Hey Wuss," he greeted me, "I hear your going to be Dorothy for your Den at the Pack meeting."

"Yeaaah," was all I could muster.

"Well, I heard you make a real dolly as Dorothy. Maybe you should be a Girl Scout," he teased.

I couldn't reply. My cheeks were so hot and red. Who told him? Did Jenny violate her promise to me? Did she tell about the mall? I wished I could just disappear.

I was rescued as Jenny's Mom came down the stairs.

"Bobby, Jen's all set, first door on the right at the top of the stairs."

I started up the steps in haste to get away from Jason and what else he might say. As I went up the stairs Jenny's Mom called out, "Jen, remember the rules, keep the door cracked open." A message on rule with boys in her room was restated.

Jason's comments hurt as he said, "You girls have fun now."

I tentatively entered Jenny's room. It was as beautiful and feminine as was Jenny. The center of the room was captivated by a large canopy bed. Pink and white canopy and bed ruffles matched the curtains on the windows. The white dresser, vanity and chest of drawers were covered with all kinds of girlish things. One wall was almost all taken up with closet. The closet doors were all mirror. The one closet door stood open and was jammed with more frilly dresses, skirts and blouses than I'd seen at some department stores. Yes, she did have a study area complete with desk, lamps, and office style chairs.

Jenny stood up from her desk chair as I entered the room. She was in a pink t-top and pink shorts with a lace hem around the legs. Her pink nylon bra was visible at the edge of the low cut front of the pink t-top. Her small breasts were accentuated by the tight fit of the t-top. Smooth legs ended in a matching pair of pink tennis shoes. Wow, I thought would I be able to study at all with this beautiful girl next to me.

" Oh great, your early. That will give us more time to study this stuff." she said.

"Yeah, we better get started, I promised to be home early."

So we sat side by side for the next hour going over my notes and various math problems. I began to wonder why she ask me over to study. She was pretty sharp on this stuff already. After an hour of dutiful study Jenny jumped up and said, "Break time. I'll run down and get us some pop, be right back."

I stood and stretched and once again began to take in the feminine surroundings. I walked to the closet and couldn't resist feeling the satiny and lacy skirts of the dresses. Every color of the rainbow was contained therein as well as every fabric and style one could imagine. Yes, with a wardrobe like this one a girl could be beautiful all the time. I wondered if I had a wardrobe like this would I really be a girl. It didn't seem fair. I stood three deep in wonderment and thought when Jenny startled me.

"Here's you pop... Oh, what are you doing in the closet?"

"Uh...h, nothing. I was just looking at how big your closet was. You could put my whole bedroom in this closet," I lied.

"You sure you weren't looking for something to wear." she teased.

"Get out of here. I was just looking at the closet."

"Well if you want something different to wear as Dorothy tomorrow night for the play I lend you something."

"Naw, I had enough help from Mom to do me a long time. I just want to get this all over with."

"Wait a minute. You know in the movie Dorothy wore a dress and pinafore. I think I still have one in here that might fit you. It would be more realistic than the skirt and blouse you were wearing."

"Never mind, Jenny. I'll do fine in the skirt for one night."

"Oh, please. Here it is. Please just try it on. If you don't think it's better then just wear the skirt. Please, I really think it would be just the right thing for Dorothy."

There in her hands was a cute little cotton dress in yellow plaid material. The short sleeves were poofed out and the neck line was simple and round. The white pinafore looked to me like an apron but it went round the whole dress. The hem of the dress hung out below the pinafore and the pinafore ended at the waist in the back. A large sash hung below the waist. I knew this was to form the bow in back. It was a thing of beauty but certainly outdated.

"I don't know Jenny. Someone might see me."

"Well if it fits and you like it everyone will see you in it tomorrow night. Come on, go behind the screen over there and get out of your jeans and T-shirt. I dig out the rest of the outfit."

"The dress will be enough. I don't need anything else," I said as I reluctantly went behind the dressing screen and started to shuck my boy clothes.

""Here," She said, "Put these on first." As she tossed a pair of yellow nylon panties over the screen with a matching yellow bra. As I caught the items I noted the bra was a little more than a training one, it had cups to hold Jenny's budding breasts. Certainly I would never fill even these small wonderment's.

I complained but really wanted to feel the panties on. Me, wearing Jenny's panties. Ones she had worn before. I slipped off my cotton briefs and stepped into the panties. As I pulled them into place the odd feelings in my groin returned. Oh, I hoped my pee-pee wouldn't get hard again. What would Jenny say? I had little problem with the bra as I had learned to snap it in the front and slide it round to position it. The bra and panties were decorated with lace and the satiny feel around me made my nipples hard.

"Here," she said as over the screen came a white full length satiny slip, "You need this under the dress for some form."

I slid the satiny slip over my head and as it dropped into place with the lace straps over my shoulders it felt wondrous. The skirt of the slip was full and stood out from my legs. The hem of the slip barely reached my thighs enough to cover my pantied bottom. The folds of the slip caressed my thighs and sent waves of sensation through out my body. Any thought of my pee-pee not growing hard were quickly diminished. At least the fullness of the slip hid any tell signs.

Soon I was stepping into the dress and slipping it over my arms. The back buttoned and a quickly realized I wouldn't be able to manage closure. I slipped the pinafore over my head and it fell into place also with sashes to be tied in back.

"Uhhhh Jenny," I said. " I can't get the buttons or sash done but I think it fits. I'll just get my clothes on and I'll ask Mom if it's better for the play."

"Don't be silly. Come out here and let me help you. We're not done yet."

So I snuck from behind the screen only to be attack by Jenny with enthusiasm as the turned me around and buttoned me into her dress and tied both the dress sash and pinafore sash together in a big bow with tendrils down over the back of the skirt. I knew then that I was now trapped in this outfit until such time as someone would release me. I stood there with the little "Dorothy" outfit coming barely to mid thigh, the sashes pulled back and tied made the skirt flare out under the support of the full slip underneath. I looked into the full length mirrored doors and knew any bending or fast turns would expose the frilly slip and quite possibly my yellow nylon clad bottom.

"Come her now and sit down." she commanded as she motioned to her vanity.

I attempted to sit but the skirt of the dress was too short to adequately cover my bum. I therefore ended up with my nylon covered buddocks in direst contact with the velvet covering of the chair seat. I had given myself over to this creature in the pink short outfit and determined my fate would be left in her hands.

She started brushing my hair and parting it down the middle. She combed half to one side and produced a pony tail on the back side held in place by a ribbon barrette to match the material of the dress. Soon I had a matching ponytail and barrette in the other side. She pull the front into the bangs I was almost getting use to having.

I turned on the velvet covered chair to look once again in the full length mirror as Dorothy emerged again. The sensations of the satiny nylon rubbing over the velvet of the chair re-emphasized the sensations in my body. How could girls live like this? They must be in a state of constant arousal.

"There," she said, " Just about done. Her slip these knee socks on while I find a pair of shoes to fit you."

I Slipped on the socks and rolled the tops as I had seen the girls do. Then Jenny threw a pair of white flats at my feet with instructions to put them on. I did as I was told and although tighter than I would have chosen for comfort they did manage to fit.

"Now stand up and let me see Dorothy."

I stood and did a full quick turn in front of the mirror and Jenny.

"Wow," she said, " That looks better on you than it ever did on me. You are Dorothy now. Better be careful with those quick turns. You wouldn't want to be showing my panties to everyone. Do you like the outfit? Will you wear it tomorrow. Please, for me? You can even take the panties and bra. I know you'll win with that outfit."

"Oh, I don't know, Jenny. You know I won't have much time to get dressed and I can't do the buttons. In fact, I can't even get out of these clothes till you help me."

"I'll be there tomorrow. I'll help you dress. It would be fun. Please, let me help."

Well, there is nothing I wouldn't do for this girl. I mean I let her put me in a dress what wouldn't I do for her.

"Oh OK, if you really want me too. But I'll have to ask Mom about the outfit. She brought another outfit home for me to wear but it really isn't Dorothy like this one is."

"I'm excited," she said, "Why don't we go to your house right now and see if your Mom agrees?"

"Well OK, but help me out of this stuff so we can go."

"Oh no, you can't get all undressed. We won't have time. I'll give you a raincoat to wear over it and we'll just go over right now. I put your clothes in a bag."

I reluctantly slipped on her pink rayon raincoat over the frilly dress and pinafore. What was I doing? What if someone saw me? It was getting dark but not dark enough for this. I followed her to the door and down the stairs as quickly as she'd allow. As we reached the front door I caught a glimpse of Jason in the living room. He whistled and called, "Hey Dorothy, your a fox." and then laughed.

We exited the house and headed the four blocks to my house. Jenny took my hand to keep me from running the whole way home. Then she started.

"Jenny," I said in panic, " Did you tell your brother about me at the mall? He saw me. I'll bet he tells everyone."

"Oh don't worry so much. I didn't tell him anything. He thinks we're all just a bunch of silly kids. He did say you made a better looking girl than you did a boy," she laughed. Bobby do you like to wear girls clothes? I mean you look so nice in them and I saw the way you were looking at my clothes in the closet."

"No Jenny! I don't like wearing girls clothes. I mean I think there pretty and you girls are lucky to get to wear them, but I'm a boy."

"Well don't get mad at me. I was just asking. I think it's really neat and you do make a heck of a good looking girl when your dressed. I don't think anyone would no you weren't a girl when they saw you dressed. Of course I think the outfit your wearing is a little young for you but it will be great for the play."

"Well enjoy it. Because after tomorrow it will be the last time I'm in girls clothes."

We arrived at my house. I hadn't thought much about my entrance in girls clothes again. I hoped Dad wasn't around and I could see Mom alone, get her approval of the costume, and get back in my own clothes. I did think this outfit was outrageous enough to be looked on as a costume. The white skirt and pink sweater Mom had bought for me was too conventional. I would look like a real present day school girl rather than Dorothy of Kansas.

I opened the door and headed straight for Mom's domicile, the kitchen. Jenny and I in my dress, pinafore, and raincoat found Mom mixing up a cake for lunches the following week.

Jenny spoke first, "Hi Mrs. Brown. I was helping Bobby with a costume for the play tomorrow. I thought this really looked like a Dorothy outfit. Bobby, open your coat and show your Mother."

I opened the coat holding it wide and awaiting Mom's reaction.

"Well, he certainly looks like a young Dorothy in that dress. I love the pony tails too, was that your idea too? Were you wearing that outside? It's a little short in the hem. He'll have to be careful how walks and sits or he'll be showing things he shouldn't." Mom said as she reached out to lift the hem of the dress. "Wow and all these pretties underneath. I'm a little surprised at you Bobby."

"Mom, I just thought the dress would be better for the play. Jenny said it wouldn't look right without the slip."

"Your right about the slip, but I'm not sure the panties and necessary."

Jenny spoke up, "Mrs. Brown, I had him put the panties on and gave him the matching bra. It probably wasn't necessary but I thought he'd feel better dressed completely."

"That's OK Jenny, he has some of his own frilly panties and bras I got for him to practice for the play in but I've never seen him wear them. I thought maybe he'd insist on dressing like a boy in a dress rather than a girl for the play."

I almost died right on the spot. Why would Mom tell Jenny that I had my own panties and bras? How could I explain that to Jenny? I could have melted into the floor. I was speechless.

The pregnant silence that followed was broken by Jenny. "Bobby didn't tell me you bought him other clothes. Can I see what you got, Bobby?"

"Bobbi, why don't you take Jenny up and shoe her all your clothes. You better change out of that dress if that's what you want to wear tomorrow for the play," Mom said.

Without a word I turned and headed to the stairs with Jenny right behind me. I couldn't trust my voice to say anything. What would Jenny be thinking about me now? I didn't ask for any of this. I had to make her understand that.

I entered my room and turned to Jenny, " You got to know I didn't want any of these things and I haven't worn any of them. Mom went out and got these things without even telling me. Please don't tell anyone about them. I don't want them and I'll never wear them."

"Oh, don't be such a nerd. Show me what your Mom got you, I love clothes and I want to see them."

I went to my dresser and pulled open my drawer. I started pulling the pink, white, blue, and yellow panties and bras out and tossing them on the bed. I followed with the petty slip and cami, then the tights.

"Oh wow," Jenny exclaimed, "These are beautiful. I have a pink set just like these," she said as she held up the pink panties with the bows and matching bra.

I proceeded to the closet and opening the door started grabbing hangers holding the white pleated skirt, the sun dress, the red plaid pleated skirt, and the pink sweater. I threw these on the bed on top of the panties and bras.

"Oh Bobby, I love these. Wow, I'll bet you really look good in the white skirt and pink sweater. I love the shawl neck. Would you out it on and show me?"

"No, Jenny. I'm not going to wear these clothes. I'll dress for the play tomorrow, but that's it. I'm done. If you like the clothes so well take them with you."

Secretly I feared she might take the clothes and I wasn't sure I really wanted her too. I had made a promise to myself and I intended to keep it, but could I. Standing here in this little girl outfit with Jenny I didn't know what I really wanted. I loved the feel of the satiny slip brushing over my thighs. I loved the way I looked as a girl. I was pretty. Jenny even seemed to like me dressed this way. But sometime she'd want a boy for a friend not another girl. If I was to keep her friendship, what should I be?

"Don't be silly, Bobby. I know your a boy and don't want to be a girl. But it is kind of fun to dress up sometimes, isn't it?"

"I don't know, Jenny. If anyone knew about this I kill myself. You won't tell anyone will you?"

"I'm not going to tell anyone, I promise. But I think it's really fun to dress you up and pretend your a girl. I really like you and you can be a boy or a girl friend. I think that really neat."

"Well, help me out of your dress. I'm tired of being a girl."

"OK, turn around and I'll undo your bow and loosen the buttons for you. Your going to have to learn how to do this yourself if your going to dress like a girl", she teased.

When the buttons were undone I slipped the pinafore over my head and slipped the dress off my shoulders and stepped out of it. Here I was standing in front of Jenny in nothing but a slip, panties and bra. I was shocked that I felt no embarrassment at my state of half dress and frilly slip I wore. Jenny I think was more uncomfortable about it.

She was hanging the dress and pinafore on a hanger and said, "I have to get back home. You can keep the outfit but if you wear my panties to school tomorrow be sure you keep your shirt tucked in," teasing and referring to the incident at school where I was discovered wearing lacy white panties.

She exited the room and headed home. I stood there in the panties and bra having slipped the slip off and placed it on a hanger. I put my pretties away again and decided to wear the panties and bra awhile longer. I slipped my jeans and tee shirt on, a pair of sneakers and headed down stairs. Her I was doing what I said I wouldn't do. Although not completely dressed as a girl I was still wearing panties and a bra and they felt great under my jeans and shirt.

I went into the family room where the rest of the family was already involved in the TV programming. I had no more than entered than Beth looked up from her seat on the couch and said, "Oh Bobby, I like your pony tails and the ribbons are neat."

Oh shit, I had forgotten all about the hair and ribbons.

No it was Carol's turn, "And what's this," She ask as she stood up and pulled the bra strap that must have been apparent through the T-shirt. "What do you need a bra for sissy? Beth can fill one better than you."

"Mom, Make them stop. I only had it on to try on a costume and Jenny did my hair as a joke. I was just waiting to get completely changed till bedtime."

"all right girls, That's enough. I'll sure be glad when he's done with this play. Maybe things will get back to normal," Mom said.

Dad piped in, "Yeah, that's enough out of you two. I think your worried about the competition of another girl in the house."

That was enough for me. I exited the room and headed for the sanctuary of my bed room. I stripped off my clothes with a final pause to say goodby to Bobbi in her panties and bra. I grabbed my robe and headed to the bathroom. Once there, I opted for the tub rather than the shower. I filled the tub to almost over flowing and added the flowery scented bubbles belonging to Mom. I climbed into the tub and was lost in the silky comfort of the warm water as it caressed my body. I could almost feel the scented waters softening my skin and making it soft and supple like other little girls. I don't know how long I laid there but the water cooled and I exited the tub to use one of the big soft towels to pat my body dry. I didn't want to rub any of the scent or softness off my body.

I slipped back into my robe and back to my room. I couldn't even think of putting cotton brief back on my soft warm body. I elected to slip into the pink panties with the little ribbon bows on the legs. I stepped into them and pulled them up into place. I ran my hands over my satiny bum and tummy held in the satiny fabric. My pee-pee told on me as it once again hardened in it's satiny smooth confines. I headed to the bed and threw back the covers.

There under the cover was a pink satin night gown I had never seen before. I picked it up to inspect it more closely. There was also a pair of little pink panties to match the nightgown. I knew it was another of Mom's doings. The night gown was really feminine. Lacy puff sleeves with a lacy neckline over a satiny material that was heavy to the feel. I couldn't rest. I slipped it over my head. I slipped my panties off to slip the panties to match the nightgown on. I was in heaven, but how could one ever sleep in this luxury? My nipples hardened and poke little points in the front of the gown. My hands roamed up and down the front and I pulled the flowing skirt of the gown tightly around my bum. My pee-pee felt as if it would burst as I climbed into bed and pulled the cover up around my neck.

Eventually I drifted off to sleep and my dreams were those of me as a girl. Oh what fantasies were conjured up in my dreams. Jenny was there with me at times. We played together and shared clothes. Jason, her brother, even kissed me. When I awoke in the morning and crawled from in under the covers I headed to the bath room still in my pink nightgown and panties. I was slipping down my panties to relieve myself when I first felt the sticky material in the panties. I jerked my hand back and inspected it closely. It wasn't pee. I didn't pee myself. The gown wasn't wet. Where did this come from? What was it? A white stain was apparent on the outside front of the pretty panties. What happened? Am I dying? Am I sick? I had no idea what it was but I had ruined my new panties.

I quickly took the panties off. I couldn't let Mom see these. She'd know I had worn them. But what was that stuff in them? I'd have to hid them. Mom couldn't find them ever. Maybe I could find a pair just like them and replace them. I rushed back to my room and took the nightgown off and inspected it closely. Good, no telling marks on the gown. I'd just put the gown back under the covers and make my bed. I'd just pretend to Mom I had never even seen it going to bed with the light off.

I started dressing for school. Today was the big day. Tonight I'd be priding around in front of all the people at the Cub Pack meeting in a panties, slip and dress. Would it be worth all the teasing I was sure would come. This could be to big a price to pay for fulfilling a stupid whim to dress like a girl. It was just a stupid whim, wasn't it?

I opened the dresser drawer and once again had to feel the soft panties that had found a home there. I hesitated and hesitated and then pulled the yellow satin panties of Jenny's out and stepped into them. I'd be sure no one saw them at school. I'd wear a pair of tights over them and socks over the tights. I pulled out the white tights and with expertise rolled them up my legs and into place over the panties. Oh the feel was so sensuous. Next came the socks and jeans. The feelings of the tights and panties just stirred more desires. So being more stupid than smart I pulled the yellow camisole out of my drawer and slipped it on. No straps to show like the bra. I slipped a T-shirt over the cam and then a button shirt over that. I slipped on my shoes and headed out for a day as a boy-girl.

All through school that day I slid around on my chair to feel the satiny covering on my bum under the tights and jeans. I had to watch that no one saw me as I felt the silky cami as it rubbed over my nipples. The age old question arose, how could girls tolerate these sensations all the time.

As classes ended for the day and I headed out for home Jenny stopped me with a dazzling smile.

"Hi Bobby. Are you already for your debut tonight? I'll come early and help you dress if you still want me too."

"Yeah, Jenny that would be nice. I know I can't do those buttons and such without help. I'm really nervous about this. I know everybody is going to laugh at me."

"Don' t be silly. You make such a convincing girl they won't even know your a boy. I'll even bring some make-up."

Then she handed me a package and bent close to whisper in my ear. "If you wore my panties to school today you'll probably want these for tonight."

Now I'm not completely stupid. I knew if I looked in the bag what I'd find. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't going to admit to her that I was wearing her panties right then. I wanted to see what she had brought me. If I told her I wasn't wearing her panties she might take them back. I mumbled a thanks and see you later as I turned and took off for home.

Once in the safe confines of my bedroom I opened the package. Inside was a jumble of silky yellow material. This felt so light and silky I had never felt anything like it. Not just panties but a matching camisole. I looked at the label, 100% pure silk, hand wash only. I had never even saw anything made of silk. These panties and cami felt as if they'd float away if I didn't hold on to them. Yellow silk with little blue flowers printed on them, they were beautiful. As I mesmerized over the new panties and cami, Mom entered the room.

"Better hurry and get a bath. I'll lay out your uniform for the meeting. We'll just have a sandwich for now and get something to eat after the meeting. Oh what have you got there? My, my what a pretty set of panties and cami. Are you shopping for yourself now?"

"No Mom. That silly Jenny gave me this after school and said I need them for the costume. I don't know what she was thinking."

"Well you better wear put your panties, bra and cami on under your uniform. By the way I left you a nightgown in your bed last night. I was going to wash it today but couldn't find the panties to it. Do you know where they are?"

"No Mom, I didn't even see them. I had the light off when I went to bed. I wouldn't wear a nightgown anyway."

Fortunately she said no more about the panties with the stains. I still hadn't figured that one out yet.

First CD Experience Part 7 by Bobbi

I had finished my sandwich and now it was time to hurry and get ready for the Pack Meeting. Mom told me to go get my bath taken that she had laid out my uniform. I decided to once again to take a real girl bath with the bubbles and scented water. Maybe it would relax me. The closer it got to the time of the play the more nervous I became. I didn't want to have to wear a dress in front of all those people. Lots of kids from school and their families would be there. I'd never be able to live it down. I know they would tease me unmercifully. Well after a luxury bath I toweled off and headed to my room to dress.

As I look at my uniform I also had to stare at the yellow silk panties and cami, the white tights, the yellow satiny bra without cups. I didn't need to wear all these frills. I could get along with just the dress over my boy clothes. What if they saw I was wearing girls underwear and slips and everything. I'd really get teased. I knew it.

But I had to own up to it. I wanted desperately to wear the frills. I wanted people to think of me as a real girl. I wanted to be a real girl. I never wanted to wear boy's clothes again. Tears came to my eyes. What was wrong with me? I wanted this so bad but it was wrong, wasn't it?

My depression was ended as Mom busted into the room. "What aren't you dressed yet? You better get a move on. Your Dad and sisters are already dress and ready to go. You better wear all these under your uniform or you'll never get ready in time for the play."

"OK, OK, Mom. I'll get dressed just leave me alone. I can dress myself. I'm a big GIRL now," I shouted.

"Don't get smart with me young man, or you'll be wearing your dresses to school. But maybe that's what you prefer," she retorted as she left the room.

I slipped into the yellow silk panties. WOW, if satiny panties were nice these were beyond belief. They floated up my legs and tenderly wrapped my bottom in exquiset luxury. I had never before felt anything like these. I quickly slipped into the yellow nylon training bra so I could slip the matching yellow silk camisole on. Oh oh oh my, what a glorious feeling. My pee-pee and nipples hardened immediately. Oh, I didn't know if I could wear these or not. The stimulation was so intense I thought I would die. I almost tore them off for fear I might explode. But I didn't.

As I calmed down a little I quickly slipped the white tights over my feet and up to my knees, rolling them as instructed. Then standing I pulled them on up into place around my waist. I quickly put on my uniform pants and shirt with neckerchief and put socks on over my tights. I grabbed my cap and headed down the stairs to join the family.

"It's about time," Mom said, "I've got the rest of your costume in the bag. We better get moving or we'll be late."

"Oh yes, I wouldn't want to be late for the introduction of my new sister to the world," Carol piped in.

"Yes, Yes I want to see you all dressed up again too, Bobby," Beth said.

"Well Bobby, I'm proud of you. I know this is hard for you and your showing a lot of guts doing this for the Den," Dad said as we loaded into the car.

When we arrived at the meeting hall I got all the misgivings again. Look at all these people. I never remembered this many people attending a Pack meeting. There was the school principal, Mr. Atwood. Oh no, my Sunday school teacher too and Miss Brown and all these kids. I was ready to turn and run when Jenny and Traci came running up to corner me.

"Oh Bobby, I'm so excited. I can't wait to help you dress. Your going to be the very best. I saw some of the other Dens and they don't come close to haveing a "Dorothy"," Jenny said.

"Yea," Traci said sarcasticly, "I'm sure Jenny can make you a real girl."

"I don't know Jenny. I'm not sure about this anymore. I don't know if I can do it."

"Don't be silly. I'm going to help you. You'll do fine. I know you will," Jenny said as we moved to our seats for the opening of the meeting.

I didn't hear much of the opening and I was lost in my own world of greif and regret when I was brought out of my stupor by an announcement. "Each Den has worked on a skit from this months theme, The Wizard of OZ. The boys are going to go back to the kitchen and class rooms to get into costume. Each Den will do there skit and the Den Mothers will determine which Den performed the best. This will include how authenic the costumes are as well as how well they act out there skit."

Jenny was there to grab me by the hand and lead me back to the room assigned our Den. I couldn't get dressed in front of the rest of these guys. I couldn't let them see how completely I was dress for being Dorothy. They would never understand. As Jenny and I entered the room I ask Mrs. Carson, "Jenny is going to help me dress,but I don't want to dress in front of the guys. Can we use another room, please?"

"Oh, I think your right, Bobby. Jenny why don't you take Bobby to the Girls rest room and help him change there," Miss Carson said.

So Jenny again lead me with my garment bag to the girl's rest room. She also had what appeared to be a tackle box with her. I wondered if she fished.

We entered the rest room and she said, "Quick get out of your uniform. Did you bring the panties and camisloe I gave you?"

I just dropped my uniform pants to answer her question and continued to strip off my shirt and socks.

"Oh wow, you did wear them. Aren't they great. You look so cute in them. I really love the feel of the silk, don't you?"

"Yea, there nice, I guess."

"Here, hurry now. Get your slip on so I can help you with the dress. Your hair is a mess. I hope I can fix it for you."

I donned the satiny slip over my head and it fell into place. The russle of the fabric over the satiny camisole and panties brought, you know what to erection again. I hoped Jenny would not see the effect these clothes were having on me. I stepped quickly into the dress and pinafore and slid my arms through the sleeves. Jenny was quickly behind me and buttoning me into my frilly prison from which I never wanted to return. I was buttoned and tied and stepping into my white flats with the buckle straps. The mirror on the rest room wall reflected the emergence of Bobbi.

"Come over here and sit in front of the mirror while I do your hair," Jenny commanded as she set her tackle box on the vanity and opened it. I couldn't believe what all she started pulling out of it. A curling iron, the ribboned barrettes, lipstick, eyebrow pencil and other wierd looking gismos. I sat and said nothing as she started brushing my hair into the pony tails and bangs in front. Then she wrapped the pony tails up in the curling iron and when she released them they fell into a long sprial curl on each side of my head. My bangs were then wrapped in the iron and the flulled into a curl accross my forehead.

"Oh my, Bobbi. You have such beautiful hair. It curls so easy. I wish my hair was as well behaved."

"Great, just what every guy dreams of, well behaved hair."

Jenny then produced a wild looking pair of pliers of some sort and said, "Now hold still. You've got beautiful long eye lashes for a boy. If they curl as well as your hair you'll have knock out eyes."

She applied a little vasoline to the edges of the pliers she squeezed my eye lashes in them. When the pliers were removed my lashes seemed to accentuate my eyes and drew attention to them. I think they were more beautiful than any of the girls I knew.

"OK, now for a little make-up for the stage," She said as she pulled the top off the tube of hot pink lipstick. She smoothed the lipstick over my top and bottom lips, painting a bow in the middle of my upper lip. "OK, now blot."

I blotted my lips on the klenex and then as I closed my lips I felt the smooth silkiness of my lip0s produced by the lubricating qualities of the lipstick. The taste and smell of the lipstick reminded me of Mom's vanity table.

Next she rubbed a light coat of rouge onto my cheek bones in a light pinkish red shade. I was beside myself. There was a beautiful young girl sitting in front of the mirror where shortly before only a drab little boy had sat.

"Oh Bobbi, your beautiful. I can't believe it's really you. Stand up a minute and let me see all of you."

I stood and did a full turn for her and even a curtsey to her.

"Oh when I see you dressed like this I know you should have been a girl."

"Please Jenny, I appreciate all your help, but I'm a boy and will always be a boy. Please don't tease me."

"I'm not teaseing you. You make a very pretty girl. I think I'm even a little jealous of you. Wait till Traci gets a load of you now. I'll bet she'll die of envy."

Just then Mrs. Carson stuck her head in the door. She was about to say something but he mouth just opened and no words came out. She recovered somewhat and stammered, "Ahhh.., They last Den just went on. You have about five minutes till show time."

She stepped inside closing the door behind her. She just stared at me as she walked around me looking me up and down from head to toe.

"Bobbi," she said, " I can't believe how good you look. I wouldn't have known you if I hadn't known what was going on. Your lovely. Your Mother and Jenny really fixed you up. If you don't win the costume portion of the contest for the Den then I won't believe it."

"Thanks, Mrs. Carson. I think they got carried away with this and I hope I don't chicken out. I know there going to laugh at me."

"Now, now, your going to do fine. I don't think anyones going to laugh at you. Your too perfectly dressed for your part and very believeable as a girl. In fact I'll bet they won't believe that your really a boy," She said as she reach out to touch the hem of my dress.

Before I realized what was happening she lifted the hem of my dress and slip to expose allmy under things. "You really did go all the way didn't you," She said as she let my dress fall back into place. "Show time, Let's go."

The skit had started and Jenny gave me a kiss on the cheek as she went ahead to take her seat for the show. My entrance was right up through the middle of the rows of chairs to the stage. With a basket in my hand and a stuffed puppy, Toto, in the other I started my walk up the asile that seemed to be miles long. I heard the Ohh's and Ahhh's as I proceded up the walk way. The dress skirt and slip brushing my thighs with every step I took. My cheeks burned like fire as I took little girl steps and could feel my hips sway as I walked. I made it to the stage to meet with the other members of the Den. My entrance stopped the whole scene as the guys mouths dropped open in abject silence. The comments from the audience could be heard and rang in my ears, "Who's the girl? I thought this was only the boys in the den. Isn't she a pretty girl. Isn't that a wonderful costume."

I made it through the skit clear up to the point where I was to wear the red shoes from the witch. Larry was to help me as I stood he was to slip my white flats off and slip the red shoes on my feet. With a little fumbling he got the white shoe unbuckled and was helping support me on one leg as he slipped the red shoe on. That's when catastrophy struck. I'm sure it wasn't imtentional on Larry's part, but as he lifted my leg in the white tights he couldn't resist peeking under my dress to see the hidden wonders. The sight on my yellow silk panties under the white tights and frilly lace slip were to much for him to absorb. He jerked my leg and I lost my balance and went over backwards. I lit on my bum with my dress and slip up over my head. There sat fully exposed to the whole world in panties and tights. There was nothing left to there imagination. Tears welled in my eyes as the gasps turned to laughter. I recovered enough to get to my feet and run from the stage to seek aslyum in the girls restroom.

I got to the confines of the restroom and threw myself on the settee and sobbed in humiliation and anger for what had just happened. Everyone would know now about me. They would all know I was wearing panties. Why did this happen to me? The guys would never let me live this down. What would Jenny think of me now?

I was still sobbing when the door opened and my Mom entered the room. She said nothing at first. She came over to me and sat beside me and wrapped me in her arms.

"Don't cry now, your make-up will run. You were really great and you certainly had the best costume of the whole group. The other Dorothy's didn't come close to you. Now don't cry everything is going to be fine. Come on now and dry your eyes, Jenny and everyone is waiting to see you. I know they all want to tell you how good you really were."

"Oh Mom, I can't fce them again. I'm so sorry I let myself do this. Mom, is there something wrong with me? I thought I'd like wearing these clothes but I'm a boy."

"Bobbi, please don't be so hard on yourself. You only did this for the play and wearing the clothes was only part of practicing for the part."

"But Mom you don't know. I wanted to wear the girls clothes. There so pretty and make me feel so different. I know I must be crazy or something."

There it was out. My secret revealed. Maybe she could help me. Please Mom I thought, make everything alright again.

"Bobbi, there are things we don't understand everything about, but don't let these things worry you. I know we'll get everything straighten out. Right now you need to dry your eyes and with the determination you showed the other day, just enjoy yourself for the moment. Your dressed this way for a play and there is no reason for you to be embarrassed about it. Only if you let the ones who tease you, get too you, will it ruin it for you."

I sniffed and as usual Mom fixed things. I felt better. She was right. What did I care what those dummies said to me. I did this for the Den and the play. None of them knew what I really felt or thought. They couldn't read my mind. They couldn't know how much I loved these clothes and wished I could wear them forever. If they knew that, then I'd be in trouble, but that was my secret and now shared with Mom.

We exited the restroom to be greeted by Dad, Carol, Beth and Jenny. Most of the people had already left as the skits were the last item of the meeting. Jenny was holding a blue ribbon which she rushed up to hand me.

"Oh Bobbi, your Den won even with your accident. I knew you'd be the best. You look so much like Dorothy, noone could have come close. Here, the guys wanted you to have the ribbon. They all felt bad about what happened, espically Larry," Jenny exclaimed in her most excited voice as she planted another girlfriend to girlfriend kiss on my cheek.

"Yes," Dad said, " you really did a great job. I didn't recognize you at first. I've never seen you in that outfit. Well, Jenny's Mom said she could go cellibrate with us. So I'm going to take all my girls out for dinner."

"Great Dad, Wait till I change I'll be right back. Jenny I'm glad your going with us. You really helped me out this evening. I don't think I could have done it without you," I said heading back to the restroom to change with Mom right behind me.

As I entered the room I ask Mom to help unbutton me. She untied the dress sash and unbutton the dress as I stepped out of it. I quickly pulled the slip by the lacy hem up over my head. I turned to look for my uniform pants when Mom held out the white pleated skirt and white lace petty slip to me.

"Mom, what's this? I can't wear girls clothes outside."

"Bobbi, you just told me you really liked getting dressed and you may never have a chance like this again. Dad said he was taking his girls out to dinner, let's not disapoint him."

"But Mom, Jenny's out there and what if people see me."

"Oh, I'm sure Jenny wants a girlfriend as much as you would like to be her girlfriend. And anyone who sees you tonight is only going to see a lovely girl, cetainly not a boy in a dress."

It really didn't take much for Mom to convience me. I stepped into the slip and pulled the skirt up around my waist and zipped it up the side. The drop waist held my tummy tightly while the pleated bottom flared out to brush the slip against my legs. Next Mom handed me the pink sweater with the shawl neck. I slipped it over my head and felt the cozyness of being wrapped in the soft angora material. Mom then handed me the pink flats to slip on to match the sweater. As I slipped on the shoes Mom pulled the barrettes from my hair and replaced them with ones done in pink ribbon bows with little white flowers tied into them.

We exited the room and everyone had left even Dad and the girls. We left the building and went to the car. I opened the back door and smoothing my skirt under my butt sat on the seat and swung my legs arond and in as Mom had instructed. Ther I was side by side with Jenny and on her other side was Beth. Carol sat in the middle up front as Mom sat down beside her.

Jenny was the first to react. "Wow, Bobbi you really look great. I'm so glad you didn't wear your uniform. What a pretty outfit. I'm jealous," she teased.

Dad said from the front, "I guess I'm really going to get to take all my girls out and there all beautiful. We'll have to make this dinner special."

Carol had to dump some cold water on the situation as she added, "Well isn't my brother just the prettiest sissy you ever saw. I suspose next you'll want to join the Girl Scouts and wear your dresses to school."

"That's enough Carol," Mom said, " I told him to put the clothes on for dinner. It was quicker than redoing his hair and removing make-up."

Then it was Beth's turn, "Well I think you look nice. I hope you stay my sister. Your much nicer than Carol anyway."

With that Jenny laughed and took my hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. I was in heaven. The petty slip was folded between my legs and was sending those strange messages through my groin. The soft hand of Jenny's holding mine only served to accentuate the feelings. My cheeks were glowing and the intensity of the feelinfgs were almost to much for me to bear. Chills ran through my body as I shivered. I wish this night would never end.

That's when Dad pulled into the resturant. It was a fancy Italian place where we rarely ever went without some special occassion. I thought, This is good. At least we probably won't run into anyone we know in this fancy place. Dad opened all the door with a flourish asking his ladies to please exit there coach. We laughed at his put on galantry and head toward to resturant where Dad had raced ahead to open the door for us girls. I was really getting to like all this treatment.

The host showed us to our table and remarked to Dad, "My what a lovely bevey of young ladies accompany you. You are a very fortunate man. And all so pretty."

Well I had pasted my first test. He really did think I was a girl and a pretty one. I think he was a dirty old for he was really giving Jenny and I both the once over. We had barely sat down when the next test came. A young bus boy was busily filling our water glasses and setting out the extra silverware. As he leaned over between Jenny and I, I could feel his eyes on me. I think he was attempting to look down the front of my shawl neck sweater as the low neck line would certainly have exposed some clevage if I had any to show. My cheeks reddened as I was embarrassed by his attention and had to look myself as best I could at my neck line to see what held his interest.

Jenny poked me in the ribs and whispered, "I think you have an admirer, now I am jealous."

Dinner went well and no one seemed to take any heed to the fact I was dressed as a girl and acting as much like one as I possibly could. I whispered and giggled with Jenny. We laughed at my spill on stage. I was really becoming comfortable in my role as Mom and Dad's daughter. Jenny took me to the ladies room and redid my make-up. A little lighter than she had done for the stage production.

"Jenny," I said, "You've really been nice to me this evening. I know I shouldn't be doing this and will probably never happen again but it has been fun pretending to be a girl."

"Oh Bobbi," she replied, "I really had fun with this also. I wish you were a real girl. If you were I would want you for my best friend. I never knew a boy could be so sweet and nice. If putting boys in dresses did this to all of them then I think they should all have to wear dresses."

"Gee, you mean we can't be best friends unless I look like a girl?"

"Don't be silly, I think were friends and I hope you do. I just meant it would be nice to have a girl friend like you. Oh you have a little problem, your slip is showing. Let me fix it for you."

Before I could reply or object Jenny knelt in fromt of me and stuck her hands under my skirt and ran them up to grasp the waist band of the petty slip. I jerked back at the sensations her hands running over the satiny material created, but she continued her task. She tugged the waist band higher to make the lacy hem of the slip disapear and then as she resmoved her hands she brushed the front on my slip and hardening pee-pee. I can't believe to this day that it wasn't done with full knowledge and intention.

"Oh sorry," she said, "I didn't mean to do that. I guess I just forgot about youo being a boy."

"That's Ok. I think we better get back before they leave us here."

We returned to the table just as everyone was getting up to leave. It was then that Mr. Atwood, the school principal his wife and Miss Carson came out of the other dining area. Mr. Atwood greeted Mom and Dad and introduced his wife and as he left me for last said, "And this is Bobby, the boy who did such an outstanding job as Dorothy tonight. I hope your all recovered from your accident. I'm a little susprised to see you still in this get-up. I hope your aren't planning to wear it to school. I'm afraid you might be a little disruptive to the entire school", he laughed.

Mom spoke up, " No, Mr. Atwood, I insisted Bobbi wear this outfit for the sake of convience and time for dinner tonight."

"I'm sorry," Mr Atwood said, "I guess I shouldn't teaase. You really did well tonight Bobby and you've shown a lot of moxie. See you in school tomorrow."

We once agin loaded into the car and headed for home. The first stop was to drop Jenny off at her house. As Dad stopped in front of her house I got out of the car to allow Jenny to exit. Instinctively I started walking with her to her door as once agin she took my hand in hers.

"Bobbi, I really had a good time tonight. I hope yop did too. I'm sorry about he slip thing." Then she leaned close to me and whispered in my ear, "I didn't know wearing girls clothes would excit boys like that."

I was dumb struck for the moment. As I found my voice I squeaked, "Jenny I don't think it was the clothes, I think it was you."

Without reply she pecked my on the cheek once again and ran into the house. I turned and started down the walk to the car when Jason came up the walk way.

"My my, if it isn't the lovely Dorothy. Hey kid you did alright tonight but I really like you better in your new outfit. Are you planning on being a girl full time now? Maybe I'll ask you out sometime," he laughed as he sprinted for the house and I with my head down headed for the open car.

As I got back in the car Carol started, "Bobbi's got a girlfriend, Bobbi's got a girlfriend. Did you see them smouching on the porch."

"Carol, cut it out," Mom said, "Bobbi, what did Jason say to you?"

"Nothing Mom he was just teasing as he always does. He thinks he's such a big shot."

The short drive from Jenny's home was uneventful. We entered the house and I went straight to my room. Once there I took the time to stand infront of my mirror and inspect myself from head to toe. I turned at every angle to admire the beautiful pre teen girl in my mirror. I brushed my skirt down in front and back and fussed with the few strands of hair that had fallen out side the barrettes. I removed the barrettes and pick up a hair brush and started brushing my hair in as feminine style as I could muster. With my arms raise it pulled the camisole and bra I was wearing tightly over my chest and the movement of my arms caused the silky material to stimulate my nipples. I look as they became erect and pokes tiny little buds in the camisole and bra visible only when I held the low neck line of the sweater open and peered down. I was exciting myself and it was the clothes and the pretty girl in the mirror.

Just then the door opened and Mom came in. "Well well, I guess you are enjoying being a total girl. Here let me help you with your hair. If you continue to play dress up you may want to let your hair grow a little longer. You've got beautiful hair. It's a shame it was wasted on a boy."

"Oh Mom, I was just brushing the curls out. I have to go to school tomorrow and I get enough teasing without showing up in curls."

"Mom turned on her serious voice and said, "Bobbi, what you told me tonight about liking to be in girls clothes. That's a very serious thing. It could hurt you. It is very possibly just a passing phase and tomorrow or the next day you may look back in discust with how you felt. Only time will answer that question. I'm going to leave your pretty clothes in your drawers and closet for now. If you decide you want to wear them again please let me know. I'll help you but I also want to protect you from people who wouldn't understand. Your Dad is not at all comfortable with this although he did very well with it tonight. So please just remember, if you feel this is right for you, let me help."

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