Bobby and Me

By Joe

Published on Jun 1, 2005


Part Two Of: Bobby And Me By: Joe

If you're under 18 dont read this yadda yadda yadda...This is a true story...for the most part. I will exaggerate it and I will also change the name of the guy that I was with...He didnt want anyone to know really. Typical right?

My mouth was practically BEGGING for his tongue to enter my mouth. I kept my eyes open and so did he. I looked into his deep blue eyes and he into my stoney gray eyes. We broke apart and smiled at one another. I undid my belt and slipped off my pants. My 10 inch cock was already starting to lengthen and it was easy to see that from my boxer briefs. Bobby took off his shorts too, and revealed the object I had so longed to see since High School--His 8 inch uncut cock. I leant in and kissed him and then bent down and nibbled on his left nipple. I began to lick his washboard stomach and...

then made my way down to his oozing cock. I pulled back his foreskin and licked the precum that was oozing out of the tip. It tasted bitter-sweet and perfect. He couldnt wait until he actually got to the real cum. With that in mind, Joe swirled his tongue around Bobby's dick and put his lips around it and began to suck lightly on the tip.

Joe started bobbing his head up and down on Bobby's cock and loved every second of it. Bobby, Joe could tell from his Moans and Grunts, loved it as well. Bobby had his eyes closed and had his hand on the back of Joes head guiding him up and down on his cock. Bobby let his head roll on his shoulders and moaned "Oh, Yes! Joe suuuck my cock yeaaaahhhhhh suuuck that fucking cock."

And Suck that cock, Joe did. He was by now buried in Bobby's sparse pubes taking in the smell and loving it. Joe pulled Bobby's cock out of his mouth and went to his low hanging egg sized balls and sucked the left one into his mouth, giving it a good bath. He let it fall from his mouth and licked up and down the shaft of Bobby's dick. Joe went to Bobby's right nut and sucked that into his mouth and gave that one a bath as well.

Bobby moaned loud and pulled Joe up to him and kissed him full on the lips. "Bobby, I want you to fuck me. Please, fuck me. I've wanted it ever since high school...Please..." Joe pleaded. Bobby looked into his perfect eyes and said "Joe, I--I want to take it slow...I'm not sure if I'm still comfortable with all of this..." His voice trailed off when he saw Joe's disappointment "I understand Bobby...I...I'm sorry. I love you more than you know and dont want to force you into this...Lets just take it slow..But I have to know..Are you just using me for the sex?" He scanned Bobby's face looking for some trace of remorse or guilt but could find no such emotion. He only saw love. "Joe, I dont use of all people should know this. I'm actually shocked that you would even think that." Joe felt tears well up in his eyes. He just hurt the one guy that he actually ever loved. "I'm Sorry, Bobby.." He couldnt talk, so he showed bobby just how sorry he was by a kiss.

This kiss was perfect bliss for both men. It was filled with pure love and passion. Joe layed Bobby down, and apparently Bobby pressed the play button on the remote to the Stereo and Tatu's Not Gonna Get Us came on. How perfect, Joe thought.

"We'll run away, keep everything simple Night will come down, our guardian angel We rush ahead, the crossroads are empty Our spirits rise, they're not gonna get us

My love for you, always forever Just you and me, all else is nothing Not going back, not going back there They don't understand, They don't understand us"

Joe smiled as the song ended "My Love for you, Always forever, Just you and me, all else is nothing, not going back not going back there." Joe said and kissed Bobby again. Bobby laughed "You actually know that song?" Joe blushed and nodded "Embarassing isnt it? The Remix came on in a club once and I guess I was dancing with some hot guy and I remembered it." Bobby laughed "Aww, how sweet!" Bobby stuck his tongue out and Joe sucked it into his mouth and kissed him deeply again. "Bobby, I love you so much. You dont know how long I've been waiting for this..." Just then a loud buzzing cut into everything and Joe shook awake. "Damnit all to hell...It was only a dream." He felt like crying but realized he was completely covered in Cum and so was his sheets. "Fucking Christ...Bobby why did you have to make me fall for you..." Joe cut off and got out of bed.

He pulled off his clothes and grabbed a towel then headed for the Shower. He turned the water on and stepped in and got his shoulder length hair wet. He felt the nice warm water cascade down his pale body. He reached down and rubbed his hardening dick. "Cant play with you right now, I have class in 45 minutes." He shut off the shower and dried off and went to his closet to find a pair of pants. He settled on a long baggy pair of pants with chains running all along the sides and fronts. He went to his drawer and went through it until he found the perfect tight black shirt with red angel wings on the back. He smiled and got dressed not bothering with Briefs today. He grabbed his keys from off of the Dresser, grabbed his backpack, and ran out.

"Bye mom!" He kissed his mom's cheek "I'll be back around Six or Seven, I'm going over to John's house to play." Joe was in a band with his friend John and Joe was the Guitar player. "Bye Honey. Have a good class!" She waved goodbye to her son and watched him run out the front door.

Joe hopped in his, can you guess it? Black mustang and put the key in the ignition. He buckled his seat belt and turned the car on. Immediately Marilyn Manson's The Fight Song started blaring and Joe put the car into gear and sped down his street off to yet another boring class on Psychology at San Diego State University.

We all have those dreams at least once...Will Joe's dreams ever come true? I sure hope they do, as they are My Dreams afteall!!! :-P Questions? Comments? Send them here:

Next: Chapter 3

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