Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Jul 31, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 16

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. However, at this time there is a problem with the pictures and I will be revising and editing My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 16 - Independence Day

We must have dozed off longer than I thought. I woke up to Graham's cell phone ringing. Graham reached over and aswered the call. "Hi mom. Thanks for calling. Are you home?"

"Yes dear. We just got home. Your father took his time. The traffic was light and I was glad about that. Thank you again for a wonderful time in the Bahamas."

"Thanks for calling mom. I'm glad you arrived safe and sound. And I'm glad you both enjoyed the Bahamas. That was what it was all about. Having a good time."

"Don't hang up Graham. Here's your father. Hello Graham. Thank you so much for making Father's Day a special holiday. The Bahamas are truly a unique place and your mother and I had a wonderful time. Thank you for wanting to do this for me and Bob's father. We had purchased something special for you and Bob to show our appreciation. We will bring it down one of these weekends."

"Thanks dad. That's means a lot to hear you say you enjoyed the Bahamas. We will look forward to you and mom visiting soon one of these weekends."

Bob was still half awake and half asleep. When Graham finished talking Bob asked Graham if that was his parents. Graham told him that it was and they made it home okay. "You ready to get up babe?"

Graham curled up with Bob and they dozed off again.

Bob woke up and it was dark outside. He looked at the nightstand clock and and it was after seven. Bob was a little hungry. He nudged Graham and Graham looked kind of groggy. I'm going downstairs and make something to eat. I'll bring it up here when it's ready.

Graham sort of saw Bob leaving the bedroom. Bob went down to the kitchen and checked the frig to see what Mabel had fixed. He found a few containers of something to warm.

He put a couple of the containers in the microwave and zapped it. There was some salad left. So he pulled that out and put it in a couple of bowls with their favorite salad dressing. He left out the croutons. The microwave beeped and Bob put the containers on the tray with the plates and silverware. He poured a couple glasses of refreshment and took everything on a bed table to the bedroom.

He walked in and couldn't tell if Graham was awake or sleeping. "You ready for some dinner?" Graham stirred and said he was ready."

I set the bed table down and we filled our plates and ate dinner. Sharing food back and forth. I wasn't really all that hungry. I think the salad would have been enough for me. I warmed the last of the beef stew. I made sure Graham served himself first. I just took a couple of tablespoons of the stew and ate that with the salad.

While we were eating I was reflecting on the short vacation. I was glad it brought Graham closer to his parents. And I was glad when they called Graham and told him they had arrived home safely. I didn't expect a call from my parent's. They said they had a good time. I hoped so. I knew they had wanted to go back again. And they were inviting Graham's parents to go with them. That was a real shocker. But I also glad that the parents were geting along well.

We finished eating and I asked Graham what he wanted to do. He said he wanted to stay in bed with me. I couldn't refuse an offer like that. I hurried to get the leftovers back downstairs and in the frig. The dishes filled the dishwasher so I got that running. Everything looked ok and I ran back upstairs to be with my man.

I crawled back into bed next to Graham. I looked at him and asked him what I thought about the vacation. He said he was concerned at first when nobody was talking. Maybe they didn't like the villa or being in the Bahamas. But when you gave your talk. I couldn't have thanked you enough. It sure turned everyone around and made for a great vacation. I was glad to get closer to my parents. Especially my father. He had always been cold and harsh with me when I was growing up. But he sure changed and it's a pleasure now to be with him.

"I'm glad for you babe. I think this vacation was needed by everyone. And I'm happy that everything worked out well. You spent a lot of time getting everything organized."

Graham turned the tv on and we watched some sports. We didn't feel like getting out of bed. Only to pee. I did go downstairs and pour us a glass of refreshment. I brought it back upstairs and handed Graham his glass. We had an arm around each other and were laying tight together. We finished our refreshment and set our glasses on our nightstands. Graham was feeling a little frisky and was fondling my cock and balls and getting me aroused.

The game finished. Who cared. Graham had me rock hard and started giving me a fantastic blow job. Once he had me hard and slick. I saw him lick a couple of fingers and shove them up his hole. Then he pulled his fingers out. Graham got over me and started lowering his hole down over my hard pulsing shaft. I felt his hole open as the head of my cock entered him. We groaned it felt so good. Graham's hole was tight and hot. I felt him slowly lowering himself down until I was all the way in and my pubes were rubbing his ass. Graham just stayed still getting used to being filled up with my cock. Soon I felt him relax and he started moving up and down on my cock. I let Graham be in control. I just laid back and enjoyed all the sensations going through my body. I saw Graham's big boner sticking out and bouncing up and down as he started riding my hard shaft. I reached out and started stroking him. That made Graham start groaning and moaning louder. We both starting to sweat and moan louder. Graham was getting me close. He still hadn't mastered working his ass muscles on my cock. But the way he rode me was just as good. I was stroking Graham faster. I could feel myself getting close. Just as I was ready to shoot up my lover's hot hole, I sucked Graham's cock into my mouth. As my cock hardened and thickened in Graham's hole I felt his cock doing the same thing in my mouth. Soon I was blasting a big load up Graham's hole and he was pumping a big load down my throat. That was fantastic cumming at the same time. We were gasping and panting and finely Graham softened and slid out of my mouth as my softening cock slid out of his hole. We licked and cleaned each other off. And laid back catching our breath.

"Wow babe. What brought that on?"

"I just wanted to show you how much I love you."

What could I say. I leaned over and gave Graham a big thank you kiss. "Your fantastic babe. I couldn't live without you."

"And I couldn't live without you. You're everything I want and need."

"The same back to you babe."

We were tired after our sexual and love making fun. Graham turned the tv off and we cuddled up together. I pulled the covers over us and we were soon in dreamland.

Sunday morning arrived. I was groggy and half awake and half asleep. I reached for Graham, but I didn't feel him next to me. I knew we went to sleep last night cuddled together. Maybe he was in the bathroom. I didn't hear water running. Oh well. It felt good to be lazy and just lay in bed.

Soon I heard something. I opened my eyes and Graham was bringing in breakfast on a couple of bed trays. Breakfast in bed and made by Graham. I was wondering if he was feeling okay. "You don't have a fever or catching a cold?"

"Ha, ha very funny. Can't I make breakfast for my husband once in awhile?"

"You can make breakfast for me anytime you want."

Everything looked good. And the fresh coffee smelled heavenly. Graham got our breakfast arranged on our two bed tables and we started eating. Graham did a good job and everything was very good. I could get used to this pretty easy.

"Breakfast is really good babe. This is a really nice surprise."

"Anything for you. You deserve to be waited on and pampered. Not regularly, but once in awhile."

I was going to throw a pillow at him. But I couldn't with the bed tray right in front of me. We ate our breakfast and had a good conversation. We were wondering how long it would take for the owner of the villas to send us a special slideshow. I told Graham I would check our computer in the library/study room every day starting tomorrow, when I got home from work.

We finished our breakfast and sipped on a cup of coffee. "What are we going to do today?"

"I was thinking about going down to the pool and do a few laps. You want to join me?"

"Sure. As soon as I get breakfast dishes put away and clean the kitchen. I'll join you at the pool."

We got out of bed and I helped Graham get everything on one bed tray. Graham took off to the kitchen. I got up and put on some sandals and grabbed an oversized towel and walked down to the pool. The pool looked very inviting this morning. I was going to wait for Graham before I dove in and started doing laps.

It felt good laying naked on the lounger and absorbing some early morning sun rays. I heard Graham and he laid his towel down next to me. Gave me a kiss and asked me if I was ready for some laps. I told him anytime he was.

I heard Graham dive in and I followed him. We started from the shallow end doing laps. I was waking up now doing laps. I felt much better. We felt we had done enough laps.

We rinsed off outside under the outside shower. Towel dried each other and I looked at Graham. "I know what I'd like to do today?"

"What's that babe?"

"I'd like to go for a drive in your car with the top down. Nowhere specific. Just go somewhere and eat when we're hungry."

"Let's do it."

We ran upstairs and put on a jock cargo shorts and a polo pull over and some nice looking sandals sunglasses and we were all set.

We walked down to the garage and we got into Graham's sports car. He let the top down. It looked like another nice day. "Any idea where your going to go?"

"Nope. We'll just play it by ear and see where the car takes us."

We left town on highway six which connected to highway eight. When you turned right on highway eight it went in front of Milo's The Bigger One and the In and Out Bar. Then their was a small town after the bar and another couple of miles you connected to the freeway.

When we came to the junction of highway eight. Graham turned left rather than the right. I had only been to the left on highway eight many years ago with my parents. We were invited to a party. That's about all I remember. I asked Graham if he knew what was down the highway. He told me he had no idea. He had never been this way. So he thought it would be a new experience for both of us.

There wasn't much to see at first. Just a lot of woods on both sides of the highway. We noticed a big sign coming up on the right side. As we got closer the sign read that there was an entrance to a state park. Graham looked at me with a questioning look. "We don't have anything planned. Let's check out the state park."

Graham slowed down and drove in and stopped at the entrance gate. A park official asked us if we were camping and staying overnight. Or if we wanted a day pass. Graham told the man we wanted a day pass. This was our first time to the state park. Graham paid the small fee and the park official gave Graham a sticker to put on his windshield. Graham asked the park official if it was okay if he laid the sticker on the dash where it could be seen. The official said that would be fine. We followed the signs to a large parking lot for cars. Graham put the top up on his car and we got out. I noticed Graham made sure the sticker was visible from the outside.

There was a large building for visitors to the park. We walked in and there was a large map on the wall of the state park. Showing the trails. Camping area and cabins. There were also some small streams and a lake in the state park. We walked over to the information counter and asked the young lady how far the lake was from here. She said it was close to a mile. We then asked her if the cabins could be rented for staying overnight. She said yes. We asked how much a cabin rented for. For one night. She told us, for one night a double cabin rents for sixty eight dollars and that includes tax. She said the cabins have running water and electricity and a small kitchen and dining room. A bathroom with a toilet and shower. She said the cabins are rustic and made of pine logs. She gave us a brochure that showed the cabins and the inside. We thanked her for the information and thought we didn't want to walk a mile to the lake. We weren't really dressed for hiking. But staying at a cabin over the weekend sounded like fun.

We walked out of the welcome visitor building and walked down a trail that was supposed to go by one of the little rivers. The first thing Graham and I noticed was how fresh the air was. We started down the trail and soon we could hear running water. Just ahead we could see a little of the river. The river wasn't very wide, but it did seem to have a good current. I was wondering if there were any fish in the river. Maybe some trout. I haven't eaten trout in a long time. We walked back to the the parking lot and Graham lowered the top and we followed the signs to the exit. We waved to the the park official when we left. This was definitely something we would check out more soon.

I put the brochure of the state park in the glove compartment. I didn't want it blowing out of Graham's car. We continued back on the highway and soon the forest started thinning out. Not as dense as it was. It looked like we were coming to a little community or a small town.

It was a community or township. It was unincorporated community. As we came into town, we must have been on the main street. There were a few businesses. I noticed a drug store post office supermarket a couple of gas stations and a variety of other stores on both sides of the street. The side streets had a few businesses. I noticed a couple of churches and it looked like a combined grade school middle school and high school. They had a sports field and it looked like an attached gymnasium to the high school. We saw a diner as we drove around.

I looked at Graham and he looked at me. We thought maybe something light to eat. From the outside of the diner it looked like a typical mom and pop's diner. Graham parked his car and put the top up. We walked up to the front and walked in. When we walked in everyone in the diner turned to look at us. I guess they knew we were strangers. The diner looked like a copy of a 1950's diner. They had a jukebox and small jukeboxes on each booth. Everything was in red vinyl and chrome. Actually I kind of liked it. It looked like something I had seen in movies and magazines. We found an empty booth and took a seat.

A waitress came over. Chewing her gum. She was wearing a polka dot blouse with a poodle skirt and saddle shoes. I guess that was typical 50's style. "Hi guys. Would you like a couple of menus?

"Yes please and could you bring us a a cup of black coffee?"

"No problem darlin'. I'll be right back."

She came back with an insulated thermos of black coffee and two coffee cups. And then handed us our menus. She told us they had run out of the special. She also told us that everything on the menu was homemade.

We asked her if she could come back in a couple of minutes so we could look the menu over.

She said of course for two good looking men. Giving us a wink as she waited on another table.

I told Graham, "She's definitely not a Millie."

Graham said, "you got that right."

We started looking over the menu. Everything looked like more than I wanted to eat. Then I noticed a soup and sandwich section. That was what I was going to order. Tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwich. Graham said the sounded good and he was going to order the same thing.

I got the waitresses attention and we gave her our orders. She told us the cook would love us. Since we both ordered the same thing. She told us it would be just a couple of minutes and our lunch would be ready.

Graham and I talked some more about the state park and something we might want to take in some weekend. I noticed the waitress coming with our lunch. It was a big bowl of soup and the grilled cheese were still hot off the grill. Everything was very good. You could tell it was homemade. The waitress told us the cook also made his own bread. So the grilled cheese was on homemade bread. We finished our lunch and told the waitress everything was very good. Graham paid the bill and I gave the waitress a tip.

We got back into Graham's car and he put the top down. We continued down the highway. We thought we'd be turning around soon and heading home. There was another sign up ahead. Something about RV parking and camping on some lake. I didn't know there was a lake here. Graham drove down a side road that I think was an access road for boats. We drove to the end and the road ended in a parking area and a large dock for boats.

We got out and walked around. The lake looked to be a good size. You could see part of the campground from where we were. We could see a couple of large RVs. We thought we'd seen enough and got back in the car and started heading back to home. Graham just took his time. This was turning out to be a good drive.

We talked about the drive and Graham was surprised there was this much to see and do on this part of the highway. And we never drove to the end of highway eight. So there was probably even more to see.

We came to the junction of highway six and Graham turned and now we were on the highway that took us to our town. We weren't going to stop at the In and Out Bar the Bigger One (a porn shop) or Milo's. We just wanted to get back home and enjoy the sunroom and pool. We might even take a sauna.

Soon we could see our hometown approaching. Graham said their last investment was a mutilimillion dollar project. He said the developers were putting in a theme park just on the edge of town. Where there was enough land for their project. He said he wanted to take a drive by if it was okay with me. I said sure. It would be fun to see what they had done so far. This was on the opposite end of town from where we arrived on highway six. Graham drove across town and I could see ground breaking. There were stakes and tape lines and surveyors were busy when we drove by. From the amount of area staked out. It looked like it would be huge. Graham said he would be some of the plans home so I could see what all the theme park would consist of.

Graham drove back to the house and soon he was parking in the garage and we entered the kitchen from the garage.

We went directly upstairs and stripped out of our clothes and threw them in the hamper. We put on some sandals and it felt good to go around naked. I grabbed us a couple of towels and we headed down to the pool. Graham grabbed us a couple of cold beers from the tiki bar. A cold beer tasted good after our drive. And we relaxed together on a lounger. "Did you like the drive?"

"Yeah. I really did? How about you?"

"I liked it too. I didn't realize there was so many things to see on that part of the highway. I wonder what else there is to see by the time you get to the end of highway eight?"

"I was thinking the same thing. I did like the state park and I think it would be fun to stay in one of the cabins and hike to the lake."

"That state park was nice. I really liked the fresh air and the smell of all the pine trees."

We finished our beer and dove into the pool and did a few laps. Once we finished our laps. We rinsed off under the outside shower. Towel dried each other and finished by getting chubbed up. We then went upstairs to the sunroom. I poured us a couple of glasses of our favorite refreshment, even though they were all good. And joined Graham in the sunroom. When I entered the sunroom. He was busy talking to the parrots. They had their heads cocked and were listening to Graham. Graham saw me walk in and I handed him his glass of refreshment. We sat down on a recliner.

"Did you have a good talk with the birds?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny. Actually, the birds telling me all kinds of secrets about you?"

"I'm sure they had a lot to tell you."

We just sat next to each other laughing and enjoying the refreshment. "I'm going to check the computer in the library/study room later. I doubt if the owner of the villas sent us anything. But I'm going to check anyway."

Graham turned the tv on and found a good game already in progress. That took our attention. It was a couple of college teams we liked watching.

We finished our refreshment and I took the glasses downstairs during halftime. I went into the library/study room and booted the laptop. I waited a minute and then checked our email. There wasn't anything from the villa owner. I didn't really expect anything. I would start checking everyday when I got home from work.

I went back upstairs and Graham was sipping on a beer. I told him I checked the laptop, but we hadn't received anything from the villa owner.

The third quarter started and the teams were making points back and forth. They were pretty evenly matched which made for a good game.

Graham asked me if I wanted a beer and told him I'd pass. One beer is my limit now. I just get a full feeling after drinking a beer.

The game was getting close to finishing and we knew what team was going to win. They had started pulling away in the fourth quarter.

We decided to go for a swim and then call Sam. Dinner at the hotel dining room sounded good. We hadn't eaten there in a long time.

On our way down to the pool, I grabbed a couple of towels from our bathroom and we laid our towels on a lounger. Kicked off our sandals and dove in. The water was refreshing and felt good. I was getting a little warm in the sunroom, even with the climate control. We did a few laps and got a little exercise in. We needed that to burn off some calories from our lunch. And Graham's beer. We finished our laps and walked out of the pool on the shallow end and laid down together on our lounger.

I had my eyes closed and my hands behind my head. One side of our bodies was touching. I soon felt a hand rubbing over my abs and then through my trimmed pubes and around the base of my cock. I kept my eyes closed and wanted to see what Graham was going to do. He rubbed the length of my flaccid cock. Then felt his finger tips lightly going over my balls. And he was lifting them and fondling them with his fingers. He knew that would get me aroused immediately. And today was no exception. I could feel my cock growing. Graham then used his fingers and lightly went up the back side of my cock. That made my cock twitch and jerk. Then those fingertips were dancing around the head of my cock and paying special attention to that sensitive spot on the back side. Graham knew all my hot spots and he was working them over good. I was so aroused now and rock hard. I could feel precum oozing out of the head of my cock. I felt Graham use a finger to pull of some of my precum. I knew he licked it off his fingers. Then I felt his warm lips on the head of my cock. He started swirling his tongue around the head of my cock and pulling out my precum from my pee slit. Then he started sucking my engorged head. Sucking it in and out. One of hands was continually fondling my balls while his hot mouth was working on my cock. Then Graham started slowly sucking my rigid cock into his and then I felt his throat open and the rest of my cock slid down his throat. Graham cupped my balls while fingering my hole. One of his fingers found my prostate and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold out very long. Once my prostate is rubbed and worked over and over. It sends electric bolts through my body and I makes me cum. This time was no exception. And soon my cock was thickening in Graham's throat and started twitching and spasming and shooting out long hot ropes of cum. Bathing the sides of Graham's throat. Graham swallowed it all and when my cock started to soften and slide out of mouth. He licked me clean. I opened my eyes and pulled Graham down and gave him a long passionate kiss.

"If I'm going to get kissed like that everytime. I going to give you a blowjob more often."

"You can give me a blowjob like as often as you want. That was fantastic babe."

I checked the time on my cell phone and told Graham I was going to give Sam a call.

I picked up my cell phone called Sam. "Hi Bob. What a nice surprise. Everything is running like clockword here at the hotel."

"That isn't the reason for my call. Graham and I are coming later to the hotel for diner and wanted you to know ahead of time."

"Very good Bob. I'll let the chef know and have him prepare something special for you two. Do you know about what time you'll be coming for dinner?"

I raised seven fingers to Graham and he nodded yes. "We will be there at seven."

"Ok Bob. Will look forward to seeing you at seven."

It was just after five thirty so we had plenty of time to get ready for dinner. Only took about ten minutes to get to the hotel from our house. "What do you think about a sauna babe?"

"Sounds good. Let's get rinsed off and then head downstairs and take a sauna. We rinsed off in the outside shower and dried each other off. Put our sandals on and took our towels and went downstairs.

I turned the radiator on to get the sauna warm and ready for making steam. While we waited. Graham and I went into the game room and played some pinball. I walked over and checked the sauna and told Graham it was ready. We left our sandals outside of the steam room by the door and walked in. We laid our towels down on the top bench. Graham started getting the steam going and set the timer for thirty minutes.

The hot steam felt good and was relaxing. Graham was leaning against the wall with his legs spread wide. He had his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. This looks like the perfect time to give Graham some pleasure like he did my at the pool.

I reached over and started rubbing the inside of Graham's thighs. That was one of Graham's hot spots. I saw a smile on his face, but he kept his eyes closed. I would rub up to the bottom of his balls. First the inside of one thigh and then the other. I used my fingertips like Graham had done and started lightly rubbing over his big full balls. I saw Graham's mouth open, but no sound came out. Then I used the fingertips on my other hand to go up and down the back side of his cock. Being sure to touch that sensitive spot on the back side of the head of his cock. His cock felt like a steel bar. His big head was swollen with blood and all flared out. I saw a gob of precum start to ooze out of his pee slit. I rubbed one of my finger over the precum and pulled it out and licked my finger off. Tasted just as good as ever. I then put my lips on the head of Graham's head and slowly sucked it in and used my throat muscles to slowly pull his shaft down my throat. Graham would open his mouth, but no sound was coming out. I had him sucked all the way and my nose was buried in his pubes. I loved Graham's manly scent. I would know his smell anywhere. I wrapped my throat muscles around Graham's shaft and slowly started massaging the length of his hard cock. Precum was continually running down the side of his cock and I could feel it on my throat muscles. I started working my throat muscles faster on Graham's cock and now was fondling his balls and had inserted a couple of fingers in his hole. Playing with his prostate. I heard a low moan from Graham and felt his cock jerk and spasm. And felt him torpedoing his cum down my throat. I think the force was making it go directly into my stomach. Wow, he had a big load and it tasted good. I kept Graham's cock in my throat until he started going soft and then I let it slowly slide out of my mouth and cleaned him off.

Graham opened his eyes. "Babe that was terrific. I haven't cum that hard in a long time." Graham looked over at the timer and told me I timed it just right. Our thirty minutes was up. Graham turned the radiator off and we stepped out of the sauna and put our sandals on and walked over to the shower in the lockerroom. Graham got the water going and we walked into the shower. We rinsed and washed each other and sucked each other off. We were still chubbed and didn't want our bulges showing through our dress pants. Climbed out and towel dried each other. Put our sandals on and went upstairs to get dressed for dinner.

We put on some nice tailor made dress clothes. Dress and pants and dress shirt. We didn't wear suits. It wasn't required. We checked each other out in the mirror and thought we were ready to go. Graham and I walked into the garage and we got into my SUV and off we went to the hotel.

It didn't take long to get to the hotel. I had the valet park my SUV and we walked into the lobby. Sam spotted us and escorted us to the dining room. I noticed they had a special table set up for us with a reserved sign on the table. Sam told us our waiter would be with us shortly and told us it was nice to see us at the hotel.

Soon our waiter arrived and asked us if we would like a drink before he served us our dinner. We told him we would have a beer. He gave a funny look. But didn't question our drink request and left. We thought that was kind of strange. I would have to ask Sam about that.

Soon he came back with our beer in chilled glasses. He told us to enjoy our beer and would be back in a few minutes to see if we were ready for our dinner.

The cold beer tasted good. But thought I'd drink a glass of wine with our dinner. We were close to finishing our beer when the waiter returned. We told him we were ready for our dinner. And I would have a glass of white wine the dinner. Graham told the waiter he would have another beer.

The waiter left and I assumed he would be bringing our dinner. I was wondering what Sam had the chef prepare for us. I saw the waiter come out of the kitchen carrying a large platter. He set the platter down between Graham and me. The waiter then went back to the kitchen and came out with a couple of small covered platters. The waiter took the cover off the large platter and it was lobster stuffed with shrimp. It looked and smelled delicious. The waiter asked us if we would like him to serve us. He placed the large lobster tails on on our dinner plates. Then put a helping of mixed vegetables on our plate. The other side was steamed asparagus with a creamy cheese sauce. We had the asparagus. The waiter told us he would be right back with our drinks.

Graham and I tried the lobster and it was superb. The waiter placed Graham's beer by his dinner plate and removed his empty beer glass. The waiter set my white wine by my dinner plate. He told us to enjoy our dinner and would be back soon to see if we needed anything else.

The white wine was the one Graham and I liked and drank at home. It tasted good with the lobster. Our lobster tails had to be close to two pounds. They were huge. I was wondering if I would be able to eat that much. Lobster is filling. Graham was over half done with his lobster tail. And I might have eaten a quarter of mine. I was taking my time and enjoying the flavors. I managed to eat all of my lobster tail. Graham of course had no problem eating his and had also had a couple helpings of the mixed vegetables and asparagus. The waiter came back and asked us how dinner was. I told him it was excellent and to give our compliments to the chef. He then asked us if we would like an after dinner drink and dessert. I told the waiter I would have another glass of white wine and Graham ordered black coffee. Of course Graham wanted dessert.

The waiter wheeled out a dessert cart and parked it next to Graham. Graham had a hard time deciding what he wanted. He finally had a piece of apple pie and a cream filled danish. I watched Graham eat his dessert while I sipped on my wine.

The waiter came back and asked us if we were finished. We told him we were and that everything was excellent. He told us he would be right back with the bill. Graham and I looked at each other and wondered what was going on. Obviously this waiter didn't know who we were. We told the waiter we wanted to see Sam. The waiter gave us a strange look and told us he would get Sam.

In a couple of minutes the waiter came back with Sam. Sam asked us if there was a problem. We told him the waiter was going to bring our bill. Also, the waiter gave us a funny look when we ordered beer to drink.

Sam apologized to us told us he would take care of this matter.

Graham and I got up and left the restaurant and hotel. The valet brought my SUV to the front. I gave him a tip and we were on our way home.

Sam and the waiter walked back to Sam's office. Sam told the waiter to take a seat and close the office door. Sam asked the waiter how long he had been working as a waiter. He told Sam this was starting his second week. Well, I'll let you by this time, but I'm giving you a warning. The two men you waited on, Bob and Graham, are the owners of this hotel. The waiters face went white and he started shaking. Also, you are not to question or give strange looks to our guests when they order beer or anything else before their dinner. I hope you understand and this won't happen again. The waiter couldn't speak. Finally a little squeak came out of his mouth and said he was sorry and it wouldn't happen again. He needed this job to help pay for his schooling. Sam told him it was warning. But if he had any other complaints from the guests. He would be terminated. Sam told the waiter to go back to work.

The waiter was still shaking when he left Sam's office. Wow, he had served the owners of the hotel. He wish he would have known they were the owners. And how stupid he was to question or give them a funny look when they ordered beer. He needed to keep himself in line and do his job to the best of his ability.

Graham and I talked about the waiter and was wondering what Sam told him. They hoped Sam wasn't too harsh on the waiter. But they were still surprised that the waiter was going to bring them a bill and his strange look when they ordered beer. They hoped he understood how he should behave. They had wealthy guests staying at the hotel and that kind of service couldn't be tolerated.

It didn't take long to get home. Parked in the garage and we entered the house through the garage door to the kitchen. We wanted to change out of our dress clothes and go for a swim.

We got changed and went down to thepool and did a few laps. We didn't much for the rest of the day.

Monday looked like a busy day for Graham. He called me at work and told me he wouldn't be able to make it for lunch. I ate lunch by myself and talked to Millie. She had time to talk. She wasn't that busy. Monday finished and I was on my way home. Graham wasn't home but I wasn't surprised. Mabel was just on her way out when I arrived and I told to have a good day.

I went upstairs and changed into a jock and walked down to the pool. Poured myself some refreshment on my way to the pool. This the tangy berry refreshment. All the refreshments Mabel made were good. I heard Graham and told him I was down here at the pool. He said he would join me in just a minute.

I remembered I hadn't checked the laptop in the library/study room. We could do that later. Graham walked down with a glass of refreshment in his hand. And sat down next to me. we kissed and hugged and said he was glad this day was over. Everything was finalized on the amusement park and everything was a go. They already had all the foundations laid and would be starting walls and putting in sidewalks and a very large parking lot.

We didn't do much the rest of the day. The next few days flew by and we still hadn't received anything from the owner of the villas. I hoped that he hadn't forgot. Graham and I started talking about making plans for Independence Day. We thought that we should have a party and then we could show the slideshow when we receive it from the owner of the villas.

Friday during lunch at the diner. I received a call from the tailor that our new clothes were ready. I told Graham and we didn't remember ordering any clothes from the tailor. I told the tailor that Graham and I hadn't ordered anything from you. He said he would explain when I came to pick up our new clothes. We finished lunch and I told Graham I would go to the tailors, if he wanted to head home.

Graham drove home while I walked back to the clinic to get my SUV. I was curious about the new clothes. I got in my SUV and drove over to the strip mall. I parked in front of the tailor's store and walked in. "Glad you could make it Bob. I think you and Graham are going to like your new clothes."

"I don't understand. Graham and I didn't order new clothes."

"No you didn't, but your and Graham's parents did order clothes for both of you." The tailor started bringing out our new clothes.

Why all these clothes must have cost our parents a bundle. I wonder why they ordered tailor made clothes for us.

The tailor brought out a new suit for Graham and me. Then two sporty dressy shirts for each of us. Two pair of dress pants that went well with the dress shirts. And two pair of dressy shorts for Graham and me. The tailor helped me put the new clothes in the back of my SUV. I had a hanging bar. So that came in handy for the new clothes. I liked the hangers the tailor used and they were always included in an order. I thanked the tailor for his help and I took off for home. Graham was going to be surprised. We would need to call our parents and thank them.

I made it home and parked in the garage. I was going to need Graham's help with the new clothes. So I walked into the kitchen. It looked like Mabel was gone for the weekend. I saw Graham down by the pool reading the daily paper. He was wearing a jock. Damn, I was hoping he was naked. "Hi babe." and I walked down and gave him a kiss. "Can you give me a hand for a few minutes?"

"Sure." Graham followed me out to the garage and couldn't believe all the new clothes. The two of us managed to take all the new clothes up to our bedroom and laid the new clothes on the bed.

The suits were in special garment bags. We tried on the new suits and they fit perfect. My new suit was a dark navy blue. Blue is my favorite color. And Graham's suit was in a really nice looking dark green. We put our suits back in the garment bags and then hung them up in the walkin closet. We tried on the dress pants and dress/sports shirts and again everything fit perfect. We really liked the colors and the fabric. Finally we tried on the shorts and they fit like a glove. Everything was in colors we really liked.

We put all our new clothes away. And I changed clothes and went around naked. Graham didn't seem to mind at all. We walked downstairs and I told Graham I'd pour us a glass of refreshment and then I was going to call my parents. Graham told me he was going to call his parents too.

I saw Graham walk back to the lounger he had been in when I arrived. He picked up his cell phone and I assumed he was calling his parents. I brought our refreshment down and set he glasses on the small table by our lounger. I picked up my cell phone called my mom. "Hi Bob, what a nice surprise to hear from you."

"I took a chance. I wasn't sure if you'd be home."

"While I have you on the phone, I want to thank you again for a wonderful time in the Bahamas. You and Graham sure went all out for all of us. We have a vacation booked for one of the smaller villas in a couple of months. We were really impressed with the Bahamas and really liked where we stayed. We're also inviting Graham's parents to go with us. We have gotten closer to Graham's parents and they are nice people to be with."

"That's nice to hear mom. I called to thank you and dad for the tailor made clothes. It really wasn't necessary."

"It was something we wanted to do and so did Graham's parents. It is our way of thanking both of you for inviting us to the Bahamas."

"Well, I must say. Graham and I were very surprised. I picked up our new clothes today. Graham and I tried on everything and the everything fit perfect. We really liked the colors and fabric choices."

"I'll be sure to tell your father when he gets home. Thank you again Robert. We had a wonderful time and the vacation was a very thoughtful gift from both of you."

That phone call sure blew my mind away. My mother was really throwing out the compliments and appreciation. But it was nice to hear and I'm glad they have another vacation scheduled. And especially that they invited Graham's parents.

Graham had finished his phone call.

"How did you phone call go babe?"

"It couldn't have been better. My mom and dad couldn't stop talking about how nice everything was in the Bahamas. They really enjoyed themselves. And then they told me your parents are inviting them in a couple of months on a vacation back in one of the smaller villas."

"How did your talk go with your parents?"

"I talked to my mom. She was throwing out the compliments and I just let her go on. She thanked me and you for such a wonderful and thoughtful vacation. Then she told me the same thing. There were going back to the Bahamas in a couple of months on vacation and were inviting your parents."

"That worked out well and I'm glad to see both our sets of parents getting along so well."

"Me too. To be honest babe. I didn't think your parents would like my parents. Let alone accept them and now invite them to to on vacation with them.

"I'm just as surprised as you Graham. My parents can be very aloof and indifferent with people they don't accept. I'm glad for you and your parents that my parents have turned around and have accepted your parents and like them."

We felt we had said enough about our parents and it was time to change the subject.

We dove into the pool and did a few laps and then just relaxed in the water. I told Graham I hadn't checked the laptop when I got home in the library/study room. We used the outside shower and toweled off and walked into the house. We went into the library/study room and I booted the computer. Graham pulled a chair over so we could both look at the monitor. The laptop finished booting and I opened out email. There was an email from the owner of the villas.

I opened the email and he had a short note. He told us he hoped we liked the slideshow he put together. He also told us that my parents had made reservations for two weeks in one of the villas and he gave them a special rate.

I opened the slideshow and Graham and I started watching. It started out with the owner giving a sales pitch for his villas. He stated that he had the most beautiful villas you would ever see. He continued by thanking Graham and me for renting one of his best villas. He then mentioned that all of Bobs and Graham's friends and relatives were welcome to stay and the owner would give them a special rate. All they needed to do was state they were friends or relatives of Bob or Graham. The next slides showed the inside of the biggest villas and the medium sized villas and finally the smallest villas. The owner explained that limousine service was included in the price as well as a butler and housekeeper. Meals would be offered at a reduced price. They would also have a special electronic key card and if they went shopping all they needed to do was show their key card and they would get reduced prices on their purchases. Thee slideshow ended by the owner stating that he was looking forward to meeting Bob and Graham's friends and relatives. The last slide had his name, phone number and email address.

I checked the time and the slideshow was just over thirty minutes. That was perfect. I could set the slideshow to repeat and continually play over and over. We'll have Preston rent that big projection screen that will work out perfect.

"What did you think babe?"

"This slideshow was perfect and I know a lot of our friends and maybe some of our relatives will be interested in vacationing in one of the villas."

"I agree. I think the owner did a good job with this slideshow. And I'm sure it will generate some business for him.

We didn't do much over the weekend. Started some initial plans for our Independence Day party.

Monday I went to lunch by myself. Graham was having a very busy day. And called and told me he wouldn't make it for lunch and probably would be home late.

While I was waiting on my lunch, my cell phone rang. I knew the number but didn't recall the caller. "Hello, this is Bob."

"Hi Bob. This is one of the caterers calling. We have a free weekend coming up for a change and was wondering if you and Graham would like some company this coming weekend?"

"I sure Graham would like your company. I know I would. As far as I know, we don't have anything planned for this coming weekend."

"Great. You can plan on us coming late Friday and then we will need to leave early on Sunday as we have a big party to get ready for."

"Ok. Graham and I will look for you late Friday. Look forward to seeing you guys."

Good. I can mention our Indepdence Day party and have them cater the party. It will be fun to have them stay the weekend. Those guys are hot and I like their big uncut cocks. Thinking about them is already making me chub up. I better think about something else. I don't want to be walking back to the clinic with a big bulge in my pants. I can think about my grandparents having sex. Or how much I detest brussel sprouts. That seemed to work and I could feel myself relaxing.

Millie brought my lunch and by now I was fully distracted and back to my normal flaccid size. No more chubbing up. I finished and walked back to the clinic.

The rest of the day went fast. Shirley told me before I left that the high school and college sports physicals would be starting tomorrow.

I guess it was that time of year already. They start practice in the summer so they are ready for when the season starts in the fall. I was glad I was leaving. Hearing that from Shirley was making me chub up again. All those healthy young men in their prime. This was going to be fun.

I got home and Graham wasn't home yet. I didn't expect him. He told me he would be late. Mabel had left for the day. I went upstairs and changed out of my work clothes and put a robe on.

I walked downstairs and poured myself a tall glass of my favorite refreshment. The orange mango and pineapple. I really liked that refreshment. No sugar and all natural. The pineapple gave just the right amount of sweetness. I put in a lot of ice and then walked down to the pool. I grabbed the daily paper off the kitchen island. I would read the paper and enjoy my refreshment until Graham got home. Then I would warm dinner for us.

There wasn't much of interest in the newspaper. The news was the same thing you heard on the radio and tv. The best part of the newspaper was the sports section. I read over the stats on the college football teams. There was a feature article on one of the college teams that Graham and I liked. It was interesting to read. I finished the paper and laid it on the little round table. And finished sipping on my refreshment.

I was warm laying in the sun. It was another warm day. I got up off the lounger and dove into the pool. I did a few laps. Not really pushing myself. With our workout early every morning. That was enough.

I heard some noise and saw Graham walking down to me in all his naked glory with a robe draped over his shoulders. I licked my lips and enjoyed the sight. Graham was semi hard. I hope that was the effect I was having on him.

He leaned down and kissed and I kissed him back. "I'm glad your home babe. You want to relax for a bit, before I get dinner ready?"

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea."

"I got a call from the caterers at lunchtime. They are coming late Friday and leaving early Sunday. I hope that is okay with you?"

"That's fine. They haven't spent anytime with us in a long time. We can also tell them about our Independence Day party and have them cater the party."

"That's what I was thinking too. The way they sounded when I talked with them. They've been busy and haven't had time to get together with us."

"I'm going to dive in the pool and do a few laps. Why don't you get dinner ready and when I'm through in the pool, we can eat together."

"Ok babe. Anything for my husband." I saw Graham smile and watched him dive into the pool.

I went up to the kitchen and pulled out the containers of dinner. I had no idea what Mabel had fixed. All I knew was that it smelled good and I knew it would taste good. She had made homemade dinner rolls. I warmed the main course first in the microwave. Set the table in the breakfast nook while that was warming. When the microwave beeped. I warmed the dinner rolls. I poured Graham and me a cup of coffee and walked down to the pool to tell Graham dinner was ready.

Graham was out of the pool so he put his robe on and we walked up to the breakfast nook. "Something smells good."

"It does, doesn't it. I have no idea what Mabel fixed. These are homemade dinner rolls."

We ate our dinner and it was delicious. Just like I knew it would be. But we couldn't figure what she had fixed. The fresh dinner rolls were good. In fact, I ate two of them.

I told Graham that high school and college sports physicals would be starting tomorrow. He gave me one of those looks. "I know what that means?"


"Your going to be coming home horny every day. It's going to be all night love making until the physicals stop."

"Is that a problem babe?"

"No. Not at all. I just will need to adjust to all your sexual energy."

Nothing much happened the next few days. My sports physicals started and I was having a good time with the prostate exams and checking their balls for any abnormalities. Most tried hard to not get hard when I did their physical exams, but they were usually hard by the time I finished. Some of those young men were really hung. And it was fun to see how they tried to suppress their hardons. Of course I didn't help by constantly rubbing back and forth over their engorged prostate. And taking extra time to check their balls. I usually lifted their cock up so I could feel their balls better. A few really liked the physical and thanked me and would be back for the physicals every time. Others could take it or leave it and didn't really say much of anything.

I left work with a big hardon every day I did physicals. Graham was right. When I got home I was a horndog and ready for love making. Graham didn't seem to mind and he took care of my hardon for me.

Friday rolled around and I was looking forward to the caterers spending the weekend. I know they said they were busy, but in the back of mind I thought they might be upset with me for what happened at Milo's with the bodyguards and the waiter. Even though it didn't directly affect the caterers, for some reason they seemed to avoid Graham and me until the call I got from them at the beginning of the week.

Graham came home and we ate lunch together. Mabel set the patio table for us and we had a wonderful lunch. I told Graham I was looking forward to the caterers coming later. Graham told he it should be a fun time. I told Graham I was going to talk to Margaret on Monday, since our party would only be two weeks away. Even though Independence Day was on a Monday. We decided to the have the party the coming weekend. We thought that would give our friends a chance to spend time with family and enjoy the day.

I told Graham I would take care of everything for the party. I knew Graham was busy at work and wouldn't mind helping, but I knew he would appreciate if I took care of everything.

We finished lunch and when Mabel cleared the table I asked her if she had one of the guest bedrooms ready for our weekend guests. She said it was all taken care of and said she would leave once she took care of our lunch leftovers. She told Graham and me that dinner was already in containers in the the frig. We thanked her and went upstairs to change.

I peeked in the guest bedrooms and saw that Mabel had freshened the guest bedroom directly across the hall from our master bedroom.

We went into our bedroom and changed out of our work clothes. Which always felt good. We put on robes and sandals and walked back downstairs. And then out to the pool. I wanted to go to the sunroom, but it was hard to hear anybody when they came, even with the sunroom door open. Mabel had left for the weekend.

I picked up the daily paper and I saw Graham pouring us each a glass of refreshment. This looked like a new refreshment. I could tell by the color. It had grapes cranberries blueberries strawberries and kiwi. It was really good. Like all the refreshments she made. It was a little tangy, but the strawberries gave it tinge of sweetness. Graham said he liked the refreshment.

We took off our robes and laid down on them. We had our glasses on the small round table by our lounger. I started reading the newspaper and gave Graham the sections I wasn't reading. Then when we finished we would change sections until we read all the newspaper.

We finished our refreshment and was going to ask Graham if he wanted a refill, but noticed he had dozed off. That looked like a good idea and I did the same.

I woke up and looked over at Graham and he was still snoozing. I let him sleep. He needed it after all the extra work he had right now. I checked the time and it was just after five thirty. I wasn't sure when the caterers would come. They hadn't given me an exact time. Just that they would be coming later.

I got up and took our empty glasses to the kitchen and put them in the dishwasher. I had my cell phone with me and I was glad I did. It started ringing and up here in the kitchen, Graham wouldn't hear it. I recognized the number, it was Cotton.

"Hi Cotton. What a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting to get a call from you."

"Thought I would call and surprise you. I was wondering if you were going to be around the weekend after the fourth?"

"Yes, Graham and I will be here. In fact, that weekend we are having an Independence Day party. It would be great if you were here to join us."

"That's great. I have some time off from work and wanted to see you guys. If it's not an inconvenience, you can plan on me flying in late afternoon on Friday and then flying out on Sunday."

"When you have your flight details and times. Email them to me or send a text message. Then I can have a hotel limousine pick you up at the airport and bring you here directly to our house."

"If that works. That would be great. I'll be sure to send you my flight times and the name of the airlines. I will be confirming this coming Monday and then I'll send you the information."

"You know Cotton it's funny that you are calling right now."

"Why is that Bob?"

"Because right now I'm doing high school and college sports physicals. And that's how we met when I did your physical."

"I heard Cotton laughing. You're right. Maybe I can get another physical when I'm at your house?"

"I'm sure that can be arranged. It's sure going to nice to see you and you'll get a chance to meet all of our friends."

"Looking forward to it Bob. I better go now and will send you the information Monday and look forward to seeing both of you. Bye."


I looked out to the patio and saw Graham stirring. I walked down to the lounger. And laid down next to him and gave him a kiss. He kissed me back. "You can't guess who I just got off the phone with?"

"Since you put it that way. I have no idea."

"Cotton called and he going to be staying with us the weekend of the party. He's going to send me his flight details on Monday and the I'll call Sam and have a hotel limousine waiting for Cotton at the airport."

"Good. I've never really had a chance to get to know Cotton. This will be a good opportunity."

"I'm going to be calling my brother, Reggie, and see if he and Jarvis can come down for the party. I think my brother would be interested in the villas."

"Another good idea babe. They will probably want to stay here at the house."

"That's no problem. Like we always say. The more the merrier."

"In fact, I think I'll call my brother now. So he has plenty of time to arrange coming down for the party."

"I picked up my phone and speed dialed my brother."

"Hey little bro. What's up?"

"Hi big bro. Graham and I are having a party the weekend after the fourth. And would like you and Jarvis to come down and join us. If you can get away?"

"Since your calling me early. That shouldn't be a problem. Our wives are going to be spending time with their parents and I'm sure Jarvis and I can get away."

"Great. We'll plan on you and Jarvis staying with us. Unless I hear something different from you."

"Ok bro. Thanks for calling and that sounds like a good time."

"Good to hear your voice Reggie. Graham and I will look forward to you guys staying here."

I told Graham my brother thought they'd be able to stay. Especially since I called early and was giving him plenty of time. He didn't say if they would come Friday or Saturday. I'll text him later and see what he thinks.

We heard some noise in the house. We looked up and the caterers were coming inside. Graham and I got up off our lounger, put our robes on, and greeted the caterers. They each had an overnight bag. We kissed and hugged and told them to follow us up to their bedroom. Once in the bedroom. We told them we had put robes and sandals in the closet for them.

Graham and I watched them unpack. They were just as hot as I remembered. And I like their big uncut cocks. All of our friends were cut, except for the caterers. I guess the novelty of a uncut cock was an attraction for me.

They got naked and one of them took their robes and sandals out of the closet. They put their robes and sandals on and we went down to the pool. I asked them if they would like something to drink. They both said a cold beer would taste good if we had one. I got up and got us all a cold beer in chilled glasses. I handed them out and we all said, "cheers."

I couldn't stop staring at the caterers. Their big balls hanging down on the lounger with their big cocks draped over their balls. I was still really horny after doing physicals and these guys weren't helping my horniness.

One of the caterers said, "you like what you see Bob?"

I didn't blush, but I said, "sorry, I've been doing sports physicals all week and it makes me super horny."

"No problem. We like people staring at us. It makes us feel good. And especially when it's you and Graham."

"Graham got red from the top of his head to his toenails. I didn't realize I was staring."

To help ease the tension the caterers moved in with me and Graham. One of the caterers with me and Graham on the other lounger with the other caterer.

I wasn't sure how much that helped now with the caterer next to me. But he helped by taking one of my hands and rubbing it over his big cock and balls. That eased my tension and I saw the same thing happening with Graham. I could feel the caterers cock thickening and his big balls were a handfull.

He told me why don't we go into the hot tub. The hot swirling water really makes me horny. I told him I have a better idea. Graham overheard us and knew what I was talking about.

Since the warm water gets you horny. We have something even better. Just follow Graham and me. We went downstairs and Graham turned on the radiator. "Are you guys shittin' me? Is this what I think it is?"

"Yup. It's a sauna and it heats up fast. We can go into the game room and play something while we wait for the sauna to get warm." We all got on pinball machines and had a lot of fun. Graham went over and checked the sauna and told us it was ready. I grabbed four towels from the lockerroom and we all walked into the sauna sat down on our towels on the top bench. Graham turned on the water and you could see the steam rising. "How does this feel?"

"This is fantastic. I love a good hot sauna." Graham made more steam.

The same caterer was sitting next to me that was with me on the pool lounger. He took my hand again and started rubbing over the length of his cock and balls. I took over and started moving the foreskin back and forth over the head of his cock. He gave a few low moans. I could see he didn't have any smegma. He kept his foreskin clean. I leaned down and took the head of his cock in my mouth. He leaned back against the wall and spread his legs wide. Giving me better access to his cock and balls. I fondled his balls with one of my hands while I sucked on the head. Pulling the foreskin back and forth over the head. These guys were big. Probably a good fat nine inches. This would definitely be a workout taking it all the way down my throat. I then wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and slowly started sucking him into my mouth. My throat opened and my throat muscles took over pulling his cock in. I was going slow to adjust to such a big cock. I managed to take it all when I felt his pubes brushing my nose. His eyes got wide and he told me I was only the second person that was able to take all of him. I licked a couple of fingers and cupped his balls and eased the fingers into his hole. One of my fingers touched his prostate and I could feel him jerk and shake every time I rubbed over his it. It made him leak copious amounts of precum. I could feel him started to try to fuck my mouth and throat. That must have been a sign he was getting close to cumming. The sweat was pouring off of him. And it was running down his body in little rivers. I was sweating too. I felt him start jerking more and stiffen out and felt the first hard shots of cum hitting the back of my throat. That was followed by another four or five hard volleys of cum that bathed the sides of my throat. I swallowed a couple of times. Pulled my fingers out of his hole and kept his cock in my mouth and throat until he started to soften. Then I let it slowly slide out of my throat and mouth. I was using my tongue to clean him off as it slid out.

All he could say was, "wow, wow, wow. That was amazing. That was one of the best blowjobs I've ever had."

It looked like Graham and his caterer were finishing. I was proud of Graham talking all of the caterers cock in his mouth and throat.

I looked over and checked the time. We still had a few minutes left and then our thirty minutes would be up. We all just leaned back against the wall. Absorbing the steam and kept our eyes closed. Graham then said that our time was up. I saw him turning off the radiator. I told the guys we could take a shower in the lockerroom. We all took our towels and walked out. Put our sandals on walked over to the shower in the lockerroom.

Graham got the water going in the shower. And we all walked in. We washed each other and then rinsed each other off. The caterers told Graham and me to lean back against the wall with out cocks sticking out. We weren't really hard. But as soon as I felt the caterers mouth on my cock. It sprung to attention immediately. He gave me a good blowjob. Fingering my hole and rubbing over my prostate. It didn't take me long to cum and fill his mouth with a big load. I saw him swallow my load. We rinsed our sex off and walked and dried each other off.

I told the guys I was going to get dinner ready. I told Graham to take the guys up to the sunroom. I wasn't sure if they had been in the sunroom before.

I watched them walked upstairs and I heard the door to the sunroom being opened.

I pulled out the containers of food for dinner. I noticed that Mabel had made more. She knew we were having a couple of guests staying. Dinner smelled delicious. Mabel had made potroast with mashed potatoes. Fresh sweet corn and it looked like more of her homemade dinner rolls. I thought we would probably all drink beer with our dinner. So I didn't bother with coffee. I could always make a pot later if we wanted to drink coffee.

I got a large tray and managed to fit everything on the tray for four people. It was another juggling act taking the big tray up the stairs and then maneuvering the large tray and opening the sunroom door. I wish they had left it open. When I walked in with the big tray. I saw the caterers talking to the birds. Graham saw me walk in and helped me with the tray and we placed it on the large round table.

Graham and I set table and I put all the food on the table while Graham got us a round of cold beer. I told the caterers that dinner was ready.

The caterers told me they really liked this room. It looked like something you'd see in the tropics. I told them that was the effect I was trying to achieve in this room. I also told them this was a birthday present to Graham. They said this is quite a birthday present.

We all filled our plates and started eating our dinner. The waiters told Graham and me to compliment Mabel on an outstanding dinner. The four of us managed to eat everthing. I only had one helping. But I knew the other guys had two helpings and think Graham and one of the caterers even had thirds. It was a good thing Mabel had made extra food. I told them I didn't know what was for dessert. They all said they would pass on dessert. Even Graham said he was too full for dessert.

I loaded everything back on the tray, but I was going to take it downstairs later. The caterers wanted to look around the big sunroom. The liked the little stream that wound around and all the lush tropical plants and the full sized palm trees. The caterers told us we should get a couple of monkeys. I wasn't sure about that idea. Monkeys can be a problem and a lot of extra work. I might think about that down the road. I just agreed with caterers.

We all got on a couple of double loungers and Graham turned on the big flat screen tv. The caterers liked college football just like us. Graham found a game that just finished the first quarter so started watching the rest of the game.

The game was close until the fourth quarter when one of the teams made it a runaway game. The guys had another round of beer. I passed. I was full from drinking beer. I thought I'd take the large tray down to the kitchen and make a pot of coffee. I told them I was taking the tray downstairs to the kitchen and they could decide what they wanted to do for the rest of the evening.

I got everything put away. And the microwave containers could go in the dishwasher so that filled the dishwasher. I got the dishwasher going and the coffee maker.

I heard the guys coming downstairs. They told me they were going down to the theater room to watch a movie. I told them I was making a pot of coffee and when it was finished I would join them. I asked them if they wanted coffee. They all passed and said they were going to stick with beer.

I heard them going downstairs. My coffee was finished and I poured myself a cup of coffee. I liked the smell of fresh brewed coffee.

I walked downstairs and could hear the guys talking and it sounded like they were deciding on what to watch. I joined the other caterer on one of the oversized theater chairs. We were a tight fit in the chair. But I thought it felt pretty good and the caterer wasn't complaining.

My coffee tasted good while they all decided on what to watch. Finally they agreed on some action flick. I didn't care. I would watch whatever they choose.

I asked them if they wanted popcorn. They told me maybe later. They were still full from dinner. I'm glad I had stocked our minifrig in the theater room with beer.

Then one of the caterers said I should bring down the tray of appetizers they brought. I told them I didn't see a tray of appetizers on the kitchen island or in the frig. They caterers looked at each other and then said, "shit head, did you leave the appetizers in the van?"

"Sorry fuck wad. I guess they are still in the van. I'll go up and get them."

The caterers had parked in the garage so one of the caterers went back upstairs and I heard the kitchen door to the garage open. He soon came running back down with a large tray of appetizers and set them down on an arm of one of the theater chairs. We passed the tray around and the appetizers were really good.

"This tastes better than popcorn."

I thought this was a good time to mention our Independence Day party. "Graham and I are having a party on the Saturday after the fourth. We'd like you guys to cater our party if your not busy on that day."

"We won't be busy on that day. We'll be sure to cater your party. And then enjoy the party. Thanks for letting us know ahead of time. In fact, I'll put it on my cell phone planner right now."

The movie was okay. Not my favorite genre of movie. The caterers and Graham seemed to enjoy the movie. There was a little fooling around during the movie. I think to get everyone worked up for some good sexercise after the movie. The movie ended and we were ready for bed. Graham turned off the theater system and we all walked upstairs to our bedroom.

Once we got into our bed. We paired off. I was with the other caterer and Graham was with the caterer that had been with me. We got into a sixty nine. His cock was almost identical to his partners. We laid on our sides. I liked a sixty nine in this position. I licked the head of his cock. Paying special attention to the sensitive spot on the back of his cock head. He seemed to like that. He was devouring my cock. I then sucked his thick engorged head in and out of my mouth. Making a popping sound. Then put my lips on the tip of his cock and slowly sucked him into my mouth. As my throat opened my throat muscles slowly pulled all of his cock in. He was moaning loudly now. My throat muscles automatically wrapped around his thick shaft and started massaging the length of his cock from the tip to the base. He was jerking and twitching. The caterer had my cock down his throat. Not being as big as those guys, it was no problem for him to take all of me. I reached down and fondled his big balls while my throat muscles kept up a continuous massaging of the length of his cock. His balls were big and I barely was able to fit both of them in one hand. I started going faster on his cock and he matched me going faster on me. I wet a couple of fingers and eased them into his hole. He grunted when I did that. His hole was tight and hot. One of my fingers found his prostate and like his partner. He stiffened out and shook a little when I rubbed over his prostate. I felt his prostate getting bigger. I went faster and faster on his cock. He was panted and sweating. He had me close to cumming. I couldn't tell if he was close or not. So I picked up my pace even more. I felt him harden and thicken in my throat. I knew he was ready to blast out a load. I was right on the edge too. I felt him start shooting out a couple of hard blasts of cum. Hitting the back of my throat. That sent me over the edge and I started filling his throat. He shot out another four or five big blasts of cum. I swallowed his load and I saw him swallow mine. We both pulled out and cleaned each other off.

I could hear Graham and the caterer really getting it on. We watched them as they sucked and fingered each other. I could tell my husband was getting close to cumming. I think the caterer was close too. They both started shaking and jerking and I knew they were cumming at the same time. Just like us. It was really hot watching them. Once they finished they kissed and cuddled up together. That looked like a good idea and we cuddled up together. Graham pulled the covers over us and we fell asleep.

Sunday morning I woke up to something warm and wet between my legs. I lifted the covers and the caterer was giving me a wonderful blowjob. I closed my eyes and put my hands behind my head and enjoyed myself. This caterer was giving me a fantastic blowjob. I saw the other caterer doing the same thing to Graham. I told him I was getting close to cumming. That made him suck me harder and faster. I couldn't hold back any longer and blasted out a big morning load into his mouth. He kept me in his mouth and throat until I went soft. When my cock slid out of his mouth and he slowly licked and cleaned me off.

I just laid their panting and gasping for air. When Graham and I returned to normal breathing. We all said we needed a shower. We got into the shower and Graham turned all the jets and shower heads on. We washed each other. Graham and I jerked off the caterers. I liked feeling a big thick cock in my hands. We cleaned the cum off the side of the shower wall. Graham and me dried the caterers and then they dried us off.

We all went down to fix breakfast. The caterers told us they would need to leave after breakfast. They had a big party to get ready for. And they would definitely be caterering our party and then attending.

With four of us making breakfast. He went pretty fast. We ate at the breakfast island and then Graham and I cleaned and put everything away while the caterers got ready to leave.

We heard them coming down the stairs. They had cargo shorts and a pullover shirt on with some nice looking sandals and their overnight bags. We followed them out to the garage. We kissed and hugged and told them we looked forward to seeing them at our party.

They pulled out of the garage and we watched them leave.

We walked back into the kitchen and closed the door to the garage. "I'm exhaused babe. How about you?"

"Me too. That was a lot of sex in a short period of time."

"You know we're talking like two old men. All this sex should invigorate us and not make us tired. We aren't all that old."

"I know. But I still feel tired."

"Me too." We both laughed and walked down to the pool. We did a few laps and that seemed to help both of us. We laid on our towels and talked about the caterers. How how they were and glad they would be catering our party. Everything seemed ok. And they didn't seem indifferent with us.

We didn't do much the rest of the day Sunday. We stayed home and fixed lunch and dinner together. We ate in the sunroom to give the birds some needed attention. Watched tv in our bedroom and then went to sleep.

Graham had set the alarm and I woke up to it blaring away. We slowly crawled out of bed and went downstairs to exercise with our friends. We didn't mention our party to them. I wanted to get everything organized first and then Graham and I could make our lists and start calling everybody. We all got in a good exercise. Everyone seemed a bit on the tired side. We all crowded into the shower and washed each other. We got into a crowed circle jerk and shot out all over the shower walls and each other. We rinsed all the cum off each other and the walls. Dried each other off and got dressed.

We went upstairs for a great smelling breakfast. Mabel told us she had everything ready on the outside patio table. We all sat down and ate another one of Mabel's good breakfast's.

We finished breakfast and thanked Mabel with a kiss on the cheek. We got into a group hug and kiss in the garage and we all left for work.

Graham called and told me he was having a typical busy Monday. I told him I was going to leave a little early for lunch. I wanted to talk to Margaret about our party. I told Graham I would give him all the information from Margaret when he got home.

The morning went fast. Almost too fast. I liked taking my time doing the sports physicals. I finished the last morning physical. I had a noticeable bulge in my pants. HOw was I going to get rid of that? I started thinking about the most gross things possible and that helped a little.

I left the clinic and drove over to the J & M Decorators. I walked in and I saw Margaret working in the back. I could the girl at the front counter, I needed to talk to Margaret. She got Margaret's attention and she walked out to the front. I saw a smile on her face when she saw me. "Hi Bob. Sure nice to see you. It's been awhile."

"Graham and I are having an Independence Day party on the Saturday after the fourth. And we were hoping you'd be able decorate for us?"

"Well I don't think anything is scheduled for that weekend. Let me check my calendar to be sure."

Margaret pulled out a calendar and said nothing was scheduled. So she and her crew would be able to do the decorating.

"You had me worried there for a couple of minutes Margaret. I thought you might have another job that weekend."

"Nope. I have a layout of your backyard and the dimensions. I will need to give this some thought. As soon as I come up with an idea. Me and my crew will be over to start the decorating so that everything is ready by Friday night. We will be back early Saturday morning to see if we need to make any last minute adjustments."

"That sounds great Margaret. I can't wait to see what you come up with. I know it will be awesome as always."

I thanked Margaret and then drove over to the diner. I knew Graham wouldn't be coming. I walked in and luckily a couple was leaving my favorite table. So I sat down at the table I liked. Millie came over and bussed off the table. I told her I'd have a black coffee and the special sounded good. While I was waiting my phone buzzed for a text message. I checked my phone and it was from my brother. It stated that he and Jarvis would come late Friday night for the party. After my brother got through with work.

That was good news. I was glad they could make it for our party. I knew Reggie would be interested in the villas. He is always looking for something and somewhere different to go for vacation.

Millie brought my coffee and lunch special. She apologized that she didn't have time to talk. But she was busy. The restaurant was filling up. So I knew what she meant. Lunch was good and I had a refill on my coffee. I paid the bill and left Millie a big tip.My afternoon went fast. Too fast. I enjoyed doing the sports physicals. Even though I had a raging hardon the whole time. My three afternoon physicals, seemed to like the physical. I had them moaning and rock hard in no time. They seemed disappointed when I told them that concluded their physical. The three young men told me they would be back for all their physicals. And if they had any sports injuries they would request coming to my clinic.

All of left the clinic at the same time. Shirtley Janice and Quinton and then myself. I locked the clinic and we took off in our different directions for home.

I got home and didn't see Graham's car in the garage. I didn't expect to see his car. He told me would be working late. I got out of my SUV and walked into the kitchen. Mabel was busy in the kitchen and looked a little startled when I walked in. "Sorry Mabel, I didn't mean to surprise you."

"That's ok Bob. You were so quiet. I was startled when I saw you standing there. I'm finishing you and Graham's dinner and then I'll be leaving."

"That's ok Mabel. You take all the time you need. I'm going upstairs to change."

I saw Mabel get busy to whatever she was doing in the kitchen. I walked upstairs to our bedroom and changed out of my work clothes. I put some old ragged sweats on. I liked these old sweats. They seemed more comfortable than the new sweat outfits I had. I put some flip flops on and was just going out the bedroom door when my cell phone rang. I sat down on the bed and it was Cotton. I hoped he had his flight information for me. So I could pass it on to Sam.

"Hi Cotton. You have some flight information for me?"

"Yup. It took a longer than I expected. I will be landing at your airport at five thirty on Friday. I'm flying United Airlines. I hope my coming early won't be a problem?"

"We're glad your coming early. It will give us more time together. I'll pass this information on to Sam so that a hotel limousine is waiting for you. The chaffeur will have a sign with your name on it. He will be waiting by your luggage carousel."

"Ok. Thanks Bob for the limousine. Looking forward to seeing you and Graham and your party."

We hung up and I called Sam. "Hi Bob, good to hear from you. Anything I can help you with?"

"Yes there is Sam. A good friend of ours will be arriving at the airport next Friday at five thirty. He's flying on United Airlines and I'd like a hotel limousine waiting for him. His name is Cotton and I would like the chaffeur to have a sign with his name on it. And have the chaffeur wait by his luggage carousel."

"No problem Bob. Consider it taken care of. Also, since I have you on the phone. I want you to know I had a serious talk with your young waiter from the other day. Everything was taken care of. And since our talk I've been getting quite a few compliments from our guests on such a fine young waiter."

"I like hearing that Sam. It didn't bother Graham and me that much. But I was concerned about our wealthy and famous guests. I'm glad everything got worked out."

I hung up with Sam. I walked downstairs and Mabel had left for the day. Graham wasn't home yet. So I went back upstairs and put a robe and sandals on and walked down to the pool. I had poured myself a glass of Mabel's new refreshment. And I had the daily paper to look over.

The refreshment tasted better after it had a chance for all the different fruit to mix together. Nothing really interesting in the paper. There was a feature article on the amusement park and that part of the park would be opening soon for a select group of people to review before it was open to the public. Nothing really interesting in the sports section.

I just relaxed and pictured some of those hot young men that I had done physicals on. My boner sprung to attention. I was hoping Graham would get home soon to take care of me.

I dove in the pool. Hoping that would help my hardon to go down. So far no luck. I did a few laps in the pool and then walked up the steps on the shallow end.

I did manage to doze off waiting for Graham to get home. I woke up to some warm lips kissing me. It was my man. He made it home. "Hi babe. Glad your home."

"I'm going upstairs to change and I'll be right down."

"Ok. I'll pour you glass of this good refreshment. Then you can join me here by the pool."

I walked back up to the house with Graham. He walked upstairs to get changed and I went to the kitchen and poured him a tall glass of the refreshment. Then I walked back down to the pool and waited for my man.

Soon I saw Graham walking down naked with a towel around his shoulders. He looked so delicious. I could just gobble him up. He sat down next to me and took a sip of his refreshment. "This tastes better."

I told Graham, I thought the same thing. I told Graham about my talk with Margaret and she and her crew would be able to decorate for our party. Then I told Graham that Cotton had called. And I had hotel limousine picking him up at the airport. He was arriving at five thirty, so I didn't really expect him here until around seven. Then I received a text from the brother. And he and Jarvis are coming late Friday. When my brother finishes work.

"Sounds like we'll have a housefull?"

"Just three people staying with us. It should be fun. You getting hungry?"

I had hear Graham's stomach rumble a couple of times.

"Yeah. I'm hungry."

"You just relax here by the pool. And I'll get dinner ready for us. I'll let you know when it's ready."

I walked up to the kitchen naked. I was hoping Graham was getting an eyeful. I pulled out the containers and started warming dinner. Mabel had made homemade spaghetti with meatballs. She had also made some homemade garlic bread. The garlic bread smelled wonderful when it was warming.

I set the table in the breakfast nook. It was easy to get ready since it was just off the kitchen.

I walked down to the pool and told Graham dinner was ready. We walked up to the kitchen, arm in arm. Both of us naked.

Dinner was delicious as always. You can't beat the taste of homemade food. Graham had two big helpings of spaghetti and meatballs. Graham helped me clean the kitchen and put everything away.

Nothing much happened the next few days. I was still doing sports physicals and coming home hard and horny. Graham took care of me and keep me satisfied.

Margaret had started the decorating and it was looking good. It looked like she was doing a float that would house the bar and buffet. That was a unique idea. The area for the DJ looked like a minnie ticket booth. And where the big projection screen would be located. Looked like a grandstand. The walkways had framework that looked like it would be decorated for the fourth with streamers fireworks sparklers and red white and blue balloons. I was anxious to see how it would look completed.

Graham liked how the decorating was progressing. He told me he had fireworks planned. The city would take care of shooting off the fireworks up above our house.

It was getting closer and closer to our party day. I had the office closed on the fourth. The city had a parade planned and a carnival setup. Graham's business was also closed Monday on the fourth.

We decided to take in the festivities. We took a couple folding chairs with us to watch the parade. We got there a little early so we could get a spot to watch the parade. We setup our chairs and waited for the parade to start. People were lining the parade route. I could hear music and the university marching band was first playing some patriotic music. Then the floats followed the marching band. The mayor was in a car. Also the Grand Marshall of the parade was in another car. Many businesses had made floats. I noticed one for the clinic. I was wondering who was responsible for that. Probably Shirley and Janice. The float looked like an examination room with a patient on the bed and someone examining the patient. I couldn't tell who the doctor was. Many of the high end stores in the strip mall had floats. As well as some of the stores from the Mall. The parade concluded with the high school marching band. The whole parade lasted about an hour. I was impressed.

Graham and I folded our chairs and took them back to my SUV. We then walked back to where the carnival was setup. There were many little food stands set up all through the carnival. The carnival looked like it was good size. All the rides were operating. And the kids were screaming on the rides, but everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves. Graham and I tried the coin toss and we won a couple of mugs. We had a glass of lemonade. And ate at one of the church booths. We ate sloppy joes with potato chips and had a coke. That would be our high fat meal for the month.

We walked around for a little while. We stopped at the beer garden and had a cold beer. Then thought we had spent enough time.

The next few days went by fast and it was already Friday. Graham was already home when I arrived. I saw him in he backyard talking to Margaret. I walked out and greeted Margaret and Graham. The decorations were just great. As usual. I see that they had drilled holes in the the framework which made a place for the streamers. I liked that idea and when it was dark. They would show up. The firecrackers were plastic and were hanging in different areas. They looked real. I told Margaret, she and her crew had done another fantastic job. The float was perfect for the bar and the buffet. The grandstand worked for the large projection screen and I liked the ticket booth for the DJ.

Margaret told me they were finished and would be back early tomorrow morning to do any last minute adjustments. She said they would insert the sparklers tomorrow morning. And they had more for us to insert. We thanked Margaret again as she and her crew left.

Mabel had left for the weekend. She had two bedrooms ready for our guests. The master bedroom adjoining our bedroom and the guest bedroom across the hall from our master bedroom.

I finally was able to give Graham a kiss and hug. Graham rubbed over my crotch. "Yup, hard and horny."

We walked up to our bedroom and got changed. Actually we changed into nothing. Graham told me to lay down on the bed. He didn't have to tell me twice. He got beween my legs and gave me a wonderful blowjob. Just what I needed to relieve my horniness. He milked out the last of my cum and licked off my cock and balls. He told he had a surprise downstairs.

We got up off the bed and walked downstairs and to the backyard. He pointed to a cardboard box. I opened the box and our specially ordered jocks were inside. The jocks were white with fireworks on the front. I thought fireworks would be fitting for the party and for whatever other activities our friends engaged in.

Graham and I put on the new jocks. We thought we looked pretty good. We took them off and refolded them and put them back in the box.

I was really excited about Cotton coming later. I wasn't sure how that would work out with Graham. Graham knew that Cotton and I were real close at one time. I knew I wanted to have some private time with Cotton. I think I could work that out with Graham. With no problems. It would also be nice to see my brother and Jarvis.

We agreed we needed some lunch. I thought that would be a good time to mention some private time with Cotton and see Graham's reaction.

We checked the frig and decided on some sandwiches. They were a few appetizers left from the caterers. We thought that would be enough for lunch.

Graham and I got everything ready and ate at the breakfast nook. "Graham I have something to ask you and please give me an honest answer. You know that Cotton will be arriving later. I would like to have some private time with him. As you know. We were very close at one time, before you came into my life."

"I thought you might ask me something like this and it was something I had thought about. I don't have any problems with you having some private time with Cotton. I know that Cotton is only here for a short time. And then you'll be all mine."

"I walked around to Graham and gave him a big kiss and hug. Now I know why I love you so much. I was just assumming things. Cotton may not what any private time with me. It's been a long time since we were together. He might like being with the both of us."

"I just want you to know, that whatever happens, it's okay with me."

I was getting antsy and jittery waiting on Cotton to arrive. I was checking the time every minute. I knew I was bothering Graham. "Bob your driving me crazy. Checking the time every minute. Why don't you have a stiff drink or a tranquilizer to calm you down."

"No. I'm sorry. Let's go in the pool and get my mind on something else."

Graham and I dove into the pool. Splashing and horsed around like two young boys. It helped to get my mind off Cotton. We did a few laps and then Graham got us a cold beer.

I didn't refuse the beer. It tasted good and maybe it would get mind on something else. I checked the time again and it going on four. Still a few hours before Cotton would arrive. Maybe my brother and Jarvis would arrive before Cotton. That would help me think about something else. I don't know why I was so infatuated with Cotton coming. He probably was anxious to see both of us. I might be reading too much into his visit.

Even though it was early, I asked Graham if he was hungry. I realized that was mistake after it came out of my mouth. "Sure babe, you want me to help you?"

"No I can handle it." I looked at the decorations as I walked up to the kitchen.

Graham was thinking to himself. He was wondering why Bob so nervous and hyped up about Cotton coming. They were together a few years ago. A lot can change in a few years. I hope Cotton still likes Bob. I'm not jealous about Cotton coming. I have nothing to be jealous about. I hope they have good time while Cotton is here. Will have to wait and see.

Graham got up while Bob was getting dinner ready. He looked at the decorations. Margaret had really done another excellent job. Everything looked perfect. I hope everyone likes the fireworks later. The city will be shooting them off so we can see them directly in the sky above our house and backyard.

I found a few things for sandwiches and made a salad. If we wanted something later, I could fix something for Cotton Reggie and Jarvis. And we could have a large dinner later.

I put everything on a tray. I was sure Graham would want another beer. I poured myself a glass of refreshment and took everything down to the pool. I set it on the small round table by our lounger. Graham ate his salad first and I did the same thing. I had our favorite salad dressing on it with croutons. Graham got himself another beer. I knew he would drink beer. My refreshment tasted good with our light dinner. I fixed ham and cheese sandwiches and had warmed them in the microwave. They tasted good. We finished our dinner and I took everything back to the kitchen.

Dinner only killed another hour. It was just after five. I put everything away. Walked back down to the Graham. He pulled me tight to him and give me a long hug and a very passionate kiss. "Don't worry babe. Everything will be okay. You just need to play it by ear when Cotton arrives. You'll need to feel him out after being apart for a few years. Just let things go as they want to. Don't try to force yourself on Cotton. It might not be something he wants."

"God Graham. When did you become a counselor? But of course, your right. I'm probably putting too much into Cotton coming. I need to see how he reacts when he arrives."

"That's better. That's the husband I know. Keep thinking that way and I'm sure it will make everything easier."

It was nice to relax next to Graham. His warm body pressed on our sides felt reassuring. Graham was my rock and I would be lost without him. I'm glad he's so understanding about Cotton coming for the weekend.

Just then my phone rang. It scared the crap out of me. I picked it up and it was Cotton. "Hey Cotton. How's it going?"

"It's going great. Just wanted to let you know I've arrived safe and sound. I'm in the limousine on my way to your house. Thanks again for the limousine service. This is really the life of luxury."

"Thanks for calling Cotton. I've been driving Graham crazy here checking the time and continually mentioning you to Graham. Where are you at? Any idea?"

"All I know is that we just left the airport. The chaffeur said traffic is light and I should arrive in about an hour."

"Ok. I can hardly wait to see you. I'm glad you like the hotel limousine. I'll have everything ready here for you."

"Calm down Bob. Everything is ok. I'll soon be there and then we can catch up on what we've been up to."

"It's so good to hear your voice and know that you will soon be here."

"Good hearing your voice to too. I'm going to try to rest a bit. I can never sleep on an airplane. See you soon."

"Ok. Take a nap and see you soon."

I knew Graham was listening to my conversation with Cotton.

"It sounds like Cotton is on his way here?"

"Yeah. They just left the airport and the chaffeur told Cotton that traffic was light and they would arrive here in about an hour."

"Good. Now maybe you can relax until Cotton gets here."

"I think I should go upstairs and make sure his bedroom is ready."

"Babe we already checked the guest bedroom for Cotton and the adjoining master bedroom for Reggie and Jarvis. Mabel has both bedrooms ready for our guests."

"I know. I just have all this nervous energy and need to get rid of it."

"I know how to get rid of that nervous energy. You just lay there and relax and spread out."

I saw Graham lean over and take my cock in his mouth. While one of his hands played with my balls. Graham had the right idea on how to relax me. I was getting hard in Graham's mouth and soon I felt my cock going down his throat. A couple of his fingers found my hole and he was rubbing over my prostate. He had me moaning and grunting. I knew I was going to cum soon. I think Graham could tell I was close as he speeded up his pace and was sucking me harder and faster and really rubbing my swollen prostate. I moaned loud and felt my load shooting in Graham's throat. Graham swallowed and then kissed me and slowly eased his fingers out of my hole. "How do you feel now babe?"

"I feel like I woke up in heaven. Why do you always know the right things to do?"

Because your my husband and I know what makes you tick."

I left it at that. There wasn't anymore to be said.

I finally got back to breathing normal and stopped panting and gasping for air. And then my phone rang again. It didn't startle like the call earlier from Cotton.

I looked at my phone and it was Reggie. I mouthed, "Reggie," to Graham. "Hey bro. What a surprise to hear from you."

"I thought you might like to know that I finished work. Got home and showered and picked up my packed overnight bag. Picked up Jarvis and we are on our way to your house. So far traffic isn't very heavy. So if the traffic stays the same, we should be there in about three hours. We might stop somewhere to grab something to eat. If not we might eat a later dinner at your house if that's okay?"

"Of course it's okay to eat here. You guys will know how you feel and if you want to stop somewhere to eat go ahead. Otherwise, your welcome to eat here. Thanks for calling. Take your time and don't push it. Your probably tired after a long work day."

"You know you sound just like mom. Thanks for the invite bro to your party. Jarvis and I are stoked for your party. You and Graham always have the best parties. Look forward to seeing you bro and Jarvis says hi."

"Look forward to seeing you and Jarvis. Tell Jarvis hi from me and Graham. Parties all set. I hope you enjoy yourselves. See you soon."

"See you too bro. Ciao."

Graham looked at me. "That was Reggie and they are on their way here. Reggie said traffic wasn't too bad and if it stayed the same as it was. They should be here in about three hours. They might eat dinner here when they arrive.

I looked at the time and it was just after six. So Reggie will probably be here between nine and nine thirty.

I thought I should make a few phone calls before Cotton got here. I wanted to make sure everything was ready for the party tomorrow. I called Preston first and he told me not to worry. The large projection screen would be set up early in the morning and he said he the bartenders and waiters all ready for the party. I then called the caterers and they said everything was ready for the party. They couldn't wait to see the decorations and enjoy themselves. I knew we had enough beer and hard liquor. We had our two ice machines going so already had two large coolers full of ice and the ice machines were full with more ice when needed. Finally, I called the DJ and he said he would be coming early to get setup. He said he was excited. We always had the best parties.

I told Graham everything was a good. I asked Graham if he had seen a changing room or a room for our guests to put their clothes and put on the jocks? Graham said he didn't recall if there was a changing room.

We got up off our lounger and walked up to where the DJ would be setup. Right across from the DJ was another decorated room. There was our changing room and I saw the box of jocks sitting on the floor in that room. The guest would get a wrist band with a number. The number would represnt their clothes when they were ready to leave. They gave the attendant their wrist band number and he would hand their clothes to them. That always seemed to work the best. The room was good size so it should be able to accommodate all of our guests. I did't know how I had missed this room.

It was going on six thirty and I was starting to get nervous again. Graham saw the change in me right away. He held me tight to him and told me to take deep breaths and relax. That helped and soon I felt better. I knew Cotton should be arriving soon.

I moved up to the living room so I could hear the speaker and front gate easier. Graham reluctantly followed me to the living room. I turned on the tv and watched the news. I thought I heard a noise. But it could have been wishful thinking. I asked Graham if he heard anything. And he just shook his head no. I got up and looked out one of the windows from the foyer. I saw the front gate opening and a black limousine entering. "Cotton was here!!!" I think Graham could have heard me if he was in the sunroom with the door closed. We had our robes on and I watched the limousine pull in and park in front of the front door. The chaffeur got out and opened the back door. I saw Cotton get out. God he looked hot. He walked up the to the front door.

I opened the front door and he walked in. We hugged and kissed and I introduced Cotton to Graham. "I've heard a lot about you Graham?"

"I hope only the good things?"

Graham and Cotton hugged and kissed. The chaffeur set Cotton's overnight bag and garment bag in the foyer. I thanked the chaffeur and gave him a tip.

"God it's good to see you Cotton. You look bulkier than I remember."

"I've working out almost every day."

"It looks like it. Follow Graham and me and we'll show you your bedroom." I carried Cotton's overnight bag and garment bag up to the guest bedroom. "Here you go. Why don't you put your things away and then I'll get some dinner ready for you."

"You don't need to fix and dinner for me Bob. I ate on the airplane."

Graham and I sat on the bed and watched Cotton put his things aways. I thought I saw him with a couple of medicine bottles and quickly put them put into his garment bag. I was wondering what that was. If it was medicine he regularly took, I would think he would put the pills on the nightstand or in the bathroom. Hmmmm. Interesting. I told Cotton he had a robe and sandals for him in the closet. He set his overnight bag in the closet and I thought I saw him take another look inside. He stripped out of his clothes. Damn he had a ripped body. His nice bubble butt make me start salivating. He put the robe and sandals on. I told Graham to take Cotton down to the pool and I'd be right down. I wanted to get something from our bedroom. Graham gave one of his looks like, "what's up?"

I walked out to the hallway and into our bedroom. While Graham and Cotton walked downstairs. I thought it would give Graham and Cotton a chance to get better acquainted. Besides I wanted to check Cotton's overnight bag and see what medication he was taking.

I walked back into the guest bedroom and pulled out Cotton's overnight bag and set it on the bed. I started rummaged through the bottom of his bag trying to find his medicine bottles. I found a zipper at the bottom corner of his garment bag. A strange place to have a zipper. I pulled the zipper open and there were the bottles of his medicine. I pulled out the bottles and lined them up on the bed. These weren't medicine bottles. They contained drugs. Drugs used to spike drinks. "Why in the hell would he have these drugs with him?" I planned to find out. I checked the bottles. I knew what the drugs were. There was GHD Roofies Ketamine Ecstasy and Viagra. I knew all the drugs, except Viagra, wouldn't leave any strange taste or be noticeable in a drink. I picked up the drug bottles and it was time to confront Cotton. I left his overnight bag on he bed.

I put the drug bottles in my robe pocket. Walked downstairs and I could hear Graham and Cotton talking. I walked over to where they were lounging. They were on separate loungers. I sat down next to Graham. "Sounds like you guys are having a good conversation?"

Graham said, "we were just getting acquainted."

I looked at Cotton and he got a strange look on his face. "Everything okay Bob? You are giving me a strange look?"

"Everything's fine Cotton, while I stood up. Maybe you can explain this." While I took out the drug bottles and lined them up on the small round table close to his lounger.

Cotton's face got as white as a sheet. "That's medicine I took for an injury I had working out."

"Come on Cotton. How dumb do you think I am? For Christ's sake I'm a doctor. These are sex drugs, used to spike drinks. Except for the viagra. What I want to know is? Why do you have them? And why did you bring them here?"

Cotton kind of stammered around. Trying to find the right words. "Your right they are sex drugs used to spike drinks. I brought them, because as a side business I sell drugs and have a business where I drug guys and me and some friends have sex with them while they are under the influence of the drugs. We take their money and any jewelry they are wearing."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Do you know how many years in prison you could get if you were found out?"

"I don't have to worry about that. One of my good friends is a cop so I don't have to worry about getting busted. And to answer your question. I brought the drugs, because I knew you would have some hot guys here that might workout good for my business."

"Are you fucking kidding me. I thought we were good friends and you come hear to spike the drinks of my friends and then sexually exploit them and rob them. I'm not turning you in. I should, but I want you out of my house in five minutes. I'm calling a cab and I want you gone. As far as for your drugs. They will stay here with me and you can round up a new supply. If I hear anything in the news about somebody spiking drinks with drugs and having sex and robbing them. I will call my good friend, that is the chief of police here in town, that I know who the drug dealer is. Besides, I have your drugs as proof. Do I make myself fucking clear?"

"Yes you sure do."

"Good you better a get a move on. Your five minutes are running out fast."

Cotton got up in a huff and I stuffed the drugs into my robe pocket and told Graham to follow me. I wanted to make sure he was getting changed and ready to leave. When we got in the bedroom he was almost finished. I called the cab and they would be here in a couple of minutes. "Sorry you feel that way Bob."

"Shut your goddamn mouth and get out of my house. I never want to see you again"

I never heard Bob swear and never this much. The only time I had heard a cuss word from Bob was when he was really upset. Like now. We followed Cotton downstairs and I opened the front door for him. I heard the speaker and the cab was here. I opened the gate and the taxi pulled in. The cabbie put Cotton's overnight bag and garment bag in his cab. Cotton got in and as they left he had the gall to wave at me. I gave him the finger as he left.

I watched until they left through the gate and the gate closed. I was shaking and trembling I was so mad. Graham pulled me tight to him and Graham closed the front door. Let's go down to the pool and have a beer. Graham held me all the way down to the lounger. I sat down while Graham got us a couple of beers. I hugged Graham tight to me. "You don't know how lucky I am to have you. If I would have been by myself, I don't know what I would have done to Cotton. I love you more every day."

"Just try to calm down babe. It's over and enjoy your beer."

I was starting to calm down and feel better. I couldn't believe Cotton. I don't know what he thought he was going to prove. How stupid he was to have those drugs with him. Did he fucking think I was a moron? Oh well, it was over. I was going to mention Cotton to Cal tomorrow at the party and give Cal the drugs. The beer helped and I was starting to feel relaxed.

Something else I found strange was how Cotton could get through airport screening with the drug bottles in his overnight bag. The overnight bag would have to go through the x-ray screening machine. I'd have to ask Cal about that. He might have an answer.

It just felt good to relax after that incident with Cotton. I asked Graham, "babe will do something for me?"

"Of course. What would you like?"

"A double scotch on the rocks straight up. And when your at the bar. Check it out and make sure it's ready for tomorrow."

Graham came back with my drink and gave me a long passionate kiss. I needed that. I was slowly feeling better. I checked the time and it was still a couple of hours before I expected Reggie and Jarvis.

I told Graham that I was going to mention Cotton tomorrow to Cal, at the party. I was going to show Cal the bottles that Cotton had the drugs in. I was wondering how Cotton got through security with those drug bottles in his overnight bag. Graham said he was wondering that too.

We just relaxed and my double drink was really kicking in and relaxing me. I didn't want to get drunk or buzz. But just get a nice calm feeling. And it was starting to happen.

I must have dozed off. I heard calling my name. "Yeah babe. What's up?"

"I let you sleep. You needed the rest. But I was wondering what time you expected your brother?"

"What time is it? It's after nine."

"They should be here soon. I figured if the traffic wasn't too heavy, they should be here between nine and nine thirty."

"You want to go up to the living room so you can hear the speaker easy when they get here?"

"No. It's okay babe. Thanks for the concern. We can hear the speaker okay from here."

I put an arm around Graham so he was tight against me. I was feeling much better after my double drink and a couple hours of napping.

I heard the speaker. Graham did too. We got up and put our robes and sandals on. I pushed the button so the gate would open. I saw Reggie's big SUV come in. He parked on the side of the garage. They got out and Reggie opened the back of his SUV. They took out their overnight bags and walked up to the front door. I opened the front door for them. They set their bags down and we got into a group hug and kiss. I was really happy to see my brother. Especially after the problems with Cotton.

We all walked upstairs to the second master bedroom. We told Reggie and Jarvis we had robes and sandals in their walkin closet. They set their bags on the bed and put their things away. They stripped down and I liked watching their hot bodies. They put on their robes and sandals. I asked them if they were hungry. Reggie told me they got a quick bite to eat on the way. They were hungry and couldn't wait until they got here to eat.

Reggie asked me a favor. "What would you like bro?"

"I remember you telling me you had a sauna installed. A hot steamy shower would feel good after that long drive."

"Let's do it." We all walked downstairs and Graham turned the radiator on for the steam. We all walked into the game and decided on game of pool. Graham racked the balls and the game was on. We were pretty evenly matched. But soon my brother and Jarvis went ahead of Graham and me. It was a fun game. Graham checked the sauna and told us it was ready.

We put our robes in the lockerroom and we each took a towel. We left our sandals by the sauna room door. All of us walked in and moved up to the top bench. Puttng our towels down to sit on. I was sitting next to the radiator and my brother was next to me. Graham was next to my brother and Jarvis was sitting to the side of Graham. I turned on the radiator and you could hear the water sizzle on the hot rocks and see the steam rise. Soon I had the room hot and steamy. Reggie looked at me and told me you know what hot water and hot steam does to to. I told him the same thing happens to me. Soon we were both springing hardons, our cocks sticking straight up. It looked like Graham and Jarvis were chubbing up a little.

I set the timer for thirty minutes. Reggie being the older brother, he was in charge, if anything was going to happen. He was my teacher growing up. Reggie showed me how to masturbate. Teaching me how to suck cock and how to fuck a nice tight hot hole. So I was waiting for his lead and see if he was going to do anything.

It didn't take long until I felt his hand wrap around my hard shaft and start giving me some slow strokes. I returned the favor and did the same thing to my brother. We were almost twins in the cock department. His hand felt good on my cock. Bringing back memories of us sleeping together and jerking each other off until we got super hard. Then we would fuck each other. And lick and clean each other's cocks off after we came. Reggie started picking up his pace and I started thrusting into his hand. I felt Reggie doing the same thing to me. Then he took his hand off my cock and went down on me. His hot mouth and throat were working his magic on my cock. He knew all my hot spots and soon had me shooting down his throat. Once I finished cumming. I took care of my brother. Sucking him down to his pubes and making him shoot a big load down my throat. We cleaned each other's cocks off. I saw Graham and Jarvis getting close to cumming. Reggie and I watching them and it was keeping our cocks chubbed. Finally they came and licked each other clean. I checked the time and we only had a couple minutes left. I gave us one final shot of steam and then told everyone our time was up. I turned the radiator off and we walked out and put our sandals on and walked into the lockerroom to shower.

Graham got the shower going and we all walked in. We washed each other and got hard again, but we agreed not to do anything more until we went to bed. We dried each other off, put our robes and sandals on and went upstairs. I asked the guys if they wanted anything to eat. They said maybe a snack. I told them to go down to the pool and I would join them soon with some snacks.

Reggie and Jarvis took their time looking at the decorations. They really liked the way Margaret and her crew had decorated. Then Graham grabbed them all a beer and they relaxed on the loungers.

I was checking the frig to see what we had for snacks. There was a few appetizers left. And some ham and cheese sandwiches I could warm and cut into bite sized pieces. I thought that as enough.

I got everything arranged on a tray and took it down to the pool. And set it on a round table were everyone was lounging. Graham got me a beer. The sandwiches and appetizers hit the spot and the guys said it was just right. I had forgot all about Cotton. I was glad my brother and Jarvis were here. It sure helped me alot.

It was getting later and we thought we should turn in. I reminded Graham that Margaret and her crew would be coming early to check the decorations. Then the DJ and the crew to set up the large projection screen and then the caterers bartenders and waiters. So we all crawled into our overized king sized bed. There was enough room for the four of us. Jarvis and I got into a sixty nine and Graham and Reggie got into a sixty nine. Jarvis was about the same size as us. Jarvis liked how I could wrap my throat muscles around his shaft and work it up and down. It didn't Jarvis long until he came. It took me longer, but Jarvis didn't seem to mind. I heard my brother and Graham moaning and grunting and I knew they were cumming. We all looked satisfied and we cuddled up together and went to sleep.

I woke up first and got Graham awake. We managed to untangle ourselves without waking Reggie or Jarvis. We took a quick shower and put some shorts and tshirts on and went downstairs. It was good timing. I heard Margaret's van pulling in. I went over and opened the front door for them. I thanked Margaret for another fantastic decorating job. She thanked me and then we all walked out to the back patio. The crew and Margaret started checking everything over. I only saw a couple of adjustments made. Margaret and her crew put in the sparklers and then she handed me a couple of full boxes. She said they would look the best when it was dark outside. They then left.

I looked at Graham. "I'm hungry for breakfast."

"Me too."

I walked upstairs and Reggie and Jarvis were stirring and rubbing their eyes. I told them breakfast was ready and to be sure to put some clothes on. We had different crews coming early to get set up for the party. They told me they would be right down.

We set the breakfast nook for four people. And Graham set all the food on the table. I heard Reggie and Jarvis and they walked in and sat down. We all ate breakfast together and then they went back upstairs to shower and get ready for the day. Graham and I put everything away and cleaned the kitchen.

I was wondering how soon some of the crews would start arriving. It didn't take long and I saw the van for the DJ pull in and I opened the front door for him and showed him his spot. He really liked the idea of a ticket booth. He started setting up his equipment. He said he needed to make another trip to his van. He brought in the rest of his equipment. He was about all setup and then he started doing some sound tests. A small truck came in and it was the crew to setup the projection screen. I showed them the grandstand. They really liked that idea and said the projection screen would fit perfectly in that spot. They finished and it fit perfectly. They left and the DJ was finishing his sounds tests and put on some really nice music. I checked the the time and it was already after eleven. I hadn't realized the time had went by that fast. I heard another van pull in and it parked next to Reggie's SUV. It was the bartenders and waiters. God those guys were hot. Some of them looked familiar. I asked them which one wanted to work the changing room. One guys volunteered and I told him to wait up by the DJ. I took the other guys down and showed them the bar and where the buffet would be setup. They liked the float. They said it was the first time they had worked on a float. While they did their thing I walked back up to the DJ's area and showed the other guy where he would be working. It looked like an oversized ticket booth. I explained the numbered wrist bands. Showed him the box of the jocks. He stripped down right in front of me and I thought I was going to faint. He was so drop dead gorgeous. Everything about his was perfect. He put on a jock and it definitely showed off his assets. The DJ walked over and stripped down and got his numbered wristband and had a jock on. The DJ was a pretty hot number too.

I walked back up to the foyer and saw the caterers van pull in. I opened the front doors for them. They started hauling in the food for the buffet and then four large tiered appetizer trays. We set the appetizers on the kitchen island. I told the waiters the appetizers were on the kitchen island. Everything looked delicious for the buffet. The caterers then went up and got their numbered wrist bands and had their jocks on. They filled out the jocks to perfection.

Everything looked ready. All we needed now was our guests. Graham and I had the new jocks on. I saw Reggie and Jarvis getting their jocks. I had a man working the gate with a guest list. I had used him before. So I didn't need to explain anything to him. He was also good in helping our guests park. He was able to have them park so that almost everyone could fit in the front.

I was hoping Preston would be one of the first ones to arrive. I wanted him to help me with the disk I had made of the villa owner and have it going in a continuous loop.

Guests were starting to arrive. I kept my eyes open for Preston, but I didn't see him. I did see Cal and Dave and thought I'd talk to Cal before the party really got going. I found Graham and gave him the disk and told him to have Preston play it on the projection screen in a continuous loop. I was going to talk to Cal. Graham told me he would take care of it. As soon as Preston arrived.

I walked over to Cal and asked him if he had a minute. He said sure. We went to a place where we could talk privately. I told Cal everything that happened with Cotton. Then asked Cal how Cotton could have went through security with those bottles of drugs in his garment bag. Cal told me they had just received some information that drug dealers had found a new type of material for medicine bottles that wouldn't be detected by the TSA X-Ray machine. I asked Cal if he wanted to see the bottles. We went upstairs to my bedroom and I got the bottles out of the night stand lined them up. He looked at the bottles. "Very interesting. Can I take these Bob?"

"Of course. I don't want those drugs in my house."

"I'm going to turn them over to the FBI. They have the sophisticated equipment to study these bottles. Also, I will tell them about Cotton. Where does he live?"

I gave Cal his address and phone number. However, I told Cal that maybe after the incident here. He would move and change his phone number. I also told Cal where Cotton worked and the town he was living in. Cal told me that would be all the information the FBI would need. They would take care of the investigation if they thought it was warranted.

I saw Cal put the bottles into a plastic bag and he tagged the bag and stuck in his pants pocket. Let's get back to the party and enjoy ourselves.

We walked downstairs and you could hear the music. Cal walked into the changing room and put a jock on. I thanked him and he told me he would stay in touch.

I wandered around trying to find Graham. I didn't see the video playing on the large projection screen. I finally spotted Graham over by the buffet. I should have known. I asked him if Preston was here. He said he hadn't seen him yet. Graham handed me the disk and I moved up closer to the DJ and the entrance to the backyard.

The party was going pretty good now. I was wondering what happened to Preston. I was wondering if I should give him a call. I thought I'd wait a few more minutes and see if he showed up. To my surprise I saw Anthony and Roland come in. I walked up to them and gave them a hug and kiss. "What a surprise. I didn't expect to see you guys here."

"Come on Bob. You know we don't like to miss you and Graham's parties. We are staying at the hotel. We have a short amount of time to stay. But wanted to make our appearance and congratulate you on another wonderful party."

"Why don't you get changed. I need to talk to Preston and then I'll get back to you guys."

Anthony and Roland walked into the changing room. And I walked over to Preston. He apologized for getting here late. Some unexpected things had come up at the last minute. I gave Preston the disk and asked him if he could put in the player for the projection screen and set it to play on a continuous loop. He said he could do that. He told me I might want to make an announcement.

That was a good idea and I walked up to the DJ and asked him if he had a microphone. I needed to make an announcement. He turned the music down and hooked up the microphone. I tapped the microphone and it was working. "Hello everyone. Can I have your attention please."

Soon everyone got quiet. First, I'd like to thank you for coming to our party. I hope your enjoying yourself. A loud cheer went up. I went you to direct your attention to the projection screen. I made a disk copy from some information that was send to me on the internet. This is a little different than what we usually show on the projection screen. But I hope you will take time to watch the slideshow. And hopefully you will like what you see. Thanks again for coming and have a good time.

Once I finished. Preston got the disk going. Everyone took a seat in the chairs that were placed in front of the projection screen. It got quiet when the slideshow started. Almost everyone was watching the slideshow. I saw some of our friends writing down information on their arm and some had pieces of paper. Once the slideshow finished and started playing again. Most of the guys got up and started mingling again. Preston found me and told a little later he would put in a disk he brought. It was an hour program of the strippers. Once it finished it would put my disk back in again.

I had a waiter bring me a beer. And I grabbed a couple of appetizers off another waiters tray. I mingled around and talked to our friends. Everyone said they were having a good time. And were really interested in the villas in the Bahamas. Everyone looked hot in their jocks. Some of them told me the jocks were appropriate. They planned on having some of their fireworks. It was getting dark and I got ahold of Graham so we could light the sparklers. He went up and grabbed a couple barbeque lighters from our utility drawer and came back down. We started lighting the sparklers and they showed up good in the dark. Everyone was clapping and cheering.

I heard the music die down and Preston got on the microphone. He said he had a good disk he wanted to play now on the projection screen. When the disk finished he said fireworks would be going off above the house. The music went back up and I saw Preston at the the player changing the disk. Soon the music stopped and you heard music on the projection screen and soon the strippers appeared. Our friends started cheering and clapping and dancing to the music. Once the disk finished. Preston told everyone to get seated to watch the fireworks. He said all we had to do was look up to the sky. Soon the fireworks started. It was really a good fireworks show. Once the fireworks finished, Preston changed disks and my disk was playing again.

Some of our friends were getting tired and said they would be leaving. But they had a really good time. And thanked us for a great party. Soon everyone was leaving and it was just Graham Reggie Jarvis and me. I walked over to the buffet and everything was gone. Graham told me that the leftovers were in containers in our frig along with the left over appetizers. Reggie and Jarvis told us they had a really good time. And we had a hot group of friends.

We decided not to do anything tonight. The caterers decorators DJ and the projection screen crew would be here tomorrow and we would let them take care of the backyard. Besides we were all tired.

We walked upstairs to our bedroom and Reggie and Jarvis told us they really liked the villas in the Bahamas and Reggie said he was going to check into it more and hopefully they would be going on vacation in the Bahamas. Graham and I were pleased to hear that. We didn't have many clothes to take off when we went to bed. Just our jocks and sandals.

We crawled into bed. We definitely weren't too tired for some good old fashioned sex. We got into a four way sucking and fucking until everyone had been taken care of. We really tired when we finished and fell asleep in a heap of arms and legs intertwined.

End of Chapter 16 - Independence Day

Chapter 17 - Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter. However, due to some problems the photos are not working at this time. I will be revising and editing all the chapters in My Alphabet Friends when I finish this series.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 17. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 17

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