Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Published on Feb 11, 2023


Bob's Holidays Chapter 6

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The following story is a work of fiction from the authors mind. It contains adult situations between consenting adults. If this offends you and is illegal in your area, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Any similarities to actual people or events is purely coincidental. This story does not promote safe sex. Please practice safe sex at all times. Don't put your life or someone else's in jeopardy.

If you haven't read my story, "My Alphabet Friends," I would recommend doing so. All characters in this series are from My Alphabet Friends. There are pictures of the characters at the end of each chapter. You will find, My Alphabet Friends, in Gay/Adult Friends.

Bob's Holidays

By Francis Scott

Chapter 6 - Ash Wednesay

It was nice to have the rest of Sunday to relax. The bodyguards left in the middle of the morning. They needed to prepare for their next assignment. They had already called us a couple of times and thanked us again for a wonderful instructive time. We told them we looked forward to having them visit again.

"You hungry babe?" Thinking that was dumb thing to ask Graham. He's always hungry.

"Yeah. My stomach's been growling."

"I'll go to the kitchen and see what Margaret made for us. And get it warmed up and then I'll bring it down here to eat."

"Babe you are just too good to me. We are good for each other. Just relax and I'll be down shortly with our lunch."

Graham almost fell asleep while he waited for lunch. He needed to put some sunscreen on. He was tanning, but it took him a long time and he didn't want to get a sunburn. He lathered himself with sunscreen and then went over to get Bob and him a couple of cold beers. He wanted to have the beers ready when Bob brought the lunch down.

Graham saw Bob coming down the steps to the pool with a large tray. The tray was loaded with all different kinds of food. There was even an appetizer tray on the large tray. Margaret must have made the appetizers. Bob set the big tray down on a small round table where they were reclining.

Graham handed Bob a cold beer. "Thanks husband. I need a cold beer."

"Go ahead and dig in. I'm going to drink a little of my beer first and then indulge in dinner. I was snacked and nibbling on everything while I was getting it ready."

Graham didn't need to be told twice. He had his dinner plate loaded with a little bit of everything.

I just watched Graham and shook my head. Graham looked like he was actually salivating. Like one of Pavlov's dogs.

I finished my beer and went and got us a couple more. When I returned to the our recliner. I loaded my dinner plate and ate a little bit of everything. I noticed the appetizer tray way in the back of the frig. Margaret must have made this for when the bodyguards were here. But since we had delivery or ate out. I never noticed the appetizer tray in the frig.

Graham was filling his dinner plate again. He better do some laps when he finishes eating and burn some of those calories off.

I nibbled at my dinner plate. Everything was very good. And I just wanted to enjoy each bite of food. Graham looked like he had finished. It was hard to tell. He was still eyeing the big tray of food.

Graham started picking at the large tray of food, rather than making another plate. He seemed kind of nervous and preoccupied.

"What's the matter babe?"

"I've been waiting for the manager of the British Artist to give me a confirmation call."

"Didn't they arrive in Las Vegas this weekend?"

"Yeah, they did."

"Their probably busy getting settling in and the British artist may have had studio work to do and check the showroom he would be using."

"Your probably right. Maybe I will hear something later. It's still early and with the time change, it's even earlier in Las Vegas."

"How about if we do a few laps in the pool?" I wanted Graham to get a little exercise.

We got up and Graham dove into the pool and I followed behind him. I got Graham doing laps with me. It started out slow, but I got him to compete with me. I wanted to get a little exercise in.

I saw Graham jump out of the pool quick and dry off his hands and started talking on his cell phone. I hadn't heard his phone ring. I did a few more laps while he talked on the phone.

I finally climbed out. Dried off and went back to our double recliner. It sounded like he was close to finishing the call. I took a cracker and put some ham and cheese on it. Tasted pretty good. I need Margaret to buy more of that ham.

Graham set his phone down and told me that was the British star's manager. Everything was set for us for next Saturday. Leaving here at nine and would arrive their right around noon. He was sending his private jet with one of his limousines and chaffeur. "That sounds perfect babe. I still can't believe he wants to spend time with us. I would think he would rather be around other celebrities."

Let's jump in the hot tub for a bit. It's really relaxing. We moved our towels and robes to a double lounger by the jacuzzi. I turned the jets on and the heater. We climbed in and sat down together. The swirling warm water felt good. We hugged and kissed. I could see Graham's cock getting hard. Mine was starting to chub up. I reached down in the water between Graham's legs and fondled his cock and balls. He just sat there next to me with his eyes closed. I soon felt one of his hands coming over and rubbing the length of my cock. That was all it took and I sprung to attention. We soon were stroking each other under the water with the jets swirling around us. We were moaning and humping each other's hands until we both let out a loud grunt and we could see our cum rising to the surface of the jacuzzi. That would give the filters a good workout.

We climbed out and I saw Graham still leaking cum. I got down on my knees and sucked out the last few drops of his cum. And cleaned off the sides of his cock. I was must have been leaking too. Because soon Graham was sucking out my last gobs of cum. We laid down the lounger with our bodies tight together.

"That was fun."

"I liked that when it was spontaneous."

"Me too. Let's be more spontaneous." That made us both laugh?

"I was going to refill the large tray and let that be our dinner. Is that okay with you?"

"That food was delicious. That's fine with me."

"Where do you want to eat babe?"

"How about up in the sunroom. I've missed not being up there that much."

"Ok. I'm going to get the big tray filled again. Why don't you take care of our towels and robes and I'll join you in the sunroom when I have dinner ready."

"I'm going to set up the big tray like a charcuterie board. Everything we had for lunch will be on the tray, plus a few other goodies."

We got up and Graham took our robes and towels and I took the big tray to the kitchen to get it ready for dinner.

I wasn't a chef by any stretch of the imagination. I was able to do okay making breakfast and that was about the extent of my cooking. I could warm up food Margaret had prepared. So I wasn't sure how this appetizer tray was going to turn out. I remembered things I had seen so I would give it my best shot.

I arranged the crackers on the tray. Put different kinds of deli meat on the tray. I remembered I had seen the meat rolled, probably to give more room on the tray. I put a of couple blocks of different cheese with cheese knives. Arranged some red and green grapes around. Put a couple of little containers with mixed nuts and olives and thought I did a pretty good job. Nothing like the chefs at the hotel, but I think I did ok for my first attempt. I'll see what Graham says.

I found some small dessert plates and put them on the edge of the tray with some napkins. I made my way upstairs to the sunroom. It was a bit of a juggling act getting the door open to the sunroom and carrying this big tray, but somehow I managed without losing anything.

As I got closer I saw Graham's eyes lighting up. I set the big tray down on the round table where we were sitting. I heard the parrots a couple of times. I don't know if those were squawks of approval or disapproval. Graham said it looked delicious. But I still wasn't sure how I did arranging the tray. Graham wasn't the best judge. As long as there was food in front of him, he was happy.

I cut a piece of cheese, put it on a cracker with some deli ham. Tasted pretty good. Graham had beer ready for us. And it tasted good with our appetizers.

We made a big dent on the appetizer tray. We decided to go in and watch tv in the living room and relax on the couch and nibble on our snacks. We had finished our beer and I told Graham I was going to get us each a glass of white wine.

I put the large tray on the coffee table in the living room. Graham laid down on the couch and started flipping through the channels. I went to the the kitchen and took a chilled bottle of wine out of our wine refrigerator. I opened the bottle and put it in an ice bucket and took it to the living room with a couple of wine flutes. The wine tasted good with our appetizers. Graham had found a good college football game, that was still in the first quarter. It was a couple of teams that we didn't follow that much. But the game was good and held our interest.

We nibbled on our appetizers and drank our wine. Laying together on the couch. It felt good having Graham's warm naked body pressed up to me. He was always so warm. We watched the game and pretty much cleared the snack tray. The game was good and watched it to the end. I was tired and I could hear Graham sleeping. I soon feel asleep with his arm draped around me. The tv was going and the snack tray was still on the coffee table when we woke up.

I had no idea what time it was. I checked the kitchen clock and it was just after six. I woke Graham and told him the time and we needed to go downstairs and workout.

We made our way slowly downstairs to the lockerroom. Some of the guys were already working out. We put our jocks on and joined them. We stretched and got warmed up. The workout lasted well over an hour. Dave Cal Brody and Travis jumped in the shower and Graham and I soon joined them.

We washed each other, paying special attention to all those man parts. Cal sat down on the shower seat. And we all took our turns getting fucked by Cal and sucked off at the same time. What a way to start the day. We dried each other off and got dressed and went upstairs for breakfast.

Margaret had everything ready for us on the outdoor patio table. It was nice eating outside. It felt like it was going to be another nice day. The guys asked us about the bodyguards and we told them a little about what happened. Graham and I didn't go into specifics, we thought it was better to leave out the details. We told the guys they wanted to come back and visit again when they were between jobs.

We all finished breakfast. Thanked Margaret and headed into the garage to leave for work. We got into a group kiss and hug. We all left for work in our separate directions.

Graham and I met for lunch at the diner. Millie was being her regular flirtatious self. It was nice to see her back to her old self. Graham told me he had all the information finalized for leaving next Saturday morning for Las Vegas. I told Graham I had everything worked out at the clinic for being gone for a week. He told me that Preston would take care of everything while he was gone for the week. So it looked like everything was in place. Millie brought our lunch and we enjoyed it. Graham and had dessert while I had another cup of coffee. We finished and paid Millie and gave her a tip. She gave us a wink and blew us a kiss as we left.

The next few days seemed to fly by. I was working a little longer. Trying to get in more of my appointments before being gone all next week. Trying to make the work load easier for Janice and Quinton. Shirley seemed to appreciate what I was doing.

It was already Friday. Thank god for a half day of work. I got home before Graham. I knew I would. He had to put in a full day of work. I checked our luggage and it looked like everything was in order. Just our toiletries and maybe a couple of last minute things. I was looking forward to going to Las Vegas. I thought this should be quite an experience.

Margaret had left for the day and she would still come all next week while we were gone. She had told me it would be a good time to do some extra cleaning she had been putting off. I don't know where in the house. Everything always looks so clean and fresh.

I stripped down and put a jock on. Grabbed the daily paper and walked down to the pool. Nothing much of interest in the paper. So I put some sunscreen on and, closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sun.

I didn't hear Graham came down to the pool. He was naked and didn't mess with putting on a jock. "Babe, you home early?"

"No. It's just after five."

"I must have dozed off. I hope I don't look like a baked lobster."

"You look just as hot and sexy as always. You must have been a good amount of sunscreen."

I did remember putting on sunscreen. "You want to check your luggage and then eat? Or eat first and then check your luggage? "

"I already checked my luggage and everything looks ready to go. Just put my toiletries in my carry on and I'll be ready."

"Same for me too. At least traveling in his private jet. We don't have to worry about long lines and security. What time is the limousine supposed to be here to pick us up?"

"I told the manager to have the limousine here around seven thirty. To give us plenty of time getting to the airport. We leave the airport at nine. I didn't want to have to rush around at the last minute. That's when it's easy to forget something."

"How about if I warm dinner for us? Where do you want to eat?"

"How about if we eat in the breakfast nook. I'll help you and it will get done faster."

We got up from the lounger and walked up to the kitchen. While I was pulling out the microwave containers from the frig. I felt Graham rubbing up behind me. Since I was wearing a jock and he was naked. It was easy to feel his cock rubbing over my ass. "It feels like someone is horny?"

"I'm always horny for you. I love you more every day."

"Ditto babe. Feel the same way about you." I turned around and hugged Graham to me and we kissed. I broke us apart and put the containers in the microwave.

Graham was really horned up and kept staying behind me. Rubbing his growing cock over my ass and hole.

I set the breakfast nook and put the warm containers on the table. I was drinking coffee and Graham said he would have a cup of black coffee too.

He finally sat down and we ate our dinner. It wasn't too bad. We finished eating and put everything away.

Graham and I decided to watch tv in bed. Even though it was early. We wanted to go to sleep early and feel rested in the morning for our flight to Las Vegas.

We double checked our luggage one more time. Everything looked in order. We crawled into bed and snuggled together. Graham found a good movie that we hadn't seen. He was getting frisky again and soon his hand was on my cock slowly stroking me under the sheets. I reached over and played with his balls. He looked at me and smiled. We kept fondling each other and soon I pulled the sheet down and we moved into a sixty nine. We sucked each other until our cocks were rock hard. Then we fondled each other's balls while we deep throated each other. I had Graham moaning in no time. I felt his cock thickening in my throat and spasm and jerk and soon he was flooding my mouth and throat with one of his delicious loads. I soon returned the favor to Graham. Giving him one of my big loads. We kissed after cumming. Tasting each other's cum. And went back to watching the movie until it finished.

Graham turned the tv off and we cuddled and snuggled together and fell asleep. Graham had set the alarm, so that we wouldn't sleep in and be late getting ready to leave.

I heard the alarm and I saw Graham reach over and turn it off. We crawled out of bed and showered. We didn't fool around in the shower. We were both hyper about traveling to Las Vegas. We had no idea what was in store for us. But we knew we would enjoy our time in Las Vegas.

We each took off and started getting dressed. We had had some more tailor made clothes. They were sporty yet on the dressy side. We splashed on some cologne and stowed our toiletries in our carry on bags.

I went downstairs before Graham and made a quick breakfast for us. I soon saw Graham coming down the stairs with some of our luggage. He then went back upstairs and came down with the rest of our luggage. We ate breakfast at the kitchen island. I didn't cook anything special, but it tasted okay and was filling.

I got everything put away and we waited for the limousine. Graham heard the speaker and pressed the button so the gate would open. A large Rolls-Royce limousine pulled in. Oh my god. I had never seen a Roll-Royce limousine. It was quite a site. I saw the chaffeur get out and I opened the front door. Graham and I greeted him and he stowed all our luggage and garment bags in the limousine. And soon we were on our way to the airport.

Graham and I talked with the chafferur and he said this was one of six limousines the master owned. I was a little surprised to hear the chaffeur refer to his boss as master.

We soon arrived at the airport with time to spare. Just the way I liked it. The chaffeur pulled up in front of a full size commerical airplane. He said this was one of two planes the master owned. This one we would be flying on was his favorite. The chaffeur walked around and opened our doors for us. We got out and a very handsome young man greeted us and told us to go ahead inside and make ourselves comfortable. He would be right with us after our luggage was stowed.

We walked into a hotel living room. This plane was going to be like flying in a hotel suite. We sat down on facing wing back chairs where we could look out. I saw the chaffeur drive the limousine in the cargo hold of the plane. Special hydraulic lifts smoothly moved the car into the cargo hold. It was really something to watch. The young man came back in and asked us if we would like something to drink. We both agreed on a glass of white wine.

The steward asked us if we would like tour. We told him sure. He handed us our glasses of wine and we started taking us around. We were in the formal sitting room. There was an elegant dining room. Three bedrooms with a massive master bedroom. A full size kitchen. An entertainment room with a surround sound system and a large flat screen tv. All the rooms had wi-fi connection. We went back to the sitting room and sipped on our wine.

The steward asked us if we would like a snack tray before we have lunch. We told him a snack tray would be perfect.

The steward came back shortly with a snack tray. We asked him about more flight crew. He said that since it was just Graham and me, that only one steward was needed. A full flight crew would have six stewards. He told us he was going to finish getting our lunch ready.

The steward saw Graham and me looking at some of paintings. He came out of the kitchen and told us the master is a collector of art. Paintings drawings and sculpture. You and Graham must be some very special friends of the master. This is the first time I've seen him send one of his private jets to pick up some friends and have them flown to his villa in Las Vegas.

"Why do you call him master? I notice the chaffeur called him master too."

"That's what he prefers and I'm not going to argue with him. He pays well and I use the money to pay for my college education."

"That's very admirable."

"Not at all. He's very friendly and nice to all of his staff. He buys us birthday presents. And has a big Christmas party for all of his staff."

We went back to the sitting area and the steward said lunch was almost ready.

We saw him bringing out a large tray and taking it to the dining room. The steward got the dining room set up very elegantly and told us that lunch was ready. He asked what we would like to drink. We told him a bottle of white wine would be nice. He asked us if we wanted him to serve us. We told him no. Just to bring the wine.

Graham took the cover off the large tray and there was an assortment of different meats with dipping sauces. Fresh warmed bread and a side of mixed vegetables. This was perfect for Graham and me.

The steward brought out the wine bottle on ice and set the bucket on the stand close to Graham. The steward poured a couple of flutes of white wine and sat them by our plates.

We thanked him and told him everything looked delicious.

Graham and I clinked our glasses and said, "cheers" and the mouthed, "I love you," to each other. We really had no idea of what to expect when we arrived in Las Vegas.

We made a big dent in the large tray of food. The dipping sauces brought out the flavor of the meat. We were stuffed and the steward cleared the table and brought out an assortment of desserts. Dessert brought a smile to Graham's face. There was an assortment of sweet rolls. Pie, with or without ice cream. And a three tier yellow cake with vanilla frosting decorated with vanilla cream flowers.

I took a filled glazed donut. And a piece of apple pie without ice cream. I was waiting to see what Graham was going to eat. He took a chocolate filled donut. A piece of apple pie with ice cream and a slice of the cake.

Graham had to use a dinner plate to fit everything. He was half way through his dessert when I finished my filled donut. He started on his cake while I ate my pie. We both finished at about the same time. We told the steward we would take black coffee in the sitting room.

The steward came back almost immediately with two black coffees. He told us the we would be landing in about a half hour. The pilot doesn't make any announcements. The steward said it's something the master doesn't like. The only announcement the pilot would make was if there was an emergency. Interesting. It seems this master has a lot of little quirks. I wonder what else we will find out about him.

I could feel us making our descent. The steward took our coffee cups and put them somewhere in the kitchen. He had told us to be sure to use our seatbelts.

We made a very smooth landing. And soon we were taxiing to our private slot. The plane stopped and I heard some strange noises coming from the bottom of the plane. I looked out the window and the hydraulic lifts were working and lowering the limousine. I saw the chaffeur there, supervising. That made me wonder where he had kept himself. I never saw him throughout our whole flight.

I saw the steward walk over and open the front door with steps that automatically went down to the tarmac. He walked over to us and told us we could deboard the plane now and thanked us for flying with them. The pilot co-piloat and navigator also thanked us for flying with them. We walked down the stairs and the warm heat was like a slap in the face. I noticed the chaffeur had the limousine parked close to the stairs. When we reached the tarmac he opened the back doors of the limousine for us. I watched as he stowed our luggage and garment bags in the limousine. We waved goodbye to the flight crew and soon we were on our way to the British star's villa. The next part of our adventure was beginning.

Graham fixed us a scotch and water on the rocks. The drink tasted good with the warm weather. Even though the limousine was air conditioned. Graham and I were adjusting to the warm weather.

We came up to the hotel where the British star was performing. The chaffeur went through a private entrance and the villa started appearing. Oh my god. It looked more like a five star hotel, rather than a villa. The villa was constructed in the Mediterrean style. It had a rough stucco facade with arches. It almost looked like it had a little Spanish touch to the villa also.

The driver parked in front and some of the staff was their to greet Graham and me.

The chaffeur quickly came around and opened the doors for us. We got out and were greeted by some of the staff waiting for us. You must be Bob and Graham. We introduced ourselves, "I'm Bob and this is Graham." The staff introduced themselves to us. But I knew I wouldn't remember their names. Something I'm not good at. The head housekeeper told us to follow him. I noticed all the staff was male and they were all very good looking. We followed him inside the villa. Wow, wow, wow was all I could say. I have never seen anything like this. Everything was on an open floor plan, but it was huge. Like really huge.

We followed the head housekeeper down on one side of the villa and he opened the door for us. We were in a very large master bedroom. The head housekeeper corrected me and told me this was one of the bedrooms in the main house. This bedroom connected to the master's. He's asleep right now. He always sleeps until lunchtime after doing two night shows. A couple of the other staff brought in our luggage and garment bags. They asked Graham and me if we wanted them to put our things away. We told them that would be fine.

The head housekeeper told us to follow him and he would show us around the villa. We saw a huge gourmet kitchen with the master's own chef and kitchen staff. We saw a music room with a very large piano. He told us that the master practices and composes music in this room. And when he's in this room, he's not to be disturbed until he leaves.

We saw four more bedrooms. They were a little smaller than the one Graham and I had. The other side of the villa had the main dining room, a game room and a large theater room. The master also had a room I had never seen before. This room is where he stored all his music. It was climate controlled and it looked full. Maybe a little storage space on the top shelves.

At the far end of the villa was a guest house. We asked the head housekeeper why we weren't in the guest house? He told us that the master had given the staff strict orders that he wanted us in his adjoining bedroom. And we were to have the VIP treatment while we stayed here in his villa. The pool was large. It was a nice size with some landscaping. Graham and I agreed that our pool and landscaping was much better. The housekeeper then asked us what we would like to do before lunch. We told him we thought we'd change into our swimsuits and lounge by the pool if that was okay. You are getting the VIP treatment so anything you want to do is okay. I should tell you that clothing is optional at the pool. He gave Graham and me a wink and we followed him back to our room.

He left as we entered our bedroom. Towels and robes were laid out on the bed. Graham and I looked at each other. "What do you think babe? Should we go to the pool naked?"

"I'm game if you are. Doesn't bother me being naked. We are naked around how many men every morning when we workout?"

"Your right. Except those are our close friends. I'm not so sure about being naked here. I think we should wait until we meet the British star and see how it goes."

"Maybe your right. I'd rather get the okay from him. Than his staff."

Graham and I got out some swimsuits. They were Speedos, so they didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination. We thought we'd be safe wearing them.

Graham had a dark blue Speedo and mine was black. We arranged our cock and balls so that they made a nice bulge in our Speedos. The tight lycra fabric was making me stay semi hard. We hadn't worn Speedos in a long time.

We put the robes on and we each took a towel and draped it over our shoulders. We put on some sandals and walked down to the pool.

As we got closer to the pool, it looked like two men were there relaxing and talking. I could tell one was the British star and I assumed the other man was his partner and business manager.

I could tell they were naked and laying on towels. The British star was an older gentleman and he was quite hung. His partner was a few years younger and he looked to be about our size, seven to seven and a half inches hard. They saw us coming down and stood up.

We shook hands and the British star said how happy he was to have us staying at his villa. He apologized for sleeping when we arrived. But he told us he likes to be well rested when he's performing. He told us he had two shows again tonight. The first show from seven to nine. And the second show from nine thirty to eleven thirty. It might not seem late to some people. But performing takes a lot of energy, and two shows back to back takes even more energy.

He told us to make ourselves comfortable. The British star was surprised when he saw us in Speedos. "What's with the Speedos, Bob and Graham?"

"We thought it would be proper to wear Speedos. Your head of the household told us it would be okay to be naked. But we wanted to hear it from you first. Again to make sure it was ok."

The British star started laughing. "I'm sorry for laughing. But of course your welcome to be here naked. Most of my staff is usually naked like us. So go ahead and drop those Speedos."

We put our robes on recliners and laid our towels down. Then we stuck our thumbs in the sides of our Speedos and slid them down and off. I was almost hard so I tried to keep my back to both men.

"Bob, nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about."

I turned and face them.

"Now doesn't that feel much better? You definitely have nothing to be ashamed about."

One of the staff came down with a chilled bottle of white wine and poured us each a flute of wine.

The British star told us he had special VIP tickets for us for both shows if we decided we wanted to stay for both shows. He said we had the option of watching his shows from backstage or in the VIP booth in the showroom. Graham and I told him we would watch the first show from backstage and the second show from the VIP booth in the showroom.

The wine tasted good and we clinked our glasses and said, "cheers."

Graham and I noticed the British star and his manager looking at us a lot. "Is something the matter, you two keep staring at us?"

"I telling my manager what nice men you are. Well mannered, hung, and you like my music."

That made Graham and me blush. "You are guys are good looking and well hung too."

"How about if you all get in the pool and get a little better acquainted?"

"I like that idea."

The British singer and his manager walked into the pool from the swallow end. Graham and I dove in on the deep end.

The manager motioned for us to come to them. We swam down to the shallow end of the pool. The British star said, "we don't swim in the pool just relax in the shallow end. Move in closer. We are all friends here."

Graham and I moved in close to the star and the manager. Soon we were in a group hug. Our cocks were hitting together. I think that's what the star wanted. I didn't care. We were his guests and he was paying for everything. So the least we could do, is grant his wishes. He was older and anything that made him happy made me happy. Soon we were all tight together. Our four cocks rubbing together and getting hard. The star had his eyes closed and I could tell he was really enjoying this.

The head housekeeper walked over to us in just a jock. The jock was well packed. He told us that lunch was ready when we were.

The star said he wanted some dessert before we ate lunch. I had my suspicions what that might mean. He told his manager Graham and me to turn and face the side of the pool. "He said he was going to fuck us. Then we could eat lunch."

It just so happened that I was first. His hard fat cock looked to be a good thick eight inches. For some reason I was first. In the water his cock slid right into my hole. It sure felt bigger than eight inches when it was all in. I could tell he had done a lot of fucking. He knew what he was doing and was hitting all the right places. He kept whispering in my ear how nice and tight my hole was. It didn't take him long to cum and then Graham was next. Graham didn't seem to have any trouble taking his big cock. I was wondering how long it would take him to cum the second time. It didn't seem like it was that much longer until I could tell he was filling Graham's hole with a hot load. Then his partner/manager was last. He kissed his partner's neck and ears while he filled him up. The star looked like he was going to make this last fuck last awhile. He kept saying something in his partner's ear, but Graham and I couldn't make it out. It was fun watching him fuck his partner. They got a good rhythm going back and forth. Soon I heard the star give a grunt and I knew he was filling his partner. They finished and the star turned around, "now that's the kind of dessert I like. Now let's eat some lunch."

We rinsed off on the outside shower put our robes on and Graham and I followed the Star and his partner to the dining room.

Wow, what a dining room. Very elegantly decorated, with seating for twenty. We were all placed close to the head of the table. With the British star sitting at the head of the table. His partner on one side and Graham and I on the other side.

One of the kitchen staff brought out our breakfast. There was pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast. The person from the kitchen filled our plates for us. Going from one to one and asking us what we would like. I could get use to service like this. Margaret does a good job with our breakfast. But I can't see her serving us.

We finished breakfast. The British star told us he needed to practice in his music room for awhile and go through some of the music he would be playing in his shows tonight. He told we were welcome to use his chaffeur and go somewhere if we wanted or we could stay in the villa. We asked the star if the hotel/casino he was playing at was in walking distance from the villa. He said it was and told us how to get to the hotel/casino and handed us a special pass so that we could leave the villa and get back into the closed gates to the villa.

Graham and I thought it would be nice to go to the hotel/casino. It was a hotel we hadn't stayed at, but had heard a lot about it. There were supposed to be gondolas and a canal that simulated a canal in Venice. Besides the hotel had some very good gift shops and some excellent restaurants. We thought it would be fun to just look around and enjoy the hotel and casino.

We went back to our room and changed into some of our new clothes. Tailored clothes just seemed to have something special about them. I guess it's the way they fit so perfect. We wore some dressy slipons without any socks. It was so warm out, it will feel good to forget the socks.

Graham made sure he had the special pass so we could get in and out of the private gated area where the villa was located. We saw the head housekeeper, he was still in his jock and we told him we were walking over to the hotel and casino and would be back later. The British star was going to be practicing in his music room.

He opened the door for us and we walked out. What a blast of hot air that was. We walked up to the gate and we showed the guard our pass and he opened the gate for us and told us to have a nice day. We thanked him and he pointed to the direction we should take. We didn't have very far to walk. You could see the hotel and casino.

We arrived at the hotel and the doorman let us in. Thank god for air conditioning. It sure felt good. Even with our short walk to the hotel, we were almost sweating.

The lobby was huge. It brought back memories of when we had stayed in Las Vegas. Everything was marked as to where to go. The same as the hotel we stayed at. We thought we would take a walk around the casino. Not that we were going to play machines or games.

The casino seemed never ending. Going on for ever and ever and twisting and turning. There was an upper floor for the high rollers. Cameras and security were all over. We finally found our way out and headed to the canal, which was supposed to be a replica of one of the canals in Venice. It was a long walk, but well worth it. Italian music was playing as we made our way to the gondola ride. Soon the space opened up and you felt you were in Venice, Italy. It truly was a remarkable resemblance.

We found a gondolier that could take us on the ride. We asked him how much it cost. He saw Graham's special pass sticking out of his shirt pocket and told us. "That special pass allows you to shop in the stores eat in the restaurantes, any any of the other hotel amenities free of charge. The hotel pays for everything when you show your pass. Only a select few guests get those passes. You must know someone very important?"

Graham and I didn't say anything. We didn't want to give away the pass was from the one of their headliners.

The gondolier knew who the pass was from. He had worked many years at the hotel and he knew that these two guests were very important to get that special pass. He would give them the best service he could.

We got on the gondola and the gondolier told us where to sit. We got started going down the canal. The gondolier had a good voice and was singing Italian music. Graham and I enjoyed the gondola ride very much. He it slow and relaxing and you could take in all the sites. We finished the ride and got out of the gondola. We thanked our gondolier and wanted to tip him. But he said they weren't allowed to take tips. But thanked us anyway.

We decided to have something cold to drink. We walked back to the lobby and saw a little bar and snack cafe. It was like a bistro. We sat at an outside table and a cute little waitress came over to ask what we would like. We told we wanted a cold beer. She asked us if we would like to try an Italian beer. We told her sure. I didn't know that Italy made beer. She came back with two Peroni and chilled glasses.

We filled our chilled glasses. It was pretty good. In fact, it was pretty fantastic. Graham and I told each other, we have to see if this beer is available back in our hometown. This is really good. The cold beer tasted good. It was rather warm and humid at the little bistro. The cold beer hit the spot.

"What are we going to do after we finish our beer?"

"How about checking out the shops? Maybe we'll see something we can't live without."

The waitress came back to our table and asked if we would like a menu. We told her no. We just wanted something cold to drink. "How much do you owe you?"

Graham remembered the special pass and showed it to the waitress. She told us there was no charge on the beer. She copied down the number on the special pass and told us to have a nice day.

We got up from the table and walked towards the lobby and followed the signs to the stores and shops. The shops lined the canal. Funny we never noticed the shops. But then, we were down low in the gondola and wouldn't have been able to see the stores and shops.

We started walked down one side of the canal. Mostly mens and womens clothing stores. There was a jewelry store and drug store. We did come upon a variety store and thought we would take a look around. It was two floors with an up and down escalator. We checked the ground floor and went up to the second floor and looked around. We didn't really see anything that caught our eye. There was a nice variety of goods, but nothing that stood out.

We started down to the end of the canal. There was a bridge we could cross to get to the other side. As we walked to the other side of the canal we noticed a wider variety of stores and shops. Since weren't in any hurry. We could take our time and take in a lot of the stores on this side of the canal. Graham and I had agreed that if we found something we wanted to buy. We would pay for it. Graham would hide the special pass so nobody could see it.

We found a small little boutique with very exquisite glass objects of art. Their were fish, animals, plants all made out of glass. All the objects looked like they were very skillfully crafted. We looked around and found an interesting family of birds. Graham and I thought they would look nice hanging from the ceiling in the sunroom. With the sunlight shining off of them. We talked to the person working at the shop and asked if they could be shipped to our house. He said that wouldn't be a problem. We asked him the price and he told us. He also said that since we were special guests of the British star we wouldn't have to pay for our purchase. Graham and I looked at each other and wondered how they knew we were staying at the star's villa. I guess word gets around fast. We gave the clerk our mailing address and he told us not to worry. It was still early enough that our purchase would be shipped today and be waiting for us when we arrived home.

Graham and I strolled along the sidewalk. Didn't really see anything else that caught our eye. We decided to walk back to the villa and see what was going on. It was already the middle of the afternoon.

We showed the guard at the gate our special pass and he let us in and welcomed us back. We walked over to the villa and pressed the doorbell. The head housekeeper answered the door and let us in. He told us we got back just as the star was finishing his practice. He was wearing another jock. It was quite well packed.

We walked in and went to our bedroom. There was a large flower arrangement on the table between the two wing back chairs. With a fruit basket and some delicious chocolates. I read the card, "Thank you, Bob and Graham for accepting my invitation to stay here at my villa. It's been a pleasure so far having you both here. I hope you enjoy my shows tonight and look forward to more days of fun and pleasure." Signed the British Star.

"This fruit looks delicious babe."

"The chocolate looks better."

We were stripping out of our clothes and changing into something more comfortable when we heard a knock at our door. I walked over to the door and the head housekeeper was there. He told us the star would like us to join him in the solarium. "Tell him we will be their as soon as we finish changing."

"You don't need to change. Remember going around here naked is customary."

Graham and I thought we'd wear robes and sandals. Naked under our robes like when we were at the pool.

We walked to the solarium. I remembered where it was located. It was a large room with an excellent view of the pool. Graham walked in first and I was following him. The star saw us walk in and greeted us and was glad we were here. We sat with the star and his partner/manager.

There was another staff person there, serving martinis. Not my favorite drink, but I didn't want to insult the star so I accepted a martini as did Graham.

"Well, Bob and Graham. Are you looking forward to my first show tonight, being backstage?"

"We certainly are. Graham and I can't believe how friendly and welcoming you and your manager have been to us."

"Well, I knew there was something different about you and Graham. You are both very intelligent and have excellent manners. There was something about you two that kept lingering in my mind. That's why I invited you here to the villa so we could get better acquainted. I will be eating a light dinner. I don't eat a large meal when I'm performing. But you and Graham are welcome to indulge in whatever you would like. My partner here will join you. I will be leaving soon. You and Graham and my partner will come backstage a little later.

Graham and I got up to thank the star. But the manager shook his head and motioned for us to stay seated. The star left and I assumed he would be going to the showroom. Once the star had left the dining room. The manager told us that the star thought it was bad luck to have good wishes before a show. He told us we would eat and take our time and then go backstage of the showroom. We would need to take our special pass with us and the VIP tickets for the first show. And our tickets for the second show.

We all ate a delicious dinner. The British star's private chef was an excellent cook. Every bite of the food was mouth watering. We drink a bottle of wine with our dinner. Once we finished the manager told us we should probably get ready to leave for the shows. Graham and I walked back to our bedroom and I saw the manager follow us and he turned off to his bedroom.

Graham and I talked about what we should wear. We thought we'd wear some of our newly made tailored clothes. Rather dressy looking. We laid out our clothes on the bed and jumped into the shower for a quick rinse and to freshen up a bit. However, once we got in the shower. One thing led to another and we were soon sporting hardons. Graham got down on his knees and sucked around my thick flared head. Licking over my pee slit and pulling out my precum. I leaned against the shower wall so I wouldn't fall down. Graham was doing such an expert job giving me a blowjob. He started fondling and playing with my balls as he slowly sucked me to the base. He was sucking my cock in and out and I started humping his mouth. I couldn't control myself it was feeling so good. Graham speeded up his action and soon had me panting and squirting down his throat. He worked out a big load and I felt drained. Now it was my turn to take care of my lover. I got on my knees and licked around Graham's big swelled head. Sucking out his precum. I was fondling and playing with his big balls. I slowly pulled his hard shaft down my throat with my throat muscles. I wrapped my throat muscles around his throbbing cock. My throat muscles were massaging the sides of his shaft from the tip to the base. Graham was moaning and holding on to me so he wouldn't fall. I heard my baby moan and grunt and felt his cock thicken and spasm. He soon was shooting down my throat. Bathing my throat with one of his delicious loads. I swallowed his load and he got back up and we kissed and hugged under the water. We thought we better rinse off and get dry and dressed. I didn't want the manager to have to wait on us.

We dried each other off and walked back into the spacious bedroom. We started getting dressed. Checking ourselves out in the full sized mirror. We splashed on some cologne. Adjusted our clothes one final time and thought we were ready to watch the shows.

Graham and I walked out of our bedroom and walked to the formal sitting room. Just as we were leaving our room, the manager came out of his bedroom. Graham and I looked at each other. He was dressed similar to us. So we didn't feel bad about what we were wearing. The manager spotted us and got our attention. "Are you men ready to leave?"

"Yes. We were just walking to the sitting room to wait until we left."

"The chaffeur will be here in a couple of minutes. Do you have your tickets for both shows and your special pass?"

Like two school kids, we showed him our tickets and the special pass."

"Very good. We are ready. Let's go out front and wait for the limousine. It should be here shortly."

"Once we get to the showroom. I'll show you where you will be sitting backstage. You are to stay in those seats and not walk around. I'll be going to the star's dressing room. You won't see me again until intermission in the first show."

We waited outside in the hot sun. I heard the car coming. The Rolls Royce limousine was quite a car. I never knew that Rolls Royce made limousines. This was the first time I had ever seen one. It was really something to see. The driver pulled up in front of us and he got out and opened the back two doors for us. We climbed into the limousine and were soon off to the hotel and a special entrance only used by authorized personal.

The chaffeur pulled up to an authorized personal entrance. We followed the manager and he showed where we should sit. He took off for the Star's dressing room. I had never seen so much hustle and bustle. People were here and there and everywhere. Graham and I had good backstage seats. We could see the star from where we were sitting. His piano was in place and it looked like his band was getting setup and doing sound and lighting tests.

People were starting to file into the showroom and were ushered to their seats. From where we were sitting, the audience couldn't see us. We couldn't see the audience either. But we had a good view of the stage and would be able to watch and hear the star. That was the most important.

The showroom curtains were closed and it sounded like the showroom was filling. Graham and I saw the Star's band getting into position. Soon the lights dimmed on the stage and the band starting playing one of the Star's greatest hits. The curtain opened and the star was seated at the piano. I had no idea how he got out to the stage. Everything backstage had slowed down now that the star was going to perform. The star greeted the audience and told them his first half was going to be his greatest hits. The second half would dedicated to music he had composed for movies.

This was really quite the experience being backstage and watching the star perform. It was really a unique experience. I don't think I'd want to watch shows backstage all the time. But for a one time shot, it was really kind of cool. I could see Graham really enjoying the music. I was too. Before you knew it, the first half of othe show was finished.

We didn't see the star leave the stage to a standing ovation. The manager came over and told us the star would like to see us in his dressing room. Graham and I were surprised. I didn't think he would want to be interrupted when he was performing.

Anyhow, we got up and followed the manager to the star's dressing room. It took a bit of time to get to his dressing room. There were hallways and people all over the place. Finally, the manager knocked on the door and we heard the star say, "come in." We walked into a huge dressing room. There was the typical lighted mirror with makeup. A sofa with a couple of chairs and a nice coffee table. Someone was touching up the star. The star asked us, "what do you think of watching the show backstage?"

Graham and I looked at each other and I went ahead. I remembered the manager telling us the star didn't like being complimented when he was performing. So I had to choose my words carefully. "It is really a unique experience. Graham and I really appreciating the fact we can watch your show backstage."

I saw the manager give me a wink. He knew I was choosing my words carefully. "Well, intermission is almost over and I need to head back out to the stage. I hope you and Graham enjoy the second half of my show."

"I'm sure we will. Thank you for this opportunity to see your show backstage."

I gave the manager a nod as we left the dressing room. I was hoping he got my hint that I wanted to talk to him.

We made it back to our seats and the band had started playing. Soon the star came out to thunderous applause and cheering and he sat down at the piano. He started playing and singing some of his most famous music he had composed for movies.

Graham got the manager's attention and he asked me what I wanted. "I would like to have something purchased for the star's dressing room when he finishes his show. Do you have any ideas?"

"Yes. The star really likes flowers. Especially red roses. That would be a fitting present if it's something you'd like to do."

I looked at Graham and he looked back at me and nodded his head yes. "I'd like to have three dozen red roses sent to his dressing room. Is this something you can take care of for us?"

"Most definitely. Remember you have the special pass. So everything is paid for by the hotel/casino. What would you like on the card?"

"I'm not sure. He doesn't like compliments. How about, "thank you for inviting us to your villa and shows. This is becoming one of our most memorable experiences. Something we will never forget, Bob and Graham."

"That sounds perfect. I'll get the flowers ordered and they will be waiting in his dressing room when he finishes the show."

"Thank you. I hope we're not imposing on you. I know your busy with the star when he's performing."

"No imposition at all. All I have to do is make one phone call and everything will be taken care of."

"Enjoy the second half of the show and you don't have to worry about anything."

We certainly did enjoy the second half of the show. It was wonderful. You could tell the star had been composing and singing music for years. The second part of the first show ended and the manager came over and told us to follow him. He led us back to the star's dressing room.

The star was relaxing on the sofa and looking at his flowers. The flowers were beautiful. Rich dark red roses and you could smell the perfume from the roses. Looking more carefully, I noticed the star had the card in his hand. "You boys have no idea how happy you've made me. Inviting you here, was the best decision I have ever made."

"We have a half hour before the next show begins. Are you hungry and like something to eat? The star had no idea how so wrong that was to say. He didn't know Graham like I do. Graham is always hungry and in fact I had heard Graham's stomach rumbling a couple of times.

Graham spoke up. "A snack tray would be nice, if that's possible?"

"Of course young man. Anything for my two good friends." The star looked at his manager and he promptly was on the phone ordering a snack tray for the star's dressing room. Within a couple of minutes there was a knock on the dressing room door. The manager went to the door and brought in a large snack tray. It looked delicious. The manager sat the tray down on the little round table by the sofa and chairs. We all fixed crackers with deli meat and cheese. It was very good. Graham was really digging in. I wondered where his manners went, but I didn't say anything.

The manager motioned to us that it was time to leave. I couldn't believe Graham. He loaded up a couple more crackers to take with him. We were ushered to our VIP seats in the showroom. A waiter came over and we ordered a couple of beers. This was different now, sitting in the showroom with a couple of the best seats.

Soon the lights dimmed and we could hear the band playing. The lights went out and the curtain opened with a spotlight on the star. Everyone was clapping and cheering. The star talked into his microphone and told us that he was going to play and sing some of his greatest hits. Then in the second half he was going to mix up the music, with music from some of the movies he wrote for and some new pieces that he hoped we all would like.

I looked over at Graham. "I can't believe you?"


"Where's your manners. Taking two more crackers with cheese and meat when we left the star's dressing room."

"Well, I was hungry. And the snacks were really good."

"I just hope the star isn't offended."

Graham turned and faced me and gave me one of those looks to mind my own business. Which I did. We were here to enjoy ourselves and not argue or fight about something so petty.

The show started and people were standing and dancing, clapping and singing along with the music. The first half of this show, was pretty much like the beginning of the first show. The music was excellent.

A different waiter came over to where we were sitting and set down the remains of the snack tray. That brought a big smile to Graham's face. The smoked ham and salmon was delicious. The tray also had smoked Gouda cheese, swiss cheese and cheddar cheese. One of my favorites. The snacks tasted good with beer. I ate a couple of crackers with meat and cheese. Graham managed to finish the rest of the tray.

The second half of the show started and the music and singing were excellent. Both Graham and I enjoyed the new music. It really showed the star's talent. As the lights dimmed and the curtain closed, finishing the show. The manager came over to us and told us to follow him.

We got up and followed the manager backstage. He told us where to wait. He said it would be just a couple of minutes. Soon the star came out and we all left the backstage area and into the waiting limousine to take us back to the villa.

Once inside the limousine, the star was really animated and hyper after performing. He had more energy, than Graham and I combined.

"Sorry guys," said the star. "I'm always really hyped after performing. It takes me a long time to unwind. I was thinking of having some fun when we get back to the villa."

It only took a few minutes and we were pulling into the villa and the chaffeur was parking in the front. The head housekeeper greeted us in just a very skimpy jock. It didn't leave anything to the imagination. The chaffeur opened the back doors of the limousine for us and the star and manager got out first. Followed by Graham and me. We walked into the villa and the head housekeeper said something to the manager and I saw the manager nodding his head in agreement. The manager looked back to me and Graham and said, "we're all going to meet in the hot tub by the pool. You can go ahead and get changed and then walk down to the hot tub."

We walked to our room and changed out of our clothes and took care of them. We found our robes and some sandals. Graham and I knew naked was the call of order.

We walked out of our room. Walked down to the pool area and looked over at the hot tub. The star was being faced fucked by the head housekeeper who looked to have a good sized hard cock. The manager was busy sucking his lover's which also looked to be a could hefty size. Graham and I wondered how we were going to fit into this picture. Graham decided he would suck the manager's cock and I would suck Graham's cock. I guessed I'd have to give myself a handjob. We laid our robes down and got into position. Nobody was complaining and everyone had quite a peaceful pleasurable look on their faces.

Soon the head housekeeper was humping the star's face harder and I knew he was cumming. That brought the star over the edge and he was filling his partner's mouth and throat with a big load. That also brought the manager over the edge and he filled Graham's throat with a big load. And Graham gave me one of his big delicious loads. That just left little old me to take care of myself. I was feverishly jerking my cock. The star told me to walk over to him. I did as he said and he took my cock down his throat in one gulp. The quick wonderful sensation brought me off right away. I think the star was surprised I came so fast, but he didn't complain as he sucked out my load.

We all went to individual loungers and laid back enjoying our hot love making. The star said, "this is something we do every night after my last show. Except for Wednesday, when I do just the late night show. That is a day of rest for everybody."

I didn't see the head housekeeper. The star must of seen a puzzled look on my face. The star said, "the head housekeeper is getting some freshments and will right back."

We kept relaxing on our loungers waiting for the head housekeeper. The manager got up and I saw him helping the head housekeeper bring down some refreshments and a large snack tray. Even though it was late, we were all thirsty and hungry. The head housekeeper had brought a couple of beers for Graham and me. The star and his partner were drinking martinis again. I had a couple of snacks off the tray. Graham had many snacks off the tray and the star and manager finished the rest of the snacks.

I saw the star starting to yawn. I was getting tired, but didn't want to say anything. Graham and I didn't have to get up early to workout and then go to work. So we could sleep in, in the morning. The manager looked over at Graham and me and told us the star would like us to sleep with them, if that was ok.

Both Graham and I agreed and said we'd like that. We got up from our loungers. Graham and me just draped our robes over our shoulders. We didn't bother to tie our robes. Put our sandals on and followed the star and his partner.

We got to the star's bedroom and we all walked in. The manager told us to put our robes on the chair he motioned to. We then all crawled into bed. I was snuggled up with star and Graham was snuggled up with the manager. We didn't have any sex. But the comfort of snuggling soon put us all to sleep.

The next few days went about the same. Except we didn't attend anymore shows. Instead, we took advantage of the chaffeur and limousine and toured the strip and visited different hotels and casinos that we hadn't seen the last time we were in Las Vegas. We enjoyed the pool and hot tub. Sometimes the head housekeeper and chaffeur joined us. They were both hot muscular guys and well endowed. We got into sixty nines, they fucked us and we fucked them and had a really good time.

On Wednesday, already the middle of the week, the star was doing only his late show. He told Graham and me that he was inviting us out to eat at one of his favorite restaurants. We needed to dress in suits as it was a very formal restaurant.

We spent a relaxing day by the pool and then in the solarium. It had been a nice vacation. The star and his manager have been very friendly and welcoming. Graham and I have been talking and would like the star and his partner to stay at our house when he feels like taking a break and getting away. Our house is private and he wouldn't have to worry about reporters and paparazzi. The manager liked the idea and said he would mention to the star. I gave him our phone number and directions to our house or we told him to call us first and they could follow us from the airport to our house.

We didn't have any sex by the pool or in the hot tub or solarium. The manager told us we had early dinner reservations and should probably start getting ready to leave. He said the star wanted to relax a bit before going to his dressing room.

We all got up and made our way to our respective bedrooms. Graham and I had each brought two suits. I asked Graham which one he thought I should wear. He said the dark blue pin strip always looks sexy on me. I gave him a smile and wink. Then Graham asked me which suit I thought he should wear. I like your very dark blue double breasted suit. It always brings out the best in you. Graham walked over and gave me a kiss and hug. I had missed feeling him holding me and kissing me. Since we had been here at the villa, we were always paired up with someone else.

We were both naked and after a very long romantic kiss and hug we were both hard. "What we going to do about these hardons? They will be noticeable in our dress pants." Graham walked over and got on his knees and gave me a terrific blow job. It didn't take me long to cum. I had been horny all day. I then returned the favor to my lover. Graham must have been in the same situation as me. It didn't take him long to cum. We felt much better after that and hurried getting dressed. We didn't want the star and manager waiting on us.

We were finished and looked at each other and thought we looked pretty good. Graham followed me out to the foyer. At least we were first and nobody was waiting on us.

We heard some noise and turned and saw the star and his partner walking toward us. The star was dressed in some kind of a green sequin suit. The sequins really picked up the light and were sparkling. Not my taste in a suit. But the star liked it and that was all that mattered. His partner was much more conservative and dressed similar to Graham and me. "Are you boys ready for dinner?"

"We sure are. Lead the way."

The limousine was waiting for us and we all got into the back. The back of the limousine was huge. Could easily fit ten people. There was a bar. A window that blocked the back from the driver. There was a telephone in the back when you needed to talk to the chaffeur. The windows were heavily tinted. So no one could look in. Just what the star wanted. We took off to wherever we were going for an early dinner.

The star told Graham and me and to sit with him. We each sat on each side of the star. His partner was left alone on the opposite side from us. He was making the star and himself a drink and handed beers to Graham and me.

While the manager handed me my beer I felt a hand on my crotch, squeezing and rubbing my cock through my dress pants. I looked at the star and he gave me a smile. I noticed he was doing the same thing to Graham.

We drank our beer and the star and manager drank their drinks. I felt the limousines slowing down. "We are arriving at our restaurant for dinner."

We finished our drinks and beer and then climbed out of the back of the limousine. It looked like we were in some back alley. Actually, we were. This was the back entrance to the restaurant. It was private and anonymous back here. Just the way the star wanted it. We were ushed in through the back. Through the kitchen and then quickly into a private dining room that was all set up for us.

We had our own private waiter and chef. There was no ordering of dinner. It was being specially prepared for us. Our waiter did ask us if we wanted something to drink. He knew what the star and his partner wanted. Graham and I ordered scotch and water on the rocks. I was curious to see what our dinner would be.

Our drinks came in just a couple of minutes. The star and his partner said, "cheers, and here's two wonderful new friends."

We said our cheers back and said, "here's to two very special people in our lives."

I noticed a smile on the star's face and his partners when we said that. We finished our drinks and ordered one more. Soon the chef came in with our dinner. He had the waiter help him with four large platters. He sat our platters down in front of us and then told us to take the covers off. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This was something I had only seen on tv and in magazines. We were served a 30oz Wagyu steak. It smelled so good and looked absolutley delicious. We had a side of vegetables. If I ate that whole steak. I didn't think I would have room for the vegetables. The chef told us to enjoy our dinner and would check back to make sure if everything was ok. Graham looked like he had died and gone to heaven. He couldn't wait for his first bite.

We were soon eating our steak. The flavor and tenderness were out of this world. It was something I thought I would never eat. Mine was more lean, I noticed, than the other three steaks, which was my preference. We took our time eating, enjoying this exceptional steak. The chef came back and asked us how our steaks were. We all told him they were mouth watering and exceptional and the best steak we had ever eaten. He seemed pleased and left us to finish our dinner. I noticed Graham was over half finished with his steak and was also picking away at his vegetables. The rest of us were taking our time and enjoying each mouthful.

Somehow I managed to eat all of my steak and a few of the vegetables. I noticed the star and his partner were finishing their steaks also. "Well gentlemen, I hope you like my favorite restaurant?"

"It's out of this world. Our dinner is fantastic and the best steak we have ever had. Thank you so much for inviting us."

"It was my pleasure. It was the least I could do for you two. You've made my time here in Las Vegas very enjoyable and it was the least I could do."

Soon we were all finished with our dinner. Graham was the only one that had eaten all of his vegetables. We ordered an after dinner drink and the star said we would soon need to leave. He would need to go to the showroom and run through a couple of new pieces of music with his band before the late show started. We finished our after dinner drinks and then were escorted back out through the back entrance.

The limousine was waiting for us and we were on our way to the hotel. The chaffeur was taking the star and his manager to the showroom and then we would be driven back to the villa. The star turned back to us and told Graham and me to be ready for him when he came back after finishing his show.

When we got back to the villa, Graham and me wanted to talk to the star's chef and find out what his favorite food was. The chef was still at the villa. He told us what the star liked the best and we told him to please fix his favorite foods while we were still here. We offered to pay the chef for the food, but the chef told us money wasn't an issue. He could easily get the food from the head chef at the hotel. We thanked him and I noticed him watching Graham and me as we left the large gourmet kitchen.

I asked Graham what he wanted to do this evening. He said he'd like to relax around the pool and maybe go in the hot tub for a bit. That sounded like a good idea. We went to our room and stripped down and put on our robes and walked down to the pool. The chef and head housekeeper must have been keeping an eye on us. As we were walking to the pool we saw the head housekeeper sucking the French chef's big fat thick cock. We applauded as we got closer and that didn't phase them. We took loungers close to them so we could watch the action. I heard some noise and I saw the chaffeur coming down to join us. His big cock and balls were swinging back and forth. He joined Graham and me. Once the chef had deposited his load in the mouth and throat of the head housekeeper we all decided to go into the jacuzzi.

We all got cozy in the the jacuzzi. The head housekeeper turned on the heat and the jets. The swirling water around my cock and balls was making me chub up. We were sitting close together with our bodies touching. The chef headhousekeeper and chaffeur were all well hung. Bigger than Graham and me. But that didn't seem to matter to anyone. Soon we were kissing and hugging and alot of fondling was happening under the water.

I thought now was a good time to ask the help what the star liked and his manager liked. Graham and I wanted to buy them presents for inviting us to the villa and showing us such a good time. They looked at each other and finally the head housekeeper said the star liked eye glasses in a different colors. He said he could get the prescription from the manager and give it to us. Then he said the manager likes sunglasses if that was something we wanted to get him. We thanked the head housekeeper and tomorrow we would do some shopping.

We all got comfortable again I could feel the chef feeling my cock and making me swell. I reached under the water and wrapped my hand around his big fat cock. I could feel it throb and twitch in my hand. I started stroking him slow under the water as he did the same to me. We were both getting hard. Graham looked like he was busy with the head housekeeper and chaffeur.

The chef and I climbed out of the hot tub and got together on a lounger in a hot sixy nine. It took me a little time to get his big thick cock down my throat, but I managed and I had him moaning. He easily took my hard thick seven inches down his throat. We had licked a couple of fingers and were busy fingering each other's holes as we sucked and slirped on each other's hardons. Damn this French chef was one hot man. We were soon grunting and filling each other with big loads. We managed to lay on our sides on the lounger watching Graham being face fucked by the head housekeeper and the chaffeur plowing my lover's hot hole. Graham's eyes were rolled back in his head and I knew he was thoroughly enjoying the sex. The chaffeur was jerking off Graham while he fucked him. The head housekeeper had his ass in the air while he was face fucking Graham. It was at right level for the chaffeur to give him a good rim job. It was really hot watching them. We both got hard again and started stroking each other. I saw the head housekeeper stiffen and I knew he was filling my partner with a load. I could tell Graham was getting close and the chaffeur wrapped his lips around Graham's cock and they both shot off at the same time. What a sight that was. It was really hot seeing my lover having such hot sex. They moved their loungers together and relaxed.

We heard some noise and looked up and the star and manager were standing there smiling and looking at us. The star said, "it looks like you've met my head housekeeper chef and chaffeur."

"We certainly have and I must say they are very friendly and welcoming."

"I'm glad to hear that. They were given very specific instructions to make your time here as enjoyable as possible."

"They have certainly done that."

"We'll be back to join you as soon as we change." The star told the head housekeeper to get drinks ready for everybody.

The star and the manager took off to their bedroom. We continued lounging and waiting for them to return. I noticed I had a couple of messages on my cell phone. I thought I'd check that out while I waited. The first message was from Margaret. Letting me know that a package had arrived from a store in Las Vegas. I knew that would be the crystal birds that we had bought for the sunroom. The second message was from Preston. Telling me that he was planning a party soon and hoped me and Graham could attend.

I saw Graham checking his phone and he told me he had the same two messages that I did.

Just then the star and manager joined us and said and the star said, "let's all go into the jacuzzi and relax."

The head housekeeper was coming with two cold beers for Graham and me and pitcher of martinis for the other guys. The head housekeeper poured our beers for us and handed them to us. Then poured out glasses of martinis for the rest of them.

We all relaxed in the jacuzzi sipping on our drinks. The star motioned for Graham and me to join him in the jacuzzi. We moved over to the star and were on each side of him. He thanked us again for coming and was really enjoying us being here at his villa. We told him again how much we appreciated him inviting us. He told us he would like us to spend the night with him. We told him it would be our pleasure. He said he just wanted to relax right now after the show and then would soon retire to his room.

We saw the chef head housekeeper and chaffeur leave. It must have been their bedtime. We laughed about that. The star said he was ready to leave the jacuzzi and go to his bedroom. We all climbed out of the jacuzzi and put our robes on. We followed the star and his partner to their bedroom.

We put our robes on a chair and climbed into bed. The star was on his side facing me. Graham was snuggled to the back of the star. And the manager was cuddled up to the back of Graham. I could feel the star's big cock rubbing against mine. We kissed and he whispered to me how much he liked us and wished we lived with him. I told him that was a very generous offer, but Graham and I have professional careers we don't want to pass up. He told me understood and told ne that his partner had told him about our offer of staying at our house. He said he liked the idea and might just give us a call one of these days. "Now let's have some fun."


We kissed harder and pressed our bodies tight together. I could feel the length of his big cock rubbing back and forth on mine. It was making me chub up. He smiled at me and reached down and started rubbing my cock up and down. I reached down and did the same to him. He was moaning in pleasure. He told me to move around so we could get into a sixty nine. I moved over the top of him with my cock and balls hanging down over his face. I took his big fat hard cock slowly down my throat wrapping my throat muscles around it. He gave out a loud moan. "Oh my god that feels good. I wish my partner could do that. Maybe you can teach him. When I'm real wet and rock hard I want to fuck your ass."

The star took my cock down his throat and as was bobbing up and down on me. He said, "your cock reminds me of partner. Your two cocks could be twins."

I was working the star's cock really good. Finally he told me get off and lay on my back with my legs pulled up to my chest. I did as I was told. I felt the head of his cock rubbing around my hole. Getting it wet and slick. Finally I felt him ease the head in and my hole starting pulling his cock in. He was moaning and grunting again. My ass muscles were wrapped around his cock. Massaging it from the tip to the base. The star looked so happy and peaceful while he fucked my hole. I kept working his cock good. He said he had never felt anything like that before. I started working his big cock faster and he started panting and telling me he was getting close. I saw sweat on his forehead. He was thrusting in and out of me. I felt his cock swell and throb in my hole and knew he was ready to cum. Finally he let out a loud grunt and pushed hard and filled my hole with a nice sized load. Once he finished cumming, he collapsed on top of me. We started kissing and holding each other until his cock went soft and slowly slid out of my hole. I went down and cleaned off the residual cum and ass juices. We laid back on our sides facing each other, kissing and slowly falling off to sleep. I had heard a lot of noise coming from Graham and the manager. But I was tired and would ask Graham about that tomorrow morning.

I woke up and didn't feel the star next to me. I thought he was probably in the bathroom. I opened my eyes and looked around and I saw Graham over on the other side of the bed. He looked just as confused as me. "Where are the star and manager?" I asked Graham.

"I have no idea. I just woke up like you and they aren't here. They are probably in the bathroom."

We crawled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Nobody was in the bathroom. We walked into our adjoining bedroom and showered together. Graham and I weren't really horny after a long night of sex. We showered and dried each other off. Put our robes and sandals on and walked out to the kitchen. The head housekeeper stopped us and told us the star and manager where at the showroom. The star was going to put in a full day of working with his band on some new music. "Here's the information you asked for."

"What's this?"

"This is the prescription for the star's glasses. That you wanted. Any of the optomitrist in this hotel and on the strip can make the glasses you want with this prescription. Like I told you, the manager likes sunglasses, any designer sunglasses will work for him."

Graham and I thanked the head housekeeper and he took off to do whatever he was doing. He looked busy.

We walked to the breakfast nook and the chef had breakfast warming for us. He served us at the breakfast nook. It was delicious as always and filling.

We finished breakfast and walked back to our room. It was just after nine, but we thought we'd get an early start on getting the glasses for the star and sunglasses for the manager. Since we weren't familiar with any of the optomitrists, we would just have to play it by ear. But when they knew who they were making glasses for, that might make a big difference.

Graham and I walked back to our room and got dressed. We talked for a bit and decided to check if there was an optomitrist in the hotel here. That would make it easy if there was and hopefully he would sell sunglasses.

We wore some more of our tailor made clothes. These were also new and being worn for the first time. We had to check ourselves out in the floor length mirror. We looked mighty fine and were ready to do some shopping. I made sure I had the prescription and Graham had the special pass so we could leave the villa and then return.

The head housekeeper opened the front doors of the villa for us. And told us to have a good time. We told him we would be eating lunch at one of the restaurants. Where, we weren't sure. The guard remembered us and opened the front gates so we could leave the compound where the villa was located. Graham and I were talking as we walked to the hotel. We couldn't believe it was already Thursday. We only had one more full day in Las Vegas.

We walked into the lobby of the hotel and went to the canal where the stores were located. We started walking down one side of the canal. But didn't find any optomitrists. We walked over the bridge and down the other side. Graham saw a sign for an optomitrist. We walked into a very small clinic. We weren't impressed and thanked the lady, but told her we were just looking.

I told Graham I was going to call the villa and have the limousine ready for us and we could start out checking out optomitrists in other hotels. We were going to start with the hotel we had stayed at. We walked back to the villa and the limousine and chaffeur were waiting for us. He opened the back doors of the limousine and we climbed into the back. Graham poured his a beer and I told the driver where we wanted to go.

He parked in front of the hotel entrance where we had stayed. We watched the dancing water fountains for a few minutes and then went into the lobby. We started to walk to where the shops were located when we noticed an optomistrist clinic just off the main lobby. I didn't remember that being their. But the last time we were here we weren't looking for optomistrists.

We walked into the shop and took a look around. An attractive young lady came over and asked us if we would like some help. I showed her the prescription for eyeglasses and told her we were interested in designer eyeglasses in different colors. She said that wasn't a problem and showed us their selection by famous designers. Graham and I decided on two pair of Gucci glasses for men in a rose color and a blue color. We then asked her if they sold designer sunglasses. She again showed us what they had. We picked out a pair of Navigator and Gucci sunglasses for men. We went to the counter to pay and she said that wasn't necessary. "You men are staying in the villa and if I'm not mistaken, these eyeglasses are for the star and the sunglasses are for his manager." Graham and I were flabbergasted at how she knew that. We told her she was correct and if they could be gift wrapped and sent to the villa. She said that wasn't a problem and they would be ready this afternoon. We thanked her and decided to look around at the shops and then eat lunch in one of the hotel's restaurants.

while Graham and I started walking down the sidewalk in front of the shops. I thought, even though it's early, it might be a good time to start some Christmas shopping. Christmas is still many months away, but we will not be to Las Vegas again, for a long time. I told Graham what I was thinking and he thought that was a good idea. However, he said he had no idea what to get his parents for Christmas. Maybe if he saw the right thing he would know it would be the perfect gift. We started going in and out of shops that we thought might have something we'd be interested in. I knew my mother liked collecting Hummel figurines so I could keep my eye out for Hummel figurines. I knew Graham's parents liked anything country western and more on the rustic side. Graham agreed with me. So we would keep our eyes open for something country and rustic. My father liked silk ties and never got tired of getting them for presents. So I knew he would be easy to buy for. My brother and his family had stopped exchanging Christmas gifts. They lived too far away and with my brother's work. Sometimes he had to work through the Christmas holiday season.

We went into a quaint little boutique. It was small and packed full of merchandise. We had to walk single file down the aisles they were so narrow. I thought I spotted some Hummel figurines and asked a clerk. She said they did have a few Hummel figurines and in fact, just got a Hummel navitity set in. I thought that was unique and asked the clerk if I could look at the nativity set. She climbed up and brought the set down to the counter. It was definitely Hummel and the figures were stamped and numbered. The pieces were small so I knew that would increase the value. I asked the price and she said that we didn't have to pay anything since we were staying at the villa. I still didn't know how everyone knew we were staying at the villa. I asked here if he could be gift wrapped and shipped. She said of course. I gave her the address and she said it would take a couple of days to arrive at our place. I asked her if she knew of any shops that sold rustic country items. She told me they had another store on the other side of the sidwalk that only dealt with country western items. She told me the name of the shop and I thanked her.

I told Graham about the shop on the other side of the street. We were close to the end of this side of the street and thought we'd walk to the end and then start up the sidewalk on the other side. We came to a men's clothing store and thought I'd go in. Graham had spotted the rustic country western store and told me he would there. I walked into the men's clothing store and a clerk came over. I asked him if they had men's silk ties. He said they had a fine assortment and showed me where they were located. I noticed they had a tie rack which I don't think my father had. I took a nice tie rack and four excellent silk ties in solid colors. I knew my father liked his ties in solid colors. Not striped or any other patterns. I asked the clerk how much for the tie rack and the four ties. He said I didn't have to pay anything. I gave him my mailing address and he told me the items would be gift wrapped and sent to my house within a couple of business days. I thanked him and left and was anxious to see if Graham found anything for his parents.

I walked into the country western store and saw Graham busy talking with a clerk. He had found a large mosaic calf skin tapestry. It was beautiful and he said he knew his parents would really like it. I asked him if found anything else. He said he spotted the tapestry and hadn't looked around anymore in the shop. This shop was much larger than the other shop. We started walking around and Graham spotted some southwest baskets. He asked to look at them. The clerk brought the baskets down to the counter. Graham said he would buy the baskets along with the tapestry. The clerk told Graham he didn't have to pay anything. Graham gave the clerk our mailing address and she told Graham the items should arrive in a couple of business days and would be gift wrapped. Graham thanked the clerk and we left the shop.

Graham looked at me and said, "all this walking and shopping is making me hungry."

"I'm hungry too. Let's go to a different restaurant in the hotel. They have five." We walked back into the lobby and walked over to the concierge stand and asked the person working what restaurant they recommended for lunch. He told us and gave us directions to the restaurant. I asked him if we were dressed appropriately and he told us the dress code was more relaxed for lunch and we were dressed perfectly. We thanked the young man and easily found the restaurant.

We walked in and were seated by the host. He told us our waiter would be with us in just a minute and that anything we ordered to eat and drink was on the house.

The waiter came over and we both ordered a beer with a chilled glass. We looked over the menu and Graham was going to have a steak and I thought I would have shrimp. The waiter came back with our beer and we gave him our order.

We hadn't eaten in this restaurant and it looked like it catered more toward the lunch crowd. It wasn't full, but it was busy. The waiter brought our lunch and we ate our lunch. It was very good. We tipped the waiter and left.

We walked out to the lobby and the chaffeur saw us and we told him we were ready to go back to the villa. He told us he would bring the limousine up to the front entrance for us.

We waited and soon the limousine pulled up. A lot of people were looking. Probably wondering who we were to have a Rolls Royce limousine. We didn't mind the extra attention and soon were back at the villa. The chaffeur told us on the ride back to the villa that the star was a little upset with him. It seemed that our afternoon and evening sex with him and the head housekeeper, kept the chaffeur from picking up the star after his show and he had to use a chaffeur and limousine from the hotel, which he wasn't happy about. We told him we were sorry for getting him in trouble. He said not to worry about it. Everything was back to normal now.

The chaffeur parked in front of the villa and opened the back doors of the limousine for us. We got out and the head housekeeper was waiting for us in just a well packed jock with a big smile on his face. He told us a couple of small packages came and he put them in our bedroom. We thanked him and he asked us if there was anything he could do for us. We told we were going to lounge down at the pool if he wanted to join us. A cold beer and a snack tray would be nice if that was ok. He told us that we had the run of the villa and anything we wanted, all we had to do was ask. The head housekeeper told he had a couple of things to finish and would join us. He would tell the chef to make up a snack tray for us and he would bring the beer down.

We went to our bedroom and I saw the two small packages on the table between the two chairs. I wanted to open the packages, but they was so elegantly gift wrapped, I didn't want to ruin the wrapping. The initials were on each package so it made it easy for us to give the presents to the right person. We would do that tomorrow before the star and manager left for his shows.

Graham and I changed out of our clothes and hung them up. We put on robes and sandals with towels and walked down to the pool. We saw the chef at the pool setting down a nice sized snack tray for us. I knew he wanted to talk to us. I asked him "is everything ok?"

"Everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you both that the star was wondering why he was getting all of his favorite food for breakfast and lunch and some dinners when he was here? I told him that you and Graham and told me to fix all his favorite foods and he told me to tell you both that we were the best and should really consider seriously living with him and his partner permanently."

"Well we had told the star earlier that his offer to live him was very generous, but both Graham and I have professional careers that we don't want to give up. We will talk to the star again when we see him."

"The star will be here later for an early dinner. He's going to take a break and relax a bit before his first show tonight. Once I have everything finished, I'll join you guys here at the pool for a bit."

"Ok. We look forward to it."

The chef went back to the kitchen and Graham and I took our robes off and laid them on our loungers and just did a little sunbathing. We saw the head housekeeper coming down to the pool. He had a towel wrapped around his shoulders and some sandals on and was completely naked. He was really hot. Well muscled, tall with dark hair, a big soft hanging cock with big balls and looked to be in his twenties. Young for Graham and me, but we weren't complaining that he wanted to hang out with us. He took a lounger next to us and laid his towel on the his lounger.

"You guys want me to rub some sunscreen on your backs?"

"Sure, that would be nice."

I sat up on my lounger and the head housekeeper put some sunscreen on his hands started rubbing into my shoulder and neck and then my back. His hands felt good on my body and I could feel myself chubbing up. He must have noticed, because I saw a smile on his face. I laid down on my stomach while he walked over to Graham and did the same to him. Graham must have been getting hard too, because I saw that same smile on the head housekeeper's face.

I put some sunscreen on the head housekeeper and I saw him chubbing up too.

We all sunbathed for awhile. Graham and me sipping on our cold beers and enjoying the snack plate. Soon we needed to turn over and the head housekeeper said he would put sunscreen on the front of us. He started with me first and soon he was massaging my cock and balls with sunscreen, getting me rock hard. He leaned down and started sucking my cock and fondling my balls. He was leaned over from where my head was resting and I noticed his big cock and balls hanging over my face. I took him into my mouth and we got busy in a sixty nine. I heard Graham moaning and looked over and the chef was fucking Graham and gave me a wink and told me I was next. The head housekeeper and me came almost at the same time. I heard the chef grunting and I knew he was filling Graham with one of his big loads. The head housekeeper got off me and went over to Graham. The chef came over to me and I felt his big cock easing into my hole. Graham and the head housekeeper were busy in a sixty nine. The chef was plowing my hole good and his big cock was filling me up and hitting places that hadn't been touched in a long time. Soon we were all cumming again.

The chef said he needed to go back to the kitchen. He gave Graham and me a kiss and told us he would see us at the early dinner time. The head housekeeper said he should leave too and make sure everything was in order in the villa before the star and the manager returned, which would be soon. Graham and I decided to jump in the pool and cool off. After our hot sex we were flushed and sweating. We swam a few laps, which felt good and thought we better get out of the pool and get dressed for an early dinner. Graham had managed to eat the rest of the food on the snack tray.

We decided on some more of our new tailor made clothes and we again checked ourselves out in the floor length mirror. Graham helped me get my shirt straight and thought we were ready for an early dinner. We thought we'd go to the star's early show. We wanted to hear some of his new music. We were sure we could get tickets without any problem. Graham had the managers number on his phone and called and told him about our request. He said no problem, he would bring a couple of special VIP tickets for the first show for us. He told Graham they would soon be leaving and coming to the villa.

Graham and I walked to the solarium and enjoyed the view. The lush plants and landscaping were nice, but we both agreed Zane had done a much better job on our pool and landscaping with the rocks and streams and little fish ponds, we really loved our backyard.

I heard some talking and the star and his partner walked into the solarium. We got up and we shook hands hugged and kissed. The star looked really tired and being older I was a little concerned he might be pushing himself too much. I thought if I got the chance, I'd talk to his partner and see how he's feeling. We all sat back down on the sofas and chairs. They were all heavily padded and were very comfortable. The star said he needed to go to office for a moment and would be right back. This was the opportunity I was looking for. I asked the manager, "how is the star doing? He looks very tired and exhausted. I hope he isn't pushing himself too much?"

"Thanks for your concern Bob, but the star is doing okay. He is always like this when he works all day on new music with his band. He'll be back to his old self before the first show tonight. He's pretty resilient and I'm sure even before we leave for the first show, you'll see a big change in him."

"I hope so. Being a doctor, I get concerned when I see older people pushing themselves too much."

"Again thanks for your concern. But like I said, he'll be back to his regular self soon. Oh before I forget, here are you Graham's VIP tickets for the first show tonight. The star is very glad your coming to the first show."

The star came back to the solarium and I could already see a big change in his demeanor. I guess his partner knows him pretty well.

The star said, "Bob and Graham I've been putting a lot of thought to this and still can't come up with the right solution. I'm very serious when I said I would like you two living with us permanently. I don't what I can do to convince you two?"

"Again, Graham and I thank you for your very generous offer. Like I told you, we are two hard working professionals that really like our work. It's something we studied for and trained for and we just can't walk away from all the years of studying and preparing for our professional careers. I hope that doesn't disppoint you too much. But our offer for you to stay with us is always open. Your partner has all the information. Our address and phone numbers. You and your partner will always be welcome."

"I guess that's what I will have to be satisfied with. You can be sure we will be visiting you two. Once you leave this weekend. We are going to miss you two very much. I want to keep in contact with you regularly. Also, thank you for talking to my chef and having him prepare all my favorite foods. That was very thoughtful."

"It was the least we could do for how welcoming you have been to us."

Just then the chef came to the solarium and stuck his head in and said dinner was ready in the dining room.

We all got up and Graham and I followed the star and his partner to the dining room.

A very lavish spread of food was on the dining room table. A couple of waiters that worked in the kitchen served us our dinner. It was very good and another favorite food of the star. We had shrimp cooked in many different ways. These shrimp were so big, they almost looked like small lobsters. They were tender fresh and delicious.

We walked back to the solarium. The star told us he would be leaving soon. He wanted to go through he new program one more time with his band and make sure everybody was on track. He told us he was glad we were going to his first show and hear his new music.

We didn't say too much when the star and his manager left. He didn't like best wishes or any kind of congratulations. The star felt it was bad luck before a show. We told him we looked forward to hearing his new show and watched them leave. We still had a couple of hours before we needed to leave for the first show.

We just relaxed in the solarium and drank some coffee. We hadn't changed and were still in our robes with sandals on. One of the waiters came in and asked us if we would like a refill. We both took a refill of our coffee.

I was feeling a little tired and thought I'd get some shut eye before we needed to get ready to leave for the show. The chair I was sitting in was very comforable and I soon was nodding off. I saw Graham yawning and I think he had the same idea I did.

In just a few minutes or it seemed like a few minutes I felt someone nudging my shoulder. I opened my eyes and the head housekeeper was standing by me. I thought I better wake you so you had time to get ready for the show and be ready for chaffeur when he gets back. I thanked him and I noticed Graham was awake.

We got up and walked back to our bedroom. We pulled out some clothes from the walkin closet we were going to wear to the first show. We both took a quick shower to freshen up and finish waking us up. We dried each other off and got dressed. Checked ourselves out in the full length mirror and walked out to the foyer. The chaffeur was there and we double checked that we had our VIP tickets.

The head housekeeper opened the front doors for us and we got into the limousine and soon were arriving at the hotel. We walked to the showroom. Graham and I knew where it was located. The showroom was huge on inside. You would never believe how big these rooms were from the outside. The doorman got an ushers attention and we followed him to our special VIP seats. The showroom was about half full and people were still coming in. We got settled into our seats and ordered a couple of beers. Soon it looked like the showroom was full. The beer tasted good and the lights started to dim in the showroom signifying the show would soon begin. We heard the band start playing and the big curtain slowly opened and a spotlight came on and the star walked out from the back to center stage and a standing ovation. He motioned for everyone to take a seat and thanked everyone for such a wonderful welcome. He talked for a few minutes about tonight's show and most of it being new music. And hoped everyone enjoyed the show.

The star then sat down at the piano and the show started. Graham and I enjoyed the new music as did everyone else in the audience. It was soon intermission and we ordered another beer and a snack tray magically appeared. Graham dug into the snack tray. I nibbled a little at the crackers meat and cheese. The cold beer tasted good with the snacks.

Soon the lights dimmed and the second half of the show began. More new music mixed in with some of his hits. Every was clapping to the music. Singing to songs they knew and having a good time. The second half passed quickly and soon the first show was over. The manager came over to us and told us the star was staying here in his dressing room until the second show started. He told us the chaffeur and limousine were ready for us, when we were.

We told him we were ready to leave and would probably sleep in our bedroom tonight. The star would be tired and needed his rest. The manager told us, it was up to us where we wanted to sleep. He told me that he would peek into our bedroom when they got home and if we were awake to join them. If were were soundly sleeping he would leave us to continue our sleep.

We got into the limousine and soon were at the villa. The head housekeeper was waiting for us and had the front doors open. He asked how the show was. We told him just as fantastic as always. The new music we were sure would be billboard hits. The head housekeeper asked us if we would like anything. We told him we were ok and a little tired and were going to retire to our bedroom. He wished us a good nights sleep and would wake us when breakfast was ready.

Graham and I went directly to our bedroom. We were tired and thought we'd watch some tv. And if we fell asleep, we fell asleep. We were probably tired from not doing that much. We need to get back to our regular workout when we get home.

Graham found a good football game on and we started watching that. We were naked and cuddled together in bed. We hadn't really had much time just for us since we came to the villa. It was nice feeling Graham's warm body pressed up to mine.

The game was pretty good and kept our attention. We did a little fondling and fooling around while we watched the game. We heard some noise in the other bedroom and saw the manager's head poke in and asked us if we wanted to join them. I told them we would be right there. The second half of the game was a runaway and we knew who was going to win. We put some sandals on and went into the adjoining bedroom.

The star manager chef and head housekeeper were already there and they had a couple places in the bed ready for us. Graham and I climbed into the bed and we got into a couple of three ways. The star and his partner were with me and the chef and head housekeeper were with Graham. The manager straddled my chest and started face fucking me with his cock. The star had my hole primed and was starting to give me a slow fuck. It felt good having both holes stuffed. I saw the chef face fucking Graham while the head housekeeper was fucking him. Once they all came they changed and went into a three way with us again. Then after they came a second time we started mixing up the three ways until everyone was sated. We were all tired after our continual three ways and fell asleep on the bed in a pile of bodies.

We woke up and and it was just the star and his partner with Graham and me. How the chef and head housekeeper managed to get up and leave the bedroom was a mystery to me without waking us up.

We could smell breakfast being prepared and the star asked us if we would like to shower with them. We thought sure, why not. We all climbed into a very large shower with two rain shower heads on each end. We started washing and cleaning each other. We all had morning hardons and soon we were sucking each other off. We got out of the shower and dried each other off. We told the star and his partner we were going back to the other bedroom and put our robes on. They told us they were going to put their robes on too.

We all walked to the dining room and the chef was finishing setting the table and arranging our breakfast. A couple waiters from the kitchen came in and started serving us. Again, one of the star's favorite breakfasts had been prepared by the chef. We didn't talk much while we ate breakfast.

Finally the star broke the silence and asked us how we liked the new music. We told him we thought all his knew pieces would be billboard hits. The music was fantastic. We told him we would like to go to the first show again tonight and then we need to get a good nights sleep, since we were leaving early Saturday morning. He said that could easily be arranged and he looked at his manager who already making a couple of phone calls and getting everything arranged.

The star told us he wouldn't have to leave early today. Everything fell into place easily with his band. He told us the first show would be pretty similar to yesterday's first show. We told that was fine. We liked listening to his music and enjoyed it very much. He said how about if we adjourn to the solarium and have some coffee. We told him that sounded good.

We got up from the dining room chairs and walked again as a small group to the solarium. It was nice and bright in the solarium. It looked like another nice warm day in Las Vegas. The pool and hot tub looked very inviting. The head housekeeper came into the solarium with an insulated thermos of coffee and four cups. He poured us our coffee and prepared the star's coffee the way he liked it. I thought the star would be drinking tea, but I didn't say anything.

We all relaxed on lounger that were along one wall that was solid glass looking out to the backyard. We all took our robes off and laid on them naked. Enjoying the view and the sun coming in.

We all fell asleep. It was so relaxing in the solarium. When we woke it was already going on lunch time. The head housekeeper had taken the thermos of coffee and our empty cups to the kitchen. He came in and told us the chef was preparing lunch and asked us where we wanted to eat. We all looked at the star and he said how about if we eat out on the patio. The weather is so nice. It's a shame to waste this nice weather by staying inside. We all agreed with him and we walked out to the patio. We sat on loungers under the covered part of the patio that was on one side of the pool.

Soon the chef came out naked and started preparing the patio table with food. The head housekeeper was naked and was helping the chef set the table. We could smell the food and it smelled delicious. We got up and walked over to the patio table. The star sat at the head of the table with his partner on his right and Graham and me on his left.

The two waiters from the kitchen came out and they were naked now also. Another couple of nice looking young men. Muscular and in good shape. They obviously worked out. They were hung about the same as Graham and me. The started walking around the table with the different dishes and we told them what we wanted. Again, the chef had prepared another meal that was the star's favorite. The star looked over at us and told us we were spoiling him. We told him it was the least we could for his hospitality.

We finished eating and went down to the pool to relax. Graham and I dove in and we wanted to get a little exercise in. We swam laps until we started getting tired. The star and manager just watched us from their loungers. The star said, "if I was a few years younger I would be joining you swimming laps and getting some exercise."

I told him, "your never too old for swimming. Swimming is the best exercise there is. You use all your muscles when you swim. Just don't overdo it. Just a little at a time and what your comfortable with."

The star asked me, "is that the doctor talking."

"Yes it is. Just concerned that your not being too immobile."

"I think you have a good idea there Bob. It's something I need to consider. Most of my time I'm sitting when I'm performing and when I'm at the villa. I just sit around and relax on the loungers or walk around on the shallow end of the pool. But I think I should start doing a little swimming. I know how to swim."

"Good. I'm glad to hear that. I hope it's something you follow through with."

Graham and I climbed out of the pool and walked over to our loungers and laid down. "That was refreshing and exhilarating."

I saw the star watching us and licking his lips. I knew he really liked Graham and me and our bodies. He would continually watch us and look us over from head to toe.

We decided to go into the jacuzzi and relax their. The manager turned on the jets and heater and we waited a couple of minutes for the water to get warm. We all got up and walked into the jacuzzi. The hot swirling water felt good. We sat on the built in seats and leaned our heads back on the rests. It was very relaxing and we all nodded off for a bit. It was already the middle of the afternoon and I gave Graham a wink and he knew what that meant. I was going to go to our bedroom and get our presents for the star and his partner.

I climbed out and told them I'd be right back. I wrapped the robe around me but didn't tie it. I didn't want to drip water all over the place. I walked into our bedroom and got the presents from my dresser drawers and walked back out to the pool and jacuzzi area. They were all on loungers again by the pool. Someone had brought out cold beer for Graham and me and the star and manager where having some kind of a pitcher of mixed drinks.

The star and manager noticed I had a couple of gift wrapped small packages. The star said, "what do you have there Bob?"

"It's something that Graham and I purchased for you and your partner." I handed the small packages to each of them.

They slowly unwrapped their packages. They didn't want to tear the very elegant paper. The star was the first to get his package unwrapped and his he couldn't believe what he saw. "How did you guys know this is something that I really like?"

"A little bird told us."

The manager finishe unwrapping his package and he couldn't believe what we had purchased for him.

"This perfect guys. Thank you very much." He tried on both pairs of sunglasses and they fit perfect.

The star was trying on his new glasses and they also fit perfect. He told us this was the best present he could have gotten him.

He said he was going to wear the blue pair tonight at his first show, since his suit was blue.

The star he would be leaving soon. He always liked getting early to his dressing room. He would go through a couple of new pieces of music. The manager told us our tickets would be waiting for us when we arrived and went to the showroom.

They got up and walked back to their bedroom and had their new glasses with them. Graham and I were pleased and thought we had made a good purchase for them.

The chef had some carry out ready for them to take to the star's dressing room. We got up and the patio table was being prepared for us for dinner. Even though it was early. We told the chef we would like to eat at little later. He told us that wasn't a problem and just let the head housekeeper know when we were ready to eat.

We stayed by the pool on our loungers and sipped on our cold beer. This was really good beer. We talked for awhile and couldn't believe we were leaving tomorrow morning. This week had sure flown by. But we agreed we were ready to get back home and enjoy our home and especially our backyard and sunroom.

Finally we decided we were getting hungry and thought we should eat and then it would probably be time to ready to go to the first show. I walked up and got the head housekeepers attention and told him Graham and I were ready to eat and would like to eat outside under the covered patio.

I saw the head housekeeper leave and go to the kitchen. Soon the chef was bringing out food and the head housekeeper was getting the patio table ready for two. He told us everything was ready. Two waiters were standing on the side while we seated ourselves. They started bringing around the different dishes of food and asked us what we wanted and how much.

We finished our dinner and thought we should get changed into some more new tailor made clothes and head to the showroom. We were anxious to see the first show one more time and our last time.

Graham and I got dressed and helped each other a little. Not too much, we didn't want to be going around with hardons. Checked ourselves out in the floor length mirror. Thought we looked ready to go. Splashed on a little cologne and headed out. The head housekeeper told us the limousines was ready for us. We climbed into the back of the limousine and were on our way to the hotel and the showroom.

The chaffeur pulled up in front and opened the back doors for us. We got out and walked up to the front of the hotel. The doorman opened the doors for us and we walked to the showroom. When we got to the door of the showroom, the doorman asked for your tickets. We told him who we were and and I called an usher over to us. The usher took us to a different section for very special VIP guests. These seats were unbelievable. They had to be the best seats in all of the showroom. In the middle, of the middle section of seats, with an exceptional view of the stage.

We were getting a lot of looks. I suppose because of where we were seated. A waiter brought two cold beers for us and a very nice arranged charcuterie board. Graham's eyes lit up when he saw all the food on the board.

I was sipping on my beer when the lights dimmed and the band started playing. The lights went out in the showroom and a spotlight was aimed at the center of the stage. The large curtain slowly opened and the star was seated at the piano. The audience was standing on their feet and applauding. The star told every to please sit. He explained most of the music in the first half of the show was new music.

The show started and it was just as good as always. About half way through the first half, the star got up from his piano and took the microphone. He said, "this next song is brand new and is dedicated to two knew friends that my partner and I have had the pleasure of getting acquainted with." While the star was talking, he was looking directly at us. His new blue glasses really looked nice with the blue suit he was wearing. "Now without further ado. I hope you like this new song as much as I liked composing it."

The new song was really quite special. The song told a story about how two strangers came into his life. How they changed his life and how much he would miss them when they had to leave. Graham and I couldn't believe we had made that much of an impression on the star.

I was glad they didn't put the spotlight on us. I didn't really want all that attention and I'm sure Graham didn't either. The first show ended and we knew the star would be staying until his second show started. We wanted to get back to the villa and relax and finish packing and be ready for our early flight Saturday morning.

The manager came over to us and told us the limousine was ready. We told the manager to tell the star that the special song in dedication to us was very special and appreciated.

We walked out through the back and into the waiting limousine and were taken immediately to the villa. The head housekeeper was waiting for us and opened the front doors when we arrived. We walked in and he asked us if we would like anything. We told him a couple of cold beers would be nice and we would be here in the bedroom finishing our packing and getting ready for our departure early tomorrow morning.

Graham and I finished our packing and we had our clothes ready that we were going to wear for our flight back home.

We heard a knock on our bedroom door and the head housekeeper brought in our beers in chilled glasses. He told us if we wanted anything else to just let him know. He looked like he had a tear in his eye when he left the bedroom.

Graham and I stripped down and laid on top of the bed and watched tv. We didn't feel like going to the pool or jacuzzi. Graham found a movie we hadn't seen and we started watching that. We sipped on our beer and watched the movie to the end. We were getting tired and Graham turned the tv off and we used the remote and closed the curtains. Crawled under the covers and fell asleep. We didn't hear the manager peek into our bedroom to see if we were sleeping when the came home.

Graham had set the bedside alarm so we would be sure to be up early and have plenty of time to get ready for leaving.

The alarm went off. Startling us. This was the first we had used an alarm since we arrived at the villa. We showered and hugged and kissed in the shower. Dried each other off and got dressed in some our tailor made clothes.

We heard a knock on the door and the head housekeeper came in and told us that breakfast was ready when we were. We told him we would be their shortly and we had our bags packed and ready for storage int he limousine. He started carrying our luggage out while we walked over to the dining.

When we entered the dining room we were surprised to see the star and his partner there waiting for us. They got up from their chairs when we entered and we got into a group hug and kiss. The star said he was sad to see us leave and wished we would have accepted his offer to live with them. They were going to miss us very much. We told him and partner that we would miss them too. But were looking forward to them visiting us at our home.

We all sat down and the waiters brought in our breakfast. They served us and it was a wonderful meal. We had light and pleasant conversation. But like all good things, it must come to an end. It was time for us to make our departure.

We all walked to the foyer and kissed and hugged again. I thought I saw some tears in the star's eyes and his partner. It had hard saying goodbye. But finally we left and waved back to them as we got into the limousine.

It seemed like a short trip to the airport. We would be flying home in the star's private airplane. It was ready for us. The chaffeur pulled up close to the jet and Graham and I walked in. The same steward was working and greeted us. He helped the chaffeur stow our luggage and garment bags in the plane. We sat in the formal sitting area.

Soon we were airborne and on our way home. Graham and I didn't say much. Just doing a lot of thinking. The steward asked us if we would like something to drink. We told us a couple of black coffees. He came immediately with our coffee and an assortment of danish rolls.

The danish rolls were very fresh and soft and delicious. I ate one with my coffee and Graham ate the other five.

The steward came over and told us we would be landing in about thirty minutes. It seemed like this flight went fast. But being a full size commericial jet. It could make good flying time.

Soon we were fastening our seatbelts and landing back at our airport. We taxied to our slot and front door opened with the ladder going down. We deboarded the plane and limousine was their waiting for us. I noticed we were getting a lot of stares from people in observation area. The steward and chaffeur loading our luggage and garment bags into the Rolls Royce limousine and we were on our way home. I gave the chaffeur the direction home and he had remembered how to get there.

Everything looked the same onLittl our ride home. Nothing had changed. Soon I felt the limousine slowing down and going down an unused road for a few feet so we were off the main highway and wouldn't be seen. I was wondering what was happening. I was hoping we weren't going to be kidnapped again. Soon the chaffeur got out and came into the back with us. He said he was supposed to give us a special present from the star and manager. He told Graham and I to strip down as he took all his clothes off. He told us to sit with our legs spread wide. He got between my legs first and gave me one of the best blowjobs I had ever had. Once I came he went over to Graham and did the same to him. Now you need to lay back and pull your legs to your chest. I saw him lubing his big hard thick eight inches and he eased his cock into my hole and gave me a great fucking. Continually rubbing and working my prostate. It didn't take him long to cum with my ass muscles working the length of his cock. When he finished with me he then went over to Graham and gave Graham a fantastic fucking. Graham was moaning and bucking under him while he filled my lover with another big load. When he finished. He told us this was a special treat from the star and manager. We all put our clothes back on. The chaffeaur backed out from our secluded spot and we were back on our way home.

Little did Bob and Graham know that while they were enjoying themselves in Las Vegas, the FBI Commander was planning his final Wipeout. The first three drug lords were taking out easily. But he was getting reports that the fourth and final drug lord was in a maximum security fortress. The last drug lord had heard of his companions being wiped out and he wasn't taking any chances. He had the best security system money could buy. He had the best armed security men that you could buy. He knew he didn't need to worry. He had the best protection available. He also had a special underground fallout shelter. It was lead lined and fully stocked. It had electricity and air conditioning and was like a small house that could sustain him for a very long period of time.

The FBI Commander was planning his strategy. He knew he needed more high powered bombs. Probably rockets that could zero in on their target. Also, he needed a larger team. This fortress was bigger than the other three. Things were falling into place and they would soon be moving into action.

Bob and Graham arrived home and nothing had changed. They were surprised to see Margaret at their house on Saturday. She had the front doors open and helped the chaffeur with our luggage and garment bags. Graham and I told them to put our things in the foyer and we would take care of it later. The chaffeur said he needed to leave right away and be back to take the star to the hotel for his two shows tonight. We thanked him and told him to tell the star and manager a special thank you for their special present. He gave us a smile and we watched the Rolls Royce limousine leave.

We walked back in and Margaret told us to look in the dining room. A huge rose floral arrangement was in the center of the table. She told us to follow her and on the kitchen island was some very expensive Swiss chocolate and a huge fruit basket. Margaret handed us the card that had been in the flower arrangement. It was from the star and his manager, thanking us for staying with them and having such a wonderful time and they looked forward to visiting us soon.

Margaret was all bubbly and giggly. We had never seen her like that. "What's with you Margaret. I've never seen you act this way."

"Do you mean you know that British star and his manager?"

"Yes we do Margaret. We were invited to his villa in Las Vegas. That's where we were this past week. The star and his manager also plan to visit us when he has some time off from performing."

"You mean they may actually visit here?"

"Yes. That's what they promised us."

"He's my favorite singer and artist. I have all of his music. You need to buy a piano if he comes to visit."

We gave Margaret a laugh. "If he comes to visit. It's to relax and forget about work and music. I'm not sure about buying a piano."

"Be sure to let me know if and when he plans to visit. I want to be here every day."

"We'll do that Margaret if it happens."

"I'm going to leave now. I just wanted to here when you got home. And welcome back. You've been missed."

"Thanks Margaret. Now get yourself home and enjoy the rest of your weekend."

Margaret left and Graham and me hauled our luggage and garment bags upstairs to our bedroom. We saw our gifts that we had purchased in Las Vegas, in our bedroom. We were going to put things away later. We wanted to get out of these clothes and get back to going around naked. Even though we did that most of the time at the villa.

We looked at the huge flower arrangement. Must have been five or six dozen red roses. The chocolates were imported from Switzerland and the fruit basket was from a famous distributor and home deliverer of specialy baskets. I took the wrapper off the fruit basket so it would be ready for eating.

We walked outside and down to the pool. Our backyard was really pretty spectactular compared to the star's. He's going to be impressed when he sees our backyard and sunroom. That reminded me that we had purchased some crystal birds to hang in the sunroom. I would have to find that package and have them ready for Monday morning. I would tell Margaret where we wanted the crystal birds hung and the gardener could take care of that.

I also remembered that Ash Wednesday was this coming week. We would have to go to church on Wednesday. That would begin Lent and Graham and I would not be eating any meat on Fridays. Seafood and/or salad only. Also, no alcoholic beverages on Friday.

I heard my cell beeping meaning I had a message. I found my cell phone in the kitchen and checked my messages. I had two messages. The first message went back a couple of day and it was from the bodyguards. They wanted to know if they could come and visit this coming weekend. I asked Graham and he said that was fine with him. I texted back the bodyguard and told him they coule plan on visiting next weekend. The message I had just received was from Preston and he told us he was having his party this coming weekend and he wanted us to be sure to plan to attend. It was starting at noon with a big barbeque. Graham told me he had received the same message from Preston.

Bob and Graham didn't know that Preston's party was a welcome back party for them. It was going to be a big surprise party.

The next few days flew by. It was nice getting back to work. Graham and I took a late lunch break on Wednesday so we could go to church on Ash Wednesday. The church was full and the priest signed the cross on our foreheads with ashes. We then went back to work and finished our day.

The weekend was fast approaching. The bodyguards would be coming and we had Preston's party to attend.

End of Chapter 6 - Ash Wednesday

Chapter 7 Coming Soon

If you would like to see the characters in the story, please read "My Alphabet Friends," and there are photos of characters at the end of each chapter.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. I answer all emails I receive. I ask that you please put Nifty or the title of the story in the subject line. Then I'll know it's not spam. I am already working on Chapter 6. I hope you enjoy my story as much as I like writng it. Please email me at:

Next: Chapter 7

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