Body Chemistry

By College Cutie

Published on Jan 14, 1999



Warning: This story contains graphic descriptions of consenting adults engaging in male/male sex. If you are offended by material of this nature or are under the legal age to view this material, then please read no further. But, if this is the sort of thing that makes you hard, then by all means Read ON!

This is my first attempt at writing a story of this kind, but I will do my best. Any comments or suggestions that you might have are more than welcome. Email them to

Body Chemistry

As I entered the lecture hall on opening day, I prepared myself for a less than exciting semester. Although I was pretty good at it, nothing could put me to sleep faster than an hour of non-stop chemistry. Out of habit, I took a seat in the rear of the auditorium and began to survey the faces around me. If I have to suffer through a class like this, I usually like to have some eye candy to feast on every once in a while. As I looked around, I began to think that it was going to a boring term. There were a few girls scattered about, some mildly attractive guys here and there, but slim pickings on the whole. Over all, it was a small class of maybe fifty people spreading over the large expanse of seats. My eyes scanned over the crowd, looking for some place to rest, but finding very little. Then, a few rows down and to my right, I found what I was looking for!

My breath caught in my throat as I took in the sight in front of me. The boy sitting there was absolutely amazing, like something out of a magazine. I stared at this gorgeous young stud sitting below me, a thousand thoughts running through my mind. I wanted to jump his bones right then and there, rip his clothes from his beautiful body and make him scream out in ecstasy right in front of the entire class. It was all that I could do to stop myself from grabbing hold of my hardening cock, so hot was this guy! Just then he must have felt the intensity of my stare on him, because he slowly turned and surveyed the back of the room. I had never seen such a sight in all of my life! He was prefect. His short blond hair was combed back. gelled in place, leaving a few wisps to hang just above his eyes giving him a youthful, boyish air. His eyes were the deepest shade of blue that I had ever seen, the kind of eyes that you could just lose yourself in. His lips were a hot shade of red, leaving me to imagine how soft and sweet they would taste pressed against my own. It was then that I caught sight of his body. His thin ribbed t-shirt clung close to his body, struggling to contain the rippling muscles just underneath. His boyish charm combined with his hot jock body was more then enough to my cock reaching sky ward. It was then that I recognized the hot young guy sitting there. I wondered to myself how I could ever forget!

His name was Jonathan, and I had first seen him a few days earlier in the first edition of the school paper. He was this year's star of the men's lacrosse team, expected to lead our school to the nationals. He was a year ahead of me, and was incredibly popular on campus. Usually, you could find him surrounded by a group of at least five or six girls at any time. If not, he was walking around campus with his jock buddies, all of them hot, but none as gorgeous as him. But now, he sat alone and within a few feet of me. He a dreamy look on his face as if this was the last place that he wanted to be at 9 o'clock in the morning. I began to wonder myself what he was doing in this class. Jocks of his stature were usually given a free ride in return for a winning performance on the field. Lately, the university had been cracking down on that sort of thing. I guess that he got caught up, and there he was. It only took me a minute to decide that I didn't care how he got there, so long as he was there for me to day dream about. I knew that somehow, I had to get closer to this stud.

Now, I'm a pretty hot looking guy myself, black hair, brown eyes, 5'10", and a solid 160 lbs. I had played sports all throughout high school, and it definitely showed on my body. I have a boyish quality, enhanced by my lack of body hair. I had had a few admirers of my own, both guys and girls, but I was nothing in comparison to Jonathan. I wasn't sure if he was into guys at all, but I was prepared to find out. All I need was some way to get close to him. That opportunity came just few weeks later.

I rarely paid attention to the droning of the professor for that hour of chemistry every other day. Instead, perched at the back of the class, I stared down at Jonathan, almost consumed with lust and adoration. But, I had always been good enough at chemistry to get decent grabs with some last minute cramming. I soon found out that Jonathan wasn't quite as lucky. When I walked in class the morning after our first exam, I discovered my golden opportunity. The professor handed out our grades before beginning his usual dry lecture. I glanced at the corrected exam before. I had managed to pull an A minus. Considering that I had spent the past two weeks in class with a continuous hard on fantasizing about the boy of my dreams just a few seats away, I think that I did pretty well. I smiled as I put the paper away and turned my attentions back to Jonathan. Quickly, I noticed that he wasn't nearly as pleased. In red ink, I saw what had upset him so. A large D- was scrawled at the top of his paper, along with a note about signing up for tutoring. I knew very well that this was what I had been waiting for. As class ended, I followed Jonathan outside and watched eagerly as he signed his name in a blank space on the tutoring request posted on the bulletin board. When I was certain that he was gone, I walked over to the broad. I placed my contact information next to his name writing that I would be more than happy to help him out. If he only knew then in what way I really wanted to help him out! There was nothing left to do but wait.

It seemed to take forever, but the next afternoon, I got his call. I nearly melted when I heard his masculine voice on the other end of the phone asking for me.

"Hello" I said nervously.

"Hi, can I speak to Sean please. This is Jonathan."

"Hey Jonathan," I said eagerly, "this is Sean."

"Hey man, thanks for offering to help me out. I'm in a tough spot. I really need to pass this course, it's my ass on the line. If I don't pass, they'll kick me off the team for sure. And if I don't play, I can kiss my scholarship goodbye."

"No problem!" I said breaking into a smile "I'll teach you everything you need to know. What do you say we meet up at the student center. It's not as quiet as the library, less risk of falling asleep." I laughed.

"Alright," he chuckled back, " I need all the help that I can get! Meet you there in half an hour."

"You got it bro." I hung up the phone unable to believe what had just happened. I hurried to get dressed in something alittle sexy before heading over to the student center. Jonathan and I met up there and spent the next four pouring over chapter after chapter, using our study breaks to find out more about one another. Once, as I looked up from explaining a diagram in the book, I could have sworn that I had caught him staring at me. My cock began to stir at the very idea that this gorgeous stud had been looking at me. I shifted my weight on the chair to ease the growing tension in my shorts. Could he have really been looking at me? But, I decided instead to write it off as simple fatigue. We had both been working really hard and were both pretty tired. After four and a half hours, we had had enough.

"Hey Sean, what do you say we break for the night and go grab a bite to eat? Jonathan asked, his blue eyes locked on mine.

"Man, that sounds like a great idea, I'm starving and my brain is fried. Chinese good for you?" I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I knew that it wasn't a date of any kind, but hey, I would take any chance that I could get to spend time with my dream boy.

"Excellent, let's get out of here!"

So, that night after sharing chinese and some good conversation, we parted ways. He thanked me for all my help and asked me if I was free to help him out again tomorrow night. I told him that any evening was good for me. We set up a study schedule for four times a week, working in and around his lacrosse practices. Things were going great. Little by little, we had become very good friends. Over the weeks, after studying we would hang out at the student center, catch a movie, or hang at one of his frat parties. I knew that we were only friends, but I still couldn't keep my cock from standing at rigid attention every time that I was near him. The semester would soon be coming to an end, and so would our late night study sessions.

The night before the big exam, I invited Jonathan over to my room for an all night cram session. He gladly accepted, saying that he'd be right over after practice. At 9:30pm, he showed up at my door. My dick sprang to attention the moment I saw him. He really had come over right after practice. He was wearing nothing more than a pair of baggy sweat pants hanging down low on his beautiful waist, straining to stay up by resting on his the curves of his rounded ass, and a cut off t-shirt that exposed his chiseled abs, still glistening with sweat from the run over. His skin was taut and shining, as the light danced off of the smooth surface that surrounded his navel. His hair was still damp and clung to his head. The sight of him drove me insane! I turned around and walked away from the door, to keep my composure. His walked in right behind me, kicking off his shoes and jumping on my bed.

"Hey man, sorry that I'm such a mess, but I came right over from practice. Ready to get started?" he smiled.

"You got it," I said my heart in my throat. "Let's get to it!"

Hour after hour we spent in with cramming our heads full equations. Jonathan and I shared the same book, which meant that he was only inches from my face, moving his lips playfully as he read. I wanted to embrace him, to kiss him full on the lips, to be with him and only him. But I held back, not wanting to risk driving him away. By 3am, mentally and physically exhausted, Jonathan began to doze off. As he fell into a light sleep, his head nestled on my shoulder. Quietly, I closed the chemistry book and set it aside. I nervously reached my hand over and stroked the soft hair that still clung to this beautiful boy's head. I laid his head back on my pillow, and Jonathan stirred from his light sleep.

"Shhhh," I said softly, "try to get a little sleep. I'll go get us some coffee. We'll pick up with this in about an hour."

"Mmmmmmmmm, ok," he groaned, and turned over in my bed. I crept out of the bed and made my way to the convenience store on the corner. I came back in a couple of minutes carry two cups of coffee, and a bag full of munchies. I stopped and smiled when I entered the room seeing the hottest guy that I had ever known fast asleep in my bed. But, my smile of contented quickly turned to a look of shock. As the light of from the door hit him, Jonathan rolled over unto his back, revealing a huge tent in the front of his once baggy sweat pants. My heart began to pound and a fire burned between my legs, as I realized that the boy I had lusted after all these weeks was lying on my very own bed, and wasn't wearing any underwear! At first I couldn't move, thinking that somehow this was all a dream. I closed my eyes to savor the moment. But when I opened my eyes, there he was, still fast asleep, and still his massive hard on pointing toward the ceiling. This was the moment that I had waited for, and I couldn't control myself anymore. I put the food down on my desk and crept silently toward the bed. I was so nervously I thought my heart would explode, but I just couldn't ignore the raging boner of this gorgeous stud begging to be let free. I sat softly next to him on the bed, closing my eyes as the mattress strained beneath our combined weights. To my surprise, Jonathan didn't stir, but moved closer to me, snuggling against my body. The heat of his body against me was amazing. Then I made my move. I reached out my trembling fingers towards him and began to run them up and down the smooth exposed skin of his stomach. He reacted to my soft touch with a gentle moan. Gaining more courage by the minute, I slowly worked my way down his rock hard stomach to the waist band of his sweats that were straining to hold back his delicious cock. I gently rubbed the massive outlined through the cloth and let out a groan as I saw a wet spot begin to form on the front of his pants. His cock had sensed my touch and was leaking steady steams of precum. I was mesmerized by the whole scene, quickly getting carried away by my own lust and the painful hardness straining against my own shorts. But I wanted this to last. I was in no hurry to let this end. So, I continued to run my fingers along the outline of his throbbing flesh and exposed abs. I had gotten so caught up in it, that I didn't notice Jonathan begin to stir. I looked up the next moment, and there he was, just staring back at me. I drew back in haste, whispering apology after apology. But he just looked at me with those beautiful eyes and motioned for me come back and sit down next to me. After I sat down, nearly in tears, he drew me close to him and looked deep into my eyes. Then, he put his lips over mine and drew me into an incredibly passionate kiss, like I've never had before. As our tongues explored each other's mouths, I felt like my dick was going to explode out of my pants. When the kiss subsides, we embraced. He began to suck gently on my ear lobe, all the while whipering.

"Don't be sorry," he breathed, "from that first night in the student center I have wanted you. But every time we got close, I lost my nerve. That's why I came here tonight. It was my last chance to see if you wanted me to. Now, don't be afraid to pick up where you left off."

When his words broke off, I could see the huge grin that lit up his face. But I didn't waste another minute, my attention turning back to his cock. I slowly pulled the elastic waist band over his huge erection.

"Ohhhhhh," he moaned when his pants were finally down around his ankles, "I was waiting for that! It was starting to get alittle cramped in there."

"I can imagine!" I replied smiling as I started to stroke his cock already dripping with his delicious lube. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, Jonathan?"

"Well," he said, "why don't you just show me!"

That was all that I needed to get going. With one fist wrapped around the base of his rock hard pole, I let my tongue loose on his cock head. In a frenzy, I licked his head and tongued his silt, savoring every drop of precum that came oozing out to greet me. Then, I began making long but slow strokes of my fist as I turned my tongues to his balls. One by one, I popped each of his swollen nuts into my greedy mouth, licking and suck each like a piece of man candy.

"Ohhhhhhhh, Fuck yeah.." he moaned his approval, " that feels awesome! Just keep doing what you're doing!"

Well I let his balls fall from my mouth drenched in saliva, I turned my attention back to his beautiful cock. With long strokes of my tongues, I ran it up and down the length of his shaft, setting his body aflame with lust.

"Please baby," he begged as his body spasmed, "take it, take me in!" All the while, he was moaning and groaning. I had never felt so erotic in all my life.

The time had come to try to take his monster into my mouth. I parted my lips and expelled my hot breathe onto his cock head. Jonathan tilted his head back and moaned in anticipation. I took a deep breathe and lower my head onto his throbbing cock. Once inside the warmth of my mouth, Jonathan broke down into moan after moan.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sean....yeah...ohhhhhhhhh... baby.yeah. God, that feels sooooooo goood. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.... Sean baby, suck me.."

He gently placed his hands on the back of my head and kept time with each stroke. Inch by inch, his dick disappeared down my throat, and I was loving it. I moaned as his member traveled down my throat, sending Jonathan into spasms of pleasure.

"Baby..yeah..." was all that he could manage to piece together as the waves of pleasure racked his body. Meanwhile, my hands were free to explore the rest of his body. I played joyfully with the firm cheeks of his ass, spreading them even so slightly and teasing his rosebud. Finally , I had managed to cram Jon's entire cock down my throat. I kept it there a minute before I started lifting my head off and back on in long slow strokes. With each new stroke, I sucked harder and harder all the while playing with his balls and rubbing his ass. The combined sensation was enough to send shiver right through my little love toy.

"'m getting close.." He gasped. I sensed his releasing getting nearer. So, I jammed his cock into my mouth and slid my moisten finger into his hot asshole. That was enough to send him right over the edge.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, yeah......Sean, I'm cumming."

I felt the force of his explosion as his stream of steaming cum hit the back of my throat. Jonathan's body tensed as he came to the high of his climax. Pump after pump, he filled me with his hot cum. Ohhhh, did he taste sweet! I gobbled every drop of him, not letting his cock out of my mouth until I had sucked him dry.

"Sean," he gasped breathlessly, "that was amazing. I've never ever felt like that before."

"Hang on baby," I said with a smile, "it's not over yet."

With those words, I began rubbing his hot ass cheeks, feeling the smoothness. I had not touched my own cock in anticipation of this moment. Now, the fire down below was nearly burning a hole in me. I bent my head down and attacted Jon's gorgeous asshole with my tongue. At first touch, his body tensed and he began to trash about alittle.

"Relax," I cooed softly, "you're going to love this."

Then, I began to lick his rosebud furiously. After just a few minutes, his ass muslces yeilded to the pleasure and allowed my tongue inside.

"Ohhhhhhhh Sean....Sean....Sean..." He kept moaning over and over again. Then, it came out. ", I want you inside me. Please baby, stick that cock up my ass. I need you inside me."

I knew that he was finally ready to take what I had to give him. He raised his muscular legs toward the ceiling presenting me with the most beautiful ass that I had ever seen. I spit in my hand and rubbed it all over my rock hard cock. I grabbed Jon's feet and placed them on top my shoulders, positioning my dick at the entryway to his asshole. Slowly, I moved forward and began to press my cock head against his rosebud.

"Ohhhhh," he groaned as his ass slowly gave way to my force allowing my cock entrance inside. I slowed my paced and eased off so as not to hurt my lover.

"Just relax and take it slow. Breathe nice and deep and relax your muscles."

At the sound of my voiced, I felt his resistance melt away, surrendering himself to me. I inched forward, moaning at the incredible tightness of his ass. When I was finally in all the way to the hilt, I paused a minute to enjoy the amazing warmth of Jonathan's ass. Then, I started to withdraw until only my head was still inside him, and then rammed it back into him. He quickly got into the motion, banging his body against my pelvis with each new thrust. Each time that my cock head made contact with his prostate, I saw his face contort in ecstasy, as he screamed aloud.

"Sean....yeah....Fuck me baby...Fuck me hard....Sean.."

The tightness and warmth of his ass was too much for me to take. Combined with him screaming out my name, I knew that I couldn't hold out much longer. I thrust against his body with all my might, feeling my balls tighten and my muscles tense.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, Jonathan, I'm cumming baby, I'm cumming."

My breathe came in ragged gasps as I shot my load deep inside my lover. Pump after pump, I filled him with my hot spunk as I experienced the most intense orgasm of my life.

"oooooohhhhhhh baby" I groaned, kissing him deeply and then collapsing onto his body.

"I love you.." Those were the final words we shared before falling asleep in each other's arms.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Write to me with any comments. Maybe I'll post some more soon.

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