Booger Red & Cowboy

By Waddie Greywolf

Published on Feb 28, 2003


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertainment for other adults. If you are not eighteen year of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you do. (Codes: M/M BD/SM Gay Incest Anal Oral)

Copyright 2003 Waddie Greywolf Mail to: ============================================================================ BOOGER RED & COWBOY By Waddie Greywolf


Brant and Rayph fell in love with Boots and Sonny. They wouldn't believe we were all named Billy Gun. Boots and Sonny had to whip out their license for them. Sonny's jaw hit the floor when Red and I strolled into the bar with two handsome patrol officers in tow. He was impressed. So was ole laid back Boots. At first they thought we might be in trouble until they saw the self-satisfied smug grin on our Master's mug.

Boots may be impressed with something but you won't be able to tell. I knew he figured out what happened immediately and couldn't help laughing while casting glances at me and Red. He kept shaking his head like, 'I can't believe you two.' Only Red and Cowboy could pick up two good looking cops and have them invite us to stay with them. Boots told me later that the whole trip, Red and I never ceased to amaze him and Sonny with some of the chance things that happened to us along the way. They never rode with any other riders for such an extended period and enjoyed themselves as much. The best part, they were getting paid for it.

Of course, Sonny let his dad drink both their beers and had an empty bottle waiting for our Master. Brant sent Rayph for beers for all of us. I sat mine next to my Master and noticed that Rayph did the same with Brant. We were sitting around the corner from the bar and no one could see us. Brant saw I wasn't drinking but didn't say anything. Red finished his beer and took my beer to start on.

"Boots did you want to give Sonny his `beer'?" Red always deferred to Boots. He never assumed. Boots appreciated that in Red. He respected Boots and it make him and Boots bond even tighter.

"Are you kidding? You guys were a little longer than usual so I offered. Oh, no! He'd rather wait for Master Red." he laughed as Sonny blushed.

"No offense, Dad, it's just..."

"I know, I know. I'm just yanking your chain, Son. I'm glad we have the brew Master' with us. You deserve a good strong Booger beer' ever now and then."

"Well, Cowboy needs something to drink. I've made him wait long enough." Red got up and grabbed the two empty bottles. Brant figured out what they were talking about and spoke up.

"Got three in there, Master Red. My boy would he honored if you'd fill this one for him. He's a little shy about asking."

"See what I can do, Gentlemen, be back in a minute." Red headed for the head and Sonny and I got up to play pool. I went over to Brant.

"Master Brant, would you consider allowing your slave to join us playing pool. Rayph looked at his Master like he'd like to.

"Sure, young man. He may join you if he wishes." Rayph was up and with us in a second. My Master returned from the head and Sonny went over to get our `beers.' He brought them over and handed each one. We clicked bottles to each other and I took about two big gulps of mine and Sonny drank about half of his. We watched Rayph take a drink and started to make a face then swallowed, took another bigger mouthful, then another. He got a smile on his face.

"Damn. That's good! Lot stronger and more flavorful than my Master's." he allowed. We hung around relaxing and had another couple of `beers.' Then our Master's were ready to go.

We stayed with the two South Carolina motor officers a little over a week. They took vacation from their jobs and were with us most of the time. They wanted us to stay longer. I worked with them all that week and two weekends. They improved a lot and I encouraged them to go on the circuit. I told them you don't start to get good until you start competing against the best.

Boots, Red and Sonny sat on the fence most of the time while we were practicing but at night their house was turned into a cowboy, cop, outlaw biker orgy palace. I'd never seen Red shine like he did for our stay at Brant and Rayph's ranch. He was the Master in charge. He established that behind the bamboo break that first afternoon. He was loving it and everyone, including Boots, loved him doing it.

Red decided who was gonna' fuck whom and how. As semi-closeted as Boots was at the beginning of our trip he let himself go and was making up for lost time. Sonny couldn't have been happier for his dad. Red would order Brant and Rayph to put on their uniforms to sub for whomever he assigned them to.

Boots was coming along as a Master. Red was slowly training him for the role. Red fell in love with Sonny so much he was doing his damnedest to groom Boots to be the Master he knew Sonny needed. They'd sit off to themselves some nights and talk for several hours about things. Red was slowly convincing Boots he had to put aside his thoughts of being Sonny's dad and start thinking about him as Red's slave; Red's property.

He told Boots he would be ready to step in when the time came. He had faith in Boots. I did too. The big man was really coming along. Somehow, the months of riding and talking with Red came to fruition for Boots at the ranch. Even Sonny commented that Master Boots was not the same old dad he knew at the beginning of our journey. He began to look at Boots in a totally different way. Master Boots was slowly replacing Dad Boots.

Red ordered Brant to sub for Boots. Brant wouldn't dare question Red's order; neither would Boots. He had come to trust Red so much he would have fucked a wild cat if Red ordered him to. I laughed and told my Master that was the true test of a good Master when another potential Master trusted him enough to follow his orders. Brant became Boots' motorcycle cop slave for the evening. Boots really got a kick out of having a cop sub for him.

When I was assigned to sub for Boots, he'd come a long way from `potential' Master. He was developing his own style, control and needs, but he was also giving and loving to his slave if the slave did his best to please him. Sonny was thrilled with his dad and told me their relationship was slowly taking a new direction.

Boots developed a wicked sense of humor and took great delight in embarrassing the slave that was assigned to him. Red though it was wonderful; insisted it toughened up a slave, made him learn to be proud, hold his head high, rather than be embarrassed. The next morning Boots led Brant into the living room on a leash, naked, his butt plugged, made him stand at attention before us and tell us everything his Master did to him and made him do. Then Brant paid homage to Boots' boots and thanked him for using him as his slave.

Boots broke his bad ass demeanor, grabbed Brant and pulled Brant to him in a big hug. He gently kissed and thanked Brant for being his slave for the evening, he did well and Boots was proud of him. Brant was moved to tears. Yes, Sir, old Boots was coming along. I didn't see a crotch in the room that didn't have leaky plumbing.

Red kept watching Brant make the same roping mistake again and again. He called him over to the corral fence and gently told Brant what he was doing wrong. Brant sincerely thanked him for his advice; then, he said something to Red in jest. Brant would never be rude to the animal that he had come to love and admire.

"Hey, old man, you think you can do better, here's my horse and rope." Brant laughed as he challenged my Master.

I'd never seen Red on a horse; didn't even know if he could ride. He jumped down off the fence, walked to Brant and took the horse's reigns. Brant smiled as he got down and gave his horse to Red. With one swift movement, Red was in the saddle reigning the horse in tight to let him know he had a new rider, his new rider was no novice and expected him to perform well with no nonsense; much the same way Red mounts me, come to think about it.

I was on the other pony and had been practicing with Brant. Red took Brant's lasso and fed it out some and then back in to where he wanted it. I didn't know what to think. Red turned to me and winked. I got his unspoken message loud and clear, 'Trust me, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know what I was doing, Kid.!'

"You been riding heeler all day---?" I nodded, "I'll ride header, Son. You be my heeler?" my Master barked at me.

"Yes Sir. Be proud to Master."

Rayph put up the barrier ropes. Brant was timing. Sonny opened the chute. Red broke the barrier, and started out the gate. The steer had barely cleared the chute and Red had his rope around it's horns and neck, dallied his rope to the saddle horn turned the steer ninety degrees. I was right there, caught the hinders, and backed my horse to secure. We were done. Best time I ever logged with anyone. I was stunned. Rayph couldn't believe his eyes. Red rode back over to Brant, smiled his `gottcha' smile at Brant, got down from his horse and handed him the reigns.

"Now, Son,---that's the way it should be done. Let that be a lesson to you. Never challenge an old man when you don't know everything about him." Red spoke softly to Brant. I started laughing and couldn't stop. Brant was humbled, apologized to Red profusely and only fell more in love with my Master. From that moment on, Brant listened closely to any tip from my Master and accepted it as gospel. He could accept it as gospel, Red was not a man to give advice unless he knew what he was talking about.

There was more to my Master than I knew by a long shot. All this time I'd spent with this big, ugly man, my animal, my magnificent, wonderful beast, my Master, and I realized, I didn't know everything about him. That epiphany only made me resolve to love him more. Here he was, as good a roper or maybe better than I was and I never knew. We never discussed it.

I learned early with Red, if he wanted you to know he'd tell you. If not, all the questions in the world wouldn't get him to talk about it. Most times he knew I was curious but being a good and well trained slave I wouldn't ask if my ass was on fire. Sometimes he'd take pity on me and throw me a bone of information. The rest I was supposed to piece together for myself.

He never said another word about it; never mentioned it. We never roped again together. I was so proud of my Master I kept him to myself that night and didn't share him with Brant, Rayph or Sonny. I let them know in no uncertain terms that Red's slave, with his Master's permission, had need of his Master that night.

I turned that old son of a bitch every which way but loose. He smiled at me knowingly, he knew all the words in my heart. I didn't have to speak them, I'd spent two hours showing him. My Master had a certain way of looking at me when I really pleased or pleasured him. It was a look of great pride and love.

I asked my Master if I might have his permission to share with Brant and Rayph why we had to get on the road. He agreed but told me to be discrete and tell Brant and Rayph we expected the same from them. He didn't want Sonny to know yet. For some reason he was being very protective of Sonny.

My Master knew how much Sonny loved him and it would probably be hardest on him. Red treated Sonny like a son and a second slave. Sonny went out of his way to obey and listen to his Master. Boots never felt threatened. In fact he told me how happy he was Red had taken Sonny for his second slave. Red didn't overdo but he was generous with his time with Sonny.

The day we left I told Brant and Rayph why the four of us were traveling around the U. S. and why we couldn't stay longer. We didn't know how much time we had left together. We would like to stay but it's not a matter of choice, we're racing against time. I asked them to be discrete because Sonny worshiped Master Red and we hadn't told him yet.

They understood but were devastated. Both cried in my arms and then Boots.' They had come to love the four of us, especially Red and I. It was hard to say goodbye to Red's three Gunns. I gave them my dad's address and phone number in Mason, Texas and told them to call my dad because he'd always know where we were.

Brant took Red aside and told him he never had a father and what he experienced, what Red had given him the past week, he'd never known before. He'd never met a man he felt was man enough, in his estimation, that he would consider submitting to, but when he saw Red on his bike he knew he was the man he would gladly kneel before and call Master. Brant sincerely thanked Red for his love, and patience with him and Rayph. He respected Red for his personal strength, generosity and understanding.

"Damn it, Master Red, I love you. I'll always carry you in my heart."

"I love you too, Son. You and Rayph have been a blessing to the four of us as well. We didn't meet by chance. The Old Man wanted us to find each other for some reason. Whatever his reason, we made the best of our time togther. Cowboy gave you his dad's number. Keep in touch and come see us."

"We will, Master, I promise." Brant broke down and started crying in Red's arms. That was the third time, I think, I ever saw Red cry. He'd fallen in love with Brant, too. Rayph fell in love with all of us. Brant gave up control of Rayph to Master Red. He accepted that Red was alpha-male and was only too happy to submit. Rayph fell in line with the rest of Master Red's faithful slaves. He cried in Red's arms when he tried to say goodbye. It was tough leaving two fine, good looking, masculine men like Brant and Rayph. We all allowed we spent a wonderful week together.

For a big, ugly man, I never saw a man that had more raw sexual draw than Red did. Granted it took a person that could look beyond the surface but those that did found a treasure. It was hard on Brant and Rayph knowing they probably would never see Red again.

Brant and Rayph did go on the circuit and I competed against them many times. We became great circuit friends and many times traveled from rodeo to rodeo together. They improved to where they made the top three ropers in the nation four years in a row. Won a hell of a lot of prize money, too.

Master Red and his three Gunns went down south and toured almost the entire state of Florida. We visited all the historical sights of the Carolina's and the major battlefields of the Civil War. We found some records of Red and my ancestors that fought on the confederate side during the war. My relatives were Boots and Sonny's forefathers as well. It seemed to bring us even closer together.

Then we found the most amazing thing. An old bible open in a case. It was a genealogy of a number of the early Gunns. One of the Gunn men directly in line as Boot, Sonny, and my ancestor married a Grainger woman. Sister to the brother that was one of Red's ancestors. We were distantly related. No wonder he felt we were family. We were family. What were the chances we'd stop by that museum and that bible would be turned to that page? Red no longer questioned. Neither did Boots and Sonny.

I could tell Boots loved the idea of having more family. We were all surprised with the information about our ancestors. Boots, Sonny and I were thrilled.

We rode back across the southern states and were going to tour the biggest state last; Texas. I know what you're thinking but it just ain't so. Melt all the damn snow and it ain't half the size of Texas. `Sides, Texas is God's country. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, it is not referred to as Baja Oklahoma. Red and I were both Texans from birth and what Red didn't know about Texas I did. I had rodeo friends and relatives all over the state and so did Red.

Sonny hadn't noticed anything yet but Boots was beginning to get worried. He usually rode behind me and Sonny rode behind Red. Boots didn't want to alarm me but he noticed Red was riding differently than he had. Sometimes he drifted in his lane like his vision was blurring. Both of us noticed that after several hours on the bikes, Red was tired. Never was a problem. I got us rooms and we rested until he felt up to going on. Sonny was none the wiser so far.

We parted with Boots and Sonny after we got to Houston. They called Dad and he was happy to hear from us. We didn't stay in touch as much as we should have. We had a slew of letters and messages waiting for us from Ten Sleep and the VA in Cheyenne. We'd been on the road a little over six months and I don't think I called home more'n four or five times.

Unbeknownst to me, Boots had called his new Dad almost every week to check in. It made me feel good to know he thought enough of dad to do that. Dad was looking forward to seeing Boots and Sonny again and would kill the fatted calf when they got there. He was anxious to reunite the four Billy Gunns.

Of course my old man let me have it when we got home.

"Well, at least one of my son's thought enough of his old man to keep in touch." He was standing behind Boots with his big arms around Boots locking him in a hug. He was hugging him and kissing around on him. Boots was in heaven.

They got out their small map dad had drawn for them. It was pretty accurate. We also bought a map of Texas and I drew the roads to take to get there. It wasn't too difficult. I knew Boots was a pretty fair navigator. We sent them on their way and wished each other well. We'd see them in a couple of days in Mason. Boots told Red and me he was going to see if he could get dad to talk to Sonny about Red's condition and the expected outcome. Sonny looked upon dad as his granddad. He loved my old man almost as much as I did.

We stayed with Red's older brother, the other Red, in Houston. He owned one of the biggest, most beautiful homes on the outskirts of Houston, situated right on the biggest lake. It was faux-adobe in the southwest style and was comfortably furnished.

I didn't know what to expect from his brother. He wasn't married but had several children. His wife passed away many years ago. He lived with a giant of a man, his personal bodyguard, bigger than Big Jim or Master Beryl. This man was a giant. He had to stoop going through doorways. I stood transfixed when I saw him, he was so ugly, he made Booger look like a Texas beauty queen. He wore a huge, heavy duty ring through his nose that was permanently welded into place. It wasn't your usual piercing jewelry, the damn thing was industrial size. It had to be of quarter inch stock and approximately four and half inches in diameter.

I was attracted to Griz immediately. I learned I had a thing for big, ugly men. Of course, that's no news flash. Red warned me about Griz and laughingly told me I would find him interesting. I couldn't wait to meet the giant man and meet his brother again, too. Red was right. I took one look and that big, ugly, bear of a man and my old dick wouldn't stop drooling. I couldn't stop my heart from beating ninety miles and hour. I wanted to run to him an bury my face in his chest fur.

Red's brother introduced Griz to me and I took his huge paw (it wasn't a man's hand it was too damn big) between both my smaller hands and looked into the most beautiful deep brown eyes. There was the soul of a saint behind those eyes. He gently pulled me into him and put his huge arms around me. He put one big paw behind my head and gently held my head to his breast. He had the soft, faint, smell of roses.

"You're so per-ttie." He said softly as he held me and kiss the top of my head.

"You're not bad looking yourself, Big Man." I told him realizing I wasn't lying to the man. I meant it.

Booger's big `Bro. Red' was a fine looking man. He had a strong masculine face, square jaw, and was built like a Marine D.I. The big, quiet bear-man, named Griz, obeyed him without question. Bro. Red recognized me immediately, took my hand, pulled me to him and hugged me.

He and I had met when I was with Uncle Bud on the rodeo circuit. He raved on and on to Booger and Griz about the several times he saw my uncle and I win at different Rodeos. He had joined his brother in Ft. Worth for the national finals when Uncle Bud and I won. He remembered Buck and Dan Yates well. Through mutual friends he and Griz had even stayed a week with them on their ranch. Bro. Red spoke highly of Buck and Dan. Red began to change his mind about Dan Yates and no longer saw him as a looming threat to our love.

Booger didn't know if his brother knew that he went with men but he was planning on telling him. He didn't have to, his brother wasn't dumb and knew our story immediately. That night at dinner, after some strong drinks, good food and wine, his brother asked why we were touring the U.S. Red hadn't told his brother about his condition.

"Little Brother, is there something you want to tell me?"

"Later, perhaps," said Red. When we can talk alone."

"I don't think that'll be a problem. We'll probably find ourselves very much alone this evening."

"Why do you say that, Bro.?" Booger asked his brother.

"Can't you see what's happening here?"

"What are you talking about?" Red looked puzzled.

"Stand up, Griz! NOW!!" he snapped his fingers at the big bear of a man. Griz didn't want to stand. He knew he was going be embarrassed but he slowly rose from his chair. There was a huge wet spot in the crotch of his overalls. Booger and Bro. Red thought that was enormously funny and found Griz's embarrassment even more funny. Poor Griz, I felt sorry for him. Booger began to understand his brothers statement about finding themselves alone.

"Now, have your slave stand up, Booger." I didn't wait for the order. I winked at poor Griz, smiled and I stood with an equally large wet spot in my levis. Our two Masters fell out laughing at us and Bro. Red walked around the table to embrace his younger brother. My slave wants to fuck your slave so bad he can taste it and your slave wants to feel as much of Griz's big fifteen incher up that tight little cowboy butt as he can get..

Griz groaned, "Awh,---Master, you promised."

"Shut up, slave, I need to be with my little Bro. He's gonna' bunk it in with me tonight. Take Cowboy to your den and treat him good, you understand? "

"Yes, Master Red."

"Now Son," Bro Red spoke to me, "He was once a hard charging backwoodsman in Alaska. I won him in a card game. I didn't know whether I was playing with a man or a big, ugly bear. His real name is Grizzly, I shit you not. He was so big coming out of his momma she thought she'd been raped by a Grizzly bear. She thought she was giving birth to a bear cub instead of a man child. He was covered in hair when he popped out. That just made her all the more sure. Hell, he was born with a five o'clock shadow. I took away his last name. He was Grizzly Burke. Now he's just Griz or Grizzly. I own him body and soul. Had that ring welded in his nose the second week I owned him. Made sure it was big enough to get my hand through.

He obeys me without question or he knows he'll go back to being trained again with a chain through his nose ring. Maybe the best thing is, over the years, I've come to love the big son of a bitch. He's saved my life three or four times by his brute strength alone. He also keeps me warm at night. He takes care of me. Fucks me good anytime I need it. You control him and he'll give you one of the best fucking's you ever had, except for my Bro. here. He can become a wild animal when he's in your ass so you have to control him. He'll do what you tell him `cause he knows he'll be severely punished if he don't, right Griz?"

"Yes, Master Red." Bro Red snapped his fingers and the huge man lumbered to Red's feet and kissed his boots. He found Red's hand and kissed it putting it to his forehead.

"Rise my big man-slave and give me a hug." Griz threw his huge arms around Bro Reds neck and almost hugged him to death."

"That's enough! Now,---you be good to Cowboy, he's special. You do as he tells you, understand?"

"Yes Master." Griz replied.

"If he gives you any trouble, Son, just grab his nose ring like this." He grabbed Griz's nose ring and the big man groaned in pain as his Master pulled down hard on it. Bro. Red pulled him all the way down to his boots. Griz started cleaning. He let go of the ring but the big man knew better than to stop cleaning his Master's boots.

"Got that, Cowboy?"

"Yes Sir, Master Red. I don't think that'll be necessary. Griz would never hurt me. Damn," I thought to myself, "He's one fucking, big-ugly man. I wasn't real sure he was a man. I couldn't wait to see his fifteen incher."

Booger got me aside.

"You all right with this, Cowboy?"

"Are you kidding, you know my weakness for big, ugly men, Master."

"Yes,--thank God,--I do!"

"Now, cut that out, Master! You ain't ugly. Remember what Brant and Rayph said about you. `Sides compared to Griz you're downright pretty." I roared with laughter, Red grinned like I was being a smart ass kid again and he loved it, "somehow, my Master, my magnificent beast, you've gotten a lot better looking over the last two years." Red threw back his head and laughed with me.

"Damn you, Cowboy! You always could break me up. I just don't want him hurtin' you, Son."

"He won't, Red. He wants me too bad. He knows I want him, too. Are you gonna' tell your Bro.?"

"Yeah, after I throw a massive fuck into 'em. I'm gonna' tell him. He's the only family I got other'n you, Boots, Sonny and the clan. He has a right to know." he laughed, "I've always dreamed of fucking him as long as I can remember. He still has a great ass, don't you think."

"Fuck, yes, tomorrow night we can switch. I'd love to fuck him." We laughed with each other.

"Oh, my God! If Griz and I got together and by some fluke he got pregnant,---can you imagine what the poor child would look like?" Red roared with laughter and I sort of giggled.

"Yes, I can, and I would take it to my heart and raise it like my own son. He might scare the B'jesus out a' other folks but to me he would look like a prince." Red didn't laugh,-sat there for a minute,-

"I know you meant that in jest,--and it was funny, but part of you was serious and really meant it, didn't you?"

"Damn straight, Master. He'd be a part of you. I'd have him to treasure after,---. Oh God, Red! I love you so much it hurts." Red took me in his arms and I lost it.

"There, there, Sweet baby, Red's gonna' be here for a good while yet. Hell, there's portions of your little ass I haven't explored yet. I damn well plan to explore all of it before I cash in my chips. Look Darlin,' go with the big man with my blessing.

You were giving to Brant and Rayph when they wanted so much of me, you've been generous with Sonny to a fault, you can't know how much that kid loves you, Son,---just don't let the big man hurt you or we'll have a new bear skin rug for your room. There's no way to measure how much I love you, Son. Why, next to my Harley, I love you the bestest." Red roared with laughter and got me laughing.

Griz took me to his den. That's what it was, a den. Not a reading or smoking room den, I mean a bear's den. Complete with bear skins and heads all over the damn place. His bed was covered in a bear skin that he slept on. He'd killed it with only a hunting knife and his bare hands. Still had the scars to prove it.

For a big man he was shy. He was hyper-masculine and looked not only ugly but mean as well. If he shaved every morning he'd have a five o'clock shadow by noon. He'd respond if spoken to, but he was painfully shy. We got to his den and he wouldn't look at me. He sat on the side of his bed and I sat in a chair. We sat for sometime but he wouldn't look at me.

"Why won't you look at me, Big Bear?"

"Cause you're so purttie. I don't want to soil me' pants no more."

"I ain't a' gonna' bite ya', Griz, less'n you want me to." I laughed. The big man glanced up and smiled the sweetest smile. He won my heart with that smile.

"Ya' wanna' come sit next ta' me?" he ask hesitantly.

"Naw, ---" I paused for a long minute and saw Griz get a downcast look on his ugly face, "I wanna' come sit in your lap." Griz glanced at me briefly and his big, ugly face brightened into a smile again.

"Well,---come'mon then." he said resolutely. I got up and moved to find his huge arms waiting to hold me on his big lap. I sat and nuzzled my face against his big black beard and `stache.

"Damn, you're purttie. You're like a little bear cub in the spring." I reached up, gently moved his nose ring out of the way and kissed him gently on his mouth. He returned my kiss equally as gently but I felt underneath a controlled strength that lived within the heart of an animal. My kind a' man. A huge, gentle bear of a man.

"You want to be my Master tonight, Big Bear?" I whispered to him while swapping spit.

"I'd love to be your Master tonight, Little Cub, but I can't. My Master told me to obey you. My Master can be purttie damn mean when he punishes me."

"Well, you would be obeying me if'n I ordered you to be my Master tonight, wouldn't you? He told you to do anything I said, didn't he?" He thought for a minute.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Little Cub. I would be your Master if'n you ordered me to be. You aren't afraid of me?"

"Fuck no! Should I be, Bear-man?"

"No, I'd never hurt a cub, `specially one's perttie as you be, Billy."

"Then, I order you to be my Master for tonight, Master Bear."

"`Master Bear,' I like that, salve-cub. Now, get down there and pay homage to your Master Bear's big boots. I may be Master Red's slave but I haven't forgotten how to be a good Master to a young purttie bear-cub." Griz was a Master at heart but he made one hell of a powerful and noble slave for his Master.

He loved Red's brother with a passion and would easily break any man in two that tried to harm him. He acted as a work partner and body guard for Bro. Red. He was Bro. Red's right hand man when it came to putting out oil rig fires. He once ran into a raging fire storm to pull his Master to safety. He had come to love his Master with the ferocity of a wild but only partially tamed beast.

He ordered me off with my clothes and didn't allow me to take his off until he had examined every inch of my body with his big paws; every inch! He even looked into my mouth. He thought I was the `purttiest damn thing' he'd seen in ten years or more. He told me he'd seen me rope in Ft. Worth with his Master. Bro. Red wouldn't take him along to introduce him to us. He waited for his Master in the stands. He told me he fell in love with me when he saw me with my uncle almost five years ago.

He continued to examine me. I saw a couple of tears run down his cheek as he gently touched the scars left by my two wounds.

"Nam?" was all he asked. I just nodded my head slowly, kinda shamefully. He pulled me to him and gently kissed each one as if he wished he could take away the remembered pain. For that moment, he did. Something came over me. It was like the two of us were transported to another dimension of peace and calm. Griz had done something to me, or us, maybe when he kissed my wounds. What did this man have that he could put my heart at peace so easily?

I was aware of him making a humming sound but it wasn't humming like a song. It was more a tone, a pitch., a low throated vibration of some kind. It was the most sooting and relaxing sound I'd ever heard. It felt as if his life force, his energy was pouring into me, healing me; washing over my soul.

He quietly ordered me to undress him. I could barely get his huge boots off; however, he was kind enough to help by placing his other big boot on my butt and pushing. When I finally pulled his overalls off, I couldn't believe the shaft that fell out of the big man's pants. It was unbelievably large. Then it dawned on me, why his face was so ugly. He was like my Master. God put all his beauty between his legs. I could only stare and wonder. How could Red's brother get fucked time and again with that? I guess the human body is a remarkable thing. It will adapt. He smiled at me staring at him.

"Go ahead, Cub, you can touch it. We're gonna' try to get all that up your butt in a little bit. Think you can take it all, slave-cub?" He held his arms out to me as he lay back on the bear skin on his bed.

"I'll damn sure try. Never found a horse or man I couldn't ride, yet." I said, not really sure of myself.

"Don't worry, purttie little Cub, I won't put it all in, I don't wanna' hurt you. My Master would tie me to the whippin' rack for three days if'n I did."

I went to him and he enfolded me in his huge arms, body and his huge hairy legs. He was a beastie. One that was about to go bump in the night. I had both my hands on his big shaft and incredibly, it was still growing. I could barely get both hands around the damn thing. Griz had the single biggest dick I've ever witnessed on a man in my life. He made Big Beryl's cock look like a `Junior Miss.'

He had hair, long hair, all over his body. His back was covered in hair. I could've braided the hair on his chest. I had to peal back three layers of thick fur to find a nipple to suck; but when I did, oh shit, was it sweet? He had the tastiest fluids that came from those enormous, brown nipples. I could run my fingers through all that luxurious fur and imagine I was a real bear cub suckling on his daddy bear's teat.

The bear skin we were laying on had only a little longer fur than my Master Bear. He proceeded to lick and drool over every part of my body. He had a rough tongue like an animal's and damn near drove me out of my ever lovin' mind. He got his tongue so far up my ass I though I would have to get a plumber's helper to get him out. For all his animal like qualities he made love to me like a poet. He not only swapped spit he engulfed me with his love. I have never felt safer with any man or animal than Griz made me feel that night. I gave myself to him with wanton abandon.

If he was going to try me on for size, I knew I had to be clean. I excused myself and went to his shower with my small bag. When I finished I took him by the hand, pulled him in to the shower and bathed him. I took my time and pampered him. At first, Griz was unsure about me serving him, but as he got into it, he loved it. He said he never had a slave-cub do that for him and asked if I did it regularly for my Master.

"Booger? Oh hell yes, Master Bear, I love my old man and try to do as much for him as I can. I'd do the same for you if you were my Master. I'd enjoy taking care of a big bear."

"Even one's ugly as I am?"

"I never said you was ugly."

"I know, that's why I want to please you as your Master. Not because I was ordered to by my Master but because, well, you saw the spot on my overalls. My Master was right, it was because of you,-I thought you was so purttie my old dick couldn't stop drooling. Ain't never had that happen to me but once before when I met my Master. You're special, Cowboy, and you think I'm special, too."

"Well, my spot was for you, Master Bear, but tell me,---how do you know I think you're special?"

"The way you touch me, the way you hold me; the gentle way you make love to me. You're not doing it cause ya' have to, you're doing it cause you want to,---you think I'm special. The way you just cleaned every part of my body like I was a piece of fine china. The way you cleaned under my foreskin with your tongue before you used the wash cloth. You wanted to taste me, and that's special. It tell's me you need me and want me as much as I need and want you." The big man grabbed hold of my soul with that statement. I had no idea he was that sensitive and insightful;--not too sophisticated but, hell, it worked for me.

"The damnedest thing about that is,--you're right. I want to feel as much of you in me as we can get, Master Bear. God gave you beauty, he just put it between your legs. Not only do you have the biggest dick I've ever come across, you also have one of the purttiest' ones. Hell, you ain't ugly, you look like a man's suppose to look, rugged and strong. It's people like me that ain't right, Master Bear. I've been told I was purttie' all my life. My real dad, my Uncle Bud that I rodeoed with, was a drop dead, purttie,' handsome man but my dad that raised me, ahhhh,---now there's a man for ya.' He ain't too purttie' but he has a strong, masculine, good looking, face. My dad has the face of a man and so do you Master Bear. You'd love my dad. I promise you, he'd cause the third spot in your overalls."

"J'ever sleep with your old man?"

"Every chance I get. He has his own slave though and I only get to sleep with him the first night I'm home and the last night. When my dear old dad throws a fuck in me I stay fucked for three, maybe four days." I laughed and related the story of riding my bike to Glen Rose between the holidays and thought the big bear was gonna' laugh his ass off. He thought that was one the sweetest, funniest things he'd ever heard.

"Hope I can do some good for you, slave-cub."

Somehow, I just knew he could. It was like I was the first kid on the merry-go-round and had my choice of the prettiest stallion or the ugliest beast. Which would I run to? You guessed it,---the ugliest beast, hands down. They always gave the best rides.

"My old man threw me out of the house at the beginning of one of the coldest winters on record." the big bear told me.

"Why, Master Bear?"

"J'ever hear the old joke about the queer bear?"

"No, Sir."

"Laid his paw on the table." We both laughed

"Don't tell me--?"

"Yep, I was a third again bigger'n my dad when I was a young'n. I loved my old man so much I just wanted to please him. Momma was visiting relatives, we'd come in from a hard days work and he smelled so good I couldn't help myself. Hell, he never told me nothing bout the birds and the bees. I didn't know about men and women. I didn't know that men went with women. I fell in love with him. I laid him up on the table, undid his pants, pulled em down to his knees and sucked him off. He fought and protested until, it started feeling good. Then he relaxed, laid back and let me have him.

He gave me a big ole mouthful of his come. He tasted so damn good I though he'd love me for making him feel good. He didn't. Said I was a damn pervert and no son of his was gonna' be a queer. I didn't know what a queer was. He threw me out to fend for myself in late fall of an Alaskan winter. It was getting colder and I had no food or shelter. I crawled into a den of hibernating Grizzlys to kept warm. I sucked bear milk to stay alive. Big momma bear was hibernating and just thought I was one of her cubs. When spring come she just accepted me as one. She thought she'd given birth to me that winter.

Later I run into my old man in a saloon in Nome. I didn't even know my momma died but I told him I weren't his son no more. He cut himself off from me when he threw me out to die, only I didn't. He weren't my dad no more and I told him to stay the hell away from me if'n he knew'd what was good for him. Shortly after that I met Master Red and knew I wanted him to be my dad, only I didn't tell him. I got into a card game with him and lost everything but myself and I bet him that, only I cheated. I had him beat with my cards but I managed to discard two and get back two that I had previously discarded so's I would lose to him. He don't know that."

"I won't tell him, Master Bear."

"I know you won't `cause you like me, Cub. You're like me in a way. I think you have the soul of a bear. The bears adopted me and kept me alive through that spring until I could get to civilization and get some work for myself. I love the bears. I think my momma was right. I must be part bear."

"Close enough for me, Master Bear." I gently moved his nose ring out of the way and kissed him full on the mouth. He took me into his mouth like a hungry bear. Putting is huge mouth over half my face to insert his massive tongue down my throat. He tickled me all over as I began to suck on his tongue like it was a big cock in my mouth. I knew I couldn't wait much longer to feel that massive chunk of bear meat in my gut. First, I wanted a taste of bear butt.

I told him his slave would fuck much better if'n he was to wear those big hot boots of his. His slave would be more'n happy to help him back on with `em. He laughed and raised a big knowing eyebrow at me as I smiled benignly. I looked inside the huge boot for a size and couldn't believe what I read: 18« EEEE.

I placed his big boot square in my crotch and had him insert his huge foot. He gabbed the tabs on the sides and pushed hard against my crotch until I almost hollered `uncle.' Just as I was about to worry about losing my balls his foot miraculously slipped in. I breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled as he handed me the second one. We did a repeat of the first boot and this time he let me off easier as he managed to slip his foot into his boot without so much difficulty. I got him on his bed again and scooped his massive legs up in each of my arms as he laid back on his bear skin.

I propped his butt up against my chest as his big boots rested on my shoulders. I had his butt hole right where I wanted it. I couldn't even see it. It looked like a fur pie but when I took my hands and moved all the fur aside I found the prettiest ass hole that just cried out for some cowboy tongue lovin.' I asked his permission to clean him and he gladly gave it. I went to work cleaning and getting my tongue as far inside him as I could. Damned if he didn't taste like bear. Not that I know what bear tastes like, it was more like what I thought a bear might taste like.

I didn't know if I was gonna' be able to hold him he was moving his ass so much. He went nuts as I lapped at his big hole and cleaned him good. He swore to me he'd never had anyone clean him out but he knew he liked it. His big shaft was engorged to the max. I finished and slowly lowered him to his bed.

"Damn, Cub! I almost came while you were sucking my ass. Woah! I had no idea it would feel that good. I got to try that with my old man. I ain't never ate his ass out. I've thought about it but now I know he's gonna' get eatn' out. If'n I have to hold him down to do it." he laughed.

"Now, how `bout lettin' your slave sit on that big thing."

"You don't want me to take you?"

"What ever my Master wants. We could do both."

"Good idea. You can open yourself up and I could take you after that." I lubed him up real good with KY and he offered to shove a little up my butt. He put the tube at my sphincter and squeezed. A good slug of it went up my ass. He sat back on the bed propped up by some bear skin throw pillows and I positioned his huge shaft at my back door. I managed to ease the big head in and take about a third of it. It was filling me up fast. But I was determined to take more and slowly worked it in and out taking a little more each time. He was in ecstacy, moaning and groaning as to how good my butt was feeling on his dick.

Then I spied his big brown nipple getting hard and poking out from beneath all that fur, begging to be sucked. I latched onto his big brown teat. He gently took my head in his big paw and lock me onto it as I began to suck. Suddenly my ass hole dilated and I took another third of him. He took a deep breath and his teat squirted bits of sweet tart liquid into my mouth. The taste of his masculinity made me work my ass more furiously as I increased my sucking. I was working my ass like I was sliding up and down on a fire house emergency pole.

"You want your Master to feed you, Purttie-cub?"

"Feed me what, Master Bear?" I couldn't think...

"Some bear milk."

"From your teat, Big man?"

"Unn-huh." he shook his head up and down.

"Sure, I'd love for you to feed me some." I had no idea what he was talking about but he gently put his big paw behind my head again and pulled me on to the same teat. I began sucking again. As I was sucking the fluid changed from tart male fluids to a sweet, mild, delicious milk flavor. I never had that happen before from a man. His teats were producing milk; man milk; bear milk. I sucked more and more. I loved the taste. I couldn't get enough. It was rich and thick almost like a condensed milk and just as sweet. It was unbelievable and unbelievably good. His bear milk began to relax me and make my ass dilate even more. Each time I would take more of him into me.

He sat up and wrapped his arms around me to pull me closer to his big hairy chest. He made me straighten my legs then lock them around his back out so I was perched on his shaft as he held me in place. With one big paw he switched me from his right teat to his fresh left teat and I lost all contact with reality as I started sucking trying to get more of his sweet milk.

He had both big furry paws under my butt, lifting me and then letting me sink slowly down his shaft. He started his low frequency hum again. It was like nothing I ever heard before but boy did it relax me. It was as if he found the frequency that my soul resonated on and was taking over for me for a while.

It wasn't threatening. I was extremely comforting and relaxing. I knew I was in the safest of hands. He was giving my soul a holiday. He was substituting his strength as a life raft for me to float on. That combined with the warm bear milk, and shaft I was riding, I was slowly being filled from his body at both ends. Don't get much better'n that.

He continued raising and letting me slowly slide back down his shaft over and over again. I could feel the big head of his cock traveling up deeper inside me every time I slid down his dick but I wasn't concerned. I was far too relaxed with his humming and milk. A couple of times I thought his dick was going to come out of my mouth. He steadily kept raising me and letting me slid down again until finally he took his hands away. He didn't put his hands under me any more. I came back to reality. His breathing slowly changed to even, relaxed breaths.

"Master, you don't have your hands under my butt any more."

"Don't need `em, Cub, I'm all the way in. You're sitting on the base. You hurtin'?"

"Fuck no, Master Bear. I feel full, warm, and good. Thank you, Master Bear." I guess my subconscious was somewhere else as a couple of tears came down my face. Poor Griz looked frightened.

"Easy, Master Bear, you're not hurting me. It feels so damn good that I began to think of something else that made me tear up, I'm sorry, Sir." I raised up about half way off of him and then rode him back to his base.

"Oh Damn, Master Bear. That feel as good to you as it does to me?"

"Better, Cub, much better." He held me close and we made love with him all the way inside him. He made the sweetest love and was gentle with me. I gently moved his nose ring out of the way and kissed him full on the mouth as I took another goodly stroke on his shaft. He began to growl deep in his throat as we swapped spit. He was a bear and I had all of him inside of me. I was beginning to dilate to his size and knew I could take him for a good ride. If I could take Leon day after day and many nights with Big Beryl I felt comfortable with the bear.

"I'm sorry my ring gets in our way, slave-cub."

"Are you kidding? It doesn't get in our way and furthermore I think it is the hottest thing I've seen on a big man in a long time. You wear it well and it looks like it belongs on you. You may be a Master underneath, but you've chosen to be a slave like me. Your Master put that in your nose to wear with pride and to control you. You should be proud of that ring. I would never consider you for a Master if you got rid of it. That's how hot I think you look with it."

"You mean if anything happened to Master Red you might consider me for your Master, that is if you weren't attached."

"Absolutely, who wouldn't want to have a giant Grizzly bear for a Master?" I took another couple of good long strokes on him and went back to sucking his sweet teat as he locked me into it. I began to fuck and ride him pretty good. He lay back against the big pillows and my ass was fully opened to him. He felt so good. I began slamming my ass to the base of his bear shaft.

"It's time your Master took over the fucking, Cub. I'm gonna' show you how I take care of my Master and would take care of you if'n you were my slave-cub." He pulled out of me and flipped me over on my back. He easily raised my legs to his big chest as he positioned his big mushroom head at my rosebud. He let his body weight slam his big dick to the base of my ass as he leaned forward. He filled me completely as my brain went to into fucking gear. He felt wonderful.

He knew I was all ready dilated and began to use my ass for his pleasure. He knew how a Master should use and fuck his slave. I wondered how he got away with it with his Master. Who cared? I was getting what I needed and so was he. When he pulled that big thing all the way out, re-split my ass, and firmly sunk it all the way, I thought it would never stop going into my butt.

Griz was like riding the ultimate cock. He was big, long and filling. He gave the term deep fucking new dimensions. He would be able to plant his seed deeper in me than even Leon could. He truly was going where no man had gone before. After he finished, I wasn't real sure he was a man. He growled, chewed on my ears, drooled on my face as he lost all control of his salivary glands. His brain went into bear mode as he was fucking me and I have never been more convinced that I was actually being fucked by a large animal. I was loving every minute of it but he was hitting something inside that started me climbing up the hill to comesville.

"Master," I groaned , "I'm getting close and I don't know if I can hold it."

"Get it, Cub! Your Master is ordering you to go with him `cause,...he's....gonna'.... AAAuuuggghhhh!!! Oh sweet Jesus! Get it, slave-cub."

I shot and shot and shot again. He didn't slow his fucking and I thought I was going to have to pull on his nose ring when finally he started to ease off. I could still feel him emptying way up inside of me his hot bear come. Not just a few squirts but I could feel major flow into my ass. The big man was filling my ass with his seed. We lay there together in the afterglow. It was the strangest thing. I could smell his healty male oder from his body's sexual excitement and release but over the top of all the human/animal smells the faint scent of roses. Yes, definitely roses.

I bathed him and know we didn't use highly perfumed soap. We used ivory and it doesn't smell like roses. I know he didn't put any after shave or toilet water on. I was with him every minute but still the smell of roses and it got stronger.

I quietly thanked him for such a great fucking and appreciated him spilling his seed in my ass. How honored I was. He was breathing comfortably as he took my head, pulled it towards his chest and hooked me onto one of his big teats again. We lay there for half and hour or more locked together like two dogs with me sucking away on his big bear teat. He began to give way to more of the sweet white fluid. Man milk, or maybe it was bear milk but it tasted like sweet milk. The more I sucked the more he released to me.

"Are you controlling the flow, Master?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah, you like bear milk, Cub?"

"Fuck, yes, Master Bear! Please, please, give your cub some more."

"I went back to sucking and this time I started massaging his big pectoral muscle to get more flow. He gave me much more flow and I was gulping the good warm milk down. He moved me to his other teat and it was like a fresh cow. I got more of it but it began to have a funny affect on me. It started making me very relaxed and sleepy. It was like drinking a strong tranquilizer. I wanted more but I had to stop. He felt me go limp in his arms and knew what happened. He gently and slowly started to eased out of me as tears ran down my cheeks.

"Am I hurting you, Cub?"

"No, Master Bear, I'm just sad you're leaving my ass. It'll feel so empty. I've enjoyed having you up there inside of me but I have your seed up there to wear all night so that makes me happy." He kissed me gently and this time he moved his ring out of the way.

"I could leave it in all night, if'n you like, Cub?"

"Could you rest that way, Master Bear?"

"Sure, if I need to turn over, I'll just hold on to you and turn us together."

"Then, please, put it back, Master." He smiled at me, kissed me again gently and held me tight as I felt him work that huge thing all the way back up inside me. It felt like it belonged there and I new the bear milk was going to put me out at any moment. My ass would have that big bear dick to chew on all night. The thought made me hard again and he felt it against his belly.

"So you like my nose ring, Cub?"

"One of the best things about you, Sir. Your Master knew what he was doing and you should wear it with pride the rest of your life. It's become a part of your personality and it makes you the slave or Master you want to be."

"Never thought of it that way, Cub, you may be right. Can I hold you tight, tonight, Cub?"

"Sure, Master Bear, but please be aware that I suffer post traumatic stress syndrome from Nam and I may wake up screaming and not know where I am. Just hold me so I don't hurt myself, make sure you're all the way inside me, and call my name, Cowboy or Billy, and I'll slowly wake up."

"You poor baby-cub." He pulled me to him and the way he said it and the way he took a good stroke in my butt made me lose it. I turned into him and cried my heart out onto his big bear chest. He soothed and petted me and asked if he could do anything for me.

"No, Sir, just fuck me a little more with that big bear dick and I'll tell you what's bothering me. Yeah, oh yeah! That's so good, Big Bear. Another one please, oh yeah! That was a good one, thank you, Sir. You have to know sooner or later Master, Griz. The real reason we came here to visit."

"I ain't as dumb as I look, Cub. Your Master has something bad to tell his big brother, my Master."

"That's exactly right, Master. I don't know how to tell you but just say it." I hesitated for a moment.

"Take your time, I've got you, no harm's gonna' come to you in these arms." I cried some more and finally got it out.

"My Master's dying, Griz. He has an inoperable brain tumor that's growing every day. We found out about eight months ago but we've been touring the U.S. and he didn't want to tell his brother until he had a month or so left. He may have less than that we just don't know. He didn't want to tell him too soon 'cause my Master didn't want his brother worrying about him for too long."

"Isn't there anything they can do for him?"

"No, it spread so far by the time the symptoms began to manifest themselves it was too late. He's beginning to show early signs that the end is near but as strong as I try to be for him, I just don't know if I can say goodbye. I'll have to, I know, but I love him so much." I started crying in Griz's big arms again. He stroked and petted me.

"There, there, poor baby-cub, that's a shocker to hear. My Master will be devastated. If I can do anything, Baby Bear, please let me know. I'm all ready fond of you, Cowboy. I know it's not to be but I would make you my slave in a minute if'n I could. I'd challenge any other man that wanted you to a fight to the death." I smiled to myself thinking about poor Dan Yates.

"Well, it can't be, Big Bear, there's another loving Master that's waiting for me to become his slave if something happens to my Master. He's the dad of the man who was my Master in Nam. He's waited almost three years for me to come to him and I want to serve him. I can dream of having you as a Master someday. I would be proud to serve and take care of you."

"I know Mr. Yates, Billy. My Master and I stayed with him and his boy Buck several times. My Master and Mr. Yates don't know it but Buck and I made love. He was a wonderful young man. I loved him so much. It tore me apart when I heard he was killed in Nam. Did you know Buck well, Cowboy?"

I started crying again and told him my story of going to Nam with Buck and him being killed saving my life. The big bear was in tears, too. We kissed and I suddenly became very sleepy.

"Master Bear, does bear milk make you sleepy?"

"Every time my Master can't sleep I have him suck some out of me and he goes right to sleep. He sleeps so peaceful all night he never wakes up until morning. You've had enough to knock you out for two days but you need it after what you just told me. I think you should even have a little more. I've got quite a bit left and my body just makes more. I think it has something to do with a steady diet of bears milk that winter I was a young man."

He took his big paw and hooked me onto one of his big brown teats as I lay comfortably in his furry arms. I sucked and drank more of his sweet bear milk as I again massaged his pec to make the milk flow faster. The last I remember was him moving my head to his other big teat.

I woke once during the night when the big bear pulled me tighter to him and reseated his big dick deep in my butt. I never slept so warm, full and relaxed since I'd been back from Nam. He'd thrown a light comforter over us and I felt secure and comfortable in his big arms. He never let me go all night. I awoke the next morning with light streaming into the room feeling his big dick growing in my butt filling me to the max. I found my giant ring-nosed bear sitting up on one elbow looking at me. I looked into his deep set, beautiful, brown eyes. They were sad but loving. I reached up with my hand, gently lifted his nose ring out of the way and kissed him as I wiggled my ass as far down his shaft as I could. The big son of a bitch blushed. I couldn't believe it. He had the heart of a school boy with a crush.

"You've been good to me, Big Bear. Thanks for sharing your man milk with me last night. I haven't slept that sound and untroubled since I got back from Nam."

"Awh, t'weren't nothing, Little Bear. Felt good having you suck it out of me. I don't know what makes me produce the stuff but sometimes it builds up in there. You did me a favor, you almost drained me. You were sucking and kneading my chest after you were sound asleep. Never had nobody do that before. You were like my baby cub I was feeding. You captured my heart last night, Little Cub. I've always dreamed of having a little brother cub that I could take care of and would love me for who I am, a big ugly bear. I don't want to let you go but I know we'll see each other again and I want what we had last night to be good memories. I want you to like me."

"I do like you Master Bear and my memories of last night are wonderful, I guarantee you. Could I offer you a little more cowboy butt, Master Bear? I'd really like to feel that big thing fucking me again."

"I'd love to fuck you again but Master's all ready quietly opened the door once to see if you were awake and I waved him away. He's downstairs getting breakfast so we better get in the shower and get cleaned up."

"You let me worry about that, Big Bear. I'll tell him it was my fault `cause I ordered you to take me again and he told you to follow my orders. Besides that, you're way up inside me and you all ready have me primed for a good bear fuck."

"He did say that, didn't he, Cub? I really need to fuck you good this morning. That little ass of your's is ready for a big bear load, I can feel it trying to suck it out of me. Lay back, relax, slave-cub, and let Master Bear do us some good."

He worked me up slowly until he was riding me harder than he had the night before. My ass was giving way to his persistent onslaughts of long dickin' and hard riding. I opened up to him like a night blooming Cirrus that had only one evening to share it's beauty with the world. I couldn't even tighten my muscle anymore for him, but it didn't seem to matter.

All of a sudden he started hitting something deep inside me that made my whole body start to vibrate. He new I was near and ordered me to come. I didn't have to ask instructions how to get there as I let go a huge volley into his fur and once again I felt him emptying his big bear load deep into my ass. It felt warm and wonderful as he shot volley after volley of his hot bear come further in me that any man had before. It felt like he was filling my tank with his fluids. He was pleased he had gotten us off but seemed a little nervous and frustrated.

"What's a' matter, Big Bear? You done us good, why the worried face?"

"I can do better and I didn't get all mine out. I could have given you a lot more to carry around in you today. I wanted you to have all of me."

He meant it as an act of bonding and an expression of love he felt for me; as an honor for me to carry as much of his seed in my gut as he could pump into me. I shared his concern. Somehow it suddenly became important that I help this gargantuan tri-ped to insure his gift was complete.

"Come then, Master Bear, I'll suck you off in the shower." I don't think he believed me.

I skinned his big foreskin back, started going down on him and about the fifth try to take him as far down my throat as I could he shot one hell of a load in my mouth. I sucked it down as greedily as my ass had taken it. He moaned, growled and pitched his hips forward as he shot several times into my waiting mouth. He had his own distinctive flavor. He tasted like bear. A wild masculine taste flavored with clover honey. All bear's love clover honey.

"Now,---you have all of me in you, Cub. I can become a part of you now." He held me close to him under the hot water of the shower and continued to moan and growl as he once again felt every part of my body. It was like he was blind and trying to memorize me by feel.

He gently raised his nose ring and I put my face up to his for his kiss. He was sweet, gentle but underneath a controlled beast. I could love this man deeply. I knew someday I would. I know he could love me deeply; he all ready had, twice. I bathed him and washed every part of his big body. He even let me clean his ass with my fingers and some soap. He laughed at me for being so gentle with him as I toweled him dry. A chore which took three giant size bath towels to accomplish. His hairy body just held the water.

I took my hair dryer and blew him dry. He loved that, especially when I rubbed his big bear back as I was drying his fur. I found some body powder and lightly powered his big body. He smelled and looked wonderful. He was fluffed and powdered. He looked for all the world like the meanest, anatomically correct, teddy bear any little boy or girl ever had on their bed. I helped him get dressed and with one last kiss we headed for the door.

"You can't call me `Master Bear' outside this room, Bear Cub."

"I know, Master Bear." I got to my knees and kissed his big boots and found his eager hand waiting. I gently kissed the back and placed it to my forehead.

"Rise, brother Cub, and give me a good morning kiss." He had tears in his big brown eyes. "I love you, Cowboy."

"I love you, too, Griz." We went downstairs with me leading him, holding his giant paw. We came into the room where our two Masters were. They saw us holding hands and smiled to each other.

I went to Red and knelt in front of him and kissed his boots. We went through the ritual and I hugged and kissed him good morning. Big Griz did the same with Bro. Red, his Master.

"He take good care of you, young'un?" Bro. Red asked me.

"The best of care, Master Red." I went to him, knelt in front of him and kissed each of his boots. He went through the ritual with me.

"Rise, Cowboy and show this Master your love." I threw my arms around him, hugged and kissed him. He didn't hold back and put a great deal of affection in his kiss. "Damn, little brother, you ain't had no slave in years but when you decided to take one you chose the pick of the litter."

"He is kinda pretty, ain't he Bro?" Red joked with his brother,"Did that giant bear get all fifteen inches up your little chute last night?" My Master joked with me.

"He did indeed, Master. Slept all night riding that big thing. I wouldn't let him take it out. I felt like a flag pole sitter that farted. I ordered him to fuck me good again this morning and sucked him off once in the shower. For the next two weeks you're gonna' have to fuck me two times in a row to satisfy me." Red just howled with laughter.

"And, what do you have to say for yourself, Big'un?" his Master asked him.

"Thank you, Master, for letting me take care of Cowboy. He's a wonderful young man who's thoughtful and kind. I love him, Master." I was shocked that Griz would be so bold with his Master. Bro. Red walked over to the big man and put his arms around him.

"Glad to hear that, slave, I can't help but love him, too; glad he was good to you. For all my shit I put you through, you know I love you."

"I know, Master, but Cowboy don't think I'm ugly."

"I don't either, you big Ox, I love you just the way you are. Holy shit, you smell good this morning." Bro. Red sniffed around Griz's neck.

"Cowboy bathed, dried and powered me, Master Red. He done a good job, didn't he?"

"Wonderful job, I can see the two of you bonded pretty well, that's good." I was glad to see that Bro. Red knew when Griz needed some love and encouragement. Griz got the biggest smile on his face and I winked at him. He blushed again. He won my heart.

We had breakfast and not a word was said about Booger and his brother having a conversation. Griz and I looked at each other. I knew he was wondering, too. I gave Griz a look of, 'Well, let's just be patient and see what happens.' He picked up on my signal and nodded in agreement.

I've never seen a man put away as much food as Griz. Even my Master was stunned. I guess big men need a lot of food. He wasn't particularly over weight. In fact he was quite trim and had the abs of an eighteen year old. I couldn't tell how old he was but I would guess him to be about six or seven years older than me. Maybe, like dogs and cats, bears age at a different rate. Who knows?

Later that morning Bro. Red and I had a few minutes alone while Red was showing Griz something about our bikes.

"Will you let me know when he starts getting bad, Son?"

"You don't have to ask, Master. You know I will. I'm gonna' need all the love and support I can get. I don't think I can say goodbye to him, Master Red." I turned and started to the house `cause I started feeling my eyes start to tear. He followed me and took me in his arms.

"Thank God, he's got someone like you, Cowboy. Someone that loves him and will stick with him to the end. I can't imagine him trying to go though something like that alone. I told you he's independent as hell but I think he's getting frightened.

He spoke your name in reverent tones last night when he told me that he had no choice in the matter. He said a higher power told you, you had to be with him. He broke up in my arms telling me how much he loves you and how grateful he is to have you by his side through this. He told me this year with you these months touring with you and your cousins, has been the greatest year of his life. Do you have any idea where he wants to spend his final days?"

"He mentioned either Master Walker's or my dad's place in Mason. I'd rather him be at the Johnson Ranch because of the close proximity to the greater Dallas/Ft. Worth area medical centers. Or even Los Angeles. to be near the doctor's at U.C.L.A. medical center. They were the ones who diagnosed his condition. I don't really know for sure, Master. How are you taking the news?" I asked looking into his eyes. He breathed deeply and exhaled slowly.

"Not too well, Son. He's my baby brother and I practically raised him. We've been close for years; although, in the last several years he's been on that damn bike so much I don't get to see him that often. I'm surprised he stopped by here. He can be an ornery, independent cuss when he wants to be. I read all about the two of you saving that Arab Prince's life.

He told me you saved his life this year and clipped the varmints what were gonna' do him in. I've always thought you were a fine, talented, young man but I have a lot more respect for you after he told me that, Son. You and your uncle have always been tops in my book but the way my little brother told me that story last night, he had us both laughing our ass's off. He was dead serious when he told me he owe you his life. He spoke of you and the way you handled the situation in reverent tones. He said he thought you'd a' killed that little `scooter trash' if'n he hadn't begged you not to, then ordered you not to as his slave; said he'd want you covering his back in any fight. He worships the ground you walk on, Cowboy, and I can't say's I'm far behind him in that feeling. Now, you got a giant bear in your corner, too." he laughed to lighten the mood.

"It would seem that big Griz and I bonded last night, Master Red. I fell in love with him, too. He was right, I don't see him as ugly, I see him as a man is supposed to look. He's like your brother is to me, a magnificent beast. You're one lucky man to have won him in that card game."

"He thinks I don't know he cheated to let me win." Red kinda giggled.

"I can't say, Master Red."

"You do love him, Cowboy. I know damn well he told you and you won't betray the big man's trust. I like that, Son, tell's me a lot about you. I don't expect you to betray mine either, just thought you'd find it amusing. I love him more than I let him know. He hopes to make some slave a fine Master one day but he needs a bit more training as a slave to knock off some of the rough edges.

To be honest, I don't know if he could survive out there as a Master. He needs more control than he realizes. However, for any of his faults Griz has the heart of a protective mother Grizzly. The big son of a bitch has saved my life five times. You have to love a man that will put his life on the line to save yours. You put your's on the line for my brother and I love you for that."

"Well, I didn't do nothing special. It was five against one and I just evened the odds a little with a sturdy chunk of two by three. Worked right nice to calm them ole boys down. Then Red and I gave three of `em an attitude adjustment." I grinned real big as he laughed at my obvious oversimplification of the facts.

Red and I stayed one more evening with his brother and Griz. Red and I were together that evening and I talked with him.

"How did your talk with your brother go, Master?"

"Lots of crying and holding each other. Then I fucked the snot out a' him." Red laughed, "I'm exhausted and need some tender loving care from my slave boy."

"You got it, Master. Anything you need, I'm here."

"We need to get out of here tomorrow. I love my brother but he can be overpowering. He's a strong figure of a man. While he can be kind and giving he also can be demanding and controlling. I've always been a bit intimidated by him. I let him push me around and tell me what to do so's not to argue. I don't feel comfortable around him when he starts telling me what to do. He thinks that's still his job as my big brother. That's when I hear the road calling my name, Son. Besides, to be honest, I miss Boots and Sonny. I thank God he gave us those two men to love and lean on during this tour. They mean a lot to me, Cowboy."

"I know they do, Master. I look upon Boots as my big brother and Sonny as my little brother. I love them both. I've never regretted a time you decided to swap slaves. You're a good Master, Red. Not only to me but Sonny and Boots as well. You kept your promise to me and never let things get out of hand. I've never minded sharing you with Sonny. I have to laugh at him the next day after his been with you. He's in another world. He don't talk about it much. We decided not to compare notes. I'll be sitting quietly next to him and he'd say under his breath,

"Fucked my ass four times last night, every damn one was harder and more demanding than the one before. Son of a bitch, if my ass ain't sore. Now I know what you mean, Brother. Every time a pain shoots through my butt I think of the feeling I had when our Master was getting himself some of the best stuff up there making it feel really good; using my slave ass, taking all he wanted. Every time I feel it hurt a little, I quietly thank our Master out loud and swear that shooting pain's the best fucking feeling I've ever had in my life. Damned, if it don't feel good, Cowboy!" Then we'd break up laughing.

"Well, I can tell you one damn thing, Cowboy." Red smiled at me, "My brother's in love with you. He thinks your shit don't stink. I assured him it does. However, for all the things I done to fuck up my life, he thinks talking you into being my slave is the jewel in my crown. Don't agree with my brother about much but I have to about that. He's right, you know?"

"Hell, you didn't have to do much talking, Red. I've thought some about that and have to give my Master his due. You were pretty damn smart."

"How's that, Darlin'?"

"You let that old dick of your's do most of the persuading." Red started laughing until his brother came to see if he was okay.

"Damn you, Cowboy. You always could get a laugh out of me at my darkest moments. Life with you's been a lot easier `cause a' that. You don't let me take myself too seriously. I love you, Billy."

"Well, I share that feeling only I love you more."

"Un-unnh!" he growled shaking his head `no' with a big grin on his face.

"Un-huh!" I replied emphatically shaking my head `yes.' He raised his big arm in mock anger to backhand me.

"You'd better cut that out, Young'un! You know what that leads to and I all ready got me a stifter thinking about it. I don't think my brother or Griz is ready for one of our `Red gets his Gunn' sex-scenes. I was laughing as he took my hand and placed it on his cod piece. Damned, if he weren't telling the truth!

End Chapter 21~ Booger Red & Cowboy Copyright 2003 Waddie Greywolf Mail to:

Next: Chapter 22

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