Boot Lust in Vegas Gay/Authoritarian

By John Brant

Published on Apr 30, 2009



Kurt liked going to the Cell Block on Saturday night because it was dress code night. He enjoyed sitting at the bar or standing up against a wall where he could watch hot leather men talking with friends or cruising. But what he was really doing was lusting after their boots. He loved gazing at well worn but well maintained engineer boots or combat boots which had no doubt walked many miles and been in some pretty horny places. If the bootblack was at his station, he would watch him expertly polishing a pair of Corcorans or if it was a good night he might be working on a pair of crotch high Wescos.

One night he was sitting at the bar taking in the view of all the hot men and their boots when the guy next to him struck up a conversation. After the usual small talk he brought the dialogue around to leather. He allowed that he was into leather and preferred the role of sub. He liked being pushed around by a strong leather top and then tied up and fucked. Kurt admitted that he was a boot fetish. He loved being dominated by a man in combat boots or powerful engineers. He liked to go down on their boots and lick them really clean after being kicked around a bit. After some more talk Kurt made like he was heading to the back room when the man said: "Wait. Let me give you this card. If you are ever in Vegas, you might want to visit this place. They can give you boot action like you've never had before." Kurt took the plain white business card which had the words: "Male Leather Lockup". Under the title in smaller print was written: "We can make your leather fantasy reality." At the bottom were the words Las Vegas and a telephone number; no address. The man said: "If you think you're interested, just call the number and they'll tell you where the house is. They get their clients from guys who recommend them, so you'll have to give them my name which I've written on the back." Kurt thanked him and said he might give the place a try. The man winked and said: "I hope you do, because I'll get a $100 discount the next time I visit!"

A couple of months later Kurt was in LA for business. He arranged his flight back by way of Las Vegas. After getting settled in his hotel room he called the number on the card. He told the voice on the other end that he wanted to explore some of his fantasies. The man said they were booked solid that day, but they could fit him in at 2:00 p.m. the next day. He then gave Kurt the address.

Kurt took a cab to the address which was in a part of Vegas that had some pretty big houses. He rang the door bell which was opened by a man in his early forties. He shook Kurt's hand with a firm grip and brought him into the living room. His closely cropped hair, blue military style shirt with epaulets, leather pants and smoothly buffed logger boots gave the impression of strength and command. As they sat down he said: "I'm Ross White, Master of The Lockup. Tell me, Kurt, what is your fantasy so that we might give you some real pleasure today?" Kurt told him that he was looking for some boot action. Ross smiled and told him he had come to the right place. He then got a clip board with a form on it and explained that he wanted Kurt to describe just what sort of things he wanted from his leather trainer, what he should wear and what boots he preferred. After writing out Kurt's fairly detailed scenario, Ross went back to the table and came back with four 8 x 10 pictures. Each one showed a handsome stud in various styles of leather, harnesses and boots. Ross asked: "Which of these trainers would you prefer to give you a work out today?" They all looked great, but Kurt selected the tough looking one with the number one cropped hair. He looked like he was late twenties or early thirties. Ross then flipped open his cell phone punched a speed dial number and said: "Sieg, I've got a client for you. He wants to see you in a harness, leather pants and Chippewa High-shine Engineer Boots. I'm coming up to tell you the routine to use on him." He then turned to Kurt and said: "Let's get a drink for you while I brief Sieg on his role and then I'll come get you."

About five minutes later Ross returned and showed Kurt to a room on the second floor. As they passed down the hall, they could hear the muffled moans of a man who was probably being whipped. Kurt wondered what was happening behind the other doors. Finally they got to their destination. Ross said: "Just open the door and go in. Sieg will take charge of things from there."

Kurt took a deep breath, opened the door quickly, stepped inside and closed it. At the other end of the room was a six foot man with closely cropped blond hair, a barrel chest which was powerfully accented by the tight leather harness he was wearing. His biceps seemed to bulge above his leather arm bands. He was wearing tight, black leather pants with a wide 2 inch leather garrison belt. But what Kurt really wanted to see was his feet….. and he was not disappointed. The stud was wearing size 12 Chippewa High-shine Engineer Boots just like a lot of motorcycle cops have. His feet were slightly spread, making him look like a cop getting ready for a take-down.

"Get your ass over here you son of a bitch," commanded Sieg. Kurt walked slowly and purposefully across the room, stopping about 2 feet from the leather clad man so he could look him squarely in the eyes. "OK, now get down on the floor and start licking my boots."

Kurt knew his response because, after all, he had prepared the script many times in his mind. "No way! Lick them yourself."

In one swift move Sieg lunged forward, grabbing Kurt's shoulder while placing his boot behind his right leg and giving a hard push, which sent Kurt sprawling on the floor. Slowly Kurt pulled himself up on to his knees, but just as he did this Sieg delivered a powerful kick to his ass, knocking him down again. Once more Kurt tried to get up but this time Sieg's 18 inch engineer boot caught his right ass cheek. The force was like that of a place kicker setting up a field goal.

"Lick the boot," Sieg said in a menacing voice as Kurt tried to get up.. As Kurt shook his head, Sieg took aim at the crack in his ass. He pointed the toe of his massive boot down a bit, like a punter preparing to kick 40 yards. He then let fly with a powerful kick which hit the target perfectly. Kurt thought he could feel the leather belt that goes across the instep on an engineer boot actually hit his hole. This time he fell to the floor with a real thud. The pain was intense, so he tried to roll up on his right side rather than get up where he might get his ass kicked yet again. As he was doing this, he did not notice Sieg crossing to the other side so that he was standing right in front of his crotch. Without warning Sieg planted the toe of his powerful boot in the center of his crotch and scored a perfect hit on Kurt's balls. Fortunately he did not use as much force as when he was kicking ass, but nevertheless the blow took Kurt's breath away as he let out a painful cry.

Sieg let him writhe in pain on the floor for a couple of minutes, so he could enjoy the pain his balls were feeling. Finally he said, "For the last time, lick my boots! If I don't see your tongue on my right boot in thirty seconds I'll castrate you with a single kick of my boot to your balls!" Kurt felt like shit, but he knew he couldn't handle another kick, so he slowly pulled himself on to his knees and crawled over to where Sieg was standing with his feet spread and his hands on his hips.

As Kurt stuck out his tongue to begin licking, he could see a perfect reflection of his beet red face in the spit-shined leather surface of Sieg's engineer boot. Slowly he began licking across the glossy surface of the boot. The leather tasted sweet to his lips as he began to apply his tongue to his assigned task. Suddenly he felt a leather gloved hand on the back of his head pushing his face onto the toe of the boot. "Stop fucking around. Lick that boot like you mean it. I want to feel your tongue through the leather on my foot." With that he pushed Kurt's face against his boot one more time for emphasis.

Kurt picked up the pace and began licking the boot intensely. When he finished the toe area he began working his way up the tall shiny shafts. As his tongue went up and down the smooth leather Kurt's cock began to grow.. Although his balls still ached, the feeling of his growing erection gave him the excitement he always craved. When he had pretty well licked his way around the entire shaft he heard Sieg unbuckle his thick garrison belt and pull it out of the loops of his pants. Next he felt a heavy blow on his still-sore butt as the heavy leather strap pounded his ass. "OK cocksucker, clean the other boot now." He whipped his ass again with the belt to give emphasis to his words.

With that, Kurt switched his attention and his tongue to the other boot. Once again the smell of boot leather and feel of the smooth toe on his tongue was almost too much for him. As he licked around the toe, Sieg whipped his back with the belt from time to time to keep him on point. When the boot was glistening brightly Sieg cracked his belt over Kurt's ass once again and said: "OK, lets see how fast you can lick up my leg to my crotch. Then I want to feel your tongue searching out my cock and balls and then give them a good licking right through the leather….and I'd better feel your tongue or I'll kick your balls off."

No second urging was necessary as Kurt's tongue quickly glided up Sieg's leg until he got to the crotch. It didn't take him long to find the bulging basket and identify the long tube outlined in the leather. Kurt began licking and sucking the bulge. Once again he felt a leather gloved hand urgently pressing his face against the warm leather as his mouth connected with Sieg's growing cock. After a few minutes or licking, Kurt saw another hand unbutton the top of the pants and pull down the zipper. Out popped a rather thick 10 inch cock. Sieg hissed: "Swallow my cock you filthy bootlicker." Kurt opened his mouth and felt the engorged member slide inside. As he was preparing to swallow a bit more, two leather gloved hands grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face into his crotch. Kurt almost gagged with the sudden thrust but was able to recover. For the next couple of minutes Sieg worked Kurt's mouth back and forth on his stiff dick.

Finally he pulled his member out and said: "Now I'm ready to fuck the shit out of you. Stand up, strip, bend over and grab your ankles. I'll fuck you like guys take it in prison." Kurt jumped to his feet and stripped off his clothes as Sieg went over to a table to get a rubber and some lube.. When he returned Kurt's ass was sticking up in the air as he bent over and grasped his ankles. Sieg kicked his feet further apart with his powerful boots. Then he moved into place and started inserting lube with the finger of his leather glove. As he massaged Kurt's asshole, Kurt found himself staring down at those two Chippewa high-shine engineer boots positioned between his bare legs. The feeling of the massaging finger and the sight of those fantastic boots caused his cock to jump. He wanted to come, but he didn't dare. When he felt the finger come out he pushed down figuring that the next thing he would feel was Sieg's gigantic cock…..and that was just what happened. Kurt couldn't help letting out a muffled cry which earned him a hard slap on his ass. Sieg fell into a steady rhythm as he plowed Kurt's ass with his powerful member. Kurt was totally aroused by the thick cock rubbing his prostate while he stared intently at the powerful cop boots beneath him. Sieg's fucking became more intense as he reached his climax and shot his load inside Kurt who had been moaning softly but now let out a low gasp.

As Sieg pulled out he moved backwards to a leather chair and fell exhausted into it. Kurt was still bent over, holding his ankles not daring to move. Sieg shouted: "Come over here you piece of shit. Take off my condom and then clean up my cock and balls with that well trained tongue of yours." Kurt hurried over to the chair and knelt in front of his bootmaster. He carefully removed the condom and carefully set it aside. Next he licked the wilting cock in front of him, making sure to get all the cum out of the slit before licking and sucking the massive balls.

After about five minutes of Kurt licking and sucking Sieg said: "A good bootmaster takes good care of his bootslave. I'm going to let you get off now." At that he stood up and pulled up his pants which had been riding below his hips, zipped his fly and buttoned the top. As he sat down he said, "Go get your shorts and put them back on, then kneel before me. Kurt did as he was told and was rewarded by the feel of Sieg's right engineer boot pressing down on his cock and balls. Slowly the boot moved back and forth on the smooth fabric of his shorts. As Kurt stared at the high-shine Chippewa boot that was playing with his cock, he felt his member begin to grow. After a few of minutes of this pleasure, Sieg said: "Go over to that table and bring back that leather cock and ball ring." Kurt obeyed instantly and brought it back. Sieg jerked down his shorts and grabbed his nuts with his leather gloved hand. This made his cock jerk, but Kurt managed not to cum. Sieg snapped the leather band around his swollen balls for a snug fit and said: "Pull up your shorts and get down at my boots again. I'm going to start rubbing your cock, but you are NOT to cum. When you feel you just can't hold it any more say, `Please master, milk my cock..' Then pull down your briefs and close your eyes and I'll milk you." Kurt eagerly obeyed as imagined Sieg's black leather glove which still had lube on it stroking his engorged cock. As he stared at the powerful boot that was massaging his crotch his cock became rock hard. Finally he said: "Please master, milk my cock." With that he pulled down his shorts and closed his eyes. As he did this, Sieg silently rose to his feet drew back his right boot, and with the expert aim of a football punter brought his powerful engineer boot slamming into Kurt's balls which were being held in perfect position by the leather cock ring. It took a moment for the engorged balls to react but then a huge stream of fuck shot from Kurt's cock. He was so surprised by the powerful kick that he could only open his eyes wide and stare at the ceiling. But before he could collapse and curl up in pain, Sieg kicked again and landed a second boot right on target. Again fuck spurted from his cock, but by this time Kurt was curling over in pain.

Sieg watched the pitiful form curled up at his boots while a grin of pure pleasure spread across his face. He liked being a bootmaster and liked to see a bootslave lying at his feet. He knew that in a few minutes the pain of his powerful kick would subside and Kurt would have a wonderful warm feeling in his groin and belly because he knew he had serviced his master's engineers and had been rewarded by those same boots.

Kurt lay on the floor moaning softly. As the pain in his testicles eased he began to experience an overwhelming feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. As he lay there a sensation of ecstasy spread through his groin, stomach and seemingly throughout his body. Kurt had fucked with a lot of men and done it many different ways, but never had he had such a GREAT fuck in all his life! Sieg seemed to know just how hard and when to kick his fucking balls so that he would get the maximum climax. And the biggest surprise for Kurt was that those two fantastic kicks had not been part of the original scenario that he had described to Ross!

The end

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