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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 27, 2023


It didn't take long to move Mark into Jack's apartment. He didn't have that many possessions. He was so used to living in hotels, he had clothes, a few items, but nothing much more. The boys celebrated Mark moving into Jack's apartment by acting out one of Jack's fantasies: one day, when he stepped out of the shower, wrapped only in a waist towel, Mark grabbed him from behind, covering his mouth. He pinned Jack's arms behind him and, when Jack resisted, he moved his hand down to Jack's nip, and began squeezing.

"HEY. WHAT THE FUCK. STOP THAT?" Jack could feel his strength ebbing, as Mark laughed. "I'm not stopping that, but you, handsome, are getting into that chair. RIGHT NOW. Or else.." He reached down and grabbed Jack's cock and balls.

"OK OK. I'll go. Just don't hurt me, please." Mark laughed. "Oh, I don't want to hurt you jack. I want us both to feel good. " He grabbed Jack's wrists and tied them. Then he picked up a piece of cloth, and tied it around Jack's mouth. "THERE we go. Now isn't THAT a pretty picture?" Jack strained against the ropes, but he was tied up tied.

"Now, Jack, you may not remember me, but I came onto you in a bar. You told me to get lost. BAD MISTAKE STUD." He grabbed Jack's balls and held them. Jack's eyes begged for him to stop. "don't worry, Jack. I'm not all that interested in doing that. I'm interested in these..." He began slowly running his fingers on Jack's nips. "How did you find out about those?" Jack tried to moan out, but all that came out of the gag was MMMMPH MMMPH MMMMPH."

"So, Jack, let me cut to the chase. I wanna fuck you. But I want you to beg for it. You want it?" Jack shook his head vigorously NO. He was a top. He didn't get fucked." Mark laughed. "Well, that's good. Because I can't wait to torture you until you do. Look at what I did to your bed." Jack saw the restraints. What was he gonna do.? He stepped behind Jack and worked on his shoulders SHIT he knew about that too. He whispered. "Unless you want me to smack your balls around, you're not gonna give me any trouble when I tie you to the bed. Deal?" Jack hesitated, and got a smack on the balls. "MMMPH. " He shook his head yes.

Mark moved with practiced speed, and had Jack spread eagled, naked, face up. "The gag comes off if you keep quiet, ok?" Again, Jack shook his head yes. Why are you doing this to me?" He pleaded. "Because you're SO fucking hot jack. Taking your ass will be a complete victory for me. So...." Mark began working Jack's nips again. Jack tried not to show any reaction, and failed. He began to squirm and moan. And his cock got rigid. "OH, it looks like you like that. Can we get it harder?" He bent down and nibbled Jack's nips. Jack began to buck his hips in ecstacy. PLEASE PLEASE STOP. " "Sure stud. I wanna hear two words 'fuck me'


"Hmmm. Ok. Let's see... " Mark rubbed his short scruff over Jack's ear, and the moans got louder, and more urgent. His cock was harder than he ever remembered. Then, Mark kissed his chin , and moved his mouth back down to his nips. "I'm listening" Jack didn't say NO, but he just kept moaning.

"You DO know, Jack, that I know you're ticklish. One last chance."

"OH SHIT. OH SHIT. NO. Don't tickle me. Please, please. Ok. Fuck me. Fuck me HARD."

Mark smiled. "I may tickle you anyway, but first..." He dropped his pants, and Jack saw the monster that was about to impale him. "Let's get you nice and moist stud." He pushed Jack's legs up, and his tongue disappeared into him. Jack had never been eaten like that before. He almost shot right there. When Mark was finished, he began slowly sliding his cock in. "FEEL HOW TIGHT that stud ass is," OH YEAH. He was taking Jack, slowly, and it surprised Jack as to how hard he kept through it all. "You know, I may want more than this, stud boi." Mark held his cock still, and then slid more, stopped, and repeated. He had Jack in agony.

Jack was thinking "please don't touch my...." too late. Mark took his nips and plunged in. "OH YES STUD. OH YES." He felt Mark's jizz filling the condom inside of him. Mark pulled out and looked at his captive. "I bet you wanna cum, Jack, don't you?" A squeaky voice came out. "Yes. Please. Please..." Mark began to run his finger over Jack's rigid cock. His hips began to buck again. PLEASE . MORE FRICTION. PLEASE." Mark moved his hand away, and smiled . "I COULD leave you tied up here, and begging for release. Or, you could say two more words: 'I submit'. And then , I'll just fuck you every day.

"NO. NO.. " "Ok, stud. " He began running his hand over Jack's cock again. Very, very slowly. "Think about how this is gonna feel after I tickle you. "

"OK OK. You got me. I submit. PLEASE Please let me cum. PLEASE."

"You're gonna love being my sub, stud." Mark slowly jerked Jack until he exploded in a huge orgasm.


The fantasy was over, and Mark laid down next to jack, but he didn't release him. "Thank you SIR. That was SO FUCKING HOT. " Mark smiled as he kissed his man on the nose. "It was. I loved it too. You're so much fun to dominate Jack."

He began to untie Jack. It was true that he found dominating Jack fun. Sex with him was just spectacular. Mark had been a Dom for most of his life , and when he dominated guys, he usually found them ridiculously compliant. With Jack, it always felt like a fresh conquest. It brought out the animal in him. It was fair to say that no one had ever made him as head over heels horny as Jack did.

Playing out that fantasy early after he moved in, was a good thing, because things got very busy for Mark after that. He was out most evenings, working with the actors. Their schedules just didn't mesh. Jack was long asleep when Mark came in, and up and at work when Mark woke up. The days of sleeping in spoon position were over. Jack couldn't get out of bed that way without waking Mark. Their compromise suited Jack just fine. When Mark came in, late at night, he'd slip into bed, and move Jack's sleepy head onto his chest. For Jack, sleeping on Mark's very full chest of black hair, was like taking naps in Central Park in the summer. It made him happy, unless he had bad dreams.

Jack had never had bad dreams before, but since that concert, he kept on dreaming about his mother, and his father. He missed them. He thought back to his singing lessons with his mother - they couldn't really be called 'music lessons' because she taught him how to sing, but no theory, or anything else. He remembered his father's arm around him as they went out to the truck yard, where his father introduced him to the mechanics, all gone now, just like the truck company - and his father. Mark, who still didn't sleep deeply, found Jack softly crying more than once. He'd wake him "Hey. I'm here. What's wrong?" "Oh, just a bad dream. No worries. " Jack would look at him with his blue puppy eyes. "I'm sorry I woke you. Can I have one kiss before I go back to sleep?" Mark would smile. "Take two. Or three." And he always kissed each of Jack's eyes. It probably didn't help Jack sleep, but he believed it did.

Mark would be around the house until about 3, and then head down to a full night of rehearsals. At best, they'd get an hour together. Sometimes, Mark would surprise Jack in the basement. He'd come down, stand against a column with his hands pushed down in his jeans, in what they called "Mark's hustler' position, and when Jack finished his day, he'd smile and say "Hi. You alone, handsome?" Sometimes, there was time for a quickie, but usually there wasn't. Jack would have a "last minute request" from a resident, or Mark would have to get moving early to get something taken care of. And Jack would spend the evenings watching movies, or playing video games, or going out with Mrs. Maloney every now and then. He loved those trips. She always took his arm, and told him how they were THE couple to watch at the concerts she'd take him to. Laurie wasn't a big champagne drinker, so Jack liked that too. And their dinners were things like tacos, or hot dogs, or 'fun foods' as Jack put it. "Don't get me wrong, Jack. I LOVE sushi But sometimes, the only thing that'll make you feel full.. is a really greasy tortilla." She smiled as she bit into a crispy one, filling falling all over her plate. They laughed about that. One day, she told him. "Jack, I hope you don't mind this, but you remind me SO MUCH of my Rory. A bigger, stronger version, but your personalities..."

"Well, thank you Laurie. Now I wish I had met him, because I can't be half the man he was, if he was with you all those years." Laurie looked at him. "Did someone teach you how to talk to women that way Jack?" And he shrugged "Well, no. My mom taught me to be polite, and I just watched how the men I admired treated people. Then I copied it. From real life, from movies, wherever I could find some advice."

"Jack, one day, you and I are going to write a book on how to be a gentleman, because you are the pure gentleman." "OH, Mrs Maloney, don't say that. Think of Aldo, or any of the other men in the building. Think of Mark," and he smiled. "Those are gentlemen. I'm just, well, I just like to make people happy."

"You do Jack. ." She paused. "You know, if Mark's play becomes a big success, it's going to be hard. Promise me you won't change. EVER." He smiled. "Well, I'll try ma'am, but I don't even know what I'm eating for lunch tomorrow, so I guess we have to see what happens."

"Jack, do you mind? You're just so, well, PRECIOUS" and she hugged him. He held her to him, without using too much strength. "Thank you Laurie. I gotta be honest. You don't remind me of my mom. You're too pretty. But if I had had a sister, I wish she were you."

Laurie began to cry. "I think that may be the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me," they had gotten to the building. "You have a good night Jack. Be good to Mark. Make sure he's good to you. And if he's not. I want to know. IMMEDIATELY. " Jack laughed. "Yes ma'am. You sleep well. "

He got to his apartment, smiling. He looked at his computer. There was an email from Jamie. "Hey. call me. Whatever time. Please."

Hmmm. Wonder what that's about?" He got on the computer and pulled up the face time program. Jamie was right there. "JACK? " "Yeah Jamie. How you doing?" "Well, big brother, not too well." "Jamie, what happened? Is it Cora? " "No, no, Jack, Cora's fine. She asked about you today. It's... it's Brent." "OH MY GOD. What's wrong?" Jamie began to cry. "He told me I'm not the one. The engagment is off, Jack. and I don't know why."

"Jamie, you poor child. OH GOD. " He took a breath. "Know what Jamie? You haven't been away from that town since I left. It's time. Can you come up and visit with me?"

Jamie stopped crying "it would be ok? Mark would be ok with it?" "JAMIE. Let me make sure you understand something. When I started with Mark, I told him 'you get between Jamie and I, and it's OVER. So, yeah, it's ok. I may bottom for him, but on this one, I'm in charge."

Jamie smiled. "Do you know how good it will be to see you again handsome? " He laughed. "I promise. I promise. I won't jump in bed with the two of you. Unless you want me to." Jack blushed. He couldn't deny that he had had that dream every now and then: Jamie under him, he under Mark. But it was just a dream. It wouldn't happen."

"How about you get your tickets, and let me know when you're coming?" Jamie blushed. "I can tell you that now," and he gave him a date, three days away. "OH YUM. I CAN'T WAIT. JAMIE, I HAVEN'T EATEN A HUSH PUPPY SINCE THE BOARDING HOUSE. Will you make them? " "Every day, Jack, every day." "Go get some sleep blond boy. I can't wait to see your face."

Before he went to bed that night, Jack left a note for Mark. "Hey sweetie. Jamie is coming to visit. Talk more tomorrow. Lotsa kisses."

Mark read the note when he came in, and smiled. Jack was not the only one who had had that dream.

Next: Chapter 16

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