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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 28, 2023


The calendar for the guys was now set, so that they would go the ball game on Saturday afternoon, and Jamie would arrive on Sunday. Friday afteroon, Jack finished his shift, took care of some paperwork, wished everyone a good weekend, and headed up to his apartment. Mark was standing there, in his hustler pose, in the blue shirt that was Jack's favorite, and his faded jeans. "Hey" he smiled to Jack.

Jack broke into a big smile. "OH WOW. I didn't know you were gonna be home today, Mark.." He came over to hug his man. "Is everything right?" "Everything is super right. I just wanted to spend some more time with you. I miss you. So..." He gave Jack a kiss, "I turned over the rehearsal to the tech people, tomorrow it's the choreographer, and today tomorrow and Sunday, it's you..." he kissed Jack again.. "and me.." He kissed him again "And Jamie, who I"m dying to meet."

If Jack had a puppy tail, it would have been wagging. "Oh wow. I don't get to spend this kind of time with you. I didn't plan anything." Mark smiled. "But I did... I'm gonna tell you all about it, after..." he pointed down to his crotch. "I knew about my surprise all day, and I've been waiting." Jack smiled at him. "I've been waiting too. I miss the taste." He got Mark's zipper open, and started sucking. He had gotten much better at it, and he had Mark moaning in minutes. Mark's cock wasn't as sensitive as Jack's nips, but it was a close call. "OH YEAH. You're the best super stud." Jack varied timing, and where he put his tongue. He got under Jack's balls, and on his cock head. He looked up at him and smiled. "Best. Cock. Ever..." and got back to work. Mark laced his hands through Jack's hair - no, this hair was NEVER going to be short, but it could use a trim - and he began pumping Jack's mouth. DAMN YOU"RE GOOD HANDSOME.." He exploded, as Jack sucked up every drop, and then licked Mark's cock clean. Mark helped him up. "We're gonna have to see about those morning jobs" Jack said. "Yes, I want that too, sweetie. But now... I'm gonna tell you what we're doing tonight, but first..." He ran his hands through Jack's hair. "I have a fantasy, I want you to help me Samson" Jack looked stunned. "NO. Please don't cut off my hair." Mark laughed. "No no, not all of it, but I think you need a little trim. I know something about it, so I think it would be hot to tie you up and give you a trim." Jack looked at him really seriously "just a trim Mark? Really? Please?" Mark laughed. "Now do you think ANYONE around here would let me get away with cutting your beautiful hair? Do you think I want you to lose your beautiful hair? Absolutely not. But you need a trim. Badly. Maybe we'll do it while Jamie's here, so he can give advice." Jack got a little serious.

"Wow. It's like a circle. To save money, Jamie and I used to cut each other's hair. Mine was always short - almost like a Marine - and he kept his long. When Cora told him it was ponytail time, we'd cut it. "Did you tie him up when you did it?" Mark's curiosity was piqued. "Not that. I DID tie him up when he wanted it. You know, he's the one who taught me about bondage, Mark." Mark paused. "No. I didn't know that." His mind began to work. "Anyway, handsome, have you ever heard of karaoke?" Jack paused "No. Is that some kind of sushi?" Mark laughed. "Not even close. It's singalong. You go to a bar, there's a machine, you pick a song, and you get the music, then you sing along to it. I thought we could go out to one of the clubs tonight. It'll be fun. You know, Jack, you've never heard ME sing."

Jack paused "that's true. We sing in front of the public." "We do Jack. I want you to do this, because I REALLY want you to see, it's not just your friends. You have a BEAUTIFUL voice, and you need to know it " Jack blushed. "Well, ok, I guess we can do it. Do I need to put on a suit or anything?" Mark laughed again, and ruffled his hair. "You know, one of the reasons I really, truly love you, is because I get to introduce you to all these things you've never done. No, you dress nice - hey, let ME dress you - and that's all. And Jack... these places don't serve fancy food: if you get mozzarella sticks and burgers, that's a fancy meal. " THAT made Jack smile. "Well, ok, then I'll do it. " Mark came over and hugged him. "You're gonna have so much fun, and I PROMISE you Jack Robson, I am gonna make you feel like Cinderella at the ball this weekend." Jack remembered how that ball ended, but he kept quiet. He didn't think Mark had anything bad in mind.

Mark had bought Jack a tight fitting white shirt a few weeks before, that he hadn't worn yet. "YES. That makes you look SO sexy. Look in the mirror. Look how your nips are pointing out." "Mark, this is embarrassing. I can't wear this in public." Mark smiled. "Sweetie, Saturday you're making me wear a tank top, a baseball cap and shorts." Jack looked at him and said "well, that's what you wear to baseball games," and Mark answered "Well, the king of karaoke has to look good. That shirt, your black jeans, and I'm just gonna have to hold onto you, to make sure no one steals you from me. " Jack looked at him "Does that really worry you, Mark?" He seemed real serious, so Mark took it seriously. "Sometimes." Jack took his hands. "You know , Mark. I'm wearing your ring. I'm wearing your collar. I take those things to heart. And I love you. " He paused. "You know, I'm not gonna tell you who, but some guy in the building - really handsome - came to the basement and offered to blow me this week." Mark looked at him "AND YOU DIDN"T TELL ME?" "No, because I knew you'd be angry. But it was the day you came home a little early and edged me. Do you think I'd have anything in me if I let him do it?" Mark was silent, so Jack spoke up. "Now, YOU come here." He opened his arms and took in Mark, hugging him tight. "There is no one else in my life but you. Do I look at men? Yes. So do you. Do I think about other men? Sometimes? Do I worry how I'm gonna feel when Jamie is here? Yes. But Markster, you're my man. That's not up for discussion. I want YOUR fingers on my nips, I want YOUR lips on mine, and I want YOUR cock inside of me. So, can we get this off the table? I am NOT dumping you for someone else. " He looked up at Mark. "And you better not dump me for someone else either." Mark whispered. "I think we can agree on that." He kissed Jack. "And you know, you just drained me, but damn if you're not making me hard again." Jack laughed a little coquettishly and said "you hold that thought stud. We haven't spooned in a long time.

Mark put on his black leather jacket, and his string tie with a dark blue silk shirt. They were a striking couple when they went into the bar, and yes, they WERE checked out. The whisper was, generally, that Jack was fucking Mark. If they only knew."

"Ok, so here's how it goes, stud," Mark sat down at a small table with Jack. "You put your name on your list, and the host will call you up when it's your turn. See this book?" He handed it to Jack. "That's what the machine can handle. You pick the song, you give him the numbers and when it's your turn.. Let me take a look. Hmmmm. OK, I've got mine. Now you look." Jack picked up the book and gave it a good going over. This was his first time. Then he found one. "GOT IT." "What'd ya pick? "Mark asked, and Jack smiled "gonna be a secret."

And so it started. More than once Mark laughed "OH GOD. She was terrible. He was awful." Jack just said "yeah, but they're having a good time, so what does it matter?" He was enjoying it all. Then it was Mark's turn. Can anyone guess what he sang? Broadway baby that he was, he did "Everything's coming up Roses" Jack didn't know the song, but he liked it. And he liked the way Mark moved on stage. He thought "NOW I know where he learned to move his hips in bed " When Mark came back, Jack kissed him AWESOME. That's my second song about roses.

"And now, where are you Jack Robson?" There was applause as Jack walked up. Mark was right: EVERY eye was looking at this handsome man, as he took the dais. "Jack is going to do a SAD song for us, by Judy Garland." The machine began with "The Man Who Got Away." As Jack's voice poured out, untrained, but totally committed, Mark was thinking "WHAT THE FUCK ? WHERE did this come from? DAMN."

There wasn't a sound in the room as Jack went on. And as he finished, and the music was ending, he said to the audience "Good riddance to the bastard," which brought a WOOP of cheers, and an ovation. Jack made a little bow, and came back to Mark. "Was it any good?" Mark was smiling and crying "WAS IT ANY GOOD? Jack, you didn't tell me you wouldn't let a recording agent steal you, and if there's one here tonight, well... I may just lose you. " Jack squeezed Mark's hand "Jamie visiting is freaking you out isn't it?" Mark blushed "it is that obvious" Jack smiled. "I diagnose problems all day. I saw this one. I'll tell him to stay if it's a problem for you?" Mark smiled 'no, no, it's not. I'll work it out." Jack kissed him, deeply. "Does that help, lover man?" Mark got a little overcome by that kiss. "It helps a lot. A WHOLE LOT."

The evening went on. Mark didn't want to sing anymore, but he urged Jack to put in his name again. "Can we pick something together Mark?" "Hmmm. Let's take a look" "Ok, let me be clearer. A duet. How about... MOCKINGBIRD?" Mark started to laugh "no, no.." Jack smiled. "Oh yes, oh yes. You're gonna sing with me tonight." He got up before Mark could stop him, and put in their names. Mark was laughing when he came back. "You know, you're gonna pay for this tonight. You wanna spoon? Well, you're gonna find out that I haven't let ya know EVERYTHING I know about nip work." Jack laughed "That's a threat? Maybe I'll put us in for TWO songs."

Well, the duet went off well. Jack let Mark take the lead for the dancing at the music breaks, but they picked up each others cues like they had done this before. Mark was thinking "whoever his mother was, she taught him well. REALLY well." Another ovation, and then the host coming over. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we never do this but..." ' DO YOU WANNA HEAR JACK SING AGAIN????" Mark looked at him, smiling "You're a star. I TOLD you you'd be Cinderella tonight. Jack was beaming "Mark, I can't believe this. Can I maybe do something without the machine? They don't have the love song my mother taught me." He went over to the host, and got the ok.

"Thank you folks. I'm not very good at this, and I'm new to this kind of thing, but I want to sing a song my mother taught me. It's a love song, and it's in German. The title translates to "You are in my heart completely. And it's for the man who's in my heart completely." He pointed to Mark. "Mark, I can't think of anyone I've ever loved the way you do."

Now, the song that Jack picked was written for a tenor, and Jack was solidly a baritone. So he didn't take the high notes the way a professional would, but he closed his eyes, and just took command of that room. The applause, especially from Mark, was intoxicating. He smiled , gave the mike to the host, and went back to Mark. "I love you sweetie. But can we go home now?" "My thoughts exactly." Mark waved to the host. "GUYS. COME BACK. WE'LL PASS THE HAT." , and off they went.

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Mark was going to have to talk about this with Laurie and the girls. For now, though, he just had to get this hot man in the sack. After they were naked, and Jack was cuddled in Mark, smiling, and Jack purred "I missed this," Mark made his move. "I keep my promises.." He began moving his fingers over Jack's nips. What was new, was how gently he was doing it - almost like a whisper. At first, Jack was thinking "this isn't so hot," but then it got to him, and he began to squirm. He was too aroused, too excited, but Mark was holding him tightly with his strong leg, whispering into his ear "like that superstar? Like how that feels?" "Please Mark Please. It's too intense, please. I can't.. OH... FUCK... KISS ME YOU STUD." "When I'm done getting you nice and helpless, jack." Mark licked Jack's ear, and then, rolled him over onto his back. "Every time, I want you more." "I could say the same. Now kiss me. KISS ME MARK PLEASE." He almost didn't get the "PLEASE" out, as Mark rammed his tongue down his throat. Jack looked at Mark pleadingly. "Top man, you have enough juice yet? Mark grinned. "That song put me over the top. I've been leaking since we left." He had Jack's legs in the air in seconds. "Slow tonight Mark. Please. Nice and slow. Like a dance. Take me dancing some time. Close dancing. Please.." As Mark slid in, he remembered his warning to himself back at the start "It's a victory fuck, nothing else. " LAST thing he had in mind, was falling so hard for this man. Falling in love changed everything.

As usual, Jack woke up first, but this time, he woke up Mark too. "C'mo sleepyhead. Got to get you ready for the game. And you know, that starts with feeding your lover his high protein shake." Jack got down to Mark's crotch and began sucking. "OH GEEZ. This boy is gonna KILL me, and I'm gonna die smiling," Mark thought, as Jack got to work on his morning task. His collar bumped against Mark's balls every now and then - oops, sorry Sir " Jack grinned. "The imp is doing that on purpose!", Mark thought, although Jack was pretty big for an imp. He wanted to protest, but DAMN. Jack's tongue felt so good. He shot what precious little he had, before pulling Jack up on his chest. Jack was smiling, like a cat who had just eaten. "Mark man, that was THE most intense nip work ever last night. It had to end, but I didn't want it to" Mark smiled, then rolled Jack over , so he was on top of him. "Well, it CAN happen again. It probably will. Hmmm. Can you attend a baseball game with a hickey?" He dove into Jack's neck. Jack was laughing. "Mark. NO. NO ." His giggles turned into full blown laughter, as Mark changed from scruff to raspberries on his neck. "PLEASE A HA HA HA . NO. Come on. I'm gonna pee myself." Mark grinned. "THAT might be fun." and changed to tickling Jack's ribs. "C'mon, please. I'll do anything you want. ANYTHING. Just please stop." Mark grinned. "But you already do" and dug back in. "NO Mark. Really. I can't breathe. I can't kiss you if I can't breathe." "Oh, well in THAT case." Mark arched and looked down at his lover. "YOU, may very well be the greatest boyfriend on the face of this planet." Jack smiled. "Well, I guess that's possible, given who's ring I'm wearing." Mark made a fake growl. "I COULD start tickling you again, pretty boy." Jack laughed. "No, please, don't. Be nice to me. Be nice to me like you were last night. MMMMM." They cuddled, and nearly fell back asleep.

After showering, Mark had to change into the clothes that Jack had picked for him. He had never been to a baseball game before, so this was new: the dark purple tank top, the shorts, the baseball cap. Heavy white socks. Jack was dressing in a blue and white Yankees t shirt, pin striped shorts, and he had a baseball cap too. "Now, one thing Mark. You probably know this, but I'll tell you. You wear YOUR cap with the brim forward, while I...." and Jack put his cap on backward. "Hey, wait, what's THAT about?" Mark asked. "Oh, it's very simple. Think about it. If you're giving a blow job, the brim gets in the way. If you're getting one, it doesn't matter. So, the brim lets you know, who's the top, and who's the bottom." Jack smiled. "I know my place." Mark was thinking "yes, he does. It's like arm bands, but for jocks. I love this."

Jack had water in the freezer "we're not supposed to bring this, but the water is 6 bucks a bottle there. It's ok. Just before we go in, I'll slip it inside my shorts. Everyone will just think I'm hung." "Hey, how come I can't do that?" Jack smiled. "Uh, Mark. " He looked at Mark's crotch. "Let's not exaggerate shall we? He came over and felt up Mark's cock. "If I talked about things like that, I'd tell people I had a VERY well hung lover."

Mark wasn't quite sure he'd ever do something like this again, but being with Jack at the ballpark, was like being with his nephew. Jack stood for the anthem, covered his heart, and sang out. He cheered, he jeered, and he DID turn to Mark and whisper things like "I bet you'd like to work the chest of the right fielder." Mark had to be told who the right fielder was, and when Jack told him, he agreed: yup, in a NY minute. Jack sort of reminisced. "you know, everyone always told me I had a catcher's body. I guess they were right." He squeezed Mark's bicep. "For my pitcher." Again, Mark was thinking "he makes sex jokes, he enjoys the game like a big kid, and he can figure out the plays.

Indeed, Mark was having trouble following the game, as Jack outlined the strategies of key plays. "I have NEVER met anyone like him, and I don't think ANYONE of my friends has anyone like him. And he's a treasure. A pure, pure treasure."

"MARK. LOOK. The kissing camera is looking around. Maybe it'll land on us." "The kissing camera?" "Oh yeah. Look at the big screen. If you see yourself on it, you're supposed to kiss your sweete. OH. THERE WE ARE." Mark waved, as Jack leaned over and planted one. The cameraman, not used to two gay men at the game, lingered, so Jack took advantage and Frenched Mark - right on the screen. If the wooping at the karaoke bar was loud, this was like an earthquake.

The Yankees didn't win the game, which made Jack a bit sad. A very bad vanilla ice cream cone - with sprinkles - the rainbow ones- fixed that. Mark was shaking his head on the train ride home. "Jack. You're 12, you're 30, and you're 60. You're an angel, a devil, a wise man, a joker... " Jack looked at him. "Isn't the only thing that matters is that I'm hopelessly in love with you Mark?" That answer caught Mark by surprise "yeah, I guess that IS the only thing that matters."

Back at home, Jack checked to see if there were any crises. There weren't any, so he and Mark could head up to the apartment. Mark encircled him from behind. "All those jocks. And now you. Warm, sweaty, and MINE." He licked Jack's ear, and Jack could smell the ice cream on Mark's breath. " "do you think maybe..." "I think DEFNIITELY." Mark decided to try something new. He put Jack on his belly, and after he got his shorts off, he began to probe his hole with his finger. "No Mark. Please. Not that. " This wasn't fake, but Mark wasn't really paying attention as he went to two.

I SAID NO MARK. And Jack kicked out so hard, it knocked Mark on his ass. Both of them were surprised. "OH GOD Mark. I'm so sorry. I don't know my own strength sometimes. Did I hurt you?" Mark shook his head. "No, no. I'm fine. Just, well, a little shaken.

"Mark, I can't believe I did that. Can I make it up to you? Should we start again?" Mark shook his head. "No. I said, at the start, I wouldn't do things you didn't like. You didn't like that. It doesn't happen again. BUT... what DOES happen..." He rushed Jack like a football player, and wrestled him around . He had Jack's arms pinned behind him, as he went back for the shorts. This time, instead of his fingers, he used his tongue, and Jack began to moan. Loud. All was well with Jack's world, and it got even better when he heard the condom paper tear, and he felt Mark's big cock going inside of him.

That night, after they had eaten more bad food for dinner, and were watching one of Jack's old monster movies and laughing, Mark's hand on Jack's belly, he said "You know, Jack, I wanna tell Gloria and Abigail about the karaoke. There's a more fancy one uptown, all opera. You should do it one night." Jack sighed. "You folks are REALLY wanting to turn me into a singer, aren't you?" "Well, you have a gift." "What I have Mark, is something that make me happy. If it makes other people happy, great. But I don't want to take it apart. I don't want to study it. I just want to enjoy it. What if I can't put it back together again?" Mark laughed "Jack, if you were around, Humpty Dumpty would still be alive."

Jack sat up. "Look Mark. I love to sing. I love singing for people I love. But please. To start doing what you folks want me to do, I'll feel like I'm back in school again. Don't try doing that to me."

"I never thought of it that way, Jack. I guess, well, it's a different way people have of looking at things."

"I'll go to that karaoke with you. I will. I wanna see Carol and Abigail again. And Laurie. PLEASE bring Laurie. And Jamie. Let's all go. OH MARK. Jamie is going to hit it off with you in the biggest way. I can't wait. "

Mark took a deep sigh. "I have to ask you something Jack-o. Please don't feel offended." "Well, I can't say I'll be offended unless I hear ya out ,handsome," Jack answered. "Ok.. Here we go. Since I saw Jamie when he spoke with you, I haven't been able to get the vision of you fucking him out of my head."

"Oh, Mark, I'm sorry. I wish that didn't happen. But Jamie and I aren't getting back together.." Mark interrupted "No, no. I WANT you to get together. A little anyway?" Jack furrowed his brows. "I don't understand." Mark blushed. "Well, I was wondering. Would you consider doing a three way with me and Jamie? Sort of a Jack sandwich? You fucking Jamie while I fuck you?" He felt himself getting hard as he thought about it. Jack couldn't lie and say he didn't get aroused either."

"I don't know Mark. I know Jamie did them to survive. He told me. We never talked about it back at the Boarding House. He told me that when he did them, they were fun, but someone was always jealous at the end. But I'll think about it. " He looked at Mark. 'AND DON'T YOU ASK HIM. I'LL ASK HIM AND I'LL ASK HIM AT THE RIGHT TIME." He smiled. "Now, how about a twosome? I have been wanting to put my head on that sweaty chest of yours since the third inning.

Next: Chapter 17

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