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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 5, 2023


"JAMIE." How long have you been there? "Oh, since about the time Mark reminded you who's chain you're wearing?" Jack reddened. "I didn't hear the door open, and Jamie laughed. " Of course you didn't. The two of you were going at it like wild animals. NOT that it didn't make me hard again." Jack said nothing. Jamie patted the seat next to him. "So, you gonna come sit down and neck, or what? " "Jamie, I..., what's going on?" Jamie smiled. "What's going on, Jack, is that Mark is a much more caring person than he ever wants to let on. And so am I. And we both know... you miss topping me, and to be honest, I miss you topping me too. Jon is GREAT. GOD is he great. But you know, no one ever made me feel like he cared about me the way you did." "That's because I did Jamie, and I still do." "I know. And I care about you too Jack. And I want you to be happy. Not 80%, not 90%, but 100%." Jack paused. "I'm totally happy Jamie. I made my choices. " "Yes, you made your choices Jack. So did I. And the choice I didn't make, which I wish I had, was to come with you to New York. It might not have changed anything, but maybe it would have."

"Jamie, if you knew how much I've thought about you" Jamie hit the seat again. "And I've probably thought as much about you." Jack sat down, and Jamie curled into his arm. "Doesn't that feel good, Jack? Maybe my coming to NY wouldn't have changed anything. Maybe it would have been worse, we'll never know. But Jack... people and their feelings, aren't the boiler room. I'm here, NOW, and I want you. And I KNOW you want ME. I know you too well. " Jack began to cry. "Jack, Mark told you to just remember you belong to him. I respect that, you respect that. He gave you the chance to do something that, well, after I move on, you may never get the chance to do again. "JAMIE PLEASE DON'T TALK THAT WAY." Jamie took Jack's hand and put it on his own nipple. Jack couldn't help himself. He began playing with it. Jamie moaned. "See what he taught you? You were always rough on my nipples. I loved it, but you were rough. Now, you're an expert. I'm getting harder. And all I want, is my old big brother Jackie to fill me with his cock."

"I'm so confused Jamie." "Then stop thinking about it. Just feel it.

Jack, you have an amazing cock, and unless things changed, you know how to use it. Why are you going to deny me, of ALL people, the chance to feel it? Your man says it's ok, I say it's ok. STOP BEING A STUBBORN BULL." Jack didn't look up. "You want me Jamie? After all these years?" Jamie reached in ran his finger down Jack's nose, and kissed him. "I bet Mark doesn't know what that does to you. And I'll never tell him. And I'll bet he doesn't know... what a tongue on the bottom of your balls does to you." Jack began to giggle. "You gonna promise not to tell him that?" Jamie smiled. "Only if you fuck me so hard tonight I remember it for a week." Jack pulled Jamie into him. He kissed him, hard. "I think you're hotter now than you were when we were just kids. My bed or yours.?"

"Mine" said Jamie. I promised Mark: not in the bed you share with him. C'mon Jack. It's like riding a bike. You don't forget to do it. And if you did, well, Professor Jamie is here to guide you" The two friends linked hands, and Jamie led Jack into the guest bedroom. "I feel like there should be sweet tea on the night stand." Jack kissed him. "There's some in the fridge." Jamie laughed. "I shoulda known. Go get it. I'll get undressed while you're gone."

When Jack came back, Jamie was, in fact, naked. laying on the bed, face up, spread out. "Like what you see? As good as what you imagined?" "Better Jamie. MUCH Better." Jack stripped, and got on top of his bud. He found his neck and began to dig in. "FUCK. You were always so gentle Jack. I always wanted more, but now I get it. Now I know what you were doing." Jack looked at him. "And you always talked too much. And you still do." He put his tongue in Jamie's mouth and stopped that. Then he moved it down to Jamie's nips, and licked them, slowly, like it was the last time he was gonna taste them. Jamie stopped him. "This doesn't have to be the last time Jack. That's up to you."

"Didn't you always say I think too much? I'm trying not to think too much Jamie . So stop putting thoughts in my head. Just get your legs on my shoulders. "

"YES SIR" Jamie smiled. He spread his legs wide. He knew that Jack hadn't done this in a while. He handed him a condom. "I'd tell you to go easy, but no. Go rough. FUCK ME like a whore Jack. FUCK ME like you rented me for the night." Jack did his best. He was torn between the love he felt for this man, and his desire - and Jamie's desire. He was hard - from the unfinished love making with Mark - but he was tempered by guilt. Still, Jamie was so skilled. He guided Jack in, and used word that Jack hadn't heard since he came to NY. "Who's your fucking hot blond bitch Jack? Who's ass do you own?" "Yours, you sweet southern boy. NOW TAKE IT." Jack pushed like he hadn't pushed in years. Jamie felt it. "WHOA tiger. I'm not young anymore. ' SHUT UP. NEITHER AM I" , and he fucked Jamie hard. His cock wasn't as long as Jon's , but Jamie felt a heat, a burning need, that he hadn't felt in years. And he responded. He ran hands through Jack's hair. 'WHY DID I LET YOU GO, YOU FUCKING ANIMAL? ' Jack looked at him. "You didn't.. NOW SHUT UP.' And he kept pounding, riding Jamie like he did in the boarding house. "TAKE ME JACK. REMIND ME OF MY FIRST REAL LOVER. OH... FUCKING... SHIT...' Jack began to shoot, and Jamie felt it. He had cum that afternoon with Jon, but it happened again. All over both of them, into Jack's hair, onto Jamie's belly. Everywhere.

"OH GOD JACK. It was TOO LONG for that. WAY TOO LONG. Cuddle me. Please." And Jamie started doing something Jack had never seen. He began to cry. "Cuddle me. Please." Jack was crying too, as they held each other, until they feel asleep. That's how Mark found them when he came in . Jamie snored. He went to the room, and saw them. He, too, was filled with happiness, and sadness. He touched his fiance's face, and his hair. "Sleep well my prince. Sleep well. I'm honored you gave yourself to me. Sleep well," as he went off to their bed, alone.

Jack woke up a few hours later. In the silence of the apartment, he heard Mark snoring. "OH SHIT. THIS SHOULDNT have happened," he thought as he hurried out of Jamie's bed, and went into his own. He crawled in next to Mark, hoping he wouldn't wake him up. That didn't work. Mark looked at him, smiling, before he pulled him into his chest. "Hey..Did you have a good time, stud." "Yes sir. A really good time." "Let's talk about it tomorrow. Right now, gimme a kiss, and let's sleep."

Neither one of them heard Jamie come in and join them about an hour later. He woke up after a few hours, and went back to his bed. Jack woke up first, and looked up at his sleeping fiance' He kissed him. "I'm sorry" It woke Mark. "Sorry for what?" "For having such a good time. And wanting to do it again?" Mark smiled at him. "Why are you sorry?" Come here, angel. " Jack got closer. "Look, Jack. You are making two people very VERY happy. Jamie... and ME. And if we can make that work, why are you sorry?" "I don't know Mark. You and Jamie are making ME very happy, and I guess I don't think I deserve it." Jamie had walked into the room, and they hadn't noticed. "Jack, if anyone deserves to be happy, you do. For as long as we can make this work, let's make this work. Now, can I get in that bed? I'm having trouble sleeping alone, and frankly, Jon won't do when you're around." He looked at Mark. "you'll let me know what time to show up next Sunday?" Mark smiled. "Well, you just spoiled the surprise but yes." "WAIT. What surprise. Isn't Sunday my Wild Wild West fantasy?" Mark laughed. "Yes, it is. You're going to be rescuing a kidnapped spy. And who do you think is playing that part?" Jamie smiled. "OH, MY GOD. You GUYS. " "Wait. It gets better. Who do you think turns on you and helps your captor break you?" "OH SHIT. Can we do it today?" Jamie and Mark laughed. "No, but this morning, how about you do what you're supposed to do, and Jamie gets whatever's left in you outta you?" "Yes sir." Jack got on Mark's cock, and Jamie did the same on Jack's , while he tried to pull whatever was left out of his. The only one who had a truly big orgasm that morning, was Mark. And no one complained.

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Carmen Miranda would have said the boys had "let the cat out of the beans," and perhaps that's a good way to put how things were going after that. Opening night was getting closer, and closer, so Mark was busier and busier, and away more and more. Jon was involved in the production, so he was pretty busy too. Jack had his reguar shift and hours, which left Jamie, the vacationer, who's days were spent sight seeing, and half heartedly looking at apartments. He didn't want to leave Jack and Mark.

Every afternoon, before he left for the theater, Mark would text Jack "it's ok. Have fun. Love you," which of course was his way of telling Jack if he and Jamie wanted to go at it, he was fine with it. They always did. Jack was now wary of falling asleep in the bed with Jamie, and managed to get back to his regular bed - MOST of the time. One time, Mark walked in as Jack was running from room to room, naked, and just started laughing "It's like a Marx brothers movie" "Are they like the Three Stooges," Jack asked. Mark just came over, put his arms around Jack and said. "We'll talk later. For now, my chest is waiting. " Sometimes, Jamie would feel lonely and sneak into the bed with them. It meant that Jack went through the day sort of glassy eyed, but he had never enjoyed himself so much in his life.

Remember back when Jack had compared his ring, and Mark's? Well, he began thinking: Mark had designed the rings, and Jack's ring was perfect, but he thought that Mark's ring was just not fancy enough. So, one Saturday morning, while Mark was showering, Jack made up an excuse to get into the bathroom, and took the ring. He had some plans, and he would get them in motion that day. Years ago, on his 20th birthday, his mom had given him a tie clip, with a small ruby chip in the middle of it. He headed off to a local jeweler, with the ring, and the tie clip, to see if it might be possible to somehow remake the ring to get the ruby chip in. The jeweler was skeptical, but he could design a ring that held it. Jack's instructions were simple: " exactly like it is, but the ruby, right in the middle."

The next day was in fact the James West fantasy, and there was a palpable tension around the apartment. Jamie and Mark would find excuses to chat, apart from Jack, and when he'd walk in, they'd stop. Jack re-read his script one more time. He had trouble getting all the way through it, without needing to find some release, but he was excited. The theater closed on Sunday at about 4, and Mark had planned things for 5:30. Jack went out grocery shopping that Sunday afternoon, and when he got back to the apartment Jamie, who had been there when he left, was gone. He saw a note propped up against the computer with the words. "TURN IT ON" He did so.

There was a live movie, coming from the theater. There was Jamie, tied tight and gagged, in a high backed chair. He was squirming, but getting nowhere. Mark walked into the screen. "Mr. West.... I see you've joined us. Excellent. And you see your little friend here. " He stepped behind Jamie , and began to play with his shoulders "TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF HIM. ITS ME YOU WANT." Mark laughed "PRECISELY. And if I get you, I'll release this handsome young man. On the other hand... there is a buyer in Saudi Arabia who would be more than happy to have a gelded blond slave in his harem. You have 30 minutes to get here. "MMMMPH MMMPH" Jamie was shaking his head NO. NO."

The West suit was laid out on the sofa. Jack put it on, piece by piece, including the tight fitting vest, the string tie, the chaps, and the hat. He checked himself in the mirror. DAMN he looked HOT. Jack indulged himself something he never did: he took bathroom selfies. "I want this, " he thought to himself. Then, because wearing the hat and the jacket would draw some stares, he carried them into the cab. He'd finish up at the theater.

He got there on time, and found the theater door opened. He let himself in. It was dark. No light switch around, so he used a small flashlight on his phone. He saw nothing. But he could hear Jamie's moans. They were on this floor, but he didn't know where. "If Jamie's moaning, he knows I'm here," thought Jack "because those aren't moans of pain. He's signalling." Indeed, Jamie was. Jack moved as softly as he could, keeping his fake pistol out, just in case. There were some leads to nowhere, but eventually, he could hear the moans, louder and louder. It was difficult not to try to run to get to his friend, but he did his best.

THERE HE WAS. Right around the corner. The chair, the ropes, the big, black gag. Jamie looked at him with eyes that didn't so much show relief as, well, triumph. "Jamie. I'll have you out of here in a minute. " Then he heard the click and felt the metal against his temple. "Not so fast Mr. West. Let's get those hands up." Jack did as he was told. Mark pushed him against a wall, and did a VERY thorough body search, before handcuffing his wrists behind his back. "You've got me, now let him go. That was the deal.

"Yes, stud, it was." Jamie took his hands from behind the chair, and took off his gag. West had been double crossed. Jamie was with Mark , and this was NOT in the script. "Jamie was a very useful informant, West. VERY useful. Let's just say... this afternoon is going to be much more fun than I thought it would be. He pointed to a stairway "Basement. MOVE" Mark had his firm grip on Jack's arm, and Jamie moved on ahead. "You BASTARD Jamie," and Jamie smiled. "I won't tell you what they paid me. Instead, once we get started, I'll tell you what I got."

In a corner of the basement, Mark kept the gun on West. "Off with the jacket, the shirt, the shoes." Then he pointed to an operating table. "ON IT. FACE UP. NOW" Jack stripped as told, and got on the platform. "Jamie, do you want to do the honors of restraining him?" Jamie smiled. "It would be my pleasure..." He tied Jack's wrists down, and spread his ankles before restraining those too. "That's fine. I'll finish," Mark came over. "No one is going to hear you, but I prefer moans to screams." He pulled out a huge roll of duct tape, and slapped a large piece over Jack's mouth. "NOW, we can begin."

"So, I think my overtures have been clear, Mr. West.." Jack pulled at the restraints. He thought he felt a little give in his right wrist, but not enough to do anything yet. "I've wanted you, as my sub... as my sex slave, for a long time. He began gently stroking Jack's belly. "You've got the hottest ass, the most amazing chest, and a gorgeous face. The thought of having you enslaved to me, is absolutely.. thrilling..." He moved his finger up to Jack's clavicle, but didn't touch either pec. He just smiled. "And then we have Jamie here. Now, interestngly enough, he's wanted you too, but he wants parts that don't interest me." He pressed an elevator on Jack's crotch. "To be honest, if you didn't have this, it wouldn't be much of thing to me, but Jamie, however, is obsessed with your cock. So here was the deal: Jamie would help me capture you. In return, I would pay him, and he would have free access to your cock. I, on the other hand. Will own every other part of you." He ran a long finger down Jack's side. "A complete and total submissive slave. " He paused. "Because you're going to BEG me to enslave you."

Jack frantically shook his head no, moaning and trying to scream out the gag. "If you take a look at what's on that table, you will see some of the 'instruments of persuasion' . There are more... He held out his hands. "The most effective torture tools there are. Jack continued to push those ropes. The right wrist was definitely weakening. "So, I will give you a chance to surrender, before we begin. Perhaps save this torment for yourself.'' "FUCK YOU" he yelled out, but it came out as "MMMMPH MMMMPH MMMPH." Mark smiled. "let us begin. Now, all the evidence says, Mr. West, that your weak spot is your nipples. Is that true? " It was, but West shook his head violently no. Mark laughed "I do believe you're not telling the truth. So, let's find out." Mark had double jointed thumbs, and he bent them back as he slowly moved them over Jack's nips. Jack took a deep breath and tried to hold it Tried to pretend he wasn't feeling anything. That didn't last long. In about 90 seconds, he was beginning to moan." "AH. The intelligence was accurate I see. EXCELLENT. We're just beginning. Any thoughts of surrender, West?" He shook his head no." Mark turned to Jamie "may I have the gloves? " Jamie handed him a pair of velcro gloves. "A good friend - a VERY good friend - advocates tit torture with velcro strips. I thought some gloves would be better. Stimulate the whole body.." He ran the fingers of the gloves over Jack's nips. The sensation was incredible. Jack fought desperately to get free. He bucked pushed, cursed, and screamed. It did no good. But he did feel the right wrist loosen. Now he just had to wait.

"Five minutes of that at a time is probably enough, so that you can think about your choices handsome. " Mark smiled at him. "Ready to surrender. ? " More shakes of the head, but not as violent as before.

"You know, I hadn't thought of this, but you have SUCH beautiful feet, and I still have the gloves.. "OH SHIT, " thought Jack. "He's gonna tickle my feet. " He did. VIgorously. He handed one glove to Jamie and they each did a foot. If the tit torture was difficult, this one was unbelievable. "only 3 minutes of that will be enough Jamie, but we'll go back. " Jamie smiled. "I like the foot torture. " Mark smiled... "Now, we have another little surprise for you." He \grabbed a chain with two nasty looking clamps on the end. "Yup. More for your nips. Jamie." He tossed them to Jamie, who moved to Jack's right. That's when Jack made his move and tried to grab him. Jamie laughed. "Now now, big man. You think I didn't see that. " He grabbed Jack's wrist, and said softly "back where it belongs, now..." when Jack continued to struggle, Jamie began pinching his nipple. The yells became moans, became whines, and Jack yielded.

"I don't much like clamps Jack, but they do the job when I have another body part to explore. And I do. " Jamie attached the clamps. Jack's nips were already on fire from the velcro, and the clamps made things worse. He may have blacked out for a minute,but the guys made sure he was back awake for the next step. "You talked about a secret grip that always brought him down. Wanna show me." Jack knew what they were talking about and, notwithstanding the fire in his nips, and the restraints, he fought. Jamie smiled. "I will tell you, I always use this to get his cock when he's 'just not ready, but there are other things you can do." They slid down West's black tights and exposed his jock. The didn't pull it down , yet, but the erection was evident. "Now, you have to move your hand just so. You press your thumb right on his hole...Jamie demonstrated, "and then a sort of corkscrew grip with the rest of your hand, not sliding or anything. Just holding. Don't give him any friction." "FUCK. Jack was thinking. That's the last thing Mark needs to know."

"Well, that's so elegant, and so effective. Let me try.." Mark was a quick study, and he had bigger, stronger hands than Jamie. While he worked the grip, Jamie took the slack on the clamps, and pulled gently. Jack was trying, desperately , to get to climax, but Mark wasn't giving him anything to rub against. He was totally, totally helpless.

"So... West, things can get MUCH worse, as I'm sure you can imagine, so I'll give you a chance before we move on. You ready to submit?" This time, Jack didn't shake his head at all. He was moaning, softly sobbing, and desperate for an ejaculation. "I don't think I saw an answer? Hmmmm?" Again, he lay there, still. Sweaty and helpless. "Maybe a little, oh, I don't know, tickling will help you make up your mind. " Jamie whspered something into Mark's ear. Very well. You do one your way, and I'll do one my way." Jamie shoved his mouth into Jack's sweaty pit, and began working it, while Mark raked his fingers against it. Jack's moans became filled with more laughter. He squirmed so hard, at one point, Mark thought he'd break the table. He began to moan. "OK OK OK..." Mark gave Jamie the sign to stop. He took off the nipple clamps. Then he ripped off the tape.

"It looked to me like you had something to say West. Do you. He gasped for breath. "YES. YES. I can't take it anymore. I give. I give. I submit. I surrender. Fuck me. Fuck me over and over again. I'll be your bitch. PLEASE. "

Mark gloated. "I KNEW we'd get him. So, I have an idea how I wanna celebrate this, and I'll let you take your prize first Jamie.

Mark left the area to give them some privacy. "HMMMM. Do I want a mouthful, or an assfull? "Jamie, you betrayed me!" Jamie laughed "Did I stud? Or did I just unleash the beast in you? Looks so tasty..." He bent down and began sucking Jack's cock, using the grip he had just taught Mark. "OH SHIT. JAMIE. I'm gonna explode. You know that happens when you do that to.... MEEEEEE!!!!!" Jamie smiled. "This has made ME really hot too.." He moved up to Jack's mouth. "I'm gonna borrow something that belongs to Mark. I think he owes it to me." He shoved his hard cock into Jack's mouth. At one point, he smacked Jack's balls. DO A BETTER JOB CUNT" He must have improved, because in a few minutes, Jamie was shooting down his throat. He cleaned himself up, closed his pants. "He's all yours Mark"

Mark came back to the area. He had a large length of chain, and he was smiling. "Let's get this boy standing up, and chained to that pipe." "OOOH. Good idea. Take him standing up. " Mark had never been fucked vertically, and it was a new feeling when his arms were locked above him with a strong chain, his feet spread apart, so his ass was easily accessible. "WAIT. I want one more thing." Mark said. To make this even sweeter..." He went over to the table, and picked up two, very small pieces of velcro. "Normally, I'd be working your nips while I fucked you, but now... with these, I can hold onto your hips, and control you more..." He and Jamie attached the velcro to Jack's overstimulated nips, and then he stepped behind Jack. Jack could hear him spit into his hands Before he did, though, he SMACKED Jack's butt. HARD. "WHO WON? "You did Sir." 'WHAT WAS MY PRIZE"? "Me..." Jack gasped out in a low voice. "I'm your slave Sir.." THEN SPREAD YOUR SLAVE LEGS SO I CAN GET IN EASIER." Mark found the spot, and slowly took Jack's ass. In this position, he got in further and at a different angle than Jack was used to. He liked it. "OH YEAH. FUCK FUCK FUCK. In the middle of it, Mark whispered into his ear. "Are you enjoying this birthday boy?" Jack smiled, and shook his head yes, as Mark pounded him harder and harder. The velcro was driving his nips insane, and then Jamie came up and began french kissing him. It went on, until Mark, who had been practicing exercises to delay erection, couldn't delay anymore. He shot a huge load into Jack that surprised his bottom. Maybe he wasn't the only one who liked this. Mark pulled out. "We had something else planned, but not for tonight." He kissed Jack on the cheek. "Jamie, let's get this boy down. Let's get cleaned up and celebrate. We crossed a rubicon today." Just before he unleashed the chains, Mark put Jack's slave necklace back on him. He hugged him from behind "More than ever.

And I love you."

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The three of them got cleaned up, and then went off to a local spot to just get a light dinner. They got a big booth, and Jack was sitting in the middle between the two of them. Mark had his hand on his thigh, and Jamie was squeezing his bicep. "THAT. Was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Guys.. THANK YOU. You're WAY too good to me." He kissed both of them. "I'm sitting here, surrounded by the two men I love most in the world, and I'm wondering how I got so lucky." Jamie smiled. "Maybe it's payback for the early part of your life Jack, who knows? Just don't look fortune in the mouth. Didn't you once say "if you dissect a butterfly, you won't learn how it flies, and you'll never get the beauty again." "I did say that," said Jack. Mark took a bite of his sandwich, and then rubbed the back of Jack's neck. "It's good advice stud. He laughed. "I hope you understand we're all gonna do nothing but sleep tonight."

'TOGETHER ? " Jack asked, and they laughed. "Of course. "three men in a tub, three men in a bed. " Jack asked "So, what was the thing you were thinking of doing, but you didn't? I can handle hearing it?" Jamie gulped. "You've seen this, right Jack?" He showed Jack his nipple ring. "Yeah, I did. I pulled it a few times. It got you hot and bothered" "OH. WAIT. You were gonna pierce me as part of the scene. FUCK. That woulda been AWESOME." They looked at each other "We just didn't know. " Jack smiled. He pulled them both into him. "Another time. THIS has been SO overwhelming, I want to remember every part of it. FUCK. So now, my cock belongs to Jamie, but the rest of me belongs to you SIR? Mark smiled. "In a manner of speaking." Jack blushed. "I'll try to honor my Top Men's trust."

And at that moment, Jamie realized, no one had every called him a top before. He wasn't sure about how he felt , but, it was something to consider. And Mark began thinking how soon it could be before he could marry this wonderful man.

Next: Chapter 23

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