Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 11, 2023


While he didn't go to the gym, the physical labor Jack did kept him fairly compact and muscular. Lately, he had been lifting and carrying more, and he had filled out some at the shoulders and chest. His shirts didn't quite close anymore, and all of his beloved t shirts were becoming "belly shirts." This all delighted Mark, because it gave him an excuse to tickle Jack any chance he got, but it made it hard to dress. So, given the situation, Jack turned to his resident fashionista, Jamie, and asked him to go shopping with him to help him get some shirts. "Uh, yeah , sure. Of course," was Jamie's reply. "Hey, Jamie, thanks. Is something wrong." "Uh, no. When on Wednesday, four?" "Four's good dude. I'll get back from work , walk Magnolia, then we can go." "Bye," and Jamie hung up.

GEEZ, what bug was up HIS ass? thought Jack? He hoped he hadn't done anything, because he couldn't think of anything he had done. Jamie had seemed a bit off that morning, but he hadn't thought much of it.

When he came up from the basement that day, he called out. "HEY JAMIE, SUPERJACK IS HOME." "Ok." "let me walk the princess, and we'll go, ok?" "Ok."

Hmmm. Something WAS up. Magnolia was not to be denied, so he took her out for the shortest walk he could - which was not short, since Magnolia had all that energy - brought her back and fed her. While she plowed through her food, he knocked on Jamie's door.

"Hey, Jamie?" "Oh, sorry. Ready?" "Well, no, not quite yet. Is something wrong?" "I don't want to talk about it." "Jamie Bird. It's me, jack -o. What's wrong. Can't we talk?" "I'm not sure if we should." "JAMIE. COME ON. We're supposed to be working together soon, and we've got to be able to talk" Jamie began to cry. "I made a BIG mistake." Jack sat down next to him and put his arm around him. "What did you do? Can I help you fix it?" "OH, it's a mistake I made a long time ago, Jack. " Now he was sobbing. "I let the love of my life get away." "WHAT? Are you talking about Brett? Jamie he was no good for you." "NO YOU BIG STUPID HEAD. YOU. I LET YOU GET AWAY." That hit Jack like a pole to his head.

"OH, shit. That fantasy the other night. I saw your face. OH, Jamie. I'm so sorry."

"No, no. Please. Don't be sorry. I wanted that fantasy so bad. I've seen you get fucked by Mark, and it's hot. I wanted you to see me get fucked, to remind you." "Of fucking you? Jamie, I never forgot. They were three of the best years of my life. We had such a good time together." He pulled Jamie to him." "And we might still have it, but... " he began to cry again. "And I told you I was staying. I wouldn't go with you. And now... look how things turned out." "You don't think they turned out good Jamie?" Jamie paused. "No. Things turn out the way they should, but Jack... you know what I almost asked at the end of the other night?" "Tell me." "I almost asked if you would fuck me one more time before you got married." Jack paused. He felt like this was out of his hands. He was going to marry Mark, period, and he was going to sub for him. He couldn't make a promise to Jamie that they would hook up one last time. And what about Cooper? And he knew Jamie: it wouldn't be one more time, and it wouldn't end with the wedding." He sighed.

"Look, I don't know what to do here, but I'm going to try something. I was going to invite Mark on a date after we went shopping. When we're out, I'll ask him about this. If he says it's ok, then it's ok. If he doesn't want me to do it, then I don't know. AND.. Jamie.... " Jack ran his finger down Jamie's nose. "You GOTTA talk to Coop about this, and you GOTTA tell me the truth about what he says. Better yet, he should tell me himself. "

"Jack, tell me the truth: do you ever wish you could fuck me again?" Jack sighed. "You know, when my mom died, I didn't think about the things we could've done, or the music we could've sung. I'm just not built that way Jamie. I know, I don't spend much time thinking about the past, or the future. The present is just too complicated for me, I guess. But now you've asked me to fix a problem. That's batjack's specialty. And now you have me thinking of it. And I'm getting hard.

So, please, let me talk to Mark. He's in charge now, and let's see. Remember: he let you have charge of my cock, so I'd wait just a bit. Ok, birdie boy?"

Jamie smiled a little "Ok. I hope he'll say yes. And now, I promise, I won't let you pick ugly clothes today. Get your credit card, and let's go."

Just before they were leaving, Jack called Mark at the theater.

"Hey muffin. What's up." Hey Mark. I hope I'm not disturbing you." "You're never disturbing. What's up?" "Well, I wanted to invite you on a date, but I need your help." Mark's voice went up. "A DATE? Oh, what a sweet idea! We haven't been out on a date in the longest time. SURE. What did you have in mind?" "Uh, dinner tonight." "Oh, wonderful. Sure. What time? And where?" "Well, that's part of where I need your help. I wanna take you to a restaurant in YOUR world. You've been a prince about MY world. It's time for me to learn about my husband to be's. So, can you pick a place? And, when we go... I'm sorry to ask this Mark, but I don't know these fancy dishes, and the names and all that stuff. So, can you help me with the menu? I'll even drink wine if you want wine."

Mark was listening to all of this , smiling and getting a little teary, again. This wonderful man, the one he just wanted to pummel into submission, wanted "in" to his world, and he was asking for help. "How about Giorgio's? It's an Italian place not far from the building. I've been there for lunch with clients, and the dinner menu looks good. It's not casual, but it's not dressy, so you don't need a jacket or tie. And I'll help you with the menu. That's for sure. "Is 7:30 ok? I don't want to make things too late, because I also have to ask you something Mark. Something important came up today. Not urgent. But I SWEAR, I was gonna ask you out before the question came up. It's about Jamie." Mark had an idea what the question was. He and Cooper had spoken about it already, because Coop had noticed a change in Jamie's behavior, and there were at least a couple of times when they were sleeping, where Jamie would mention Jack's name. Cooper was too experienced to turn it into a big issue, but he had "read it, and had told Mark to be ready for it, and to think on it, because whatever Mark decided was good with him.

"Let's talk about it at dinner, ok, superjack? And remember: if you look too handsome, I may have to fuck you before dinner.

"STOP. I'm hungry already and if we start, I won't eat." Mark laughed. "Ok, I promise. No sex until after dinner. I love you cupcake." "Love you too."

"Ok Jamie, let's go find superjack some clothes that fit.

Jack was a harder customer than one would think. His big, broad chest made fitting a bit difficult, and he felt uncomfortable with a lot of stylish clothes. For example, some months before, Jamie had bought him a bunch of short sleeve, fancy shirts, that showed off his arms. He never wore them. Jamie was determined this time, though: his best friend EVER was going to look good, if it killed him. That afternoon, it nearly did. But they DID come back with a half dozen new shirts, and a bunch of t shirts that they found in a second hand store. Jack had a problem with the price they charged for the funny t shirts he liked to wear, and he didn't have any problem with second hand shirts. They found a store with a whole stock of t's that fit him.

"HEY Jamie: look. This one has a big raccoon face on it. Isn't that me?" "After you eat oreos, it sure is." "OH WOW. Look. It's another batman shirt. YAY. And a SUPER one. " Jamie realized that all things considered, Jack would rather be in t shirts than dress shirts, but he heard the talk about dinner. No, a t shirt would NOT do for Giorgio's. He pulled out two of the new shirts. One was a solid black polo shirt, with those short sleeves. The second one was a pale blue shirt that fit, but was snug. It wasn't really designed for tucking in, or for closing all the buttons.

"It's a whore shirt," Jack said. "It's NOT a whore shirt. It's a sexy shirt and it suits you . You're getting it, and you're wearing it to your date tonight."

Mark and Jack were meeting at the restaurant, and had Jamie been there when Jack walked in, he would have known: he was right. Mark was already sitting at a table, and his jaw just dropped. "DAMN. he thought. That man just looks so good all the time. Do I have to do more than dominate him? Do I have to keep him locked up? How am I gonna hold onto him?

Jack's kiss answered that question. "I've been thinking about this date all day. I'm so excited Mark. " He wrapped his arm through Mark's. "I'll stop in a minute, I promise, but... DAMN ,every day that we get closer to the wedding, I get more and more excited. Can I have another kiss?" Giorgio smiled as he walked by. He knew Jack from the neighborhood, and Mark was a good customer. If he were going to pair up two people, they weren't the ones that came to mind, but... well, they were beautiful. He wished they had sat in the window. People would have come in, just to smile at them.

"Jack, that shirt is BEAUTIFUL. Let me guess. Jamie had to talk you into wearing it." "How'd you know?" "Well, it's not your usual style, and I know how stubborn you can be." Jack giggled. "Yeah, I guess I can be. I don't think about clothes the way you guys do. It's something else I'm gonna have to learn." Mark wondered "What else is on his agenda to learn? He sounds so insecure about everything but us. How can I fix this? " Suddenly, it dawned on him. "HOW STUPID COULD HE BE? thinking about himself. Why hadn't he seen this, and why hadn't he addressed it sooner?"

He put his hand on Jack's thigh. "So, sweetie, let's pick some wine. Now, when we have wine before we eat, anything works. So... Giorgio.." He called over the owner, who was patrolling the floor. "Yes, Mr. Mark?" "How about a glass of your lightest white for my friend here, and the heaviest red for me?" Giorgio smiled. "Ah. Compare and contrast. A wonderful idea." He put out his hand to Jack. I've seen you in the neighborhood. I am Giorgio. "Jack here. This is my first time here." "Well, let me know what I can do to make it NOT your last time."

Mark gave him another kiss. "So , do you want to talk about Jamie before we look at the menu, or after.?" "Can we talk about it now Mark? I'm so nervous that I don't think I could think about food until we talked." Jack's eyes had that dark, sad look they sometimes got. "Sweetie, I think I know what's going on. Coop told me a little about the way Jamie's been acting. So... let me see how close I am to getting this: Jamie thinks that once we're married, you're off limits for good, he'll never get to have any sexual fun with you, and he misses that." Jack looked down. "That's pretty close, Mark. And I don't know what to do." Mark took Jack's hand. "Ok, I've thought about this. I want everyone to be happy. I want us to be happiest. And that won't happen if you're not happy. So, here's the thing. He squeezed Jack's hand. You and I made a commitment, about who's the top and who's the bottom, didn't we?" "Yes sir." Jack was getting scared. "Do you want out of that commitment?" "NO SIR. Not at all. I LOVE being your bottom. " Mark smiled. "And I've never enjoyed being with a man as much as I do with you. So, this is what I think. I like having sex with you. I like having sex with you a LOT. There are times, when all I think about is having sex with you. Having my cock in you, having my tongue in your mouth, tying you up and making you squirm, all that. I don't know what goes into your head about sex with me, or sex in general. I have an idea, but it's not certain, and it's not my business." He sighed. "So here's the thing. If having an occasional fling with Jamie makes you happy - makes YOU happy Jack, not if it makes JAMIE happy, then do it. But tell me you're doing it, and don't do it in our bed. "

Jack looked at Mark. "Are you serious?" "More serious than I am about a lot of things Jack-o. I will be honest. I thought you weren't gonna be enough for me, and we were going to have a discussion, leading to a fight, about my wandering eye. You know, when Jon threw Brian my way, I didn't even blink. Not interested. Not at all. For the first time in my life, one man is occupying all my time, all of my ego, and I LOVE it. But you and Jamie: you have something serious that you and I will NEVER have. EVER. " He squeezed Jack's hand. "We have other things he'll never have with you. I think you know that. But I know you keep them separate. So tell Jamie yes, within reason, and if he ever tries to fuck you, I'll cut off his privates."

"Your wine gentlemen." Giorgio brought over wine just as Mark said privates, and the boys blushed. Jack looked at Giorgio "Giorgio, do you know I'm engaged to the most wonderful man in the world?" Giorgio retorted "does he know you're with Mark," smiled and went away.

"GET OVER HERE STUD. Kiss me, let's toast, and then let's get some food." "How do you like the wine, Jack?" Well, mine is ok, but I like yours better." "then let's switch. Or, just ask for a glass of this. "

They switched glasses, and then it was time to choose food.

"Ok, Jack, so let's look. I know you're not a big fan of fish but I'm going to get fish, and you're going to try it. Now, let's look at some of the things here. Hmmm. No duck for you. You'll cry thinking about your friends. How about chicken. Chicken cacciatore? It's "hunter's chicken" and it's what they ate when they came back from hunting. " "I guess especially if they didn't catch anything." Mark laughed. "Well, we'll talk about that another time. And some vegetables. We'll ask for whats freshest.

And so the meal went. Jack DID like the orata Mark was eating. "I never thought fish could be that good." Mark didn't say what he was thinking "Yeah, there's a difference between fish sticks and the good stuff."

"Now Jack, I know you like your sweets, but really, in an Italian meal, no sweets at the end. Just fruit, or grappa. Mark smiled. He knew he was taking a risk with getting Jack a grappa. But Jack watched Mark, and he bravely sipped it down.

Giorgio came over at the end to see if everything was fine. Jack smiled at him "Giorgio, I'm not much of a cook, you should know, and I don't eat out much, but I want to come back here. Mark had me try fish. I never had fish in a restaurant before. I loved it." "Mister Jack, come by anytime. And yes, you DO have the most wonderful fiance' in the world. " He smiled and held out his hand. "next to mine." He showed them a photo of Matteo. "He popped the question as you Americans say, just about 3 weeks ago. " He paused. "more proof that it's never too late. ":

When they left the restaurant, Jack went for Mark's hand, but nope... Mark had an agenda. He HAD been thinking about his man all day. With the wedding coming up, the scary dinner at Jay and Brice's in a few days, and this new development, he DID have to establish some control.

"Your hands are going behind your back, stud. As if you were tied up, because you may very well be." "Yes sir." Mark put his hand on the back of Jack's neck. "Just because I'm giving you the freedom with Jamie doesn't mean you're off the hook as my sub." "I hope not sir."

When they got into the apartment, Mark grabbed Jack's arms, pulled them behind his back. "Damn. All night long I was wanting to get my hands on those nips. I'm gonna get them." He pulled Jack back to the sofa, and once he had his legs wrapped around the big man, he slipped a free hand inside Jack's shirt. He found his left nip, and began to rub it. Jack began to purr, and then he began to moan. Jack stopped for a minute.

"Hey, Jack-o, I gotta ask you a question. There was Jamie, and eventually there was me, but there was space in between. When I play with your tits, you become the most submissive bottom I've ever met. But you say you were a top before me. What gives?" He kept his hand on Jack's pec, and squeezed it every now and then to remind him

"I DO have sensitive nips Sir. I always did. But you're the only one who knows how to work them to make me a sub. I'm serious. Other guys worked my nips. They did. It turned me into a raging, wild man top. I can't tell you how many guys never came back, because they wanted to fuck me and, well... "

That discussion was getting Mark harder. He played with Jack's nip some more, before he tugged on the ring in the right one. "Did Jamie play with your nips." Through his moans, Jack answered. "Yes, but he wasn't very good at it, and it was the same thing. SIR. It's something in your touch. When you played with them at school, I melted. And when I dated other guys, I thought the same thing would happen. It didn't. It's just you. Only you. And damn it Mr Mark, you're making me SO HARD..." Mark smiled and just kept on playing. "Am I?" He leaned his stubble on Jack's neck and Jack let out a moan like a wolf. "Am I?" "Yes sir. You're making me so hard, I may cum without touching myself." Indeed, Jack was bucking his hips, but Mark wasn't giving up. "So, what do you like better ? My cock in you, or your cock in Jamie?"

"PLEASE SIR. Please don't make me answer that question. PLEASE I"m too excited. Your beard. Your fingers. OH. OH SHIT... I TOLD YOU." They both saw the stain forming on Jack's pants. Mark just began laughing.

"What's so funny? " "Oh, I'll tell you more about it, but there was a book written by a woman where she talked about a zipless fuck: where a guy could fuck her without opening his pants. I just thought of that now.." He squeezed Jack's nip. "But just because you came, does NOT mean I'm not gonna get my rocks off in you. Get in the bedroom and get undressed. I'll be in right away. '

"Yes sir." Jack ran off, thinking for some reason that if he were naked faster, Mark would be in faster. Mark made a quick call to Cooper and lowered his voice.

"It's all gonna be ok. I'll tell you more tomorrow. Now.... I got a hot guy to fuck.."

He went into the bedroom. For some reason, Jack had figured out he wanted him on all fours. He was on the bed, resting on his elbows and knees. "Take me Topman. Take your boy. Show me why you're in charge."

The talk was getting Mark harder, if that were possible. He was leaking, but he tried to restrain it. He had to get his cock down, because if he tried to get the condom on now, he'd shoot. He pushed Jack's cheeks apart, and began to rim him, slowly.

"OH WOW. OH GOD. You never did that after I came Sir. It's WONDERFUL. It's so hot. OH OH. GOD... He felt Mark's thumb pressing on his prostate.

"DAMN SIR. Now I'm sorry I came out there. OH SHIT. OH, what you do to me, Mr. Mark. Please Sir, pull my collar. Let me know I'm just your BITCH the way Magnolia is mine."

Mark whispered "you're BOTH my bitches. When you wear this collar, you're mine. I don't need to pull it.

"NO sir, not if you don't want it. OOOH." Mark had gotten the condom on, and began pounding Jack's ass. "OH YEAH. I dream of this all day Mark. I dream of you taking me. FUCK ME. FUCK ME YOU BIG STUD. FUCK THE MAN YOU'RE GONNA MARRY. OH SHIT OH SHIT..." Mark had begun a high pitched whine. That usually meant he was close to cumming and it was true. The gushes came out

"WHO'S MY BOY? WHO'S THE MAN I FUCK BECAUSE HE BELONGS TO ME." "That's me Sir. Superjack is your bitch."

They collapsed on the bed, Mark on top of Jack. He put his hands under Jack and toyed with his nips. "Thank you for a wonderful date, you wonderful man. I'm so lucky to have you."

The grappa had made Jack sleepy, and he was zonked in a few minutes. Jack looked at his beautiful fiance, and kissed him lightly. He saw Jack smile in his sleep. He hated to leave him there, but Magnolia needed a walk.

"C'mon girlie. It won't be quite the same, because Jack is more fun, but .. we'll get it done." Magnolia wagged her tail and smiled at Mark. "Geez girl. You're a bigger slut than anyone in this apartment. " They headed out for her late night walk, as Jack began snoring.

Next: Chapter 40

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