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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 13, 2023


"Hey, Jamie bird. Jack-o here. Two main things. First, I need your help in outfits for this Saturday dinner thing. Mark is a mess about it. Second thing... How do I put this? I talked with Mark. He's ok, within reason. He told me Cooper was too. So... DAMN IT JAMIE DONT MAKE ME CRY. ANSWER THE FUCKING PHONE AND TELL ME IF YOU'RE COMING OVER." Jamie listened to that message about ten times. Jack had put his relationship on the line for him. What was the passage from the Bible "greater love hath no man?" He HAD in fact talked to Cooper. Cooper was NOT cool about it. He felt Jamie's ass belonged to him. But if anyone else were going to share it, he preferred it to be Jack. So he was good with it. Jamie called back. He got Jack.

"Hey Jamie bird. Where you flying?" "To your place. To spend some time with you." "Thank you Jamie. Can we make a promise not to cry too much?" "I won't make that promise Jack-o. Can you make a promise to drill me as hard as you can?" "Damn right, you blond bitch." Those words got Jamie even harder. "Get the handcuffs ready. I'll be there in thirty minutes."

Jack HAD in fact gotten the handcuffs ready. He hadn't forgotten how to use them. And the ball gag. And a few other things. When Jamie walked into the apartment, wearing the pale blue t shirt and the tight jeans Jack loved, He was ready. He got Jamie in a choke hold at the door, and yanked his arm behind him. "Welcome home, bitch boi. " Jamie felt himself getting hard right away. Jack had never called him that. Cooper used it a lot. Clearly, there had been chatting.

Jamie found himself handcuffed, gagged, and brought to the bedroom he and Cooper shared when they stayed here. Jack tossed him on the bed. He was in a black t shirt, and jeans. Jamie was getting harder.

"You thought you were gonna get away from me, didn't you pretty boy? Well, THAT's not happening." He began to run his finger around Jamie's navel, something he new made the man crazy. It did. Jamie began to squirm.

"OH, Looks like I'm gonna have to tie these ankles too." A few twists of rope, and they were helpless too. "Now, let's see if I remember. Unlike most people, your ribs are more ticklish than your feet. "

"MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH," Jamie screamed, knowing Jack was right. The super's fingers began to dig into his ribs, finding spots that only he knew. Cooper hadn't discovered them even now.

Jack stopped. "Jamie, I'm getting so hot seeing you tied up. But the gag, no. I wanna kiss you. I want my tongue in your mouth. Will you kiss your Jack-o like we were young boys again?"

Jamie looked at him. "What choice do I have Sir? You're in charge." Jack pushed his tongue down Jamie's mouth, filling it. "I haven't forgotten, you sexy blond butterfly." He reached up and began working on Jamie's nips. They were nowhere near as sensitive as Jack's, but you could get what you wanted by working them.

"OH GOD Jack-o. Can you do this in front of Coops, so he knows how I like it?' Jack kissed Jamie again, to stop that discussion. He rolled Jamie on his belly.

"Look at that pretty ass through those jeans. Wonder what it looks like bare?" He pushed under Jamie and got his buckle open, before he pulled down the jeans. He laughed. "No underwear. THATs my Jamie."

"Please Jack. Do what you used to do. Chew my ears. Please."

First, though, Jack smacked his butt. "STOP TELLING YOUR TOP MAN WHAT TO DO, BITCH BOI." Jamie yelped. There had to be talking. Jack had never spanked him. Cooper introduced him to that. "Yes sir. I'm sorry Sir." "NOW SHUT UP AND TAKE IT LIKE A BITCH.' Jack continued the spanking. He tried to get into it himself, but spanking was not his thing. Still, Cooper had told him "it gets him hotter than almost anything I do," before he smiled and refused to tell what the "almost anything" meant."

"DAMN" thought Jack. "they should have included Cooper in the deal. Fucking Cooper, well... "STOP THAT" he told himelf. STOP THAT RIGHT NOW" He had spanked Jamie to the point where his ass was as red as his jock. That's when he bent down and began to chew on Jamie's ears, making the "ARGGGGH " sound that used to drive Jamie wlld in those old days. It still did.

"OH GOD. OH GOD JACK -O. I'm leaking, I'm seriously leaking. '

Jack ripped off the red jock. "Who needs a fucking gag when you got this?" He shoved it in Jamie's mouth. He looked up and he saw Magnolia at the door, wagging her tail.

"Sorry girl, but you can't play with us right now." He closed the door, and as he walked back, Jamie saw how full and long, Jack's cock was. He didn't remember it THAT big. Cooper was long, but not that thick.

Jack climbed on top of him and pushed his legs apart, roughly. He felt the wad of spit hit his hole. "You're gonna take every fucking inch of it bitch boi. EVERY SINGLE ONE." Jamie heard the condom wrapper torn, and then he felt the cock head. It was like riding a bike again for the first time in a long time. It all came back to him: those nights in that skinny bed, when getting fucked by Jack was a combination of getting warm, and getting off. Jamie tried to squeeze out some words, but Jack had learned about gags from Mark. He knew what he was doing, and his cock slid in, effortlessly.

"THERE. Now I'm gonna ride this boy. I'm gonna ride him HARD." Jack began sliding back, slowly, and ramming forward FAST.

Neither of them heard the front door of the apartment open. Mark walked in, and he saw the closed door, and he saw Magnolia, wagging her tail. He heard the sounds, gulped, and smiled, trying to fight back tears.

"C'mon girl. Looks like the two of us can use a walk, huh?" He got her leash, and closed the door very gently as he walked out.

In the bedroom, Jack continued to pound Jamie. He was SO close. SO close, and he realized he didn't want it to end. So he stopped. He counted to ten, and started all over. He could see the outlines of a big smile on Jamie's face, and maybe a tear in the corner of his eye? He repeated that pattern, four times, and then... he couldn't hold it anymore.

"JACKJIZZ CUMMING" he yelled - something he had kept from their time together. He held Jamie's ass up, and grabbed his partner's cock. It only took a little bit of manipulation, and Jamie was spent. His climax screams were high pitched, and almost sad.

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Jack took off the handcuffs, and he pulled out the gag. He had to get his composure, before he held onto Jamie.

"Was it worth the weight? The worrying, the stress?" Jamie kissed Jack on the nose. "Every single bit of it. Thank you. I know what this took from you. And when I see Mark, I'm going to thank him too." Jack ran his hand through Jamie's hair. "Jamie, do you remember, those few times we talked about religion, when we wondered what happened to St Joseph, the disappearing man?" "YEAH, I do." "Cooper is a carpenter. Don't forget him too. I'm going to call him myself, and thank him for letting me do this." "Jack, you know, for someone who didn't go to finishing school, you're right." Jamie kissed him. "Can we do that again sometime?" Jack smiled. "Maybe. I don't know. I think so. Let's see. Now please, let's get dressed. I don't want Mark to walk in on us. "

They had cleaned up and gotten on clean clothes, when Mark came back with Magnolia. "OH SHIT. He knows." Jack thought. Mark just smiled. "Hey. Magnolia looked like she needed a walk, I didn't see anyone around, so I figured you were in the basement doing something." It was the first, and the only time Mark ever lied to Jack, and it was the only time Jack needed to let him get away with it.

"HEY MARCO" Jamie came out of the bathroom, and gave Mark a kiss. "Is it ok if I stay over tonight and make dinner for everyone? Meatloaf ok? "Only if you invite Coops," Jack called out. "And only if he brings wine," Mark added.

"Ok, one of you guys invite him," Jamie wasn't sure Cooper would take his calls for a little while. Mark did it. "COOPS? Yeah, how's it going? " There was a pause. "No, I'm not, but it'll be ok. I promise. Listen, can you come over for dinner tonight? Jack and I really want you to join the three of us, and since I've finally convinced Jack-o to try wine, can you pick up something from your collection? Something that goes with meatloaf?" Another pause and a laugh. "Yeah, I promise. JAMIE NO MORE THAN SIX JALAPENOS IN THE MEATLOAF."

"Extra on the side for me," Jack yelled.

"Ok Coops, we'll see you at 8? Yeah, he's here. You wanna talk to him? Jamie..." Mark whispered "you want some privacy?" Jamie shook his head no, and took the phone. "Is that the man I love more than anyone in the world? " Another pause. "Uh huh. Thank you. Thank you for letting me." He began to cry. "You know, I'm in front of you know who, but I'll say it: you're gonna be the best husband in the world." He threw a kiss into the phone and ended the call.

"Jack, you got that stuff to wear for your Saturday dinner. Don't you think your topman should have a look to decide if he likes it?"

Jack turned to Mark. "Hey, Mister Mark. I got a couple outfits because I didn't want to embarrass you on Saturday. Can I model for you?"

Mark smiled. "only if I get to see you naked afterward." Jack went off and Jamie was with Mark. He looked at Mark and said, in a low voice. Thank you. And yes, I heard the door open. You're a good man Mark."

"Don't tell anyone, ok?"

SO, here's outfit number one." Jack came out in a close fitting black polo shirt, with sleeves that hugged his upper arms. He had on dark olive pants with it. "I think I should tuck it in, don't you guys?"

"UH YEAH." came the answer in tandem. The shirt made Jack's nips point out and you could see the outline of the nip ring. Mark came over, circling him. "Why do I feel like I'm at sea, and there's a white shark circling.?"

"CAUSE THERE IS. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." Mark sunk his teeth playfully into Jack's neck, before he wrapped his arms around him. "This outfit, is SO FUCKING HOT I may not let you wear it out of the house. "

"Jack you DO look great in that. Go look in the mirror," Jamie added. He came back and said "yeah, I'd do me."

"That's what scares me. Let me see the other one, stud."

Jack went back to the bedroom. "I'm serious" Mark said. If he had any idea how good he looks , and how much better he looks when he dresses, I'm gonna lose him in a second."

Jamie didn't smile. "No, you're not. Trust me. Just trust me Mark."

"OK, here's number two..' This time, Jack was in a snug, white oxford shirt with short sleeves, and a pair of pale blue pants.

"Get over here, Jack-o" Jamie said. "What did I teach you about buttons?" He popped the second button on Jack's shirt. Makes ALL the difference."

"Yeah, it does." said Mark. "You just went from handsome geek, to super handsome geek. I love geeks." The nip ring showed even more in this shirt, and it hugged Jack's ass in a way that the other pants didn't. "I may have to put you in a cab so no one sees you. " Jack blushed. "Mark, come on! I could wear a banana peel and you'd get hard." Well.... I say that's the one." "You're the boss, and it's your party."

"Hey, Mark," Jack called from the bedroom. Jamie doesn't need our help and Coops is coming over. How about I get changed and you come on a walk with me? I need to visit my friends the ducks. I got a big bag of bread for them."

He came out of the bedroom in his jeans, an old sweat shirt, and his "Mark's boi" cap. "Yeah, take a walk guys. Get that stale bread outta here too. I need some time with Coops too."

The guys headed out, and Jack put his hands behind his back. Mark grabbed one, and squeezed it. "No. Not this time. I wanna hold onto you. " He seemed almost sad.

Jack took a deep breath. "you know, Marco, I think we need to take more walks. As wedding day is getting closer , I'm realizing I don't know a whole lot about you. I figured out some things, but other things..."

"Like what?" Well, what do you do when you go to your office? I mean, I know you direct, but the play isn't going on, and ..." Mark smiled. "I think you'd be surprised how much there is to do with the play, and also - I'm writing another play." "YOU ARE?" Jack's eyes were wide. He joked "is it about me?" Mark answered "half of it. It's about us." "HUH???? Are we THAT interesting?" "Well, we'll find out. That's part of why I'm so nervous about this dinner. Plays don't just happen, and Jay and Brice invested before. Maybe if they get to know you, they'll be inclined to invest."

As they were walking toward the park, Jack squeezed Mark's hand. "OH. UGH. Remember when I told you about that creep on the train?" "Yeah." Jack whispered "he's coming toward us." Mark looked up and laughed. "That's Brice." As they got closer, Mark whispered "there's a protocol here, like with your boilers. Do me a favor. Look at your feet, and yeah, now put your hands behind your back. " "Yes sir." Jack understood. "Hey, Briceboi, what a nice surprise." "Sir Mark. It's good to see you too. May I greet your boy?" "You may." "How do you do. I'm Brice." "You can answer, Jack." "I'm Jack. Nice to meet you." Mark took Jack by the neck and raised his head so he could look at Brice directly. "I guess we'll you and Master Jay this Saturday." "Yes Sir. It will be good to see you, and also to spend more time with Jackboi. I'm afraid I can't speak more Sir. If I'm late, Master Jay will be angry, and he's been in the mood to use the whip. I'd best be going." Maybe I'll ask him to use it," said Mark. "you never know what I'll tell him." "Yes sir. " He looked at Jack. "You're making Sir Mark happy, Jackboi. That makes us all happy," an he walked off.

Jack turned to Mark. "That was weird. These people are important to you?" "They're investors, Jacko. And I know Jay from years ago, when we were both young Doms. He and Brice have more money than God." Jack paused. "Sir, do you want me to wear the cage to the party? I will, just take it off when we get home, please?" Mark stopped, looked at Jack and said "You'd do that for me?" "Yes sir, I would." Mark paused for a minute. "Absolutely NOT. You're entitled to your say. It may not have been clear, but Brice gets his. " He laughed. "OH, does Brice get his." "Can you explain Sir?" Mark laughed. "Brice isn't gay. He's sort of bisexual. And once a week, he gets to get out of the cage, and pick up a woman if he likes." "WOW. Then me and Jamie wouldn't be strange to them." Mark laughed again "Very little is strange to them. "

The walked into the park and Mark saw the ducks begin to run over when they saw Jack. The noise which Jack encouraged, was almost deafening. "HEY KIDS Miss Daddy? Look what I got? I got brown bread for Cowboy. Your favorite." One of the bigger ducks came up and actually pulled at Jack's jeans while he fed them.

"Look at how BIG the babies got. Momma Jean. WOW. They look like you." Mark was standing back, smiling and shaking his head. "I'm marrying Dr. Doolittle" he thought.

"Mark man, can we sit for a while? I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to ask some questions too." "Well, sure. You feeling dom today?" "No Sir. Just curious about some things. And I know you want to know about the elephant in the room."

Mark tried to put his arm around Jack's shoulders, and he was rebuffed. "Nope. Nope. Sir. Today, you lean on MY shoulder." He put his arm around Mark, and pulled him closer. "Now, I'm gonna tell you about this afternoon with Jamie, and then we're gonna forget it , and then you're gonna hear my questions, ok?

"OK Jackman. Or are you Superjack, or Batjack?" "I"m Jack, Mark. Your fiance'. Now, I love Jamie. I told you that. I love him in a way I can't say. Maybe it's because I don't have words, but if someone asked me 'would you take a bullet for Jamie or Mark first', I'd have to take the fifth because I can't answer that. But on sex... Here I thought I knew the answer, and today proved it. " He cuddled with Mark. "This afternoon was fun. It was like going to a ball game. We laughed, and I enjoyed myself. Mark, when I have sex with you, I'm in another place. It's like I'm floating. It's like , well, like you take me to some place where I can forget everything, and all I feel, is pleasure. Doesn't matter what you do to me. Not at all. But I feel like, when we have sex, it's about you making me happy. As happy as I can be. And it's never felt different. If you worried: am I going to lose Jack to Jamie, here's my answer: NO. And you know what? When you answered the way you did about the cock cage, well, now that NO is stronger. " Jack began to cry. "You know, you're the first person who made me feel like I was worth something just because... Now there are others, but you're the first. " He cried some more. "I love you Mark. " Mark reached in and kissed him. "Even more than the ducks?" Jack laughed. "It's a close call with Cowboy, but he'll go south for the winter, so you won't have competition. And you know Mark man, they like you better than Magnolia."

"Well, gee, thanks. I guess my breath is better." "Not in the morning." Mark howled. "So , what do you want to ask me? You said you wanted to ask me something?" Jack took a deep breath. "Well, you know, I know you from school, and I know you from now, but I don't know much about your background, or your past. So forgive me for asking this question: Mark, are you an orphan?" Mark sat there stunned. The color went out of his face. "How did you know?" "Mark, when I talk about my mother, you get more teary eyed than I get. You've never mentioned your folks, you've never said where they're buried, you didn't talk about inviting them to the wedding. You never knew them." Mark was a wreck. "I keep on asking this: whoever said you were stupid? You figured that out? It's true. There was a fire: a BIG fire. I had three brothers, and two sisters. All gone, with my parents, my grandparents, my aunt and uncle. It was the day after Thanksgiving. They found me under a bunch of burned blankets. "

Jack grabbed his hand and stared into Mark's eyes, with his "So you are COMPLETELY self made. NO ONE ever helped you." "That's not true Jack. You did." "I mean before me. You got to school, you got to graduate school, and Batjack wasn't there. No one was there. He paused. "Know what? I gotta get YOU a superhero shirt, because YOU'RE the real hero."

"And I gotta get you one that has a picture of a mind reader on it. " Mark slipped out of Jack's grip so he could hug him. He hugged him tight. "If it feels like I'm never letting you go, I'm not."

"And I'm not going Mark. Even after this awful party. HEY. Why are all your parties so awful, and mine are so much fun?" Mark laughed. "I dunno, we'll have to figure that out." "And you know, we gotta start figuring things out about the wedding Mark. Like best men. You were gonna ask Jon, weren't you?" "I was. Now, I don't know." "I have a suggestion: ask Jamie." "JAMIE?? I thought you were gonna ask him" "Well, I was. But you know, I have choices here, and honestly, you don't. Who else is there?" Mark thought for a minute. Brian? No. Cooper? Maybe. Who were you gonna ask if I ask Jamie?" Jack smiled. "OH, OF COURSE . YOU'RE GONNA ASK FELIX." Jack smiled. "Why don't we do this? Is there a rule that says we can only have two best men?" "No, we make our own wedding." "Then, can we have three? If they say yes?" Mark's eyes sparkled. "You've got this figured out, don't you." "Uh, some of it, because you haven't said anything. I think Rebecca for our matron of honor, and Gloria to sing as we walk down the aisle. " He smiled. "you and Jamie pick what we're gonna wear, but I better warn you: it has to include bow ties, and straw hats." Mark just sat for a minute. "Come here. Just come here, and let me kiss you. " That kiss may have been the deepest , warmest kiss they had ever had.

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They got back to the apartment, and Cooper opened the door. "COOPS. I'm so glad you came." Jack gave him a big hug. "You know who loves you almost as much as I do... MAGNOLIA!!!" She came over , running, barking, her tail wagging, jumping up on Cooper. "There's something about him that the dog loves," Jamie added. I think he smells like a fire pump." Mark laughed "oh, there's a story there, we won't tell. Meatloaf smells good. "

And I made the potato pancakes Jacko loves, and we have a salad, and apple dowdy. Coop brought three bottles of wine, so maybe we can all get a little loopy.

"Before we do, " Mark spoke "Jack and I want to ask you guys something. Can you sit for a minute?" When they were settled , he spoke. "We're beginning to put the pieces together for our wedding. We wondered if the two of you would be best men for us." Jamie smiled. "Well, who for who?" Jack answered "for both of us. We're going to ask Felix too. This is a modern wedding, and we're doing it our way. Who says we can't have three best men?" Cooper paused. 'ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I can't answer for Jamie, but I'd be absolutely honored." "So would I" added Jamie. "Can we have a group hug before dinner?" And they did. Before they attacked Jamie's excellent meatloaf. Jack actually drank two glasses of wine. "This stuff is good. It's different from beer, but it's good. "

During the dinner conversation, Jamie said "Ok, truth or dare. I'm serious. We got four people here who are in love. I want to know: when did you know?" Mark went first. He had his hand on Jack's leg. "College. This young handsome guy was building sets for my play. He was bent over, and I thought "great ass. If the face is anywhere near as good. And it was better. I've been smitten ever since." Then Jack. "It took longer, but I'll tell you when I knew. Jamie, I was face timing with you. I introduced you to Mark. And he came over, put his hands on my shoulders... and I have never felt as safe, or secure, or loved, since then. " He hadn't told the story. A "wow" slipped out of Cooper's mouth. He went next. "It took a few dates. It was after I tamed you with the tickling, Jamie. I thought you were gonna run away. But you came back. You said 'not tonight, stud, my ribs gotta recover. But anything else you want. " Jamie went last. "First look. I saw you walk in the room, and I didn't say it to anyone, but I whispered "I'm gonna marry that man. And I am."

"I brought champagne guys. Should we end with that?" Jack was tipsy. "Yes... And hot hot sex afterward . Or at least drunken sloppy sex. "

The four of them gave Magnolia her walk. They went to the park and Magnolia was in ecstasy, as her four daddies tossed around her toy and she ran from place to place. Jack cleaned up the mess she made when she drank her water, and all went to bed. As Jack undressed, Mark looked him over. "Tomorrow studboi. A shaving. And a good, solid fucking. "

"How about that fucking tonight, Sir. And tomorrow? " Mark was happy to oblige. And before he went to sleep, he pulled out the clippers and scissors. Maybe Jamie would be awake to help.

Next: Chapter 41

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