Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 19, 2023


Surprisingly, Jack did sleep. It took a while to get used to having his hands tied in front of him, but being held in "spoon position" by Mark was the harder part to accept. Yes, he had spooned with Jamie, but he was always on the outside - the top, like Mark now. Trapped in Mark's embrace, feeling his hand on his chest, he felt humiliated, defeated - and aroused.

"Morning handsome," Mark began to stir. He slid his fingers back and forth over Jack's nipple. "Mark, please don't do that" Jack begged. Mark gave out a little laugh. "Why not? I KNOW you like it. I can see.. and I can feel." He slipped his other hand down to Jack's growing cock.

"I just don't want to do this Mark . I want you to leave. PLEASE let me go. " Now Mark laughed a little louder. " Well, Jack, that's not gonna happen. You've been on my mind for all these years, and now that I've got you again... Nope, not letting you go. " He kissed Jack's ear lightly. He whispered "you were GREAT last night. What a tight ass, and what a great fuck. " Jack squirmed harder, but Mark held on to his cock and his nip.

"How about we do this? You roll over, so I can straddle you, and I'll cut the tape. We'll play the tit game. " Jack remembered the tit game all too well. Mark would sit on him and play with his nipples until Jack came, or pushed him off, or begged Mark to fuck him. Mark always won.

"I don't want to play that game Mark. It's over." Jack tried to scrunch up. Mark just whispered in his ear "I SAID roll over." Jack sighed, and did what Mark said. He had his hand on Jack's cock. There wasn't much choice.

"Good boy. I know, I keep saying that, but you've been so much more cooperative than I thought you'd be." He reached up and broke the tape holding Jack's wrists together. In that minute, Jack tried to buck him off. Mark just laughed as he grabbed Jack's nips, and immobilized him.

"Now now. We haven't started playing yet, Jack. So, on the count of three. One... two... three." Jack began to buck , trying to reach up and grab Mark , or push him off, or something. Mark just had that silly grin on his face, as he played with Jack's nips. He'd squeeze them hard, or he'd ease up and just brush them. "He HAS gotten stronger. MUCH stronger," Mark was thinking. "Glad his nips are still sensitive, but I'm gonna have to keep on top of this." He laughed at his own joke, and smiled. "Had enough yet, superstud?"

"NO. GET OFF OF ME." Jack kept on struggling, but he felt his cock getting harder, and his strength fading. He hadn't had his nips played with in so many years, he didn't know that they were this sensitive. Mark had changed from alternating between hard squeezes, and light ones, and was just gently rolling his thumbs over Jack's nips now. That was even worse than the hard squeezes. Jack was losing, and he knew it. So did Mark.

"Well, you're not gonna get me off of you, let's take a peak at your cock." Mark turned around real quick. "OOOH MY. Someone wants relief. " He kept one hand on one nip, and reached behind and squeezed Jack's balls. "OUCH YOU MOTHER FUCKER." He lost his erection right away, and Mark laughed. "No, not a motherfucker, but a superfucker.. You give Jack?"

"HOW IS HE DOING THIS TO ME? " Jack was yelling at himself in his head. 'WHY AM I ALLOWING THIS?' He began to get erect again. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Ok, Mark. Ok. You win. Fuck me. Go ahead, fuck me. " Mark smiled broadly and got off of Jack. He laid down next to him, keeping him pinned, as he toyed with Jack's nip.

"You know, you may have fooled everyone for 20 years, but now that I'm around, it's ok to admit it. BOTTOM." Jack moaned. "PLEASE DON"T CALL ME THAT." "Why not handsome? You took my cock last night, and you're gonna take it again. That sounds like bottom to me. "

'JUST DON'T CALL ME THAT." Mark grinned. "Well, what should I call you then? Sub boy? Fuck toy? Bitch? Slave? Hmmmm? Gimme a name."

"How about JACK, you motherfucker"

Oh, ok, I'll take a name, people can call me jackfucker. Because that's what I am." He slid down and pulled up Jack's legs. "Oh, that ass of yours is SO pretty. I can't believe I have it again. "

"Neither do I" Jack thought. Maybe it would just be today. .. Maybe..." His thoughts ended, because Mark had wasted no time in getting inside of him. "OH SHIT MARK. Can't you go easy?" "I can , but I don't want to. I want you hard, and ROUGH." He pushed in so hard, Jack almost screamed. He didn't want anyone in the building to know what was happening, so he bit on his lip. Mark was pummeling his ass for the second time. "Still tight, Jackboi. Still folds around me like a blanket. MMMM. I always loved your ass. " Jack saw Mark's face contort, and then, for the second time, he felt him cum inside of him. Not as much as last time, but a lot. " He fell on top of Jack, and kissed his chin.

"I am just so lucky to have found you stud. " He reached down. "I've mellowed in my age. I don't think I used to let you cum when I fucked you before. "

"You didn't. You told me bottoms should not be allowed to cum, period."

"Well, in your case, I think until I've fully trained you. " He began sliding his hand back and forth on Jack's cock. "Until I've fully trained you" Jack was thinking "what the hell does that mean?" Then his thoughts were clouded, because he climaxed. Hard. Maybe as hard as the night before. "OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD." Mark smiled. "As good as when Jamie did it?" THAT pissed of Jack and he SMACKED Mark. 'THAT'S NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS. THIS IS BETWEEN US. YOU LEAVE JAMIE OUT OF IT." Mark reached up to where Jack had smacked him. He realized he was lucky Jack was weakened. Any harder, and Jack would have knocked him on the floor. "That's fair. I shouldn't have said that. I'm just so excited to find you again Jack. And so jealous of the time I could have had with you."

Jack began to breathe more easily. He didn't get angry often, but when he did, it was scary. "JAMIE IS OFF LIMITS TO YOU. PERIOD. I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU IF YOU MENTION HIM AGAIN." "I got it Jack. I"m sorry. Maybe one day you'll tell me more about him"

"What do you want, Mark? Why can't you leave me alone."

Mark stared at him. "Tell me one thing I did tonight and this morning that you didn't want Jack. ONE THING. If you can, I'll leave right now."

Jack was an honest man. He took the question seriously, and thought through everything. HE was the one who pulled Mark's tongue into him along the river, and HE was the one who invited Mark back to his place, knowing full well what Mark was after. HE's the one who had called Mark to start their 'date'.

He stared at the floor. "you're right Mark. I enjoyed everything you did to me. I'm... I'm confused."

Mark slid over to him, and held him gently. "Big man, that's ok. It's all ok. If you want me to go, I'll go. Let me just get cleaned up, ok? Let me use your shower, then you use it. And when we're done, if you tell me to go, I'll go. "

Jack managed a weak "ok," before Mark kissed him and went off to the bathroom.

Mark marveled at how clean and well kept the bathroom was. His mind ran to a maid fantasy for a second, before he pulled it back "No, a big buck like Jack? That wasn't the way to go. " He was confident that with time, he could make Jack his sub again, but the man was strong. He had a job that he loved, and he didn't need Mark. Or did he? Mark remembered that he had expected Jack to put up much more of a fight than he had. He'd been in NY for how many years, and had had how many sexual encounters? None of them as the sub? He had to assume that Jack's time as a dom with Jamie was just experimenting, or sort of like prison sex. He smiled as he finished up. This was going to be a challenge!

Sitting , waiting for Mark to finish, Jack went through the last few days too. Did his cock jump when Mark walked into 6G? Yes, it did. Had Mark sought him out ? - Mark - an intellectual, who could probably have any boy he wanted? Yes, he did. But more than anything else, when Mark kissed him, or played with his nips, or even TOUCHED him... Jack had gotten used to the idea that there were no promises in life, and that what you had today, you wouldn't have tomorrow. He wasn't getting any younger. Was he ashamed of being fucked? No. Was he ashamed of getting hard when he was tied up? No. This might be a good thing: he had to make sure that Mark understood that his job was the most important thing in his life. If he got that across, maybe... Just maybe.

After he finished his shower, and began to get dressed, he looked at Mark. "Ok, I thought about it. While you were showering, while I was showering. " Mark interrupted. "Please sit down next to me Jack. Tell me then. " Jack took a deep breath, and did what Mark asked. Mark put his arm around Jack's shoulders. "Just give me a kiss before you begin." This time, Jack shook his head and refused. NO. I can't do that now. NO." Mark was experienced enough to know when resistance was going to be strong, so he backed off. "Ok. I'll listen. Should I take my arm away?" "No Mark, that's fine. Just nothing else right now."

"Look. I can't say that I missed you. And when I sleep at night, I still remember that last beating you gave me. I think that's part of the reason I took so many jobs that built muscle - no one is ever gonna do to me what you did to me. " Mark was concentrating intently. Had he lost? Jack took a deep breath. "But I can't lie. " His soft eyes looked at Mark. "I had so much fun with you. I felt so good. That kiss near the river, well..." He almost began to cry "If I didn't remember that beating, I'd think of nothing else. I don't know any more if I'm a bottom, a top, or what? " He paused again. "But I guess I missed you. And I can't really believe the work you did to find me. So, Mark, " he looked right at Mark "let's hang out ok? Let's see how this goes. If you can understand this job is more important to me than anything else in the world, it may work. But please... don't make me choose. " He took another pause and looked at Mark. "Is that gonna be ok?" Internally, Mark was gloating. He had already won. Now it was a case of enjoying his victory. He was a good actor. He could play along.

"I get it. " He pulled Jack closer. "I don't want to get in the way of what you love. But..." and he leaned in, and, without permission, gave Jack a kiss. "THERE. I didn't listen. If you want to smack ME again, go ahead. " Jack didn't. He just smiled. "I like your kisses." Mark responded "And I like kissing you. I want to do more of it. So if we take this, little by little and I promise to listen to you, can I see you?"

Jack blushed. "Know what I'm feeling right now Mark? I'm feeling like the princess in all of those old plays and books they made me read in college. Except none of them liked beer, or got dusty and dirty. " Another pause. "Yeah, you can see me, if I can see you." He smiled, and Mark smiled back. "Now?" he asked. Jack nodded. "Yeah, now." This time, he kissed Jack full on, tongues and all. When he stopped, he looked at Jack. "Listen, I need to get some clean clothes, so I have to go down to my hotel . You can come with me, if you want, or I'll come back. Maybe we could, I don't know, go to the zoo and go to dinner, or something like that? " Jack smiled. "You remember that I like the zoo. Can we go and see the bears?" Mark brushed back Jack's hair. "We can see anything you like. As long as I see you." He got up and kissed Jack again. "just give me a couple hours. I'll be back. You best believe I'll be back." Jack cracked a big grin. "I'll be waiting."

Mark caught a cab and headed down to his hotel. He couldn't really figure out what to do next. He had anticipated more of a fight from Jack- not that he minded his somewhat passive attitude - but he had never slept with an adult who was so, well, transparent and "clean." He didn't think Jack was capable of lying: he told you if he liked something. He told you if he didn't. One thing WAS clear to Mark: if he did something like he did last time, he would be the worst for it. Jack was strong now. Yes, Mark could control him by being sneaky, and by working his hot spots. If he tried to slap Jack around though, he was gonna be the worse for it.

When he got to the hotel, he called his mentor, Jon. He always seemed to have a good take on things. Mark had confided in him that he wanted Jack as his bottom. .

"Hey, it's Mark. You have time for a few questions, Jon?"

"Sure, what's up?" "Well, remember I told you about Jack? Well, I hooked him, but I don't know how to reel him in."

Jon laughed "you mean your cock and your less than charming personality haven't done it?" Mark grimaced. "Well, that's just the thing. Yeah, he's pretty much rolled on the sex. And it's HOT. And he hasn't really seen the bad side of me. BUT... I want him SO badly, and I think if I push, I'll lose him. He's very independent, he topped for years, and he doesn't really care about all the stuff we do."

"Hmmm. Interesting conundrum Mark. Here's what I would suggest. You say he's amenable to being controlled sexually?"

Mark smiled "Hell yes. We had our first date yesterday, and I've fucked him twice."

"GOOD MAN. Keep it up. Dominate him sexually. Step it up. BUT..." and he paused. "Let him have control elsewhere. Let him think HE's the boss out of the bedroom. Eventually, you'll be able to control him completely. Just make sure you want that."

"So, ok, let me ask you this. He wants to go to the zoo today." Jon interrupted "So why aren't you at the zoo NOW?" Mark paused. "I see what you're saying." Jon continued. "Then, after the zoo, tie him up and fuck him silly. But first - and I'm serious Mark - take him to dinner. Let him choose. Pay for it. Or if he insists, let HIM pay for it. You'll be fine. And when do I meet him?"

"Soon Jon. Soon. Thanks much."

Mark called Jack next. "Hey sexy. Listen, I'm packing up now. Still wanna go to the zoo?

He could hear the smile on Jack's face. "Yeah. I haven't seen my buddies for a while. " Mark smiled. This sweet man thought of the zoo animals as his buddies. "Ok, let me get in a cab, I'll be up in a few."

"Mark, don't take a cab. Or let me reimburse you." Mark laughed. "Sweetpea, don't worry about it. I put it on the company charge. I call it research. Now, just get ready. And think about what you want for dinner, because it's my treat."

There was a bit of silence. Jack answered. "Mark, why are you being so nice to me ? Have you changed that much?" THAT hurt. But Mark recovered. "Why don't you see, ok. Now, be ready for a kiss when I come in."

Even that chat had made Mark hard. Jack too. So Mark was wondering if he could contain himself when he got to the apartment building. Rafe' was working. "Hi Mister Mark. Jack told me you'd be coming. Go right up. I'll just let him know you're on the way."

Mark made a mental note "be nice to the doormen. That'll get points. " He got to the door. Jack was standing there, smiling. DAMN. Why was he wearing a tight white t shirt and old jeans? Mark wanted to attack him right then and there. "I was afraid you wouldn't come back," Jack said as he closed the door. "Most grown ups don't want to go to the zoo with me. I have to wait until children visit. "Well, we are going to the zoo sexy. And if you want to see the bears, we're seeing them first." He pulled Jack into him and kissed him hard. "I missed all of this for 20 years," and THAT was honest. . A surprising statement from Mark.

Jack blushed. "Ok, let me just get my camera. " The Central Park zoo was not that far away, so they walked. After about ten minutes, Jack asked . "Mark, would you mind if we held hands?" Mark didn't answer, he just took the man's hand and squeezed it. "Anything else I can do for you, sweetie?" Jack looked at him like an adoring puppy. "Not yet."

When they got to the zoo, Mark thought he was going to be bored. When he saw Jack's enthusiasm for the penguins. "HEY GUYS. Did you miss Daddy Jack?" and his cackle that brought them over, his heart melted a little. So, too, when they got to the bears. "That's Roscoe. He's been here for about 12 years. "Hey Mr. R. How's it going? " Roscoe seemed to recognize his voice too, and came over, sniffing. "GRRRRR. GRRRRR. Does Mark make you jealous Roscoe? I have my own bear now." That heart was melting even more. "C'mon Mark. Can I take a selfie? I think I can get my two bears in the photo . SMILE. Roscoe already is."

Mark gave Roscoe a dirty look as they moved on. "Do you really like the zoo, Jack?" He shook his head yes. "I do. They're honest. People aren't. I can always tell when Roscoe's in a bad mood, or the penguins are hungry, or the otters don't want to be bothered. When you do what I do, you get to know who you can trust pretty soon."

"Do you trust me, Jack? " Mark looked into his eyes. Jack answered honestly. "You're honest about what you want, which is part of it. The rest? I don't know yet. " The frankness of the answer stunned Mark. "Well, if you're not sure, why are we together now?" Again, Jack answered. "Because I've been so lonely, and you want something I can give to you, and you have something I didn't even think I wanted. And it feels good."

DAMN THAT MELTING HEART . Mark looked at Jack. "Can we head back to your place ? I think I need to at least kiss you before dinner." Jack smiled. "Yes , you do."

Back at the apartment, Mark tried to limit himself to kissing. But those nips, pointing through that t shirt. And that round firm ass in those tight jeans. (It didn't dawn on Mark that perhaps Jack was more calculating then he thought.). As Jack moaned from the tit play, Mark remembered what Jon had told him. "On the bed . NOW." Jack looked at him and Mark repeated in a louder voice. I SAID ON THE BED.' Jack looked at him. "yes sir. Back or belly?" 'Back. So I can kiss you."

Jack laid down on the bed, and Mark growled like Roscoe, as he went for Jack's lips. Jack wrapped his legs around Mark's body. He moaned, and squirmed with pleasure, and only got louder as the goatee' went to his neck. "OH GOD Mark. OH GOD. You know what that does to me." Mark was thinking "and you have no idea what it does to ME." He looked down. "Listen babe. there is no question I'm going to fuck you tonight, but not until after dinner, because I need to build up my strength to do it right. What kind of food do you want?"

Jack was silent. "Mark, I don't eat out a lot. I can afford it, but you know, this neighborhood is prissy, and my grandmother cooked so well. They don't want my type in here. Where would you go on a dinner date? Can we go there?'

Puddles around Mark's heart. "I have a place in mind. It's filled with theatre people. Will you mind? " Jack grimaced a bit. "If I'm with you, I'll be fine. Don't let them make fun of me." Mark grabbed him and stared right at him. "Anyone who makes fun of you is gonna have hell to pay." He kissed Jack square on his lips. "Let me fix myself up." "I'll get dressed " said Jack. "Can you look at my closet? I don't have much, but I want to look good with you."

"OH SHIT. What HAVE I gotten myself into?" thought Mark. I wanted a challenging boyfriend who was submissive. I got a puppy. And I love it. " He went over to Jack's closet. He was somewhat impressed by Jack's taste in clothes. Yes, most of it was work related, just like in college, but the rest...." He pulled out a white buttondown, and some dark blue khakis. "You are going to be the sexiest man in the restaurant." Jack blushed. "must not be busy tonight." Mark gave him a big smile . "Don't be so modest. Let's go"

Next: Chapter 6

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