Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Jan 7, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou


While I approach every story differently, some flow easier than others. This book was one that I had developed an outline for but filling in the details took longer than I expected. I worked and reworked the characters and plots, but it took about three months to nail down exactly how things would turn out. That is the process of writing, for me at least. Sometimes it is easy and sometimes it takes more effort. But knowing about the setting of this tale helped.

This story is set in southern Mississippi and Louisiana along the Mississippi River. This is an area I know well and spent a great deal of time around growing up. As I took trips in and out of the bayous and rivers in this part of the country, I would often come across old houseboats and abandoned structures and my mind would wander as I thought about who might have lived there and what the history was like. Many parts of this region are secluded and I could envision a tale like what is written here happening.

Having said all this, it goes without saying that this is entirely a fictional piece of literature. No actual person or place is written about intentionally. I hope you will enjoy it!

Part 1: Freshman Year

Sam walked out onto the porch of his family home and pulled the straps of his overalls over his shoulders. It was May in south Mississippi. Even though the sun had just come up, the heat was already oppressive and the humidity made the air feel like you could cut it with a knife. The boy could feel the sweat building on his skin within minutes and as he sat in a rocking chair on the porch, he knew it would be a miserable day. He took out a handkerchief from his back pocket and wiped his brow before bending over to slide one sock and then the other on and then shove his feet into his old, worn leather boots.

He had just got back from completing his freshman year at college. Sam was the first in his family to go and had received a full-paid scholarship to help make it a reality. He was a quiet kid growing up, but a quick learner. His father was a poor farmer outside of Natchez, along the winding Mississippi River, and they did not have a lot. He had grown up working out in the fields but longed to get away as soon as he was able.

As a hairy, chubby kid with an unkempt beard and a rather small cock and balls, he had never been popular with the ladies in school, but that did not bother him. He knew he had been gay since he was very young. He had lusted after the varsity football players when he saw them practice and had snuck into the locker room on several occasions to hunt for used jocks and clothing to sniff and masturbate to. He had only been caught once, by a lineman named Chad that was three years ahead of him. He had been mortified, but Chad promised not to tell anyone as long as Sam sucked the football player's cock. Sam dropped to his knees immediately and took the young man's load and later was fucked regularly by him the rest of the year. Chad was a natural dominant and Sam assumed the subordinate position quickly. He loved being told what to do and when to do it.

When Chad graduated, Sam hunted out men to suck at one of the local parks and he explored other kinks and interests on the internet. When he went off to college, he met men on campus for sex and often would hang out in the math department's bathroom to swallow the loads of guys on their study breaks. All the while, he longed to serve dominant men as he had done with Chad. Sam had only been on campus two months when an incident occurred that would change his life forever.

It was a Friday evening on campus. Most of the student population had either gone home or was out drinking, but Sam knew that there were always people studying and needing to get their rocks off on a break. He entered the last stall on the second-floor bathroom. There was a hole in the divider that allowed him to anonymously suck cock. He sat on the toilet and pulled out his phone to put up an ad on his favorite hook-up app that he was available and he waited. Twenty minutes later, the first guy showed up. He heard the stall door open and close next to him and then a man speak.

"Suckboy99?" a low, raspy voice asked.

"Yeah, that is me," Sam replied.

"I got a big load for you," came the reply.

A short, girthy, uncut cock then appeared in the hole and Sam got on his knees and took it into his mouth. He could see the olive complexion of the groin in front of him and the dark hair that surrounded the man's cock and balls, but that was all. As he ran his tongue around the man's foreskin, he could taste him. It wasn't pleasant, but as the shaft filled and engorged, precum began to dribble out, which was much better.

Sam worked the man's dick for several minutes, feeling the shaft become rock hard and slide to the back of his mouth. As he held the base, he bobbed up and down on it and listened to the anonymous man moan from the other side of the wall.

"Fuck yeah!" the low, raspy voice replied. "I'm close."

Sam jerked the base of the cock and then pushed forward on it with this mouth till his nose hit the divider. As he did so, he felt as the man convulsed and a huge load shot down his throat, which he swallowed completely. The man moved back and forth a moment and then pulled back as the last dribbles fell from the softening member. As he zipped his pants up, he spoke one last time.


Sam heard him leave, so he sat back on the toilet and waited for another client. Two more men appeared over an hour and fed him their loads, but thirty minutes after the last man left, Sam decided it was time to go. He was just about to stand when he heard the door next to him close and another person sit down.

"Are you still taking?" a firm, deep voice that sounded familiar to Sam asked.

"Yeah," Sam replied. "I still have time to suck a load out of you."

"Holy fuck. Sam?" the voice responded.

"Yeah?" Sam replied confused.

The guy stood up and Sam heard him walk out and around to his stall door and knock on it.

"Let me in, fucker," the voice said. "It's Chad."

Sam was shocked and stood up and unlatched the door. As it opened, he saw a familiar face staring down at him. Chad's beard had grown thicker and longer and he had put on more muscle and fat around his waist, but it was still the man he remembered. He had on the college team's football jersey with the number 72 on it and had some loose jogging shorts on that bulged in the front.

"Shit, it is you!" Chad replied as he walked in and closed the door.

Sam blushed. Chad was a large man with broad shoulders and a large, hairy belly. He was known to be a jerk, but Sam didn't mind being degraded by him as he had a nice cock that he loved to suck and get fucked by. Chad considered himself bisexual and had loved to take advantage of Sam's holes whenever he got the chance back in high school. When Chad graduated three years ago, Sam figured he would never see him again, but here the man was standing in front of him, looking even hotter than he remembered. Sam began to drool.

"So, you made it to college after all, huh?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he got on his knees and bowed his head.

Sam had a protocol around Chad. The man had always had complete domination over him. Chad would often call him names and order him around and Sam always obeyed and called him 'Sir'. At first, the boy had endured it for fear that Chad would out him to the school, but he later came to love being treated as a subordinate and longed to be in Chad's presence and be his plaything.

"Good to see you have not forgotten how to act in the presence of a superior, fucker."

"No, Sir," Sam replied. "I've missed your alpha cock."

"I guess it is a good thing that bitch I am seeing stood me up tonight," Chad replied. "I'm sure that pussy of yours has missed my dick."

"It has, Sir," Sam replied.

"Well, bend over and drop those pants, fucker!" Chad replied. "Let's see that asset of yours!"

Sam got off the floor and immediately lowered his pants and leaned over the toilet. He felt Chad's thumb slide between his crack and then heard the man lean down and spit on the entrance to his ass several times. The sound of pants hitting the floor came next and then he felt Chad's dick rub on his hole.

"Open up, fucker," Chad said. "You know what is coming."

Sam took a deep breath and closed his eyes and gripped the cold porcelain as he felt Chad's cock enter him. The man pushed forward without concern for the pain it gave Sam when it went in. There was only a little spit for lube and Sam grunted as he felt Chad push inside.

"That's the tight pussy I remember," Chad said as his balls reached Sam's ass.

Sam felt Chad's large hands reach down and grab his waist and then the pounding began. The man was never gentle. He fucked hard and fast. Sam grunted as he was being forced down into the commode and his head hit the back. The boy reached forward and placed his hand on the tiled wall to hold himself steady as his ass was assaulted.

"Fuck yeah!" Chad growled loudly. "Take my cock, pussy boy!"

Sam kept his eyes closed and endured the onslaught. His ass was on fire from the fucking and he felt a pain in his stomach where the lid of the toilet was digging into his abdomen. He groaned, audibly.

"Are you feeling that big dick deep in you?" Chad asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "You are so huge. I have missed the feel of your alpha cock."

"I bet you get dick all the time," Chad said. "How does it compare to the others?"

"You're the hardest and biggest I have ever taken, Sir!" Sam replied.

It was a lie. Chad had a nice cock, but it was not overly huge. Still, the man pushed Sam's buttons and he loved to role play with him. Sam had no idea what Chad thought about him really, but as he felt the dick pounding deep inside him, he knew what he wanted.

"I need your cum, Sir!" Sam exclaimed. "Your bitch needs to be bred so bad!"

"I bet you do, fucker," Chad replied. "You've been missing that superior seed, I bet. Now that I know you are on campus, you will be getting it more often."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I'm honored to take it, Sir!"

Chad panted heavily and Sam felt water droplets hitting the back of his ass. He knew that Chad could work up a sweat quickly when he fucked. When he felt Chad's grip tighten around his waist, he knew the man was close to cumming.

"Here it comes, bitch!" Chad growled as he forced himself deep inside Sam and then blasted the boy's insides with his seed.

Sam groaned as he felt the pulsing of the man's dick. Chad spanked Sam's ass twice before pulling out and then slapped his cock on the boy's ass. Drips of cum flew out and landed on Sam's lower back and Chad reached down and forced his thumb into the boy's raw and wet hole. It slid in easily and cum dribbled down the boy's balls.

"That's a nicely bred cunt," Chad replied. "Turn around, fucker."

Sam got up from the toilet and spun around to his knees. Chad had his softening cock at eye level and Sam took it into his mouth to clean it. The man then looked down at him and spat on his face.

"Good boy. From now on, that ass is mine. I've marked my territory once again. You can suck whomever you want, but only my cock goes in that cunt unless I say otherwise. Is that understood?"

"Understood, Sir," Sam replied.

Chad reached down and picked his sweaty jock off the floor and wadded it up.

"I just got out of practice. This should be nice and ripe for you. Open up, bitch."

Sam opened his mouth and Chad shoved the fabric inside. The familiar taste of Chad's ball sweat ran over his tongue and he could smell the man's musk. Sam got hard immediately and Chad laughed as he pulled his pants up and adjusted his crotch.

"It kills me that my stink turns you on like that," Chad said. "I think you need to walk back to your dorm with that in your mouth. I don't want you to take it out till you get inside your room. Understood, boy?"

Sam nodded as he knelt on the floor. He felt the cum sliding out of his ass and dripping on the tiles. His cock was hard and sticking out in front of him and dribbling precum. Chad used his foot to kick Sam in the crotch. As the shoe made an impact with the boy's cock and balls, Sam groaned and doubled over.

"And no touching that pitifully small thing tonight either," Chad said. "Is that understood?"

Sam got back to his knees and looked up at Chad and nodded his head and grunted into the wadded clothing that was soaking in his mouth.

"Thanks again, fucker," Chad said with a grin as he waved and opened the door to the stall and left.

Sam took a deep breath in through his nose. Chad's musk was even stronger now that the fabric was being soaked with his spit. He groaned as he felt the pain in his balls and he stood and wiped the cum off his ass before dressing and walking back to his dorm with the used jock hanging out of his mouth. Fortunately, it was late and he only ran into a few people that gave him curious looks. When he returned, his roommate was not there, fortunately, so he took the material out of his mouth and sighed.

His cock was still raging hard in his pants. He took Chad's underwear and sealed them in a baggie and then placed them in his clothes drawer to masturbate to on another day. As he sat on his bed, he felt the pain in his ass and he reached back and felt the wetness of the cum that had leaked out. He smiled and laid back and groped himself. He was really horny and needed to jack out a load, but he did as he was told and resisted the urge.

Sam didn't have to wait long for his next encounter with the man. Two days later, Chad was messaging him on the hook-up app and Sam found himself naked on his knees getting pissed on near a tree at the edge of campus. When Chad finished marking him, he jerked a load over Sam's head and then allowed the boy to masturbate on the ground before he went back to his apartment. In the following weeks, Sam was at Chad's beck and call. He would be there to suck a load out of him or take Chad's cock wherever and whenever the man wanted.

In November, Sam got a message from Chad telling him to report to the bathroom in the math building again. He was told to wear a jock under his pants and be prepared for a long session. Sam had no idea what that meant, but he threw on his white jock, got dressed, and headed over. When he got into the room, it was empty and he went into the larger stall at the end and sat and waited. Ten minutes later, he heard the door to the room open and several men walked in talking. Sam recognized the voice of Chad but did not know the other ones.

"You in here, fucker?" Chad asked.

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied.

"Get your ass out here, then," Chad said.

Sam opened the door and peeked out and saw Chad standing there with two men about his size behind him. One was darker-skinned with a goatee and the other was a pale red-head. The man with the goatee was reaching back to lock the door to the bathroom as Chad looked at Sam and smiled.

"Did you do as I asked?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I put my jock on."

"Then, show the guys here," Chad said. "Strip everything off but that."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied as he slowly undressed.

Chad glared at him.

"Faster, fucker!"

Sam hurried and kicked his shoes off and then dropped his pants. He pulled his socks and shirt off and then tossed his clothes to the side of the room and knelt on his knees in just his jock.

"Damn, he does take orders well," the redhead said.

Chad laughed.

"I've been training this fat bitch to serve men since he was in 8th grade. Originally caught him sneaking into our locker room and putting his nose in the varsity team's clothes. He is a real pig."

"Nice," the man with the goatee said.

"Stand up and come over here in front of me, fucker," Chad said.

Sam stood and walked over and Chad reached down and pulled Sam's cock and balls out of his jock. He let them hang over the waistband and then Chad grabbed and squeezed them.

"See how small the boy's junk is?"

The two men laughed and pointed at Sam.

"Fuck, you can barely see his balls!" the goateed man said.

"Yeah, I figured that is why he was nosing around our lockers," Chad said. "He was curious to see what a real man smelt and looked like. Didn't you, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied, nervously.

"Speak up, fucker!" Chad said as he smacked Sam's face. "You know how to address a dominant!"

"Yes, Sir!" Sam shouted.

Chad raised his arm and turned and Sam immediately moved to put his face into the man's pit. As the boy breathed the man's musk in, his cock twitched and Chad chuckled.

"That's a good pig."

Chad stepped back and grinned.

"These are two of my friends. They are both on the football team with me and overheard me raving about that sweet hole of yours. You are going to give up that pussy to them and do whatever else they say tonight. You hear me?"

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied loudly.

"I brought a surprise for you, too!" Chad said. "George, hold him for me."

The goateed man walked around behind Sam and put his large hands around the boy's head. His fingers covered Sam's eyes and the boy could not see anything.

"Here, hold this Chuck," Sam heard Chad say and then he felt Chad's hands on his balls.

Chad pulled them and then placed a metal ring around them. He pushed Sam's cock through until the ring was flush with Sam's groin. Sam then felt a hard metal cage being placed over his semi-hard shaft and then painfully pushed and squeezed back to meet the base ring. As he felt the metal surrounding his cock, he heard the click of a lock, and then George released his grip and Sam blinked and looked down. He was now wearing a chastity cage. His cock was barely visible beneath the tube portion and he reached down and felt his trapped balls below.

"How do you like my present, fucker?" Chad asked.

"It's so small!" Sam replied.

"Well, yeah," Chad said. "We already told you that you were small."

"It's not like you need that thing anyway," Chuck said with a laugh.

As Sam felt the metal prison around his groin, his shaft began to swell again. He felt some discomfort as the cage prevented his cock from obtaining an erection and he grunted. Chad reached over and slapped his face again.

"Take your hands off it, boy! It's time you fully embrace your role as a subordinate. The only cock you are going to care about is the cock of a real man. You aren't going to be seeing that small thing of yours again for a while. Pull your jock back and cover yourself."

Sam reached down and pulled the fabric over the cage and then looked at Chad. The man had the key to his cage in his hand and he placed it on a chain that he then put around his neck. Chad smiled.

Next: Chapter 2

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