Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 16, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 11: House Party (Part 1)

Independence Day in the States fell on a Wednesday and by the weekend before, the boys had just about finished work on the remodel of the house. It had been a grueling final week trying to get all the finishing touches completed and the generator installed and running the electrical, but Sam was surprised at how well it turned out. By Sunday evening, the four boys were sitting on the dock resting after finishing the last of the painting inside when Jim came around the bend in his boat. As he approached the boys all waved.

"Hello, Sir!" Sam shouted out.

"Well, you all look tuckered out," Jim replied. "All done I take it?"

"Yes, Sir," Junior said. "Done with a few days to spare."

Jim tied the boat to a post and stepped onto the dock and the boys all got up and knelt.

"Well, show me around!" Jim replied with a smile.

Otter got up first and opened the door for him and let him inside with the rest of the boys following behind. As Jim entered, he could see the first room had freshly painted white walls and rubber squares had been laid on the floor over the plywood flooring that were easy to clean.

"Perfect," Jim said. "I have a fuck bench and some other furniture for this room. I will bring it by tomorrow for you all to put together."

As Otter opened the door to his left, Jim entered and saw that the back room had turned out exactly how he had envisioned it. The two booths on either side had cushions covered in leather for the subs to lay on and leather straps were hanging on the walls to secure their feet once they were inside. Jim bent down to look inside each cubby to inspect it and then walked over to the false wall on the opposite side to inspect the two gloryholes.

"I'm amazed how well this turned out," Jim said. "You all have done a wonderful job."

"Thanks, Sir," the boys replied.

"I have spoken to your masters and you all will be participating in the 4th of July party we will be having here," Jim continued. "Two other subs will be joining you: Adam and Nick. I believe all of you but my trainee have met them."

"When would you like us to arrive, Sir?" Otter asked.

"You all will be here promptly at 3 pm Wednesday," Jim replied. "The party does not start officially till 6 pm, but I want you all here ready in case anyone shows up early. Each of you needs to be cleaned up and cleaned out and ready to service the guests during the evening. I expect the party to last until late in the evening."

"Understood, Sir," Tim replied.

"We will be rotating you around, so you will be spending time in the booths or sucking men off in here in addition to being used in the room in the front," Jim said. "When you are not being used for sexual pleasure, you will be serving refreshments and tending to any other request you are given."

Jim looked at Sam next.

"Boy, as my trainee this will be a rite of passage for you. If you get through the party with glowing reviews, then I will know you are ready for more privileges and higher-level training. If you disappoint anyone, then there will be consequences. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"These boys around you have been where you are now. I expect you to rely on them if you have questions or concerns."

"I understand, Sir," Sam said.

"It looks like we will have about ten men showing up for the party and one other that is tentative at this point," Jim said. "With six subs to service them, you will be busy, so prepare yourselves. Ok, well, you all can head back home. I will see you all tomorrow at 10 am to start putting the equipment together here."

"Yes, Sir," the boys replied before they turned to start leaving.

Jim came over and put his arm on Sam's shoulder.

"You've done good work here. Follow me home and I will reward you with normal food for dinner."

"Thank you for that privilege, Sir!" Sam replied.

On the morning of the party, Sam awoke to the familiar sound of the alarm and the noise of the motor as it lifted the door to his cage. As he crawled out and stretched, he looked out the window at the morning sun glinting on the water as it peaked through the trees.

"Are you ready for a long day of service, boy?" Jim asked from the hallway.

Sam turned to see him and immediately got on his knees and bowed his head. The pose had become nearly automatic for him whenever he saw his trainer.

"I am, Sir. I am always ready to serve in any way I can."

"Good boy," Jim said as he walked over and crouched next to the boy.

Sam looked up as Jim reached over and held his head and stared at him.

"This will be a very intense day. You will no doubt be worn out and in some pain by the time you get back here. Power through what you can, but if you ever get to a point where it is too much, the safe word for today is 'chestnut'. The men know if they hear that word to stop what they are doing and either Vernon or I will be called to counsel you. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied.

"Let me warn you, though," Jim continued. "That safe word is only to be used in an extreme situation. If you are just tired or in some discomfort and we are called, you will regret it. It is a safety measure only, not an excuse to have a break."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "I understand."

"Good," Jim said as he released his grip and stood. "Get outside and clean yourself out. I have some enemas in the kitchen to help you. I have prepared you a liquid protein shake to drink this morning. You will be given an additional one at lunch, but that is all you will have today. I want to make sure you are prepared to be used."

"Thank you, Sir," Sam replied. "I will be ready."

"Well, get out there and get started," Jim said. "When you are done, I want you in the kitchen cooking my breakfast."

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as Jim left the room.

It took about forty minutes for Sam to be sure his prep had gotten him ready for the fuck fest that was sure to come later. Once he was done, he had cooked Jim a large breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausage, grits, and toast. When the man finished his meal, Sam was given his protein drink and then was allowed to rest in his room.

As Sam leaned against the cage, he thought about what the evening would bring. He had been in orgies before, but nothing like what was planned today. He knew he might be taking a lot of cock in his mouth and ass and he thought back to the day he had been fucked by Vernon's boys.

"That day will seem like child's play after this party, I expect," Sam said to himself.

Sam returned to prepare Jim's lunch and then took a nap before prepping one last time to make sure he was ready. When it was time to head out, Sam walked through the living room and saw that Jim was sitting down in his chair reading the paper.

"I'll see you later today, boy," Jim said without looking at the boy.

"Yes, Sir!" Sam replied as he headed out the door.

As he boated up the river, his mind began to wander. He knew that Vernon and his boys would be there along with Steve and Jim, but he had never thought to ask about Otter's master. He did not even know the man's name. Then there were the two subs that Sam had not met and their masters, he supposed. That made nine, but Jim had mentioned ten for sure and one additional possibility. How many gay or bisexual men lived in the area? Did they all have subs that Jim trained? The questions swirled in his mind as he made the last turn and came nearer to the dock.

When Sam pulled in, he noticed several boats had been tied to the side of the house. Otter was sitting on the dock and he stood and waved to Sam. Seeing the furry man made Sam smile. He seemed like a really nice guy, but the sight of his large balls hanging with nothing above them still caught his attention.

"Good afternoon, Sam!" Otter replied with a grin.

"Hey, Otter," Sam replied. "Looks like there are people here already."

"Just the subs," Otter said. "You are the last to get here."

"I hope I am not late!" Sam said.

Otter laughed.

"No, but we have been through this before. Most of the subs around here know to arrive early and plan to stay late to most events."

Sam smiled as Otter helped him out.

"Do me a favor and pull your boat around to the side to leave room for the masters to tie up here at the main dock."

"Ok," Sam replied as he grabbed the rope that was attached to the bow and led it around the house to the side where the rest of the crafts were anchored.

When Sam was done, Otter came over and rubbed the boy's shoulders.

"Are you nervous?"

"A little," Sam replied.

"Well, come inside and let me introduce you to the two you have not met yet."

"Ok," Sam said.

Otter walked by him and Sam followed the boy inside. As they stepped into the main room, Sam saw Junior and Tim wiping down the new furniture that they had put together. There was a sling hanging from a metal frame with a mirror at the top that allowed whoever was sitting in it to get a view of the tops around. To the side of the sling was a fuck bench that was wrapped in leather and had restraints on it to tie a sub down. On the opposite side of the room was a Saint Andrew's cross and a variety of flogging instruments and paddles were hung on the wall.

"Are you rested for a long night, Sam?" Junior asked as he looked over at the boy.

"I think so," Sam replied with a smile. "As rested and ready as I will ever be."

Sam turned when he heard two additional voices. To his left, coming out of the other room were two new people. One was older. He was short and covered in fur similar to Otter but had a developed and muscled chest and thick arms and legs. He had some padding around his waist and a short, trimmed beard that was graying at the sides. Next to him was another individual that was about Sam's height and build. He had a cropped goatee and deep blue eyes. They both had similar chastity cages to what Sam was wearing and tags in their upper right ears, but the blue-eyed cub also had nipple piercings.

"You must be Sam," the blue-eyed cub said with a large grin as he came over and extended his hand. "My name is Nick and this is Adam."

Sam shook Nick's hand and then Adam reached out and shook his hand next.

"Good to meet you," Adam said. "So, you are Jim's summer recruit?"

"Yes," Sam replied as he put his hand behind his head and shyly grinned. "I started last month."

"I was his 17th sub," Adam said. "I did a summer session myself about eight years ago."

"I'm the 34th," Nick replied. "I trained in the spring two years ago."

"Are you from around here, too?" Sam asked.

"No," Adam said. "My master and I live in Baton Rouge and Nick here is from New Orleans, but we do make it back here for holidays and special events that Jim throws."

"Wil your masters be here too?" Sam asked.

"Mine will be," Adam said.

"But mine will not," Nick replied.

"Ok," Sam said. "I am just trying to get a handle on who all will be here."

Adam laughed and walked over and hugged Sam from the side and put his arm around the boy.

"I am sure a few locals you have not met will be here. Plus, Jim informed us that a special guest will be arriving, too."

"Yeah, who is that supposed to be?" Sam asked.

"No clue," Otter replied. "I have a feeling I know, but we will see."

"Ok, well who do you think it will be?" Sam prodded.

Adam squeezed Sam's shoulder and looked at him.

"It doesn't matter, Sam. We are here to serve no matter who shows up. You will find out soon enough."

"Ok," Sam replied. "What do we do until the doms arrive?"

"We are free to mingle and get to know one another," Adam replied.

"I brought some cards if you all want to sit down and play a game or two," Otter said.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun," Nick replied.

Junior and Tim joined the boys and they played some rounds of poker and spades to pass the time. Sam became more comfortable with the group as the day waned. They all seemed to be similar to him in mindset and they offered advice to him on what to expect and things he still needed to work on. Sam began to feel as though he had found people that truly understood him and it put his mind at ease about the decisions he had made that had brought him to this place.

The boys had just finished a round of poker when the sound of a motorboat approaching caught their attention. Otter got to his feet since he was nearest to the door and he stuck his head out to see who it was.

"It's Vernon," Otter replied as he turned back to the group.

Steve collected the cards and put them away as the rest of the boys stood and prepared to greet the man. When Vernon entered, they all got on their knees.

"Well, don't we have a fine group of boys here today," Vernon said as he looked down at them.

Vernon was in his overalls and had a ballcap on. He took it off and wiped his brow and then sighed.

"Damn it was a fucking hot day today. Come out here and help me offload these coolers of beer and water."

"Yes, Sir!" the boys replied.

After the coolers were put to the side of the room, Vernon had the boys line up and he walked down and inspected each of them. Sam was at the end and when the man got to him he smiled.

"Well, new boy, are you ready to be walking funny?"

"As long as the men are pleased, I will be happy, Sir," Sam replied.

Vernon chuckled.

"You have come a long way in a short time."

Vernon stepped back and looked at the group. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper which he unfolded and looked at.

"This here is the schedule for where each of you will be during the evening. We have broken it into three two-hour shifts. In the first shift, we will have you spread around the house, but as the night progresses, we will have areas that will be manned more than others. I have brought poppers and lube with me and you all will be given a quick break between shifts to drink some water and relieve yourselves if needed. Do you have any questions?"

The boys were silent so Vernon handed the paper to Adam and then stood back again.

"Adam is the senior and most experienced sub here. You will coordinate with him and he will give you your assignments. Anything that you need to report or discuss with me or Jim about will go through him. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," the boys replied.

"Well, check your first shift locations and get into position. The men will be arriving soon," Vernon said as he turned to grab a beer out of the cooler and sit down in a folding chair on the side of the room.

The boys relaxed and gathered around Adam, who showed them the schedule. Sam and Adam were scheduled to man the glory holes first. Junior and Nick would be in the cubbies and Otter and Tim would be in the play area.

"It looks like you and I will be sucking cock to start the evening," Adam said to Sam.

"That is fine with me," Sam replied with a smile. "I did that a lot during my freshman year of college."

Adam laughed.

"Yeah, it is one of my favorite things to do, too. Come on, let's get you into position."

The boys moved off and Sam followed Adam to the back room. The false wall they had set up at the far side had two circular openings at crotch level. There was a door to the left that led behind the wall and two stools were set up on the other side under the holes. As the two walked around, Adam spoke.

"Sam, you take the stool at the far end and I will man this one closest to the door."

"Ok," Sam replied as he walked by and moved to sit down.

Adam leaned over and placed two bottles of water on the floor between them.

"How skilled are you at drinking piss from the tap?" Adam asked.

"Sir has been training me every day for some time now," Sam replied. "I have just about got it down."

"Well, we will be prepping cocks for the men to fuck, swallowing cum, and acting as urinals here," Adam said. "Be prepared for anything and use this water here if you need to clean your mouth out."

"Thanks," Sam replied.

"And please ask me if you ever have any questions," Adam said. "I am here to help you."

"I will," Sam said with a smile.

Adam walked out of the door and Sam watched as he moved into the room. Junior and Nick were waiting next to the cubbies and Adam helped each of them slide in. They both laid on their backs and slid backward until their asses and legs were sticking out. Adam then grabbed each of their legs and lifted them and strapped them into position using the restraints on the walls. He did Junior first and then slapped the boy's ass when he was secured.

"Hey!" Junior replied. "Not so hard!"

Adam laughed.

"Oh, please you whore. That ass is going the be red and gaping by the end of the night."

"You are probably right," Junior said with a laugh from behind the wall.

Adam turned and secured Nick's legs next and then had him scoot back slightly so that his ass was in a better position.

"How is that, Nick?"

Sam saw Nick's feet wiggle and heard a voice from behind the wall reply.

"I'm good!"

Adam turned and looked in the other room. Sam could not see past the doorway well, but he heard Adam said he would help Otter get strapped into the fuck bench. When Adam returned to the room, he came towards Sam and put his crotch in the hole. Sam saw the boy's cage dangling in front of him and he licked it. Adam laughed and pulled back and looked at him.

"Well, it seems to be the right height even for a short guy like me!"

Sam grinned.

"You better get back here before the doms start showing up."

"Yeah, yeah," Adam replied as he walked around and sat next to Sam.

Next: Chapter 12

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