Bound in the Bayou

By Locked Cub

Published on Feb 28, 2023


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Bound in the Bayou

Part 14: A Surprise Guest (Part 2)

When Sam felt another cock at the entrance to his hole, it was different. This one was larger. As it pushed forward, Sam screamed in pain. The cock stopped and pulled out but sat at the entrance to his ass.

"You better take a hit of poppers, boy," came the voice of Randy.

Sam shook his head to clear his mind and reached over to the basket beside him to grab the small yellow bottle inside. He unscrewed the lid and closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. The vapors filled his sinuses and he felt a rush move through his body. As he took a second hit through his other nostril, he heard the man's voice again.

"There you go. Now you are opening up."

The cock pushed inside him again and the pain returned. Sam groaned as the thick dick went inside him using the cum of Liam and Chad as a lubricant. It felt like a steel rod was being shoved inside him. Randy's cock was as thick as a beer can and nearly straight. As it continued to fill him, Sam took one more hit off the bottle before screwing the lid back on.

Randy looked down at the ass below him. As his cock continued to push forward, cum dripped out the side and onto the floor. Chad looked over at him from where he was getting his cock cleaned by Otter and he gave the man a thumbs-up sign. The man grinned back and then turned and shoved himself all the way in with one thrust. A cry could be heard from the other side of the wall, but Randy did not care. He grabbed the ankles that were strapped in front of him and rode.

Sam was sweating not from the heat, but from the intensity of the fuck he was receiving. It was not pleasant. It hurt. As his body shifted back and forth, his ass felt like it was on fire. He could almost feel his gut as it was being pushed aside as the thick cock penetrated him. He had never taken someone this large before in his life. He pulled the bottle to his nose and unscrewed the lid to take one more hit before screaming as he felt Randy's cock start to pummel him.

Sam looked up and saw the wall as it moved in time with the thrusts of the man. He could hear the smack of skin against skin as Randy's groin met his ass. His mind went into overload and he gripped the handholds beside him firmly. He wanted to scream out the safe word, but his mind had momentarily forgotten all speech. The only thing he could focus on was the dick inside him.

Randy pulled his cock almost out before slamming it back inside the boy as he pounded. He could feel the ass as it loosened around him and the cum inside was churned. A froth was developing around his cock as it pummeled the boy and he could feel the sensation of his orgasm building. He squeezed the boy's ankles hard as he thrusted even faster. As the smacks of his groin hitting the boy's ass got louder, he began to grunt and growl. When the wave of pleasure hit him and he felt his cock explode, he shoved it in deep and let out a guttural yell.

Sam screamed as he heard the man cum. The pain returned and he grabbed his waist in a vain attempt to try to push the man out of him in some way. He slammed his head back onto the platform he was laying on and tears fell out of his eyes. The intensity of the experience overwhelmed him and he nearly blacked out. When he felt the cock inside him start to withdraw, air came out of his lungs at the same time.


"What was that, boy?" Randy asked from the other side of the wall.

Sam was in pain still but could only think of one response.

"Thank you for allowing me to pleasure you, Sir!"

"Good boy!" Randy replied as he pulled out and slapped Sam's ass.

A tinge of blood mixed with the cum and froth that covered the boy's hole. It remained open and gaping from the fuck he had received and streams of fluids dripped down from him and onto the floor. Sam collapsed and lost track of time as he sat there. When he finally felt hands on his legs again, he heard the voice of his trainer, Jim.

"You still with us, boy?"

Sam opened his eyes and took a breath.

"I am here, Sir!"

"Take a breather," Jim replied. "We are going to give you some time to recover."

"Thank you, Sir!" Sam replied as he felt a wet washcloth run over his ass.

After Jim wiped away the fluids, he hung the cloth over the boy's nub and ass to signal it was off limits for the time being. Sam was exhausted and closed his eyes and rested for a moment. He had no idea how long he was there before he felt the cloth removed and another cock entered his ass. Whoever it belonged to felt as though it slid in effortlessly. He never heard the man speak but felt the cock as it slid back and forth inside him. When the man finally came, Sam received another pat on his ass and then was left to drip cum until the next shift ended.

When Sam felt his legs being released from their bindings and let down he felt a tinge of relief. His ass hurt and as the blood rushed back into his legs, he felt a pins and needles feeling. Adam helped him as he slid out and then held him as he regained his balance.

"Fuck you weren't kidding about Randy earlier."

Adam chuckled and he saw that Tim was grinning beside him as the boy steadied himself against the wall.

"Yeah, I heard you screaming next to me and thought you were being murdered!" Tim said.

Sam laughed at Tim.

"My insides were skewered for damn sure. I don't know who fucked me after, but it must have been like throwing a hotdog down a hallway."

Adam burst out laughing.

"I doubt you are that loose."

Sam smiled and rubbed his butt and then took a few steps. The tingling feeling was almost abated and he felt the urge to piss.

"I need to go out on the dock and relieve myself."

"I'll join you," Adam replied.

As the two walked through the other room, Sam looked around and saw Chad was sitting on a chair next to Jim with a beer in his hand. His cock was dangling between his legs and Sam smiled. Chad did not notice him, though, and he and Adam walked outside.

"I caught you looking at Sir Chad," Adam replied as he stood next to Sam and pissed into the water.

"Ugh, it felt so good having him inside me again," Sam said.

"Well, we still have one more shift to go, so you might get that chance," Adam said. "I'm going to be in the wall with my ass in the air with Junior, Nick, and Otter. You will be the only one in the front room. Are you prepared for that?"

"Yeah, I will be ok," Sam said as he finished pissing. "I just needed a break and to stretch my legs."

"Good boy," Adam said as he rubbed Sam's head and walked back inside.

Sam looked out on the river as it slowly moved past the dock. The lights from the house were the only thing illuminating the surface as it rippled. The sounds of the frogs, crickets and other animals could be heard in addition to the voices of the men as they talked, drank, and readied themselves for another couple of hours of pleasure. Sam took a deep breath in and then let it out as he rubbed his belly. He then straightened his posture up, turned, and returned inside the house.

As he walked into the room, he saw the other subs getting set up in the other room through the doorway. Jim looked at him and beckoned him over. When Sam got close, he got on his knees.

"How may I be of service, Sir?"

"Damn, he has been learning," Chad said from Sam's right.

"I was dubious at first that he would make it," Jim said as he looked over at his nephew. "You have sent me some pretty shitty boys in the past. However, he has made good progress."

"I figured him for a dedicated sub the first time I saw his nose in my jock in the locker room in high school," Chad replied.

Sam looked over and saw the man walk over and stand next to Jim. He could smell Chad's musk and his nub immediately swelled. Chad looked down and saw the reaction and laughed. He lightly tapped Sam's nub with his foot.

"Fucker always gets off being used."

"I think you will find he has become a lot more disciplined since the last time you saw him," Jim replied. "Would make a good sub for you if you can afford it."

"Maybe," Chad said as he looked down at Sam. "Worship my feet boy!"

Sam immediately bent down at Chad's feet and licked them. Chad lifted his toes off the floor and as the boy put them in his mouth, the man laughed.

"Fuck, he took to that like a dog in heat!"

"I told you," Jim replied. "Try him out and see what you think."

Jim walked away as Sam continued to suck on Chad's toes. Most of the other men walked into the other room to take advantage of the asses of the four boys in the wall and Tim's mouth. The rest sat down near the wall and drank beer while they watched Sam work on Chad.

"Stand up, boy," Chad said to Sam.

Sam got to his feet and stood at attention with his arms at his side. Chad smiled as he reached over and pinched the boy's nipples. He then walked around and ran his hands down the boy's ass.

"You've lost a little weight," Chad said as he came around to the front of Sam again.

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "This boy stays busy during the day to please Sir Jim. It burns a lot of calories."

"Not a bad thing," Chad said. "Though I do like my boys with a little meat on their bones. Are you being fed?"

"Sir, this sub has not yet earned the privilege of normal food every day, but it is trying to achieve that right. This sub has a daily can of sub food it eats with gratitude to Sir Jim."

Sam was even amazed at what was coming out of his mouth. He had reverted to almost a drone attitude. Chad seemed pleased, however.

"Fuck you are making me horny, boy," Chad said as he reached down and rubbed his cock. "You really have come a long way. Are you ready to please me some more?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied. "How can I be of service to you, Sir?"

"Go stand facing the cross, boy," Chad replied.

Sam turned and walked over to the large wooden X that was on the side of the room. As he stood facing it, he felt Chad come behind him and pull his arms up and put them in cuffs followed by spreading his legs and cuffing them, too. He leaned against the wooden device and prepared himself and soon felt the impact of a flogger as it hit his butt and lower waist.

Sam wanted to cry out. He felt the pain move through him and his body instinctively wanted to react. But, where a scream should have come out, only a slight whimper could be heard. As more blows came and his ass was worked over, Sam controlled his pain and focused his mind on what he was there for. He was here to please Chad. He wanted to give his body over to him to be used however the man wanted.

Chad looked down at the red ass that faced him. He could feel the warmth of it as he rubbed his hands over the boy's skin. He had used two different floggers and a crop over the course of twenty minutes and had been amazed at how quiet Sam had been. The boy had twisted, flinched, and whimpered, but he took everything that Chad did to him with no complaints. Chad was beyond impressed. His cock was hard as a rock and dribbling precum. He undid Sam's restraints and had the boy turn and face him.

"On your knees, fucker. Worship my cock and beg me to fuck you and maybe I will give you my second load."

Sam smiled and got to his knees immediately. He leaned forward without using his hands and took Chad's dick into his mouth. Using the lessons he had learned from Jim, he bobbed back and forth and wrapped his tongue around the man's shaft, caressing it and lubricating it. Chad groaned from the sensation and his feet twitched.

"Fucking hell Uncle Jim!" Chad growled.

"He does have quite the mouth on him," Jim said from the side of the room where he was drinking and watching.

"Well, I knew that, but fucking hell he is even better now!" Chad replied.

Jim laughed.

"Practice makes perfect."

Chad closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head. He flexed his arms and his pits let loose more musk that wafted through the room and down across Sam. As the pheromones filled the boy's nose, he groaned in pleasure and sucked hard at the cock in front of him. Chad used one hand to rub over his chest and he moaned. When Sam felt precum start to flow out of Chad, he looked up at the man that was deep in pleasure above him and pulled off to speak.

"Sir, this boy is here for your pleasure. It lives to serve and wants to please you in every way possible. It is so grateful you locked its nub away so it could focus on real men and their pleasure alone. May it be given the great honor and pleasure of a second breeding by your large, alpha cock?"

Chad looked down at Sam and grinned. He could see the longing in the boy. He truly was begging to be used and to have his cock up his ass again. Chad wanted that too but debated if he should do it. When his cock pulsed in response to the begging of Sam, it made the decision for him.

"Mount the fuck bench, boy."

Sam smiled and stood and walked over to the padded piece of furniture and got onto it. When he was in position, he felt a lubed finger run over his ass and push inside. Sam groaned as he felt Chad probe him.

"This boy is so privileged to be able to please you, Sir!"

"Fuck yeah, fucker," Chad replied as he pointed his cock at Sam's ass and pushed inside with one thrust.

Sam groaned as he felt his body react to the dick that penetrated him. Chad immediately pounded the boy and Sam gripped the bench and held his breath as the onslaught began. This was no pleasurable fuck, it was intense. Chad had no interest in how Sam felt. All he cared about was draining his balls.

As the man grabbed onto Sam's waist and drilled inside him, Sam closed his eyes and smiled. The endorphins flowed through him and he moaned loudly.

"Use me for your pleasure, Sir. I exist only to serve. Please breed me. Breed me with your alpha seed!"

Chad could not believe what he was hearing nor how turned on he was. As he felt Sam grip his cock, he rubbed the boy's lower back and felt the heat of the impacts that he had received earlier. His ass was still cherry red and undulated as the impacts of the man's groin sent energy into the boy. Chad could feel his balls as they swung back and forth, full of his cum and ready to be released.

"Here it comes, boy!" Chad growled as he went over the edge.

Wave after wave of pleasure flowed through Chad as he felt his cock pulse deep inside the sub below him. He let out a deep growl as he marked this boy and slapped Sam's sides as he shuttered.

"Oh, thank you, Sir!" Sam screamed. "Thank you for allowing me to pleasure you!"

Chad chuckled as he pulsed a few more times and then pulled his cock from the boy's ass. As he stepped back, Sam got off the bench and turned and knelt and took the softening shaft into his mouth and cleaned it off. He spent a good deal of time to make sure he got every drop of cum and then when it fell from his lips, he bowed his head.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Your welcome, fucker," Chad replied as he turned and walked over to grab a beer.

Chad sat next to his uncle and took a deep breath as he watched Sam sit motionless on his knees with his head still bowed. Jim looked at him and took a drink and smiled. Chad knew what his uncle was about to say.

"Maybe," Chad replied.

Next: Chapter 15

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