Boy In Blue-- Blue lives matter

By Master Sean

Published on Jun 6, 2022


Boy In Blue

This story is a fiction and for mature reader only.

Chapter 01 Blue lives matter

Inspector Gregory Quinn looking fit in the mirror even after his 45 birthday. He was 7'2" height with snow white skin, Gold hairs cover muscle chest and around the red nipples.

There was a certain hesitation while his right hand on the six-pack stomach. Why he chosen to be a professional police officer ? Since the police had become despited,hated,distrusted,unwanted anymore.

Gregory moving eyes on table, Focusing on the metal shining badge , There's a strongle bear put paws on the blue word "POLICE", Open mouth and roar.

It's remind Gregory the starting of his over 20 years polce career, In the highly patrol boots and riding on the highway, That's simply and peaceful lifestyle, And mostly joyful in his career.

So he hurry to find out the Wesco Bal-Laced Patrol boots, Be careful to oiled and polished boots , Deeply kissing both boots before wear it. The boots suitable with his dress uniform pants, Speical for the yellow line like restraining the boots with his hot butt.

Gregory put on white shirt and black tie, then blue uniform suit with gold badge and leather duty belt. While the dark blue hat on his short gray hair he totally feeling in charge and make the final decision.

He pull out M&P9 M2.0 from belt and pointing into mouth, I am just doing My job right that's Gregory thought.

The ringing from phone interrupted the trigger pulling, but Gregory don't want the gun out of mouth, He use eyesight to catching the screen from phone, there's message from Robert Palmer: "My dad going dead, Help!"

Gregory open eyes wildly and gun into mouth more deep and chocking him hard while he trying get the phone but gun still in his mouth, The tears going down and Gregory have to put gun out to breathing and think about what's happen.

Robert Palmer was Peter Plamer adopted son when he was 5, Peter Palmer was mentor of Gregory and teaching him everything to be a qualified police officer.

Peter Palmer retired at 2018 after 33 years service, He had been the police chief in town since 2012. After retired he was the chairman of the nonprofit organization named "Anti-Modern Slavery". There's no reason for dead from Gregory's mind.

Without more time for thinking, Gregory driving directly to Peter Palmer's house in immediately.

Gregory pakcing before the Perer Palmer's house, and he see a fat naked body slowly crawling in the yard. As his professional habitual behavior he pull out the gun and go forward to naked body in quietly.

The fat naked body with bald head and the bloodstain beside the legs , Gregory looking around to make sure the safety surrounding. Then he close to fat naked body and see the Peter Palmer face without beard but have ball gag in mouth." Damn, what's hell" Gregory moaning."I cannot recongize him by this fat body"

Peter Palmer usually go to gym everyday, Always keeping body in fit and he thinking control weight and keeping strongly body was important for a police officer. But now he just have big hanging down tits and swollen face.

Gregory trying help Peter Palmer get up then he see the blood out from Peter Palmer's crotch, No cock and balls there but only red blood meats hole. Gregory feeling like shocked by electric in heart, His mind was blank in minutes then he run back car to get medicine kits to stop bleeding.

And helping released the ball gag from Peter Palmer's mouth, but Gregory regretted to do it soon. One tiny cutted cock and two black testis dropped to the grass, Gregory have to careful pitching cock and testis into an evidence bag.

Gregory call backup and ambulance while Peter Palmer was fainting. Then Gregory see the opening door to yard, he going to check the house without backup. Since the fully police dress uniform and patrol boots giving hime lots power.

Gregory find Rober Palmer in the house with rope bondaged in the chair, Both hands and feets with handcuff and looking so scared. While Geogory opening the handcuffs then Robert Palmer jumping into his arms and crying hardly.

"Where's My dad ?" Rober Palmer asked after crying minutes, "Have you got hurt?" Gregory ask,"I have call the ambulance, you and your dad will be fine."

"He was overdose today, and he ......" Robert Plamer stop talking and up to yerd. Gregory holding Robert Palmer's arms and say :"You better staying in the house, my son."

After Peter Palmer's funeral, Robert Palmer moving to Gregory's house because Peter Plamer's ex-wife trying sold the house.

Peter Plamer get married after college when he was 24, and have a daughter Angie two years later. When Peter Palmer be promoted as youngest deputy police chief at 35, There's one accident changed everything.

Angie was killed in a car crash at Peter Plamer's 36 birthday, Peter Plamer's ex-wife cannot accept her lost so they are divorced in a week. Peter Palmer's ex-wife moving to another city for new life. The house belong to Peter Palmer's ex-wife but she allow Peter Plamer living in for free.

Peter Palmer put all energy and time to work,Beside the work he only growing muscle in the gym. Trying forget the hurt from his daughter death. He was the best and strongest cop to fighting the gang crime. He has received numerous citations and commendations.

But the painful in heart continues to affect Peter Palmer's body and mind, He cannot get hard for years, He becoming more and more moody, grumpy, suspicious.

One day after 2 hours in gym, Peter Palmer back to his chief office at 9 PM, He got a gang crime info from neighbouring city. The gang training 6~10 years old kids to be sexual slave , then sold them to the special clients in his city for high pay.

Peter Palmer hated gang crime and special for the crime involving kids. The angry make his blood warming . when he see a little girl like his daughter age in the attachment pics, "I will avoid this in My city"He said to himself with an irrepressible frown.

Then a little boy with innocent eyes catching Peter Palmer, That's recall his lots memories in his mind. The mind said he was slim and small at teens and have been bullied at school, Usually kneel to shaved head and licking feets.

Peter Palmer feeling his tiny cock jumping when he looking at the boy abused pictures, When he see a boy wear leather collar on four with a dildo in ass then he feeling his ass in tightly with little painful.

Peter Palmer's cock gradually hard now, "Damn, I need cum out as a strongest man" he said to himself in subconscious, but no sign to cum since he have not horny for a long time. His body in hot and sweats covering forehead, So he take off shirt and rubbing his tits in unconscious.

All his back with sweats now ,But still no cum yet, Like a blockage in the pipe , So he take off pants for masturbation 10 minutes in automatic. The balls turning bigger and cock turn harder but without feeling the cum.

He was upset for it."I am strongest man in the city, I am extremely powerful chief police here, I can make it happen. " He said to himself and dildo picture turning bigger in his mind. "The strongedst chief police use baton in the daily force work. "He keeping saying to himself with the dildo picture reacting.

"The dildo need lubricating first. "He open mouth for sucking baton for a while then thrust in ass without hesitated. His face turning red with huge painful in ass, Suddenly his mind got climax sign and tiny cock drop out a little cum.

After smelling the cum for minutes his mind suddenly lightting, The uncomfortable pain from ass driving his logic mind working. "I should stop to make pain to avoid thinking about my daughter. "He pulled out baton said to himself: "I need root gangs out my city."

Two weeks later, the gang members was arrestted and some kids was rescued. To saving the police position in society after local police shooting teenagers by tasers, Peter Palmer decided to adopt an orphan boy in the rescued list.

He giving the boy a new name : Robert. Then Robert giving him a fresh lifestyle with happy and purpose. Besides building muscle in gym he starting make more time with Robert.

Robert want to be strongest cop like his dad when he was 9, He like wear his dad's polcie hat and duty belt to play game "cop with criminal". Robert always be the cop role and play the scenes set by his dad.

Robert use baton as gun on his dad's back and shouting loudly "Don't move , on knees." His dad do what's be told . Then he use handcuff lock up his dad's hands and feets."I don't do anything wrong , please free me, officer" his dad keep the game more reliable.

"No, your bad guy and I just arrest you ." Robert use electric razor to trimming his dad's hair and beard. He focus on avoid hurt his dad but his dad crotch was growing up with razor buzzing sound.

An autopsy revealed Peter Palmer died from "acute intoxication by fentanyl." But Gregory beliving there's something behind the death. Like Robert don't remember about send him help message, and Robert should make a calling instead of message for the emergency.

He back to Peter Palmer's house before solding, The case files box was missed but he find one file folder from secret compartment in the wardrobe. The files about an IT company named "G&S meditation", The company belong to PhD Eric Tull Which focus on use high technology mixed image and sounds to help people reach their potential.

Then he visit the gym name "StrongerBlue" which Peter Palmer usually to go. But the gym was shutted down for one year, The gym owner James Jester claimed Peter Palmer have not visit there over years. Maybe that's why Peter Palmer figure different when he dead. But why he give up for keeping fit since he have strong faith about body and mind exercising.

Gregory trying track the drugs, but no clue to the drugs dealer. The feedback from Anti-Modern Slavery same as Gregory expected, None of colleagues believe Peter Palmer will suicide. "He was not me "Gregory said to himself."I better starting from PhD Eric Tull."

All comments and potential slaves are welcome, Special for mature bear/military/cop.


All Rights Reserved © 2022, Master Sean

Next: Chapter 2

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