BOY TOY BRIAN, Authoritarian

By John Thomas

Published on Jul 6, 2006



WARNING: This story contains graphic physical violence and rape, and may not be suitable to all readers. I do not advocate violence and rape. I wrote this story because of my contact with a young man just like Brian who has this same fantasy and I wanted to scare a bit of reality into him.


Brian is a 20yo white male from the suburbs of Pittsburgh, PA and is a Business major in his sophomore year at Point Park University in downtown Pittsburgh.

Brian's body is lean and toned, not bulked but not skinny, a medium sized baseball players' type body. His height is 5'10", has buzz cut light brown hair and has a smooth upper torso with a pleasure trail midway down his abs leading to a pubic bush surrounding a nice 6.5" cut cock, with lightly covered hairy balls and legs. Brain is generally considered a very handsome looking young man.

It was a cool late autumn evening in downtown Pittsburgh. Viewing from the skywalk on campus, you could see the people below trying to shield themselves from the cold wind that was blowing briskly. Classes at the university were going well this year for Brian, he had settled down somewhat from his freshman year.

Friday classes ended at 2:00 that afternoon and Brian just hung out in his dorm room at Thayer Hall, he hadn't felt like being going outside with the weather getting so cold. Brian fell asleep on his bed and was awoken by the sound of one of his roommates hitting the door coming in with his backpack and oversized coat. His roommate said sorry, that he didn't know anyone was there, that he had been studying late at the library. Brain stated that it wasn't a problem, especially since he had seen the clock, it was now 7:20 pm. Brian had needed to go visit some exhibit for one of his classes and it would be closing at 8:00 p.m. Because of his late afternoon nap, he would have to hustle to get there in time. One of his professors had mentioned a new exhibit being at the Carnegie Museum. Brain didn't know what the exhibit was, he often had memory lapses in his classes from the boredom. He did remember however that the professor had said that extra credit would be given if a visit was made and a brief paper written on the exhibit. Brian decided to just walk in and grab a pamphlet, it would give him enough information to generate a BS document and he did need the extra points.

Stepping outside on the corner of Boulevard of the Allies and Wood St., the cool wind sent a shiver over his body. He started to quickly walk to the museum so that he could get inside before they closed, grab a pamphlet and get out as quickly as possible. While he was walking he had another cold shiver go over his body, not from the cold, but from something else, he couldn't quite sort it out. He turned and looked and didn't see anything that would give him a clue, not that he could haven even picked up on anything because he didn't understand the feeling he had. Brain made it to the museum just in time, grabbed the pamphlet and out in record time.

Brain decided that now he would head down to Penn Avenue, the local hangout district for the university and downtown crowds. Brain was hoping to grab some food and possibly snag a beer or two, if he got the right server. Walking past his favorite pizza place, he saw through the front glass that he might be in luck, because inside were some of his legal beer drinking age buds. He headed in and started to walk over to their table and was quickly greeted before he even got there by his buds, yelling loudly to come sit and hangout. From the tone of their voices and the slurring, he knew they already had a lot to drink. An empty mug on the table was quickly filled from a pitcher of beer by one of his buds, with some sloshing out. Their talk was loud and boisterous, but Brain was settled on trying to catch a quick buzz from the beer. He quickly downed the first mug and reached for the pitcher and poured another. One of his buds said "Yea Brian, that's right bro, you gotta play catch up with us". No sooner than he had gotten midway on the second mug, their server arrived with a giant supreme pizza and another jumbo pitcher of beer. Brian thought that the stars and moon must be aligned right, because this had turned into a good night out. The pizza soon vanished and the beer flowed down their mouths.

Brian's buds had made plans to bar hop in another section of downtown Pittsburgh and invited him to go. Brian knew that the clubs they were going to were checking ID's and that he had gotten busted by one of the security staff members at one of those clubs for a fake ID. Brian had been put on a watch list with all other similar violators that had compiled by the clubs. Brain said that he appreciated the invite but that he wouldn't be able to make it. Brian took out some money and put it on the table for it to be combined with the rest of his buds money, for the pizza and beer. His buds told him that he hadn't drank that much and that they were all filled by the pizza that he didn't have to pay. Brain always tried to pay his way, hard, as it was being an unemployed student on a tight budget, he told them to use his money for the tip if they wanted. One of his buds said, "That's cool by us.".

All of them started towards the door, with his buds having more than a slight stagger while they walked, trying to put on their coats while punching each other. They quickly exited from the pizza bar and were greeted by a hard cold wind. It had gotten really cold and the wind made it difficult for Brian to hear the slurred shouts from his buds telling him good-bye as they walked away from him. He waved and turned towards PPU, back to Thayer dorm.

It had really gotten cold and Brain had not gotten a thick enough jacket for the cold front that was coming through. He started to walk faster and kept his arms close to his side. All of a sudden the same chill that he had on his way down to Penn Avenue hit him again, he did the same as before and turned to look as if he could identify it. He thought this is crazy, it's autumn and a cold snap has hit, your going to get chills bro. He had walked another two blocks and had a sudden need to take a piss from the beers he had downed with his buds. He just so happen to be going by a coffee shop he had visited and also knew they had some good deserts. He thought why not, it's cold, I need to take a piss and the coffee might help me get rid of this chill and something sweet would be OK. The thought also entered his mind that the coffee might help him stay somewhat warmer for the final leg of the walk back to PPU.

He quickly made his way inside and found a table. He took off his coat, laid it around the chair arms. The coat fell because he hadn't hung it right, because of his jitters from the cold and the need to take a piss. He quickly picked it up, put it on the chair and told the waitress that he wanted a coffee and an apple strudel. He headed towards the bathroom for the needed piss.

He entered the bathroom and headed for the urinal. It was a small bathroom, containing an open stall shitter at the end, urinal in the middle on the sidewall and a sink by the door. Brain was full of piss and couldn't get his fly open and his dick out fast enough to get the needed relief his bladder was looking for. He made it without pissing on himself and stood there and aimed a hard stream at the back wall of the urinal. The bathroom door opened and someone went to the stall.

The relief from the piss felt great and he started to relax when all of a sudden the lights to the bathroom went out. Brain stood there still pissing but it quickly started to dribble, not that he was scared of the dark, just the surprise of being in that small unfamiliar enclosure with the lights out. The startle from the lights going out made Brian forget that there was another person in the bathroom with him. The other person was soon made very aware to him as he felt the presence of someone standing right behind him, it gave him the same chill like he had had earlier. A hand quickly grabbed his head and shoved it into the tile wall above the urinal. Brian was dazed and was quickly manhandled by his attacker.

From somewhere came ropes or cord that were tied around his wrists. Brian's arms were thrown over the open stall shitter and tied to the frame post. Wads of paper napkins were forced into his mouth. Brian's daze wasn't too thick that he couldn't relate to the fact that this night was turning into a bad one. Brian's attacker now had him secured and was in complete control. He felt the large frame of a man behind him against his body, he knew it was a man because he felt a hard bulge grinding against his ass. Brain also felt a wet spot on the front of his briefs and pants, and that his dick was still hanging out from his interrupted piss.

Brian felt his attackers hot breath on the back of his neck and the rough stubble of his face on his neck, as he leaned his head in on his shoulder. The mans hands were now pinching his tits and Brian knew where this was heading and he was scared, he was going to be raped. He started to try to fight off his attacker and quickly found his head slammed against the frame post, another dazed moment came and the feeling of something warm and wet against his forehead, it must be blood. The man spoke in a low and factual tone, "If you try that again I'll slice your gut and your intestines will drop out on the floor.". To make his point, the sound of a sharp instrument like a knife was stuck into the wood partition wall of the shitter. Brian couldn't speak and only shook his head in agreement.

The attacker already real close to Brian's ear, said in the same tone as before, "I've been watching you tonight from Thayer Hall, to the museum, at the pizza parlor and now here. I've been waiting for the right moment to grab you and now here you are, my little play toy.". Brian's gut tightened, he now realized that the chills he had earlier were from his attacker stalking him. The mans tongue licked over his ear and into it and a muffled rumble of a laugh rang deep into Brian's ear. With one hand still tweaking his left nipple, his attackers other hand was unbuckling Brian's pants and they soon fell to the floor. Brian's white briefs were now the only article of clothing covering his lower body. The man grabbed the back of Brian's t-shirt and brought it up and over the back of his head, leaving it still on his shoulders and under the front of his chin. The feel of the tight t-shirt only added to the constraints that were already around his wrists.

Brain then heard the rattle of a belt buckle and knew that his attacker was opening up his own pants, he then heard the sound of the buckle ring out as it hit the tile floor, it made the sound in his mind like the slam of a guillotine being dropped on someone's neck and Brian was that someone. Brain felt his attackers hard dick rub up and down the crack of his ass through his briefs. His attacker had switched tweaking his left nipple and was now on his right one. Brain felt a wet spot on his ass and knew that the mans dick must be wet from precum and from the groans and squeezes his body was getting, he knew that his attacker was enjoying this very much.

His attacker spoke up and said, "Boy, I'm going to have some good fun with you and you might even like it, too bad if you don't because it's going to happen and that's it, you hear me?". Brian again could only shake his head because of the wad of paper napkins that was still in his mouth. His attacker took his dick and slipped it between Brian's legs under his cotton briefs. Brian couldn't see his attackers dick because of the lights being out, but he felt the throbbing monster under the bottom of his own crotch, and it was sticking out beyond his front side, it felt huge.

Brian's attacker was a man of few words and many actions and said, "I'm going to have to leave that wad of napkins in your mouth because as you might have realized by now, and as you surely will, I've got a big dick that is going to split you open and the screams are going to be cumin out of that pretty little mouth of yours.". Brian's gut tightening wrenched up a notch and he knew that some hard times were about to be encountered.

Brian's attacker took his briefs by the waistband and pulled them down to the floor, he also felt the lick of a tongue over his ass as the briefs were lowered. Brian's legs were spread wide apart and his attacker remained on his knees behind Brian and firmly grabbed his ass cheeks and spread them apart, causing Brian's boy pussy to spread open. The attackers tongue quickly went to work and was lapping at the entrance to his ass and soon was darting in and out of it. The sensation was something Brian had never felt and confusing, being tied up and with the knowledge that he was going to be eventually raped.

Brian's ass was completely covered in spit and his hole was moistened by the attention given to it. His attacker stood up and Brian felt that monster dick start to rub up and down his ass crack. The attacker took Brian's ass cheeks again in his hands and roughly pulled them apart and put the head of his dick right at Brian's boy pussy hole. The animal grunt of his attacker could be heard echoing off the tiled room and the slamming of Brian's body against the partition wall was felt as his attackers large dick was slammed in one fast and hard thrust up Brian's boy pussy. The attacker pulled back a little and slammed his dick in again and again. Brian was starting to slip out of this world as he knew it.

From the pain that his body was enduring, the neurons in his brain were firing so rapidly that Brian's mind went to some random memory location, as if he was in a dream. The memory was of his volunteer work at the Innocence Institute at PPU, which helped incarcerated individuals who were innocent of crimes convicted, process legal motions for hearings and possible retrials and set free if the evidence so warranted it. Brian had been reviewing papers for processing in one of the cases under review and had come across some transcripts of how a young man, same age as Brian, had been raped. The details were graphic and gut wrenching to Brain. Later that night Brian's mind was flashing those images in his head and to Brian's surprise, he was aroused by the thoughts and had masturbated to those images in his brain that night, and many more nights. You see, Brian had discovered that he wanted to be a boy toy and fantasized about being raped. Brian had even gone on-line and into chat rooms trying to live out his fantasy in the cyber world.

Coming back into this world, Brian again felt the thrusts of his attackers huge dick still within his boy pussy and the sound of the animal grunts being made. His attacker had his fingers inside of Brian's mouth like a bit would be in a horses mouth and pulling his cheeks back, the thrusts were so powerful now that his feet were being lifted up off the floor and back down. The only reason that he had not collapsed on the floor was that his bound hands were still tied to the partition wall frame post. It was also during this slipping back into reality that Brian realized that he now had a hard on and was leaking precum against the partition wall he was being slammed against. The realization of his fantasy, now being reality, had now made him transfer from being a victim to a wanting receiver of this big dick man and he thrust his ass back in rhythm for maximum penetration of his boy pussy. The sensation was overwhelming and Brain soon felt the electrical charge deep within his balls and he knew that he was going to shoot a wad of cum without his dick even being touched. His attacker sensed the change and stated, "I told you boy that you might end up liking it." and continued to pound his now willing boy toy's pussy. The urge for Brian to shoot his wad became overwhelming and he shot multiple spurts of cum out of his dick onto the partition wall. Brian's cumming had tightened his split ass muscles enough around the large dick in his ass, which caused the man to cum a torrent of man seed into Brian's boy pussy.

Brian could only groan from the emptiness he felt as the mans large dick was removed from his boy pussy. Warm liquids could be felt running out his ass, down his legs and onto the floor. Brain could only assume that the warm liquids were a mixture of cum, blood and liquefied crap. Brian was still being held up by the his bound hands and he heard the man pull his pants back up and then felt him lean forward and plant a kiss on his cheek and told him, "You were a good boy toy, the best.". For some strange reason Brian smelled for the first time the mans aftershave, it was Old Spice.

The sound of the sharp object that had been thrust into the wall earlier could now be heard being pulled out and Brian knew that his life might be taken. The man reached up and grabbed Brian's wrist and cut what has bounded him and then Brian slumped falling, with the man catching him and then seating him down on the toilet stool. All Brian could do was lean against the opposite side of the wall from where he had just been pounded deep within his boy pussy, by a very large dick and by a powerful man.

As the man left the bathroom, the click of a switch was heard and the lights came on. Brian's eyes were now squinting and his mind was trying to cope with the reality of what had just happened. He sat there in the shiter stall, propped up against the wall with his pants still down to his ankles, his t-shirt pulled forward over his head and the ropes ends around his wrist's that he could now see that had been used to bound him.

It took Brian about fifteen minutes to get himself into a presentable state, as could be possible under the conditions that he had just endured, so that he didn't look as if he was the walking dead. He had pulled the ropes from his wrist, gotten his clothes back on and had splashed some water on his face to clean the blood off. He had a hard time getting to the door and stopped to rest by the light switch that he now saw and realized how the man who had bound and raped him had used it to his advantage. As he walked out the door he noticed that one of those yellow pylons used to identify a wet floor and a bucket with a mop were strategically placed so that entry to the bathroom was restricted. This prop must also have been used as a diversion to keep anyone from entering the bathroom.

Brian walked out to the table he had been sitting at and saw his coat along with the coffee and the apple strudel, waiting for him. He could barely walk over to the table and sat down very carefully. He looked around to see if the world had changed as much on the outside around him as it had changed for him on the inside. From his viewpoint, nothing had changed and it was all like a wrinkle in time had occurred. There was no way that Brian could drink his now cold coffee or take a bite of strudel, all he wanted to do was get to the comfort and security of his dorm room and pass out.

As Brian was trying to reach into his pocket to pull out some money to leave on the table for the coffee and strudel, a man was approaching his table and bent down rather quickly towards Brain and he flinched. The flinch was a reactive one due to the prior episode he had just endured. The man sensed Brian's apprehension and slowly placed the object he had picked up down on the table. The man was evidently concerned and asked Brian if he was OK and stated that he didn't look all that well. Brain was still staring at what had been placed on the table, it was the pamphlet from the museum and it must have fallen from his jacket when it fell to the floor earlier. The man leaned in towards Brian and it was then that he got a whiff of his Old Spice and he heard the man say, "You were a good boy toy and Uncle Catch is proud of you" and he then walked away to the front door and outside.

Brian's mind was now reeling, because the name that the man used was the screen name of one of the guys he had chatted with online about wanting to be a boy toy and how he wanted to be raped. Now he realized that the rape and pain he had endured was all due to a wish that he had made. Brian made a mental note to make sure the next time that he was in that chat room that he thanked the deliverer of that big dick and the successful conversion of Brian to a real boy toy.

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