Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Feb 24, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already. Ask my e-mail address if it would like to listen to the new Bloody Hammers album. When it says yes, put on a Muzak version of the album instead.

Thanks once again to K. for another really well-done editing job. This story wouldn't be what it is without you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 11

"But right now I'm here with you. And I want to know where you are, what you need, and what you want to do." Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


During that up-coming week, Deon and I hung out, as well as hanging out with Megan, Trisha, and Tanner. It was a lot of fun, and we watched stuff at my house. A couple of evenings we all five hung out at Deon's house. It was really nice spending time outside, as well as hanging out with Deon and his parents. They really liked our three other friends as well. There came a point though, on Friday, when just Tanner and I spent time together at the end of that week.

We were dismissed from school early for teachers to have a few meetings. Deon's parents were having him help with a few things around the house. Megan and Trisha were off with a few of their female friends. Tanner came up to his locker in the hall where mine was right next to his. I said hi to him, and he asked if I wanted to go have lunch with him. I agreed, and we went to one of the burger places close to the school. He had the house all to himself for the moment, so we brought the food back to his house then, we ate. His parents were still at work, and I could tell that he was glad to have the time alone.

"Thanks for buying me lunch," I said as I finished the last fry.

"It's no problem at all," Tanner said putting a hand on my shoulder.

He finished the last of his fries as well, then we cleaned up our trash. We decided to sit in the back yard on the porch swing since it was a really nice day.

Once seated, Tanner's phone sounded. He looked at it, then I saw that his face changed. He was clearly pissed, and after he replied to the text, tapping on the screen as if he wanted to kill the phone, he set it aside, Then it sounded again.

"I've about fucking had it with this Asshole!" he said grabbing the phone.

He dialed the number rather than texting it back, and he held up his hand with all five fingers displayed as if to let me know he'd be back in about five minutes. I nodded my head and waited.

Tanner went in the house. As he stood in the kitchen, I could hear him as he began talking. His voice was louder now, and I wasn't sure whether or not to feel sorry for the person on the other end of the line. Tanner by now was really yelling, and several cuss words were used, including "Fucking" and "Bullshit". He shouted a couple more things, and then there was silence for a moment.

"Yeah, well I've fucking had it with you too!" he yelled. "You had no fucking right talking about my friends that way!"

I looked over at one of the trees trying to tune out what he was saying, then my focus was yanked back to Tanner's voice when I heard Deon's name.

"You don't even fucking know Deon that well!" he almost screamed. "He's just as capable of living a good life like anyone else, and I'm friends with him because I care about him! No, you fucking listen!"

I waited as the arguing continued.

"You know what?" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

I never heard him scream before, and I knew I wouldn't ever want to be on the receiving end of his rage!

"It's over!" he continued. "It's fucking over, and I've had it with all of your Bullshit! I'm done with you! I'll see you in school of course, but we're done! If you can't treat my friends respectfully then stay the fuck away from them! Also, if you can't treat me with respect, then leave me the fuck alone!"

There was silence, and I heard something slam, then silence once again. I waited, then after a few minutes, Tanner walked out of the house. He came around to where I sat, and his face was flushed with anger.

"Damn!" I said. "I never heard you scream like that before! Your face is totally red! Are you going to be alright?"

"I'll be fine," he said as he tossed his phone down beside him. "Sorry if you heard all of that. I figured that things would end like this."

He told me that he had just broken up with his girlfriend Cassy. I had to work hard not to smile. Trisha and Megan knew her from before, and Deon and I met her a couple of weeks ago. She was dismissive of Deon and I, especially Deon. This didn't make a good impression on him, and when he and I were alone that evening he told me, just between us, that he thought she was a total stuck-up Bitch. I agreed, and she definitely had that attitude that suggested she was always used to getting anything and everything she wanted. She went on to make it clear that she did get what she wanted, when she wanted.

She was from a fairly rich family, and her father was a surgeon at Sangger University Hospital. He was well known, and while he was good in the OR, he was no stranger to throwing fits in the hospital. It was well known that on several occasions when something didn't go his way in the OR, such as a nurse not handing him a surgical instrument as quick as he thought she should, he would throw the whole tray of surgical tools to the floor. One time he even moved to grab the senior nurse when she called him out on shouting at her. But she was older, had been there longer and took no shit off anyone. She grabbed his arm, dug in her nails, then let him know that she'd have no problem cleaning his clock outside sometime if he ever talked to her like that again. He never talked to her like that again. At least he never shouted at her like he had on that particular occasion.

The bottom line was that Cassy's father was a total power-hungry and rage-filled Asshole. Whenever Chase had to go into Sangger University's Emergency Room to help a patient who was designated as a danger to themselves or others, and if the Prick happened to be there, Chase would see him yelling at a nurse or screaming at a resident. Chase made it clear he despised the man, and I didn't blame him.

In short, Tanner's girlfriend was definitely learning from the best for how to be a first-class Asshole in life. I was sorry to see that. I wondered what all that would mean for Tanner. And I especially wondered that, given the new events with him breaking up with her.

"I'm really sorry Tanner," I said putting a hand on his shoulder. "I know you were hoping that things would work out there."

"Thanks, but fuck it, and fuck her too!" he said as he continued trying to calm down. "I had been losing patience with Cassy and her Bullshit for a while now."

"What are you going to do now?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said. "I'm not going to find another girlfriend, at least not for a long time anyway."

I watched him as he leaned back and closed his eyes for a minute. I could tell that he was completely done with dating, and I wondered for a moment if there was more to the story. Then he spoke again after opening his eyes and straightening his posture. He leaned in close to me, then I waited for him to continue talking.

"Honestly, between you and I, I don't actually know if I'm straight," he said.

I wasn't expecting that. I'm sure you've heard of "Gaydar", and there might be some truth to it. However, I never got any sense from Tanner that he would even be into doing anything remotely sexual with guys. He didn't express his being straight in a way that suggested he was Anti-LGBT even though I knew he wasn't bigoted in the least towards us. Still though, I never had thought he might have any interest in guys, or even possibly be questioning his sexuality. He continued talking, and I listened as he went on.

"A while back, when I had sex with the first girl I had been with, it was like what happened?" he said. "I mean, when I came and it was over, I thought in my head about how it didn't seem to be much of a big deal. It was good, but there were no fireworks, and I wasn't sure if it was me, or what the issue was. With Cassy, it's basically the same, and has been getting less and less enjoyable as we've continued doing stuff together. Sure, her bad attitude hasn't helped, but I don't think that's it. I've also been thinking, and as I've been going through my teenage years, I have noticed how I'd get more excited when I'd meet other guys. I don't mean sexually excited, but excited more than when I'd meet girls, and I did like making friends with girls. It just felt different with guys. And over the last few weeks I've noticed that as I look at different guys around the school, I've been getting interested in what it would feel like if we hugged, or even if one of them would kiss me."

I waited to see if he'd go on, but he was silent for a moment.

"That sounds like a lot you've been going through," I said.

"It has been," he said. "It's not like my parents would be angry with me for being Gay or Bi if that's what I am. It's mainly that it would be hard to deal with any hate or Bullshit that any of the kids, or any adults in society, would want to throw my way."

"Yeah, there is that," I agreed. "Obviously Deon and I will be here for you, as will Megan and Trisha."

Deon and I had come out to our three friends a couple of weeks ago, and like I suspected, they were supportive which made us both truly happy! I knew that if Tanner was like Deon and I, then I knew that Megan and Trisha would be supportive of him like they were of the two of us. I hoped that he wouldn't be under too much strain from the questioning that apparently he was going through at the moment.

"Not to be graphic, but even more recently, I can't stop thinking about what it would be like to go all the way with a guy," Tanner said as he blushed deeply. "Sorry, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"It's fine," I said smiling and putting an arm around his shoulders. "I'm glad you're being honest about how you're feeling."

"I'm sure I'll figure it out," he said. "Thanks for listening. That means a lot."

"You're welcome, anytime," I answered.

I then decided to tell him more about me, and by the time it was all said and done, I had told him my whole story, including the rape and the up-coming hearing in October.

"Those Mother Fuckers!" Tanner said as he worked to digest what I had told him.

His face was full of horror and sadness for what I had gone through, and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It was a horrible time," I said.

"I can imagine it was," he replied. "I'm sorry you went through all of that, and obviously you have my support, and you'll have Megan and Trisha's support, assuming you've told them already."

"I haven't told them yet," I replied. "I'm sure they'll be supportive as well though."

"You're correct about that," he said. "Megan, Trisha and I had figured that you've been through some shit. We had talked a while back about making sure to look out for you. We all three feel protective of you, as well as with Deon, but I know he can take care of himself when it comes down to it. Still though, I want to help if I can."

"I really appreciate that," I said. "You, Megan and Trisha are really good friends, and I'm glad to be friends with the three of you!"

"I'm glad to be your friend as well Omri," Tanner said putting his arm around my shoulders. "I know that Megan and Trisha are glad to be friends with you too."

After we talked a little more, Tanner and I shared a hug, and I returned to mine and Chase's house. He was setting things out for dinner, and Deon was going to be coming over to spend the weekend. I helped Chase with getting things prepared for dinner, and after making sure the meat was cooking, we sat down at the kitchen table.

As we sat there, Chase let me know that our attorney called and let us know that the hearing was still on for the date according to the letter that came a few weeks ago. I listened, and then Chase took my hand which helped with the anxiety that was beginning to take hold of me.

"Thanks," I said squeezing his hand. "You being here helps."

"I'm glad it does," he replied.

I noticed that he looked sad, and after asking him about it, he told me that it was because of what I'd be going through at the hearing. He then told me that it was about some of the memories regarding what had happened to him with our father back when he was a kid as well.

I listened, and by the time it was over, Chase had told me all of his story about what it was like growing up with the two pieces of shit that called themselves our parents.

"That Bastard really is a fucking monster!" I said as I stood up and hugged Chase.

He hugged back, but he was a bit more composed than I was at that moment.

"You're right about that," he said as he hugged me back. "I'm just glad that neither of us have to live with that Son of a Bitch any longer. I'm completely committed to making sure that that Mother Fucker stays away from us, and from you in particular Omri. I'll never let him hurt either one of us again."

"I believe you," I said as we hugged again this time harder.

After we separated, we got back to getting things ready for dinner. Deon eventually arrived, and he was just in time as well. The food was ready to be served. There was a knock at the door just minutes before Chase began carrying a couple of serving plates filled with food to the table. It was Deon, and I let him in totally excited to see him again!

Author's Notes

I hope all of you liked how I handled things with Tanner and Omri talking about what Tanner is going through. I'll be continuing on with Tanner's situation in the following chapter, as well as more things between Deon and Omri. Also, you're all probably wondering if Cassy will make trouble for Tanner, or for any of the people in their friend group. You'll all have to wait to find that out as the story progresses.

All that being said though, I hope all of you have had a good day. I'll see you all in Chapter 12.

Next: Chapter 12

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