Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Mar 18, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

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Finally, if you enjoy this story and haven't done this already. Offer to do the dishes for my e-mail address, but when they leave the room for a few minutes to make a phone call, fill the sink with 3-day-old bathwater then quietly leave without letting them know.

Once again, thanks to K. for another really well-done editing job. Your edits are always appreciated. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 14

"I'm so sorry that I wasted your time because you really do mean a lot to me and I hope you have a very nice life because I really think you deserve it. I really do. I hope you do, too. Okay, then. Goodbye." Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


I stopped once I got up to the counter. The boy turned his head to look in my direction, but it still seemed as if he wasn't seeing me. I had noticed the stick he had in his right hand, then when I looked closer at it, I saw that it was a guiding cane that the blind and visually impaired use when walking around different places. My Uncle on my mom's side of the family was blind for the last ten years, and as I remembered that, it was now making sense.

I went to say hi to the boy, but the man behind the counter began talking. I waited until he was done.

"It's here in the store," he said. "We have the last copy so you got lucky. It's in the D Section of the Metal section. I can guide you back there if you want me to."

"So it's in the D section?" the boy asked confirming.

"That's correct," the cashier replied.

"If you don't mind, I can take you back there," I said. "Maybe you can ring up my purchase while I help him?"

I said that last part shifting my gaze to the cashier who's name tag read Drew.

"I'd like that," the boy said stepping closer to me, and his aim was really good.

"Cool," I said. "By the way, I'm Tanner Jackson."

I was finding that I couldn't take my eyes off this boy. I knew that I was having trouble with it since I hardly ever gave both my first and last name when introducing myself to anyone.

"It's nice to meet you Tanner," the boy said. "I'm Florian. My last name is Evanovich."

I guessed that his accent was Russian or belonging to some related country. His voice had some boy still there, but a lot more man in it. I was finding that it was a really nice voice!

"Thanks, it's nice to meet you as well Florian," I said then let him know that I had my hand out in front of him.

"Cool," he said shaking my hand.

His hand was small and soft, and I loved how it fit nicely in mine! With some effort though I let his hand go after a moment. Once he made sure it was alright to take hold of my elbow, we went back to the Metal section.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"I was looking for the latest album by the Metal band who call themselves Dimmu Borgir," Florian replied. "The album is called Eonian."

"That's a really good album," I said smiling. "I've always really enjoyed it. Hard to believe that it's been about four years since its release."

"Yeah, I know," he said smiling as well.

We reached the area we were looking for, and I lead him to the D section.

"I don't want to do for you anything you can do for yourself," I began. "I also don't want to assume anything. So, do you need me to read anything off to you? I mean, I'm not sure how much if at all you can or can't see."

"Thanks," he said. "I'm totally blind in both eyes."

"Thanks for letting me know," I answered.

"You're welcome," he said. "If you can tell me where the album is, then I can take it from there."

"Okay, sounds good," I said.

I moved to where the album was, and he followed my hand by letting it rest against mine as it moved. I then placed his hand on the spine of the album, and after he picked it up from the slot we turned to go back to the counter.

"Thanks for the help," he said as we walked through the isle.

"You're welcome," I replied. "So what do you have going on for the rest of the day? I mean, obviously aside from probably taking your album home to listen to."

"I don't have much else going on aside from that," he said. "My mom and dad are out with friends for a few hours so I'm on my own for now."

"I see," I replied. "My parents are at work so I'm on my own for a while as well. They won't be home until 6:00 P.M. If you'd like to hang out at either your house or mine that would be nice."

"I'd really like that as well!" Florian replied smiling at me.

"Cool," I said. "So which house did you want to go to?"

"I'm fine with going back to your house," he said.

"That sounds good," I replied.

While I took Florian back to look for his album, Drew rang up my album true to his word. After getting Florian's album paid for, and mine bagged, we exited the store. "It's nice to have someone to spend time with right now," I said as we walked along with Florian holding my right elbow while swinging his guiding cane back and forth. "My other friends are busy currently, but I'm sure I'll get to see them at a later time."

"I'm glad I'm here to keep you company," Florian replied. "I have a couple of friends who are busy as well."

"I understand," I said. "So how long have you lived here in Sangger if you don't mind me asking."

"I lived here since I was seven when my mom and dad got their citizenship finalized," he answered. "They had been coming in and out of the United States for the first six years of my life, helping different doctors since they're doctors themselves. They also had to go through Med School here as well. They decided for sure to move here permanently soon before I turned seven, so they began applying for citizenship which came through shortly thereafter. They moved quickly after getting that confirmation."

"I'm glad that you guys have had a chance to move here and to build a life for yourselves as a family," I said.

"I'm glad we're here as well," he replied.

We continued talking as we neared my house, and on arrival, I got out my keys and unlocked then opened the door. It was nice to feel the coolness of the air conditioning on my face since the temperature outside was still really hot out at that point.

"It feels really good in here," Florian said as he walked in as I held the door open for him.

"It definitely does," I replied.

After shutting then locking the door, I showed Florian around the house then took him to my room, which I fortunately had the presence of mind to clean that morning. He took a seat on the bed when I showed him where it was. After we decided to put on his album first I sat down beside him on the bed.



I sat there trying to take in everything Chase had just told me. I worried that Brad and the defense were going to possibly try something like what my brother described. Now it was coming true. I was going to be totally dragged through the shit, and this first hearing was just the beginning.

I told all this to Chase after struggling not to get sick. I was struggling with nausea at that point, and it had gotten stronger as Chase finished his story of what he and the DA had talked about just an hour ago.

We were in the living room while Chase told me his story, and Deon sat on one side of me while Chase sat on the other side. The silence was stretching out as I sat there attempting to gather my thoughts, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to avoid what was coming. I stood up, and told Chase and Deon that I'd be back, at least as best as I could get the words out without throwing up right there.



After Omri and I had eaten, we had been on the couch cuddling while watching various music-related videos on YouTube. When Chase came home almost an hour later, he had a dark look on his face. It was a mixture of sadness, rage and pure hurt. I asked him if something was wrong, and Omri asked what happened. He sat down and told us everything that he and the DA had discussed. I could practically feel Omri's fear and terror as he broke down while Chase held him tightly.

Omri had confided in me a couple of times that he feared Brad and his defense team would do something to make Omri look like the one who was in the wrong. I knew that even if Brad and his team of attorneys were to try something like that that it would obviously be Bullshit. I told Omri this, and it seemed to calm him down, but only a little.

Now unfortunately it appeared that things were starting to move fast and in a direction for which Omri was barely prepared. As I sat there thinking about all that, I felt rage and hate for his and Chase's parents, and not for the first time. Damn them for the abusive and neglectful environment in which they raised Omri and Chase! Perhaps none of this would have happened had both brothers in general, and Omri in particular, been raised in a healthy family!

"Is Omri going to be alright?" I asked scooting close to Chase who then put an arm around me.

"I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that he is," Chase replied. "At the moment though, he's anything but alright. This is the first time in a while since he's lived with me that he got scared enough to throw up, which I'm guessing he's doing now."

"This is fucking horrible!" I said looking towards the doorway of the living room that lead into the kitchen.

"It absolutely is!" he replied.

He then got up and walked in the direction of Omri's room. I got in my chair and followed him, and we went in Omri's room and listened outside the door. Chase walked up to the door after hearing only silence, then he knocked.

"Omri?" he called out. "Are you alright?"

There was more silence, then the toilet flushed. Next came running water.

"I'll be out in a minute," Omri called over the running water.

He came out a moment later, and I could tell from the odor that he had washed his mouth out with a mouth-full, or several, of mouthwash. I transferred from my chair and on to the bed. Omri came over, and I wrapped him in my arms.

"Just keep holding me," he said now a little more under control than he had been a few minutes ago.

Chase was on the other side of him with an arm around both of us as we all three sat there.

"I'm not going anywhere," I answered.

"I'll be here as well," Chase added.



Chase and Deon holding me was helping me to calm down. It was also helping me not going and doing something dangerous. There had been a few weeks into living with Chase where I had a lot of fear around telling him about what Brad and his two bullies did to me. I had left out the rape, and my plan was to never talk about it again. I was trying desperately to never think about it ever again.

"Do you think you're going to be alright?" Chase asked as him and Deon sat there continuing to hold me.

"I think so," I answered. "This isn't like last year when I ran away for the evening."

"What happened?" Deon asked.

So I told him.

It was about three weeks into me living with Chase. I was having nightmares about the rape. When Chase would ask if I was alright after waking up from my dreams, I said I was fine. Finally though, it all got to be too much. Chase was getting even more concerned, especially when I would have at least two or three spells of vomiting a week for about two weeks. That Saturday, I went out and got drunk for the first time, and nearly died from it.

It was the Saturday before Christmas, and I hadn't slept much the night before. Chase was in and out of his home office, and he went out to get dinner for us. All that day, in addition to the last few days, I had been disturbed by thoughts of Chase never wanting to have anything to do with me if he knew about what had happened to me the month before. I also didn't want him to have to constantly worry about me. So after Chase left, I found where he kept a couple of bottles of strong liquor. Both were still sealed since Chase wasn't a huge drinker by any means. Grabbing them, I sat them in my room and got a notepad that Chase kept by the phone. I sat down on my bed, then wrote him a note.


Dear Chase: By the time you read this, I'll be gone. You've shown me what kindness looks like. You've been really good to me. I'll always love you for that, and I do love you as my older brother. I just can't continue to live here and cause you to keep worrying about me like you've been doing.

When you took me in, that meant more to me than I could ever say in words. I'm glad that you would care for me for the little time that you have. There's still something about me you don't know, and I can't ever tell you about it. You have enough going on in your life without having to worry about me anymore than you already have,. Just know that I'll never forget how good you've been to me. I'll always love you for that, and I'm truly sorry for taking over your life like I have these past few weeks. You're better off without having to deal with me and my problems. I love you, and I hope you have a nice rest of your life.

Love always, Omri


With the letter written and sealed in an envelope, I put it on the desk in Chase's home office on top of his closed laptop where he'd be sure to find it. Grabbing the two bottles, I left after making sure the house was locked up.

I had no real direction. I just walked until I got to a rather empty stretch of street. There were a couple of alleys, and I sat down in one of them beside a couple of dumpsters. I took hold of one of the bottles, and I rested my back against the wall of the building. In the dumpster directly next to me, there were rustling and scratching sounds. I could also hear squeaking noises from the dumpster as well. Turning my head to the right where the dumpster was, I looked at it for a minute as the squeaking noises got more insistent.

"Just rats in there," I thought nervously, then focused on the oppressive sadness consuming me. "Fuck it! I don't even care!"

Opening the bottle, I held it up.

"So this is what life is huh," I said as I felt tears over-flowing and falling now. "Well fuck this shit!"

I began drinking fast, and stopped as I felt like I was going to throw up. The alcohol was burning as it went down, and it wasn't the most flavorful drink in the world. It tasted more like cherry cough medicine with a stronger bite to it.

After my stomach settled, I began drinking more of it. My head was beginning to feel light, and things didn't seem so dark as they had been. I drank more, and soon the first bottle was done.

I immediately started in on the second bottle and things began getting fuzzy. My vision was blurred now, and I leaned further back against the wall. I raised the bottle again and drank deeply, like a dehydrated man gulping water on a burning hot Summer day. I don't remember anything after that.


Chase got home with the food and he called out for Omri. He checked Omri's room, but didn't find him. Looking around the room, he saw Omri's phone on his desk, as well as a notepad and pen.

Chase had a bad feeling, and after running through the rest of the house. Chase went into his home office. Sitting down behind his desk, he saw an envelope on top of his laptop. It hadn't been there when he was last in there. He picked it up, and he saw that it had his name written on the back side of it.

Ripping it open, Chase found a folded piece of paper, and taking it out of the envelope, he read it. He read it again, and then he immediately grabbed his phone then put in a call to the police.

Once Chase and the police got started on their search, they began in one of the areas close to where Chase lived. Finding nothing, they began driving down the section of town that was one of the more questionable areas.

Driving along for several minutes, they looked towards a couple of stores. As the cop named Edwards continued easing the car along, he stopped once he got to the second alley way.

"I think I see something," he said.

Chase was sitting in back. The cop leaned forward then pressed is face closer to the car window. He saw something by what looked like a dumpster.

"I see it too," the second officer said.

Once Edwards and his partner Officer Andrews exited the car, Chase got out. After instructing him to stay behind them, all three men slowly entered the small alley.

Stopping a couple of inches from the dumpster, Officer Edwards shined his police flashlight to the right, and the light illuminated a small figure leaned to the side.

Chase looked closer and saw that it was Omri. Leaning closer, Chase could see that Omri's face was a light shade of blue, and he could hear choaking sounds. He also saw the two bottles one of which was on its side out of which clear liquid flowed.

"Oh god no!" Chase whispered, then moved in between Officer Andrews over to where Omri leaned up, choaking on possibly his own vomit.

The two officers called for Emergency Medical Services as Chase moved Omri on to his right side. Omri began regaining consciousness. He was vomiting and gagging now. Chase knew that Omri would need a hospital and soon. He was just glad to see that Omri was getting rid of however much alcohol was still in his stomach.

Soon the ambulance was pulling up to the entrance to the alley. Everyone moved aside, and after Omri was lifted on to a stretcher and loaded into the ambulance, everyone drove to the hospital.

Once Omri was admitted into the Emergency Room, his stomach was pumped, as well as blood taken for tests. After the doctors made sure his airways were clear and that his lungs were clear of any fluids, they assigned him to a room.



I felt the deep and intense pain before I saw anything. I didn't know where I was, nor when I was. I could only feel a deep intense pain in my head, and moving made it worse! My eyes were tightly shut, and it took a while before I felt like I could open them. My body also felt painful as if I had a bad flu. When I finally opened my eyes and turned my head, nausea fell upon me suddenly like nothing I had ever known before!

"Oh fuck!" I said then someone was helping me to sit up. I tried throwing up, but nothing was coming up. That lasted for what seemed forever, then I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, then I felt myself growing more tired than I had ever felt before!

When I awoke again, I still felt horrible, but the pain was gone save for the aches that were all over my body. Turning my head slowly, I saw Chase sitting to my left and then at that moment I realized that my hand was in his.

I looked up at his face, and expecting to see anger and disgust, I was surprised to see deep concern and sadness there.

"Chase?" I said, then had to clear my throat to talk louder. "Chase, how long have I been here?"

He leaned forward and kissed my cheek then stroked my hair.

"Welcome back," he said. "You really had me scared for a while. To answer your question though, you've been out since last night when they brought you here to Sangger University Hospital. You woke up about three hours ago and threw up, but nothing came up. It's Sunday, and it's now 6:00 P.M."

"So I've been out for basically the last 24 hours almost?"

"Yeah," he said.

"Thanks for rescuing me," I said realizing that I was grateful that Chase had found me in time.

"There's no need to thank me Omri," Chase answered. "I'm just glad you're back again."

I eventually ate dinner which was some soup, and then slept for the rest of the evening. Chase slept in the room on a bed they brought in for him. By the next day I was feeling better than I had, and by that afternoon, I had lunch while Chase was checking in on a few patients. Soon he was back, and I figured that it was at that point that we would be having a talk. I could see the look on Chase's face. He wasn't angry, but I knew he wanted answers. He came in, closing the door, then sitting down beside my bed.

"I know I haven't asked, but how pissed are you at me for what I did?" I asked bracing myself.

He took my hand, and looked down at me with more love than I had ever seen from him or from anyone.

"I'm not angry with you," he said. "I am scared for you though, and I was even more scared when I first found you and I thought that you might not make it."

He had told me about the shape I was in the night before, but now he told me in specifics.

"I really could have ended things Saturday night," I said trying to process everything that he had said.

"I'm just glad we were able to save you," he said. "Having said that, I need to know what happened Omri. I also read your letter, and it really broke my heart. You haven't taken anything away from my life by being here with me since you moved in."

"But you've had to do a lot of things for me, and to help me," I said. "I have a lot of fucked up shit you've had to deal with, and it's not your problem anyway. At least it shouldn't be."

"Omri when someone abuses and neglects a child, then it's everyone's problem," Chase said putting his arms around me. "I want to be here for you, and helping you with everything isn't something that's a hardship for me. I can tell that you've been holding something back, and I didn't want to press you on it. I also didn't really know how to go about bringing it up, but I want you to try to talk about whatever it is. I won't be mad, and I won't judge you for whatever it is."

I began sobbing, and the last bit of strength I had been using to try and keep from telling Chase about Brad and what he did towards the end of November, broke apart. I began sobbing harder, yet somehow I told him everything.

I finally stopped crying, and he held me tightly for a long while. I began drifting off when I heard him speak.

"I'm so sorry you went through that Omri!" Chase said sounding close to tears himself now. "That wasn't your fault what those Bastards did to you, and they're not going to get away with what they did! I'm always going to be here for you, and I'll especially be here for you for all of this situation. You have my word on that."

Thank you Chase," I said as we hugged tightly.

"You're welcome Omri," he said. "Anything for you my little brother. Always remember that."

"I will," I replied.

I was released from the hospital the next day, and the following week I began seeing a counselor that Chase knew. It helped, and after a few sessions, when I eventually went with Chase to report what had been done to me, Chase's support truly helped along with the counselor. The police were totally callous and useless, even ending the interview with the lead investigator giving me the advice of being careful in the future and to not be so quick to sleep around with anyone I could find. Chase and the counselor gave me the strength to survive that.


"So that's the story," I said as I sat there moving out of Chase's arms so I could get my emotions further under control.

"I'm glad you told me," Deon said. "I'm just sorry that you went through that, as well as the original events."

"Thanks," I replied.

Getting into bed later that night after Chase eventually said good night to us, I snuggled into Deon's embrace. I looked into his eyes, and saw deep and intense love.

"Having you here and being in your arms like this means more to me than you could ever know," I said as I pressed my lips gently to my lover's.

"I'm glad I can be here with you," he answered.

"I love you Deon," I said.

"I love you too Omri," he replied.

We shared several more gentle kisses, then I rested my head on Deon's chest. He held me as I drifted off, and I felt safe and deeply secure in his love!

Author's Notes

I can imagine that what happened to Omri in this chapter was hard to read about. It's interesting how this country of ours constantly talks about so-called "Childhood Innocents" yet society turns a blind eye when there are signs a child is or has been abused. Then when society ignores when a child tries to report abuse they've gone or are going through then it's even more horrible. This is why we need to get away from this idea that any time a child acts out in their teen years such as by drinking alcohol or doing drugs, that it's just typical teenaged behavior. Some people even call it typical rebellious teenaged behavior.

No, there's nothing typical about under-age drinking, drug use in teens, nor is there anything typical about teens being angry, especially enough to rebel. When these behaviors appear in teenagers, we need to see them for what they are, signs that something is wrong either because of abuse the kid is suffering, or from some bad situation they're in.

Instead though, society ignores these behaviors, and if they do see them then as stated above they dismiss them with whatever belief back ups the narrative they want to believe about so-called rebellious kids and teens. They refuse to see what's right in front of their eyes.

In Stephen King's book Thinner, when the main character Billy reaches out to his friend Richie Ginelli who's a New York Gangster for help with finding the Romani man who cursed him, Ginelli comes to the hotel room Billy is hiding out in. Once Billy tells him everything that had happened, he asks Ginelli if he believes his story. Ginelli tells him he does.

Ginelli goes on to explain that he believes him because he sees what it's done to him with his own eyes. Ginelli goes on to say that that's the problem with people that they don't see what's right in front of their own faces. He concludes what he says with saying that the definition of an Asshole is someone who sees what's right in front of their eyes, but chooses not to believe it.

This could easily describe the conditions in which our society's kids live in, because their situations are made worse, or are allowed to worsen because of people who can't or won't believe what they're seeing. Because of that, kids such as Omri in my story go through what they do, and it's time for that to change.

In the next chapter, the first hearing regarding Omri's case against Brad and his fellow bullies will begin. You'll all get to see what happens in that chapter, and you'll all get to see how all that goes, and you'll also see Deon and everyone else be there for Omri as he gets through the hearing and the emotions that brings up for him.

Having said all that, I hope all of you are doing well, and I'll see all of you in Chapter 15.

Next: Chapter 15

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