Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Mar 25, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

Please remember to donate to Nifty, as it's your donations that keep this as well as other stories and reading materials on the site free to the public.

Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already. Take my e-mail address to an isolated spot in the woods, and once there, only as you're pulling away after letting them out of the car let them know that you've dropped them of at a bear-infested forest.

Thanks to K. for editing on the last chapter, and on this one as well. Your edits really help this story come alive! Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 15

"I'm just thinking too fast-- much too fast."

Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


The next week flew by, and it was now time for the first hearing. Monday morning was bright and sunny. Though I really loved rainy weather as I mentioned before, it was nice to get out in sunny weather from time to time.

As I got in the car, I looked out the window. And on that day, the bright and sunny day seemed to be mocking me. I was nervous to the point of almost being on the edge of a panic attack, and I could feel how hot my face was. Deon was in the back seat, and Chase was driving. Deon's parents had talked over the weekend and they decided to let him come with me that day if he promised to make sure that one of our friends would get his school work for that day. Tanner agreed to do that.

I was truly grateful to Barb and Ron for letting Deon come with me. Though we hadn't talked to them yet about us being boyfriends, I was sure that they knew. I'd worry about us sitting down and telling them later. For now though, I was just anxious to get this hearing out of the way.

Once at the court house, we got to the room, and were seated. Unfortunately, Deon was asked to wait out in the waiting area. Chase could still see him, so he had no problem sitting out there, though I could tell that he really wanted to be in there with me. I wanted him in there too, but I new that I'd have to do this on my own. I sat down and pushed my chair closer to the table. Then Mandy Hall came in, as well as another man who identified himself as Sam Tomson. He was Brad Jones's attorney.

Once all were seated, as a legal formality, Mandy Hall documented that it was Monday, October 10, 2022 and where we all were. She also documented who was all present at the office. Then everything was ready.

The hearing got started, and Tomson was the first to ask me questions.

"I would like you to describe in your own words what happened on the afternoon of Monday, November 20, 2021," he said. "I'll remind you Mr. Carter that you're under oath."

"I understand," I said.

I took in Tomson's appearance when I was introduced to him, and I instantly disliked him. He was dressed in a gray suit, with a white shirt and a dark-red tie. His shoes were black and so shiny that you could practically see your reflection in them. He carried himself with a posture that suggested that he was hot shit, and that the world knew it, or should know it. His face was clean-shaven and had a look of total arrogance on it. In short, I could tell right from the start that he was a person I had to be careful of.

Gathering my thoughts, I began reciting my story, and after I told it, he began the real questioning.

"I understand that a guy named Mike, Michael Roberts, was one of your friends," Tomson said. "In part of your statement to the police, you stated that he went with you to the bathroom in the spot at which the alleged crime happened. How do you know that he actually lured you there for the express purpose of my client to commit the alleged rape against you?"

"He said to Brad that he knew he could get me there," I said. "What else could he have been talking about other than that?"

"I don't know, you tell me," Tomson remarked, smirking at me."

"Like you recited a second ago," I said. "Mike said to Brad that he knew he could get me in there for him. Obviously, that implies that they had something planned, and that he was acting on orders that Brad was giving him, doesn't it? Don't you agree?"

"I'll agree with no such thing," Tomson said with an edge creeping into his voice. "How do you know that Brad didn't want to apologize to you, and that you took it all wrong?"

"How I know that he didn't want to apologize," I said as my anger began to rise up within me. "Is that after Mike said what he said, he quickly left, and I was grabbed by Shane Simmons and Terry Gibson. You know, Brad's two other partners in crime?"

"That's inflammatory," Tomson said.

"Oh really?" I shot back. "And it's not inflammatory to insinuate that I was just a slut who was asking for it? That's practically what the cop who took my statement a few months ago implied when he said that I should be more careful with who I sleep with next time. Also, let's not forget that Terry, weak soul that he is, broke down and confessed everything a few days later when the three of them were called in for questioning. They had been alerted by the police after I reported what had happened."

"However that might be," Tomson began. "You're getting off topic. Also, Mike has given a statement in which he said you practically came on to him a few weeks before the alleged rape took place."

"I didn't come on to him," I said as I felt my anger slowly giving way to fear. "I did start to ask him about whether or not he might have feelings for me. Sure, I probably didn't word it in a way that he could understand easily, and maybe he got confused. I would hardly call that coming on to someone."

"You don't seem to think you did anything wrong," Tomson said, assuming a look of impatience as well as disgust on his face. "Assuming that any sex took place at all, it's starting to sound to me more like like you might have gotten Brad to do stuff with you."

"That's not true!" I shouted.

"Then when you felt guilty afterwards," Tomson interrupted. "You made up the pack of lies you've been telling all this time."

"That's not how it happened!" I said close to tears now.

"Sure," Tomson retorted with a snort of disgust. "How did it happen then?"

"I already told you," I said feeling my face flush with embarrassment. "We've already been over this!"

"Oh yeah, the story about how you were lured to the bathroom and mean old Brad Jones raped you. Sure, that sounds about right. For the record Mr. Carter, I don't believe your story at all. It sounds to me like you sought out Mike for a possible sexual encounter, and when he refused you went after Brad. I mean, come on. It's not as if anyone held a gun to your head and made you have sex with anyone."

"Alright," Mandy Hall interrupted. "I think that's quite enough! Unless you have any further questions, then I would like to ask him a few questions."

"Just one more," Tomson said. "Does your wheelchair-bound friend know everything about you, and your, let's call them, fairly open ways?"

"Alright you Bastard!" Chase shouted jumping up from the table.

"Chase, I got this handled," Hall said. "I'll see you in that office next to us now! Hall said eyes staring daggers at Tomson."

"No problem," he smirked looking her up and down, then lingering on her chest for a long moment with his eyes.

She stared him down, then the two of them disappeared into the side office.

"Oh god it's happening," I said crying now. "I new that this would be how things would go, but I didn't think it would be this bad!"

Chase was holding me now, and I was glad about that at least.

"I'm right here," he said. "Tomson is a fucking shit bag and a filthy sleaze ball. He's not going to get away with his Bullshit."

After I got myself under control, I sat back in my chair and waited for Hall and Tomson to return. Once they entered the room again, Hall asked me questions, and they were definitely more compassionately worded than Tomson's had been. She stuck to the facts, and after the final question, she was finished.

"I have no further questions," she said. "Counselor?"

"I think I have all I need," Tomson said stepping close to her and leaning so that his shoulder brushed against hers. She moved away, and he smirked at her.

Once back in the car, everyone was silent. Chase drove with his hands clutched around the wheel as if he wanted to strangle it. Deon had his arm around me, but I knew he was enraged, though trying to not show it. I sat there not sure what to say. I was horrified, and was wondering what would come next.

If that day's hearing had been that bad, what would the actual trial be like? To hear Sam Tomson give his version of events, I was basically the biggest cock-loving slut of my former high school, just waiting to give it up to any horny boy who asked. With that going through my mind at the moment, a second thought appeared in my mind. I realized at that moment, in a true as opposed to abstract way, it was no wonder most people didn't report their rapes to the authorities. I truly understood at that point, because it made perfect sense. It was precisely because of shit like I was going through at that moment!

We neared the house, and I tried getting my thoughts under control. My mind was spinning, and I couldn't hardly hold on to one thought until another one would come up. When I looked up and saw the house coming into view I began to relax mentally. I was finally home, and a sense of calm came over me.

Once inside, Deon and I went to my room and Chase went to his office after making sure we would be alright. I sat down on the bed, and Deon transferred himself out of his wheelchair and joined me.

"I haven't been avoiding saying anything to you after we left the court house," he began, putting an arm around me again. "I'm just not really sure what to say, but asking if you're alright seems like a really stupid question. I guess I could ask if there's anything you need right now."

"I just need you here with me," I said as I felt myself losing control.

Deon took me in his arms and I was crying hard at that point.

"I could tell that was hard for you," he said. "I'm right here."

"It was the worst fucking thing I've been through since Brad raped me last year!" I said sobbing hard. "Fuck it was like being raped all over again! I never asked that Bastard to do that! I never wanted that! Like I would want someone to force sex on me like that! Like I would want to live going forward, worrying every time if when I go to have sex with a guy I love, if I'm going to have flashbacks, then not be able to do anything! I never fucking asked for any of that!"

After a few minutes my sobs were slowing, and Deon continued holding me.

"I know you didn't ask for any of that," he said kissing the back of my neck. "You didn't deserve any of what you were put through, and you don't deserve what's happening now. As for what you said about worrying about if you can ever do anything sexual with a guy you love without any flashbacks, I hope you'll let me know if you start having any trouble with that when we have sex going forward. If you need me to stop doing whatever it is we're doing, I will."

"That means a lot," I said as I dried my eyes and kissed Deon on the cheek. "I really mean that. To answer your question though, I haven't been having trouble with any flashbacks any of the times we've had sex. I'll definitely let you know if I do though."

"Thank you," he responded.

"I do know that I don't want to do anything sexual today for however much longer you're here with me," I went on. "I just want to cuddle and lay in your arms for as long as we can."

"That can definitely be arranged," he said.

We removed our shoes and socks, then Chase was in the doorway.

"Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I just got a text from your parents Deon," he said. "They said that you can stay here for the rest of the day, as well as for the night as long as both of you promise to be in bed on time."

"That's really good to hear!" he said.

"I really appreciate that!" I added smiling.

We called Deon's parents, then thanked them. They said that they would be over with clothes for Deon, as well as toiletries for him. After we finished up with them, I put the phone back on the bedside table, then Deon and I lay down.

As I lay in Deon's arms, I thought over how amazing he truly was. He absolutely was my rock. It was amazing to think of all he had been through, and to look at him on the surface, you wouldn't guess that he had his own issues he was still dealing with. It wasn't long after Deon told me about the horrible mistake made by the doctors, then he told me about all of it, including the fucked up treatment they called therapy. It was really disgusting what was done to him, and all because no one around him liked the way he acted. Rather than understand him, and love him as he was, they all chose to force him to be someone he wasn't.

Because of that, he paid a high price. And what happened to the people involved up to that point, one might ask? Not a mother-fucking thing! I hoped that this could change for Deon. Like me with my situation, he too deserved justice for what he had been put through.

As we lay there, I brought all this up to Deon. And I also thanked him for all he had done, as far as giving me the emotional support he had thus far.

"Sometimes I feel like there's more I could be doing for you," I said after he kissed me tenderly.

"You've let me into your life Omri," he said. "You've also allowed me to get to know you, as well as see me for who I am rather than looking at me through the filter of my disabilities. That means the world to me, and I love you for that. If I have any dark moments concerning what happened to me, I'll definitely turn to you for support. It's just that I've had a lot of strength to get through what had happened, but I know I can trust you if I need to talk about anything I had been put through."

"I'm glad you know you can turn to me," I answered.

"Me too," he responded. "At this point, I'm just more concerned about living my life. My parents have talked about suing the counselor, nurse and doctors who caused my disabilities. No lawyer has agreed to take the case, and I told them that I want to just live my life as best as I can. That's still how I feel."

"You have my support with that," I said. "I can understand you wanting to get on with your life, and you've really done well with making a new life for yourself after everything that had happened to you."

"Thanks Omri," he said. "I love you, and that means a lot to have your understanding."

"I love you too Deon," I answered. "I'm glad to give you my support."

We shared another kiss, then lay there falling fast asleep.

Author's Notes

Obviously what Omri went through with that deposition was horrible. I know that defense attorneys have their place, and some of them have really helped people who need them, but there can be those who can be total scumbags who seem like they're more concerned with making the victim into the bad guy, and twisting the criminal into the victim who is deserving of sympathy. You'll all get to see how things turn out as things progress with Omri as he goes through the trial in the next couple of chapters.

As for Deon, I know I've left his story rather open-ended where things with his disabilities are concerned. I don't mean open-ended as in whether or not he'll be cured. He won't be. I've never written a cure ending for any of the disabled characters in any of my stories, and don't intend to start now. There's a term for endings such as that. It's called "Disability Erasure", and it's totally fucking ableist. I've never been a fan of stories, movies or TV shows that write endings such as that so decided long ago when beginning to write that I wouldn't do it in my stories.

So when I say that Deon's story is still slightly open-ended, I mean that up until this chapter there's been no talk of him and his family suing the medical staff who caused his disabilities. I've been asked about that, but I'll just say for now that I have something else in mind for those who harmed Deon. You'll all read about it closer to the end of the story whenever that might be.

Having said all that, I hope all of you are doing well, and I'll see you all in Chapter 16.

Next: Chapter 16

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