Boy with the Sexy Neck

By troythewriter

Published on Aug 26, 2023


This is a re-edited version of a story I previously shared on another website. All characters and places are completely fictitious. Please send feedback to If there is interest, I may post a follow up to Eric and Tim's story. I do hope you enjoy it! __________________

Damn, how can a neck be so sexy.

The back of this kids neck is- well, it's just plain beautiful. Neatly trimmed hair cut to a straight horizontal line just above a smooth, pale nape of skin that invites the viewer to imagine the treasures concealed beneath the collar of his shirt.

This is my view as I walk among the throngs shambling along after the football game let out. We lost, but that was entirely expected. And almost beside the point, since it's more about the party afterwards.

Myself, I'm heading to my favorite watering hole under a big old rainbow banner. Maybe some of my buds from the engineering program will be there, but their workload sucks about now with grading mid-terms and staffing undergraduate labs. As a fourth year PhD student I caught a little more slack and have a little more time to myself. Thus my foray to the Outlands gay bar at four in the afternoon.

This place is about a mile and a half from the stadium. Parking sucks, of course, so it's just easier to walk. As I go along, people gradually peel off from the crowd towards their cars or their own favorite bars. But Boy With The Sexy Neck and his compatriots keep heading in the same direction as me. They laugh and joke, and as I gain a little ground on them I can tell- yep, they're gay boys too.

I manage my pace so that I can continue to admire the remarkable patch of exposed flesh on this boy without seeming like I'm stalking. The boys' conversation ranges from school (they all hate freshman calc) to the dorm (the rooms are good but the food sucks) to the football game (did you see the ARMS on that wide receiver!), and I can tell that this could be fun. I wistfully think of myself at that age, and remark at how much easier it is these days to just be yourself, how lucky these boys are to have each other at such a young age.

We arrive and stack up at the front door. There's a line as the doorman checks ID's and I wonder how these guys will get in- then remember this afternoon it is 18 and over. All four boys show ID's and get big black X's across the back of each hand and head on in, giggling at who-knows-what. I say "hey Rex, busy afternoon" and flash my own ID. Being on a first-name basis with the bouncer is not necessarily a point of pride for me, as it demonstrates my own somewhat blasé approach to my academic work. But whatever, I need a beer.

Inside, its the usual cool darkness of every dive bar in the world, punctuated with slightly too loud and too upbeat pop music, forcing the atmosphere towards festive when it would rather be sordid. The boys are huddled around a small bar table drinking their special punch and peering around to see if anyone is watching them. I get the feeling they think they're hot shit and expect the world to treat them as such. How cute. I guess I felt that way at 19. And honestly, maybe the world should treat them that way, at least until they've been exposed to the pains of life and grow old and cynical like the rest of us.

I finally see The Boy With The Sexy Neck from the front, and it turns out he's not that remarkable. I don't mind this, actually. He has a high forehead with softly rounded cheekbones, a cute little chin, and a nose that turns up ever so slightly at the end. His haircut is your basic college-boy-at-the-mall job, but it suits him. His eyes are maybe just a little too widely set, but they reflect both mischief and intelligence behind them.

I get halfway through my first beer a little too quickly, and make up my mind to talk to these guys. This is not my usual modus operandi, but today I'm expanding my horizons.

"Hey guys, what did you think of the game?"

Okay, it's a lame opening, but I'm out of my comfort zone here.

Sexy Neck Boy says "I thought it was stupid for Coach Higgins to keep trying to pass to Walker. He's not fast enough to outrun their safeties and half the time he drops the ball after he makes the catch. We should have worked the ground game and used our size advantage on the offensive line."

Well that was unexpected..

"Wow, you know a lot about football!" I say. "My name is Eric."

"I'm Tim, and this is Michael, Steve, and Sebastian. And if you want the truth, that's just what the frat boys next to us at the game we're saying. I thought it sounded really butch."

The one introduced as Sebastian blurts out "Timmy don't do that! You don't have to go all nelly when you talk to a hot guy! You totally get football and you shouldn't be afraid to show it just because you're at a gay bar." Sebastian has a certain sibilance to his speech that marked him as a true sissy, but gurrrl was fierce. He owned his sexuality and seemed to demand no less from his friends.

And he said I was hot. Awesome.

Tim- or "Timmy" according to Sebastian- demurred slightly and looked down at his plastic cup of punch. He looked back up at me and said "okay so I like sports, no big deal. What brings you here on a Sunday afternoon?".

"The beer, mostly. That and I'm avoiding doing my homework- football was just the most convenient excuse for the day."

Michael pipes in "aren't you a little, um, old to have homework? Or are you a professor or something at the University?" I chuckle a little at his naïveté. "I'm a grad student in Civil Engineering. I'm working on my PhD, so no, I'm not a professor, and yes, I actually have homework."

"I guess that's cool" they generally agree. I follow up with "I take it you guys are what, Sophomores?" knowing there was no way they could be more than freshmen, but a little flattery seemed called for. "I'm surprised I haven't run in to you on campus! Can I get you guys a drink or something?"

They perk up a little, obviously hoping someone would sneak them some booze. They try to play it cool though. Timmy says "well, we're technically not old enough, but I'd love some vodka to go with this nasty punch." "Me too" and "that sounds good" were quickly added. "Hang on and I'll be right back" I say.

I knew they weren't budging from that spot.

I walk up to the bar and say "hey Mike, I'll have two double vodkas on the rocks."

"Yo Eric, man, you planning to tie one on this afternoon?" he replies.

"Mike, the fewer the questions, the better."

"Okay, but I don't want to hear about underage kids getting served in my bar. I saw you over there with the Twinkie four-pack."

This was his code for, basically, don't ask don't tell.

"Thaaaanks Mike!" We had an understanding.

I return to the group and they hold out their cups. I pour a portion of vodka into each and we toast. "to the Titans! May their jock straps never bind!" The boys crack up as they gulp their syrupy booze. Tim says "Thanks Eric- that was cool of you."

"So Tim" -I decided not to use the diminutive Timmy just yet- "what do you want to be when you grow up? What are you studying?"

"Right now I'm focusing on business administration. I figure I need to make the money first and find my true calling later."

"Administering business is not your true passion then? But it sounds like so much fun." I quip sarcastically.

"Yeah, well my dad kind of expects me to take over the business some day and in his line of work it's hard to be taken seriously unless you have that kind of degree."

"Is that what you want? What kind of business is it?"

"It's a specialty manufacturing business. We make parts for high-precision industries like aerospace. I don't really understand it all, but it makes my family a good living. And who the hell knows if that's what I want. Did you know you wanted to be a civil engineer when you were 19?"

"When I was 19, all I wanted to do was drink and fuck. Not necessarily in that order, although that's how it seemed to work out. Actually, those are still two of my favorite pastimes, but anyway. The Civ-e thing came about because it was rumored to be the easiest engineering degree on campus, but it turns out I was pretty good at it. It came easy, and now I actually really enjoy it. Enough to pursue a PhD, I guess, although that could also be an excuse to avoid getting a real job."

Tim looked at me for a minute with a calculating gaze. "Can I ask, how old are you?" I get that a lot. I started losing my hair when I was in my mid twenties, so I just shaved it off. I'm kind of a big guy but not a gym rat. I have a bit of a belly, probably from the beer as much as anything, but big arms and damn big hands. I work in the sun a lot and my face shows some early wrinkles. For some reason it just makes me seem older than I am.

"Me? I'm a total spring chicken. I'm 26. How about you?"

I think a look of relief passed over Timmy's face, like at least he wasn't being hit on by a complete old troll. I smile a genuine, honest smile, and he blushes just a little. The color rising on his cheeks and yes, up his beautiful neck just made me salivate.

"Um, I'm almost twenty" he replies. "But my friends say I'm very mature for my age".

I had almost forgotten the other guys at the table. Sebastian pipes up with, "Girl, you are what we call an 'old soul'". I was really enjoying Sebastian. He had everything but the Z snap going on and it was hilarious. I surprised myself, because I didn't judge him, which I know I am prone to doing. He was just his own thing and living proudly in his own skin, and I envied him a little.

Michael, who had been almost silent to this point, perks up and says, "hey, Scott's here! Let's go say hi"! Sebastian rolled his eyes and adds "okay, let's go watch you make a complete fool of yourself by mooning over a completely unattainable fantasy-man who is already taken and who has shown no interest in you whatsoever. FUN TIMES!".

The other three take their spiked punch and trot away to try to talk the marvelous Scott, leaving me and Timmy to ourselves. "I don't think Mike would let me get you another drink here, but I would be happy to make you another at my place. We can talk some more and I'd really like to get to know you better, Tim."

I held my breath. I am never, ever this bold, and I just asked this young man, this boy, to come home with me.

He stands there and turns this over in his head. He looks almost panicked, but then boldly makes up his mind. "Sure, sounds nice. Are you parked close"?

I try not to exhale too loudly, as the slight head rush passes. "Actually, I just live about 5 blocks away, so if you don't mind walking...". Tim smiles again and says "Sure, let's go. Just let me tell the guys.". He walks over to the group and says something I can't hear. He gets some jeers and playful shoves from Michael and Steve, but Sebastian creases his brow and says something serious to Tim, who checks his cell phone and then nods, just as serious. His buddy was looking out for him- how sweet!

Tim comes back smiling again and we walk out together. As we leave, Rex nods his head and gives me a little wink, and suddenly it's my turn to blush. Fortunately Tim misses this exchange and we start walking. Tim is relaxed, and we make small talk - did I know this or that prof, who was the best for Calc II, what did I think of the football teams' chance against our next opponent, the light banter of two people getting to know each other.

We get to my place- graduate housing about 6 blocks from campus- and go inside. Tim looks around cautiously and then nods approvingly. Apparently he decided I wasn't an axe murderer. I say "what's your preference?". Tim looks at me blankly. "To drink? What's your preference"? The light comes on and he says, "Oh, just whatever you have. I'm not particular".

"Well I'm having vodka and tonic. Sound ok"?

"Sure, fine..."

Drinks in hand, Tim takes a big slug and sits down on the futon, and I join him.

"So how often do you bring guys home like this?"

Stifling my umbrage, I take a breath. I tell myself this guy is still new. Give him space. "Honestly, you are third guy I've brought home in four years. I really don't get out that much. How about you? Go home with a lot of guys?".

"I'm sorry, really, I didn't mean..."

"It's ok" I stop him. "I get it". I reach up and cup the back of his neck in my hand. Oh, but it's just as soft and smooth and hot as I expected it to be. He bends his head down a little to give me better access, he closes his eyes and seems to relish the touch. I knead the back of his neck gently and stroke him just below his hairline with my thumb and finger. He gives a little quiver and says "that kind of tickles", then looks up at me with a bashful smile.

"I have to say, I thought you were adorable the first time I saw you. I though the back of your neck was about the sexiest thing I've ever seen."

His cheeks blushed a little and said "my neck? Really? Weird, but kinda cool I guess". He took a big hit from his drink, and he looked like he was thinking what to say next. He reaches over and puts his hand on my crotch and says "I've been thinking about what's in here". His face was completely serious, and his hand started to manipulate me underneath my cargo shorts. Not the shy type any more.

"Whoa there! That was quick. Tim, are you sure about this"?

(Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes!)

I'm starting to stiffen and the look on his face gets more serious.

"Yes, I'm sure. We all noticed that bulge while we were at the bar and I couldn't take my eyes off of it." And with that he starts undoing the button on my shorts and then the zipper. He moves to pull down my shorts but I have to adjust to give him access. He simultaneously moves to the floor below me, and I see a tent forming in his own jeans. I lift my butt up and he is able to work my shorts down until they're around my ankles, exposing my expanding bulge in my boxer shorts. Tim puts his hand on my crotch again and I feel the damp heat transferring between my body and his hand. He makes out the outline of my cock and starts to squeeze and knead. His hand feels impossibly small against me.

I reach out and stand him up, then take off his polo shirt to expose his lithe young torso. As I envisioned, he is pale and smooth, with a light constellation of small dark freckles just adding emphasis to his pallor. He surprises me with a tuft of black hair just over his sternum, matching the modest dark patches underneath his arms, and maybe 10 hairs worth of treasure trail peeking above the waist of his jeans.

I touch him on his chest and shoulders, my big hands engulfing his much smaller arms. The roughness of my hands raise his nickel sized nipples into hard little nibs. They demand to be nibbled on, which I chivalrously oblige. As my tongue meets the tiny little bumps of flesh on Tim's chest his whole body quivers and he gasps audibly. I look up and he is grinning. "That tickles" he says.

I return to my ministrations, now using my whole mouth and my wet tongue. My hands explore his butt through his jeans as I press his body against my face. I can feel a stiffening in his crotch. He puts his hands on my shoulders to support himself as I take him off balance with my exertions.

He pushes me away and begins unbuttoning my shirt, coming into a kneeling position as he reaches the last button. He runs his hands through the carpet of hair that covers my chest, and moves his right hand down down to my crotch to feel my own stiffness forming.

"Damn Eric, that's huge!" he says with a mix of fear and wonder.

I have always been self conscious of my size. A visible bulge can be very distracting in a professional situation or even when working with students. In my concrete lab more than once I've heard jokes about "the rebar poking out," so I make an effort to wear baggy pants and leave my shirt tails out to hide the offending package.

Back when I was nineteen, I had some bad experiences because of my size. Before I had figured out I was gay, I dated a few women, which needless to say did not go all that great. When the time came for sex, most girls just gasped and just said "no fucking way is that going inside of me". One girl fancied herself an expert and tried to ride me reverse cowgirl, but gave up when she couldn't get past the pain. At nineteen, I was fairly traumatized by these experiences, essentially a virgin in all but the technical sense.

The few women that take a concrete lab are generally, well, more robust types, but they still notice. The guys, at least the straight ones, sneak peaks and want to go for a beer later. The gay one(s) get fixated and screw up their experiments. They stare and leer and ask for extra help later.

I shrug out of my shirt and then bring Tim back to standing. I start rubbing his chest, his shoulders, and finally work my way to his waist. I unbuckle his belt and wait for him to react. He doesn't protest, so I remove it and start to unbutton his jeans. As I peel open the fly I read "Lucky You!". Truer words never adorned a denim garment.

He stands there with no response, until he reaches out to grab my shoulder and shucks his pants down to his ankles. He steps out of his jeans and kicks them to the side, then stands there in socks and boxer briefs. I can tell he's nervous, waiting for me to respond. He has a little tent formed with a wet spot the size of an eraser head on the gray cotton y-front.

I decided he needs to feel empowered here, so I stood up and said "OK, your turn" as I put his hands against the fly of my boxer shorts. He gets the message and tries to slide my shorts down. He goes too fast and they got hung up on my bulge, leaving my ass exposed and my dick bound painfully in my underwear. I slide my shorts off, adjusting as needed, and kick them away on top of his own jeans. I stand there to let Tim decide what to do next.

His eyes become big as saucers and his mouth hung open. I always dread this moment as it can go one of two way: they either run in fear or take it as a personal challenge.

"Holy fuck Eric! It really is big, isn't it." He screws up his face and begins inspecting my junk, like a meat inspector deciding whether to grade a side of beef choice or prime.

Uh oh, that's not usually a good sign. Once you become an object of curiosity, the passion tends to evaporate.

"Yep, that's big, but I think I can probably take it" he states matter-of-factly.

Whoa, what the hell does that mean. He was just deciding if he could "take it?" No one has managed to "take it," at least not how I think this skinny kid means. Nunh unh. Not gonna happen- he's just fronting for me.

"Come on Eric, you don't have do do anything to try to impress me. We can have lots of fun in different ways." I stand him up and pull his body into my own, pressing his still-clothed erection into my slightly deflating one.

He says "are you kidding? I've dreamed of a cock like this" as he reaches down and grabs my semi-rigid tool with his delicate little hand. Oh, that feels gooood....

He steps back and releases me, dropping his boxer briefs and kicking them to the side. His little five inch prick stands to attention and slaps his tummy when it's released from its cotton prison. I notice a little pucker of foreskin at the end, which I'd never seen in person before. So glad they don't just lop it off at birth any more, but I was never given a choice.

"Tim, you're beautiful" I say. Even standing in front of me bare-ass naked, he manages to blush again, this time starting at his chest and working up to his gorgeous throat and neck. That's it, I'm taking him.

In two steps I've grabbed him around his chest, and turn him around so he's facing away from me, all so I can have at that neck that so compelled me in the first place. I kiss him, starting just over his spine then working my way over to just underneath his right ear. He quivers, and reaches around to grab my hips and pull me in closer. I nibble on his earlobe, and he tries to squirm away like it tickles too much. I won't have that, and redouble my efforts to get to that luscious lobe of nerve endings that makes him so sensitive. I'm relentless in my auricular attack and he submits, letting forth a squeal and sinking further back into me. Oh, this is so sweet, and I hold him tighter still. My cock is now rising to its full height, and Tim begins to grind his buttocks against me. Oh boy, try to stay calm- it won't do to spooge too soon.

He breaks away and turns around to face me, but he can't keep eye contact. I see his chest is flushed and he's breathing heavily, and now there's a shimmering thread of liquid oozing from his foreskin. I need to taste that, right now, so I drop to my knees in front of him and grab his hips. My hands wrap halfway back to his buttocks, which I gently knead as I stare at his pulsing prick. The head isn't even exposed yet, but the pucker covering it is a lot tighter now.

He puts his right hand on my head and says "I know it's gross, you don't have to do it, really ." What the hell is he talking about? I don't say anything, and take him in my hand mid shaft. I slowly push my hand down to the root so the foreskin retracts, revealing first a shiny wet pee slit and ultimately a glistening plum colored glans. As the skin retracts, pale white skin underneath is revealed and looks so tender, so delicate, that I am reluctant to touch it for fear of damaging him. I look up at him to see him returning my gaze with concern, as if questioning if its ok, if I'm disgusted, if he's good enough. I smile and ever so gently, ever so slowly, lick the underside of his penis collecting all the oozing pre-cum that I can get. Once I reach the very tip, I give it a swirl to clean it further then plunge his skinned back cock into my mouth. I am instantly rewarded with another pulse of the sweet boy nectar. Tim grabs my shaved head and I instantly feel his abs tighten and he rises up in his toes as if receiving and electric shock. He tries to bury his cock in my face, saying "oh shit oh shit oh shit!" He hasn't come yet, and seems to get control of himself just in time. Meanwhile, I'm hoovering away trying to milk the boys dick for more of his pre-cum. It's salty and sweet and so very warm, and I just want more.

I release him from my mouth and he relaxes, giving a little shake to recover from the jolt. He inhales deeply and smiles, looking me in the eye with a directness he hasn't managed previously. Confidence returning. Hot.

I release some of the tension on his dick and allow his foreskin to return to its normal place, but I'm not done with it yet. I take him back in my mouth and use my tongue to explore the fold of skin covering the head of his dick, while I cradle his balls with my hand. I am intoxicated by the soft, velvety flesh covering his turgid member and use my mouth and tongue to feel and taste this lovely boy every way that I can. I use my large rough hand to roll his testicles around in the tight scrotum. Like his penis, they are not too large but seem perfectly proportioned for his body. They have only a light fuzz of wiry black hair covering them, and by now his pubes are nearly soaked from my oral ministrations.

I continue to suck, swirl, lick, and admire his dick while my hand explores his scrotum, and my finger naturally wanders lower to find his perineum. At first contact I feel the now familiar quiver indicating the discovery of a new erogenous zone, and he spreads his legs wider in invitation to further exploration.

My index finger moves to explore the last frontier of his anus, while I keep his balls cradled in my palm and his penis in my mouth. A light touch at first then a firmer circular probing. Tim moans slightly and exhales, indicating that I'm not to stop. He bends forward allowing me further access. I release his penis from my mouth to give his butthole my full attention and it once again rises to full attention with a wet slap against his tummy. I wet my finger with my mouth and begin to put pressure against the beautiful pink orifice. He exhales again and his pucker begins to relax and expand, allowing my finger to enter to the first joint. He is warm and soft inside, and I am transfixed by the sensation. I don't want to go too fast so I stop the pressure and just move gently in and out, with a slight twist to completely lubricate the entrance.

Tim is not satisfied with this, and reaches down to grab my hand and indicate that I should proceed. I'm amazed by this boy, and far be it from me to disappoint. I re-wet my finger with saliva and resume my probing. This time, my big calloused finger slides in easily all the way, and suddenly I am inside this boy. He responds by closing his eyes, letting out a guttural moan, and sitting down on my hand to get deeper penetration. I explore the space inside him with my finger, feeling the hot satiny mucosa coating his insides and finding the little acorn size gland of his prostate with my finger tip. I move my finger across this magic spot giving him an internal massage, and am rewarded with a long rope of pre-cum oozing through the folds of his foreskin and threatening to drip to the floor. That cannot go wasted so I collect the gift in my mouth and apply suction to get it all out of him.

Suddenly he pushes me away and my finger is no longer inside him. I look at him slightly confused and see a determined, hungry look on his face, his mouth slightly open as if he's trying to breathe or simply catch his breath.

He walks over to me, puts both hands on my shoulder and pushes, indicating that I'm supposed to lie back. I recline onto the futon and he drops to his knees. He once again takes my cock in his hand, at first one and then both. His hands barely encircle my girth. He slowly starts to stroke me but there is too much friction. He lowers his head and takes the head of my dick in his mouth, and the feeling is amazing. I'm not a big leaker so I can't reward him with pre-cum of my own, and I think to myself "I wonder if he likes the taste as much as I do". He tries to take more of me in his mouth but quickly reaches his limit about 1/3 of the way. He is undeterred and then begins to lick me from root to crown, up and down, around the girth, using his bee-stung lips to get me good and wet and his delicate hands to ensure complete lubrication. He then climbs forward so that we are face to face, and reaches back to push my dick back behind him so that it now rides in the cleft between his cheeks, the copious saliva creating a warm, slippery environment for us to move against each other.

He bends his head down and kisses me. I am smitten. We taste each other as well as ourselves, and I feel joined. I hold him by his hips and we kiss passionately, exploring each other's mouth with our tongues. He gradually begins grinding his hips, up and down to make my cock rub against his hole. He breaks our embrace and looks me in the eye, saying "do you have some lube?"

Now, I know where he thinks this is going, but I am very skeptical that he will manage to do what I think he is planning. I make eye contact again, and the need I see in his face says that I shouldn't try to discourage him. I remember being his age and wanting to try everything, like I had something to prove, too eager to gain experience and consequences be damned.

"In the nightstand. Let's move to the bed" I reply, and he leaps off me to head in that direction. By the time I get there, he's already rummaging around in the nightstand. He extracts a bottle of Wet Platinum and a strip of condoms. "What brand are these? Coripa? Never heard of them."

"Oh, they're just something I found shopping on the Internet. They're supposed to be 'custom fit', but honestly I've never even used them. Well, I tried one solo, but that hardly counts."

"So, like, this 'F-68' on the back is like a size or something? I bet you maxed out the size chart!" he says with with a smirk.

"Yeah well size isn't everything. I just wanted something comfortable." Actually, it was the second largest on the chart, but he didn't need to know that right now. And honestly, it was a little tight on me although the length was good

"Let me put it on you!" he exclaimed with fascination. "Lay down over here." He sits down on his knees and beckons for me to lie down in front of him as he begins to tear open the condom wrapper. I comply, although my erection was losing some of its urgency at the prospect of wrestling on a condom. Tim examines my flagging penis and sets aside the open package, saying "let's perk this up a bit". He proceeds to suck and stroke my member, and I decided to just relax and let happen whatever was going to happen. Tim mutters "yeah, look at that dick! Nice and big and fat. I am so going to love having that up inside of me!" I can't tell if this dirty talk was for my benefit or just an expression of his own lust, but either way it turned me on. Only one other guy had ever managed to take my dick in his ass but he didn't last long. He came almost as soon as I penetrated him then just decided he was done, leaving me with seriously blue balls and cum stained sheets. I secretly hoped Tim would be different but he seemed so delicate and small I didn't want to get my hopes up.

Tim gets a good stroke going, using both hands vertically with a twist at the top. His efforts achieve the desired effect and I quickly get hard again. Proud of his handiwork, Tim gives a smile and reaches around for the condom. He removes it and inspects it skeptically. It looked comical in his delicate hands. He said "hmmm, this doesn't look quite big enough. Are you sure it fits?"

Maybe I'm just not terribly self-aware of my body. Or maybe I just don't have much experience. But to me, that condom looks absurdly large. The thought of it encasing something that would ultimate be inserted into another human being seems ridiculous. I close my eyes, shake my head in slight disbelief, and look at Tim. I lay back and cover my face with my hands, embarrassed and nervous.

He grins and says "well, let's just find out!" and proceeds to apply the latex sheath to the end of my still-hard cock. Gently, deliberately, he rolls it down almost to the base, then stops. "I'm sure you won't need any more than that" he says, and gives me a leering smile. "Now, you need to get me ready." He hands me the lube and turns around to present me with his ass. "Looks like you'll need to use at least two fingers." He reaches over and grabs my ensconced prick with his left hand and then added "maybe three, actually."

I squeeze a big glob of the silicone lubricant into my right hand and start to spread it around. God, it reminds me of concrete mold release, and I realized yet again why I probably wasn't getting laid more often.

His ass is nearly hairless and his hole is a beautiful pink pucker, presented so willingly and trustingly that I feel the need to treat it with tenderness and respect. I get up on my knees, cock swinging like a billy club back and forth, and feel the globe of his left butt cheek. It is velvety smooth but firm underneath. It's not particularly muscular, but there is no fat there either. Holding his cheek in one hand, I take a whiff of his crack to get a better sense of this boy. It smells clean, with a slight hint of sweat. My cock twitches at the olfactory stimulus. I'm usually not turned on by rimming, but this situation seems to demand it. I hesitatingly stick out my tongue and apply it straight to his anus. He gasps and pulls away- I had clearly surprised him- and says "shit Eric, nobody's ever done that!" Isn't it really gross?

At that point, nothing could be further from the truth. I simply reply "nope", and proceeded to repeat the action, massaging his gluteus muscle while probing deeply with my tongue. At first he clenches, I think afraid I would discover something unsanitary, but as I made it clear this was happening he relaxes and his tight little rosebud opens up to me, blossoming in the moist heat of my mouth.

By this point, I have silicone lube creeping down to the wrist of my right hand, and I realize it is time to keep the action moving along. I swipe some of the lube against his anus, and insert my finger all the way. Tim moans and says "now you're talking buddy. Oh shit, work it into me!" I probe in and out, adding a twist to mirror how he manipulated my own member. The boy was going to be thoroughly coated inside before we moved to the next act.

Tim moans in appreciation and spreads his legs a little wider. His little nut sack is hanging down like a pair of marbles in a velvet bag, so I spread some of the lube on those and use my left hand to squeeze and pull and rub the delicate capsule of his scrotum while I probe the satiny lining of his rectum with my index finger. Once again, I see a string of clear pre-cum hanging from the folds of his foreskin and collect it on my left finger to bring it to my mouth. It is an intoxicating nectar.

Tim is pushing back against my hand now, indicating he wants more. I withdraw my index finger and position it and its nearest neighbor at his entrance. I apply gentle pressure and my fingers enter up to the first joint, at which point Tim scooches forward and gives a deep inhale of breath. "Oh Tim are you ok?!" I asked in a panic. Oh god, I thought I'd hurt him.

"Yep, just need a sec" he replied. On his next exhale, he wills himself to relax and pushes back against my hand, forcing my two large, rough fingers inside. Even though his face is almost buried the pillow, I can see a grimace as he bears the pain and works through it. Once my fingers are fully buried, I again began to manipulate them inside his rectum to lubricate and prepare him.

Tim reaches his hands around to feel for my fingers buried deep inside. I think he is making sure they are all the way in, a sort of reality check on how much more he could handle. At this point his prick has softened considerably although it is now drooling like a faucet. He moves forward to signal that I should remove my fingers, then turns over to face me. His eyes are slightly wet and nose was sniffling, but there was a big grin on his face. "Are you ready?" he asked. "Lie on your back." This was not a question, so I complied.

He straddles me and sits on his heels, finding my cock with his left hand and using it to line me up. He sits back further and I feel the pressure of his body weight against my dick. I look up at his face- his eyes are closed and he is biting his lower lip in concentration. His face contorts slightly as I feel the weight increase on my stiff cock. This was almost starting to hurt, but I would be dammed if I was going to say anything. He starts a slight back and forth, side to side rocking motion, and I can feel the end of my cock sliding around against the tight, delicate entrance to his body. I am sure this isn't going to end well, but I was leaving it up to him.

Tim goes to his knees and sits forward onto my stomach, releasing my cock at he same time. It makes a heavy wet smacking sound as it slaps against his back. "Almost had it" he says with a smile. "Use your finger and some more lube and let's try again". I'm stunned by his sexual frankness and complete lack of inhibition. He rises up on his knees and I slide my hand under his scrotum, finding his anus with my long middle finger this time. I press against his pucker and it opens with little resistance. I work my finger deep inside of him, pressing against his ass so hard I almost lift him off the bed. "Yeah, that's it. Get it deep and work it around". He's smiling mischievously and making direct eye contact, and once again I am transfixed by this sexy, bold young man.

"Ok, let me try again". He rises back to his feet and lines thing up again. He makes his concentration face again and bears down against my cock. This time, I feel him opening up slightly but the pressure is too much. He exhales loudly and I see his face relax as he wills his body down onto me.

Slowly, ever so slowly, his orifice expands and I begin to enter him. He is holding his breath, his face turning red with exertion, and suddenly my cock feels a warm, tight pressure surrounding it. I look at Tim- his eyes are closed, his mouth open but breathless, in an utterly surprised expression as he tries to hold on through the pain. He does a staccato exhale and inhale, then again, and finally he purses his lips, opens his eyes and blows out and regains control.

"Tim are you okay" I ask, with true concern. This could do real damage to the boy. "Yeah- Just. Don't. Move." He says.

I feel his anus flutter in spasms as it tries to accommodate my invasion. Tim grimaces, and he takes a couple of deep breaths. I feel his whole body start to relax and he slides down a little further. I can tell his legs are tiring, so I grab underneath his buttocks and hold him up like he's sitting on a chair. I'm once again struck by how light and delicate he feels in my meaty hands. I work my fingertips closer to his anus and gently pull the skin outward, aiding the stretch.

"Ooh, that feels nice. I think I'm ready. Raise your knees a little." I comply and he uses my knees almost like crutches, using his arms to support his weight. He then starts to make little up and down motions, testing out his range and gauging the results. He places his hands on my knees and increases the length of his stroke, going down a little further each time.

I look down to watch the action, and what I see seemed more like a magic trick- an illusion for the gullible- for surely this was not possible in the real world. This boy- actually, he had earned the honorific of "man" by this point- this beautiful young man is making an impossibly large object disappear inside of him, only to have it re-appear seconds later. It surely isn't possible.

But it was undeniably happening, and it was real.

His cock is semi-erect at this point and pre-cum is flowing like honey out of the jar, forming a glorious glistening pool in my belly button. I can feel my own intensity rising, and I know I won't last much longer. I scoop up some of the slippery liquid on my stomach and take a taste, and it is as intoxicating as ever. I uses it to slather up Tim's dick and take his half-hard member in hand, intent on reciprocating the pleasure he is giving me.

"Oh shit Eric- you're going to make me cum. Stop- I want you to cum first!" He pushes my hand away and speeds up his stroke, but the rhythm isn't working for me and he is clearly getting tired. I put my hand on his stomach and said "ok, let's change it up a bit. I want you on your back." I put both hands under his buttocks and lift him off of me. He feels so small in my hands, I make sure to be gentle and patient.

He scoots over to the edge of the bed and lays there on his back. I come to stand at the side of the bed, grab his ankles, and raise them above his hips. I hold both ankles in one hand and feel his asshole with the other- he is soft and puffy and red. I stick my middle finger inside of him and his sphincter quivers as I touch his prostate.

Still with his ankles in one hand, I line my cock up against him and re-enter his bowels. He grabs the edge of the bed and throws his head back- it's a few seconds before he breathes again- and again I feel his anus fluttering in spasms around my engorged member. I'm only about 2/3 in, but I wait for his episode to pass before I begin my stroke. He gasps for breath, then pants a bit, and looks up at me with a smile. "Damn, Eric.... Oh, oh yeah. Fuck me, long and slow and deep."

I take him at his word. Now holding his ankles with both hands, I slowly start to plow him with my fully hard prick. I have never felt so wanted or so powerful. I feel awesome, in the truest sense of the word.

My strokes get longer and I am able to enter Tim's ass deeper with each thrust. On my out stroke it feels as if his rectal muscles are grabbing onto my dick to prevent its departure, but during my in stroke they try to resist the invasion. Tim's head is thrashing left to right now, and he mutters unintelligibly. I am close. I grab Tim's little cock and just squeeze. He cries out and his ass clamps down again as his dick gets harder. I am stroking away, testing the limits of the condom on my penis. I feel my orgasm rise, and give my full attention to maximizing its impact. I ignore Tim's prick now, and increased the force of my thrusts.

As the wave of climax hits me I bury my cock deep in Tim's ass and hold it there as I pump my seed into the latex membrane that separates the skin of my penis from the soft lining of his insides. I feel each pulse in my own prostate as the pent up ecstasy flows out of me and into this young man. Tim can not resist his own orgasm and begins stroking his cock, using his own pre- cum as lubricant. I feel his asshole tighten, I feel the acorn of his prostate get hard and press into the base of my cock, his legs shake and his face contorts, and a stream of white juice flows from his penis in a continuous stream, not in spurts, to cover his cock and balls and stomach. It runs into his pubic hair and down around his taint, over my deeply embedded cock.

He grabs a handful of chest hair and says "don't move, just hold it right there." I do as I am bid, and he continues to shudder in his own extended orgasm. He finally finishes, and pushes against me to indicate I can withdraw. As I do so, his legs drop and he pushes himself onto the bed. He sits up at the edge and grabs my cock in its sheath, now heavy with my spent passion. He slides the used condom off of me and examines the copious fluid inside. He lays down on the bed and empties its contents onto his chest, smearing it over himself. He licks his fingers and tastes me, my essence, in his mouth. He says "come over here" and I walk over the bed on my knees, guessing what he was after. He takes my waning member in his hand and puts it in his mouth, using his tongue to clean the remaining spunk off my dick.

When he is done, I sit back against the headboard and pull him to me, his back to my chest. I look again at the back of his neck, and think again to myself, "Damn, how can a neck be so sexy."

Next: Chapter 2

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